
149 Reviews
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Grown Ups 2 (2013)
Funny, Silly, Fun
27 October 2014
I almost didn't watch this one because of all the bad reviews. Grown Ups 2 is the best Adam Sandler comedy since a LONG time. Much better than the first Grown Ups. It's full of silliness and good fun. All the favourite cameos are the jokes are constant.

All the bad reviews are void to what these comedies represent; you have to be in that wavelength to enjoy the movie. Don#t bother if Adam Sandler annoys you, this movie is not for you.

So here's the deal; if you enjoy the old Adam Sandler movies, like the Waterboy, Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison, this is the 2013 equivalent. Go check it out, you won't regret it.
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Shame (2011)
Refreshing and engaging
25 January 2012
This is my latest review after a long time. 'Shame' moved me so much I just had to come back here and write about it.

I watched it last night. I am getting this very rare feeling of wanting to watch it again today.

'Shame' is about life in the big city. Ignore the superficial comments on sex addiction. It's about isolation from family ties, friends and even your own self.

The filming is just phenomenal. Nothing is redundant, every shot is substantial and necessary in the story.

A rare film, not appreciated by everyone. I saw a lot of couples leaving the theater, 15 minutes in. I wouldn't want to watch this movie on a first date.

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Taken (I) (2008)
Much better than you would expect it to be - Do not miss out
30 November 2008
It is unfortunate that 'Taken' is automatically regarded as clichéd by hearing its plot alone. In a nutshell, the daughter of an American secret agent is kidnapped and so he goes after her kidnappers. Sounds like a movie-made-for-TV doesn't it? Well it's not! The writing is excellent. Very tight, it gets to the point really quickly. It is obvious that they worked on the script a lot, to ensure that nothing boring or redundant is left inside. The rhythm of the plot picks up quickly and you don't want to stop watching.

The action scenes are filmed to perfection and they are all convincing and interesting. The European set gives a kind of exotic vibe, adding to the value of the movie.

Finally Liam Neeson is perfect for the role. You might think that someone like Bruce Willis might be more cut out for this, but Neeson proves he is an excellent actor and his performance is truly enjoyable.

Do not miss out on 'Taken'. It is one of the best of its kind.
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Best Rock'n'Roll movie since Spinal Tap
25 February 2007
I haven't written a review in a while, nothing was really inspiring enough the last year or so to get me to write. "Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny" changed that.

Jack Black has really become synonymous with respectful and passionate references to rock music. "School of Rock" was incredible, he gave an exciting performance about a rock musician trying to get a grasp with reality and then finding his way back into the world of Rock. In "Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny" a similar character starts on a journey to find his rock destiny.

The music is great, the story is interesting and funny and the performances are perfect. The cameo appearances are excellent too, especially by Tim Robbins and Ben Stiller.

This is a comedy about Rock but without making fun of it, the same way "Spinal Tap" was caring about its characters.

I really hope that they make a sequel, do not miss this movie if you're into rock music.
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The Omen (2006)
An exact replication of the original
16 June 2006
The movie is not bad. How can it be bad when they copied the original classic in its entirety. The death sequences are the same, the story is the same, in fact every little detail is replicated.

Well done. I think that the creators of the first Omen could sue. It's that ridiculous. I believe that Hollywood wanted to cash in the whole 6.6.06 idea and that was the best thing they could come up with. It proves for one more time that there is no integrity, no artistic value and no respect for anything in the movie business.

I felt embarrassed watching the new Omen. I felt that the world reached its artistic peak 20 years ago and all we can do now is start repeating everything.

It's sad...

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The Real 'Meet The Parents'
10 June 2006
When I heard about 'The Family Stone' I thought that the cast is to good for the movie to be bad. Fortunatelly I wasn't proved wrong.

The fact is that this movie is very well balanced, very well directed and very well acted. Sarah Jessica Parker plays perfectly the role of the uptight and embarrassed bride to be, that meets the family of her fiancé for the very first time. The family doesn't like her as she doesn't exactly fit the profile of their ideal bride.

The situations that the female protagonist is called to face are embarrassing and maybe even extreme, yet very realistic. And that is the success of the movie. It is happy, sad and engaging, in a way that feels real.

The rest of the cast helps very much in this direction. Especially Dermot Mulroney who gives another excellent performance as the groom to be and the parents played by Craig T. Nelson and Diane Keaton. Craig T. Nelson is phenomenal as the father and Diane Keaton is in one of the most memorable roles of her career.

I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't enjoy 'The Family Stone'. It doesn't sound like an original story, but it truly is unique in its qualities.
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16 Blocks (2006)
Best Police Drama Of The Decade
9 June 2006
Richard Donner is back with one of the best police dramas of all time.

Bruce Willis is back too, with the role of his career. Forget Willis's past. This is his magnum opus. He plays that character he's played so many times before only this time he knows what works and what doesn't. His performance alone is worth watching this movie. He plays the old washed-out, alcoholic cop that finds a chance to redeem himself and takes it. This is the equivalent of Clint Eastwood's role in 'The Unforgiven'.

Mos Def is excellent too. He shows real maturity and control over his performance. David Morse is the icing on the cake. He plays the villain you hate to love. His performance is worth an Oscar for supporting role.

The harmonious combination of all these elements is because of Richard Donner being behind the camera. Of course he has done the 'Lethal Weapon' series and with '16 Blocks' he gets the chance to show the dark side of police stories. The most important element in the movie is the sense of realistic intensity, projected by Willis' outstanding performance.

Seeing Steve Kahan in the movie made me feel warm inside. I wish Richard Donner would make films more often.
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Best of the three
28 May 2006
After the very good first movie and the completely forgettable sequel I wasn't expecting much from X-Men: The Last Stand. In fact I was just hoping to see some good action and visual effects. After the first few minutes I realised I was in for a surprise.

The story is very dark, sometimes quite close to a horror movie. What's cool about this movie is that it has a feel of a Twilight Zone episode. There is closure, maybe not what fans wanted, but it signifies the end of the series.

The visual effects are incredible, very organic looking. In fact you don't notice them, they're that good. I think they are the best visual effects to date. This may sound pompous but it is true. When I saw King Kong I could tell I was was watching animated graphics. In X-Men 3 the visual effects are integrated flawlessly into the real elements. Perfection.

Do not miss out on this movie. It is an exiting adventure, the best Marvel movie to date.
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Movie sequels should be against the law!
3 May 2006
All these movies ruined by god awful sequels: the Matrix, Back to the future, Jaws, Rocky, Rambo, Godfather, Conan and now Basic Instinct.

I know that studios want to make money, but it's time that artists should be able to protect their creations from the blood thirsty producers.

Basic Instinct 2 isn't even worth the download! I watched till about halfway when the guy was having sex with his girlfriend while thinking about Kathrine. Just like in the first movie, only now it's funny. Embarrassing, laugh out loud funny.

In fact the entire movie is an unintentional parody of the first Basic Instinct. And Sharon Stone is a little too old to play the sex goddess.

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Funny, Interesting, Original
30 April 2006
Finally an excellent movie that is ideal vehicle for Robert Downey Jr. Downey is a thief who is pretending to be an actor by accident. He finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation along with his high school dream girl and Kilmer who's been training him for his upcoming role. 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang' grabs you from the start, the story is funny and interesting, sometimes almost a parody of anything sappy in movies. Val Kilmer is exceptional, very funny, he demonstrates his comedic talent with ease. I think that anyone who enjoys original and interesting concepts in movies they are going to enjoy 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang'. Highly recommended, this movie is a breath of fresh air.

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Heartbreakers (2001)
An Excellent Comedy
16 April 2006
'Heartbreakers' is one of the greatest comedies of the last ten years. You can say that everything works great in the movie. The story is interesting, the laughs are plenty and the acting is top notch.

Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt play mother and daughter who con rich men into marrying them, to divorce them soon after for a hefty divorce settlement. For their last con they go to Palm Strings, where they are faced with their biggest challenge ever.

Gene Hackman is probably the funniest in the movie, playing a retired businessman fanatical with smoking. Ray Liotta is also extremely funny proving his unlimited talent in a role that is almost a parody of his mafia roles. Jason Lee is the weakest in the movie, not bad really, but rather uninteresting and not that funny.

'Heartbreakers' is a rare comedic gem. The story is interesting and funny and this is quite and achievement as the only comedies of the last years that were able to maintain that, were the first three Farelly movies.
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A Bloody Masterpiece!
19 March 2006
I am speechless. I just came back from the theatre, where I watched 'V for Vendetta'. There are three main elements in the movie and it excels on all three of them.

First off the dialogues and script. Intense, witty, honest but not patronising, intelligent but not pretentious. That's the first level at which the movie surprises you. You don't except such high level of script from an action movie. But it is slowly revealed to the audience that V for Vendetta is not just an action movie. The story is filled with current events and has a definite strong political sense.

Secondly Hugo Weaving's performance. It is definitely what grabs you from the start. He delivers some of the hardest lines with incredible charisma. His performance shines throughout the movie and honestly he sounds as good as any of the best actors out there. He should be nominated for an academy award.

Finally the visual part. Incredible, yet no "Matrix" effects used. Everything looks beautiful, dark yet vibrant. The cinematography is top notch. The final battle scene brought tears to my eyes.

Do not miss 'V for Vendetta'. It's one of the best movies of all time, an eternal classic.

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Elizabethtown (2005)
The best romantic comedy in years
22 December 2005
Elizabethtown is a lot better than I expected, a lot better than anyone expected I believe. It is the story of a man who looses everything all at once but then realises that you can appreciate life again by being with someone who understands you.

What is great about Cameron Crowe's work is that he includes little details that would seem redundant to other film makers and he omits excessive drama that other movies have. Elizabethtown feels real but also sort of a fairytale.

Orlando Bloom is fantastic and so is Kirsten Dunst who finally plays a role that is right for her.

If you are really young you won't appreciate this movie, but wait a few years and you'll see...
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Mr. Wrong (1996)
Definitely Not Bad
12 October 2005
The only reason I am voting for 10 for 'Mr. Wrong', is because it has such low rating. I don't think that it deserves such low rating, as there are some genuinely funny moments in the movie and I would recommend it to anyone for a viewing.

There's nothing really original going on, it's just that Bill Pullman is really funny as a crazy guy (the 'Hold The Line' scene is one of my favourites). Ellen DeGeneres is fantastic in my opinion, playing a really down to earth person and she is exceptionally funny.

The movie was made in '96, so maybe I am also nostalgic of that time...

Anyway rent it, you won't regret it.
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Lucas and ILM finally redeem themselves!
23 May 2005
First off let me say that 'Episode III' features the greatest visual effects on film ever. No other movie has included computer animation at such scale that blends flawlessly with the real action. After visual effects disasters like the 'Mummy II' ILM proves that they are still the best.

As far as the story and script goes, Lucas learned from his past mistakes and listened to his fans' prayers. 'Episode III' is fast, dark and the dialogues although not perfect they are not bad.

Hayden Christensen worked hard and it really paid off. His performance is convincing and passionate. Ewan is great as always and provides the illusion that he was the young Alec Guinness.

'Episode II' is the best of all the new Star Wars movies and is better than 'Revenge of the Jedi'. What more can you ask for?
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
8 February 2005
They could take any Spider-Man issue from the early to mid 80s (the best Spider-Man period in my opinion) and produce one of the best super hero movies ever. But for both Spider-Man movies they decided to recreate the early Spider-Man comics.

Bad decision as the movie is boring and predictable. The graphics are not as bad as those on the original Spider-Man movie but they still look fake.

When Sam Raimi did 'A Simple Plan' I thought that he would become the next Joel Coen or even the next James Cameron. Well, he proved me wrong with Spider-Man.

Please stop threatening with a third movie.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
The Director's Cut ruined it for everyone!
31 January 2005
We all know how great the original 'Donnie Darko' is, so I won't bother talking about that at all.

When I heard that the Director's Cut was out, I thought "yeah, more character exploration, maybe an extra scene here and there", you know the usual.

When I saw it though, I discovered that the new version included "more information". It did something that it should never have done. It explained stuff. Things that made the movie what it is, that created the myth of Donnie Darko are all gone. And done badly too.

Visions of the time travel mechanics, the handbook of time travel and other things that were added, made the movie seem like an okay episode of the Twlight Zone.

I am sorry but after watching the Director's Cut the movie was ruined for me. Do yourself a favour and stay away from this abomination.

Director's Cut 5/10 Original Version 9/10
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Secret Window (2004)
Seems unfinished, although story is captivating
29 December 2004
In Secret Window (2004) Johnny Depp plays a famous writer that is being threatened by a stranger, who believes that his story was stolen by Depp's character.

The movie is creepy and captivating, especially in the first half. But when the climax is approaching things start to break up. Little details or hints given in the story are never used and the big secret behind 'Secret Window', is merely a simplistic twist.

The whole story seems quite promising but it ultimately becomes nothing more than a plain 'okay' movie. An episode of 'Twilight Zone' if you will.
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
Could be better
9 August 2004
It all sounds great. Elvis is still alive, in his seventies; he swapped lives with an Elvis impersonator and when that guy died of a heart attack, the real Elvis was trapped in someone else's identity. Couldn't imagine a better concept for bringing back the King.

Unfortunately there are extra elements added to the script, that needed more work for the final product to be 100% solid. Namely JFK and The Mummy.

Bruce Campbell's performance is excellent, it might remind you of Johnny Depp in 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'. The direction is good for a low budget film, but it's a real shame that they didn't explore all these ideas more, to create a stunning story.

It's not bad, but nothing spectacular (in terms of storytelling).
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WarGames (1983)
Still fun in an 80's nostalgic way
23 July 2004
'WarGames' worked out fine because of the good production, the smart script and the good performances. It's a classic now, probably earned a B movie status too with all the cold war references and the technological inaccuracies.

Still it's a fast paced adventure with a nice anti-war ending. Mathew Broderick is really good, probably in the most successful role of his career. Another important element is the orchestra soundtrack that gives the movie some extra value.

It is a great accomplishment that a hi-tech movie released more than twenty years ago is still enjoyable.

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Van Helsing (2004)
Stephen Sommers Stop Threatening With Another Movie
12 May 2004
Whoever pays the Sommers budgets is definitely even a bigger idiot than Sommers himself. The director who wants to become the new Spielberg and makes not-scary horror movies with Saturday-morning-cartoons effects must stop. I mean enough is enough.

They couldn't even make the theatrical trailer look good. Someone should explain to Sommers that computer technology has not yet come to the point where it can produce a whole movie of cgi. By the way, someone should explain that to George Lucas as well.

Stephen Sommers should check out 'Underworld' to find out how men in suits, still look a lot better than cgi. You know, make-up has improved a lot over the years too. We are at the point where we have to combine techniques to create realistic effects.


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A Breath of Fresh Air in Sci-Fi
12 May 2004
George Lucas has ripped off the entire air-traffic sequence from 'the Fifth Element' and this says a lot. You can see parts of that same sequence is Spielberg's 'Minority Report' as well. In fact James Cameron's Digital Domain has created a work that stands the test of time and looks 100% real, while ILM's work on a lot more recent projects looks completely fake.

This movie is all about aesthetics. Although the story is interesting, you can ignore the dialog and still have fun. It's a cross between Star Gate, Blade Runner and Star Wars.

Together with 'Starship Troopers', the Fifth Element is the best Sci-Fi movie of the 90s.

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Simply Flawless
11 May 2004
'Play It to the Bone' is underrated and definitely underseen. It's just fun to watch. In fact this movie is perfect. The cast, the acting, the direction, the story, are all perfect.

You see, nowadays we are used to these super-productions with uncontrollable budgets, that they are ultimately nothing too special. To me 'Play It to the Bone' is a work of art a lot more important than 'Phantom Menace' or 'Lord of the Rings-whichever part'.

Furthermore 'Play It to the Bone' is actually one of the best boxing movies. And the celebrity cameos are nice.

This movie has got humor, suspense, a solid story and substance. I have seen it many times occasionally on TV and it still feels fresh every time I watch it.

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Red Dragon (2002)
The perfect sequel
23 April 2004
'Silence of the lambs' was clever and suspenseful, but not particularly scary. The second movie was definitely worst. Apart from Ridley Scott's excellent work, Hannibal Lector had become a caricature of the character of the first movie and J.D. Foster was replaced. It was almost a parody.

'Red Dragon' on the other hand is so good, one might proclaim that it is even better than the original. Of course this would be an exaggeration but there are so many good things one can say about 'Red Dragon' that comparison with 'Silence of the Lambs' is inevitable.

First of all the clever script. This is a prequel so the writer used this element, to create a movie very similar to the original but also completely new. James Cameron says that a successful sequel has to be just like the first movie, but different.

The other strong element here is the ensemble cast. It's really impressive, just take a look at the credits.

Another strong element compared to the previous movies, is that 'Red Dragon' is really sick. Excellent acting makes this one really get to you. It is probably scarier too.

'Red Dragon' is a real treat. You really shouldn't ignore it.

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WiseGirls (2002)
21 April 2004
To be completely honest, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this movie. In fact everything is perfect. I have no idea why 'Wisegirls' has such low imdb rating.

The story is about a girl played by Mira Sorvino who starts working as a waitress in a restaurant run by Mafia. It starts as a drama but ends up in suspense.

Mira Sorvino played the role perfectly. Maria Carey and Melora Walters were great too. And the rest of the cast did their job flawlessly.

'Wisegirls' is a feel good movie that everyone should see. You won't regret it, guaranteed.

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