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When this story ended, I started thinking I had missed a scene.
2 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The action and drama is fantastic, credible and non-stop.

The story ends......and you are partly blown away, partly convinced, but not left satisfied with what totally has unfolded, you are still left wondering, reviewing the pieces, what happened to this, how did, who did.... to a large degree you could make up your own ending to this movie....the director is playing tricks I think, he indirectly asks you to finish this movie's story - anyway you feel, or the way various pieces of evidence have been adjudicated by you (as his viewer) I have a complete different theory about this 'correct' ending, to any other I that I have read here: don't read this if you haven't yet seen the movie....SPOILER.....

I think there was a conspiracy between the Sheriff and Chigurh; just think about the little pieces of evidence...Sheriff Bell is told by Carla Jean that she is meeting Moss in El Paso; (my idea is that Bell tells Chigurh) later, after the Mexicans kill Moss, Chiguru shows up to get the money out of the vent, Sheriff Bell is sitting on the bed; he knows that the crime scene flat has been entered by Chiguru,he's come there to meet and share the loot.

Sheriff Bell retires almost straight away....then goes to visit his Old Uncle(ex-cop) Ellis, who poignantly tells Bell......" we have to continue with our lives no matter how evil life gets." (I took this as a code between the two, he was telling him to get on with his life and forget the deception (evil) he had done).

Chiguru, despite having the (best part) of 2 million, (obviously) executes Carla Jean...and why? Because she is the one who told Sheriff Bell to meet her and Moss in El Paso; Bell was the one she told, and this could have then provided evidence of a police leak, that is, that Bell had told Chiguru to get to El Paso quickly. Just my opinion.
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Simple stories, not that special though
19 June 2005
The comments I read on this movie about scenery and vista are a little over stated. Some Buddhist life philosophies come through - but take a lot of time and film to make simple points. The movie is good, but it could have been a lot better. Some scenes were shot in the same place, eg: you see the same part of the creek/river as they move slowly along a dirt road to Thimphu. The movie is filmed along a roadside as five people travel to Thimphu. A Buddhist monk tells them stories to pass the time; and then ,cut-in scenes of the Buddhist monk's story are seen(by the viewing audience)on film. A continuity-goof appears in this movie, the Buddhist monk disappears from the back of the truck, only to reappear again in the next scene. I was told by other commentators in this forum to go and see this movie on the wide screen, for its grandeur etc. but I felt a bit disappointed, it could have waited for the DVD to come out. I was hoping that the travelers could have reached Thimphu, I would have liked to see the city and its people. This story/plot reminded me of many other movies I have seen, rural person sets out to go to the big city, gets an education along the way.

At the end scene, I was waiting for Dandup (the main character) to walk back along the road towards the young girl that he had fallen for. I think the director/writer missed a big opportunity here to serve the audience's expectations.

As is my nature, I became suspicious that a large sports runner/jogger company had sponsored this movie; Dandup's runners are constantly shown. I understood that the director was demonstrating the clash of culture thing of Dandup wearing these runners in a Bhutan culture, but there were far, far too many shots of the runners. The movie could have been called, "Dandup's runners".
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The Aviator (2004)
A real blockbuster ....
14 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is a real 'in your face' movie from the start to finish, lots of close ups and exciting action scenes. DiCaprio gives a stunning performance - just brilliant. The sets are sensational.(one borrowed from Moulan Rouge??) The plane crash scene had me call out 'N--o!!' in the theater, sorry to everyone that was there; but it was so real. Three hours of total exhilaration, and acceleration. I didn't want it to end. Cate as Katherine did pretty well, but I thought the quirkiest support performances came from Ian Holm who played the Professor, and Beckinsale as Ava Gardner. Definitely go and see this at the big screen....The story of Hughes only covers part of his life and times, and the times he was investigated etc; I hope a sequel follows.
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Last Orders (2001)
Success and a happy ending is all about winning at the races.
12 July 2002
I really liked this movie; it was fairly solid to the end; it is a movie I would like to see again; I would have liked it more if it had been a bit funnier, with a little bit more license to create more of the characters.

The scene at the end where they scattered Jack's ashes; note the dust/ash marks on the pier rock before they even take the lid of Jack's ashes. Mmmmm...perhaps this was the exact spot that other deaduns had had their ashes scattered to the sea, or was this the spot where the actor's had practised and performed the scene before.(you make your own mind up)

It occurred to me that Jack had died whilst winning at the races; and that Amie Dodd would have been well and truly up that well known creek without the paddle if it had not for the big plunge on the 33-1 horse by Jack and his mate Lucky Ray.

Which I suppose goes to prove that success and happy endings are all about winning at the races. Winners are grinnas.
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Betty Blue (1986)
23 March 2002
I watched the directors cut version of this movie. I had never seen the original version before.

What shone through, was the truthful relationship between the two main characters. It almost seemed like a documentary (where you were first hand witnessing a loving,sexual relationship); it certainly went far beyond any previous dramatic or staged event I had ever witnessed before. The nudity and sex scenes very truthful, refreshing and natural.

The plot was very believable, funny, quirky and emotional. It had a very good honest feel about it. The joys of a simple life. Some of the dialogue was so honestly raw; it had me bending over at the middle in laughter. (the scene where Zorg is nearly raped by the shopkeeper's wife..........HA!)(the scene where Zorg dresses up as a woman and does the robbery on the Armoured Car Depot...........HA!)
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Lantana (2001)
Bound to destroy you
21 January 2002
I took my wife and her sister to see this excellent movie( it was my second viewing); they spent the next few hours siding with the women(particularly Sonya Zat)in this emotional movie, and condemning the male characters, particularly the character of the philandering Leon Zat.

I feel it my male duty to help other males/husbands with some gutsy 'come back talk' here, to oppose the barrages of abuse that are bound to come from female associates you might take to this movie.

I present the following dialogue that occurred as we were leaving the theatre............

Wife's sister: [loudly] "What a ********!! that Leon Zat was.... HE was the cause of their marriage starting to break up........."

Me: "Well, I don't think it was all THAT one way, you know, - BEFORE Sonya is informed by her husband of his affair, she goes to a night club without him - and allows a young bloke to frotage with her in his car - and SHE suggests that he take her back to his place....What, do you think she wanted to go back to his place for - to look at his etchings? It seems to me that she was ready to do the illicit deed with someone else before she actually had the proof of her husband's infidelity. (I start to get confident) As I see it ladies, the men are the victims in this movie - victims of their existence with the female species. (I think I have gone that bit too far)

Wife's sister and wife: (Loud guffaws, coughs and that special look in my wife's face that she is not very happy.) [semi-screaming in harmony] "SHE is the one going to see the psychiatrist, because her husband was playing up on her. SHE IS THE VICTIM!!"

Me:"But it was not known by Sonya at that stage that Leon WAS actually playing-up on her."

Wife's sister and wife: "It's women's intuition! He WAS playing-up! WASN'T HE !!?"

Me: "What is to say that Sonya wasn't playing up on him before the scenes you see in this movie?" (I admit that I was hopelessly stretching the seams of reality here, groping blindly. )

Wife and wife's sister:[still shouting]"HOW CAN YOU PRESUME THIS WHEN YOU NEVER SAW IT !?"

Me:"Ah...yes...well.... just you wait till the director's cut comes out.... I bet there is an omitted scene where Sonya is doing the boingo boingo with the Latin dance instructor on the dance school floor' (wishing)

With that typical female, erroneous sense of victory, they walk off into the distance, saying: "You MEN are all the same!"

(The glutton for punishment, I can't let them think that they have won this discussion) I yell out to them: "I see you aren't saying too much about the trollopy, nympho character that Rachel Blake(Jane)played...........' Their silence is deafening...........

Big Lesson boys: GO ALONE AND WATCH THIS ONE, or ... do not enter any discussion....................
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The Score (2001)
well acted but fairly unexciting
30 November 2001
This movie nearly put me to sleep: although it was well acted by DeNiro,Norton and Brando (what else would you expect)- the movie is a basic documentary of the methodology of a safe cracker, and despite its little twist at the end, it was fairly and generally boring.

I would not recommend this movie(unless you want to learn about safe cracking)
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not a credible script
25 November 2001
I thought that this was a reasonably good movie, but the script failed a little bit. The director should have provided more explanation and credence to what the villains were looking for from the girl - the six figure digit. Perhaps a snapshot back to where the villains quized her and she revealed that these six digit held the answer to where the big diamond was. The script also fails in credibility when Douglas tells the villians that he has the means to get the six digit figure, and is heading to a place that they would already know. I began thinking, why haven't they sussed out that the six figure digit is the grave site of their dead comrade (who committed the heist with them). This script did not provide me with enough 'glue' to say it was a good movie. I thought Brittany Murphy's acting role was unconvincing.
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Innocence (2000)
Strange, like most Cox movies
25 October 2001
I have seen nearly all of Cox's movies. I think that this one failed. The acting was a bit hammy, more like a boring stage play.

(Just watch Bud T. kiss Julia B. at the train station and tell me if he is acting out his 'besotted' part properly; he hangs back with his kiss as if she had leprosy! Perhaps she had eaten a lot of garlic that day.)

The uncomfortable love scenes were probably designed to be that way; but I still thought that they were not convincing. I kept wincing, like I was watching someone skate on a lake of thin ice.

The most hilarious part I thought was Julia giving herself the slight touch-up on the couch after talking to Bud on the phone. Mmmmmm. I suppose it raised the question with me - are 72 year old women able to arouse themselves? Mmmm, ask my grandmother? I don't think so! Mmmm, the bigger question is: Do I really want to know?

I think Cox could have made the movie more adventurous if he had have developed Chris Hayward's part a little more. It was basically two scenes of Bud telling Chris(a preacher)that he was an atheiest. Why not develop these scenes a little bit more, with Bud telling the preacher about his fling with a married women.

The most interesting part of this movie to me was the cameo appearance by Paul Cox (as he got out of the tram and walked towards Bud and Julia crossing the tram lines), and also when Julia was in the hotel and watching the television which was showing one of Paul Cox's other movies - A Women's Tale.

I suppose it got me thinking a bit - that I don't want to live to this age.................

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Revisiting this movie
12 April 2001
When I watched this movie in 1978 I did not identify most of its quality. I was looking for action, shock and horror. I found it. What seems to have remained indelible in my memory up until recently when I revisited this movie were the 'russian roulette' scenes.(mainly and only)

On revisiting the movie I found it had many other deep and rich qualities: De Niro's dominant leading role, his (believable) solid leadership of his peers; Streep's nurturing role; the stunning mountain deer-hunting scenery; the beautiful music of John Williams;the incredible thickness of culture that was depicted in this USA township; the strength of friendships which emanated tacitly - as if the viewer was discovering it; excellently manufactured mayhem in Saigon.

My main criticism of this film, is in my belief a plot weakness of the scene where Michael (De Niro) goes back to try and bring Nick (Walken) back from Vietnam, and them then engaging in the russian roulett (shootout) and Nick's (Walken's) consequent death. It lets this movie down. It seems to me that Nick's demise might have been better scripted and served by a softer demise, say, with him dying of a heroin overdose...The film scene does hint of his extreme substance abuse (track marks all over his arms)......

Well, you see, this brings me to the question: How has he survived all these months/years of playing russian roulette whilst being so spaced out? Was it the very,very, very,Lucky Nick,or, was it more accurately, a bullshitty hollywoody plot? Did the producer/ directors sense the distaste that might be experienced by American viewers if they were to malign their fallen heroes as drug addicts. Perhaps they thought it better that Nick was seen to die in some form of twisted heroism with a gun in his hand.
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stinky, sticky and dirty
31 December 2000
How could you rate this movie as a comedy? A Tragedy would be more descriptive. But, I suppose there is some sadistic humor in how humans laugh at themselves when suffering. Life style as some form of "art", could be the excuse.

This film was disturbing to me.

Prostitutes,Lesbians,Transvestites,aids sufferers might rate this movie higher on their list; it may have more relevance to them.

The acting, particularly mother/son scenes at start were not convincing.

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3 July 2000
I found this movie deeply touching. The scenery and music were excellent. The acting was superb. The story was credible. I would rate it 9/10. Praise to the producer, director and all concerned in developing a shining work of art .
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Fight Club (1999)
Starring Karl Marx and Charles Darwin (script writers)
8 June 2000
Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Bravo to all who wrote,produced and directed this movie!! Challenging philosophy exuding from this movie challenges the viewer to consider other alternatives. Subjugation of workers in contrast to non-conformity through madcap/logical/illogical alternatives,and some dangerous choices(Karl is klapping to the max - or Marx)....most provoking...asking the viewer, "come on, think, consider and wonder at your status quo, and the ones that reduce you, and discover alternative(s)".....shades of: "should the strongest,shrewdest or smartest rule?" (Darwin).... the easiest way to stuff up the revolution against conformity is to create an organisantion of individuals who make and conform the set of rules to destroy conformity( Hmmmmmmmm? ) ....join a fight club and get in touch with your truer self and find a freedom (of some sort) in your latent madness or alter-ego at least....hey, but don't abide by any rules...... Bravo again....10/10
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Among Giants (1998)
Stamp collectors might find this movie interesting
21 May 2000
I found this movie very, very hard to get involved in. Boring story line with a boring dialogue. No heroes, no character developments, no excitement, pathetic attempts at entertaining paying customers. To give some sense of how bored I become, I started looking at each character's nose to see which one was the most mishapen. Wait for the sequel, the same cast buy step-ladders and start painting all the wooden bridges in England white (except for one which they paint pink) scintillating stuff;.....can't wait.....
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Forrest Gump (1994)
emotional, comical, spectacular, fantastical and unpredictable
1 July 1999
What more do you want from a movie than to be taken down emotional roads where good values win true? What more do you want from a movie than a real good laugh? What more do you want from a movie than spectacular scenery and classic direction? (What spectacular war scenes!)

The dream of what might be, depicted through fantastical events is pretty good - isn't it? (a main theme here is the underdog winning and being cryptically involved in world renowned events) What more do you want from a movie than unpredictable twists and turns in a plot? All of these factors keep us going to the movies.

Forrest Gump fits and exceeds all of these moulds; it truly rates as one of my top ten movies (of the last forty five years).
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Armageddon (1998)
22 June 1999
I particularly liked the integration of authentic space footage in this movie. Poor ole Bruce - what an American Hero! Bigger than Rin-Tin-Tin. That self-less act of him remaining to set off the bomb - truly Saturday afternoon stuff at the pictures with the kiddies stamping their feet! What would have been a more fantastic finish to this movie, just as AJ and Bruce's daughter were walking down the runway after the space shuttle had landed and received its heroic homecoming, would have been for Bruce's smoking space helmet to suddenly appear in the sky, and land on the tarmac and bounce a few times...........
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Goodness!! Gracious!! This movie is excellent
13 March 1999
You don't have to be an old rocker to enjoy this movie which tells the story of the legendary rock pianist Jerry Lee Lewis. Dennis Quaid captures the excitement, oddities and mannerisms of this rock legend (almost an impersonation)

Quaid's performance is truly fantastic...........

The music is exciting - shaking your nerves and rattling your soul! I rate this movie 8.5 out of 10.
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Amy (II) (1997)
Quirky movie
9 March 1999
I liked this movie but I was a bit confused as to what sort of movie it was - I would say it was a pot pourri of type. Was it a drama with quirky little pieces of dark comedy and surrealism thrown in for good measure? One wonders whether the director or producers could not make their minds up as to what type of movie it would be. Perhaps everyone got their way. It might have made more at the box office if it had been a children's story - which it probably is, if you take out the swearwords, and family violence etc. In my opinion, this great cast of actors might have been a little bit let down by the script, which could have built better stories of victory over adversity with each character, and also added a little more surrealism.

This movie certainly showed some dramatic snapshots of some of the lives and situations of people living in Australia. The coppers singing whilst searching for Amy was fantastic. Mendelsohn's 'lyrics of life' were also deep and meaningful.

Alana De Roma's performance as a singer and actor were excellent. Golly, has she got a future!

I would rate this movie as a 6.5 out of 10; well worth watching.

[Was it a touch of irony that one time Melbourne rock legend Bobby Bright played the busker on the street? Why wasn't he singing "Hitch Hiker"?]
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Ransom (1996)
This plot is not believable!
6 March 1999
This movie started to lose me when the plot had Mel turning up the heat on the kidnappers. I mean, don't kidnappers usually return the heat, with a severed finger or ear of the victim, showing up in the mail! Does anyone remember the Getty case? I kept thinking to myself, yes this is Hollywood - but do they seriously expect us/me to believe this rubbish.

Cops and robbers films need credible scripts that leave the viewer thinking - "well, yes this could actually happen". This is the prime essential ingredient of a thriller or drama. This film never made me feel that way. I became annoyed, thinking that I was being served a load of tripe. This movie would best be categorised in the fantasy realm - it would never happen. Waste your money if you have to, as I did.
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Some creative genius here
6 March 1999
Hats off to Yahoo Serious and his gang. This zany movie is well scripted and well acted. Scenery and costumes and special effects also done to a very high standard.

The humour seems to emanate naturally, and it has its own originality and spontaneity. Science history clashing with Australian heritage is preposterous but this adds to the excitement and energy oozing from the movie.

Legendary movie.
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THE 'benchmark' for the world's worst movie!
6 March 1999
I had found it- finally, after watching thousands upon thousands of movies from all around the world, for numerous decades - I had found the movie. The only reason I am glad I watched it, is its value as a benchmark to rate other movie against it. Finally, I now knew what to expect from the worst ever movie made. No plot. No comedy. No direction. No purpose. Nothing. After fourteen years (since I saw it) it still stands holds its place as THE bench mark in this household to rate other bad movies against.
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Ulee's Gold (1997)
Do yourself a favour and watch this movie
27 February 1999
In this movie, Peter Fonda absolutely stamps himself as a great actor. The role he plays generates an aura and strength, similar to some of the great and powerful performances of Gregory Peck.

This is the tale of a simplistic man who struggles with several family crises when his troubled children return into his settled and hard worked-for existence.

The viewer is absorbed by his predicament. Ulee's strength finally wins through. His values permeate, and he eventually wins his children over. (and the viewer)

Ulee's gold is obviously not just his honey.

This would be an excellent movie for secondary school students to study.

I rate this movie 10 plus out of 10.
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Babe (1995)
fascinating and absorbing
27 February 1999
What a great movie. It made me laugh out loud. Very convincingly acted by humans, and animals! I'll never eat ham again.
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Crackers (1998)
Ha! and more Ha!
17 February 1999
Don't let a weak title and unimaginative video cover fool you! This movie is solid and exceptionally funny - belly achingly funny in places.

Tenseness surrounds the Christmas Lunch at the parent's place. A divorced daughter has brought her new lover. Dad is not impressed. Everyone is on edge. An unwelcomed and rogue-larrikin (great) Grandfather (Warren Mitchell) also arrives. His great grandson is taught new lessons in life. The family barbecue is absolutely side splitting!

A very comical and credible script makes this movie a great treat. I would rate all performances as very strong. It doesn't have to be Christmas for you to watch and enjoy this could well relate to any family reunion. I would rate this movie 8 out of 10.
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Switchback (1997)
Not a credible script
14 February 1999
Whilst I enjoyed the actions and characters in this entertaining movie, the script or plot was not convincing..... I suppose that this is the difference between a 6 out of 10 movie and and 8(or higher) out of 10.
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