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Ad Astra (2019)
better as a sci-fi romp than a sci fi art film
14 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First off, Brad Pitt is ill-suited for the role. This movie consists of about 40% extreme close-ups of his character. And all I could see was a handsome 55-year-old trying to look 35. That does not equal a 45 year old (which is about what the character's age is supposed to be). He's supposed to be an astronaut who buries himself in his job, but he looks like an older guy absolutely obsessed with his appearance. There are more physically-appropriate actors out there. Brad's entering a Real Housewives phase in his appearance - he may want to lay-off the botox and hair dye for awhile.

The movie itself is slow, moody art-house sci-fi, like Solaris and others. It's just not deep enough for that. It does however, move along at a decent clip, and never feels boring despite its pace. Probably because it's action scenes are well-executed.

In the end however, it's not only kind of shallow, it's kind of dumb. The space antenna is dumb (satellites work just fine for this stuff). There is earth-like gravity on the moon and mars. you don't report panicky pilots who nearly crash a rocket because..., you park your rocket miles away from the space station instead of just going under the rings. you don't face consequences for disobeying orders, killing three astronauts, because you completed a mission they would have probably completed themselves just fine. you allow yourself to get surprised and killed by a psycho baboon. you hire live tyler to do nothing.

like I said, it's actually ok as a mediocre Sunday Afternoon space movie, but it thinks it's smart and it's so not.
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sick exploitation flick masked as a dark thriller with "ideas"
12 January 2013
This film has three goals. In order of effort applied: (1) to present an unrivaled amount of on-screen graphic sexual violence (2) to make some sort of statement about being Serbian in the twenty first century, and (3) to be a dark thriller. Having now suffered through this, I am going to guess that goals 2 and 3 were in place only to appeal to investors to get a decent budget towards their only real goal (1).

As a desensitized horror movie enthusiast, I wasn't aghast at what I saw. It's a movie. It's fake. Make believe. And to be honest, the explicitness of it only emphasized the artifice. It would have been much more effective at making viewers uncomfortable if it had used style and suggestion, rather than graphic closeups, prosthetics and imposing musical cues.

It also fails at Extreme Shock Cinema by being generally boring. Fans of shock cinema will likely FF their way to the three or four setpieces, say "Oh no they didn't!" then move on.

So, maybe they reached their primary goal of achieving notoriety, but failed in any attempt to make dark thriller with actual ideas, and also failed at making a Shocker worth rewatching. I shouldn't fault them, because I probably wouldn't have had any interested in a mediocre two-star thriller, verses a mediocre two-star thriller with unheard of levels of on-screen depravity. Point filmmakers.
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The Awakening (V) (2010)
Don't bother
6 October 2011
I feel bad slagging this film. It's like badmouthing a grammar school play. This is not a real movie. It's cheap digital video with poor production values and sub-sub-par acting. Somehow this is appearing as a recommended film on netflix. And it has a 4+ star review rating there. It is artificially inflated. I warn you not to bother. Not because it's terrible, but because it's not a movie. It's someone's goofy little project.

As I said, I feel bad slagging it. But I chose to do so because I felt cheated by Netflix for recommending this to me. One might come to the conclusion that there is "fishy business" going on in the over-inflated review scores on netflix.

It's not a bad movie, in fact, it's not a movie at all. Don't bother.

And one more time - don't bother
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Insidious (I) (2010)
6-8 quality scares
31 July 2011
You want to know what's scary? Unexpectedly seeing a really scary face, and at the same time hearing a really loud musical cue. I'm being dead serious - it's jarring as heck. The makers of "Insidious" have taken this simple premise and crafted an entire film around it. Not only do they understand the formula (scary face + loud music cue = fright), they understand how to space these jolts out over a 90 minute film so that the effect doesn't diminish. They have done this, and only this.

It is enough for a 6 out of 10, because so few movies know how to actually scare you. But don't kid yourself into thinking it makes it a great, or even a good film. Without those jolts, what's left is a genuinely silly film, with an overwrought score, unlikeable leads, and some highly sad effects (ie smoke machines).
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Unknown (I) (2011)
"What is known can become un-known" Friedrich Nietzsche
31 July 2011
(I made up the above quote by the way)

This is a preposterous movie and I have never seen one more-so. It is that way by design, with the sole purpose to exasperate the viewer for much of its run-time, then wipe the confusion and anger away with late reveal. And upon learning the "twist", the viewer is supposed to feel the relief of understanding.

All well and good, but if you view the film a second time, in full knowledge of the twist, you will still be shocked at the series of outrageous events and strange coincidences that drive the premise.

I just can't abide a movie, based nominally in the "real world", that requires so much suspension of disbelief. I will close this mini-review with the most minor example: Liam Neeson explains to a scientist (paraphrasing from memory), "When I was 10 years, I told my father I wanted to be a botanist." That is not an example of a plot hole, because it inconsequential to the plot. But it is the least plausible sentence ever uttered on film.
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Catacombs (2007)
Kind of horrendous
4 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There needs to be a moratorium on American horror movies being made in Europe. I love European horror movies - they're really kicking our butts right now with that stuff. But American movies, made over there? ugh. What ends up happening is almost all secondary roles are filled by random Euro actors, speaking English with weird Euro accents. This movie may be the worst example of this - but also check out the Blade and Underworld series for examples of what I call Over-Eurofication. Nothing against our brothers and sisters overseas, though.

Also, don't bother making a horror movie without attempting to make a likable lead. Filmmakers, it's hard to empathize with pretty little petite women. Men resent them for not going out with us, and women dislike them because they are so outrageously skinny. Instead, how about an attractive, but more normal sized man or woman? The Hostel movies make a similar mistake by forcing us to root for a bunch of frat Boy-types - and no one, but no one, likes them. The reason Judd Apatow movies do well, and the only reason, is that people generally like shlubby, decent guys. They are nonthreatening, so we are not threatened. Keep it in mind.

Another thing, don't attempt a full-length movie with 2 pages of script, unless you're some kind of genius artiste. This movie had a 10 minute setup, the obligatory 5 minute goth rave (see blade et al), and then 70 minutes of a tunnel chase. I've seen it before: it's called Quake, and it's better with rocket launchers.

And the twist ending? OMG (and I am loathe to use that term). The whole point of the movie is a prank? The payoff after the twist is somewhat satisfying, watching the pixie-ish heroine lay waste to her annoying b***h sister and her euro-trash minions.

And Pink? Girl actually can act - and is perfect as the Worst Woman in the World - she can sing too! Though it's not my kind of music. This is not my kind of movie.
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Dogville (2003)
This is what Europe thinks of the US?
25 October 2004
Questions for Mr von Trier? Are we, the people of the United States, xenophobic, mobbish, and brutal - like the inhabitants of Dogville? Do we present one face, then reveal a ghastly other. Do we behave abhorrently in the face of fear? Do we build cases for punishment based on manufactured evidence? Is America Dogville? And Americans, dogs?

Mr. von Trier may think so. And he also thinks we should get ours in the end. That is if you choose to view Dogville as an allegory to American arrogance. Which, maybe it is, and maybe it isn't. It certainly isn't realistic as a straight fable. At least in its final half.

Anyhow, in spite of its heavy-handedness (if he's bashing the US), or wrong-headedness (if he's telling a straight tale), it's still a cool movie, with more in common with "Death Wish III" than "Cold Mountain."
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Critical Group Think
5 August 2004
(this refers to the director's cut DVD, which has a different ending)

I am amazed by the group-think often displayed by major film critics. Mediocre, boring films get universally praised, and some tight little gems get universally panned. "The Butterfly Effect" is an example of the latter. Here are some common complaints of the film according to the critics.

  • Ashton Kutcher was horrible. ***I think he did a fine job. His style is very natural and believable. And it fit the role pretty well. He is genuinely likable too, which is a plus in a grim film as this. Sure he's no Olivier, but it works.

  • The film is too downbeat. ***That's the idea. The critics seem to forget however, that it was not gratuitous, even though its 'R' rating would have allowed for much more graphic imagery. It's a grim film by design, and its tone is consistent.

  • The plot is outrageous. ***Sure, it's not the least bit believable. But is "The Return of the King" believable? "Butterfly" is a Supernatural Thriller. It's fantasy world with its own unique rules: 1) Evan could return to a previously blacked-out event if he read the corresponding journal entry and concentrated really hard. 2) Upon entry to the past, he maintained his adult persona, and had full control of his previous self. 3) Whatever changes he made only seemed to effect himself, three childhood friends, and his mom.

Within those rules, the film is amazingly consistent. If you piece together Evan's "Quantum Leaps" with its alternate present, you will notice startling fidelity to the rules. Certainly more than other "changing the past affects present" films like the Back to the Future series.

This could have been a nice little money-maker that encouraged courageous story-telling. But the critical panning killed its chances.
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too many plot holes
28 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
===Contains Spoilers== I have always enjoyed the con-man genre, my personal favorite being "House of Games". As I began watching this I was quite taken with it. Then it struck me, bam! For me it happened right when he was giving his "daughter" access to his fortune. "Oh," I thought to myself, "This is a con-the-con-man movie!" Eh. I was hoping and praying that they would do something interesting with it. Or at least make it believable. It wasn't. In order for the con of Nick Cage to work, all of the following conditions had to be met:

1) Mr. Cage could never call his ex-wife

2) Mr Cage had to ask the fake doctor to call his ex-wife for him.

3) Cage would entrust is fortune to his "daughter" so quickly

4) Mr Cage would give the secret code to his fake doctor.

5) Cage, a master con artist, could never suspect anything fishy.

That's a lot of pieces to fall into place for a con. I would have just staged a phony kidnapping of the girl after it appeared he cared for her.

The worst, though, was the feel-good ending completely tacked on.
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not terribly funny, but oddly realistic
25 June 2003
I really admired this movie for being a fairly apt take on alcoholism. In terms of pain and damage. They could have easily made Shakes a comical drunk, ala Arthur or some kind of wacky party animal, like Belushi in Animal House. Instead, Shakes the Clown is a seriously troubled individual. It's also realistic in that he hangs out with a bunch of alcoholics, who have just a little more control over their habit.

The jokes hit at about a 15% clip, but I thought the guy who played Binky was wonderfully cast. It's not a great movie, or even a good one -- I guess I was just surprised by the honesty in its portrayal of alcoholism.

And I'm not sure I needed to see Aunt Esther talk about her privates in such detail!
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Akira (1988)
Should have been tightened up at the end
21 August 2001
A great film that could have been among the best films ever made, Akira is hampered by it's drawn-out conclusion. Both beautiful to look at and listen to (referring to the new sound dub on the Pioneer DVD), Akira also engages the mind and emotions. Then its climax goes on for about 17 minutes, boring and confusing the audience. For an hour and a half, I was spellbound, but the draggy climax turned me off. And the very very end is one big "HUH??!!". But maybe I'm just too stupid to get it.

Some points: The Pioneer DVD doesn't appear to be a new cut. The American voice actors on the new dub are good but not great. The sound however is phenomenal. And music is far better than the usual edgy-cartoon-heavy-metal associated with the genre. Also someone commented that you need to watch the subtitled version in order to see the movie as the makers intended. Hogwash I say! The makers of the film intended for you to watch the film, not read it. The Japanese version is dubbed too ya know (since cartoons can't talk yet). I have no problem watching cartoons dubbed. And this is a strong dub. I flipped to the Japanese soundtrack and subtitles and found myself reading the confusing dialogue and missing out on the spectacle. it's a matter of preference. Some folks are purists I suppose.

Last point, the book is always better than the movie, except for "Jaws". It goes without saying that a book/manga can go into more plot detail and character development than a 2 hour film. That said, I found lots of places they should have actually reduced the plot of the 2000 page manga even further, to be more appropriate to a 2 hour film. Such as: "TIGHTEN UP THE ENDING!"

I'm done - thanks (8/10 - the first 3/4 is that incredible)
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Wild at Heart (1990)
smoke and mirrors
30 November 2000
My first experience with this film was when a roommate rented it. I didn't watch it with him and his friends. The next day, he came into my room and said, "You have to check out this scene. It's so cool." He then proceeded to show me the opening sequence from the film. I sat and watched horrified as Nick Cage bashed a black man's skull (in full detail) to a grinding death-metal beat. Cool? Did I not get it? This was the most dismal thing I've ever witnessed on film. Watch the black man get his brains bashed in -- this is "cool"? I let my roommate have it. "You are sick!" I exclaimed. He responded, "No, check out the look he gives the woman. With the cigarette and all, that's what's so cool." I felt that the filmaker was playing the old artsy-violence trick on me. It obviously worked on my roommate. but I wasn't buying into it. Later that day I decided to watch the whole film. I enjoyed it to some extent. But part of me still felt like I was being tricked into thinking it was great by all the excess.

I enjoy excess as much as the next guy. For example, one of my favorite films is "Total Recall" - a classic example of violent excess. But that film isn't bathed in wink-wink cleverness & let's-laugh-at-the-white-trash, like Wild at Heart. Whatever, I didn't like it.
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What's not to love
13 November 2000
This stuff is classic. Pretty good plots. Nice little performances. You had Mr. Down-to-earth 20th century macho man Buck (complete with 70's dry-look over-the-ears hair) & straight-laced, but sexy fighter-pilot Wilma, and comic-relief, lusty little robot Twiki. And a talking necklace and boring old man, both named "Doctor".

Every week you could count on intrigue, double crosses, and buck knocking out 25 armed henchman, using his patented "Buck Fu" technique. And near the end, Twiki would say something like, "BDBDBDBDBDBD, Buck rocks me like a hurricaine."

This stuff is infinitely more amusing and entertaining that much of the sullen, sensitive and overly technical tv sci-fi of today.

It's a simple formula that works. action action action, tight shiny space outfits (on men & women) and a few lame jokes.
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Not better than "Private Ryan"
9 September 2000
Here you have a WWII film from the old guard. Probably the last film of its kind. The "PG" rated war film. It rides a great performance from Lee Marvin and nice soundtrack into the plus territory but overall it's a bit hollow.

It bounces from one set piece to another without a unifying theme except for, "It's in WWII." It employs the usual war film cliches, the ethnic slurs towards an Italian GI, the bloodless combat, the sharp-shooter who develops a conscience, the drunken party with French girls, the orphan boy.

The war scenes are low-budget and unrealistic. They don't look filmed like a war vet, rather a war films vet. Not that I'm a vet and know better, but some of the stuff was pretty unbelievable- particularly the Germans playing dead and the asylum scene. Many of the battle scenes show lots of smoke and gunfire (but little blood and no body parts), then fade into a shot of the 5 leads sitting by a tree victorious. huh?

I'm frankly amazed by all the folks here who say it's better than "Saving Private Ryan." The only way it's better is that it's war film the whole family can enjoy.
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bad movie made good by one great fight
28 June 2000
This film is extremely overrated, convoluted and poorly edited. It often appears that 3 or more movies are happening at the same time. More than once, you'll ask yourself "Who's this guy?" or "I thought he was a good guy." It doesn't help that many of the characters look and dress identically. It only begins to make any sense about 3/4 of the way in.

That said, there is some fantastic fight scenes. Jet Li is quite an acrobat. The scene with the ladders is worth sitting through this confusing silliness.

Also, Americans are portrayed as ridiculously trigger happy and irredeemably evil (except for one priest). But our movies have featured plenty of shaky depictions of other cultures so it's more like payback than a real insult.

There are many better movies of this type out there, but not many scenes better than the ladder scene.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
why wasn't this scary?
26 June 2000
Tim Burton should have watched Halloween and Jaws 50 times each before attempting to make this "horror" movie. He has made more mediocre movies with strong visual style, than great films. "Ed Wood" was his simplest visually and best overall film. He's been on a slump since then, with the awful "Mars Attacks" and the mediocre-but-could-have-been-great "Sleepy Hollow". Too bad really.

He fell into the CGI trap. "Look what we can do! IT really looks someone's head is being lopped off! And the setting is so-o-o misty and moody! And look at the costumes and set design - it's a visual feast!" great. But it's not scary. Not at all.

This movie really fell apart for me near the end, when it launched into the horribly cliched dastardly-villain-explains-the-plot bit (and I would have gotten away with it to if it weren't for you meddling kids). Good films don't resort to this hackneyed device.
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One of many reasons to hate "Who wants to be a Millionaire?"
23 June 2000
I rented this on DVD. This cut the airtime from a week and two days at a total of ten hours to three nights at about 7.5 hours. Big difference. My wife and I were enchanted by this program for all the reasons stated by others. The sad thing is that there will not be a sequel nor will there be anything like this on the air on "regular" TV for some time. Why?

The nation's inexplicable obsession with "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?". A stupid game show. A simple-minded pop culture trivia quiz show is why ambitious well-produced programs like 10th Kingdom will never be seen again (for the record, it went head to head with 'Millionaire' on a couple of nights and didn't survive.)**

Also for the record, I tried to watch WWTBAM once to see what the hubbub was all about. let's say I was not impressed. A game show is a game show - even with fancy production values.

Also a million bucks ain't what it used to be. They should offer like 10 mil or more. that would be interesting.

Cast your vote for quality and buy the "10th Kingdom" DVD. It's well worth it!
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shut off the subtitles when they show the cops
1 March 2000
I rented this film thinking I would be shocked out of my britches. And it is true that it's a very brutal and bloody film. It's also true that it contains the very taboo scenes of child-icide (made up word). The flipside is that it spends a lot of time with a group of foolish police officers. They're supposed to be "characters" but they're all very annoying. Their treatment of a female co-officer (another made-up word) is almost as shocking to contemporary audiences as the onscreen carnage. And their idea of clever police work involves beating and torturing the suspect for days at a time.

I really wanted to be moved by this movie but was too distracted by the cops. Their antics were supposed to be funny, and maybe they were to an early 90's Asian audience. Most Americans will find this near-criminal level of sexual harassment annoying at best.

With no one left to root for, this movie only works on a purely exploitative level, and is probably as raw an example of this as you're likely to find. But I have somewhat outgrown pure gore films, and was hoping this film disturb me on a different level.

It didn't. Maybe if it spent less time with the ultra-annoying cops, or at least presented one sympathetic cop, I would be able to recommend this film. As it stands, I think this film's appeal is for the folks that think "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" didn't show enough.
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The Haunting (1999)
Give it a rental and chat through it
25 February 2000

  • Awesome, incredible sets

  • Catherine Z-J is so physically striking, she lights up every scene she's in despite her leaden dialogue and delivery. It would have been nice if they let her attraction to Lili's character play out longer.

  • Lili Taylor is great, again despite the script


  • Not that scary (save a couple of cheap jump-scares)

  • Very poor pacing

  • Stupifying plot

  • Huge holes in said plot

  • CGI effects aren't scary, look like Casper movie effects

  • Just not a well made movie - kind of all over the place

Final Judgement:

  • In other words, a two star film (CZJ & the sets save it from utter oblivion)

Thanks and good bye
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Halloween (1978)
some thoughts on the H movie
3 February 2000
This is an excellent scary movie. Those few folks who haven't seen it may have a couple of problems. They must remember that this is the first true slasher film. It created all the clichés so it can be forgiven for its miscues.

For example on more than one occasion, Jamie Lee Curtis' character wounds the killer and instead of running from the house, she drops her weapon and curls up into a ball a few feet from the stunned attacker. This creates great tension but is fairly asinine.

Also there is a singularly gratuitous nude scene (oops I spilled butter on my clothes, I better strip to my panties this instant).

All in all, this is a film oozing with classic scares in a genre gone horror-comedy. It should be a reminder that gore has nothing to do with scares.
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long, but satisfying, especially without commercials
7 December 1999
I really liked this mini-series, which I watched it on DVD. Actually here's some advice, never watch these "event" miniseries during their sweeps broadcast period. They're about 1/3 commercials. Yuck. Usually they're on video and now DVD within a few short months after their broadcast. With the DVD, not only do you lose the interminable commercials and the need to wait 22 hours between segments but in this case you get an amusing and enlightening recorded commentary by King himself (which is a great way to watch the film a second time). Not to mention the dramatic increase in picture and sound clarity that DVD offers. The flip side is that if everyone waits for the DVD, the ratings will be lousy and they'll stop making these enjoyable "event" mini-series, like this, the Stand, or Merlin.

This is great story, with stand-out acting by Tim Daly and Colm Feore and one of two others (there are of course the annoying over-actors and some really awful fake Maine accents). The storm effects are top notch. Most importantly, the bad guy is extremely well played. Colm Feore is super creepy as one of those Mr. Cool bad guys, the kind who's always dead calm, except during his way-too-many gratuitous fang/hiss shots. The ending is perfect and very satisfying to horror fans. Totally against formula, which I love.

However, at a little over four hours long, this film drags quite a bit. The Stand needed 6 hours to tell it's complicated and epic story. This story is strikingly uncomplicated and takes place over 3 nights. Some think it should have been two hours. I vote for a two night miniseries with a 3 hour total running time. There is a definite half time point. And this is enjoyable enough to make you want it to last. They could have cut 2 hours of identical snow footage and still had a 1/2 hour of snow footage.

That said, it's still of high quality and I think I may buy my sister the DVD. Enjoy
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severe logic problems dampen otherwise fine shocker
3 December 1999
Warning: Spoilers
*** I'm sad to say The Blair Witch Project did not scare me at all. And I really wanted to be scared too. Part of the problem for me was that I couldn't get past a couple of very basic errors in the film. If I did, I too could have been dragged into their world and had the bejeezus scared out of me like so many others. Don't get me wrong, this is a very unique and effective film. There is strong work by the actors, with only occasional groan-inducing over-acting. And the pacing, setting, and art direction were more than adequate. I just had some major problems getting "into" the film because of a couple of huge logic problems I'll describe below (may be considered very slight spoilers).

For one, it just seemed impossible to get that lost in the woods (in MD anyway). To walk for days and days without seeing train tracks or an old road or a fence (of a farm or something). It is hinted that supernatural forces are keeping them in the woods. They even had a couple of "How to survive in the woods" books. Surely they would say to follow one those streams, or climb a tree on the top of the hill. Not much of a film if they got un-lost maybe, but technically they walked about 40 hours and found nothing??!! maybe in Alaska or Wyoming, but certainly not 60 miles outside DC. I think a bit more creativity on the writing staff was warranted. A slight injury to one of the party, or cut the adventure back a day or two. I've been lost in the woods - you walk till you hit the water then you follow the shore. you don't criss cross it a billion times like an idiot.

Also, the constant filming. They made attempts to explain why ( "It's all I have left." - apparently her will to film was stronger than her will to survive - quite a feat indeed). They filmed even when running for their lives. Again, without the constant filming you get no story, but maybe there was another way out.

So there you have it: I'm one of those people who has a bit more trouble suspending disbelief than others. So if you can suspend your disbelief, say goodbye to bejeezus, because it's going to be scared out of ya. But if you're like me, it'll be an interesting and unique film, not without merit, but without scares.
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great beginning, but. . .
29 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie quite a bit for a little over an hour. And along came the "twist". I knew it was coming and had a good idea what it was, but when it came my heart sank. It just all seemed wrong. Forced, too obvious. They had been cultivating a mood rather successfully for the previous hour and POOF - gone in a bunch of silly virtual cliches.


The biggest problem for me: The if-you-die-in-the-simulation-the-simulated-person-takes-over-for-you twist. If I programmed the simulation I'd have squashed that bug before letting people use it. And why would that same rule apply to the simulation-within-a-simulation.

I'm glad it's not true with Nintendo, because if while playing Mario, he fell into a lava pit. I would be Mario and not myself. hmmm. Makes you think. not really. two stars (four star beginning no-star ending)
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The Birds (1963)
He's done better
27 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I think Mr. Hitchcock concentrated a bit too much on his experiments and too little on actual scares. The choice to have no musical score was daring, but the inclusion of subtle musical cues would have only benefited the often flat suspense scenes. The choice to have the movie end before real resolution did not I feel have the desired effect. I understand what he was trying to do, but it felt more like they ran out of money or time and said, "Why don't we just end it here." And the other guy says, "Works for me. Bye."

The other really annoying thing is that Tippi Hedron's character behaves in such an incredibly foolish manner near the end of the movie (spoilers until the end of this paragraph). A. Why did she refuse to wake up Mitch, who'd been the absolute hero of the whole scenario and saved her butt a couple of times already, before going up the stairs. B. Is her reaction upon seeing the birds in the attic realistic? She manages to lock ***herself*** in the room with the birds. Pretty lame. You can't chalk it up to shock because she'd been attacked by birds about 7 times that day already. She should have been bird-savvy by then. C. It's impossible to believe she had no chance to open the door behind her. Impossible. One more thing. D. I would have left that wacky maniac-bird infested town long before they went back to the house. And E. Why did so many people consciously choose to go outside when the birds attacked. I'll stop here, but I could continue right through ZZ.

All these gripes aside, it's still a decent movie. The acting is pretty good. And Hitchcock as usual gave us some 3 (or 2.5) dimensional characters to latch onto and a decent story before bringing the maniac birds on the scene. It always helps when you care about the characters. (note to modern genre directors: characters and story are what drive films, not special effects and cheap thrills. Put together a movie with strong characters, strong story, then add the cheap thrills and effects; now you have good movie.) And the attacking bird scenes were pretty effective and not as cheesey as you might think for a movie made in the early sixties.

Two and a half stars (out of four).

Take care, Mike
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Soldier (I) (1998)
leave your brain at the door - better yet, leave this movie on the rack.
1 October 1999
This is a classic example of how to take a good (if clichéd) premise, a big budget, and a solid lead and turn it into utter junk.

Don't get me wrong, I love the movie "Aliens" but it seems like, since then, every sci-fi movie has to be overloaded with machine guns. This movie is like one of those C grade cable action movies with lots automatic weapon fire and bright flamey explosions filmed in california, but supposedly taking place in Central America or SE Asia. It's like that, only dumber.

This movie is all about the concept of creating the perfect soldier, but the "bad" soldiers are beyond incompetant and are borderline moronic. The tactics they employ a 5-year-old could improve upon. And how did they happen to end up on the same planet as exiled "good" soldier, and a bunch of raggy lookng dopes that need protecting. And what kind of sophisticated training is it to blow up a bunch of barely armed raggy looking dopes. They flew all the way from Earth to do this?

In it's favor, Kurt does look good in the part and is convincing. In the way that Arnold Swarzeneggar always looks good but is never convincing (with that interminable accent and acting abilities - how long has he been in this country anyway?). The film is well shot and contains some contrived excitement. it's a film that will give a good home-theater a workout. but little more. I think your dolby digital pre-amp will enjoy this film more than you will.
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