
38 Reviews
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Hard Target (1993)
Woo's Best! and one of Van Dammes best!
1 April 2003
Hard Boiled, Broken Arrow, Killer, BlackJack, Face/Off, MI2, Windtalkers ... forget them! Get This!!

Out of all the Woo films I've seen so far this has to be his best, and you can see where Woo originally used the Wall to Wall scene from Face/Off!

One of Van Dammes best movies and a lot better then the recent rubbish he's been churning out (Order, Derailed) makes you realise how much he needs another hit!
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Double Team (1997)
My Guilty Pleasure! Its great!! :)
30 March 2003
For some reason I really enjoyed this film, the OTT action really is great and the style Tsui Hark used throughout the action scenes made this one of my favourite Van Damme films. Mickey Rourke was fantastic as usual, he should be starring in more movies!

The Bad Points were Dennis Rodman, he is a very very bad actor and Im just thankful he wasnt in it more! Also the plot felt like it ripped off the Prisoner more then a little for the whole Colony scene. :D

IMO it should definatly be snapped up by any action fans, loads of action! Just ignore Rodman!! :(
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Timecop (1994)
Van Damme at his Best!
30 March 2003
Forgot how good this movie actually was! Definitely one of Van Dammes best and one of the better action movies in the 90's! Also Ron Silver is great as the bad guy "You can forget about being my Chief of Staff, if slamming your head into the sideboard turns you into a Snivelling Weasel" :D ... give it a watch you wont be disappointed!
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The Foreigner (2003)
Seagal I hope you needed the money!
10 March 2003
Im hoping this was made before Half Past Dead and Exit Wounds because it was rubbish, Seagal wasnt to blame it was down to the crap directing when the few action scenes took place. The plot was also confusing and basically just felt rushed out, maybe it was shelved and released to capitalise on Seagals newer films??


He's not through yet, bring on Under Siege 3 and loose some weight!
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OK but Seagal can still do better!
10 March 2003
What is it with these Rappers in action films lately? DMX was passable in Seagals Exit Wounds but Ja Rule was rubbish in this!

After reading reviews I thought Seagal would look very overweight but he's not too bad, looks a lot bigger then his older films but luckily he's shed some pounds since the awful "Ticker"

The film overall was an average action flick, it could have done with some more laid back hand-to-hand combat that Seagal always used to dish out and would have benefited from any actor instead of some rappers.

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Blackjack (1998 TV Movie)
The final chance for another big Lundgren movie?
22 February 2003
shame it was so dull!

The first five minutes were good and looked like it was going to be a great action flick, and then it all went horribly wrong! It was just so boring and seemed to go on forever, the action was limited and Dolph was completely wasted. Woo is supposedly the best for action flicks, did he have a change of heart here?
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The Eye (2002)
Truly the scariest film Ive seen!!
19 February 2003
Ive never been scared by a film since I was a kid, Hollywood Horrors these days consist of OTT effects and serial killers in masks, its just not scary!

This film scared me though, it really builds a great atmosphere and had me jump on more then one occasion, if you liked the Ring you'll love this!

10/10 - A Horror for the first time in about 10 years! :)
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Blood Work (2002)
Another Great Clint Movie!!
25 December 2002
Its a shame this movie didnt do as well at the Box Office, its sad when you see a good film like this make less then complete garbage like xXx. Clint shines as always and this could have made a fantastic send-off for the Dirty Harry series. If your looking for a top Action Thriller make sure you watch this, easily 10x better then most garbage being thrown out. The only problem was about half-way through it gave the Killer away a bit too easy!
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xXx (2002)
00 Zero
23 December 2002
They had 20 great Bond films to rip-off and yet they couldn't even keep me watching till the end. I thought Bonds latest offering "Die Another Day" was the worst Bond film yet, but its still much better then this. Very dissapointing, even as a popcorn action flick its insulting. How is this getting a sequel!!??
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Formula 51 (2001)
Scousers will Love this!
17 December 2002
Fantastic!! Carlyle was great as usual. You couldnt ask for a better setting then Liverpool for a Gangster Comedy. A lot of people dont like all the language, but I know quite a few people like this, so it wasnt overkill. Hopefully we'll be seeing more of Liverpool, the Scouse wit shines on screen! ;)
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Bond for Americans audiences!!
15 December 2002
Less plot, more OTT action, throw in some American agents who bark orders and insult the British intelligence and you have a movie that will do well at the US Box Office.

IMO easily the worst Brosnan has done, and one of the worst in the Bond series!
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Easily the 2nd best Halloween Sequel!
9 December 2002
Nice spin on the slasher film with the Big Brother style plot, also they did a great job on explaining how Myers had returned. (much better then I expected)

Ive never been a great fan of the Halloween sequels (after rubbish like androids in the awful part 3) and after seeing Busta Ryhmes in the cast list, I expected the worst but was suprised as its actually a good slasher!... much better then Jasons last outing too!
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Original? YES! -- Good? NO!
9 December 2002
You think maybe the negative reviews are because most Halloween fans hate this for not having Myers in it?? Well your wrong!

With or without Myers this film is terrible, its a complete joke, it has Androids in it for crying out loud! Androids!! WTF!!!

Its only Original because nobody else would consider making such a rubbish film!
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Derailed (2002)
Van Damme at his worst!
19 November 2002
Van Damme best known for quality actions such as Kickboxer, Blood Sport, Hard Target, Universal Soldier and Timecop reduced to a movie thats not even fit for Eric Roberts!

The director constantly uses cheap camera effects which quickly become annoying, most of the time you cant figure out what is happening in the action scenes!! The special effects are very low budget, although I would forgive them if the film offered some good action scenes and acting, sadly it doesnt! The acting is laughable, the action is limited. Even the most loyal Van Damme fan would find it hard to watch this to the end.

If I didnt have high hopes for Van Dammes "The Monk" I would say he's finished already! One things for sure, he cant do any worse then this! Hopefully his next film will see a return to form ...

1/10 ... and thats from a Van Damme fan!
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Beyond the Gates of Rubbish!
17 November 2002
Having seen 1,2 and 4 I finally decided to go back and watch 3, after skipping it because the trailer looked so bad ... I wish I hadnt! Its taken me 3 viewings to watch it till the end, its the worst horror sequel Ive seen in a while, second to only Urban Legends 2! Go watch the other 3 and avoid this rubbish!!
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Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002 Video)
Original and enjoyable!
1 November 2002
If you didnt like Inferno you probably wont enjoy this! It takes an original plot for the Hellraiser series, having Pinhead and friends off screen whilst building up a good suspenful atmosphere which keeps you guessing till the very end! A lot of fans may complain its not a Hellraiser film with the lack of screen time Pinhead makes, but would you rather the Hellraiser sequels be "original and enjoyable whilst still keeping the serious creepiness" or just "crap rip-offs packed with gore, bad acting and no plot!" I know which I prefer ... hopefully the 7th installment will be just as good!
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Lost Highway (1997)
awful! awful!! awful!!!
20 October 2002
quite possibly the worst film Ive seen ... definatly the only film I havent been able to make sense of! what on earth was the utter garbage and how did it even get released at all! Someone calls it modern art, but lets face it anything passes as art these days! This movie is definatly a select taste, you have been warned.
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Blue Velvet (1986)
Modern Art? such as todays rubbish paintings most people laugh at!!
20 October 2002
It got of to a good start with the great opening "Blue Velvet" song, shame after about half an hour you didnt really care about were the film was heading, I wanted it to be more but it didnt deliver at all ... completly boring, silly and rubbish, and as with most Lynch films its definatly a select taste which thankfully I dont have! :)
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Savate (1995 Video)
better then I expected!
11 October 2002
Wasnt expecting much from this film, the dvd was cheap and the cover made it look like a dodgy kickboxing docu-film ... but I was suprised. Grunner delivers a lot of action and shows off his kickboxing skills, which he should do more in his films because his acting isnt what we are watching for! also Ashley Laurence (Hellraiser I/II) co-stars, and still looks fine. ;) The music is good too, coming straight from some of Clints classic Westerns!
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Hellraiser: Inferno (2000 Video)
Much better then Bloodline!
29 September 2002
Nice to see something original from the Hellraiser series, yes it was a shame that Pinhead and friends didnt get much screen time but the film was trying something original and it works. The ending was spot-on and brought the whole film together. If your a fan of the series and can accept a good story without as much gore then you'll enjoy it!
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suprisingly good!
24 September 2002
The Wishmaster sequels havent been too good, the second was average but basically just ripped the same plot from the original and the third I didnt even bother watching because of how bad the trailer was, BUT Im glad too say Wishmaster 4 is a good sequel!

The story was good although the warrior angle was crap and unnecessary. The Djinn was fine, although not as good as Divoff .. the acting was good from all and didnt feel like a cheap sequel. Add in some Gore and Nudity and you have a nice horror film thats better then recent Cinema releases!

Only two downsides was the ending could have been better and the warrior scene was crap (thankfully it didnt take up much of the film)
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The X Files (1998)
21 September 2002
The last series has been the most dissapointing from the whole show ... Doggart and Reyes are worthy replacements but the storys have gone off the dark and sinister X-Files route to more of a comical approach ... now with the series at an end it would be a good time for some more movies and if its anything like this I look forward to them!
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a sequel or remake?
20 September 2002
If you enjoyed the first Wishmaster then you would probably like this, its pretty much exactly the same story ... awaken the jjin have him kill some people before the complete butchery at the final scene before he is stopped, enjoyable and better then half of the horror rubbish today...could have done more then just rip the originals plot though :(
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Showtime (2002)
for the cast it should have been more then average!
17 September 2002
with Murphy and DeNiro playing the 2 main leads in this film I was expecting a lot more. There was too little Action scenes, the action parts were the better scenes in the film so there should have been more. I think Murphy is doing better then Bowfinger and Life but hes still not back to his great comedy flicks just yet.
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Supergirl (1984)
you gotta like Helen Slater in that costume!
14 September 2002
brings back childhood memories ... 7/10 for Nostalgia and how nice Supergirl looked! :D

looking at some of the reviews on here its laughable, I bet most have only recently viewed it and compared it too todays work, also a lot seem to get worked up about the Superman series, this film is only a spinoff nothing more, dont take it so seriously ... my advice sit back and watched Helen Slater in that short skirt!
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