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"I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me."
20 June 2024
FILM: 7.5 When Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was announced, I was sceptical. After all, telling a story about a small moment in Star Wars history with the outcome already known didn't entirely sound exciting. Fortunately, it's about that, but it's about a lot of other things too.

The film delves into themes of ambition, destiny, resistance, and morality, examining these concepts quite well. It's better at exploring these themes than the prequels were. The action is excellent and quite visceral for a Star Wars film, making everything feel more tangible compared to the prequels. The ending is unique too, and stands out in the franchise.

The performances are all solid, with Felicity Jones being a fine lead. However, Diego Luna's performance doesn't wow me. Donnie Yen and Alan Tudyk, on the other hand, steal the show with their captivating performances. Mads Mikkelsen's brief appearances elevate the film, as he always does.

Despite these strengths, there are several issues. Even with extensive reshoots, there are some story moments that don't hold up to scrutiny. Would the film have been better in its original cut? Who knows. Still, the ending is extremely well done and offers some fan service, but it's delivered in a way that doesn't feel like pandering.

The film manages to balance its introspective themes with the excitement of the Star Wars universe. The exploration of these deeper themes, combined with the tangible action sequences, creates a compelling narrative that stands out within the franchise. In that respect, it does earn its right to exist.

In the end, Rogue One is a solid entry in the Star Wars saga. It's a film that offers more than just a small moment in history, exploring larger themes that resonate with the broader narrative of the series. Despite some flaws, it's a rewatch that I find both enjoyable and thought-provoking.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.5 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Good Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.0 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Good Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Good

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"It's over Anakin, I have the high ground."
18 June 2024
FILM: 7.0 Back in 2005, I approached Revenge of the Sith with hesitation. The arrival of Darth Vader was highly anticipated, and I was along for that ride. The prior films weren't great, particularly Attack of the Clones, so I was understandably cautious. So, does Revenge of the Sith redeem the prequel trilogy? Kind of, but also not.

Anakin's turn to the dark side happens far too quickly and for silly reasons. His physical transformation is great, only to be ruined by that ridiculous "Noooooooooooo!" and Frankenstein walk. It feels like Lucas missed the mark in capturing the depth and nuance needed for such a pivotal moment.

However, McDiarmid and McGregor are excellent. McDiarmid brings a sinister charm to Palpatine, while McGregor shines as Obi-Wan, providing the gravitas and emotional weight the film desperately needs. Portman, unfortunately, is wasted. Padme's characterisation is shoehorned into a paint-by-numbers journey designed solely to have Anakin arrive at his final destination.

Interestingly, the scene I like the most is the one just about everyone hates-Anakin and Padme staring across Coruscant's skyline contemplating their circumstances whilst John Williams' ethereal score plays. There's actually some real emotion in the performances there and no bad dialogue, making it a rare moment of genuine connection.

The action sequences are visually spectacular, and the CGI, while overused, is impressive for its time. The battles are thrilling, and the choreography is top-notch. Yet, the story falters in balancing spectacle with meaningful character development.

Ultimately, the film is the best of a somewhat bad bunch, and again I find myself wondering what could have been had someone curbed some of Lucas' more ridiculous tendencies. Revenge of the Sith is a mixed bag, offering glimpses of greatness overshadowed by its flaws. It's a mildly positive experience, as it wraps up the prequel trilogy with a blend of excitement and disappointment.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 7.5 Upscaled 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Moderate Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Good Master condition: Good

AUDIO: 9.0 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Good

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"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."
17 June 2024
FILM: 4.0 Rewatching Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, I'm struck by how much of an utter train wreck it is. It's clear that Lucas was surrounded by "yes-men." Nobody said no to unscripted CGI factory sequences that achieve nothing. No one said no to romance dialogue written how a 12-year-old would compose it. No one said no to Yoda doing gymnastics on an 8-ball of coke. And certainly, no one said, "Hey, should we throw this script out and write something that doesn't suck balls?" Apparently not, because here we are, my friends.

Once again, McGregor is a shining light amongst mediocrity. He brings a level of charm and gravitas to Obi-Wan that the film desperately needs. Even he struggles with the inane dialogue, though. Christopher Lee is always good value, but he's essentially playing Saruman again (Wizard gone bad/Jedi gone bad), and naturally, he doesn't have a good script backing up his performance.

Christensen and Portman have zero chemistry, and it's hard to tell whether it's their skill, the script, or the direction they received. The romance is laughable, with lines that sound like they were written by a pre-teen. It's painful to watch, and the emotional core of the film falls flat because of it.

The film relies heavily on CGI, which might have been groundbreaking at the time but now feels excessive and soulless. The CGI sequences, particularly the factory scenes, are pointless and add nothing to the story. It's an absolute low point with very few redeeming qualities.

Attack of the Clones remains a testament to unrestrained mediocrity 22 years after release. The lack of critical oversight and coherent storytelling makes it a disappointing entry in the Star Wars saga. It's a harsh but deserved reality check. It's a film that fails to live up to its potential and leaves me longing for what it could have been with a better script and more focused direction.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 7.0 Upscaled 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Moderate Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Good Master condition: Good

AUDIO: 10.0 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Excellent

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"The boy is dangerous. They all sense it, why can't you?"
16 June 2024
FILM: 6.0 Rewatching Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace brings back a mix of nostalgia and frustration. Twenty-five years on, I find that time has neither been harsh nor kind to this film; for me, it remains the same.

I'll start with the good. I like the fact that Lucas chose to focus on political intrigue. It actually links in nicely with the original trilogy, adding depth to the overarching story of the Republic's fall and the Empire's rise. Bringing Ian McDiarmid back as Palpatine is genius. He's fantastic, subtly weaving his web of deception. McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi is another inspired choice. These two casting decisions are among the prequel trilogy's best.

The action sequences are definitely on point. The iconic pod race is thrilling, with its high-speed tension and dazzling effects. The Darth Maul duel, intercut with the space battle, is hugely satisfying and easily the best moment of the film. The choreography and score during this sequence are exceptional, making it a standout in the entire Star Wars saga.

However, the film's weaknesses are hard to ignore. I consistently come back to two main issues: Jar Jar Binks and Anakin Skywalker. Jar Jar remains as annoying as ever. His clumsy antics and forced humour detract from the overall tone. As for Anakin, I think the story started too early. Had Anakin been a teenager and Jar Jar excised from the story, I believe we would have had a totally different and far more rewarding film. A more mature Anakin would have allowed for a deeper exploration of his character and his journey toward the dark side.

Overall, The Phantom Menace is a mixed bag. There are elements that I enjoy and appreciate more now, but the flaws are still glaring. It's a middling film with glimpses of brilliance overshadowed by missteps, but it's still a necessary part of the Star Wars lore that occasionally shines brightly.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 5.5 Upscaled 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Moderate Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Good Encode: Good Master condition: Moderate

AUDIO: 9.5 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Excellent

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Chernobyl (2019)
"The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all."
14 June 2024
SERIES: 9.5 Watching the 2019 mini-series Chernobyl is an intense and deeply affecting experience. It's a confronting, harrowing look at gross incompetence and the incredible people who worked in the face of a secretive and overbearing government. I find myself engrossed in its meticulous storytelling, which doesn't sensationalise but instead methodically unravels the events and their aftermath.

The writing is exceptionally good, keeping things very real. The villains never seem ridiculous, and the heroes never feel manufactured. This authenticity is refreshing and makes the narrative all the more compelling. The cast excels as well, with standout performances across the board. Stellan Skarsgård, in particular, is phenomenal. His portrayal of his character's progression through the incident and its aftermath is beyond amazing, capturing a complex mix of frustration, determination, and humanity.

Jared Harris and Emily Watson also deliver powerful performances, adding depth and nuance to the story. Watson's character, although a fictional consolidation, feels like a necessary narrative device that helps to streamline the complex array of real-life figures involved in the disaster.

The score by Hildur Guðnadóttir is incredibly effective. It often feels less like a soundtrack and more like part of the sound design, immersing me further into the bleak and terrifying world of the Chernobyl disaster. The music underscores the gravity of the situation without overwhelming it, enhancing the overall atmosphere.

The only reason I can't give Chernobyl a perfect score is due to some liberties and character consolidations taken with the subject matter. While understandable and somewhat inevitable in this sort of endeavour, they are noticeable, especially if you're familiar with the history of the accident. However, this doesn't detract significantly from the mini-series' overall impact.

Overall, Chernobyl is an almost perfectly executed series. It's a testament to the power of methodical storytelling, exceptional writing, and outstanding performances. It offers a sobering and compelling look at one of the most catastrophic events in history, and I highly recommend it.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.0 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Good Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Good Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.0 DTS-HD MA 5.1 audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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Alien (1979)
"I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies."
9 June 2024
FILM: 10.0 Rewatching Alien is like diving into a masterclass of horror and science fiction. Ian Holm's character, Ash, may call the alien "structural perfection," but it's Ridley Scott's film that truly embodies flawless creation. Alien stands as a bona-fide classic, a true study in terror. Even after 45 years, the film remains as gripping and effective as ever.

Sigourney Weaver's portrayal of Ripley is nothing short of iconic. She brings a perfect blend of strength and vulnerability to the role, making Ripley one of sci-fi's first and most enduring heroines. I can feel her fear and determination to survive in every scene, which makes the character deeply relatable and compelling.

The ensemble cast is diverse and adds rich, unique elements to the film. Each character feels distinct and essential to the story. Giger's designs are otherworldly, adding an eerie and unforgettable aesthetic to the alien and its environment. One of my favourite moments is Cartwright's genuine reaction to the chestburster scene, which remains a highlight in cinematic history.

Scott's direction is impeccable. He demonstrates that less is more, using clanking chains, dripping water, mist, and dark corners to build a tense and immersive atmosphere. By keeping the alien mostly in the shadows, he amplifies the fear and suspense. There are a few moments where Scott uses more traditional scares, such as Dallas' encounter in the tube, but the subtle integration of the alien into the ship's environment is a far more effective source of terror.

While there are a few elements that haven't aged perfectly, like the alien running across the table or some of the dated computer scenes and sounds, these minor flaws are easily overlooked. Dismissing these aspects due to their age does a disservice to the incredible work and creativity that went into making this film.

Alien is a classic in every sense, a film I never tire of watching. It's a flawless experience that perfectly blends horror and science fiction, showcasing Ridley Scott's unparalleled ability to craft a timeless and terrifying masterpiece.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.5 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.0 DTS-HD MA 5.1 audio Dialogue reproduction: Good Soundtrack & effects clarity: Good Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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Tombstone (1993)
"I'm your huckleberry."
8 June 2024
FILM: 9.0 Rewatching Tombstone is a true delight, a film that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the Western genre. The 1990s might not have been known for an abundance of westerns, but the quality certainly made up for the quantity. After Unforgiven swept the Oscars earlier in 1993, this gem hit the screens and left a lasting impression.

Looking at the cast list feels like browsing a who's who of 90s Hollywood stardom. Leading the charge is my all-time favourite actor, Kurt Russell. His portrayal of Wyatt Earp is a masterclass in balancing the sophistication of a gentleman with the rugged grit of a lawman. Russell brings a commanding presence to the role that is simply captivating.

Val Kilmer, despite his infamous ego, delivers what I consider his career-best performance as Doc Holliday. Kilmer's portrayal is nothing short of iconic; he nails every line and mannerism with perfection. Sam Elliott and Bill Paxton, both at their peak, round out the Earp brothers with solid performances that add depth and authenticity to the story.

On the villainous side, Powers Boothe effortlessly exudes menace, while Michael Biehn is phenomenal as Johnny Ringo. Biehn's performance is intense and memorable, making Ringo a standout character. The supporting cast, filled with familiar faces, all play their parts to perfection, each bringing something unique to the film.

Kevin Jarre's script breathes new life into a well-known story, blending epic Western elements with Hollywood action flair. The direction, whether by George P. Cosmatos or Kurt Russell stepping in, is seamless. Every actor gets a moment to shine, and the film balances action and drama with stylish finesse.

While there are a few moments that flirt with schmaltz, they are so rare that they hardly detract from the overall excellence of the film. Tombstone has stood the test of time, over 30 years on, and remains a high point in the careers of many of its stars. For me, it's a must-watch that never fails to entertain.

FORMAT: Blu-ray

VIDEO: 6.5 1080/24p presentation Detail level: Good Colour reproduction: Moderate Level accuracy: Moderate Encode: Moderate Master condition: Moderate

AUDIO: 8.5 DTS-HD MA 5.1 audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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The Abyss (1989)
"I got to tell you, I give this whole thing a sphincter-factor of about nine point five."
7 June 2024
FILMS: 8.0 Rewatching The Abyss is like diving into a familiar ocean, filled with both awe and suspense. After enjoying James Cameron's earlier masterpieces, The Terminator and Aliens, I appreciate his shift to a more hopeful but equally perilous story. The plot kicks off with the sinking of a U. S. submarine, raising international tensions. This tension is mirrored within the rescue crew, especially with the military pushing their own agenda.

I find the performances among the rescue crew to be top-notch, with Ed Harris at the helm. Harris skilfully avoids melodrama, even when his character, Bud, faces some cliched relationship issues. His portrayal keeps the story grounded, making the film's more surreal moments believable. Michael Biehn, one of my favourites, shines as the increasingly unstable Lt. Coffey. His descent into paranoia and recklessness is both gripping and tragic.

The film's visuals are a standout, blending practical effects with pioneering CGI that still impresses me 35 years later. The underwater scenes are particularly breathtaking, and it's clear that a lot of effort went into making them as realistic as possible. Cameron's attention to detail in these sequences pays off, creating a sense of immersion that few films achieve.

What I love about The Abyss is its ability to balance intense action with moments of quiet beauty and reflection. The underwater environment is both a character and a setting, shaping the story in ways that feel organic and integral. There are times when I find myself marvelling at the creativity behind the alien life forms and the undersea landscapes.

Overall, The Abyss remains a thrilling and visually stunning film. It manages to blend high-stakes drama with cutting-edge special effects in a way that feels timeless. For me, it's an underappreciated entry in James Cameron's filmography that reinforces why he is a master of his craft.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 6.5 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Moderate Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Good Encode: Good Master condition: Moderate

AUDIO: 9.5 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Good

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Bullet Train (2022)
"Let this be a lesson in the toxicity of anger."
30 April 2024
FILM: 7.5 I just revisited Bullet Train, and it's still a wild ride! While it's not without its flaws, it's still a lot of fun.

Director David Leitch knows how to deliver non-stop action, and he doesn't disappoint here. The movie is jam-packed with thrilling sequences that'll have you asking for more. From start to finish, it's a rollercoaster of excitement and adrenaline.

That being said, Leitch does stumble in a few places. Like with Deadpool 2, he doesn't quite capture the full potential of the film's tone. It's got plenty of quirky comedy and flashy action, but it could have used a bit more magic and drama to really elevate it.

But the cast is definitely a highlight. Brad Pitt is fantastic as the reluctant assassin, bringing just the right amount of charm and wit to the role. Joey King is a scene-stealer as Prince, and Brian Tyree Henry is a blast to watch. And let's not forget about Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who delivers a surprisingly great performance.

The movie does drag a bit in the middle, and it's about 10-15 minutes too long. The need to explain things in flashback slows down the pace, which is a bit of a bummer. But overall, Bullet Train is still a fun, action-packed thrill ride that's worth checking out. Leitch may not have nailed it completely, but he's definitely getting better at delivering top-notch entertainment.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 10.0 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 10.0 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Excellent

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True Lies (1994)
"Ballsy. Stupid but ballsy."
29 April 2024
FILM: 7.0 James Cameron's mid-90s action spectacle has languished on DVD for 30 years, treated as the somewhat ugly stepchild of the peak period of his career. It's now hit 4K, and I've given True Lies another spin. It's still a blast from the past, with this action romp holding up pretty well.

Let's start with the dynamic duo of James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Despite its somewhat neglected status, True Lies is a testament to Cameron's knack for blending action and comedy seamlessly. And who better to bring that vision to life than Schwarzenegger himself? His chemistry with Jamie Lee Curtis is undeniable, and their banter adds a layer of charm to the film.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Some aspects of the film haven't aged as gracefully as others. Harry's questionable treatment of his wife Helen is definitely a sore point, and the portrayal of terrorists feels a bit dated by today's standards.

And let's not forget about the stunt doubles. In a film with such a hefty budget, you'd think they could afford better disguises for their doubles. The horse sequence, in particular, is a bit cringe-worthy in that regard.

But despite its flaws, True Lies still packs a punch. The action sequences are thrilling, the comedy hits the mark more often than not, and there's an undeniable entertainment value to the whole production.

So, if you're in the mood for a nostalgic trip down memory lane, give True Lies another watch. Just be prepared to overlook a few rough edges along the way.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 5.0 Upscaled 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Moderate Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Moderate Encode: Good Master condition: Poor

AUDIO: 8.0 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Good Dynamics: Good Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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"It's not a tumour!"
28 April 2024
FILM: 7.5 I decided to revisit Kindergarten Cop, and it's still a barrel of laughs. This classic Schwarzenegger flick holds up surprisingly well.

First off, let's talk about the dynamic duo of Ivan Reitman and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Say what you will about Arnold's acting chops, but when he's paired with Reitman, magic happens. Reitman knows how to play to Arnold's strengths, and in Kindergarten Cop, those strengths are on full display.

But it's not just Arnold who shines in this film. The supporting cast is fantastic, with standout performances from the kids in the kindergarten class. Their comedic timing is spot on, and they bring a lot of heart to the movie.

Of course, it wouldn't be a Schwarzenegger film without some action, and Kindergarten Cop delivers in that department as well. From high-speed car chases to hilarious classroom antics, there's never a dull moment.

And let's not forget about the iconic one-liners. "It's not a tumour!" If that line doesn't bring a smile to your face, I don't know what will.

Overall, while Kindergarten Cop may not be a cinematic masterpiece, it's a fun and entertaining ride from start to finish. So, if you're in the mood for some classic Schwarzenegger comedy, grab some popcorn and settle in for a wild ride.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.0 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Good Encode: Good Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 7.5 DTS-HD MA 5.1 audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Good Surround sound presentation: Poor LFE content: Moderate

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Civil War (2024)
"I've never been so scared in my entire life. And I've never felt more alive."
28 April 2024
FILM: 7.0 I finally caught up with Civil War, and it's a film that's a bit hard to pin down. It's undoubtedly a mixed bag of sorts.

Let's start with the marketing. Honestly, it was a bit of a letdown. Promised as an epic action spectacle, Civil War falls more into the realm of a character-driven drama with political undertones. As a fan of Alex Garland's work, I wasn't remotely surprised, but I can see how some viewers might have been expecting something different.

That being said, the film does have its strengths. Garland's focus on a small group of photojournalists allows for some intense character development, and the performances across the board are solid. Kirsten Dunst shines as the seasoned photographer, bringing a steely determination to her role, while Cailee Spaeny impresses as the eager newbie.

But it's Jesse Plemons who steals the show with his brief but intense appearance. His scene is undoubtedly the most tense moment of the entire film, and he delivers it with aplomb.

As for the story itself, it's a thought-provoking exploration of political divides and the consequences of unchecked violence. While it occasionally veers into Hollywood territory, it still manages to resonate with the current state of the world.

Overall, while Civil War may not be what you expect, it's still a film worth watching for its strong performances and timely themes. If you're in the mood for something a bit different, give it a shot. You might just find yourself pleasantly surprised.

FORMAT: Cinema

VIDEO: 10.0 4K theatrical presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.5 Dolby Atmos theatrical audio Dialogue reproduction: Good Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Excellent

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"Perhaps the doubtful old maxim speaks true: All grand beauties withhold their deepest secrets."
21 April 2024
FILM: 7.0 The French Dispatch rustled up some mixed feelings in me. This Wes Anderson adventure is definitely an interesting, if occasionally frustrating film.

Let's start with the positives. Anderson is known for creating quirky and captivating characters, and The French Dispatch is no exception. From eccentric journalists to larger-than-life editors, the cast is full of memorable personalities that keep you engaged from start to finish. Performances are uniformly excellent, with each cast member bringing Anderson's unique characterisation to life.

Visually, the film is a treat. The juxtaposition of black and white flashbacks with bursts of colour in the present day scenes creates a dynamic visual style that's both unique and engaging. And of course, Anderson's signature whimsical touch is present throughout, adding a layer of charm to the proceedings.

However, where The French Dispatch falls short is in its storytelling approach. The film is divided into three vignettes, each focusing on a different aspect of journalism. While this allows for some interesting exploration of the subject matter, it also means that some characters and storylines feel underdeveloped. It's clear that Anderson is more interested in the minutiae of his world than in telling a cohesive narrative, and this can be frustrating at times. One wonders whether this story may have been better served by several films or a limited event series.

Overall, The French Dispatch is an intriguing film that's worth a watch for fans of Wes Anderson's unique style. While it may not be his strongest effort, it's still a visually stunning and thematically rich experience that's sure to leave you thinking. So, if you're in the mood for something a little offbeat, give it a shot. You might just find yourself charmed by its quirks.

FORMAT: Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.0 1080/24p streaming presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Good Encode: Good Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 8.5 DTS-HD MA 5.1 audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Good Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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Ripley (2024)
"You're free of me now, and I of you."
17 April 2024
SEASON: 8.0 I recently finished binge-watching the first season of Ripley, and it's a refreshing take on a classic character. In a world of reboots and remakes, it's nice to see something done differently and done well.

Based on Patricia Highsmith's novels, Ripley takes us on a twisted journey through the mind of a sociopathic conman. Andrew Scott is absolutely mesmerising in the title role. Sure, he may be playing the character at a much older age than in the source material, but he brings an oddly enticing complexity to the role that's downright captivating.

Steven Zaillian's writing and direction ensure a consistent tone throughout each episode, and the decision to present the series in black and white only adds to its allure. Some may find it controversial, but personally, I think it marries well with the period setting, giving the show a timeless quality.

Now, I'll admit, Ripley doesn't shy away from violence, so if you're squeamish, this may not be the show for you. And the pace? Well, let's just say it's extremely deliberate. Some may find it a bit glacial at times, but personally, I found it added to the tension and suspense.

Overall, Ripley is a compelling and stylish thriller that's sure to keep you hooked from start to finish. If you're a fan of dark, character-driven dramas, do yourself a favour and give it a watch. With stellar performances, gorgeous cinematography, and a gripping storyline, it's one ride you won't want to miss.

FORMAT: Streaming

VIDEO: 10.0 Native 2160/24p streaming presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 10.0 Dolby Atmos streaming audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Excellent

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Monkey Man (2024)
"You like John Wick? I have the same gun from the movie!"
13 April 2024
FILM: 7.5 Monkey Man is a wild ride through the streets of Mumbai. Dev Patel's career transformation is nothing short of impressive, and in his directorial debut, he proves he's not just a one-trick pony.

At its core, Monkey Man wants to be Mumbai's answer to John Wick, and you know what? It nails it. Instead of seeking revenge for a dead dog, Patel's character is out for blood after his mother's murder. But this film is more than just a simple revenge flick - it's a social commentary on a whole range of issues, from wealth disparity to human trafficking.

Now, trying to cover all these bases while still delivering pulse-pounding action is no easy feat, but Patel manages to pull it off. The action sequences are well choreographed, with plenty of thrills and spills to keep you on the edge of your seat. And let's not forget about the training montage - it's a thing of beauty.

What I really appreciate about Monkey Man is that Patel isn't afraid to show his character's vulnerabilities. Unlike some other action heroes, he's not invincible - he gets beaten up, he gets knocked down, and that just makes the stakes feel even higher. Patel's performance sells this vulnerability. To counter this, Sharlto Copley goes large, delivering a comicly grandiose performance as the owner of an illegal fight club.

Sure, the finale might be your standard action fare, but by that point, Patel's earned the right to go all out. Overall, Monkey Man is a promising start to Patel's directorial career, and I can't wait to see where he goes from here. If you're a fan of action-packed thrillers with a side of social commentary, do yourself a favour and give it a watch.

FORMAT: Cinema

VIDEO: 9.5 Native 4K theatrical presentation Detail level: Good Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Good Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.0 Dolby Atmos theatrical audio Dialogue reproduction: Good Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Good Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Excellent

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BlackBerry (2023)
"Why would anybody want a phone without a keyboard?"
12 April 2024
FILM: 8.0 BlackBerry is a refreshing take on the product-based biopic (buyopics?) genre. In an era where we've seen everything from Facebook to Tetris get the big screen treatment, this Canadian gem stands out from the pack.

Directed by Matt Johnson and starring Jay Baruchel, BlackBerry chronicles the rise and fall of Research In Motion, the company behind the iconic smartphone. It's a rollercoaster ride from start to finish.

Jay Baruchel and director Matt Johnson make a dynamic duo on screen, bringing to life the story of two friends who kickstarted the smartphone revolution. But it's Glenn Howerton who steals the show as the ruthless Jim Basillie, taking no prisoners as he drives the company to the top.

What sets BlackBerry apart from other product-based biopics is its energy and humour. Sure, there's drama aplenty, but there's also a healthy dose of dry wit that keeps things light and entertaining.

But what really sets this film apart is its willingness to explore the darker side of success. While it celebrates Research In Motion's meteoric rise, it also delves into their eventual downfall, serving as a cautionary tale on the perils of innovation without foresight.

Overall, BlackBerry is a compelling commentary on intelligence, innovation, and the harsh realities of the business world. It's a refreshing departure from the typical rags-to-riches narrative, offering a nuanced look at the highs and lows of corporate success. So, if you're in the mood for a biopic with a twist, give BlackBerry a shot.

FORMAT: Streaming

VIDEO: 9.0 1080/24p streaming presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Good Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.0 Dolby Digital 5.1 streaming audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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Scarface (1983)
"You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!"
11 April 2024
FILM: 8.5 I just revisited Scarface, and it's a wild ride from start to finish. Legendary director Brian De Palma and screenwriter Oliver Stone take us on a journey through the seedy underbelly of Miami, where drugs and violence reign supreme.

De Palma doesn't hold back when it comes to depicting the brutality of Tony Montana's world. Every gunshot, every explosion - it's all laid out in vivid detail, painting a gritty picture of a man consumed by ambition.

And speaking of Tony, Al Pacino is an absolute powerhouse in the role. He captures the essence of the character with such intensity that you can't help but be drawn into his world of excess and extravagance.

But let's not forget about the supporting cast - Michelle Pfeiffer and Steven Bauer deliver standout performances that elevate the film to another level. And Robert Loggia? Well, he's Robert Loggia - need I say more?

Sure, Scarface is gratuitous at times, but that's part of its charm. De Palma knows exactly how to push Pacino to the brink, resulting in a performance that's larger than life in all the right ways.

At nearly three hours long, Scarface is no quick watch, but trust me when I say it's worth every minute. It's a chaotic, compelling journey that grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go until the credits roll. So, if you're in the mood for a bit of epic gangster drama, look no further than Scarface.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.0 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Good Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.0 DTS-X audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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Carlito's Way (1993)
"Favour gonna kill you faster than a bullet."
9 April 2024
FILM: 8.0 Ten years after teaming up for Scarface, Pacino and De Palma prove once again why they're a force to be reckoned with in the crime drama genre.

This time around, Pacino's playing against type as Carlito Brigante, a former hood trying to leave his criminal past behind. Watching him navigate the treacherous streets of New York City is like watching a master at work.

But it's not just Pacino who shines in this flick - Sean Penn absolutely steals the show as the sleazy lawyer, Kleinfeld. It's some of Penn's best work to date, and definitely his most, shall we say, "out there" performance. He brings a level of intensity to the role that's downright mesmerising. Speaking of mesmerising... that hairstyle is a character of its own.

The chemistry between Pacino and Penn is electric, crackling with tension and betrayal at every turn. You can't help but be drawn into their complex relationship, wondering who will come out on top in the end.

And let's not forget about De Palma's direction. The man knows how to build suspense like nobody's business, and Carlito's Way is no exception. From the gritty streets of Harlem to the glitzy clubs of Miami, every frame is dripping with atmosphere.

Ita greatest weakness is the underdevelopment of a handful of supporting characters. For instance, the always dependable John Leguizamo impresses in a role that could have been much meatier. The same could be said for Luis Guzmán and Viggo Mortensen.

But overall, Carlito's Way is a gripping crime drama that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. So, if you're in the mood for a gritty, stylish flick with powerhouse performances, do yourself a favour and give it a watch.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 8.0 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Good Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Good Encode: Good Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 8.5 DTS-X audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Good Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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Wonka (2023)
"Every good thing in this world, started with a dream. So you hold on to yours."
4 April 2024
FILM: 7.0 It felt appropriate to sit down and watch a sweet treat on Easter Sunday. Hollywood loves a good revisit, and this time, it's Willy Wonka's turn under the spotlight. Serving as a prequel to the classic 1971 film, this one's not afraid to dip its toe into familiar waters, but it's also not married to recreating the exact same magic.

Now, let's address the Violet Beauregarde-sized elephant in the room: Tim Burton's 2005 version. Thankfully, Wonka steers clear of that mess, sparing us from any Depp-induced nightmares.

As someone who's not exactly a musical enthusiast, I'll admit, the film had its work cut out for it. And while Joby Talbot's score holds its own, Neil Hannon's original songs fall flat. They're like those chocolate flavours you leave at the bottom of the box - not exactly memorable.

Let's talk Chalamet. He gives it his best shot, but his Wonka feels a tad too safe. He's no Gene Wilder, that's for sure, and Wilder's iconic performance is near impossible to dismiss as a yardstick. While Chalamet won't ruffle any feathers, he also won't blow you away. He's... fine, and that seems to be the common thread running through the production.

But fear not, for there's a shining star amidst the rest of the cast. Hugh Grant steals the show with his portrayal of an Oompa Loompa on a quest for redemption. It's the kind of performance that makes you clear those forgettable songs from your mind as well as the slightly underwhelming general feel of the project.

Overall, Wonka is a mixed bag of candy - some hits, some misses. But if you're in the mood for a fantastical journey with a few bumps along the way, it's worth a watch. Just don't expect it to knock your socks off like finding a golden ticket might.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 10.0 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 10.0 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Excellent

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Silverado (1985)
"We're gonna give you a fair trial, followed by a first class hanging."
31 March 2024
FILM: 7.5 So, after 39 years of somehow missing it, I finally caught up on Silverado, and let me tell you, it was well worth the wait! Lawrence Kasdan, fresh from The Big Chill, reunites with Kevin Kline and a stellar ensemble for a rollicking western adventure that hits all the right notes.

From the get-go, you can tell this film means business. The sweeping landscapes, the dust-choked towns, it's like stepping back in time to the wild days of the Old West. And with Kasdan at the helm, you know you're in for a treat.

The cast is an absolute dream. Kline shines as the charismatic drifter, effortlessly commanding every scene he's in. And he's not alone - with names like Scott Glenn (a personal favourite), Danny Glover, Kevin Costner, and Rosanna Arquette rounding out the lineup, there's never a dull moment.

But it's not just the performances that stand out - the action sequences are a sight to behold. From gunfights in dusty streets to high-stakes showdowns, each moment is expertly crafted and keeps youe eyes glued to the screen.

And let's not forget about Bruce Broughton's score. As a fan of his work on Young Sherlock Holmes, I was thrilled to hear his music setting the mood for this epic tale. It's the perfect accompaniment to the sweeping vistas and pulse-pounding action.

Sure, there are a few cliches here and there, and the pacing can be a bit uneven at times, but overall, Silverado delivers exactly what it promises: a quintessential western adventure. If you're a fan of the genre or just in the mood for a good old-fashioned shootout, saddle up and give Silverado a spin - you won't be disappointed.

FORMAT: Blu-ray

VIDEO: 7.5 1080/24p presentation Detail level: Good Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Good Encode: Good Master condition: Good

AUDIO: 8.0 DTS-HD MA 5.1 audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Good Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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Young Guns (1988)
"In short, Sir; I surrender. Your obedient servant William H. Bonney. PS: I changed my mind. Kiss my @ss."
28 March 2024
FOLM: 7.0 I recently revisited Young Guns, and it's still a wild ride. Although it plays fast and loose with history, Young Guns packs a six shooter full of some hot and up and coming actors and blasts its way across the screen.

It's fun, the cast is likeable, there's plenty of action, and it's just the right amount of over the top craziness. Sure, it leans into cliches and the electronic rock score feels a bit dated, but when it comes to action-packed gunfights, Young Guns doesn't hold back.

It doesn't aim to be a historical epic, but that's okay because sometimes you just want a film that entertains without pretense.

The cast is top-notch, with standout performances from Terence Stamp and Jack Palance stealing the show. Stamp's portrayal of John Tunstall is particularly impressive.

Now, the ending is a bit over the top, I'll admit. It's downright ludicrous. But honestly, the rest of the film is too much fun to dwell on its flaws.

Overall, Young Guns may not be the most historically accurate or profound film out there, but it sure knows how to deliver a good time.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.0 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Good Encode: Good Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.0 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire Review
27 March 2024
FILM: 6.0 So, after finally catching Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, I can't help but feel a bit conflicted.

After reinvigorating the franchise with 2021's Ghostbusters: Afterlife, the studio is back for more, but it's like they're struggling to recapture lightning in a bottle. Despite the three-year wait, the final product falls short of its potential.

The film feels more like an extended episode of The Real Ghostbusters, with a "ghost of the week" storyline. It's not necessarily terrible, but it definitely lacks the grandeur of its predecessors.

Unfortunately, the heavy focus on family dynamics detracts from the overall fun. It's overstuffed with characters and plot threads, leaving some, like Finn Wolfhard's character, feeling sidelined.

While the kids' storylines fail to engage, Kumail Nanjiani shines as the skeptic with a dry wit, reminiscent of Venkman. Patton Oswalt's cameo is enjoyable, evoking strong feelings of Ray.

Thankfully, legacy cast members like Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson are used more organically this time, providing a nice sense of continuity.

Yet, the film suffers from overzealous editing, leaving out scenes from the trailers and rushing towards its conclusion. It's clear there's a disjointedness to the final product.

Ultimately, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire could have benefited from a tighter focus and better integration of its ensemble cast. While it has its moments, it falls short of being the slam dunk fans were hoping for. One wonders why they didn't make a film with Rudd, Coon, Nanjiani, and Oswalt as new Ghostbusters and leave the kids at the firehouse. There's a good team there desperately waiting to spring into action.

FORMAT: Cinema

VIDEO: 10.0 4K theatrical presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 10.0 Dolby Atmos theatrical audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Excellent

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21 March 2024
FILM: 7.5 On my recent rewatch of The Fifth Element, it's clear that Luc Besson took a delightful detour from his usual serious fare and dove headfirst into the wacky world of sci-fi - and boy, does it pay off. This film is a wild ride where nothing is off-limits, from overstated performances to cheesy dialogue and over-the-top visuals.

Bruce Willis may not be stretching his acting chops to the limit here, but it's evident that he's enjoying himself in the role. As the film's protagonist, he brings a sense of laid-back charm that fits perfectly with the absurdity of the plot.

Milla Jovovich shines in her challenging role as Leeloo, managing to convey the character's complexity without veering into annoyance territory. She brings a captivating energy to the screen that keeps you invested in her journey.

But the real scene-stealers are Gary Oldman and Chris Tucker, who fully embrace the film's over-the-top nature and deliver performances that are as entertaining as they are eccentric. Oldman's villainous Zorg and Tucker's flamboyant Ruby Rhod inject a healthy dose of charisma and comedy into the mix, making every scene they're in a joy to watch.

While The Fifth Element may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's undeniably a fun and visually stunning sci-fi romp that doesn't take itself too seriously. Sure, it has its flaws - the plot can be a bit convoluted at times, and some of the CGI hasn't aged well - but these minor quibbles are easily overlooked in the grand scheme of things.

Overall, The Fifth Element is a quirky and enjoyable film that's worth revisiting for its sheer entertainment value.

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.0 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Good Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.5 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Excellent LFE content: Excellent

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"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
19 March 2024
FILM: 8.5 Rewatching Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a rewarding journey, revisiting an all-time classic that has always held a special place as my favourite Hughes film. Matthew Broderick embodies the essence of Ferris Bueller with such finesse that the film simply wouldn't work without him. His charisma strikes the perfect balance, selling the character's arrogance and rebellious spirit effortlessly.

But what truly elevates the film is Broderick's chemistry with Alan Ruck's Cameron. Ruck's portrayal provides the perfect foil to Bueller, bouncing off his antics with impeccable timing and depth. Their dynamic is nothing short of exceptional.

While Mia Sara's performance as Sloane is somewhat less impressive, the ensemble cast of secondary characters, led by the comedic gold of Jeffrey Jones, adds another layer of brilliance to the film.

From the endlessly quotable dialogue to the iconic scenes like the parade, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is an absolute blast from start to finish. And let's not forget Ferris' exhilarating four-minute rush home at the film's climax - gloriously ridiculous and utterly enjoyable. Oooooh yeah.

However, my only gripe lies with the montages, which occasionally disrupt the film's flow. But overall, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a cinematic gem that is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend you revisit this timeless classic. It's fit for the Sausage King of Chicago!

FORMAT: 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.5 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Excellent Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 8.5 Dolby Atmos audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Good Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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"Bob, I want all my Garmonbozia."
16 March 2024
FILM: 7.5 Rewatching Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me is committing to revisiting a harrowing mind-bender of a film, plunging deep into the psychological torment endured by Laura Palmer throughout her tumultuous life. Sheryl Lee's portrayal is nothing short of selfless, as she throws herself wholeheartedly into the complex role, delivering a performance that resonates long after the credits roll.

David Lynch's influence extends beyond the screen, permeating the soundtrack with the most haunting and effective piece of music in the entire Twin Peaks universe. The eight-minute scene set to the track "The Pink Room" is a descent into madness that grips you from start to finish.

While Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me was initially met with rejection, it has rightfully undergone reevaluation over the years. The film's unflinching exploration of trauma and its impact on the human psyche has earned it a place among Lynch's most profound works.

Despite its divisive reception, there's no denying the film's raw emotional power and Lynch's unparalleled ability to create an atmosphere of unease and tension. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, for fans of Lynch's unique brand of storytelling, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me is an essential piece of the puzzle.

Overall, my rewatch of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me left me with a renewed appreciation for its daring narrative and bold exploration of dark themes. While it may not reach the heights of the original series, it stands as a compelling and thought-provoking companion piece.

FORMAT: Blu-ray

VIDEO: 7.0 Native 2160/24p presentation Detail level: Good Colour reproduction: Good Level accuracy: Good Encode: Good Master condition: Moderate

AUDIO: 8.5 DTS-HD MA 7.1 audio Dialogue reproduction: Good Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Good Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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