
24 Reviews
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Whiplash (2014)
"And you're not?"
15 January 2024
There are many paths to greatness. We all want to be "great", but can only ever be as "great" as we can be.

To make a name for oneself is the ultimate goal. But what this looks like is wildly different from person to person. Are the wholesome waitress endeavors any less meaningful than those of the avid musician? Is being your kids hero any less great than being a jazz legend?

That's up to the individual to decide. The problem arises when a man's version of greatness is opposite to what he can ever aspire to be. Knowing what one lacks can be inspirational, but it can also be a slippery slope if getting fixated on it prevents appreciation.

Often times doing a "good job" is actually good enough. We only really need to prove things to ourselves. But now I reckon wanting to prove it to others is something that can conjure "incredible stuff".

How far will you go?
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Nobody's entitled to anything, no hard feelings
20 July 2023
Allowing life to unravel without compulsively wanting to lock into lables or paradigms. That's how one ought to live, trustful, joyful of anything that comes. The train will go where the train needs to go, we are to give cues and nudge it but the actual steering wheel kind of has a mind of its own.

Any marriage can crumble in the blink of an eye, people change, new information is presented, we suddenly want to be somewhere we've never been, to dramatically change lanes... that's just life, we have no idea what's in store for us, or what is possible, getting too attached to anything other than the wave carrying our consciousness through spacetime can prove dangerous.

Wonderful watch, highly recomment to all clingy people. Some might not like it tho, but yeah I guess it's understandable not everyone shares the sentiment.
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So excited to review this, shamelessly bad!
15 June 2023
Ok so what's excites me about this move is that it's hands down, by far, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst thing I've seen on the big screen.

Granted, I had to leave the theather 30 minutes in because it was just unbearable, everyone attending had to be so confused at how they were spending their hard earned cash in such an underwhelming joke of a production.

How did they have the courage to package this and deliver it as the abomination it is, a big mistery. Boy I doubt nobody said hey everyone this is really one big pile of doo, maybe we should scratch the whole thing and save a few bucks, and not look like absolute fools.

Sunk cost fallacy I'd guess.

I even thought perhaps they were trying to make it bad, something so abruptly sad could be intentional but that's not the case, this is just a massive flop! Avoid at all cost!
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So boring and generic, I remember transformers were cool
15 June 2023
Not a big transformers guy, but coming from the 2007 movie starring Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox, I remeber it fondly, it was fun, effects were pretty damn cool and all that.

So you'd expect after 16 years the franchise would at make a decent effort to be of a similar quality, right? WRONG!

Generic storyline, dull dialogue, even the effects felt so devoid of any coolness, man back in 2007 transformations were SICK! Now its just some flexible metal mumbo jumbo, whatever costs less I figure.

I really tried to enjoy it but I could not, I didn't to expect to dislike it sthis much, I guess in some way it's a cool for kids; YAY ROBOTS! Big monke robot punches the bad guy, the gud guys run, oh no! We have to stop big bad guy.

The soundtrack is mid, oh and the way the story develops and the decisionmaking of the characters is pretty absurd.

It might've just ruined transformers for me.

Don't bother, go watch Spiderverse or Guardians of the galaxy 3 instead.

Like, not even if you're a Transformers fan, matter of fact if you want to stay a Transformers fan definitely skip it.
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Hits like a psychological truck
27 February 2023
This movie was exhausting, depressing, claustrophobic and brilliant.

I hadn't ever seen such a depiction of addiction and mental struggle, absolutely draining, the downspiral these people go down is scary.

Like it gets really dark, it's taxing, man it honestly put me in such a weird state of mind that I'm struggling hard to even write this review, after delliberately postponing getting to it.

Cinematography wise is great too, good locations, the acting is good, and they managed to tell and intertwine all 4 main characters stories great.

I would love to re watch it but like I'll have to wait some time.
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Fallen Angels (1995)
Mesmerizing, experimental
22 February 2023
Pretty cool, the handheld shots made for something like nothing I had seen before, truly amazing what they pulled off, all throughout it has this just odd lofi street vibe done right, the coloring is also sick.

It does get weird, some bits felt super dreamy and I really believe there's a bunch of stuff lost in translation, watching it by just reading the subtitles has to take a lot from it.

Maybe I'll learn chinese some day and will be able to appreciate it in all of its glory, for now I have to say it was okay for what I experienced, not the easiest to follow, it got me confused at times and I was falling asleep right at the end.

Tricky watch, I'll be revisiting at another time.
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Her (2013)
Compelling story, A.I. Uprising in the horizon
20 February 2023
With the A. I. boom right now this movie hits harder 10 years after its release.

Exhilarating, scary, perplexing. A beautifully presented depiction of the complexity of relationships, feelings, change, love and hummanity.

Still far from understanding consciousness there's no doubt we're closing on the singularity race. Feels a little distopic at times but at the same time... not? Like it portrays A. I. as this sentient being that just makes sense could come, or rather "Super sentient?", I suppose there's a bunch of stuff we don't yet have words for in this realm, exciting stuff.

Amazing work of cinematography, would recommend.
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Burnt (I) (2015)
Enjoyable, not amazing
19 February 2023
It's alright, was looking for a film in this theme to get a feel inside the kitchen and whatnot, it does that fine, but the focus is heavy on the protagonist's story.

We're let inside some stunning kitchens but the cuisine aspect was given little attention, it's all about this troubled man, who honestly gets cut too much slack for how much of an dick he is, way too intense.

A couple twists keep the story going but the way everything was put together does feel a bit off, some edits are crammed and rushed, underdeveloped characters and overall just not super cohesive.

Not terrible, but no cinematic masterpiece.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Fantastic tension builder, perplexing
6 February 2023
Disturbing, edge of your seat kind of film, I was sucked in by the atmosphere, the slow build up and eerie tension maintained is absorbing, loved to see Allison Williams performance, after seeing her on The Perfection I was left with a bitter aftertaste (not that she was bad, that movie's plot is just odd and poor).

Daniel Kaluuya is great, one of my favorite Black Mirror episodes 15 Million Merits is where I first saw him, awesome stuff this man pulls off.

That paranoia structuring through his mind through the events is nerve wracking, we're sent in the same train of thought as himself, confused as to what might happen, all for an awesome closure, the length of it is also great, much pleased with this thriller, scary stuff.
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Really good, one of the best colombian films ever
9 January 2023
I was shocked at how immersing and moving this film was, we're thrown in the harsh reality of these children, seemingly hopless when shown with what could be a major change for their livelyhoods, and so they embark on their journey.

They're helped along their quest and guided by some, but these "gamines" are also given a hard time by people who couldn't care less about their situation and just deem them as scum, a sad reality of our modern world.

A shimmer of hope in the form of a white horse in the opening sequence stays with them until the very end of their quest. Magical realism is seen ever so slightly and beautifully along the film.

Some amazing shots, I was caught by surprise by how well crafted and sophisticated some scenes are, astounding.
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Absolute banger
3 January 2023
What a wonderful movie, this new 2D-3D animation style is quite the eye candy.

Loved the humor, these people pull stuff that really sets it apart from other animation studios, for some reason I thought there would be a lot of singing but thankfully that's not the case.

They manage to cram quite a few different stories and characters and intertwine and develop them beautifully in the short 100 minutes.

Never felt boring or dragged, the dub (I watched it in Spanish) is spectacular, today I found out Antonio Banderas voices the puss in English, Spanish and Italian, what an absolute gigachad.

I was almost brought to tears a couple times too, a must watch if you're into Dreamworks stuff.
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31 December 2022
The production value is pretty good, the soundtrack is great but the story itself is just and odd one, and the delivery feels off, they do some kind of Tarantino style non linear storytelling with some twists but they pull a rewind edit twice that just feels so cheap.

Then there's the plot division with the title cards again kind of Tarantino style but even though the cinematography is great that feels super cheap too.

Some stuff outright don't make sense in hindsight and some over repetition of scenes (I guess to emphasize) but again, feels cheap.

I mean it's alright, kind of fun, a weird sadistic revenge driven slasher of sorts, kind of a mix of a bunch of things, it's whatever really.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
The world needs more wonder
29 December 2022
In an ever suffocating society that tells us what's right and what isn't a lot of people would benefit from Alice's thought process.

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. Its overwhelming to imagine the impossible, but escaping the ordinary has no other backdoor, you need to take the potion and bite the cake to unlock the door.

Dare to see the world as it is, let reality engulf you and be vulnerable to the fact that you know nothing, for only then will you learn something.

Magical film, I'm eager to visit wonderland yet again and Futterwacken vigorously.
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Host (II) (2020)
Refreshing, well put together
29 December 2022
This format was pretty cool, I thought it was probably lame when my sister told me about the zoom thing and since most horror films are lame to begin with but they really did something here.

There's a couple jumpscares but they're done right, the ambience they develop is nicely done, you feel like you're in the call with these people and the conversations are natural, it really feels like they're just hanging out when all of this went down.

The special effects are also pretty good, this movie was a breath of fresh air, short and sweet, I was mesmerized inside the call with them, quite enjoyable.
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Hereditary (2018)
Creepy culty horror depicted right
26 December 2022
I'm not a huge fan of horror movies as most are just cheap and you're just left with "well that was stupid".

This one though has some really shocking scenes and seeds terror how it should be done, with intrigue and fear, you kind of start to break as the characters do, it doesn't pull any cheap cliches and instead builds up properly.

Some other scenes felt a bit stretched but I supose that's part of the buildup, again, not huge on this genre.

Toni Collette's plays Annie real good, poor woman has a lot on her plate, even her occupation is played out properly creepily. Haven't seen many beacuse I'm almost always disappointed but this one did its stuff right.
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Jackie Brown (1997)
Tamer, character driven film
21 December 2022
Was expecting a different pace coming from other Quentin's films but found this slower paced story enjoyable in its own way, the trailer paints it good "who is playing who?" and it's delivered in a way that you're constantly trying to figure out what's gonna play out, it's not predictable.

This one needs rewatching, it didn't kept me on the edge like say Reservoir Dogs but I don't think it's fair comparing the two, though naturally one would.

I'd never seen De Niro play such a small role, absolutely amusing, the man is amazing, as for Samuel L. Jackson he just takes it out of the park as always.
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What a way to debut your film career
7 December 2022
From the moment this starts I was on the edge of my seat, what this man pulls with this non-chronological storytelling is just delightful, keeping you hungry, intrigued, hooked, absolutely immersed in the story.

Dialogues are clever, the characters are alive, the violence is gut wrenching and beautifully delivered.

After watching the trailer I was caught off guard by the fact that the heist isn't shown much, if at all, but there's no need, as it paints a clear picture of what went down in your head, the flow is so good you're not ever given much time to think about anything other than what's in front of your face. Intense, gory, just great.
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The Batman (2022)
Action-packed psychological ride
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Long but rewarding, maybe a bit too long. Dark and nerve wracking, nice tension and release building, fights are great, the city is gloomy as hell that suit is sick and can take one hell of a beating and keep the man going.

The scene where he finally meets with riddler hit me like a train, you get in Bruce's head and know exactly what he's thinking and then the twist comes, boom, everything changes.

A film about empathy, both side of the same coin, intertwined in tragedy, Bruce gets a peek into the other side, but there's a higher good to attend, meanwhile the viewer's the one left on the villain's head. Would recommend.
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Underwhelming and overrated
4 December 2022
This isn't the best colombian film ever made, as other people seem to state on this page, that might've been the case many years ago, not today. I say that not having watched many colombian films myself, but the thing is you just can't genuinely believe that after 30 years the bar hasn't been raised.

The acting is good and there's some memorable moments, cinematography wise this is more like a telenovela, the pacing is fast and chaotic and there's no tension buildup, but the plot is dragged too much and some interactions are quite flat.

I wouldn't deem it terrible but by no means the best, it's okay.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Beautifully delivered crudeness
3 December 2022
The nonlinear way the story is told just treats the viewer right, cleverly delivering bits and pieces for one to put together how it all ties up. Buildups are intense, lingering just the right amount of time, the delivery phenomenal, Tarantino takes the viewer by surprise multiple times and the shenanigans that unravel are hiysterical.

The characters are witty and funny and just solid. There isn't an overly ambicious message wanting to come out or over the top stuff to pull, just gangsters going about their business, rambling and going about their gangster life, depicted in the most sophisticated of fashions, a true gem of storytelling.
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A cry for humanizing the dehumanized
26 November 2022
How precious is a person's life? Is putting away people for ungodly amounts of time for a mistake the right way to dabble with the issue of the threat they pose?

I know little about incarceration and such issues but am pulled to think there's a better way than tossing in the trash the ONE life people have, indulging in our negligence to better them, regardless of the crime (though there's clearly harsh outliers), it's definietly a complex issue.

We're shown a heartbreaking scene of a kind of hell we humans have agreed upon. Decade after decade of rejections for freedom just strike a chord in me, I think of how mistaken I was about something I did some time ago and how I've changed as a person in a reasonably short amount of time and to extrapolate that situacion to someone facing long prision time is just soul crushing.

That's the feeling that gripped me through my first watch, the horror of having time dillute within those walls as your youth and potential fade away. Hopefully hummanity moves towards a state where true rehabilitation is achievable within no more than a couple years, with the right tools, psychoterapy, love and understanding I don't think it's too delusional of an idea, for a good part of those who've lost their freedom anyways.

Nonetheless, the ability of the characters to navigate the horrible hand they've been dealt and to find meaning through friendship and hope is envigorating, forced to look at the long road ahead and make up their mind on how to approach it, with an undying desire to see another day, a better day.

Both sad and inspiring film, mellow, tender and rewarding.
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Masterful showcase of human entanglement with music
23 November 2022
Melodious film, in no rush to unfold delivers a melodramatic journey thorugh Colombia. A beautiful depiction of vallenato and the costa culture.

1968, widowed Ignacio Carrillo embarks a his last great journey to return the instrument to his master. "Doomed" to life the life of a troubadour (which is the equivalent of a rockstar) reluctantly takes in Fermin as a pupil, a determined kid who left his hometown to become a great musician.

Ignacio seems regretful of where his accordion took him, leaving many children behind accross the years, hoping for Fermin to not follow the same path and discouraging him to do so.

But the melody pulls hard and Fermin knows what the soul wants. Amazing depiction of music entaglement with the human condition, a phenomena I've wished to understand in a deeper way and that this masterpiece has taken me closer to. Highly recommend.
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Unlike anything I've seen, graphic, surreal, real
19 November 2022
Starts with a bang of color, visually astounding sequences all throughout, we're thrown into a void of psychedelia and mysticism right away and it wastes no time showing us what we just got into.

We navigate this journey in a unique way, surfing the very fabric of reality intertwined with the protagonist's consciousness, from the get-go we're inside him, navigating a surreal experience from a dreamy first-person point of view.

Weird, bold, out there. It gets dizzying, definitely not a movie for the whole family, more of an occult gem to pull out on a couple tabs or some mushrooms on a special day, though the feel can get quite sad and eerie so proceed with caution, not for the faint of heart.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Scary film, dark, when isolation and modernity become too much
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We see a man majorly disconnected from reality, isolated, Travis Bickle can't sleep and seeks little aid to stabilize his demeanor, further contributing to his mental downfall.

He turns into a bit of a maniac getting an absurd amount of guns and putting together a contraption to carry an impulse assassination after Betsy ignores his calls over him being an outright weirdo. Goes full mohawk ready to die for his master plan but fails right out of the gate.

The silver lining is that he turns after that to murder a bunch of mobsters and save Iris from Sport. His demeanor in the room with Iris and then at the diner showed someone much more grounded, quite different from what we'd seen, this dude's got some real conflicting morals going on, much of a loose cannon, a wildcard. War had to do a real number to leave him this way.
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