
23 Reviews
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A very wheel made film
15 December 2015
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I saw the comments saying that this movie is a copy of American Beauty or the Private Life of Walter Mitty. Even if I can see where it is possible to see similarities, I insist this is a whole new movie all together. Many elements are quite original, even though the intention of the movie is to show us how we can see life pass us by and not even be aware that there is something wrong. The movie very clearly asks if a life in a suburb, with commuting to a meaningless job and a life partner who is completely absorb by their work is worth living. To me, this movie goes further than AB or WM because it demonstrate how depressing our world can be. I watched it 6 or 7 times and I still discover hidden messages in some of the images. Denys Arcand is a great director and he has contributed in an important way to helping put Québec cinema on the map. To me, this is an 8.5 so I will give it a 9 on the voting window.
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Still Alice (2014)
A very good movie ruined by two major casting mistakes
23 April 2015
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If it was just for Julianne Moore, this movie would be rated between 8 and 9 on this forum. The storyline, the progression and the distress are very well illustrated by the lead actress. Moore is one of the best actresses of her generation and she shows it here with a less than supporting cast. But the presence of Kristen Stewart is a blunder. Her delivery is sometimes inaudible as she mumbles her sentences like a spoiled teenager in front of a laptop playing a video game. But I have seen other reviewers say that this was not her worst performance. I will carefully avoid watching anything were she is part of the cast. This means she has no business acting. The only other actresses who are so incapable are Lyndsay Lohan and Shawnee Smith.It is scandalizing to see that such an important script was spoiled by her presence (if we can call it that). The movie is in many ways similar to Regarding Henry (1991) with the difference that the later was properly cast. (It is a mystery to see it rated at 6,7).
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Interstellar (2014)
Nothing new, nothing original and below average acting
14 April 2015
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My real vote would be 3/10. But in light of the over inflated rating of this movie, I want my vote to counterweight this overrating. If you have been watching science fiction since the 1960's, this film will not present you with any new storyline. Over and over we have seen the doomsday scenario where one must find a new world for humanity. There is no contribution to science fiction in this movie. None. Zip. Nada. And the actors? I am an unconditional fan of Anne H. But here, she seems like she has no material to work with. She did the best she could. But no Oscar performance here. Matthew M., on the other hand, makes all efforts necessary to bore us to death. If I could travel through time and space, I would have skipped this movie and gone straight to the end titles. John L., whom I think is among the best actors of his generation, manages to stand his ground and comes out with his dignity of actor intact. However, a bad movie IS a bad movie and in science fiction this kind of mistake can unfortunately pass for acceptable. If you are a fan of the genre, don't bother. I saw a review on the BB saying this is the best movie ever made. My only suggestion to this poster is to start watching what was done before in SciFi.
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A true masterpiece. (spoilers)
15 January 2015
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When I saw this movie for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised to see that creativity could be stretched in that direction. Many directors try and aim to pull the strings of our revulsion, but never with this much success. High marks for this film which has also the merit of giving a new dimension to Michael Niman's "Memorial" a modern classical and a masterpiece in its own right. The cast is impeccable, superb, but my only reservation is the very thick French accent of Richard Borhinger. The story is simple: a woman married to the most cruel of men has an affair in her husband's restaurant. Everything is fantastic in this uncompromising movie. I think it is more - way more - pertinent than other movies that were meant to offend any audience (Salo, Caligula, Full Metal Jacket and other works where cruelty meets depravity). Although I think it not for everyone, I highly recommend this movie to movie goers who are able to stomach anything that is thrown at them. It is a 10 for me.
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Horrible waste of time.
15 September 2014
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Where to begin? First it is another of those home movie story shot by one of the characters, except they spare us the pain of having the full length of the movie shot by an amateur camera-person. Second, aside from the fact that a nephew comes to take over a strip club left to him by his deceased uncle, there is no story. We see lots of boobs, and that is pretty much the selling point of that movie. The word garbage came to mind to qualify this thing, but at least in garbage, there is always something you can salvage or recycle. At 4.3, this movie is grossly overrated. It is in the same league as Paris Hilton's Pledge This.
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Forty years after "Love Story", the formula lives on.
13 September 2014
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When I see a movie so grossly over rated, it makes me remove some points from my actual score. This is to me a 6. But at 8.2, this movie is way over what it should be. But I understand perfectly why so many people were moved by it. And it what I want to discuss here. ATTENTION SPOILER. When the protagonists go to Amsterdam, as if it was the place where they would find the answer to the ultimate question in their lives, the character played by Wilem Dafoe tells them basically that they are not special because they have a terminal illness, but that they are like all other human being faced with the hand they were dealt by life. I suspect the author of the best selling novel to have used this character to expose this truth which is hard to accept. But with appropriate music and endearing moments, we forget that unpleasant encounter until this character comes back to tell us he lost a loved one to terminal disease. As for the actors, only Shailene Woodley does her job. The sloppy acting that surrounds her is a little irritating.
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What a waste of time!
18 July 2014
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When your main actor delivers a bad performance, your movie is in trouble. I know some people may be uncomfortable with the subject of the movie. But it is either because they forgot the time they were that age or to be politically correct. In the case of the young girl portrayed in this film, I was at first wondering if she had real desires for the opposite sex or if she just wanted to be the equal of her friend. The latter seems to be the obvious reason, but it is not clear because the main actress never gives us a concrete sign of the finality of what she is looking for. It is disappointing because the topic is not without interest.
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The judges take too much space.
31 May 2014
This show is probably one with the most misused potential I have seen in a long time. Too much attention is focused on the judges. We see them arrive, in their dressing rooms and most annoyingly, too many times during the performances. The editing of this show is what turns me off the most. During spectacular performances, there are too many cut aways from the performers to show us the audience, the judges and the host. Not that there should not be any. But there are way too many cuts from the performers. I have no problem with the choice of acts or the trigger happy judges who buzz just because they don't like the contestant's looks. I think the judges get their time when they make their comments. They don't need more. Too bad, because the British version has the same flaws. I have seen enough.
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Even more putrid than Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat
31 December 2013
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Trying to denounce racism, sexism, homophobia and all the bigotry in the world does not justify showing offensive material. To me, the most disturbing part of this movie is when the two clowns deprived of any I.Q. use a hidden camera to offer ordinary, unsuspecting African-American a one-way trip back to Africa, this, in order to ethnically cleanse the USA. This lack of judgment by the director and the producers can be illustrated by asking them if they would have use the same method to denounce gang-rape or lynching. Yes dear IMDb, I am furious after seeing this piece of garbage. But I am reassured by the comments left on this forum. They show that decency still prevails in our world. So thank to you my fellow IMDb friends for your quasi unanimous condemnation of this atrocity.
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Mom (2013–2021)
19 November 2013
Once in while, it is good to be reminded that we live in a male centric society. The drinking and womanizing of Charlie Harper was quite acceptable and cute. But try to make a comedy about the realities of life for the women who have been dumped by the Charlie Harpers of this world and you get comments about the values this sitcom is carrying. Isn't that a little hypocritical at best, and plainly sexist at worst? I simply love Anna Faris (I hope she reads this) This lady is talented and able to carry this show with the fabulous Allison Janey. "Mom" is certainly not perfect, but it has the unique quality of portraying something true. It is honest and doesn't try to be anything else. It is refreshing, and in my opinion, deserve an 8.
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The Canyons (2013)
Poor Lindsay
1 November 2013
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Imagine that you have been acting since childhood and that at 27 years of age you try to salvage your career by accepting any project that comes your way. Then, imagine one of this projects being a mainstream movie with, for you as a co-star, a porn actor. Moreover, imagine that in the end, he turns out to be a better actor than you. In fact, the entire cast turns out to be better than Lohan in this film. She seems to be there just because of her name. Not only is she horrible at acting, but she looks 45 when she's only 27! I am sure that a high percentage of the male audience for this movie was motivated by the fact that Lohan is showing her breasts. That makes the disappointment even greater. As for the storyline of this movie it is nothing new: it is about jealousy. But the movie fails to present it from a fresh perspective. I give it a 3 because James Deen shows in this movie that he can act.
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Ted (2012)
Racist jokes are NOT funny
8 August 2013
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I am sorry IMDb. I hope I will not be considered to have spoiled the movie with my title. But I admit I may have, because the whole thing is laced with stupid jokes about Jews, Blacks, women, etc. No, I did not like it for this reason, and for many others. The writing is awful, the plot is ridiculous and it is a perfect waste of talent on the screen. You see, when a movie wants to make a completely unbelievable plot credible, it has to make the audience play along: this one fails. And I cannot believe that this movie has, as I'm preparing this review, a score of 7,1 on IMDb. It can't be true. Meanwhile, Admission, with Tina Fay gets a 5,5. I do not say admission should be a 7, but at least a 6,5. Anyway, I really want to underline the fact that even if a Jewish person makes a joke about Jewish people, I will not find it funny. I have too much respect for humanity to play along with this unacceptable way of trying to make a buck.
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Hot in Cleveland: Cleveland Fantasy Con (2013)
Season 4, Episode 6
Adorable, funny and real.
6 July 2013
Hot in Cleveland is what a sitcom should be. It may not reach the notoriety of Seinfeld, Friends and other famous ones, but it is true to itself. The characters are endearing and the plots are always rooted in reality. Betty White shows a tremendous amount of generosity by playing in this sitcom as she is in her 90's. What a classy lady we have here. The same can be said of the three other main characters who have had to suffer the wits of the writers who, as we now know, will stop at no principle to humiliate them for our amusement. At the time I was writing this review, the show had a rating of 8,4 on IMDb. Which is pretty good, but I would gladly raise that to a 9,1. I personally give it a 10 Long live Betty ans long live Hot in Cleveland.
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Uneven delivery, but Waltz is outstanding. (spoiler alert)
2 June 2013
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Christoph Waltz was better than great in Inglorious Basterds; in Django he confirms that he is an entertaining and brilliant actor. In fact, I would say that he carries this movie on his shoulders. I hope to see him again soon. I also hope he is appropriately rewarded for this performance. But I was left disappointed by the end which is too messy and spoils everything. It is as if Tarantino had wanted to outperform all of his previous bloodbaths and it is regrettable. There could have been, for a change something a little more sober from this director. An other thing that bothers me in this movie is the cynicism towards the way Black people are forced to play the game of the slave owners. It culminate in yet another crude display of violence which is, at the very least, disturbing.
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Game of Thrones: And Now His Watch Is Ended (2013)
Season 3, Episode 4
Drag on?
22 April 2013
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I am among the biggest fans of Game of Thrones. But I can't help but being disappointed by the first four episodes of the 3rd season. Nothing is happening. There are a lot of scenes that just seem to fill up time and space. I have no time for platitudes. Make something happen. These long line of people walking through the forest, stopping from time to time to exchange philosophical thoughts do not entertain me. I want action. Like there was in the first two seasons. Then it seemed like I was glued to the TV because it was so captivating. I think that the way series are marked on IMDb encourages that kind of "coasting on reputation" some shows are doing. GOT sits at a comfortable 9.4 as I write this. I think the score stands for the first two seasons. But the third is, at best, a 6.3. I am sorry. Get interesting, stop with the empty dialogs that go nowhere and give us some action!
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House of Lies (2012–2016)
Disappointing 2nd season.
11 March 2013
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This show was going so well in the first season. It had my votes. But this second season is not worth my time. The writing is all over the place, Marty's wife is nowhere near as spicy as she used to be. And... oh well, the writers messed it up and it is going the way of the dodos. We no longer know what the show is about. I have seen enough. I will not return and this show shouldn't either. Too bad. It had started very well. The characters are supposed to have this interaction, you know, this sexual tension between Marty and and the Jeanny, they keep on reminding us about it at the beginning of every episode that something is going on, but we never get to it. Spit it out! Too much useless stuff around all this. Inspiration has ran out.
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The Americans (2013–2018)
Near perfection
26 February 2013
I don't want to repeat everything that has been already said about this series.

However, I think Keri Russell's presence in this series is the key to everything. Only her could have this cold outside look hiding a wounded soul that hangs on to what she believes in.

It is not only about the plot, but also the human toll the Cold War claimed in its path.

I think the series is very well rounded in terms of casting and writing. It has a rhythm that keeps the audience on edge.

This is, in my humble opinion, the best of the genre since Alfred Hitchcock gave us Topaz and The Torn Curtain. I give it a 9.
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Dirty Girl (2010)
Don't judge a movie by its title.
28 February 2012
This is for me of of the best written movies I have seen. It is touching, sweet and it drove me to tears at the end.

Almost all of us have difficult teenage years. But the circumstances of the two main characters are beyond what most of us had to go through. This search for identity, this need to belong, to know where we are from and what we are going to become.

Juno Temple and Jeremy Dozier play as the kids they are, but bring a genuine maturity to their characters. It makes me love them both. And it has to be noted that at such a young age they're able to carry the whole movie with so much grace.

I don't know if this movie has won any prize, but it sure deserves a huge round of applause. Well done Juno and Jeremy. You have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have talent and that you deserve you place among the silver screen stars of today and tomorrow.

I'll watch for your next projects. Huggs and kisses to you both.
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Spartacus (2010–2013)
I am very difficult to please when it comes to TV shows...
25 February 2012
... but Spartacus (Blood and Sands, Gods of the Arena and now Spartacus Vengeance)get a perfect 10 from me.

Why? First the writing. These shows are all written in such a way that they are unpredictable. A great quality in entertainment. Yes, there is a lot of blood and a lot of nudity, but it does not bother me at all.

Second, the acting, I have rarely seen a cast so consistent in its collective performance in a TV series. The characters are well defined, but the actors provide the necessary nuances that makes the show's credibility.

Third, the special effects, the filming, the photography, the lighting, the editing demonstrate that you have a solid and competent crew behind the scenes.

It is a really good TV series in all aspects. Ten thumbs up!
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
Very good sitcom... but.
19 February 2012
I believe everything that has to be said has already been written about this sitcom. It is well written and funny.

But I am truly disappointed they threw Aarti Mann out of the cast.

The reason is very simple, she made KC look like even less sophisticated than she really is.

The girl, Cuoco, has no posture, no elegance... and nothing that could make me take her to my parents and admit that she is my girlfriend. Melissa Rauch would have been a much better choice for the leading female character if they wanted a blond so badly).

Aarti Mann is far more feminine and intelligent than all the other females to appear on this show, and I miss her.

Aside the fact that Cuoco is blonde, and has good physical attributes, she is no match for Mann, whom I hope to see very soon somewhere else on a BIG SILVER SCREEN.
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Five Star Day (2010)
Sometimes you regret spending the time
8 February 2012
Let's be honest here.

When I read a book, I give it about 50 pages to convince to get to the last page.

It is the same for movies. About 20 minutes. I have no problem whatsoever walking out of a movie theatre. But, it does not happen very often. But in this case it did.

The main character is played by an actor who comes across as lazy, pretentious and completely self absorbed.

The directing, filming and editing looked like they were done with no purpose.

And, most of all, the storyline and the initial sequences had no credibility.

Before this film was made, there should have been some rewriting, and in the pre-production stage, the casting of the main character should have been made more carefully.
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Melancholia (2011)
The most pointless movie ever made?
21 January 2012
No, I have seen worse.

But this is not even worth watching. These are two hours of my life I will never get back. The rating of 7.4 is way overblown. This is why I give it such a low one... in order to put it back where it really belongs: as closely to zero as possible.

Dunst is not a great actress, and Gainsbourg is not any better. And I do not understand why Sutherland accepted this role. As for the director, is reputation seems exaggerated and it must be because among the inner circles of cinema he must have a lot of connections and support. I can't believe I watched that movie.
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Advertisement to a whole new level
24 January 2011
If you want to rate this movie based on the number of times you'll see Anne Hatheway's body, the marks will be high. But this movie, in the end, does not even serve the purpose of entertainment.

It is hard for me to skim through all the reviews and find out that the word Pfiser is never mentioned. The true star of this film is Viagra. If Anne can't help you get it up, then the blue pill shall achieve that goal.

I am a moviegoer and I am getting very frustrated when I am asked to watch a two-hour commercial... sold to me under false pretense. I was supposed to se a romantic comedy staring two young and very promising actors, which they remain in my mind.

Prozac, Zoloft and marijuana are the so-called other drugs, that get the supporting roles.

Two hours of my life I can't get back.
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