
24 Reviews
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Men (2022)
Excellent and tense.
28 June 2022
Surprised by the nay-sayers on here. Thought Men was thought provoking, tense and creepy. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Some are saying it is slow but not all movies gave to. E crash, bang, wallop.

Jessie Buckley was her usual excellent self, supported very well by Rory Kinnear.
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The Beatles: Get Back: Part 3: Days 17-22 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Save the best till last
27 November 2021
Three great parts but the third part was my favourite by a distance. The rooftop concert, filmed with multiple cameras, captured everything. And the producers knew there would be a visit by the old bill so had a hidden cameraman downstairs in reception. When the police, as expected, turned up with trumped up charges of disturbing the peace, the tactics of delay came into play. At least the Sargent, who arrived later, seemed to take the whole thing with a pinch of salt and let the concert run its course. And with it The Beatles rode off into the sunset.

Great job Peter Jackson. And we'll done to all those back in 1969.
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Sound mix is bad bad bad.
3 July 2021
Decent movie ruined by the sound mix. Background sounds are mixed to high meaning it's a struggle to hear what the actors are saying, so you crank up the sound to hear and then get blasted out by the soundtrack! Who the hell messed this up and why wasn't it picked up before release to the public? A fundamental flaw which had me upping and lowering the volume throughout the movie.

Poor !
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Very dull male lead makes it a hard watch.
4 February 2018
First off al, the setting is cribbed straight from Bladerunner. Expected advertisments for the off world colony. The makers are trying to cash in on the recent Bladerunner movie.

I have so far watched the first episode and struggled to make it to the end, although I forced myself, through will power and the understanding that it might get better. Well I am hugely disappointed because it was a dull hour.

Perhaps my biggest gripe is the male lead. A dullard and I just have trouble understanding anything he says. He mutters all his lines. I had to continuously rewind to work out what he was saying. No, its not his American accent. It's his voice. He just doesn't talk clearly.

The storyline itself seems very convoluted. Some dead guy is stuck inside another dead guys body to solve a murder. What? Why not use a living guy to do it? Oh, and if he doesn't solve it, he's sent back to sleep, forever.

I am a fan of sci fi but this is poor and doesn't deserve the ratings it has on here. In my opinion. Perhaps it will get better and I shall attempt to watch another episode. I might have to crack open a large Monster energy drink to keep my eyelids from closing though.
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WALL·E (2008)
Very good but not exceptional.
21 July 2008
Saw Wall-E last night. The hype for it is massive and the ratings through the roof. So I watched it expecting something that would blow me away.

Unfortunately it didn't quite do that.

I thought it was very good, and the first 25 minutes excellent. But once the film moved away from earth to the spaceship I thought it lost some of its momentum and the middle third sagged, before a very good finale.

7/10 Expect a Wall.E toy to be one of the must haves this Christmas. Reminded me of the robot in Short Circuit.
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Seven Samurai (1954)
Truly magnificent and of epic proportions
20 October 2004
I have just sat through a thrilling 3 hours watching The Seven Samurai on Criterion DVD. And what a fantastic experience!

Why on earth its taken me so long to get around to watching it is anyones guess. I have owned the DVD for over a year, and finally found the time to put it on and settle down in a darkened room. I didn't move for the length of the film, and the only other time this has happened is during all three Lord Of The Rings movies.

Fifty years old, but it had everything a film fan could possibly want. Hero's, villains, action, drama, a romance and a fantastic director who brought all the ingredients together to make something very, very special.

The actors were truly excellent. Takashi Shimura, who played leader Kambei Shimada, plays his part perfectly as Samurai leader of the seven. A man with a wise head, a great tactician and someone the villagers can trust with their lives. And Toshirô Mifune who plays the loud, brash but desperate to be a Saumurai Kikuchiyo, plays to the camera so well you really believe in his character.

Backed up by a host of quality actors, and directed by Akira Kurosawa, who also wrote the screenplay, this movie goes straight to the top five of my all time great movies. Watch it as soon as you can.

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Excellent Kung Fu Movie and a good story to boot!
20 October 2004
I have just managed to get hold of the Celestial region 3 DVD of The Five Venoms and what a super job they have made of it. A fantastic digitally remastered transfer and a must have for any Kung Fu fan.

The story is pretty straight forward, and has been mentioned already so I won't go into it again. Needless to say it's the fight scenes that many buy the movie for, and they do not disappoint. Only problem is they are a bit few and far between and seem over rehearsed. Bruce Lee could take these lot on and drink a cup of tea at the same time! All kicks and punches come with the all important "type writer" clicks and air "whooshes", which is a cool effect though quite amusing!

I give this movie a B+. Good but not great. In a way I feel it could have been that bit better. Golden Swallow, by the same director a decade earlier, had as good a story and better action.
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Now fully restored on DVD
14 October 2004
I first saw this movie when I was 16 years old back in the 1970's during the kung fu craze. Our local cinema in Swindon showed a Kung Fu movie every Sunday and me and my mates used to go down and sneak in the back door and watch the latest flick.

I remember this movies as "Girl with the thunderbolt kick", but that's a terrible title as she doesn't have much of a kick, and most of the film centers around the male lead rather than "Golden Swallow".

Nevertheless the film is truly magnificent, with wonderful panoramic shots, excellent fight sequences and a story that is easy to follow.

After searching high and low for the film years ago, I gave up, but luckily for me Celestrial Pictures purchased the whole of the Shaw Brothers Back catalogue and has now started to release these great Kung Fu movies that were thought gone for ever. A search on Ebay discovered "Golden Swallow" was available, and a week later I am watching a fully restored, digitally enhanced DVD with a crystal clear 1:235 widescreen classic.

The quality looks like it was filmed in the last couple of years, not the mid 1960's.

Grab yourself a copy, get a beer out of the fridge, sit back and have 100 great minutes of entertainment.
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Brilliant Swordplay meets Michael Flatley!
14 October 2004
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.......until the final few minutes. The film had a great story, sizzling action, goodies and badies, and a silly Irish jig tapdance special at the end in the style of Lord Of The Dance.

Throughout the film the comedy had been good and subtle, but the all signing, all dancing finale featuring all members of the cast went a bit against the grain for me.

Still I give the movie an 8/10. Overall it was a very good Zatoichi movie. Would have got a 9/10 if it had not gone all Hollywood at the end.
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Excellent movie that deserves more recognition
13 October 2004
I watched the DVD of Mibu Gishi Den last night after it was lent to me by a friend. I had never heard of it before so watched it with no idea what it was about, other than I was told it was a story about he Samurai.

Well it blew me totally away. Like many foreign movies, I struggled at first with the names of the characters, and as they were dressed similar and all had the same haircut, I had a bit of trouble working out who was who!

Nevertheless I persevered and after 30 minutes had more or less followed the plot. It certainly got easier as the film unfolded and in the end there was a tear in my eye. I won't give away the plot of the film, as others have already done this. Just to say at the end as the titles rolled there was a lump in my throat. Repeated viewings will make the movie a better experience.

This DVD is available on region 3 now and certainly well worth owning. It is a far superior Samurai film compared to The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise.

Don't pass up the chance to see this remarkable movie. The two leads are excellent actors, and though I have never heard of them before, I should imagine they are very well known in their native Japan.

Grade A.
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"Look, He's Got An Arm Off"!
24 September 2004
I missed Shaun Of The Dead at the cinema. Waited to see it but just couldn't find the time. Same as the new version of Dawn Of The Dead. Too many engagements to get there. I remember going to see George A Romero's version at my local cinema about 8 times before it was taken off. I thought it was the best movie I had ever seen, and just loved the blood and guts of it. We used to walk through our local shopping centre afterwards and imagine all those shoppers turning into zombies and how we would barricade ourselves in the local Marks and Spencers until the trouble was over. (at least we would not starve on the good grub in the food hall!)

So Shaun Of The Dead would have been right up my street. I really enjoyed 28 days later, and the resurgence of the good old Zombie movie was like a breath of fresh air.

So what do I think of Shaun Of The Dead? I think it is absolutely superb. A great British zombie movie to live with the best. Fun, exciting, and it still makes you jump in places.

I am not going into the plot, as this has been expressed by others on numerous occasions. Just sit back and enjoy it.

Some have said that Americans won't get the humour. I disagree. A twat is a twat in any language!

Pegg and Frost are superb as the main characters, ably supported by some very good British actors, including Bill Nighy (who should have had more screen time)and the sweet Lucy Davis from The Office. (Baby Carrot)

I have grown up watching the same movies as Pegg and Wright. In fact I live in the same town as where Wright comes from. Could have bumped into him down at Poole Quay!If I see him or Pegg down there I will buy them a pint for entertaining me for a couple of hours.

Go see it. excellent entertainment. Come on guys lets have Part Two

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The Pianist (2002)
Superb but very sad movie.
11 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I have just watched The Pianist on DVD after putting it off for months. I have to be in the right mood to watch holocaust movies. They are not something to watch when you have a spare couple of hours.

A few spoilers within.

I was right in my assumption that this movie was going to be a hard ride. There is no joy, only death and destruction. But through it all our man fought his way and in the end survived when nearly all the odds were totally against him.

The devastation of Warsaw was complete, and Roman Polanski took us there in this movie, showing us just how bad things were.

I felt myself wanting to shout at the Jews to do something, when a few were picked from a lineup, told to lay down, and then a German soldier worked his way along the men lying down shooting them in the head with a single bullet. As the last man waited his turn to die, the soldier had run out of bullets. The Jew laid there patiently while the soldier reloaded his gun, and was then shot dead. I couldn't understand why the man didn't at least attempt to grab the soldier's gun or at least make some type of attempt to get the hell out of there, even if the situation was hopeless. This scene stunned me to tears.

The film did show that not all German soldiers were murderous jew haters. Near the end a higher ranking German officer, more educated than most of his men, helped Szpilman with food and a warm coat, although Szpilman was never able to thank the man after the war by tracing him down.

Directed superbly by Roman Polanski, and acted brilliantly by Adrien Brody, who both won oscars, the film also won Ronald Harwood an oscar for best adapted screen play.

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The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003 TV Movie)
Excellent adaption of a great book
29 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I have just watched the two part adaption of this Thomas Hardy classic novel on TV in the UK and thought it very good indeed. Living in the very area where the film was made and written, I certainly connected with the story and its surroundings. In fact, I was in Casterbridge (Hardy's name for Dorchester) only today!

Spoilers. The acting was top notch for a TV movie, with all the leads putting in fine performances. As with many of Hardy's works, it ended very sadly indeed, with the final demise of Henchard and tears from my wife.

It was difficult not to feel real pity to Henchard. He was a drunk made good, only to loose everything through petty jealousy.

I thought the fines performances came from Jodhi May, a fine young actress destined for greater things.Her performance as Elizabeth Jane was quite excellent, and the dispair on her face throughout the film was very real.

8.5 out of 10
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Not as good as I thought it would be
26 December 2003
I have just watched the dvd of this movie and unfortunately it left me feeling it was not as good as I had hoped.

The film is a bit too long and for periods nothing really seems to happen. At least 30 minutes could have been trimmed to make it a tighter, more thrilling event.

Depp is the star of the show, playing Captain Sparrow with aplomb, and is well supported by Bloom, Rush and Keira Knightley, looking very dishy and a future star in the making.

The effects were excellent, and the fight scene at the end where the cursed pirates pass in and out of moonlight(and passing from skeleton to full person)is extremely good.

It just left me feeling it could have been done a bit better, perhaps with a stronger storyline.

Still, I seem to be in the minority, as the film has made a mint and a second installment is on the way next year.

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Brought a grown man to floods of tears
20 December 2003
Well I finally got to see Return of the King last night. I had to wait two days because the cinema was sold out and I wasn't quick enough booking when the tickets went on sale. The wait was excruciating, as I had seen the other two movies on opening day and felt I was missing out.

I had read nearly every review on and knew it was going to be great, and guess what, it was stupendous!

I must admit to being a tolkien nut. I have read LOTR about 8 times, also the silmarilion, and all of Christopher Tolkien's works on his father's material. Yes I have even struggled through The Notion Papers!

So it was with great trepidation that the screen went dark and across the screen came those words cast in gold, "The Lord Of The Rings", together with that wonderfully haunting theme from Howard Shore.

For over three hours I was entertained to the max. The visuals were so amazing I just didn't know where to look on screen once battle commenced. Even so the charactors were never swamped by the size of the battles,(or CGI) and we rooted for them all the way!

I have read a few complaints about the multiple endings. I found them to be essential and perfect. Sentimental, yes. Forcing us to tears, yes, because we care about these charactors so much we want to know about Sam and Rosie and the rest of the "gang".

Just one small point, that I didn't pick up on but the rest of my group did. As the credits rolled, they all said, "Why does Frodo have to go off on that boat?". They had all seen the other two movies at the theatre, but none of them had seen the dvds to recap. They couldn't understand why Frodo had to go away and leave his friends. I knew why, and explained it to them, but perhaps this should have been made a bit clearer to the average movie going public. Obviously the special edition 4 disk set will explain Frodo's problems on returning a bit clearer.

And so ends what is to me the greatest film ever. I will probably go and see it a few more times before it's pulled from the cinemas, to make sure I take in all that can be seen on the big screen.

Is it going to be a record breaker? It sure is! One billion dollars world wide at the minimum. In fact I am sure in a couple of years time, the demand will be so high that New Line will be forced to release all three movies nation wide in their extended versions.(to more packed theatres!)

Oscars? Well I found the Oscar voters behaved disgracefully against Fellowship of the Ring. It was by far the best film of the year, and to be beaten by A Beautiful Mind showed just how out of touch the voters were. Whilst A Beautiful Mind is a good film, (and I own it on DVD) it is not a patch of FOTR, even taking into account the different genres.

Last year The Two Towers was again cheated by Chicago, which I felt was even more of a snub.

I just hope the academy was waiting for proof that Jackson was capable of pulling off all three films before giving him what is justly his. But don't hold your breath! Best Film, Best Director, best Visual effects, best costume, best musical score to Howard Shore, plus a ton of other minor oscars would be fair and perfect.

10/10 and my favourite of all time.
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Great film ruined by real animal slaughter
24 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Contains a few spoilers.

I have seen all the cannibal movies except this one. I finally got hold of a copy of the DVD and settled down to an evening of gore and fun. The gore was good, the story far better than I thought it would be, but it was ruined by the dreadful scenes involving real animal slaughter. One particular scene, featuring the natives cutting up a living croc while the poor beast tries to get away, was particularly disturbing. At the begining of the movie there is a disclaimer from the director stating that he had no part in the animal murders in the film, which were added by the producer at a later date. These scenes were not needed to make the film a cult classic. Add to its notoriety? Yes of course but really what animal lover would want to see a poor old croc ripped in half to reveal a still beating heart? Disgraceful and disgusting.

The film itself has a good story and is well filmed. Probably the censored version is better than the full uncut film.
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The battle to end all battles, until ROTK!
19 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
As the cinema burst into spontanious applause as the credits rolled, I sat there soaking in all the fantastic images that had rolled before my eyes over the previous 3 hours. The critics were right. This is a stunning film from Peter Jackson, who must surely now be hailed as one of the greatest directors of our lifetime.

So many go great scenes, with only a couple of small gripes from me that will probably not matter once I have seen the Two Towers a couple of times.

--------------SPOILERS---------------------------- The Battle of Helms Deep has got to go down as the greatest battle in cinema history. The charge out of the Hornburg by King Theoden and his few surviving men, to a guaranteed hero's death at the hands of 7,000 Uruk Hai, (3,000 must have been killed by then) was both breathtaking and very thrilling in its execution.

Then the Ents almost go one better in a fantastic sequence where they sack Isengard, destroying the Uruk Hai nursery and standing Saruman in Orthanc.

Of course the star of the film has to be Gollum, played by Andy Serkis, whose movements had been captured by computer and turned into the best ever CGI character in the history of cinema. His conversation with himself, as Gollum's good and bad parts battle for control of his will, is both amusing and extremely pitiful.

The story itself wizzes along at good speed and the pacing is better than Fellowship. however, I do have a few minor gripes.

The Treebeard sequence looked like Merry and Pippin stuck up a tree with a giant blue screen behind them. It only looked good when they were moving. And cutting away from Helms Deep to the Treebeard story at the hight of battle wasn't a good move as the intensity of battle was interplayed with the slowest creatures on Middle-earth! I just wanted to get battle to Gimli hacking at Orc necks.

Faramir's character was also changed, but this alteration was for the better on a man who is fairly static in the book. By releasing Frodo and Sam at the end he showed redemption, which in the Return Of The King will bring him just rewards with Eowyn.

------------END SPOILERS--------------------------

So how do I rate it? From the opening scenes to the final credits, the three hours wizzes by. A great story well told, and great acting from McKellen, Mortensen, Douriff, Otto and Gollum (Serkis). Superb CGI most of the time, and a couple of battles to end all battles. Until the next movies even bigger one.I am sure that with multiple viewings all my tiny gripes will fall into insignificance as I walk and breath again in Middle-earth.

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Spider-Man (2002)
Mediocre movie for Americans
18 August 2002
Well I thought this would be something special after its huge opening in the States. But on wasting a couple of hours of my life I know realise that Spiderman is for Americans only.

I just don't get how such a poor movie could take so much at the box office Stateside. But then again Spiderman is an all American hero. Outside of the States the film did very poorly.

The effects were poor, compared, say, to The Lord Of The Rings, another blockbuster totally worthy of that name. Yet spiderman took $100 million more in the USA Than LOTR. I guess all those 30 somethings who grew up with the comic had to see it.

Warning! Stay well clear. Other than the rather tasty leading female, the movie lacks a story, good acting and good effects.

4/10 at the very best.
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Atmospheric masterpiece with a huge twist in the tale
16 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the Wicker man in 1973 when it was first released in the theatres. I was only 14 at the time, and not old enough to see it legitimately. I sneaked in with a friend up the emergency exit of the local Odeon in Swindon and sat through the film wide eyed, the highlight being of course (being a hormonal lad) seeing the beautiful Britt Eklands knockers as she danced about.

The film left a lasting impression on me and I had never forgotten it (or Britts tits).

Then last month I saw that the movie had been brought out on DVD, together with the Directors cut. I purchased it straight away and watched the longer version that night. All the memories (or was it mamories) came flooding back and I watched entranced as the film unfolded. And what a great movie it is to!

I won't go into details about the plot as it's been well documented here, but just to say my wife, who had never seen the film before, just couldn't believe the ending! She loved it.

Christopher Lee, Edward Woodward, Britt Ekland and all the locals who took part acted their socks off and deserve the praise that has been heaped upon them.

Small Spoilers-------- Personally I prefer the directors cut of the film. In this version it is easier to understand Edward Woodwards character, and where he is coming from and why he turned down the lovely Britt when she sang out to him to come to her. (I would have been there in a flash with her first call!) The film also has about a dozen songs in it, but don't let that put you off. They add a certain feel to the film that makes it even better. End Spoilers---------

If you want to see a great atmospheric movie, with a fantastic story about kidnap, murder, the occult and a musical to boot, then this is the film to get your hands on!

Don't miss it. 10/10
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Ringu (1998)
Goosepimples and neck hairs at attention!
28 May 2002
Just seen this fabulous movie from Japan.

It's a very good one too. I won't go into detail about the film itself, needless to say many others have done that here already. I picked up the DVD of Ring 1 the other day and have just finished watching it. An excellent, extremely spooky story, well acted and directed. I have to say although its in subtitles, it is very easy to follow and absolutely worth getting hold of.

The ending was top notch. No blood and gore here, but when the heckles on the back of your neck are standing bolt upright, and the goosepimples cover your body from head to toe at the climax, you know you have seen something special.

It was so good that I went and purchased Ring 2, the followup, and Ring 0, the first and last part of the series. It's worth buying all 3 DVDs.

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Sorry but this film is pretty dire.
26 May 2002
I went to see this movie with an open mind. I had enjoyed Star Wars and the Empire Strikes Back, but thought a lot less of Return Of The Jedi, with its cute teddy bears. I am no Star wars Geek, not even what you would call a SW fan. I like movies and I like all types of movies. I thought that the last SW film, The Phantom Menace, was a truly dreadful movie. Awful acting, too many special effects, and a pod race that went on forever.

So I went to the cinema hoping for better. I didn't get it. The first 45 minutes were excruciating. Yawn. When are we going to get some fun? When is this lame acting going to improve? Truly, the love scenes between the two leads were completely unbelievable.

Yes the effects were excellent. The Yoda scene near the end was fun, but really it was too little too late.

Perhaps George Lucas should step back and allow others to write the screenplay or direct.

When you consider this movie alongside The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, there is just no contest.

Both have similar stories about Good Vs Evil, and both set in a mythical place. Even Christopher Lee turns up in both with a similar character, but that's as far as it goes.

LOTR is a far superior fantasy movie in every department, from story to acting to direction to effects. I cared about the characters in LOTR, but I didn't give a damn about one single person in AOTC.

So this Christmas I and millions of others will be looking forward with baited breath to the next installment of LOTR: The Two Towers, knowing full well that the film is in the can and of the same high standard as the first and third episode. I wish I could say the same for SW:AOTC and SW Episode 3.
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Should have easily won best film 2002
28 March 2002
Well what can you say that hasn't been said before 2,900 times. One of the biggest films of all time, and a tragedy that the boffoons at the Academy voted snoozathon A Beautiful Mind as best film. Yes it was OK but really how many times have we seen movies similar to that?

Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, had everything one could wish for. Top notch acting, a dramatic storyline, superb cinematography, Stunning landscapes and a classic soundtrack!

Some reviewers have stated it is too long. I say it's not long enough and I could have quite happily have sat in the theatre for another hour no problem.

I also noticed that many people have voted this film a 1. IMDb should have another top film table, minus the silly "1" votes. This film could never, ever be a one in anyones imagination.

I, like many here, have read and loved the books. Watching the movie we see the images that were conjured up in our minds when reading the books. So many have said its exactly what they imagined it's almost uncanny but fantastic to behold. I totally agree.

As for a lot of the doubters saying its not a patch on The Godfather, Shawshank, etc, well they wouldn't know whan a real classic came along to join these great movies. Yes, Godfather is a good movie, Shawshank is a good movie (though in my opinion slightly overated) But LOTR is the fantasy classic of our time. 20 years from now LOTR will have earned itself the status of classic fantasy adventure, with virtually no doubter whatsoever, a landmark that other films will strive, and mostly fail to achieve.

Thank you Peter Jackson for bringing Middle-earth to life for so many of us grateful fans. Personally I can't wait for the extended DVD, with the extra 30 minutes of unseen footage, which arrives in November.

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Praise be to Peter Jackson
19 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
My god. I will never have to go to the cinema again. I have just seen the ultimate film of all time. I am talking about The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring. Absolutely riveting adaption of the Tolkien classic. Words almost fail me. I have only been out of the cinema for an hour and my head is still spinning with the great scenes that Jackson somehow plucked out of my brain. I saw on screen tonight what I had seen in my head when I read the book. I took my wife, who hates this type of thing, and all she did on the way home was talk about it and she is going to start reading the book tomorrow to find out what happens. She loved it. I have read some reviews here moaning about the lack of an ending to this movie. I can't understand it. Didn't they know it was part one?-------SPOILERS----- What the hell do they want? For a special bit to be tagged on at the end of this part showing gollum biting the ring from Frodos finger etc? Get a life!--------END SPOILER.

The amazing use of colour throughout the film gives great effect to the story. The vibrant warmth of the shire, to the greyness and monotone of the Dwarf mines of Moria, the best part of the film.

The CGI was completely realistic. Better than anything that has been done before. Anyone who says it's not as good as Star Wars is talking out of the rectum. The Cave Troll and Balrog are mind blowing. In fact the effects are so good you don't even notice the main one, that's the size of the hobbits compared to the humans and elves. Completely seemless.

For reviewers here who say they were bored, well obviously this isnt for you. Go catch a Ben Stiller flick. But for fans of film that want to see a great story, fine acting, superb cinematography, top notch action and be transported to another time and another place, then you can't go wrong. As I said at the begining, I never have to go to the cinema again. Not until the Two Towers comes out this time next year!

I give this film 10/10. Best film in years. Best fantasy film of all time. It's going to clear up at the Oscars. It's just fabulous.
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The best movie of all time?
10 December 2001
Just seen a preview of the long awaited Felowship of the Ring and I have to say it was probably the best film I have ever seen in my life. The book, which is one of the greatest of the 20th century, is captured perfectly by the director, actors and of course New Zealand. I was glued to my seat for the full 3 hours and I didn't want the film to end. The 3 hours felt like 15 minutes. I say to the doubters go and see this film. It will astound and captivate you from the first minute. I give this movie a big 10/10. Get the Oscars ingraved now! Cheers
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