
21 Reviews
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Chernobyl: 1:23:45 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Horrifying but cool!!
22 May 2023
Chernobyl was not only based on a true story but also amazing acting and an overall great storyline. I love the suspense, especially when watching the train about the movie. I think making a movie about this is cool. It is based on the nuclear accident that happened on April 26th, 1986. Also the only accident about anything nuclear completely, so it was a big deal. Not only that but what if this nuclear accident could cause the pandemic-like the tv shows-? Not only that but the area around Chornobyl is still radioactive!!- 2022- now a ghost town. But the art and filmmaking were breathtaking and with editing, you could never really notice. But of course with historic movies, there's that basic romance that makes you feel like" www" but also "okay cool another one" reaction at the same time. Because it's in every historical movie. Maybe that's what makes it great, or maybe it is really sweet in some. I don't know, I'm just not a fan. And for him to back to his ex... okay bud. But I think this movie had a good balance of Romanic and the main story, even though showing love and affection through hard times and fear, there was still this main point of the people helping others, and trying to stop the nuclear disaster. But also sad, as I cried so much. But it is an amazing movie, and the death in this is so shocking, not gross but emotional in a way. I could go on and on about this whole movie because as not much of a fan of historical movies, these were pretty good. And I recommend this movie, and I want to know why I did not learn about this in school. This is so cool but so sad at the same time.
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Selma (2014)
well made movie<3
12 May 2023
Selma is a good movie, I personally choose not to watch movies like this because I cry way too much for these types of movies and even sometimes get upset because it is so stupid on how Americans fight for freedom but freedom is not even in our own country. I recommend this movie to most historian teachers who want to make their students learn but also cry because it is so realistic, now MLK's actor did not at all look like him but his acting skills showed more than his height could ever. I feel like in the end they should have done MLK getting assassinated but then showed all the change he succeeded. But overall This movie kept the notes exactly like the real movement. But also opened our eyes too that the movement was all over tv which questions even more of why Civil Rights took forever to be accepted. They got mainly straight to the point no background information about the characters just what happened at that date and time and what after that.
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Big Fish (2003)
10 May 2023
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Tim Burton is overall a great writer and director, and one of my favorite movies would have to be 'The Corpse Bride', 'Alice and Wonderland', 'Beetlejuice', and other amazing movies that have been shown our whole childhood. But I have never heard of 'Big Fish' and watching it I was not really liking it... Like I was confused on most parts like how the story began he was telling his life to his son's wife. But it would transition to the son and I was just lost but it did have one of my favorite AND ICONIC actors for Tim Burton, Helena Carter. I love her acting skills and how well she plays her characters. Of course, like any other movie, the acting was well and impressive. But the storyline was confusing if you have a small attention span and get distracted with something else. But overall I do recommend this movie because its Tim Burton and he is amazing.
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very well acting
1 May 2023
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Cinderella Man was a very well-written movie, and the storyline is very well presented. The acting is almost perfect the emotion is emotional it's very realistic and the fashion is pretty accurate. This movie had a good message to follow but that some things you have to do what you need to do. Though he was going to be badly hurt did not stop him or slow him down. It shows that you can overcome anything or any weaknesses. He fought all he could and succeed it opens one's eyes that even though people are putting you down and do not think you can do does not mean you can not do it. Push your limits and succeed even further.
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Walk the Line (2005)
pretty cute
10 April 2023
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Walk the Line was overall a nice movie, I feel some parts made people look bad, like the mother/ wife Vivi. They made her seem like the way she was acting was not acceptable but I think it's very justifiable with June working closely with Johnny. For it to be based on a true story it was very detailed and the acting was very well done, especially June with that country accent I think it's funny June -the actor- does not sound like the real June at all. -She was a better singer in the movie- It made you realize a lot of stars at the time of age abused drugs but also got depressed with their own childhood memories or trauma. I'm not a big fan of jazz or this time-of-age music but it made me want to add some songs to my playlist I overall think anyone should watch this movie.
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Darkest Hour (2017)
very realistic
6 March 2023
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This movie truly showed true events, everything was almost accrete of course, not the actors but they looked close to the real characters. Which I think is cool, I mean think about filming a movie with every little detail, doing makeup and special effects just to give it that realism. And along with this the acting is impeccable and I love, the emotion and how they truly show how their character. I highly recommend this movie and I like this movie, which I usually don't like presidential or war movies. But like the scene with him putting up the peace sign thinking is victory is just so funny to me.
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
27 February 2023
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Although Harry Styles was in this, which I love Harry and his acting is 9/10, overall the movie was slow-moving but very interesting and thrill-pulling. There were some scenes where I almost cried or got very very close. The storyline is understandable but some actions or events were chosen stupidly. Like with the airplane why did he have to wait to land the plane, and then he got captured? When they did, the soldier is supposed to kill themself. But that's not the point he actively turned himself in LIKE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! But the ending was amazing, I love how they ended it. I recommend this movie to any war movie fans and harry styles fans because he is so handsome omg...
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Dunkirk (2017)
It was okay...
17 February 2023
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There's not a main character involved in this. The point seems to have been to portray the breadth of the Dunkirk evacuation at the expense of character depth. No one moment seems truly central, which means that the movie strikes you at the end of not having built up to anything aside from the actual evacuation, which admittedly is the most important thing. But in some respects that made this movie seem at times less of a drama and more of a docu-drama if that makes any sense. And I don't understand why he couldn't lie the plane faster or why he gave himself to the french. It was overall an okay movie but I would recommend this to war movie fans!!
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25 January 2023
My personal opinion on 12 mighty orphans is that it is an amazing movie but with the facts of the claim it has to come done to the storyline and It being based on a true story. It shows great detail, the actors may not look like the true characters but the emotion as the acting shows what they truly went through. This movie makes you want to punch a grown man, scream at football, and even watch it after the movie. As a football fan, I loved this movie but as someone who kinda hates historic movies, I loved this one. And the ending was so realistic -you'll see-, and what happened to the REAL life characters after football. I love this movie mostly because they overcame so much and it makes you think about your life and how grateful you truly are for everything. I recommend this movie to anyone because everyone should at least see the trailer.
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pretty good
10 January 2023
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I like the romantic story in the movie, but compared to the truth, it was not like that. But I love how they did not use that side of his story anyway, keeping the same idea of the 1930s. It shows history always repeats, that in many formers the problems we're facing are repeating over again. The theory of this is shown in how the little actions and climax of evidence happened throughout the movie. The two stories form one fiction movie that sold worldwide, which is pretty cool. I like the movie's funny moments and I recommend this movie to anyone. My favorite part of the singing and how the characters match each other and make a funny/good team.
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13 December 2022
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This movie is well entertaining for it to be a documentary movie, which I was kind of disappointed about, is not much of a fan. But as in the title, it tells about the history of black horror very well, including many actors talking about the history like Tony Todd, Jordan Peele, Rusty Cundieff, etc. I love how this movie talks about the pros of movies and then slightly the cons instead of just bashing them. They went back to when Hollywood started, expressing how the romance played off, with black men always going to white women. How that represents them, and why people took it that way. But also how some movies were secretly about blacks, like King Kong, Alien movies, Black Lagoon, and many more. But they keyly focused on "Night of The Living Dead" made in 1968, a black and white film. Talking about the zombie apocalypse and the surprise of an African American being the lead role and hero. Being made in the 60s, the time of black protests, being hosed, racism, etc., it is a statement but also a new beginning for black actors in Hollywood. Most movies were imaged by whites when making a black movie in the 1970s, with big collars and girls all around, and of course with great action but this created an image for others about "pimps" or how most whites thought that's how blacks were. They explain how these small movies showed such a big deal, like in the movie Black Dracula. A black man in court stands up for what he thinks is right. That's surprising being a film made in the 70s but not forgetting that the man's wife became the main character but not as a sex symbol or just a 'bad hottie' but as a hero and brave woman. And don't get me started on how in the 60s, a film had a black FEMALE scientist!! They got into so many points and examples of the different times of black horror in history and how over the years this movie that they didn't think much about actually had so many clues we did not know about. The most clued given, and true story based is 'Candyman' which they talked a lot about and it's interesting how so many parts of the movie represented true or semi-true events. I recommend this movie so much and It's one of my favorites, as you could tell by me almost writing a whole book. But I hope you enjoy it because for not such a big fan of documentary movies I loved this one.
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great message
8 December 2022
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The passage in this does tell well. And I love the love story, I am a sucker for romance and their love story makes me lowkey cry I love it so much. I was confused at first when no one was remembering him but it soon came together when you see the snow falling and you're like "oh shoot their wish is about to come true" the main character is so sweet and I love the way he portrays himself and he's accented He's overall a great actor and his wife Mary is so gorgeous. I love the cars and how the movie is pictured. There are a lot of great parts that come into this movie and I most definitely recommend it.
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pretty gnarly
1 December 2022
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Honestly, some scenes in all honestly, some scenes are not the best for the children's eyes. Like on the scene with the Sandman dying. FADING TO SAND!! HIS SKELETON LAUGHS AS HE FADES AWAY. I would be traumatized, but that movie does tell a story that would make someone understand the way people act. How their past can affect how they are now. I would watch the mickey mouse version I love that movie dearly but if you pick this movie...good for you. But I would recommend this movie to a human behavior class or like something that has to do with human behavior or just someone who wants to watch a Christmas movie.
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Thirteen Days (2000)
great for a history film!
5 November 2022
Based on true events, it's a good storyline. And I like how the actors look similar to real-life people, how the responses and actions are like how the real-life characters should be portrayed. Although with these good things there are some small little iffies, if you care to use that word, the fact of the movie turning black then white. I understand that the event is in the time when black and white was "color" but do it randomly instead of in an artist's way. I don't know if I explained it well enough to understand but you'll see it when you watch the movie because it is still a great movie to me. I recommend this to History lovers who want to learn more about the Cuba and missile incident. Either way, have fun watching it! I'm not a big fan of historical films but I even watched this at home when I was sick and couldn't watch it at school :))
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pretty okay
26 October 2022
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Bridge of spies, Is a decent movie. Giving a good story line but not much not the understanding of what is necessarily happening. As the portrance of Abel moves further into the movie, you get a basic understanding now how he is and how Russia deals with their people. You understand the happenings that took place but not how they really got to the situation of being arrested and called a spy. All he did was paint in a park! But overall it shows the side of believing in the right of another that is being accused of something else, even when people judged you for it. It has a lesson and a meaningful one at that. So yes, I would give this movie a watch.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
pretty great
19 October 2022
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I love how true the movie was to the true events that it was based on. And how the actions and effects were still interesting but didn't take away the emotion in the faces. You were drawled in by the acting and the emotion that was really in this piece. It showed so much heroism as well. I don't really see how the beginning really helped with the story. It was just him hitting his brother in the head with a brick but maybe that showed he was a fighter, that he always fought back? I love how they laid out the movie and that you weren't confused or anything. How the back stories were made since in that way the movie played the character out. I recommend this movie to anyone who loves a good hero film. You can easily learn from this movie and write a paper on this historical figure. Overall the movie has many good traits and I could watch it again.
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1917 (2019)
great acting
28 September 2022
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1917 was a good movie, the acting was great and the filming was good quality. But the story was confusing at the end. Like the storyline in the beginning was fair with the missions that they had to do, you understood the assignment. In the middle you still understood, and even learned more of what they truly went through but in the end it was so bad. All he was doing was walking to A tree and just sitting there. How can a movie end like that! But overall I give it an eight but it's a good movie, I really enjoyed it. I recommend this movie to whomever loves seeing what soldiers went through, how tragic the war was, and the thrills that are taking place. Some things happen and you do not really understand why and you can ask a lot of questions, because lord I did. But I would watch this. And maybe regret it or get mad because of the ending...
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Harriet (I) (2019)
a great movie
21 September 2022
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From her escape from slavery through the dangerous missions she led to liberate hundreds of slaves through the Underground Railroad, the story of heroic abolitionist Harriet Tubman is told. Being based about the atrocity of slavery, Lemons and co-writer Gregory Allen Howard focus on liberation and solidarity, rather than amplifying pain, trauma and humiliation. It's overall a beautiful movie and the story is shown very well. The men chasing her soon believe she died, but she travels all the way to the north on a very dangerous journey all by herself. Discovering the Underground Railroad. He helps Minty get settled in her life as a free woman, and has her pick out a new name: Harriet, her mother's middle name, and Tubman, her husband's last name.
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An emotional art
14 September 2022
I hate war history movies but far more. I love how you can find happiness from anger to sadness. It's very emotional, made me cry a lot but it's an amazing film. It tells the story perfectly, and being a true story they got the main characters to look just like the people based on the true story. It shows the dedication that was put into the movie. You might be very mad at some parts of the movie but the storyline shows more accuracy then most movies. You can relate to the feelings brought to the screen and understand what they were truly going through. Something that might trigger you is that there is death, kkk, Slavery and the acts that happened to slaves-which I cried overly much about- and the n-word being thrown around like a hot potato. But neither than that this is a great movie and I recommend it.
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Lincoln (2012)
storyline 10/10
7 September 2022
I'm not a fan of war movies nor care for them but this movie is pretty, coming from a student who was made to watch this. I always look for the storyline and it has an amazing on and it stays on topic. The pictures and lighting were mood matching and you understood the emotion behind the statements and actions that they did. They talk very quietly so you might need to turn the tv to the max but as the movie progresses you can understand what is happening and where the movie is taking place. It helped me learn, honestly. It was earlier to remember and learn from then my actual history teacher. I recommend this movie to anyone who loves war movies or finds history interesting, someone who definitely isn't me.
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The Searchers (1956)
good storyline but some flaws
19 August 2022
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The story line is good and it stays to it, but with some of the scenes. Like how did Lauri get the letter from Martin? Or how did they find their way back from traveling miles and miles. So many questions, I don't understand. But I love the characters that were portrayed in the movie. It has a confusing ending and makes you think about many other things that could happen further on. I very much liked this movie but some things//events that they did, didn't really make sense to me, personally. But I would watch it.
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