
53 Reviews
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Acting duel between Penn and Walken...
8 June 2022
Quite an unpleasant drama/thriller about a criminal who reunites with his 2 sons after many years, and incites them to join his "business". This movie is so dark and risky that it probably wouldn't have worked without Sean Penn and Walken's magnetic performances. Walken is really disturbing as the passive-agressive, manipulative thug, and...I don't want to imagine what the real life criminal was like. (7/10)
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Original, witty, and (somewhat) funny (SPOILER)
24 May 2022
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It's basically a comedy which turns into a tragedy (towards the end), and this very odd couple is indeed funny, though the black humour is a bit excessive in some scenes. Director Hal Ashby had a subtle sense of humour, for the most part, but Harold's obsession with death becomes repetitive and predictable.

I've read some reviews here, which find the relationship between these two "moving", LOL. (6/10)
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Mostly a bore, but with a memorable, ambiguous ending...(SPOILER)
13 May 2022
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It's about this middle-aged chick, Mrs. Stone (Leigh), a Broadway actress, who lives alone in Rome after her husband dies. There she meets contessa Magda Terribili (Lenya), who introduces her to the "young gentleman" Paolo di Leo (Beatty), and sooner than later an affair begins. Stone gradually understands who they really are (pimp and gigolo, respectively), but loneliness wins and she deceives herself by believing that Paolo really loves her (finding love in a finding the truth in a politician, lol).

I didn't like this movie that much; it's very dark and pessimistic, ahead of it's time for sure, but also "literary" in the worst sense, those dense dialogues slow down the film. The acting is uneven, with Leigh clearly overshadowing her younger co-star.

But I will never forget that terrific ending, one of the best ever. After Paolo leaves her for good, Karen begins to remember his words..."And what's so bad about drifting?"; she's so broken hearted that she doesn't care anymore, not even about her own life. She gives the keys of her flat to a young tramp who has been stalking her for days. It's up to the viewer to decide what happens next....(5/10)
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The 400 Blows (1959)
No, not good enough...(SPOILER)
13 May 2022
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Unlike his buddy Godard, Truffaut tells this autobiographical story in a classical, straightforward manner. But, for the most part, I couldn't care less about the main character, who seems dumb (that typewriter, for Christ's sake), negligent, and his behaviour just plain arbitrary. I had to wait about an hour 10 minutes to understand WHY he behaved like that: he was an unwanted child, his mother wanted to abort him, etc. I would forget completely about this film, if it wasn't for one scene that really moved me: when Antoine is taken in the police van and he watches the city lights behind the bars with teary eyes...(5/10)
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Tentacles (1977)
A monstruous attempt at an adventure film...
12 May 2022
Overlong, boring dialogues, ridiculous and inane "action" sequences, poorly edited (i.e the sailing race scene), etc. Don't look for any suspense, thrills, mystery or horror here, 'cause there are none.

Although nothing happens in this dreadful movie, the extra star is for the great cast (Fonda, Winters, Huston). It takes some magical talent to bring those fine actors in a piece of crap like this. Sheriff Lobo also appears. (1.75/10)
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Lang does it again...(SPOILERS)
10 May 2022
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The plot of this movie is kind of silly and far fetched...but the final result is VERY suspenseful and effective. Blackmer plays Austin Spencer, the owner of a newspaper and opponent of the death penalty. He tries to prove the dangers (and injustice) of capital punishment with the help of his soon-to-be son in law, Tom Garrett, a novelist. They "plant" the evidence of a crime they find in the newspaper, so that Garrett would appear guilty. Spencer also takes pictures of Garrett planting the "evidence", so that this would prove his innocence on trial. But Spencer dies in a car crash when taking the photos to court (what a coincidence!) so Garrett... The movie is full of twists which keep the interest, but any viewer would ask: What kind of "idealist" (for not using other word) would risk his/her life to prove that the death penalty is wrong? No one, only the one who is guilty of the crime. In this case, Garrett took advantage of Spencer's idealistic plan to prove his "innocence". Director Lang also fools the other characters and the viewer, making us to believe this too. It shows his cynicism and pessimism on the human condition. (7/10)
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I don't understand this movie...
9 May 2022 i watched it without subtitles (no English or Spanish), so i couldn't figure out what the narrator was saying (it was Cocteau speaking, if i'm correct).

Just a series of surreal vignettes about some sort of artist who walks through mirrors, sees statues becoming alive, etc. Cocteau used to smoke opium, so that narrows it down. And also the usual hints to... ho-mo-se-xua-li-ty. He was also obssesed with the myth of Eurydice (or was it Euripides? Whatever), about this chick who was dead and was rescued by her husband Orpheus.

But really nothing makes sense here; it was like the Eraserhead of the 1930s or something. The special effects are simple but effective. Not something i'm used to watch or enjoy but as an oddity it's ok.
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A psychedelic Ringo/Lennon Forever......
2 May 2022
A pleasant, cheerful ride to the spirit of the 1960s. A trip in Ringo's peaceful submarine. I think it was more interesting and surreal when the cartoons were mixed with the real life photos. Otherwise (just the cartoons) it looks too childish. (6/10)
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The Entity (1982)
More suspense and drama than real horror...
30 April 2022
Hershey stars as Carla Moran, a single mother of 3 kids, who gets hit and raped by an unknown, invisible assailant. She gets the "help" of a shrink, although she knows perfectly well that the problem is an external, supranormal force, and NOT her imagination (or nightmares, etc).

Though this movie is generally well acted and holds enough suspense, it's also too long and it drags during the last half hour. I thought the ending was terrible and anticlimatic too.

The scary thing about "The entity" is that it's based in a real case which happened back in 1976. I don't know the details of this true story, but the movie points out the stupidity and skepticism of the psychiatric staff, who don't believe in her until they have the proof in front of them. (5/10)
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Another fragmented mess by Godard
30 April 2022
After watching "Pierrot (my name is Ferdinand) le fou", i kept wondering: Is this a joke the sagacious Godard plays on the audience? Is it a satire on gangster films? A farse? All of the above? Dunno; what i do know is that all those cultural references (tons of them), the "absurdist" dialogues, the lack of a minimal plot, etc, make it an incredibly tedious film (and the "humour" is dismal, not surprisingly).

As we all know, movies (and other works of fiction, novels, plays, etc) need a bit of the make-believe factor: there is none of that here.

For some unknown reasons, the director keeps breaking the fourth wall, the actors talk to the camera, etc., reminding us that we are watching a movie. This is something only Godard and other "geniuses" like him understand, subverting the basic rules of filmmaking/storytelling just for the sake of it, so that the viewers can say " look, what a rebel he is", bah.

This trash deserves a few points, 'cause Mr. Anti-capitalism hypocritically borrows heavily from pop art, which gives the film a fine look/style. It must be great, after all, being a radical Maoist living in Switzerland, lol. (3/10)
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More decline of Western civilization...
21 April 2022
This....errr...."product" is roughly 50% of vulgar, crude toilet humour, and the other half is just...banality. That's it. I was tempted to give this trash 3 stars, because, after all, Malin A. At least has a SLIGHT comedic touch (Ben Stroller has none, that's obvious).

But after watching that vile, repulsive ending I give it a reasonable 2/10.

(And by the way, I think this is the only Stroller movie i've watched completely. The last too.)
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Excellent humanist film by Mizoguchi....
14 April 2022
It's not a story of revenge, but how goodness and pity prevail over evil/cruelty. That there can always be hope even in the worst situations.

Words such as "morals" and "spirituality" should always be linked to this film. SUPERB camerawork. Sad, elegiac soundtrack. (8/10)
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An ugly, grotesque film experience...
12 April 2022
Artistic? Certainly. Beautiful? No. Well, maybe some people find "beauty" in a film like this; I envy them in that aspect. Still, the last 10-15 minutes I found very impressive (and expressive); this is mainly because the camera MOVES. But really, for the most part, I felt watching the same (static) shots over and over again (with slightly different angles).

All those sadistic, devil-looking characters torturing poor Joan made me sick. (4/10)
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Good, not great (SPOILERS)
10 April 2022
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The acting was strong here, especially by Glover and Malkovich, but, although some of the scenes are very moving (i.e the tornado), others are oddly cold and unconvincing. It feels like a movie with scenes that aren't well connected to each other, like the adultery sub-plot which really adds nothing to the film.

I especially liked the very mysterious ending: I guess it takes place in heaven or something OR it could be Edna or Moze dreaming. Only Benton knows. (6/10)
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White Nights (1957)
Story of an unrequited love...
30 March 2022
The story and technical aspects of this film were fine, just the main character played by Mastroianni was so pathetic, it got annoying after a while. The way he degrades himself is embarrassing to watch. Too theatrical, too solemn...unlike other Visconti movies i've seen. (5/10)
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She's got Bette Davis' eyes...
27 March 2022
This has to be one of the dumbest, most idiotic movies i've watched; the plot and script are complete garbage (I'd just have to mention the trial scene or those silly, impossible "twists"). It should be considered a parody of a film-noir. Miss Davis herself said this was a terrible movie. No wonder. Still she's fun to watch 'cause she gives an over the top, campy performance. Cotten playing the abused husband is fine too. (4/10)
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
Creepy, disturbing, (slow too, unfortunately)
27 March 2022
This is an almost plotless sci-fi art film, with very little dialogue, and yet it kept me glued to the screen. Why? Because the visuals/style are nothing short of extraordinary. This is what makes the film original, though the subject of the-alien-who-came-to-Earth has been told dozens of times.

I would be glad to like even more a film like this, but UTS has a repetitive feel to it: she seduces men, they get in the van, she kills them. That's the way the film is structured. It's a good film for sure, but not the "masterpiece" (?) film critics are raving about, nor it's the poor film Transformer-loving aliens disliked so much....(6.5/10)
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Corman, the master of the B-movie...
26 March 2022
Well, the sets and special effects don't look too impressive to be honest, but the acting is fantastic (Vincent Price as a madman is just priceless, no pun intended). Plus, Barbarita Steele is in it, a fine actress and the timeless beauty of Gothic horror.

Corman could have given one lesson or two to all those Bergmans and Rohmers out there (luckily, in Europe) on how to ENTERTAIN the audience. (6/10)
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An absurd, nihilistic view on relationships...
22 March 2022
Dunno what to make of a movie like this, it's so strange and avant-garde it could have been written by the likes of Ionesco or Beckett (or...Yoko Ono???) It's a freakshow, basically, were Petra, a fashion designer, treats everyone around her badly (especially when fueled by alcohol). She has a spoiled, dominant, possesive personality and she's quite nasty with her assistant Marlene, who serves her obediently and in silence. Then Petra's behavior becomes more erratic and destructive after she meets Karin, an aspiring model, but the love is unrequited and K finally leaves her. Well, Fassbinder was a "rebel" against-the-bourgeois-mentality and such, and I think he's pointing out about the subversive power of love.

Again, this movie was mostly a bore (because the speeches are overanalyzed), but it does have some original views on life. (4/10)
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Paris, Texas (1984)
Another weirdo in search of his destiny....(Spoilers)
21 March 2022
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This is a very slow and (somewhat) dull movie; it's quite clear this guy Wimp belongs to the Antonioni-film-school or something. However, the plot was intriguing and at times moving. I really just saw it for Natacha Kinski in her prime. The scene at the phone booth between her and Stanton is very intense and had me at the edge of my seat. The ending is just one of the saddest i've seen...i was hoping that he (well, the 3 of them) would reunite again and start all over, but he just remains as a wanderer and a loner....(5/10)
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Night School (1981)
It's not that bad...(Spoilers)
20 February 2022
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This giallo/slasher/thriller starts off fairly well, but it gradually dissapoints, until that ridiculous ending, with the too predictable "twist". This movie is stylish, the acting is decent, and the suspense holds up well, I guess it could have been better...if it weren't for the writers. Yes, she gets away with the murders. Feminazis will certainly like this movie. (5/10)
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More spectacular than affecting....
17 February 2022
This film deserves some credit for Spielberg's visual mastery, as usual. However, as other users have complained, Bale's performance/character is simply unbearable, annoying to the core. The drama depicted here seems mechanical, false, far fetched. Or, in other words, the scenes that are supposed to be dramatic are ruined by Bale's "smart aleck" character, who seemed to be in the verge of stopping the war. The director "spielbergizes" or "infantilizes" the serious subject matter of the movie, and thus the result is cartoonish at times.

And by the way, in that scene where Bale follows a truck full of refugees...I thought for a moment the bike was going to fly or something, lol. (5/10)
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Another dull affair by monsieur Truffaut...
6 February 2022
I remember watching this for the first time and thinking it was an awful movie. I liked it a bit more this secong time, but still this film lacks energy, a faster pacing and good acting. It becomes more entertaining and interesting during the fire scenes, and, for some unknown reason, Christie plays two different chicks. Now, she wasn't much of an actress, so it only adds to the tediousness of it all.

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Suspicion (1941)
Just unbelievable from start to finish...
5 February 2022
After watching this I just have a couple of questions: Was Grant playing a clown or a shady character? Were women so submissive and easy to manipulate back in the 1940s?

This movie is a mess, and the worst part is Grant's acting here. He just seems out of place, like if he were in one of those silly "screwball" comedies with Hepburn or something. Sorry, but the Hollywood stereotype of the charming playboy is of no use in a thriller. Plus, there was almost no chemistry between him and "Monkey Face" (his words, not mine).

The film is mildly watchable because the narrative is smooth and there's just a tiny bit of suspense towards the end, but overall dissapointing. Visually, the movie is nothing special either. (4/10)
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Melancholia (2011)
Another meditation on the human condition...
27 January 2022
It's really difficult to like completely a movie like this one; that annoying, shaky, hand-held camera work spoils very much of it, plus the awful editing (it seems Trier learned his jump-cuts from Godard, lol). Trier tries hard in this film, but the result is not that convincing. Clearly the acting is uneven, Gainsbourg does a fine job and carries all the (dramatic) weight of the movie, while Dust got the award at Cannes for doing nothing. "Melancholia" is occasionally pretty and gives some sense of anguish, but Trier is another of those European directors experts of dull-filmmaking.
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