
32 Reviews
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Leatherface (2017)
31 January 2020
This is a great entry in the franchise! It has a new idea that's fresh and expands upon leatherfaces legacy, instead of focusing solely on him chasing around teens with a chainsaw , we are given more villainous characters that break free from an asylum with a teen leatherface , and these are some great characters!! Greatly portrayed and well written! I don't know why so many people don't like the movie , yes its not all leatherface but we've seen that countless times this is a fresh idea , well done!
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Shymalans Best!!, Mild spoilers
17 November 2019
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Without a doubt his best work and return to form. A well written and executed creepy film

Our film follows Becca and Tyler who is on a trip to their grandparents whom they've never met and whom their mom has a distant relationship with. Becca is an aspiring film director and films they entire thing They arrive and all seems well Nana is a sweet old lady who likes to cook and pop pop is a all busy farmer , usually out in the shed. Things start to get eerie and strange when they notice their grandparents strange behavior, such as Nana running around naked at night and pop pop secretly hiding a secret in the basement and shed. They get weirder and weirder each night especially Nana.

Without spoiling much , That's your basic story, and its not your basic found footage movie, Becca has some great shots and placements of the camera, it not shaky can or anything that will make you dizzy, it's a well filmed and executed movie. You get some great acting from both the kids and the grandparents, top notch in that department, the film has some humour, as Nana's actions can be so weird that its funny but still in a scary and eerie way, Tyler is the funny one, with his silly rap and using celebrity names instead of swearing.

I will not spoil the twist for you, its is a rather good one, some will see it coming others won't, but in the end its not something I expected or the my friend I was watching it with.

Overall I loved this movie, its great acted and written, scary atmosphere and just overall one of my favourites in the found footage department. Well done shymalan
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Get Out (I) (2017)
16 November 2019
I don't understand the hype surrounding this movie! Seriously, first off its a ripoff of skeleton key , which is a much better and emotional story, second its not as good as people say it is, its watchable at best, and its quite boring at times, it has a weak story and it had a ridiculous premise, its quite racial at tines as well, . And it won awards, my word!! . Honestly I don't hate it but I won't watch it more than twice just for the sake off realizing how much off a rip off it is.
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Halloween (2007)
One of the much better Halloween movies in zombie style
10 November 2019
Rob zombie did good here explaining myers past, its much better than the awful sequel's that followed the original timeline

While I am not a huge fan of the Halloween franchise overall, I did not like the original , or its sequel's much, I would follow this timeline any day of the original, I think zombie has crafted a great slasher fil m here, not scary though but gory in his signature style, You basically for the first act of the movie follow young Micheal through his childhood, then him breaking from the asylum to search for Laurie . We get some good acting here, standouts are Sheri moon zombie and Malcom McDowell and daug fearch who does a great job as Mrs myers, Dr loomes and young micheal respectively. Overall I've never liked any of the Halloween movies except rob zombies ones and the 2018 one. Enjoy
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Kind off scary, very disturbing , but confusing
10 November 2019
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Zombie tries a completely different style here, instead of his regular in your face rough camera work, he goes for a more controlled shots style, which fits the story well

The film follows Heidi a DJ working in Salem who receives a record from the group called the lords, and ever time she listens to it she kind off drifts away into Salem's witch past, that's all part of something much greater"the only reason she exists ", the film had a good start with tense and scary moments throughout , but allot of the film is quite confusing especially the ending which plays out like a blasphemous violent music video, which was the most disturbing thing in the entire movie, super creepy but confusing , you don't really understand what's happening, it had a good flow it just the ending that's a bit confusing.

Overall it is creepy at times, you should read the novelization he wrote to fully understand the movie. Sheri moon zombie gives a good performance here and so does meg foster and the main 3 witches, .good effort just not enough execution.

Probably ranks around 5th on his list of movies, but check it out if you like, ghost,witch or blumhouse movies. Enjoy
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A Zombie Masterpiece!!
10 November 2019
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This film is one of zombies best if not his best film, the great things about this film is that its way different than house of 1000 corpses, it feels very real, it very sadistic and disturbing and makes hostel look like the newspaper's quick crossword.

Here the police have discovered the firefly family's connection to the brutal murders over the last few months, they raid their house and kill Rufus, baby and Otis manage to escape and mother firefly is taken into custody. The sheriff is hell bent on getting these crazed killers killed that at times you want to sympathize with them, given that the sheriif are just like then and seems to enjoy it a bit too much . You do ultimately feel for them which is weird since they do allot of terrible things here.

The other bog thing is that this film has an completely different tone than the first film, its much more darker and kind of filthy, the colourfulness is gone in exchange for a more gritty look and in your face kind of feel, the characters ate not over the top anymore, baby is not a cackling mess anymore she toned down allot, they are more sick and disturbing here.

Sheri moon zombie, bill mosely, did Haig shine in their roles here!!! Baby is much more mature , than the girly child she was in the first, Otis is more hardcore and devilish, cutting off a mans face and giving it to his wife to wear, he shoves a gun up a woman's privates , and captain Spaulding has a way bigger role here. They are essentially on the run from the law enforcement here that's the basic story .

Overall , while its disturbing and everything its a great movie with great characters and acting. It might be his best movie to date. Well done to everyone involved Enjoy
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House of Wax (2005)
Great underated horror film
6 November 2019
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Allot of people dislike this film for two reasons, the word remake and the casting of Paris Hilton. Honestly it one of the better remakes, and Paris does just fine here, I think she played the part well and she did better than most girls do in these parts

I enjoyed this movie allot, it one of my favourites, the effects, the atmosphere , the well written killers. The film has a very dark and claustrophobic vibe, the kills are brutal!! Paige played by Paris Hilton (yes she dies)gets a rusty pipe thrown through her head(the best and most brutal death in the movie!. Jared padalecki's wade gets covered in molten wax while still alive ! . The town of Ambrose is super creepy!!!! .

The effects here are truly great, from the blood effects to the wax sculptures, bit the standout goes to the melting of the wax museum, truly great effects!!!

Overall I loved this movie. Don't be put off by what people say its a good movie enjoy
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Scream 3 (2000)
Underated scream 3
6 November 2019
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I know allot of fans says that this is the weakest of all of them, I actually really like this one, from the great humour to the great characters, and the film industry vibe, I just like all these things about the film and Parker Posey shines here, I really wish her character survived and watching her and gale go about it is absolutely terrific!!

I will admit this film is more goofier than the first two , the humour is abit more than the kills or scares bit it's nothing wacky or anything, its still serious and in line with the first two.

Although I love them all, scream 4 being my favorite , I really enjoy this one. Overall I liked it , its a good slasher of the 2000's much better than Urban legends final cut which also had a film industry vibe and felt like a complete copycat at times. Check this one out. It great Enjoy
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Scream 2 (1997)
Very good sequel
6 November 2019
ThIs film is a great sequel to scream, continuing our story with these great characters This time at a college university, it has a larger cast of victims who you like and root for . The killers are once again the ones you would never ever suspect at all

The scares are great , the kills are much more direct , and once again we get a great cast of actors.

If you're a fan of the first you'll like this one Enjoy
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Scream (1996)
Greatest slasher film of the 90's alongside urban legend
6 November 2019
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This film reinvented the genre back in the 90's after the Halloween and nightmare on elm street franchises hat gone out of style.

It has a really great cast, great script, scares, humour and its just a well written and acted slasher film, there are characters here that you'll love. Although I don't like horror movies with humour , this film does it very well its still very serious but it has moments of laughs and scares, combining it with who dunit mystery. Wes cravens best horror film

I really liked this movie. It hard to choose a favorite between this and urban legend(controversial statement I know) , both are very well done, t

Ultimately a very good horror slasher film . enjoy
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The Cottage (2008)
Funny, scary brutal little horror film
5 November 2019
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I love this movie so much! I've probably seen it about 30 times( I want to watch it just by talking about it)it's such a great little British indie horror movie.

First off the acting is so good here! Its played so darkly funny in the first half then it takes a turn and it gets bloody. The actors here do an amazing job all of them , these characters are so well played by these guys, Paul Andrew Williams did good here.

2 brothers kidnap a underworld boss daughter and takes her to a remote country cottage, little do they know she's a foul mothed resourceful , yet psychopathic at times, young woman who gives one of them a broken nose, when he gives her tee without sugar.

David is the smart one here while peter is the nerd , his wife is even the boss of him, and Andrew oh my I won't even talk about him , he's even worse than peter. Any way their plans a re foiled and david is forced to go find a payphone where he comes upon some sinister old folks who warns him not to wander at night particularly where they are residing at the cottage. When he gets back Tracy has knocked Andrew unconscious and taken peter hostage so that her father can torture him. David and Andrew search out to find em. Tracey and peter stumbles upon an old farmhouse, when they get inside they realise that something is not quite right , its not until Tracy discovers some hands in the freezer that they attempt to leave , but they are greeted by the farmer , a horribly disfigured tall man who's not too happy about their trespassing. Its here that the film turns dark, not too dark still darkly humouros lol, but this part is the horror film part.

So they must fight the farmer or die trying and believe me Tracey's mouth is silenced quickly.

Overall I loved this little horror film, it made me laugh, it made me scared and its creepy at times, especially the cottage and the farmers house, I liked our main characters.

I think 7 is a good score here. 3 stars for the effort, one for the laughs, one for the craziness, one for the characters, one for the overall story and just the vibe of the film. Obviously its not a high budget movie, and the low budget shows here and there bit nothing too distracting. Enjoy it for what it is and for trying and succeeding
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Saw IV (2007)
5 November 2019
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Great saw sequel. With a great ending twist. This film has great special effects!!! Really great special effects!!.

We delve into more of jigsaws back story here which is amazing and cleverly written! By newcomers Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan. This time we follow officer rigg as he gos through his own game , obsessed with saving everyone yet they all seem to be dying around him. This films has another great twist!! Very unexpected. Great gore and traps. Clever storyline, great acting. If your a fan of the franchise watch this!! Enjoy
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4 November 2019
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This film wins hands down as the best Texas chainsaw movie. Being both better than the original series and its 2003 remake.

First off the film has some really likeable characters such as Dean,Eric , Chrissie, Bailey. You want them too survive. And you feel their emotional pain throughout. The other positive side is the atmospheric suspense and brutal gore. It has a really gritty veel and vibe combined with a dark tone. The film is much more graphically violent than the remake and the original run of films. It has a very realistic veel to it . Great cast of actors! Standouts are the 4 teens(Jordan's Brewster, matt bomber, diora beard,Taylor Hadley, R Lee ermy) they shine here as the frightened teens and the crazy psychopath Sherrif Hoyt , who might even be more sadistic than leatherface here;.

The kills here are extreme and very bloody, the cameras don't shy away here , this is no PG 13(thank goodness). MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! I can't really complain about anything here, it sad that our teens all die!!, But given that its a prequel it's not unexpected. Overall a great movie , with great characters, great gore and a disturbing dark tone The best of the chainsaw series Enjoy
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4 November 2019
Another bad wrong turn( there hasn't been a good one since the second film, which is by far the best one alongside the first). Here we get some of the most terrible production values and acting.

Its obvious the film was shot in some cheap soundstage I mean the town literally has two blocks(laughable). The only okay performance , and I mean "okay", is fro. Doug Bradley(he plays a younger version of the old man from the first two, who gets blown up in the second). The rest of the cast is terrible, I don't know how these people get cast let alone how little they must be paid for the talent of acting which they obviously don't have Sex and nudity abundance, I mean we get two characters who we have no ide a who they are , they have sex and dissapeat not to be seen onscreen ever again, nothing of this adds to the story, seriously when are filmmakers going to understand that allot of gore and sex don't make a good film!!. Bad CGI again!, and really bad this time!! The hillbilly make up looks like cheap Halloween masks!!

2 stars for the kills which are okay, 1 star for the okay performance of Doug Bradley Once again skip this one, and give the first two another run
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Not terrible as the third but not as good as the first two
4 November 2019
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This is better than the awful third film , but its still just a direct to video mess at times, Deckan o Brien is the downfall of the entire series and sucks!!

The film tries to add back story to the original trio in the first film by showing they grew up in an insane asylum which is totally unnecessary.

Our main characters are okay by dtv standards, but not written well at all. The humour in this film is just stupid and doesn't land well at all.

The cannibal makeup is worse than the third film, the great effects of the first two films yare long gone! . The blood effects are "okay" we do get some weak CGI in one decapitation scene again. Overall on the positive side we do get some nasty kills , one involving a snow mobile grinding one of our characters stomach open.

The acting is nothing to brag about here but its better than the third . Its still illogical and silly at times though as our characters have an entire asylum to hide but they are all killed, yes all our characters die here! Overall this film is okay, its more watchable than 3, 5 and the awful 6th films.

Stars 2 for the kills One for the spooky asylum One for the ending kill, which I both hated and liked because it kills both our final girls, at rhie same time( which is why I have it a star because its a double kill
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Direct to video mess!!
4 November 2019
As a fan of the first two, this film is this garabage , tour typical direct to video mess. The effects and acting is below lar and at times terrible!. It had a weak opening and the actors here are just not doing any good!. Janet Montgomery is not terrible but she's very wooden. It has a awful script and the blood and mutant effects were meh! Low quality CGI.

This is where this series had its downfall after this everything went from bad to worse. While this is not the worst wrong turn ( that goes to the sixth film).

One star for Janet Montgomery "trying" and another for the eye and breast kill at the begging, nothing else

Skip this one!
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Wrong Turn (I) (2003)
4 November 2019
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This is one of the underated horror films of the 2000's it a good and scary cannibalistic mutant movie. Not to spoil anything out main character meets up with the rest of the characters after crashing into their car , while the rest of the characters had already been stranded, their tires having caught up with barbed wire We get a great cast who all do a fine job, amazing creature effects for the mutants from Stan Winston's studio! I mean I would not want to be around these mountain men even if I knew they aren't real.

While the second film focuses more on the gore factor , this film is more scary. We ha some good characters here, . Its a really good story. And once again kudos to all the effects.

I can't really complain about anything here. The kills are also very good and original, we get a nasty one where a character is grabbed from behind with a strip of barbed wire through her mouth!! , in a similar situation another character is decapitated through her mouth!!

Overall I'd watch it again, and I would definitely recommend this one , and the second one , bit skip the rest, typical direct to video garbage.
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Saw VI (2009)
Let's play a game again. MAJOR SPOILERS!!!
1 November 2019
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First off its great to have newly filmed flashbacks of Amanda, she alongside jigsaw is one of the most interesting characters in the franchise. This film also has more John Kramer, like the first 3 movies as he appears on previously recorded video tapes, which is fantastic. The film follows a healthcare insurance executive who originally turned down john when he was seeking coverage for his cancer. Its similar in structure to saw 3 as other people's lives are in his hands, only here he gets to choose between several people who lives and who dies, which is interesting .

The film also follows mark Hoffman trying to keep his secret identity , well a secret. It is in this film that he really go's off the rails, he murders agent Lindsey Perez( who we last saw in saw 4, when billy exploded into her face ,yes she's alive and Erickson faked her death in order to protect her) and agent Erickson when they discover that he was the one who recorded Seth baxters tape. I liked her character more than strahm so it was cool to have her back and then to see her really go was "damn no she's gone for real". So yes Hoffman is starting to lose it more here!.

Jill tuck is in on the game this time, it interesting to see a once innocent person like herself get involved in the games, she is carrying out John's requests, and gives Hoffman the information he needs on the victims provided for her by john in the box he left for her in saw 5.

We get some great traps in this film , we get a great opening trap , very brutal!, a woman chops off her own arm, and the guy she's competing against cuts off layers of his own bodyfat, the other standouts being the carousel, literally a carousel with six people chained to it and William needs to decide which 2 can get off , the other ate all shot by a mechanism shotgun aimed at the abdominal areas. The acid trap at the end which kills William by literally melting him in half!, I was not such a big fan of the steam maze, although it was a great set and had some suspense, the hanging trap was okay.

So getting to the acting , everyone does a fine job with their characters obviously tobin bell shines as always and so does shawnee smith , except William outerbridge had some "okay moments" nothing too bad though. The special effects was great as always

Now the twist is surprising its better than the twist in saw 5 and u didn't see it coming Tue other "twist" is that Jill places Hoffman in an updated version of the reverse bear trap( it does not look as menacing and scary as the original but its a nice modern looking device)this is John's final request that he left her, given that Hoffman has never been tested, she however does not give him a chance too live and leaves him to die but he escaped by breaking his hand and jamming the mouth piece between the bats of a window, tearing his cheek open in the process. It was great seeing Jill as a "villain " in this film , this element unfortunately is lost in part 7 , given that she was just carrying out johns request and wasn't really a "villain" just acting on his behalf.

Overall I liked the film as I have every other film. Great story, sets, and traps. Oh another thing we learn is that Amanda was part of Jill losing her child , she was in cahoots with Cecil, so we learn even more of her back story Nice! Enjoy
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Saw V (2008)
Good follow up.
1 November 2019
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This film explores how detective Hoffman first started off with jigsaw. Its a great look into his characters back story and how he got to where he currently is, Tobin bell is also as always great in his role , it shows how he mentored Hoffman into his philosophy, he obviously does not have as much screen time as in the previous films as his character has died. Hoffman has now taken the lead a jigsaw. Costa's mandylor does his role well, but he's obviously no Tobin bell, but its good for the story him as a new jigsaw, we logically could not have john Kramer in every movie as he was a cancer patient and it was the logical decision to kill him.

In the traps are , we have a group of five people , similar to saw 2 having a group of characters, though saw 2 did a better job with this idea. The characters here are all connected given they were all responsible for a building that was burned down with 8 people still inside. The 2 that I like did indeed survive in the end, yes there are survivors this time around. They do go through some traps but only the first and last ones were brutal, the last one was cringe worthy!!. Our last 2 characters must insert their arms into a machine that slice it in half to collect blood to open the exit, ouch) they do escape severely damaged and wounded. The opening trap was excellent and very brutal/ gory. This film did however not have such a big twist, it revealed that our characters had to work together instead of against each other and the character of strahm dies at the hand of Hoffman, I never really cared about strahm he was too violent, I mean just look at how he interrogated Jill tuck. So that's it.

Overall I loved the flashbacks that showed how Hoffman helped john through the traps of Paul lehay and the nerve gas house, these were some of the strongest scenes in the film

Overall I loved all the saw films and and I liked this one. Some fans dislike this film, I don't really understand why. So that's it Enjoy
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Saw 3D (2010)
Some flaws but good.
1 November 2019
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Don't understand why this film gets such bad reviews by the fans, yes the 3D was unnecessary, the blood was a weird colour( only the home video releases, and excluding the blu ray which has red blood, when watched in 3D the blood looks normal ) and the acting was below par for most of the cast . And yes the story wasn't as great as the others it was a bit thin. But we had some great traps , I do agree that this film does rely largely on the gore/trap factor than any of the rest, but there is still a story and story threads from previous films do get resolved. The 3D was unnecessary , especially in this franchise but it wasn't over used to make the film campy or have a non serious tone, the film takes itself serious just like the rest, the 3D isnt used in a fashion like my bloody Valentine or final destination as those films had a tone which kind of lent itself to the 3D.

Here the depth is used more for 3D instead of pop out moments Its great to see the horsepower trap, arguably the best trap in the movie, so brutal!!. The acting was below par especially by Sean Patrick flannery, I mean its not awful but he needs more acting lessons. Costa's mandylor gives his best performance yet as an off the rails Hoffman , here he doesn't care about johns philosophy anymore , he's traps are more brutal and he just likes the power of being in control. Betsy Russell gives an "okay " job as Jill, she's better than Sean Patrick flannery. Chad donnnella might be even worse than Sean! He delivered his lines awfully!. The rest of the cast is okay, they are watchable, its not terrible but not as good acting like the previous ones. Cary elwes does good by returning ad doctor Gordon . and obviously to in bell gives the best performance , the time the film does actually spend with him, which is way too little.

The pink blood ordeal : The home video releases has an extremely washed out colour which makes the film feel like a TV movie, everything is bleached especially the blood, this could have been corrected by proper editing for the home video releases. But that only counts for the DVD versions. The blue ray looks much better and you should if you want to add the film to your collection , please!! Buy the blu ray. When viewed in 3D the film looks great! The blood is the correct colour and emtje quality of the film just rises to all the others, but the DVD transfer is awful, so buy the blu ray.

Likes The traps, the return of doctor Gordon, seeing the reverse bear trap in action , unfortunately on Jill, was sad too see her go having her in the films since saw 3. The effects, (not DVD the blu ray!) Use of 3D The capping off of the entire story, ending Jill Tuck's and Hoffman's characters stories. The twist . Horsepower trap and the brazen bull

Dislikes The bobby dagen character, very badly acted, irritating at times, especially since he doesn't manage to save anybody! Not even his wife Should have included Tobin bell more, he has about 2 minutes of screen time, but he appears when needed DVD version effects Jill shouldn't have been reduced to a screaming panicking mess , she should have survived but was not unexpected.

Overall I liked the film, yes it has its flaws bit its not as bad as allot of people give it credit for
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Saw II (2005)
Great sequel!
1 November 2019
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This is a great follow up to the first saw. This time we have 8 people stuck in a house, filling with nerve gas , they have to get to an antidote within 2 hours or succumb to the nerve gas.

I love the idea of a group of characters trapped instead of one person in a trap, it makes it more realistic to see all of these characters personalities and how they work together to find a solution to why they are there and how they're going to get out. And unlike many other horror movies, there's characters that you care about here, and they are not just there to be killed , they have back story and personalities.

The acting in this sequel is even better than the first, the entire cast, I can't complain about a single actor/ actress, Tobin belk is an amazing actor , he olays this role like he was born for it, so eerie yet quiet philosoohical character, I loved Emmanulle Vaugier's character Addison, Erik Knudsen's Daniel, and Beverly Mitchell was this sort of sweet child-like girl. Unfortunately our characters are killed as they move throughout the house, the traps here are great!! There's 2 that are the best in the film, the needle pit( a giant hole in the floor in one of the rooms filled with thousands of used syringes, yuck!!!) and the Razor box( a box hanging from the ceiling with arm holes that are lined with hidden blades preventing you from pulling them out and cuts deeper the more you try ouch!!. A long drawn out death, bleeding to death) the others are just as brutal and innovative.

Great twist!! Once again just like the first film the twist comes out of nowhere!! You will not guess it! Trust me.

The story is excellent and the films focus is not the brutality or the gore it focuses more on the story although the film is obviously bloodier than the first one. In the end we are left with only 2 characters that survive, but won't spoil it here.

Check it out if you're a fan of the first one, if you're a newcomer watch the first one first Enjoy
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Scream 4 (2011)
31 October 2019
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I enjoyed Scream 4, had allot of greatness about it but not everything was great. So let's dig in POSITIVE Its great to see our 3 main characters again and how they've changed the last couple of years. How they've grown to stand on their own and grow through everything that's happens to them especially Sidney. The acting is excellent, I cannot complain about anybody except Anthony Anderson, he's just not a good actor and he always makes things humorous that shouldn't be humorous luckily he dies quickly. Never still shines as Sidney and so does David and Courtney. Loved Hayden pannetiere , and that her characters fate was left ambitious. Great scares and locations . The ending was amazing!! Possibly the best ending of them all. The movie reminded me allot of the original in some ways which was great

Negative Anthony Anderson is the only actor I will complain about, he's just an awful actor and he always bring his stupid humour to everything , luckily he dies quickly so he doesn't hurt the film too much Too much humour and self awareness, nothing horror comedy like or anything the story still treats itself as very serious, just too much humour at times , liked silly Anthony Anderson pransing around after his been stabbed in his forehead with a long kinfe! . The score was not Marco beltramis best . Great kills, the goriest of the series, especially Olivia s death which was so brutal
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31 October 2019
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I really enjoyed this film, it was suspenseful, scary, gory and extreme. And I liked the characters and I really wanted them to live especially dean and Chrissy. But unfortunately SPOILER they all die, probably has the saddest ending of all the films, at least Erin survived in the first one, but poor Chrissie dies here. Our final girl, although given its a prequel it both not unexpected but still shocking when it happens because leatherface pops out of nowhere. The acting was very good , I can't complain about any of the cast members, extremely dark and violent tone which fits this franchise , I'm glad that it took itself serious and no tongue in cheek humour stuff which I hate in horror films .

It was shot very well in a way that fits this film very well. Wish they continued this storyline instead of Texas chainsaw 3D would have loved a third in this timeline. I actually prefer this timeline than the original. Probably the best of these films , although it hard for me to choose between this and the 2003 one . Check it out if you are a fan of this series or horror films in general LOVED IT. ENJOY
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Good, but Not Sure if I Should Take It Seriously
31 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy some of the nightmare on elm street films, Nightmare in elm street dream warriors is definitely the best of the franchise. I don't like the Friday the 13th films at all , I mean Jason X with Jason in space was one of the worst films I have ever seen, and the reboot was nothing to talk about either might even be worse than Jason X. But I gave the film a go. I am not disappointed I did enjoy the movie , and im glad both villains survived , given that kicked the living hell out of each other, no pun intended, bit I'm just not sure whether I should take it seriously, and I hate horror movies that don't take themselves seriously, I guess in the end you shouldn't take it seriously I mean Freddy turns into a pot smoking worm, which is both funny, stupid and extremely silly.

The acting is good , although I hated the lead girl and actress she's a bit and annoying , I cared more for the African american character than I did the lead character. Great special effects and once again some funny fighting sequences from Freddy and Jason. I guess this is one of those movies where you just go along for the ride, just to see some kills and watch these 2 beat each other , I can understand that and that doesn't reflect on my opinion of the film. I loved the ending with them fighting, obviously the highlight and the part you actually watch the film for, because like I said I don't really feel anything for the characters, another bunch of teens getting hacked, although I "liked some of them" but less than half probably 3 at the most.

Any fan of Freddy or Jason will enjoy this outing with them. Robert England gives another fine and final performance as Freddy Krueger before Jacki was cast in the remake. Overall watchable, just go along for the ride.
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As a direct to video sequel it's good
30 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original urban legend, its one of my favourite slasher films and sits alongside scream, I liked the second although it was nowhere a s good as the first and had too much humour. Now Urban legends bloody Mary

As a direct to video sequel it does a good job as a film, the villain is creepy and shot well, although on some places she just looks like a girl who was put into scary makeup, bit not always, We do get some bad acting from some people, I'd say ed marinaro is the worst , he really acts bad in some scenes, luckily we don't get to see him as much, Kate made is not award winning , she's okay , I've certainly seen worse but she does an " okay" job. The only time I thought she was baf was in the ending but it not too "bad" . David well he's watchable he also okay, I'd say the best performance comes from Tina Clifford she does some good acting here, she cracks me up I this role as the funny stoned grace, glad she survived.

We get some good kills, one involving spiders. Now here's the other thing the effects, well the only thing that doesn't make this scenes as great ad it could have been is the weak CGI spiders, they do look awfully bad, once again I've seen worse CGI but this doesn't make the scene ad great as it could have been, we also get some bad CGI later in the ending. The rest of the effects are once again not award winning but they're passable, it certainly does its job. There are some plot holes throughout, like why is Mary actually killing the people using urban legend ways, perhaps so that they look like accidents is the only logical reason I could find.

The overall story is good, this has much more to do with urban legends than the second film, and its great to have an urban legend character doing the kills. Overall the film isn't scary, and its supposed to be , Mary is no Samara or Kayako, but she does an okay job . There's only one scenes , and its when she crawls out from under the bed.

Overall its an " okay " movie. Like everything else, the acting is okay ( except Tina she does a fine job and ed is awful) the effects are also just above okay( the CGI is bad) . I would definitely watch it again. And I am a fan of the trilogy, so for a direct to video film its okay "good" . Its one of the better DTV films. Enjoy
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