
18 Reviews
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30 April 2023
As a movie buff and western enthusiast, "A Fist Full of Dollars" is a must-watch film that never fails to impress. Sergio Leone's epic spaghetti western from 1964 starring Clint Eastwood is a masterpiece of the genre, and its influence can still be seen in modern-day westerns.

What sets this film apart is Leone's stylish direction, with extreme close-ups, long takes, and wide shots that add to the tension and drama of the story. The film's score, composed by Ennio Morricone, is also iconic and adds to the overall atmosphere.

Clint Eastwood's portrayal of the Man with No Name is one for the ages, a character that has become a pop culture icon. The rest of the cast also delivers strong performances, each bringing their own unique energy to their roles.

What's interesting to note is that "A Fist Full of Dollars" was actually a remake (rip-off) of the Japanese film "Yojimbo" by Akira Kurosawa, A fantastic film worthy of being watched as well. Leone's take on the story with its iconic characters, music, and cinematography has truly made it his own.

I always looked forward to catching this film during movie marathons on TV. Now, as an adult, I can appreciate the film's themes of greed, violence, and redemption even more and can catch it any time streaming. If you're a fan of the western genre or just a movie lover in general, this is a movie that should not be missed.
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A Sci-Fi Horror Gem
15 April 2023
As a kid, I always looked forward to the weekend afternoon sci-fi and horror movie programming, and "The Thing from Another World" was a regular feature that I eagerly anticipated. Directed by Howard Hawks and Christian Nyby, the film is a classic of the genre and has stood the test of time.

Released in 1951, the film follows a team of scientists and military personnel at an Arctic research station who discover a crashed spacecraft containing a frozen extraterrestrial being. When the being is accidentally thawed out, it escapes and terrorizes the station's inhabitants, leading to a tense battle for survival.

What sets this movie apart is its sense of tension and suspense, with the threat of the creature lurking around every corner. The film's use of shadow and lighting, along with the eerie score, create an atmosphere of unease that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

As an adult, I still appreciate the film's technical achievements and the way it explores themes of paranoia and the unknown. "The Thing from Another World" is a classic sci-fi horror film that has stood the test of time and remains to this day for me, a must-see horror classic.
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The Thing (1982)
A Masterpiece of Suspense and Horror
15 April 2023
"The Thing" has a special place in my heart as a fan of the original story "Who Goes There" and the Howard Hawks film "The Thing from Another World". I have watched this movie hundreds times and each viewing never fails to impress me with its terrifyingly tense atmosphere, incredible practical effects, and exceptional performances.

Director John Carpenter creates a sense of paranoia and claustrophobia as a group of researchers in Antarctica have discovered someTHING. The practical effects used are still impressive by today's standards and provide some of the most memorable and gruesome scenes in horror movie history.

Kurt Russell delivers an outstanding performance as the lead character MacReady, capturing his gruff, no-nonsense attitude and determination to survive against all odds. The supporting cast is equally excellent, creating a believable sense of camaraderie and tension as they try to determine who among them may have been compromised ( not to give anyTHING away).

This is a horror classic that stands the test of time and remains a favorite among fans of the genre. Its combination of stellar practical effects, tense atmosphere, and strong performances make it a must-watch for any horror movie enthusiast.
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Orpheus (1950)
A Masterpiece of Surrealism
25 March 2023
As part of a community film course, I had the opportunity to watch Jean Cocteau's 'Orpheus' (1950), and it left me completely mesmerized. The film's innovative use of special effects and surreal imagery was a true testament to Cocteau's artistry and creativity.

The story of Orpheus, a poet who falls in love with Death, is a timeless classic that has been retold in various forms throughout history. However, Cocteau's interpretation is a work of art in its own right. The film's dreamlike atmosphere and hauntingly beautiful visuals make for an immersive and unforgettable cinematic experience.

While the special effects may seem dated by today's standards, they were groundbreaking for their time, and their impact can still be felt in modern cinema. The film's use of mirrors, smoke, and other practical effects adds to its overall surrealist feel.

Overall, 'Orpheus' is a true masterpiece of surrealism, and a must-see for anyone interested in the history of avant-garde cinema. It's a film that continues to inspire and captivate audiences to this day, and it deserves its place among the greatest films of all time.
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A Classic Noir Masterpiece
25 March 2023
"The Maltese Falcon" is an iconic film noir that has stood the test of time as one of the greatest detective films ever made. Directed by John Huston and starring Humphrey Bogart, this movie is a must-watch for anyone who loves the genre or classic cinema.

Bogart's portrayal of the cool and cunning private detective Sam Spade is masterful, and the supporting cast of Mary Astor, Peter Lorre, and Sydney Greenstreet add to the film's intrigue and suspense. The script is sharp and witty, filled with memorable one-liners and twists that keep the audience engaged until the very end.

The film's stunning cinematography and use of shadow and light create a moody and atmospheric setting that adds to the story's tension and drama. The pacing is perfect, with each scene building upon the last, leading to a satisfying and memorable conclusion.

"The Maltese Falcon" is a timeless classic that set the standard for film noir and detective stories for decades to come. It is a must-watch for any lover of cinema and a perfect example of why Humphrey Bogart is considered one of the greatest actors of all time. This film gets a solid 10 out of 10 and should not be missed.
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The Big Sleep (1946)
A Classic Noir Masterpiece
25 March 2023
"The Big Sleep" is a timeless classic that remains one of the best examples of film noir. Directed by Howard Hawks and starring the legendary Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, the film is a masterpiece of the genre.

The intricate and convoluted plot keeps the audience engaged and guessing until the very end. Bogart delivers an outstanding performance as the private detective Philip Marlowe, while Bacall's presence and chemistry with Bogart on screen is electric.

The film's stunning black-and-white cinematography, combined with its sharp dialogue and atmospheric score, create a moody and unforgettable experience. Each scene is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, adding to the film's immersive quality.

As a fan of film noir, I can confidently say that "The Big Sleep" is one of the best examples of the genre, and a must-watch for any cinema enthusiast. The film's impact is still felt to this day, and its legacy is a testament to the talents of the cast and crew involved.

Overall, "The Big Sleep" is a perfect example of what makes film noir so great. It's a classic that stands the test of time and remains a thrilling and engaging experience, deserving of a 10 out of 10 rating."
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A Timeless Sci-Fi Classic
25 March 2023
"The Terminator" is a groundbreaking science-fiction film that has become a timeless classic since its release in 1984. Directed by James Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, and Michael Biehn, the film follows a relentless cyborg assassin sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor, the woman who will give birth to the future leader of the human resistance.

With its iconic characters, thrilling action sequences, and mind-bending time-travel plot, "The Terminator" remains a true masterpiece of the sci-fi genre. Schwarzenegger's chilling performance as the emotionless and unstoppable Terminator is unforgettable, while Hamilton's portrayal of the terrified but resilient Sarah Connor is equally impressive.

Cameron's direction is nothing short of brilliant, using a perfect blend of practical effects and cutting-edge technology to create a convincing and immersive vision of the future. The film's stunning visual effects and pulse-pounding soundtrack only add to the already incredible experience.

Overall, "The Terminator" is a must-see film that has stood the test of time. Its impact on popular culture and the science-fiction genre cannot be overstated, and it remains a thrilling and thought-provoking film that will continue to captivate audiences for generations to come. It's a true masterpiece that deserves its place among the greatest films of all time.
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The Evil Dead (1981)
Unforgettable Horror
25 March 2023
"The Evil Dead" (1981) is a true masterpiece of horror that still manages to terrify audiences today. Directed by Sam Raimi and starring Bruce Campbell, the film follows a group of friends who unleash an ancient evil while staying in a remote cabin in the woods.

Raimi's direction is nothing short of genius, and the practical effects and use of camera work add to the film's overall terrifying atmosphere. Campbell's performance as the lead character, Ash, is iconic and adds to the film's enduring legacy.

From the eerie setting of the cabin to the gruesome and creative practical effects, "The Evil Dead" delivers on all fronts for horror fans. It's a true classic that has stood the test of time and remains a staple of the genre.

Overall, "The Evil Dead" is a perfect 10 out of 10 film that continues to scare and impress audiences over 40 years after its initial release. It's a must-see for any horror fan and a testament to the talents of Raimi, Campbell, and the entire cast and crew involved.
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Session Man (1991)
A Heart-Wrenching Journey of a Struggling Musician
25 March 2023
"Session Man" is a heart-wrenching and compelling short film that tells the story of a struggling musician facing an unexpected opportunity. Directed by Seth Winston, the film won an Academy Award for its moving portrayal of the protagonist's journey as a hired musician, taking on a gig with a legendary rock band plagued by internal conflicts.

The film's stripped-down style and the outstanding performance by James Remar as the conflicted protagonist create a deeply affecting and relatable experience. The use of music and sound is masterful, enhancing the film's impact and emotional resonance.

As someone who knew the director personally, I can attest to the passion and hard work that Seth Winston put into this project, resulting in a well-crafted and powerful piece of filmmaking. The Academy Award for Best Live Action Short is a well-deserved recognition of his talent.

Overall, "Session Man" is a must-watch short film that will leave a lasting impression on viewers. Its emotional depth and the protagonist's rollercoaster ride make it a deserving winner of the Academy Award.
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A Thrilling Romantic Drama That Delivers
25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Against All Odds" is a captivating romantic drama that will have you hooked from the very beginning. Directed by Taylor Hackford, the film stars Jeff Bridges and Rachel Ward and follows the story of a former football player who becomes entangled in a dangerous situation when he takes on a job to find a missing woman for a wealthy businessman.

The movie's stunning visuals and soundtrack create a mood of suspense and keep you guessing until the very end. The chemistry between Bridges and Ward is palpable, adding a layer of emotional depth to the already compelling story.

Despite being labeled as a remake, Hackford's direction and the strong performances by the cast make "Against All Odds" stand out as a unique and unforgettable film. In fact, Hackford himself has expressed regret for calling it a remake, as the movie stands on its own as a gripping and thrilling tale of love and betrayal.

If you are a fan of romantic dramas with a touch of suspense, "Against All Odds" is a movie that you must see. It is a timeless classic that showcases the talents of its director and cast, and is sure to leave you captivated long after the credits roll.
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Retro Crime Thriller
25 March 2023
"8 Million Ways to Die" is a retro crime thriller that is worth watching for fans of the genre. Directed by Hal Ashby and starring Jeff Bridges, the movie follows an ex-cop who struggles with alcoholism and gets involved with a dangerous underworld of drug dealers and prostitutes while trying to solve a case.

The film's intense and dark scenes, combined with Bridges' standout performance, make for an entertaining watch. While the story can be mis-leading at times, it still captures the essence of classic crime movies of the 80s.

Overall, "8 Million Ways to Die" is a good retro movie to watch for those who enjoy gritty crime thrillers with a touch of nostalgia. It may not be perfect, but it is still worth checking out for Bridges' performance and the overall mood and atmosphere of the film.
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The Boogens (1981)
Wonderful 80's Creature Feature
14 August 2021
I don't hear enough about this film. It has a solid storyline for a unique monster horror genre. While on my list of my favorite from the 80's film to watch, "The Boogens" is a fun and suspenseful horror movie that will appeal to fans of the genre. Directed by James L. Conway and released in 1981, the film follows a group of miners who inadvertently awaken a long-dormant and deadly force in a small Colorado town.

While the film's low budget shows in some of the special effects and acting, it doesn't detract from the overall enjoyment of the movie. The tense and creepy atmosphere, combined with some creative and unexpected scares, make "The Boogens" a memorable horror experience.

Despite being relatively unknown, the film has gained a cult following over the years, and it's easy to see why. "The Boogens" is a classic example of 80s horror, and its mix of nostalgia and genuine scares will satisfy horror fans of all ages.

Overall, "The Boogens" is a must-watch for horror fans who appreciate a good old-fashioned creature feature. While it may not be a masterpiece, it's a fun and suspenseful ride that delivers on its promises of scares and thrills.
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Vampyr (1932)
A Gothic Masterpiece That Shaped Horror Cinema
14 August 2021
Carl Theodor Dreyer's "Vampyr" (1932) is a Gothic masterpiece that helped shape the horror genre. The film's innovative use of filmmaking techniques, including surrealism and impressionism, creates a haunting and dreamlike atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression on viewers.

"Vampyr" tells the story of Allan Gray, a traveler who becomes embroiled in a village's supernatural happenings after arriving at an inn. The film's eerie imagery and unsettling sound design, combined with its unconventional narrative structure, make for a truly chilling and unforgettable experience.

As a horror classic, "Vampyr" has influenced countless filmmakers and remains a cornerstone of the genre. Its use of surrealism and impressionism paved the way for future horror films that prioritize mood and atmosphere over traditional scares.

Overall, "Vampyr" is a must-watch for any film student or horror fan. Its groundbreaking use of filmmaking techniques and haunting storytelling make it a Gothic masterpiece that still resonates with audiences today.
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Nosferatu (1922)
A Classic
14 August 2021
This is not just watching a horror film but film history. The filmmaking techniques to tell the story for its day were outstanding.
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Watch for the Godzilla
14 August 2021
It's no 'Son of Kong' but as a kid I aways loved seeing this film. Now as a filmmaker, I admire the amount of effort that went into the practical special effect (don't match todays standards) that were great for their day. As an adult the story is not the best but obviously made for a young audience at the time. Not some a classic but fun in my view and a must see if you are a fan of the other Godzilla films prior to this.
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14 August 2021
As a kid I aways loved seeing this film. Now as a filmmaker, I admire the amount of effort that went into the practical special effect (don't match todays standards) that were great for their day. A Classic in my view and a must see.
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Another Giant Classic
14 August 2021
As a kid I aways loved seeing this film with these two battling it out. Now as a filmmaker, I admire the amount of effort that went into the practical special effect (don't match todays standards) that were great for their day. A Classic in my view and a must see.
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Rodan (1956)
A Giant Classic
14 August 2021
As a kid I aways loved seeing this film. Now as a filmmaker, I admire the amount of effort that went into the practical special effect (don't match todays standards) that were great for their day. "Rodan" (1956), also known as "Sora no daikaijû Radon," is a classic kaiju film that showcases the artistry and creativity of Japanese cinema. The practical special effects, though not up to today's standards, were impressive for its time and add to the film's action-packed monster battles. Dr. Kenji Sahara, the brave geologist, and the military make for relatable human characters. "Rodan" is a timeless tale of humanity's struggle against the overwhelming forces of nature and science run amok. This true classic (in my view) is a must-watch for fans of kaiju films and Japanese cinema.
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