
125 Reviews
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Be Cool (2005)
Not very cool at all
12 June 2005
Another day, another sequel. Hollywood never stops, although I have begged them to for a long time. Get Shorty is one of my favorite movies, this on the other hand, is not. Everything that was cool about the first movie is now just an annoyance. The "look at me" line has lost its coolness and is now just not working. The characters are also made more cartoon like if you understand what I mean. They have made a Disney sequel, which means that they have made it less violent and focus on not saying bad words so that it will get a lower rating, which of course that they will make more money since younger people will be able to see it. From my point of view, I hate it when they take the Disney approach when making a sequel like this. Less action, no bad words, cartoon criminals that are suppose to be funny, but aren't, and cheesy lines. Right after I saw this movie I thought about giving it a 6/10, but after thinking about it some more, I realize that it doesn't deserve it. The only thing about this movie that I find cool is The Rock's character. He did a great job and was by far the best of all the cast. So if you love Get Shorty, you will not love Be Cool. At least I didn't. I rate this movie 5/10 and that is all because of The Rock. Take him away you got yourself a 4/10
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cheesy, predictable and fun
5 June 2005
I usually don't like sequels, and I most often hate when they do a third movie. Well for some odd reason I really enjoy watching the blade movies. The first Blade is of course the best by far, but I still enjoy the two sequels. There were some things that annoyed me about Blade: Trinity, and that was how the action sequences was shot. Very up and close, with fast cutting so you really can't see what is being done. Old Hollywood trick when the actor or actress doesn't know martial arts but we are meant to think that he/she does. But if you take away that fact, you still have about two hours with action, one liners and people too cool for their own good. This is Blade ladies and gentlemen, and you know he will get the job done while saying cheesy lines and killing bad guys off one by one. If you go to see this movie, keep an open mind because if you want a good movie you will be disappointed. If you on the other hand want to be easily entertained without having to think about plot holes and bad lines, you will be glad you went. I rate this movie 6/10
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Pixar has done it again.
22 May 2005
Pixar has done it again. I was wondering when they would make a bad computer animated movie, but it hasn't happened yet. This movie is just amazing. It is both funny and sweet. I think all families will recognize the problems that this animated family are having. You have a family that all have super powers, you have a villain and a secret island somewhere in the world. How can you go wrong with this? Clearly you can't cause this movie, because although it is 115 minutes long, it is still entertaining and I didn't feel like I was watching a two hour movie. There are comic references to both the young audience and for the adult audience and it is mixed beautifully. As far as I know, this is the first time that there has been an animated movie about a family that are human. So that is pretty interesting. The other thing that really caught my attention was how they did the hair for the young daughter. It looked really lifelike. So will you enjoy this movie? Well if you like the other movies in this genre; Toy Story, Ice Age, Shrek and Finding Nemo, yes you will absolutely love this one. I rate this movie 9/10
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This movie is poorly made, but who cares, it is still fun :)
22 May 2005
I know what you are going to say, this movie is horrible, poorly done and horrible. And I agree, but for some reason I find that very entertaining. The effects are cheesy, but done with purpose. Snake Plissken is the coolest man on the planet, he is even too cool for his own good, which makes his character not believable at all, but still I like this movie. Explain to me how I can like a movie that is so poorly done throughout? Well I think the answer lies in the fact that it is so heroic and exaggerated that you just sit and smile during the entire thing. Snake got more cool lines than anyone and he delivers them with such an "I really don't care" attitude that you just have to love it. Most of the people I know don't like this movie, most actually hate it intensely. Well I don't. If you are looking for the most brain dead action available in the shop, why don't you rent this one? If you tend to like b-movies, my bet is that you will like this one. I rate this movie 6/10.
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The Cooler (2003)
A good and different love story
1 May 2005
I hadn't heard much about this movie, but for some reason I bought it on DVD. I don't regret that, because this is a good movie. It is a dark and sad movie in many ways, but the main theme in this movie is love and appreciation and accepting people for who they are. The music, the lighting, the atmosphere is all part of making this movie memorable. Not to mention the acting jobs, especially by Adam Baldwin and the main character, William H. Macy. There is something about William that just makes him really believable in this movie and that is one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much. So If you are looking for a good movie, a different kind of love story, you should absolutely see this movie. I rate this movie 7/10
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The Last Ride (2004 TV Movie)
Not as bad as other car movies, but close
25 March 2005
This is a movie about fast cars. Yes, another movie about fast cars. You thought we were done with those didn't you? Well, apparently we are not. And of course, this movie has some young stud that can really ride a car. And what else can we put in this movie, yes, one young hot girl that is a car mechanic. Not only a car mechanic, but a car mechanic that wears as little as she can, while SHE WELDS. Yes, I have heard that that is a really good idea. If you look away from the small plot holes and stuff like that, this movie isn't as bad as the Fast and Furious movies, but it is still not good. Don't really know what Dennis Hopper is doing in this movie, but I doubt that he is proud of it. But if you are a car nut and about the age of 18, you will probably enjoy this movie. If you don't like movies like Fast and Furious and Biker Boyz etc, stay as far away as you can. I rate this movie 3/10
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Better than the prequel, by far.
25 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Another sequel, this time to a movie that I didn't like to begin with, so I pretty much thought that Spiderman 2 would suck. But, amazingly enough, I think this movie is much better than the first Spiderman movie. Why you might be asking? Well, let me tell you why. In this movie, you get to see more of the poor character that is Peter Parker; you realize that he is pretty much the most unlucky guy in the world, which makes him kind of an anti hero. And there is more drama this time around which I think makes it a much more interesting movie. Plus it makes the characters more realistic. Finally the villain in this movie is much cooler than the "Toys "R" Us" mask of the Green Goblin. Funniest scene after my opinion is when Peter Parker falls and hits everything in his way. If you liked the first Spiderman, chances are you will actually like this better. And if you didn't like the first one like me, you can still enjoy this one. I rate this movie 7/10
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The Rundown (2003)
Pretty good simple action
23 March 2005
Ooooh this has bad written all over it. The Rock and "Stiffler" in an action comedy. But hold on; don't judge this movie too fast. As far as action comedy goes, this is really pretty entertaining. Besides the two actors I have already mentioned, Christopher Walken does an excellent evil guy part in this film. When you have the Man, Christopher Walken as a bad guy, you know the movie can't totally suck. Realize that if you want a deep movie, don't rent this. But if you are in the easy going movie with fun moments and some cool actions sequences. For some odd reason, I find The Rock to be an easy person to like in movies. Unlike Van Damme, which I hate in everything. But back to Rundown; Lots of action and cool and funny scenes. Of course this is embroidered, but it is suppose to be. A pretty good easy, simple action comedy. Watch it and be entertained. I rate this movie 6/10
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Manure anyone?
23 March 2005
I heard someone say that it is really really hard to get your script accepted to be made into a movie. But seriously, how hard can it be after you watch this piece of trash? A team of monkeys, all with brain damage, could write a better movie while throwing faeces at each other. The prequel of this "movie" is in fact entertaining. So what is the difference between Whole Nine Yards and Whole Ten Yards? Well take all the funny stuff from the first one, then pile them up and set them on fire. Throw in some desperate for money people without a clue, give them terrible lines, and whatever what you do, don't make them act. Then throw all that into a movie set and then you have yourself the worst movie I have seen since I saw Catwoman. Why Bruce Willis and the rest of the cast really thought this was a good idea is beyond me. It is so amazingly crappy that it is not even stupidly funny. It is just your warm typical pile of manure. The only difference between manure and this movie is the lack of flies around the movie. I would like to rate this movie 0/10 or perhaps give it minus points, but I can't do that. So I will give it the weakest 1/10 in the world.
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Shade (2003)
This is an average movie
22 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't heard a word about this movie, so I didn't know what to expect. So after getting a recommendation from a friend, I rented it from him. Well, what can I say about this movie? This is one of those "I don't know what to say about it" movies. The reason is that this is just an average movie. It is not good, nor is it bad, just average. Although it was fun seeing Sylvester Stallone in a cool role again, it isn't enough to make this into a great movie. This movie is about poker, more poker, money, big money and cheating. But who is cheating who? If you are bored and looking for some easy entertainment, I bet you will enjoy this movie. But if you are looking for a great movie that you will remember weeks after, I don't think this movie is for you. Anyways, I rate this movie 5/10
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Catwoman (2004)
Dear Hollywood, please stop doing this!
11 February 2005
Oh my, where do I begin? Well I could tell you that this is a well made action movie, but obviously I would be lying my head off. So instead, I want to tell you the truth. Are you ready? Here it comes… "DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE" Let me tell you why. If you see this movie and are over the age of 16, you will end up hating yourself for letting yourself rot for 104 minutes without getting anything back, except an increased feeling of wanting to get revenge on Hollywood. They say that it is very hard to get your script into a movie. Well, after seeing this movie, I think a one legged monkey could write a better script, without either pen or paper. The fact that Halle Berry even uses a male stunt double, makes me loose all respect for both her and this movie. Besides the stunt double thing, the movie still sucks. The dialog sucks, the acting is not even present and the action looks sloppy and poorly thought through. This movie actually made me like The Core better, which is pretty much impossible. I rate this movie 1/10
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The Core (2003)
I absolutely hate this movie
11 February 2005
I hate this movie!!! Yes, you read right, I hate this movie. From the bottom of my soul, I really really hate this movie! Why? Because it sucks that's why. From beginning till end! It is absolutely horrible. I can't believe that they think they have made a good movie when they were done with this. It seems like this movie lasts for about 3 hours and I feel like I have lost the will to live after seeing it. I really wish that all the people responsible for making this movie, would take a long walk on a very short pier. OK, so the effects are pretty good, but that is it. Nothing else is good in this movie, except the end credits, finally letting me know that my suffering has come to an end. I won't recommend this movie to anyone, although I know there are people out there that like this movie. So there you have it, that is my verdict of this movie. It sucks, plain and simple. The story is so full of plot holes that it should be a cheese, and the "actors" doesn't do anything to help make this movie suck any less. I rate this movie 1/10
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This movie is just as bad as Pitch Black
9 February 2005
This is the sequel to Pitch Black starring the dark voiced muscle man Vin Diesel. Well, I really hoped they wouldn't make a sequel to Pitch Black. Not because it would ruin the movie, but because Pitch Black is a horrible movie which sucks. Well, so does this movie. Vin Diesel, playing Riddick, or Ridiculous as I would call his character is back to deliver cool one liners and crappy acting. Sounds familiar? Well it should because it looks like this is all he can do. If you watch this movie, you know what you are going to get. He is ultra cool, he gets in trouble, he is ultra cool, he handles it, and he is ultra cool. This is the entire movie. The only thing between him being cool and him being cool, is plot holes and bad acting jobs. But if you liked Pitch Black, you will like this as well. If you didn't like Pitch Black, stay away from this movie. Or watch it if you want to badmouth it like I am doing right now. I rate this movie 3/10
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Blade II (2002)
Blade is back, and that is a good thing.
8 February 2005
First of, I am one of those people that really like the first Blade movie. So I had high hopes for the sequel. Funny, because I am not a big fan of sequels, because they tend to lack much of what the original had. Anyways, Wesley Snipes is back, and so is Kris Kristoffersen. Much is the same, the humor is the same, Blade is still the coolest cat in the world and he still has the most amazing weaponry handy. So what is the biggest difference between Blade and Blade II? Well, the action. In the first movie, they had cool music and martial arts. In this movie, they have both those things, plus computer animated moves to make it look like Blade can jump immensely high and is very quick. For me, that didn't quite work because it is so obvious that it is computer animated. But a movie like this isn't without flaws, and if you count them all, it is still an entertaining movie. So if you liked Blade, chances are, you are going to enjoy this as well. I rate this movie 6/10
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I, Robot (2004)
For once, Will Smith is good.
24 August 2004
Not being the biggest Will Smith fan out there, I didn't expect much of this movie. Actually I expect it to be ruined by, yes you guessed it, Will Smith. So you can see that I was amazed when Will Smith didn't ruin this movie. In fact, this movie is quite enjoyable, amazingly enough. The story itself is pretty well told, and pretty original. So Will Smith has a couple of crappy lines but he is allowed to because that is his character. This movie is both action packed and pretty funny at times. The one thing that did annoy me is the advertisement in this movie; Audi, JVC, FedEx and Converse. The last one is by far the worse. Seems like they made the plot around the advertisements. Wow, cool shoes Will Smith. Thank you, they are CONVERSE. Use this conversation about 3 times and you have the movie. Like I said, I did enjoy the movie, except of course from the advertisements and the planes flying in formation at the end. I rate this movie 6/10
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I absolutely love this movie!
24 August 2004
How great is this? A movie about a talking lama. I absolutely love this movie, from beginning to end. I don't know how many times I have watched this movie, but I am guessing in the over 10 area. This is the only movie that I find funnier dubbed in Norwegian than in the original language. It is absolutely hilarious, I don't care what age you are. Although I think adults understands more of the jokes in the movie, but that doesn't mean that kids won't find it funny. The movie is a story of betrayal, friendship, love and lots and lots of humour. It doesn't seem like I can ever get tired of this movie. Why? Because it is absolutely fantastic! I am 24 years old, so there aren't any age boundaries here. I rate this movie 10/10
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Dark Blue (2002)
Kurt is great, the movie isn't...
23 August 2004
Having Kurt Russell in it, I was pretty sure it would be a good movie. For some reason I tend to enjoy movies with Kurt in them. But I am here to review the movie so here I go. First off, this is not as good as I thought it would be. But it is not terrible either. This is just one of those normal movies that you forget quickly once you have seen it. But don't misunderstand me, this is after all an enjoyable movie, it is just not good enough. With that said, Kurt delivers as always, giving a steady performance in this cop drama. So if you like Kurt Russell, watch this movie. If you don't like Kurt Russell you probably won't watch it no matter what I say about it. So to sum it all up, an ok movie, nothing more, nothing less. I rate this movie 5/10
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About Schmidt (2002)
A great movie, GO JACK :D (semi spoiler)
23 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Can you really go wrong with Jack Nicholson? Well, they did it in `Anger Management' but that is another story… I have always loved Jack Nicholson as an actor and in `About Schmidt' he proves to me that he deserves my attention. Because he is an amazing actor and he steals absolutely every scene that he is in. This movie is in the drama genre, but it is also a feel good movie. Jack plays a guy that retires from his job. After his wife suddenly dies, he really doesn't know what he will do. It seems like his life doesn't have meaning anymore. Therefore, he starts up his motor home and starts driving around. I think he basically needs something to do, because then he doesn't have to sit around thinking about his late wife or his work. This is a beautiful movie and a sweet story about an average guy. If you like Jack, you will love this movie. I know I did. I rate this movie 8/10
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Pitch Black (2000)
Stop making movies like this one.
22 August 2004
Ok, so Vin Diesel was ok in `Saving Private Ryan', but that is about it. Everything else he has been in has sucked big time. So I didn't have high hopes for this movie and I am glad I didn't. This movie is bad; in fact it is very bad. The story is lame, there aren't any actors in this movie, only people and it is very predictable. Vin Diesel is of course pretty silent during the entire movie. He is also a bad ass of course. Seems to me that this is the only role Vin Diesel can play. Bad ass silent type hero. I don't really know what else to say about this movie. I guess there are people out there who love this movie but I really can't understand why. This isn't a good movie, this is a bad movie. Now all say it with me now. THIS MOVIE SUCKS! I rate this movie 3/10
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Pretty good thriller
21 August 2004
Hmmm, Ashton Kurcher in a serious role? This is what I was thinking when I heard about this movie. Having seen Ashton in `That 70's Show' and `Dude, where's my car?' I didn't really see him as the kind of actor that could carry this kind of movie. So I must admit I was pleasantly surprised after the movie was over. Ashton is in fact, really good in this movie. After seeing him in `Dude, where's my car' I didn't have high hopes for him to say the least. This is a thriller type of movie and deals with subjects like love, hate, destiny and sacrifice. Like always in my reviews, I won't give away anything that happens in the movie. Because I know that kind of ruins it for me. And if you read this review you probably have an idea of what the movie is about anyway. So, if you are in the mood for a mystic thriller, why not watch Butterfly Effect? I rate this movie 7/10
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Narc (2002)
Good movie, great actors
21 August 2004
Seeing that Ray Liotta is one of my favourite actors, I was pretty sure this movie was going to be very good. And it is a good movie. It is dark, well acted and it tells a story of how far some people are willing to go to honour the memory of a friend and colleague. One cop, Nick Tellis, suspended after a stray bullet hits a pregnant woman, is put on a murder investigation of an undercover cop. He teams up with bad ass cop Henry Oak and together they try to solve it. But if everything as it seems? Both lead actors in this movie, Jason Patrick and Ray Liotta, do a great job. You really get the feeling like you are in the movie instead of just watching it. Most of all, the characters are believable and that is so important for a movie like this. If you like thrillers with a dash of action and drama, you will enjoy this movie. I know I did. I rate this movie 7/10
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Quite good martial arts movie
21 August 2004
Old school kung fu movie. Can't go wrong with that! That and the fact that it stars Sammo Hung makes this a good movie within this genre. With that said, comparing this to Jackie Chan would be bad, because this is another type of fighting. Here, they don't use everything around them; they only use arms and legs. And this is the type of fighting that seems to be conducted like music. It is in a certain rhythm. It is hard to explain but people familiar with this genre will understand what I mean. This is also kind of a typical martial arts movie when you think of the story. There is always a young innocent man, Sammo in this cause, who has a problem that he has to solve. And in these movies, he has to get help from someone before he is able to do just that. As martial arts movies go, this is quite good. I rate this movie 5/10
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Average movie, nothing more, nothing less
19 August 2004
This is the second movie where Morgan Freeman plays the detective Alex Cross. I must admit that I think the first one is better, although none of them is really really good. It is just one of those movies that you watch, and then 10 minutes later you have forgotten about it. This is just your typical suspense thriller. Something happens and the smart man, Alex Cross has to figure out who did it and why. The story in this movie is bizarre to say the least, and not believable at all if you ask me. But if you can see past that, it is possible to enjoy this movie, to a certain degree. If you have read my other reviews you know that I never talk too much about the movie, because I think that ruins the experience for some people. So in this movie you will see Morgan Freeman doing his usual role as a incredible smart person, trying to solve a crime. I rate this movie 5/10
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Citizen Kane (1941)
No wonder this movie gets so high ratings
18 August 2004
Made in 1941, this movie is a classic and has been called the best movie ever made. That is not bad considering it was made by a 29 year old, Orson Welles. For some reason I have always put this movie aside, because people have been telling me that it is a deep movie and not to be viewed without concentration. So therefore I have always put it off, but finally I put it in the DVD player. Let me tell you, it really is a great movie. Or should I say fantastic movie? We follow Charles Foster Kane, from childhood, to his deathbed. The death scene starts the movie and you hear Kane say the word `Rosebud' and that is what the movie is about, trying to find out what he meant by it. Orson is a master at setting the scene, how the camera works, the setting etc. But I won't tell you more about this because this movie is an experience in itself. I rate this movie 9/10
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Mystic River (2003)
Dark, sad and extremely well played. (possible spoiler)
14 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I am for some reason always a little thoughtful when former actors make movies. But let me tell you, this movie is excellent. Clint Eastwood has managed to make a dark, sad and extremely well played movie, using some of the best actors out there. The movie is a tragic tale of 3 childhood friends who is being put to the test in adult life when the daughter of one of them is brutally killed. After years of not talking to each other, they have to find out who's responsible. If you are looking for a movie with a happy ending you should really look another way. I really liked this movie because it is somewhat different from other movies in that genre. It shows how horrible life can be and how hard friendship can be under the wrong circumstances. I rate this movie 8/10
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