
30 Reviews
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Beautifully made, exciting and educational
26 February 2022
I watched this series on Prime Video. I expected just the standard story how Catherine came to power, as previously portrayed for example in Young Catherine with Julia Ormond in the title role. However, this series goes far beyond that and gives us a glimpse into Russian history, which I have to admit I did not know all that well for this particular time period. The series is made very much like modern TV series meant for American audiences, so no problem in that respect, everything was as I expected. Beautiful settings, much of it I assume shot in the Ekaterinsky Palace and Winter Palace and other notable imperial locations. I enjoyed the fact that the dialog was always in the appropriate language. My only complaint would be the English subtitles. I presume they were done by the Russians, because here and there some very odd words were chosen and at times the meaning was not readily clear. I have checked out some of the more unbelievable plot lines and they seemed to be historically accurate, based on what is known and documented. Overall it was a refreshingly different experience, since we are usually flooded with shows based on British history, but rarely that of other countries and Russian history is not a popular subject of TV programming. I very much enjoyed watching this series and highly recommend it.
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
Not what I expected
26 February 2022
I loved the 1985/1987 TV adaptation of "Anne of Green Gables" and "Anne of Avonlea". I expected a similar experience, with perhaps some new technology, although the 1980s adaptation was so perfect in my view that it was a difficult act to follow, but I was willing to give it a try. I started watching this series several times, but found it rather difficult to get used to. There are some features I definitely liked - candlelit scenes, the interior of the Green Gables farmhouse, I even got used to the new actors. However, this series is NOTHING like the cheerful, wholesome, feel-good series with Megan Follows, Colleen Dewhurst, and Richard Farnsworth. This is a dark, depressing tale. Anne is an unpleasant busybody, there is really absolutely NOTHING endearing about her. And the plot lines! This is the "woke version", the rewriting of history as it never was, depressing beyond endurance. It gets especially bad in Season 2, which I was not able to finish, I figured I want upbeat entertainment, not to be depressed and smothered with misery and unhappiness. This series focuses on only the negative, without anything to offset the feeling of gloom. I happily stopped after S2 E9. I plan on rewatching the most delightful 1985/1987 version of Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. I've seen it probably more than 50 times and will gladly rewatch it over and over again. Anne with an E delivers a nice title but in every other way is beyond disappointing.
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Flower Buds (2011)
Well made movie, but dark and depressing
10 January 2014
Czech film makers seem to prefer dark stories of human misery, weakness, and unhappiness. They make such pictures rather well, but it seems to be the only genre that they produce. This movie is true to this general mold. It's a story of a family that consists of the parents and teenage son and daughter. They seem to be caught in a web of hopelessness and despair, and there is pathetically little in their lives to give them joy. Their problems seem ordinary enough, but it's their attitudes of apathy that predicts that whatever the outcome, they will be unhappy. Only the son finds a brief moment of happiness with a stripper, but the viewer realizes that the boy is too naive to anticipate the course that relationship must take. I can find no fault with the movie other than its depressing message, which seems to be that "life sucks." The acting and the cinematography support well this general premise. The movie is well made and for this reason worth seeing. I just wish it was more upbeat, giving at least a glimmer of a "happy end".
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For dancers only - does not appeal to the average viewer
25 July 2013
This movie was probably meant for a very specific audience, one that I do not belong to. Reading these reviews here, it seems the movie was appreciated by professional dancers. I once considered myself a dance, though certainly not a professional, but I still found this movie very VERY boring. I thought that the star - Patrick Swayze - could carry any movie and could do no wrong. Well, apparently even Patrick Swayze needs some substance to make a movie a hit. I have seen other low budget films and being low budget does not necessarily mean the movie is bad. I don't think low budget is this movie's problem. This movie appeals to a very specific and narrowly defined public. It's definitely not aimed at the "average viewer". If you are not a professional dancer, or one who appreciates their world, you will probably find this movie as boring and soulless as I did.
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Did not rise to its potential
16 June 2013
I enjoyed historical movies and in general find the life of a priceless antique worth reading about (or watching). I find it amazing that we can know every owner for example of a specific pearl going back several centuries, but most folks know about their own families usually just two generations back. So I thought this movie would be one I would enjoy. I also expected to hear some beautiful violin music. Wrong on both counts. The violin's history seemed too manufactured for the film's sake, not a real logical progression from one owner to another. Some of the major changes of ownership were left to the viewer's imagination and at least in my own case, I was unable to make the leap. The change did not make sense. How did the violin get to be owned by gypsies? How did it get to China? It would have made an interesting story, but where the manufactured history is stretched way beyond anything credible, the change of ownership is simply not explained. While I liked the overall concept of following the life of an object, the music, which I expected to be a major part of this film, was beyond disappointing. I don't play the violin but I can certainly appreciate beautiful music. There was very little "music" per se in this music. The only time anything that could be called "music" was played was some Chinese children's performance and it was made by accordions. The only sounds we heard coming from this supposedly incredibly valuable violin was the endless screeching, and this in spite of the fact that its journey took us through times when some of the most heavenly music on earth had been composed. Not one piece from Mozart, or resembling Mozart's style, had been offered. Just screeching. No music of any of the music's great composers was played at any time. More screeching. The sounds this violin made could have been compared to a cat scratching on a metal roof. That bad. Wonder how many CDs with the soundtrack they managed to sell. That would tell them just how "wonderful" the soundtrack was. The soundtrack was thoroughly modern, something that may be considered all the rage today. The music was probably difficult to play, but there is no sugarcoating it - the music is nothing but screeching. No melody, no rhythm, no emotion. No sweet sounds that leave a person in awe of beauty of sound. So no music, just noise. The ending climax likewise is not really any surprise like it is supposed to be, and most certainly not a shocking surprise, because I thought "the secret" was already implied in the beginning and so it didn't seem like any kind of surprise, at least not to me. If you can stand the noise that passes for a soundtrack, this is not a bad film. It's different. It's not very entertaining, but just the fact that it doesn't follow the standard mold makes it interesting. Best film ever made (as some of the reviews here indicate)? Most definitely not. I am writing this in 2013 (saw the film for the first time yesterday) and the film is all but forgotten today, 15 years after it was made. I happened to pick up an old VHS tape in a second hand store. Otherwise, it's forgotten.
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A powerful movie in spite of its flaws
7 April 2013
I enjoyed this movie immensely, even though I was unaware that it was in French with English subtitles when I bought it. However, I do believe it could only be made in French. I had some French in high school so here and there I caught some words, but would not be able to follow the movie without the subtitles. But because of my high school French classes I knew who Edith Piaf was and the lyrics to several of her songs before watching the movie. I think that's what got me interested and also understanding the lyrics of her songs I believe is an important component of appreciating the songs and her art. For those who do not speak any French, translations are available online. As for the movie itself, the only part I really did not enjoy was the time travel back and forth throughout the movie. I would much prefer a orderly chronological telling of the story. However, other than that, I found it both interesting and enjoyable. The experience left me wanting to learn more about the singer and spend time online looking at videos of her singing, reading more details, etc. I was surprised to learn that many people here have no idea who she was and never heard of any of her songs. For those who fall into this category and have no interest in history, only the here and now, this may not be a good choice. But or those who like to be transported into another time and another life, this true story is certainly gripping. I know it's one of those movies I will enjoy watching over and over again.
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Disneyland version of history but still enjoyable to watch
4 March 2013
The last of the three Sissi movies continues with the idealized version of her story. Just like in Disneyland, no one ever ages and all ends well. This third film shows events that probably did happen sometime during her 45 years on the Austrian throne, but by now the overall story can only be called fiction. The second movie ended with the coronation of Sissi and Franz Josef as King and Queen of Hungary. That happened in 1867. By that time, Sissi gave birth to three children - Sophie in 1855, Gisela in 1856, and Rudolf in 1858. Her firstborn Sophie died in 1857. A fourth child, a daughter, was born in 1868. Yet this third film, presumably a continuation of the second film, shows the imperial couple visiting Venice, which happened in 1856, and shows only one child, a girl, who appears to be about 4. So the chronology is obviously all wrong here. While the illness she suffers from in this movie is based on fact, Sissie should have aged in the movie about two decades by the time these events were presented. I gave this movie a relatively low mark because of the many historical inaccuracies and omissions. In spite of these shortcomings, I still enjoyed the movie. This third movie includes some breathtaking scenery of the Mediterranean coastline, and the Venice visits appears to have been shot on location. One almost feels like a part of the crowd. Franz Josef likewise seems to be forever young and is not shown with the facial hair that distinguished him for most of his reign. He already sported the beard and mustache by the time he was crowned King of Hungary in 1867, so he should have had the facial hair already by the end of the second movie and throughout the entire third movie. But that would probably spoil the Prince Charming image the film makers were aiming for. This movie should be viewed more as a fairy tale that is loosely based on the life of the imperial Austrian family. It is not an historically accurate portrayal of their life story.
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Historically inaccurate, but still enjoyable
3 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second film in the Sissi trilogy. Like the first movie Sissi, this continuation is equally idealized, but here the movie actually disregards historical fact so that a more fairy-tale-like storyline can be presented. It is historical fact that by the time Franz Josef and Elizabeth were crowned King and Queen of Hungary in 1867, Elizabeth already gave birth to 3 children and her oldest child, daughter Sophie, had died. These are huge events in the lives of both parents and monarchs. Yet, in the movie, only the oldest daughter had been born, the second born daughter and third born son do not exist, and by the end of the movie no child is ever mentioned. These are serious omissions which can be problematic if the viewer assumes the story as told in the movie is historically accurate. It's not. I have no doubt that some scenes were totally invented - such as the Tyrolean holiday sequence. I realize that film makers of historical drama need to take some liberties since there is no time to present all of the events truthfully and accurately. In this movie, the film makers wanted to focus on the empress's influence on the resolution of the conflict with the Hungarians. Unfortunately, it was done at the expense of leaving out the ongoing drama and suffering of the real Elizabeth - as opposed to the idealized Elizabeth presented here. Her mother-in-law's extreme cruelty toward her is minimized, and though the emperor's love for his wife was never in doubt throughout their lives, he completely failed to protect her from his mother - a situation that is not portrayed in the movie accurately. In spite of all this, the movie is still enjoyable and hopefully viewers will realize they are watching a very idealized fairy tale and will not confuse the story presented here with historical fact. The opulent ceremonies of the era, the pomp and splendor of the monarchy, are all well portrayed and definitely enjoyable to watch. I missed some explanation, even a very simplistic one, of why a dual monarchy was formed and its importance. But politics do not fit well into fairy tales, so this was likewise completely omitted.
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Sissi (1955)
Thoroughly delightful movie
3 March 2013
I am well familiar with the story of the Empress Elizabeth. While the basic facts are all here, the story may have been both simplified and sweetened to present it in a movie. However, the end result is a thoroughly delightful and strongly idealized version of historical events. Both Sissi and the emperor are presented as extremely likable, visually appealing characters, interacting in a fairly-like story. The entire movie plays like a fairy tale and is visually very appealing. The majestic beauty of the Bavarian scenery contrasts with the opulent setting of the Viennese court. The costumes, manners, music, dances - all true to the period. I did not expect to like it as much as I did and would recommend it to all lovers of historical drama and 19th century Austrian history in particular.
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Watchable, not highly entertaining though
7 January 2013
I chose this movie because it was set in Russia and was pleasantly surprised, because I felt it presented a reasonably accurate portrait of the post-revolution Soviet Russia - obviously, that's just my opinion, but in this respect the movie delivered what I was hoping to see. I am not familiar with either Mel Brooks or with the original book so I did not know what to expect. The plot was pretty simple to follow, however, I didn't really feel it was enough to carry the whole movie. I think it was supposed to be funny, though I wouldn't call it a comedy. It had moments that elicited a chuckle or two, but that was about it. I would recommend it to get a glimpse of 1928 Russia which I thought was the strongest asset of the movie. If possible rent it rather than buy it, because I don't think this is a movie you would want to watch more than once.
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Stestí (2005)
Typical Example of Contemporary Czech Cinematography
29 December 2012
The reviews here are mostly from Czechs, or Americans. My perspective is somewhat different - I was born and raised in Czechoslovakia but have lived most of my life in the U.S. Therefore, I see the movie more through the eyes of an American, yet understand the language and the circumstances the movie portrays more intimately than an American ordinarily would. Overall, I found the movie confusing and depressing. Confusing in that it's difficult to follow the plot, particularly the relationships between the various characters portrayed. I had a hard time keeping track of who's who, who lives where, who's whose father or mother, girlfriend, romantic boyfriend, platonic boyfriend, just in general I found it difficult to sort these things out. I also agree with another reviewer here that Czech cinema is going through a dark phase. It seems like so many of the movies coming out of the post-communist era are so similar. I would call them black comedies. Other movies with generally the same overall essence as this movie are Horem Padem (Up and Down), Kraska v nesnazich (Beauty in Trouble) and Zeny v pokuseni (Women in temptation). They all portray contemporary Czech society in a very depressing way, choosing dark and depressing images whenever possible. Naturally attractive women are poorly groomed and unattractively dressed; only ugly countryside is shown, ugly living conditions, etc. While there is no doubt that there are Czechs who are unmotivated, careless about their appearance, and who live in poor conditions such as portrayed in this movie, there are also those who are determined to succeed, take care of their appearance, raise happy families and live very well, but they are apparently completely ignored by today's film makers. Somehow, only the dark aspects of life are considered "art" by the contemporary Czech film makers. They seem drawn to this type of realism, as if intrigued by that which is ugly, depressing, twisted in some way. From the perspective of an American, we go to movies to be entertained, not to engage in philosophical discussions about the meaning of life or happiness. This is more the domain of European film making. Fellini's La Strada and other such movies were the pioneers of this new Czech genre focusing solely on the harsh and dark realities of life and none of its beauty or joy. This Czech realism is different from what Americans are used to. I imagine most US audiences would not find this movie appealing or entertaining. But the small group with eclectic taste that seeks to view the dark side of life and to be challenged by movies into engaging in philosophical contemplations this movie delivers big time.
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Disappointing - could have been so much more!
29 December 2012
In spite of the many rave reviews, I must admit that I personally found the movie disappointing. Unlike most viewers, I was well acquainted with the story of this royal couple before viewing the movie. Bottom line - I expected more. Their story is so rich with material. The king's speech problems were just one of the many issues the royal couple faced, particularly during the wartime. Yet it was the only one singled out here as a theme for the movie and I felt that it was simply not enough to carry a whole movie for 2 hours. Otherwise, everything else was fine - the settings, costumes, acting, choice of actors etc. - it all was done well as far as it went, but I felt it simply didn't go far enough. The wartime sacrifices of the royal couple were not sufficiently highlighted, their bravery, their struggles. All were more of a background to the central issue of the king's speech problem. I would have preferred a rich tapestry where the speech problem had equal footing with the many other issues confronting the royal couple. For those not familiar with the royal couple's story, dealing with the speech impediment might be enough. For me, it wasn't. I wanted more.
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A fresh twist on a classic fairy tale
22 December 2012
This is the classic Cinderella story, though the Czech version involves three wishes with a dress hidden in a nutshell rather than the French version better known in the US. This movie is set in medieval times, with period costumes, castles, beautiful visuals, including winter landscapes, which is not usually featured in fairy tales. It als has wonderful music, with songs performed by the top Czech singer Karel Gott. The heroine is not only pretty but also spunky. Though set in medieval times, Cinderella is rather modern (when it comes to her being able to handle weapons for example). All in all, a very enjoyable movie for any age viewer, one that is both modern and yet at the same time very traditional.Thumbs up on this one!
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A boring movie about nothing
22 December 2012
I saw the movie in the original Czech language. I did make it through, though I have to say it was an effort. If you enjoyed The New World by Terrence Malick you will probably enjoy this movie, though you might find it fast paced. If you normally enjoy American cinema, this movie will seem totally senseless. If you're a man, the pretty Magda Vasaryova might carry the movie for you. If you are a woman (I am), this is pure waste of time. I would have liked to find something positive to say about this movie, but other than the visuals, which were nice, and the glimpse into small town life a century ago, this film really has nothing to recommend itself. My Czech friends gave me this movie since they obviously had an extremely high opinion of it. I did watch it since I felt I owed them that much, but I honestly can't say I found the movie funny or entertaining. It was just extremely long without anything going on. It was the first movie I ever saw that needed a narrator throughout. I have only seen this before in documentaries and found it rather annoying. I think it was supposed to make the movie "funny". I felt like the movie was a very bad joke, and the joke was on the viewer, for waisting their time watching this.
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27 May 2012
I found this movie disappointing and tedious, almost painful to watch. The plot was difficult to follow. Most of the movie takes place in semi-darkness, which is not a pleasant situation visually. I had real difficulty telling the female actresses apart and also considerable difficulty following the plot. I cannot judge how authentic the movie was in terms of portraying Japanese culture of that period, as I know nothing about it myself. So I can't judge authenticity, I can only judge the entertainment value, which was rather low. The tale itself was simply not interesting enough and I kept wondering through the movie "why would anyone want to make this story into a movie?" However, I did manage to sit through the whole movie, which I thought was quite an accomplishment, since the tediousness was really getting to me. I have no idea why the movie has been described as a love story. The "love" element, if it can even be called that, is so minor. Overall, my recommendation is skip this movie, watch something else instead.
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Up and Down (2004)
A profile of contemporary Czech society, Well done.
22 January 2012
I share the earlier reviews posted here except for the one that calls the movie, script, etc. "stupid". The movie is unusual when compared to what an American would consider the "norm". It does not have a main story line, a hero or a heroine, but still manages a rather heroic act to address sensitive and uncomfortable issues of contemporary Czech society without apologies and in a very realistic way. It does this by presenting several unrelated stories that are nevertheless intervowen, a technique that was reminiscent of an earlier Czech movie called "Buttoners" (knoflikari). The movie is strangely touching, but I found it also pretty depressing, forcing the viewer to contemplate the tremendous changes due to changing demographics that Europe in general, and Czech Republic in particular, are experiencing.
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Babicka (1971 TV Movie)
Way WAY too long! Prepare to be disappointed and bored
11 January 2012
I read the book and enjoyed it. However, this film adaptation, in spite of good actors, okay costumes, and being filmed in what appears to be the actual locations (Stare belidlo, etc) is not good. This is a story very dear to the hearts of the Czech nation and it was simply not done justice. Running time is wasted with artsy shots that are way too long and add nothing to the movie and cause viewer's boredom. While the book was fast paced and interesting, at times even suspenseful (Viktorka's story), this movie is so slow-paced that watching the entire movie at once is almost painful. I clearly do not like this director's style. I saw one other movie he directed - The Third Prince - and that was likewise downright awful. I wish I could give this a better rating, but it really is not worth watching. Comparable to "The New World" directed by Terrence Malick (2005).
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Main Street (2010)
Good actors in a B movie - not much of a storyline
11 January 2012
I watched to the end, so it wasn't "that bad", as I saw the movie on a DVD at home and could have turned it off at any time. But that much said, it barely crossed my personal limit for "tolerable". The storyline is pretty dull and nothing can "fix" this. When you start with an uninteresting story, you get an uninteresting movie. I have no idea what Colin Firth was thinking to accept this part. I chose the movie because I figured he was a star and would surely only appear in a solidly good movie. I was wrong! Perhaps he thought it would be a challenge for him to play a character who is a Texan and felt this would give him a chance to break into being offered also roles for characters who are supposed to speak with American accents. He did quite well in terms of portraying a Texan, but that hardly compensated for a lack of an interesting plot.
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Moll Flanders (1996)
It could have been so much better!
11 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I normally love period dramas, particularly those that enable me to "travel in time" to another time and place and experience, for a moment, what life was like in those times. I also like movies with an English/Scottish/Irish setting, so I looked forward to seeing this movie. Sadly, I was disappointed. I did not read the book this movie was based on, but based on reading the reviews here, I get the picture that the movie hardly resembled the book. Much of the plot did not make sense - this must have been the parts that the movie makers changed from the original. When plot does not make sense, the movie loses credibility. The performances were fine, but in general I felt that great talent had been wasted or not utilized to its potential. The movie features some really good actors who deliver good performances, but it's not enough to compensate for the inconsistencies in the storyline and what appear to be historical inaccuracies. The relatively happy ending is about all that was enjoyable about this movie.
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The Big Easy (1986)
Delivers true romance and great music
19 November 2011
This movie was an unexpected delight. In general, I don't like thrillers or suspense, so I braced myself for something that would not be to my taste. Was I ever wrong! The moment the opening credits came on with that wonderful music playing, I knew I would love this film. Although I didn't meet anybody in New Orleans who talked like Dennis Quaid did in this movie, and his portrayal of Rennie McSwain came off as something of a caricature, I still found him extremely enjoyable to watch and as a leading man, he was as sexy as a romantic hero can be. Ellen Barkin was great as the leading lady. The suspense part of the plot was perhaps the weakest part, but the romantic storyline was perfect. The music was so great, it made everything work. Yes, the movie makers made some mistakes with their geography, but that was completely forgivable, as the overall film was such a delight to watch. And few movies nowadays have such a great soundtrack as this movie has. A true delight, this will be a timeless classic.
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The Outsider (2002 TV Movie)
Classical romance in a Western setting
19 November 2011
The storyline is predictable, but what makes this movie work is the great chemistry between the two main characters, played by Naomi Watts and Tim Daly, and perfect pace of the story, great performances by supporting cast - Keith & David Carradine - and great music. After I saw the movie (watching it probably 100 times in the first few months after purchasing the DVD)I also purchased the book on which the movie was based. The book was a disappointment, the movie is much better. The plot is similar to an early John Wayne movie called "The Angel and the Badman" and also to a more recent movie with Harrison Ford titled "Witness". However, neither of those other two movies created the magical atmosphere that fans of The Outsider savor so much. If you don't love romance, you will probably not care for this movie, but for lovers of the genre, this is a feast. I did not like the ending, but can forgive it in view of how great the rest of the movie is. This movie also has great musical score,which is in no small part responsible for the movie's success.
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Leap Year (2010)
Classic romantic comedy that you can watch over and over again!
19 November 2011
I bought this film based on Amazon's recommendation when I was ordering something else. I like Irish settings, so I said why not. I never heard of this movie and did not have very high expectations. Therefore, I was absolutely delighted that right from the start, the viewer's attention was engaged. There was something happening all the time, the plot just FLOWED. I do know that much of what made the movie so delightful was factually impossible. One cannot travel from Wales to Dingle by boat in a matter of a few hours; the scenery, particularly the cliffs and the mountains, are not to be found along the road from Dingle to Dublin, the castle does not exist at all, it was basically created on a computer, and it's most unlikely that anyone would plan an outdoor wedding in Ireland in February, and that people attending such an affair would be dressed in summer clothes, as shown in the film. But these inconsistencies just make the movie magical, like a fairy tale where everything is possible. I enjoyed every minute of it and continue on enjoying it as I watch it over and over again FREQUENTLY. This is a treat for lovers of romantic comedies, who are willing to overlook some problems with the logistics in order to savor all the elements that make a true romance work. If this is your cup of tea, it is a delight, you won't be disappointed! The one negative is that the deleted scenes have to be watched separately on the DVD. I have no idea why they were excluded, they were good scenes and leaving them in would have made the film even better.
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Was there a point? If so, what was it?
3 June 2011
I watched the whole movie, but it was an effort, since there was so little action - almost NONE. I have no idea what the point of the movie was. There was some beautiful imagery, and it did give us a glimpse of what life was like in 1665 Holland, but it just wasn't enough to justify the making of this film. It had great actors, but they didn't get to flex their muscles. There was very little acting. This film was built on images. The film seemed a sequence of paintings, beautiful as such, but mute and frozen. No life, no action. I wouldn't think of watching this a second time. I have no idea what type of viewer this would appeal to. I normally like films set in the past, I like romance, adventure, anything historical or biographical. But although this movie seemed to fit into these categories from what was written on the cover (which is why I bought it), it was a HUGE disappointment.
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A twisted tale with an optimistic attitude
2 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I just returned from the U.S. premiere of this movie at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Overall an enjoyable movie, though there seems to be only one subject the characters ever discuss, which is sex. The discussions are frank, and sometimes on the vulgar side. The theater audience obviously found this movie very funny, though I myself found it more touching than funny. I would say it's more of a chick flick, the comparison here to Sex in the City is probably correct, though this movie is not about girlfriends, it's about three generations of women - the grandmother, mother, and daughter - and their twisted and difficult relationships, as well as their individual struggles and experiences. Through all its ups and downs, the movie retains an upbeat and cheerful attitude, and the ending likewise is full of optimism. One negative was that a few times the subtitles were difficult to read (white letters on light background). But this was a minor problem and did not prevent me from enjoying the movie.
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Very disappointing
13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie in Czech. It was obvious that some of the dialog was dubbed. However, this was a minor issue. I am well acquainted with the story of Elizabeth Bathory, having read books and various write ups about her, including the exact testimonies given at the time by her contemporaries, 3 women and 1 man I believe. I expected a movie worthy of this true life story, and I was most definitely disappointed. While I started watching with a lot of interest, this movie was more a series of disjointed events than a cohesive story. Nothing made sense. If the viewer did not have some prior knowledge of the story, you would never figure it out from the movie. I was told that the movie presented a new view of this myth. This view being that the murders were completely invented by those who wanted to take possession of the countess's property. I did not find this in the movie myself. After about 30-45 minutes the movie became numbingly dull and I gave up completely on trying to make any sense of the nonsensical dialog and weird happenings. The movie was way too long, confusing, and there seemed to be no cohesive storyline. It was not even clear that large numbers of young girls were killed at the castle and if so, how or why. I fought to stay awake in the second half of the movie. I learned nothing about the political situation in that part of Europe at that time. All that was shown were wars, but it was unclear who was fighting whom and why. Some narrative would have gone a long way in helping the viewer understand all these issues, but obviously an historical perspective was not this movie's focus, but rather it was one of those "artsy" movies that perhaps only the makers understand. Overall, I would say this was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
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