
27 Reviews
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Only Half As Good As The Version With Keira Knightly!
13 February 2007
I saw the 2005 version with Keira Knightly as Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Matthew Macfayden as Mr.Darcy,and just watched this version last night. I barely could stand to watch this version! Sussanah Harker who plays Miss Jane Bennet is not even attractive in the least,so it was unbearable to hear the woman who played the girl's mother to comment several times about how "beautiful" her daughter Jane is,or tell poor Elizabeth how she is not as beautiful as Jane,YUCK! Where in fact Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth (the second oldest sister) is MUCH prettier than the unattractive Jane!Plus this version does not even develop the romance between Jane and Mr. Bingley,it also aggravated me to no end to have this Elizabeth-Lizzy refer several times to things Mr. Darcy,was supposed to have said previously,that you never actually hear him say,in this version,but you do hear him say them in the other version! This version is 2 discs or 3 videos(which I saw) but it's just filler that didn't impress me. Give me the one disc version with Keira Knightly,that has more development of the romance and interaction between Jane and Mr. Bingley, and more of the early interaction between Lizzy and Mr. Darcy any day! I also like Donald Sutherland as the father Mr. Bennet,much better than this Mr. Bennet! Only 3 stars from me on this version!
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My Favorite Movie Of All Time!
11 October 2006
I am 53 yrs. old and have seen many many movies in my life. This continues to be my absolute favorite! It is so beautiful to look at, plus it has everything you could want in a decent family film, such as drama, comedy, and romance and totally unobjectionable in language. It is so refreshing to have a movie that is so moving in so many ways and yet be "Squeaky Clean"! An absolute joy and delight to watch.Plus, along with Gone With The Wind only my second Civil War film that I can remember.If you are like me and prefer the quality and cleanliness of a past era of films, I'm sure this will immediately become a favorite, upon viewing. Do yourself a favor and see it today! Even better watch it with a loved one or family.
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I Will Never Take The Ratings On This Site Seriously Again!
14 July 2006
I just watched this on DVD with my 35 yr. old son and 5 yr. old granddaughter and we all laughed from beginning to end. This is probably the funniest movie I have ever seen in my 55 years!I never had any desire to see this movie before because of the way it was trashed here.I'm so glad that I decided to check it out when I saw it at my library. It is soo much better than the first,and we enjoyed that one as well.To be put in the WORST Movie category on this site is incomprehensible!As far as I'm concerned IMDb might as well do away with the ratings here,because this is just one of many,many times the crazy,undeserved(overrated and underrated) ratings here have stunned me.If you like hilarious comedy, ignore the lousy ratings given here and check it out. I don't believe anyone with even a smidgen of a sense of humor could be disappointed.
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What A Wonderful Surprise,Delightful,Absolutely Delighful
28 June 2006
I don't know a thing about soccer,except I had heard of Pelee and had seen some awesome clips of his moves, before. I saw this DVD at my library and decided to check it out.I'm so glad I did,because I LOVED this movie.It is very interesting,fun,and I got totally involved. I loved the characters,especially the two main girls.I also found Jess' poster of David Beckham "DREAMY",LOL! It was awesome watching Jess and her friend play soccer, and I found myself craving more and more shots of their moves. No wonder so many other countries love this sport.It is so much more rigorous,and requires so much more skill than American football. I have much more respect for a sport that a more "natural"(not full of steroids,and weight-lifted to bizarre proportions) human body is engaged in. These players are true athletes. This movie was a blast to watch and I could watch it over and over again.
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Some Good Jumps Here!
18 May 2006
Can't believe this is not rated higher,but guess too many folks these days,only care about blood,guts,and sex in what is called horror today. That garbage to me is an insult to the true horror genre. That is portability,not horror! This movie has a creepy atmosphere,looks good,and the story is actually,not only very original,but interesting. Everyone I know who has watched it really likes it, and was not disappointed. I appreciate a horror film that spooks me,not one that would gag a maggot! Or offends me with filthy language,nudity and sex. So if you look for the same in a horror film,don't let the lousy reviews here keep you from taking a chance on seeing this. RENT IT!I think you will be pleasantly surprised,and glad that you did.

IMDb should end the ridiculous 10 sentence requirement! Come on isn't 5 enough?
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Unless You Speak Spanish,A Total Waste Of Time!
4 March 2006
Such a tiny fraction of the dialog is even put in subtitles you miss the vast majority of EVERY conversation in this movie! Long conversations are only given a very few words in subtitles. Often you don't even get an entire sentence,just two or three words,such as "bring me". I was extremely frustrated throughout the entire movie,knowing I wasn't even getting the "gist" of most conversations!This film does not deserve such a high rating in any way that I can see. It is not suspenseful,or scary in the least. I didn't even get a feeling of "creepiness" from this one,except from the psycho young adult male! It is just weird and violent. Thankfully, it didn't cost me anything to see it.I got it from the library. I have only felt so "ripped off" by one other movie and that was The Blair Witch Project. Don't waste your money to see this.It most certainly is not what the reviews here would lead you to believe!
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8.4/10! That is Crazy,this Movie IS NOT ALL THAT!
13 February 2006
Got this from my library and just watched it last night. After reading the reviews full of praises for it,I am disappointed! It is only a "so-so" movie in my opinion,certainly nothing great or even "special" in my opinion.

(((( Spoiler Ahead))))

Especially a let down is the fact that the knight never does get the satisfaction of discovering the answers to his questions about God! Very disappointing ending,as well.I sure don't see what all the praise is about!I most certainly would not pay over $6 for this! It is not a movie I even have any interest in adding to my collection. If you have a good library,or can get it through an inter-library loan system,take my advice and satisfy your curiosity that way. I am so glad that I did not waste my money buying this. It did not impress me in any way. I only gave it the 3 rating,because it is "different".
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Best Comedy In A Very long Time, But Also Drama And More!
7 February 2006
I LOVE Tyler Perry's work! My daughter told me about his plays and this movie. I bought both the play and the movie version. I prefer the movie. Had it on one day when my 34 yr. old son was visiting,and even he said"it was the best comedy he has seen in a long time". Hollywood has not been putting out many comedies,and many like my son, will seldom watch a "romantic" comedy. Diary Of A Mad Black Woman,is really hilarious and a blast to watch. I also have Tyler Perry's "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" which is also a riot. I intend to buy the others out there as well. If you are in the mood for a laugh-fest and get a kick out of black humor,these really are such fun. I don't see how any lover of comedy can resist becoming a fan of Tyler Perry's work and especially his character Madea,a six foot tall, heavy, black woman,LOL! There is more than comedy ,however,touches you on several levels. Experience a roller-coaster ride of emotions.
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Grizzly Man (2005)
Shows How Idiotic Some Animal Fanatics Really Are!
4 February 2006
Watched this on Discovery Channel last night.Thankfully it saved me from wasting my money on renting this pathetic,educationally-worthless nature film! I had not seen any commercials for this.I only found out about it showing on TV,because of the ad here on this site. How anyone can enjoy a grown man going around telling Grizzly Bears and Foxes he loves them, (which has no effect on the bears BTW),and saying how he wants to become a bear,and other equally asinine dialog throughout 3 hours,is beyond comprehension! I left it on while I came back to playing on the computer with the TV behind me.It wasn't worth actually viewing. People like him and Steve Irwin who take such stupid risks around animals in the wild should never be shown in film,due to the chance of influencing other morons who could be so dense as to think wild creatures will be affected positively by their "love vibes",LOL! It is really hard to believe in this day that there are still such nincompoops, Even harder to believe that the folks at Discovery Channel, which I love, would air such a program. Watch this and you will be positively convinced that you have just watched a certifiable NUT CASE!
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If You See This,You Will Never Forget It!
6 January 2006
This truly is an unforgettable film. I saw this decades ago and never forgot it,except the name. Somehow I came across the name and I am so thankful that I was able to get it on VHS at Amazon before the price skyrocketed to today's price of $71! I consider this an absolute treasure of my collection,along with "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark" with Kim Darby. On Borrowed Time touches your heart on several levels. It has delightful humor as well. It is also beautiful to look at. If you can find it cheaper,GET IT! If you have the money to splurge,GET IT! You will not be disappointed in this wonderful movie.The quality of my VHS copy is very good also.
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Summer Magic (1963)
They Don't Make Decent Family Fare Like This Today!
19 December 2005
I was searching for decent movies for my 3yr. old granddaughter,when I came upon this,and I am so glad that I did. I remembered it and it was such a delight seeing it again when I watched with her. She loved it,and especially the Burl Ives part singing"Ugly Bug Ball". Who wouldn't love that? The whole movie,is fun,entertaining and totally "non-objectionable",which would take a miracle to say that about a film made today! I would not let small children watch and learn the monstrous behavior of the hateful,smart-mouth brats that are in today's films! I thank God so much that old classics like this are available on VHS/DVD so I do not have "settle" for the worthless, valueless, garbage that makes up most of the majority of today's films. Turner Classic Movies makes up the majority of my own film-watching,and I am delighted to see via Forums how many young folks feel the same way,about the offerings of TV/films today. Anyone looking for a delightful film that the whole family can sit down and watch together without having to worry about embarrassing/offensive scenes or language,here is a perfect choice. Wonderful family values lessons as well. How easy is it to find those in a film made today?
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8.1 rating, You Can't Be Serious!
22 October 2005
I just got back from taking my 4 year old granddaughter to see this,and it has been a long time since I was so disappointed in a film! They should get an Oscar for the previews though,and how good they make this movie look to SUCKER you in! My granddaughter,who normally loves movies was so bored that she talked and played through most of it,and I was getting sleepy. It is very S-L-O-W,not much action,and no where as funny or fun as I was led to believe. It most assuredly will not be added to my collection or her father's. It is kind of a cute story,but it just does not hold your interest. There is NO WAY this film deserves to be on the top 250. I hate to think what more deserving film this one bumped off the list! I think from now on I will go by the off-site reviews instead.
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No Movie In My Lifetime Has Made Me Feel More Ripped-Off!
18 August 2005
They should have been SUED big-time for the lying hype for this piece of garbage! Scary,not in the least. Offensive,extremely so,unless you you get off on a SHRILL,unattractive female saying the "F" word every few seconds.This was a group of TOTAL MORONS! Most 12 yr.olds would have shown shown more intelligence than these idiots! Their stupidity is absolutely jaw-dropping,and infuriating. So unbelievable as to make this completely appear as the worst piece of backyard video(OK,so it's in some woods)anyone has ever attempted to make. I believe 12 yr. olds would have done a better job all the way around,come to think of it. I HATE,HATE,HATE this movie and how offensive and totally unbelievable it is.I hope no one who has not seen it will ever waste their time with this. If you do, you have been forewarned!
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Don't Know Whether To Laugh Throughout Or Be Offended!
30 July 2005
I cannot fathom why so many love this movie! I find it an insult to serious martial artists. I don't know that I have ever seen ANYTHING so outrageously unrealistic in my life. I felt like I was watching Peter Pan trying to be a serious movie! Completely Ridiculous would describe it for me. Yes,there is some nice scenery and that's about it for me. I think Jackie Chan's movies are more honest. At least they do not take this nonsense seriously. I will stick to my Bruce Lee DVDs and forget these modern martial arts films that make a mockery of the art. maybe that's the way they like them in Asia,but they can keep them over seas then as far as I'm concerned! Makes me wonder what drugs so many of the movie-going public is on. 2 stars for the scenery!
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Deep Blue Sea (1999)
I Jumped More Watching This Than Any Other Film In My Life!
29 July 2005
Just got this on DVD from my library last night. I cannot believe I had never heard of this film! I also am amazed at the low rating given it here,what do you all know,LOL! This movie absolutely CREAMS Jaws,IMHO! Jaws is "Finding Nemo" on the scare-scale compared to this,but unlike Nemo,Jaws is a total BORE-FEST! I wish it had no offensive language,but it does.Though not to the extant of so many of the films today. Wow, I was so "on edge" after watching this,that I had to wind down a bit by playing a word game on my computer before going to bed,LOL! Intense,"VERY" INTENSE!If you enjoy having the BE-JEEBERS scared out of you,go for it,LOL! I must warn you,THIS IS NOT FOR KIDS! The violence of the shark attacks are extremely GRAPHIC. I really also loved the story in this movie,very interesting and different,premise. Have fun!
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Caveman (1981)
One Of The Most Hilarious Comedies Ever, A True Laugh Fest!
9 July 2005
Guess it depends on the kind of silly-comedy you can tolerate.Such as I love the "Naked Gun" movies,but am not a fan of the "Airplane" ones.This movie is just so much "F-U-N"! I am amazed that this little gem is not rated higher here at IMDb. To me,this film gives genuine "belly-laughs".Just everything about it.The sight-gags are just wild as well. I was told this was available on DVD at Walmart,for under $10 and I am so glad that I got it. It was a joy to see it again. Absolutely a blast to watch with others! I would advise using caution when smoking or taking a drink during a viewing of this,LOL! I don't see how anyone could be disappointed with this film.
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Winter People (1989)
Excellent Acting,Very Touching Story
17 March 2005
I just watched this movie and what a well-spent evening!Thoroughly enjoyable.I can think of no flaws whatever with this film. The scenery is beautiful as well. Another plus.I can't imagine anyone not being pleased with their experience in seeing this film. It has drama,romance and wonderful relationship studies,and development.

I don't know what else to say without rambling! I can't believe IMDb insists that you must meet a minimum required amount of sentences to post a comment,SHEEZ! Just be sure not to pass this one up if you get a chance to see it. Fotunately my library had it. I don't remember ever hearing of it before.
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Nothing But Heartbreak Here!,
23 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I just got this DVD from my library last night and watched it. The two main conflicting Druid Sisters are despicable self-serving witches,who destroy everyone's lives! What is hilarious is that they hate the Christian religion because they say it blames woman for being the doorway to sin in the world. Well, DUH! Possible Spoiler ahead::::! It is also unbelievable that Morgraine would even WANT to continue her training as a priestess or worship a Mother Goddess who only caused terrible things to happen,and destroyed the lives of everyone she loved.I say Good Riddance to Avalon and a very depressing movie! It is pretty to look at,however,the only good point I can give it!
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Beautiful And Fun To Watch- A Feel Good Movie!
23 February 2005
I loved this movie,but since I know nothing about the story or legend of St. Patrick,I watched it as a fantasy and enjoyed it very much. After reading the other reviews here I can agree with the historical inaccuracies,and that is a shame,if this was indeed meant to be a factual retelling. But as the title of the DVD said it was "The Legend of Ireland" I did not go into watching this movie with any expectations of historical truths. Therefore,I thoroughly enjoyed this film,and it truly is beautiful and a definite"Feel Good" movie!It has peaked my interest to do some more research on St. Patrick and Ireland as well.If you enjoy movies about how God can work in and change people's lives as I do,I do not think you will be disappointed in this film.
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What A Bunch of Undeserved Hype!
22 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this at 3 in the afternoon and could barely manage to keep awake. Unbelievably slooooow, and BORING! I did not care for this at all. I didn't care about the characters, and I thought they both seemed incredibly bored with this movie themselves! I can't believe all the hype about this movie. You must have to be "stoned" to get into this! Spoiler Ahead: What is with the disgusting scene with the topless dancer? Totally uncalled for and just a dirty, cheap shot. I gave this garbage a "1" and it didn't even deserve that! You can be sure that I'm telling all my movie-going friends who appreciate "good, decent" films to avoid this. I wish I hadn't bothered to sit through the whole thing. It was TORTURE!
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Charming,Entertaining,Great Way To Pass The Evening
22 August 2004
I just watched this on Turner Classic Movies Last night, for the first time ever seeing it, and I loved it. I like lots of the older films, especially because of the absence of all the filthy language, and excessive violence, nudity and sex in most of today's films. I also think they were made much better in many (but not all) cases. Jimmy Stewart is a special favorite of mine. I just thought this movie was a lot of fun to watch, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. If you feel the same way about the older films I don't think you can go wrong with this one. I believe "You've Got Mail" is a remake(even though slightly different and also a very enjoyable film.) of this film. For a relaxing evening with a movie you don't have to be ashamed of if your kids or anyone walks in on your viewing, get this,or catch it on one of the classic movie channels.
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This Movie Was AWESOME!
16 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the fact that I am not a Tom Cruise fan,(never liked him in anything except Far And Away) I thoroughly enjoyed this movie which I just watched on DVD last night. I still don't think he has any great acting ability and feel that this movie is just sooo good that MANY actors could have carried his part. As an example- Warning Spoilers ahead: When the Japanese widow of the warrior he killed is dressing him in the samuri armor she shows great feeling for him in her movements and especially her eyes, while Tom Cruise's character seems totally unaffected, like a statue, and his eyes show no emotion what-so-ever. This, despite the fact that the movie has been leading you on with shots of their growing feelings to one another, but even in those, she is the one who gets the point across, much more so than anything Cruise gets across. I have always found Tom Cruise attractive, but his acting just doesn't impress me at all. He just doesn't have "something" for me. I don't know if it is the movies he has been in or exactly what it is. Yet this movie is excellent and his ability as an actor, I am still not convinced of. I actually think I would have been even more moved by another actor playing his character,but cannot think of who I would have chosen at this minute. I agree that he did not deserve an oscar for this part. This wonderful part carried itself, in this film. That said, I must say, I found the film beautiful to look at and very emotionally moving on several different levels. It was a wonderful movie-watching experience for me. I give it an 8 out of 10.
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Beautiful,Moving and Very Sad
23 April 2004
I just saw this video last night.I mostly enjoyed it. The two main characters are wonderful to watch. The scenery was beautiful. Most of it was very touching,but I would have been happier with less explicit sex scenes. This film definitly held my interest,even though you must read the subtitles. It is a very sad story on two levels.Because of the beautiful young girl's situation and because of her wonderful, but much older castrated mentor's love for her. After seeing "The Shower" and now this film, I am developing an appreciation and interest for Chinese films. For those who don't mind reading subtitles in a good foreign film, I don't think this will dissapoint many.
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King of Kings (1961)
Best Jesus Character Ever!
15 April 2004
So far this is my favorite movie about Jesus,and Jeffery Hunter (even with his blue eyes) is absolutely the best Jesus character I have yet to see!This is the ONLY film of this type that actually made me "FEEL" anything!I think Jeffery Hunter does an absolutely amazing job of portraying the love and compassion that I imagine Jesus would, plus I love his voice! So unlike the heartless gore-fest "The Passion" where I found myself only numb,and totally detached from the Jesus character, possibly because he has no character in THAT film.I have watched King Of Kings many times,and I still love it,and I still get emotional and warm feelings with each viewing. Now if Mel Gibson had developed the Jesus character more in his film which I feel James Caviezel could have done a great job with,also WOW,now that would have been 10 times the movie it is,and would have had that much more effect on non-Christians too! So to me this King Of Kings will remain the standard by which I will judge all future biblical films about Jesus.
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Lost Count Of "I Tell You The Truth"!
14 April 2004
I just finished watching this on DVD,and while it was a vast improvement over Mel Gibson's The Passion,it is so repetitive as to become annoying! Jesus says"I Tell You The Truth" so many times I wouldn't attempt to count them! I'm afraid I did not care much for the Jesus character in this film. He just wasn't very personable. To me,I guess the best biblical movie and best Jesus character will always be "The King Of Kings" with Jeffrey Hunter.This movie seemed soooo long and tedious,but that may have been because all the repetitions and Jesus' instigating personality just got on my nerves,and I could not really enjoy it. I certainly would not choose to watch it again, as I do King Of Kings, with pleasure.
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