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Anna is the real headliner
26 September 2023
Anna May Wong is one of my favourite actresses of the 30s and 40S. She wasn't much of an actress really. However ,like her pal Marlene Dietrich, she had incredible charisma , sexuality, and beauty. Plus her own very unique style which was much copied at the time. Other reviewers have been harping on the astrology bit to solve crimes. I took it all with a grain of salt and found it very amusing in the same way that Sherlock Holmes might solve a crime base on his otherwordly observational skills. It's a bit stodgy most of it taking place in the police office but still works as an effective light entertainment. Warner Bros were the best at these kinds of crime melodramas during the Golden Age of Cinema.
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Father Goose (1964)
Flawless Comedy
1 August 2023
Right up there with North by Northwest as one of Cary Grant's best roles. It's also the film that introduced me to Leslie Caron and she is wonderful here as well. Then you've got Trevor Howard another actor who is always excellent. The humor is consistent all the way through. Along with that is some action sequences that have great suspense with Grant looking very athletic running along the beach. The World War 2 setting in the Pacific, helps to provide a realistic background to Father Goose which opens the film up to excellent cinematography. A classic that should not be missed. Great script as well!
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Good but with a few flaws
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Naked Spur features fine performances from the cast. And this is one movie that is very much reduced to character development . Even though it's a western with some excellent Rocky Mountain high scenery. The film has only 5 actors in it from beginning to end. Unless you count some Indian extras and 4 horses and a mule. Jimmy Stewart is excellent as a bounty hunter who is very close to losing all sense of morality as he brings killer Robert Ryan to justice. Ryan plays a villain for a change. Just kidding he always plays a villain and is excellent at doing so. Beautiful Janet Leigh holds her own against the heavy weights and is very compelling . Meeker and Mitchell also provide excellent support. My issues are with certain reaction shots of the main characters that don't seem in sync with what is going on. Or the camera places them at an angle where it is difficult to ascertain their proximity to the main action. This is noticeable in the Stewart / Meeker fight sequence for example. Also Leigh's character's motivations for staying with Ryan don't make any sense especially when during one attempted escape he was clearly going to leave her behind. Then there's the score with it's recurring beautiful dreamer motif which seems to have nothing to do with the story. All that said this is still a very enjoyable western where in the good and bad people are not always clear.
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It's a Gift (1934)
As a special favor watch this movie!
15 July 2023
One of the greatest comedies of all time with an outstanding cast. Kathleen Howard returns as Fields nagging bully of a wife. What makes it extra special is her infrequent but noticeable moments of sweetness. Especially when she resigns herself to going to California and seems briefly optimistic. The set pieces are all wonderfully acted and paced with the sleep sequence on the porch possibly the funniest. We've all been in the situation of not getting to sleep and finding the world and its interruptions seemingly against you. Fields can even make a pen holder seem amusing . Watch and you'll see what I mean. A great film by any standards and in my top ten of all time.
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The 7th Dawn (1964)
Good film weakened by the York character
11 July 2023
The 7th Dawn's backdrop of political tensions between Communist rebels and colonial Britian in Malaya makes for a very interesting film. The location footage, and jungle combat scenes are well handled by director Lewis Gilbert known primarily for some Bond films. Holden is his usual rugged dull self. I guess he must have enjoyed trekking through Southeast Asian jungle in Bridge On the River Kwai , cause here he does it again. I can't understand why the women are throwing themselves at him but I guess he's rich and handsome enough. Capucine as the local teacher who is sympathetic to the rebel cause is a true revelation here. She gives a very affective and at times heartbreaking performance. As I had only seen here in light comedy before I didn't realize what range she had. Which brings me to Susannah York. Unfortunately her character is unbelievable as well as annoying and often brings the film to a standstill. The film would have been a lot better if her character had been written out of it. Still it's a very decent action adventure romance. Well worth a look.
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Much better than 5.7
5 May 2023
The great Anna May Wong in one of her best roles. At 26, she was perhaps at the zenith of her beauty . Daughter of the Dragon gives her ample opportunity to look terrific in a variety of western and Chinese costumes. The story is a terrific rollercoaster ride involving asassination attempts, hidden doorways, mysterious nightclubs, and some horrific hints of torture. In actual fact, Daughter of the Dragon would make a great pic to watch around Halloween. There's some fun to be had in the camp performance of the butler Rogers but really this is Anna's film. She was never more magnificently sinister nor more beautifully tender. A must for her fans or fans of hokey but fun early 30s thrillers.
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not nearly the Archers best.
1 May 2023
Powell and Pressburger-The Archers, are possibly my favorite British filmmakers. The Red Shoes, Black Narcissus, Gone to Earth, The Tales of Hoffmann are all classics. They often invest their movies with a quirky strangeness that sets them apart from mainstream movies . I was disappointed with 'I know where I'm going ", considering some of the rave reviews it's gotten. Including a top 100 ranking in the ridiculous Sight and Sound poll. Well sorry folks this is a pretty average and predictable romance adventure. Sure the Scottish isle backdrop is interesting but is mostly interiors . The storm sequence is great but other than that and some singing and dancing there's not too much going on. Wendy Hiller is not an appealing lead. Deborah Kerr or Margaret Lockwood would have been better choices. She's a little too stiff, crimped and uptight. Also unlike others here admiring her independent spirit and confidence what's so independent about marrying a millionaire industrailist, doing his bidding, and sitting on your ass in a castle all day? Also ,how many people in the cast are named Tarquill? Including apparently a hawk! Don't be fooled by the overrating here. Stick with the classics I already mentioned if you want to see the best of the Archers.
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Better films from 1939 than this ...
23 March 2023
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This is just a poorly acted and directed French bedroom farce. Yeah maybe it's a scathing commentary on the uber rich playing sex games. Who cares? The lead actress is a real life Austrian Princess with all the acting skills and charisma of a real life Austrian Princess. Her maid should have been the one all the men were chasing after. Renoir himself appears as a sort of court jester to these rich folks. His movements are bizarre, delivery overwrought , and he even manages to act poorly in a bear's costume! There's a scene involving the mass slaughter of rabbits and pheasants meant to show us the callous superficial cruelty of the bourgeoisie.

But as they actually do kill these animals the scene in effect condones the very thing it means to condemn! Great deep focus though! Here's 5 films from 1939 that are better than this so called masterpiece...1. The Wizard of Oz 2. The Roaring Twenties 3. The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum 4. The Cat and the Canary 5. Wuthering Heights (also featuring deep focus but done much more effectively).
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Fallen Angel (1945)
The 6 is for Darnell
6 March 2023
Linda Darnell isn't that great of an actress but it doesn't matter she oozes sex and is very charismatic as the bored waitress on the make. Alice Faye is dull as usual . The worst though is Dana Andrews. He's usually mediocre but here because he occupies so much scream time, he becomes down right irritating. I agree with fellow reviewer dougdoepke, he is possibly the most annoying central character in any noir I've seen. About as welcome as a gnat at a campsite , yet somehow the women just fall for him. Give me Bob Mitchum or even Fred MacMurry over the listless Andrews. Doesn't help that he's in almost every scene in the movie.
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Scandal (1950)
A tad overwrought
5 March 2023
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Kurosawa's take on the soulless scandal mongering of the paparazzi nine years before -La Dolce Vita-. Mifune understated and very charismatic as the artist implemented in gossip with the beautiful but underused Yamaguchi. Takashi Shimura appears memorably at first in a seemingly comic turn as the crooked lawyer. Things become unbearably maudlin from this point onwards. A Kurosawa flaw I've noticed in most of his films. Scenes of morose despair are hammered home far past being effective and end up exhausting the viewer. The tragic end of the saintly daugher well played by Yoko is a case in point. It's all just quite a bit too much after a promising first 2/3rds of the movie.
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Great Performances all round but Lockwood steals it
18 February 2023
First off this is not noir folks. Noir involves a detective or some male who is duped by a treacherous female. That is not Cast a Dark Shadow. It is an outstanding physcho thriller with a slightly weak finale. Everyone is great here - Bogarde playing one of his many sinister roles, Kay Walsh with her usual restrained and sometimes not so restrained hysteria. But the real treasure here is Margaret Lockwood as a wealthy widow. Earthy, slightly vulgar, tough and no nonsense. This should have launched her into playing similar characters as she aged but shockingly this was not the case. The film was not a box office success for which she was inexplicably blamed by director Lewis Gilbert . Thanks Lew you jerk. Some movie career trajectories make no sense.
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The Getaway (1972)
Heist gone wrong in a film gone wrong
10 February 2023
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On the surface this is a fast moving well made heist film. But if you look a little closer it is full of flaws. Number one standing out like a thumb is the terrible truly terrible acting of Ali McGraw. She is one terrific looking woman but as the member of a gang of bank robbers she does not have a single convincing moment. Ali delivers her lines like she is ordering tacos at a food court. Then there is the Sally Struthers character which brings up another point did Peckinpah ever write a decent woman character in his movies. The fact that she takes up with a man who was willing to murder her and her husband is totally unbelievable. The rest is a confusing jumble of mishaps with a not convincing -happy ending. McQueen would do much better in his next film Papillon.
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Blowing Wild (1953)
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre meets Stanwyck covered in Oil
17 January 2023
Basically a re-make of the Bogart film with a little wildcat oil action thrown in plus just to top things off Stanwyck at her nastiest. The setting is so similar to Treasure that Bond even begs for some coin off a man in a white hat. I never quite bought Babara as the object of all men's desire but she's so good at playing a possessive power mad heap of trouble that she overcomes any defecits in sex appeal. Cooper is 53 in this movie, looks 73, and moves like 93. Ward Bond is the annoying hen of a halfwit sidekick. Quinn great as always. But what's really good is the back drop of oil gushers, banditos, conman and Barbara blowing it wide open!
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It's a Loud Loud Loud LOUD film
23 August 2022
Cast of thousands but other than a few laughs and a chance to ogle Edie (Adams). This is just one noisy mess. Seems the writers and director Kramer thought comedy equates with lots of people arguing at the top of their lungs acting like a-holes towards one another and smashing crashing and bashing things up. If you watch , wear earplugs and you'll probably need tylenol when it's over.
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How the times have changed
3 August 2022
Awfully dated but fascinating as a sociological artifact. Nicholson and Garfunkel (he of the questionable acting career) play basically high school students who compare notes. Yes the attitude of these two men towards women never advances beyond that of two teenage guys asking "did you feel her up?" Nicholson plays a particularly repugnant creep who still somehow makes it with the ladies. Maybe it's because he's so damn clean. Jack spends at least 20 minutes of this movie's length taking showers. I'm exaggerating . But only a little. The women don't fair much better . Bergen seems bi-polar and then disappears. Ann- Margret starts off as much more interesting character but later dissolves into a neurotic mess. Interesting as an overview of the way "some" men and women thought in those days. But other than seeing Ann- Margret looking oh so beautiful. This is really an obnoxious bore of a movie. Rita Moreno makes a very effective cameo at the end as a prostitute. The movie needed more of her.
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Elitist claptrap
13 July 2022
Woody Allen's movies starting with Manhattan and going forward become increasingly elitist. It's all about private boxes at the opera and appearing in Ibsen plays. And oh yes I'm familiar with all the references. It just seems like embarrassingly shallow name dropping. I hated the stupid subtitles which add nothing. And of course there's the older man "teaching" the younger woman about poetry, and art, and life. Has anyone ever called him out on this not so veiled misogyny. I gave it a 5 so there must be something good about it. Michael Caine. Caine handles Allen's dialogue better than anyone, making it sound natural rather than like someone imitating Woody.
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Every which way it's awful.
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all what does the title mean? And then to make matters worse they wrote a song with that title. If that isn't bad enough I swear the sound is turned up every which way Clint punches someone . It's THUMP THUMP THUMP and when the other guy punches Clint it's snip snip. Ruth Gordon is in it. She was terrific in Rosemary's Baby. In this movie she's an old lady who swears a lot. Ain't that funny?? There's also an orang u tan who gives people the finger. Wow! What a scream! And what kind of name is Philoe Beddoe? A movie for people with IQs less than Clyde's.
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Gran Torino (2008)
Clint dominates
29 April 2022
Eastwood basically plays what his character from the Leone westerns might have become if he had transported to 21st Century inner city Detroit. A racist,gun toting ,angry, hateful Republican( ?!!) who finds redemption when he befriends his immigrant neighbors. His transformation hinges on a single incident which I won't give away but it is certainly one which audiences can relate to. It seems a little easy and maybe it is but Clint gives such an excellent performance that he sells it. Ahyn Her is excellent as the young neighbor and fares the best of the mostly amateur cast but it's Clint's movie all the way. His Patton if you will. I'd like to know what his diet is to pull off this kind of thing at 78 years old!
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The Love Guru (2008)
Loads of laughs.
13 March 2022
I've never understood why comedy doesn't get the big ratings that drama does. Sure this is silly. There's too many d$$k jokes but nevertheless it's easily one of the funniest comedies made in the 2000s. The satire on the self help craze is spot on. Not to mention some wonderful takes on Bollywood Music Videos.. Oh yes and both Jessica Alba and Justine Timberlake show excellent comedic talent along side the amazing Mike Myers.
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Reds (1981)
16 February 2022
Pretentious , dull. The dialogue reads like an university essay. Beatty and Co are so busy establishing the political background to the movie that they leave the movie behind. The "witnesses" might have seemed like a good idea at the time but they just bring the rather loose plot to a complete standstill and add nothing. Plus they're filmed like it's an episode of 60 minutes. Yeah it might have seemed great at the time , but I doubt Reds is on anyone's top 100 films of all time list. Except maybe Warren Beatty's.
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It's No Big Sleep
29 January 2022
Convoluted and confusing as you might expect from a Marlowe tale. This one is hampered more by the cast lead by a frumpy Claire Trevor as the femme fatale and an even frumpier Dick Powell as the paunchiest Marlowe ever! It's compelling for a while but then becomes tiresome and ridiculous. Powell's wise guy dialogue is spewed out at a machine gun pace and if he's such a good detective how is it that Mike Mazurki constantly hovers over his desk without him noticing? Go for the Bogart instead.
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Librarian Stud!
9 January 2022
Peter Sellers plays a married with children librarian who for some reason or another is hot stuff for every woman in town. If you can accept that premise then this light comedy is very enjoyable. Mai Zetterling is totally hot as the married socialite on the prowl and Richard Attenborough hilarious in a cameo as an arrogant playwright. The location shooting helps. Perhaps best of all Virginia Maskill is beautiful and very touching as Sellers all suffering wife.
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Not among the best
28 December 2021
Oh Boy, this one is bad. It's amazing how variable in quality these Carry On Movies are. Surprising since they seem to use the same production team each time. I didn't laugh once and this time Sid James was revoltingly unbelievable as the womanizer and Babs was stupid to the point of embarrassment. Some beautiful girls keep it from being a total disaster and Joan Sims gives a decent turn .Try Carry On Doctor instead.
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tons of laughs!
27 December 2021
Plenty of fun in this one. Sexy nurses, goofy patients and some of the best pratfalls in any comedy particularly one involving Frankie Howard and an injection.
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Elliptical,pendantic, and pretentious, oh no!
17 November 2021
I've now viewed The English Patient over a time span of 25 years since originally seeing it in the theatres back in 1996. I found it dull, confusing, and oh so superior then and I feel no different now. Full of profoundly mysterious romanticisms such as: " the stars are so messy, I was trying to re-arrange them " , and "we are the same , we are both in love with ghosts. " The characters are wholly unlikeable and annoying save for the Sikh Lieutenant. The flash forward/ flash back narrative involves a burn victim recalling his affair with a married woman during WW2. The movie flashes forward and backward so often that there's no time for scenes or characters to develop. And guess what the book is one of those rare exceptions it's just as awful as the movie. The desert looks nice though.
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