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So glad I am watching it because I am a woman
14 September 2021
Okay so Chloe Grace Morretz is starting up with the action movie. When I saw the trailer, I thought it was something about strategy movie, or the tense ambiance from World War II like Enemy at the Gates, but actually it isn't. It is about relationship affair and the movie about how to protect your loved ones. I am not sure I can follow all the technical aspects here, it is too easy to be implemented in the real life, there are some jumpscares of killing and shooting, but I can appreciate Morretz acting. From the beginning until the end, you can see the consistence of her highest motivation to defend for herself and her loved ones. Then of course this kind of 'woman affair' somehow represented in this movie. During World War II, women somehow had been ordered to serve the country, but they had to abandon their kids, babies, to go to the war as soldier. In this point, I can attract what the script writer want to reach. Woman sacrifice so much in the war, then we have to prioritize the peace for everybody. This movie is representing that kind of woman affair the World War II. So glad I am watching it because I am a woman.
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
have fun and watch it
14 September 2021
Thomas and Jerome live action movie is one of a kind, it's irreplaceable by other movies, because in fact we already knew how they have love-hate relationship and we enjoy this. We laugh with them. Then when the cartoon is satisfying us, it's legitimate also in the live action. The Director is Tim Story, well known with the Taxi and Fantastic Four, so we can see the action that is smoothy but for sure entertaining. I love this live action movie, the original story, the landscape, the cinematography, the artwork, wardrobe, acting, and other aspects of movie. Have fun and watch it.
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Cruella (2021)
I can see the bright future of Disney movie from here.
11 September 2021
The 'Cruella de Vil' name is coming with the very meanest feeling, dark side, iconic-eccentric fashion of a bad lady, that put up 'something bad plan' really punch you to the ground, yet about the 101 Dalmatians thing. So this movie seems fair to give some credits to the original story of the figure of Cruella, who once was called Estella. The plot is coming from the ordinary idea about loneliness and bullying, bad parents, bad memories, then it becomes problematic and dramatic since Estella knows the truth. Well for me this movie is really fun enough, it has deep meaning about narcissistic and egoism, it is also tailored with beautiful scenery images of London, and of course the unpredictable ending. The appearance of Barroness, acted by Emma Thompson is really delightful, so audience can be fully loaded again and again in different way of feeling in every scene, sometimes you can feel your heart full, sometimes full of angriness. Then, Emma Stone's acting here is quite intriguing, really different of what she has delivered on La La Land or Birdman. She is really fabulous here. I can say this movie is more than children movie. This is also action-packed with the dogs are also well-behaved to take part as main actors there. This movie is funny, dramatic, fashionable, delightful, and the most promising of Disney live action movie so far. I can see the bright future of Disney movie from here.
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Nomadland (2020)
this movie deserves many awards
28 August 2021
Nomadland is one of the best drama movies I've ever watched. Coming from the single perspective of an old lady who survives by being staff at a stall, then living in the van with her friends. I mean, the scenes seem so real to me. I can't imagine how is living in America in a van, but that happens. The way the actress thinking, having friends, then memorizing good times are so real to me. This movie deserves many awards, including Oscar, especially for the acting of the lead role. The plot is also simple but so deep, you can thank for yourself if you have degree and home with all family inside it. You can also see other perspective of modern life, it is not just all beautiful. Love this movie.
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thank you James Gunn
25 August 2021
The Suicide Squad is overall funny and entertaining, having some kind of story plot related to James Gunn taste, sometimes with dark comedy, hard dialogues, unpredictable love story, and beautiful ending. This is not just super hero movie, but also a little bit drama with psychoanalysis assumption of theory inside it. For example how they are connected to each other with a same vision and mission, how is the appearance new comer King Shark can change the way of group thinking, and the dramatic scene of Harley Quinn with her new lover, are compacted one to another to be a great plot to be smoothly watched. Several times I can laugh. I never read about comic book of Suicide Squad, if this had been written, but I assume that this movie can describe what the author wants to see on the big screen. So, thank you James Gunn!
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L'Humanité finira toujours par gagner
22 August 2021
Une fois de plus, Roman Polanski fait ses preuves en tant que cinéaste international prolifique. L'histoire de ce film, l'affaire Alfred Dreyfus, avait été racontée à maintes reprises dans les cours d'histoire en classe et par ma grand-mère depuis mon enfance. Peut-être savions-nous déjà que le désespoir, le scandale, la conspiration, la politique sale et malhonnête devenaient le fait que le monde était si méchant avec un soldat français né juif. Ce film rend l'histoire encore plus claire ; le scénario, les intrigues, les détails de la scène, le jeu des acteurs et en quelque sorte le cadre de la ville de Paris, pour avoir une vision plus claire de ce qui s'était passé à ce moment-là. Bien sûr, nous pourrions apprendre beaucoup de choses de l'histoire, encore pour comprendre la véritable politique antisémite dans les principaux pays européens, comme la France. L'implication d'Emile Zola et de la presse prouve une fois de plus que la France est si spéciale sur l'action de pouvoir du peuple, pas seulement montrée dans le livre et le film "Les Misérables" de Victor Hugo, pour parler de la liberté, de l'égalité et de la fraternité sous le drapeau de la France . Ce film peut être la leçon d'histoire dans la classe d'histoire de France, la classe d'histoire juive et la classe d'histoire militaire. Ce film est fait pour nous afin que nous puissions largement accepter que l'Humanité finira toujours par gagner, peu importe que dans de nombreuses années les faits criminels soient enfin prouvés.
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Black Widow (2021)
quite entertaining
22 August 2021
Black Widow is a popular movie in my country because people already falling in love with Marvel's Endgame, of Black Widow sacrifices. Before and once the movie is released, there are so many reviews about it. What I can say about is that; this is of course a good Marvel movie to show up deeper about the background of Black Widow, that is sadly enough to be known, and yet she is not the only one by tribe. She has "sisters in the same destiny" and how this movie is coming up the main story that Black Widow community is wrong, is quite entertaining. This movie perhaps is not good as the comic book, but please appreciate the art in film making, that is not always perfectly like the book. Also I notice the new comer Florence Pugh who is good enough to stand along with Scarlett Johannson. So welcome to Marvel for all young avengers, including Hailee Steinfeld for next Hawkeye series coming up in November 24 in Disney Plus App.
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Paper Towns (2015)
beautiful ending
22 August 2021
Dear movie folks, Paper Towns is one of the best drama movie I've ever watched. At first, this movie seems to have mystery ending, love story, or some cliche plots, but when you watch until end, this movie has unpredictably-beautiful ending that consists the meaning of friendship. It doesn't mean there is no mystery or love plots, yes they do exist, but they aren't the main point of this great movie. They have completed for what the original writer (John Green) wants to speak up about, in his best-selling book titled "Paper Towns", such as true friendship, being mature, having choices in life, etc. This movie has also great dialogue that can be quoted for daily motivation. I really love and enjoy myself watching this movie, it looks like the Director can communicate with the audience smoothly. I hope there are many movies like this in the future.
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The Dresser (2015 TV Movie)
a moment of dramatic scene that I've been waiting for between McKelen & Hopkins
15 August 2021
The Dresser in my country is not a popular movie. As a young movie freak, I don't know this kind of movie until Lionsgate Play application coming up on my Apple TV+ app. So here is my review: The storyline of "The Dresser" somehow connected with the role of dresser and his presence to convince an old under-rated actor in ordinary theater in London, so the actor can remember the dialogue and re-motivated on his acting purposes. Sometimes the actor (played by Sir Anthony Hopkins) is being demotivated by himself. Then he can't love everybody around him. The Dresser (played by Sir Ian McKellen), is always there to support him. For me this movie is a moment of dramatic scene that I've been waiting for between McKellen & Hopkins. They are both senior actors, Sir-s, and having lead roles in any kind of movie. Their mature acting makes this movie beautiful ly wrapped with low-budget assumption, because the location is only in 1 (one theater), with the whole corridors and the preparation on the actor's room. A worth it movie to be watched. Thank you Lionsgate Play app.
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eye opener of black lives matter issue
15 August 2021
Dear folks, The Hate U Give for me is black lives matter original movie. I knew there are several movies with the script idea about injustice against black people, but The Hate U Give has modern perspective in it with modern young people involved on the film making. I really appreciate the way Amandla Stenberg scene while she finally speaks up her mind and realize something is not going as planned. This movie was in production in the year of 2018, with the demonstration scene and written of "black lives matter", before the real demonstration of black lives matter for George Flyod case is coming in 2020. So for me this movie is really important and an eye opener of black lives matter issue, what is going on, what has happened, what is still happening, and so on.
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a love story inside the letters
15 August 2021
Dear folks, I do believe in true love, because I think I believe in God. I believe in somewhat Supreme power, that is really strong, who can move people's think and people's heart. In this movie, I can say script writer and director tried to show there is a love story inside the letters. No matter William Shakespear art work is acceptable in Italy, but yeah Verona is city of love. Romeo and Juliet is the symbol of true love. I don't know why this 2010 production movie is coming to me 11 years later, so perhaps this is also part of God's plan, then I can believe my love in watching romantic movies again and deliver my movie critic. If you are going to have wonderful scenery of Italy, predictable ending, and easy storyline, this movie is appropriate with your wish. One thing particular that can improve in any love story movies are the chemistry between lead roles, but this movie is still okay. Have fun then with this modern Romeo & Juliet movie.
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the plot twist behind plot twist
6 March 2021
Okay so this series is quite surprising, nobody can guessthe ending and what is the real meaning of "behind her eyes". At first, I thought the movie is about ordinary criminal who tried to get the money from the rich, but it seems not, it is about one-sided-love that creates possessive habits. I can not tell you the spoilers here, just watch by yourself and you'll find out why. Congratulation to the content creator team, who are seriously thinking about the plots to be twisted smoothly. You can only know the real reason at the really end. I watch movies to have fun and "Behind Her Eyes" can make me have fun in the serious way. We all knew what plot twist to be meant with, just like Quention Terantino collection. Perhaps the crew is the same ship with other movies creator who want audience to be attached to that kind of story, by picturing a lot of sex scenes and dramatic scenes, including the gesture of the actors are natural. I do appreciate all cinematheque process, not just to make story to have plot twist scenes, but what is the big idea to be shared. This series perhaps is having idea; to let it go someone that you really love, but you can not possess. Many of us suffering that and we must share our pains by move on. This is hard to be done, than said of course, but we can try and we must do that for the sake of our soul.
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WandaVision (2021)
astonishing effect, original story, absolutely amazing sequence
6 March 2021
Wanda Vision is the first TV series from Marvel Studios I've ever watched. At first, it is coming with huge doubt among Marvel fans I have been asked, because the first episode is a little bit boring, but by time to time, the story is becoming powerful. I can feel myself into the world of Wanda and Vision. These series are having an astonishing effect, original story, and absolutely amazing sequence. The assurance of Marvel Studios as the producer of amazing movies, is eligibly confirmed on this Wanda Vision series. Perhaps these series are the benchmark of the upcoming series and I don't know what is happening for the Season 2. Season 1 is already amazing. I feel optimistic. I really appreciate the hard work of wardrobe and special effect team to make us go travelling into the 1950s situation comedy (sitcom) drama, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and the blurry after it. This is the whole point what we can expect from other Marvel series, especially from Falcon, Hawkeye, and Hulk series that are still on shooting. In this Wanda Vision series, I can not detect imperfect things or sequence unexplained, all causes-effects are so diligently set up, including the appearance and role of the FBI and other surprises scenes. I really love the original story that touch up of Wanda being ordinary mother and Scarlet Witch at the same time. Also I can see the serious thinking of the Director to arrange Episode per Episode to be easily understood by the whole audience, not just Marvel fans. Wanda Vision series is the best opening for Marvel Studios TV series and it is historical starting point of Marvel Studios series package. It is have fun and entertaining, as the TV series should be. It is on your head to make you forget about life, bills, studies, work, etc. So, Wanda Vision is your true friend to make your sweet escape happen.
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Fun way to appreciate the world
17 December 2020
So the pandemic situation cancelled Wonder Woman premiere in June 2020, but finally we are hare ,watching the Diana Prince, who is becoming Wonder Woman in every difficult situation. She is the solution, the one hero that everybody is waiting for. Yes she is entertaining me enough to pass over the corona situation in my country. At least, we can think about movie and we watch it on the cinema like ordinary days we have. It is a fun way to appreciate the world. She is the light on the movie nowadays. I don't know who else can be Wonder Woman, than the gorgeous Gal Gadot. This Wonder Woman 1984 is quite different with the previous Wonder Woman, because we can see more drama and more loves, but at the same time we have more tears and more desperate feelings. Wonder Woman is pictured to have weaknesses, is about to love. Loving can take some energies inside you. Sometimes we lost the way and we redefine again ourselves. I think Patty Jenkins here want us to know that Diana Prince is also weak about love just other women. When we are really in love, we are just weak, we are not becoming ourselves, and sometimes we lost ourselves. The drama inside, the extraordinary special effects, and of course the beauty of Gal Gadot makes once again the breakthrough in our Wonder Woman era. I am thankful to the God that I am alive in the same universe with great director and actors of this movie.
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The Queen's Gambit (2020– )
a really interesting series about chess is finally born
17 December 2020
The Queen's Gambit is part of my number one list to be reviewed, yet Anya Taylor Joy acting since Glass, is quite breathtaking, so she changed my comments about drama movie is boring. With her, drama and romance comedy are becoming great. That moment when she just sits there with chess block in front of her and her hands on the chin, that is the moment I can say, a really interesting series about chess is finally born. We already have series about superhero, political motive, doomsday, aliens, and romantic love story, but about chess I don't think so. We can be proud with the Director and the costume crew to make the series are becoming fun and shot right in my heart. The plot is original, the movie locations, the dress, acting, and especially the sequence drama are part to make Netflix prove film industry is promising. We can barely say that this is part of old movie making recipe to be success, because we have a new comer Anya Taylor Joy at the same shot with some senior actors, but we can believe this movie is part of film industry itself to be more aggressive and more responsive on what is going on outside drama itself. Political tension situation combined with drama about chess competition are finally a new path of film making. We never knew if we never tried, right?
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Modern, dramatic, fun, critical
11 September 2020
This movie Jojo Rabbit is well-known last year before the Covid-19 pandemic time, I really really enjoy it This movie represents how the ordinary daily lives of Young Hitlers soldiers, being under doctrine, having false image mentality about winning, and several distrust of the Jewish people. The appearance of Hitler as imaginary friend makes this movie more fun and more lively to be watched with everybody in your living room during Lockdown. The story line is simple, but the plots, scenes, character developments, and surprises are still coming to our way to realize about what is missing during moment of war and who is our true friend during difficult time. I love the way Director can give strong commitment to create focus on main character by giving the title Jojo Rabbit, that makes him more curiosity about himself and questioning many things, including where is his soldier father, what is Jewish, who is Hitler, and many more. I can not find any lackness of this masterpiece. So modern, dramatic, fun, and critical at some points. This is not one-time-watching movie. This is legend.
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To love and being loved
10 September 2020
In this Covid-19 Pandemic time, we need some distractions to make ourself happy, so I am searching the movies on Netflix and I found this new movie. My preference to this movie is simple, just because the synopsis successfully gave me some curiosity. I thought before this is crime thriller, perhaps some dark past, murder mystery, or try to open up cold cases in the small village, etc, but this movie uplifted more psychological meanings in the sense of thriller. The story begins when the main actress accompanied her boyfriend to meet his parents in small village, far away from the city, in the middle of nowhere, and some strange or awkward things happened. At the same time, audience can see the ordinary janitor in the high school just working and working. Later the audience will know the link of these two window-stories. I want to say that the idea behind the story is so deep, about loneliness, regret, and family time. At first, audience perhaps notice there are some scenes to connect the dots of what did really happen and why those seems normal, while the icons of meaning represented by several arts. This is the uniqueness of this cinematography. It looks like "Mystic River" or "Eyes Shut Down", sometimes past, sometimes present, then future. We can not judge the ending is under the settled circumstances, nor we can say all characters are coincidentally met. That's why we must consider this movie as serious thriller, because it affects audience emotionally how to value the relationships, especially to love and being loved.
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1917 (2019)
one long shot to prove the masterpiece
29 January 2020
When I write this review, this movie had already 1.323 reviews, wow this is amazing response! But I hope my review is still useful for Sam Mendes loyal watchers. This movie had one long shot with one story only, but this is masterpiece. I would like directly say that Sam Mendes created story of a short journey of a English soldier, who represents the history of WW I itself. On the movie, you can see the trenches during World War I, the problem of being soldier, the ambiance of war, and the most important thing is that how from the beginning of the scene, the audiences can follow the journey of a soldier like they experience it by themselves. That soldier was supposed to give important message to other regiment, but on the journey there are many circumstances and events that he cannot deny. As an audience, I still remember all the scenes in one united story, and this is Sam Mendes expertise to make all scenes united in one single shot camera. Thank you also for camera crews that make this idea happen and perhaps become trend of scene language in the next 10 years in movie industry, especially war movies. This movie had lightened my day and although it receives some negative critics, I just do care about what is improvement for war movies. Sam Mendes had casting several figures that all have experiences in war movies and I think this wipes all the doubters. I mean, there are Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Strong, and Ralph Fiennes. Thank you for this movie, Sam Mendes!
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Joker (I) (2019)
A Masterpiece. Joaquin Phoenix could be the next Oscar winner
4 October 2019
Dear movie freaks, Joker is the most anticipated movie that we have been expecting since the first month of year 2019 and yes this is a very good dramatic movie. I said dramatic because Joker delivers us the ideas on how Arthur Fleck character can be Joker, right when we totally forgot about Batman appearance. We don't care about Batman here. We care about a joker, a comedian, a broken child, and a really sad story of a man who sacrifices everything to be happy, yet we never really understand what is going on his mind and heart, until we saw the killings and the blood and we blame him as a villain. I really salute the Director, the make up team, editor, cinematographer, scriptwriter, and Joacquin Phoenix acting, wow he could win Oscar for this movie. This movie has few actions, but a lot of tears and drama and how we can reflect to ourselves, are we really happy or just a made-up-happy just to make our life comfortable....2 hours are not enough to understand Joker but I really love the ending that you can't watch without clapping your hands. A Masterpiece!
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Ad Astra (2019)
a so-so movie but it compels about what you expect
23 September 2019
Ad Astra is one popular movie in my country Indonesia right now. It gives us story about the drama how a child pursue the career of his lost father and how later his journey, it makes a strong believe that his father still alive out there. I am trying to search whether the Lima Project is real or fake but it's not quite fascinating information on the Internet, perhaps you can search it also more academically on the library. But here I want to review the movie process. For me this is not a sci fi movie, it is a drama movie based on astronaut secret project. Here audience can expect some sad moments and crying scenes, but not at all explaining science just like sci fi did. This is a so-so movie, but it compels about what you expect. You can see closer to what happens if humans build strong manifestation in outer planets and yes there are some obstacles to fight for. Questioning other existence is quite popular as scriptwriting base line since 1950s movies, but how modern cinematography can explore it and how people could react after it, this is so important part for Ad Astra. So fore me 7 stars is enough yes it is a good movie, but not the special one to explain human relationships in space.
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This movie is so damn hot
29 August 2019
Once upon a time in Hollywood it's not so popular in my country because there are several movies also coming along with the action, drama, and prominent actors. I was watching this just because my movieholic friends recommend it and I am so falling in love with it!! Thanks to them, I can watch Quention Terantino's anticipated last movie before getting any retirement from box offices movies, yet TV series. So this movie is so damn-hot capturing what famous actors doing and working in America during Vietnam war and yes there are hippies who involve intimately on the main idea. I will not say why. Just watch it for yourself. Likely other Terantino's movies, there are gruesome and funny way at the same time to show the crime scene, but don't worry you never miss great acting of Leonardo di Caprio, Bradd Pitt, Margot Robbie, Dakota Fanning, and yes the newcomer from Stranger Things, Maya Hawke Thurman. Terantino also captured the filming inside the filming and I just watch without any moves, nor eating popcorn, to see the plots from the very beginning. How the good relation between actor and stuntman, why famous actress watch herself in movie, the difficulties of filming a movie on set at that time of 1970s, and what happens inside Hollywood luxury homes. This part of privacy is becoming public in this movie. I don't know if there are sex scenes, as usually included in Terantino movies, because my country has institution of censor. It sucks, yes. But I can imagine missing plots, of course, because Terantino make whole story really slight, quick, natural, and soft to be understood. This is a really comfortable movie to watch every time in every situation, again and again. I also want to appreciate the wardrobe, they are fascinating and eye-catching. So if you are going to watch this week, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is everything!
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Parasite (2019)
New standard of Asian irony-comedy
28 June 2019
Dear movie freaks, watching this Koran movie does not make you die hard Korean fans, so take it easy. This movie becomes popular in my country because the news telling that this movie had won Cannes Palme d'Or 2018. For the very first of the scene, it took us on the daily live of lower class in Korean big city, how they survive, how they are growing up, and how money comes to them. Then the audience will surprise with the originality of the story and will never know the ending. The movie has not plot twist, but still will make you close your eyes in some scenes. I believe all the actors here are very talented theater players, because the words, expressions, and how they interpret the story are so natural, then also will make you laugh in some serious scenes. The title "Parasite" will be understandable if you also concentrate on what the core idea of the Director wants to deliver, about being a family, a partner in crime, group of friends, etc. Even people clap their hands at the ending of the scene. Now my curiosity have been pay off and still I am wondering this movie could be new standard of Asian irony-comedy. Irony because of the originality of idea and comedy because audience can still laugh while Director put them in some critical scenes. Palme d'Or could be a very good step for Director career and also Korean film industry. So congratulation.
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Glass (2019)
Besides James McAvoy acting, the movie is out of trailer expectation
17 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dear Split fans, Glass is coming with spectacular trailer in my country, then many friends wanted me to watch this movie, but after watching it, for me, Split is more better. Besides James McAvoy acting, the movie is out of trailer expectation. The plots are predictable and the characters are not so awful. It is more showing that Identity Disorder is supernatural comic ability which is for me is so illogical. Then, the appearance of some secret society to vanish the unique people, makes me remember the Novel of Miss Peregrine and Peculiar Children. This movie has no link with the development of science to deal with identity disorder people and has no real clue about what going on in their mind could impact the society of Internet. At the end of the movie, you could see that people is going not care with them, even though they finally see their fantastic ability. Some reviewers said this is the best trilogy, but for me. Sorry.
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
A consistent fear, bad ending, but entertain us in the beginning of the year 2019
14 January 2019
Dear movie freaks, Escape Room for me is just like movie game or movie from game exactly. This movie has a consistent fear, bad ending, but entertain us in the beginning of the year 2019. Each scene is surprising and has its own consequences plots. It is beautifully delivered from the Director to the audience to be player also, by guessing, screaming, or solving the puzzles. At first I thought this movie is just freaky popular, but this has the millennial vibe by relating to the characters, plots, technologies, yes the Director is well-known to grab young audiences. A fun freaky Friday movie!
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Colorful and full of hope
14 January 2019
Mary Poppins is a wonderful movie from Disney Pictures. This is the good musical drama that I see in the last year of 2018. Emily Blunt acting as the beautiful-elegant-helpful nanny is beyond surprise. She is too serious in A Quiet Place, but in Mary Poppins she is so funny and adorable. This movie can be easily noted as successful film making from the novel and this makes me curious about the very first movie of Mary Poppins, which has less sound effect or hi technology at that time. Thanks to millenial art department, this movie is colorful and full of hope. The morals things and values appeared with Meryl Streep, beautiful dancers, memorable songs, and great story will stay in our heart.
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