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great action film!!
24 June 2001
i`ve never really liked films where a woman plays a masculine role? but this is a good movie!! in fact i liked it more than the mummy 2, which is not saying much but TR does have more substance than M2 does!!

i noticed some of the other critics around here didn`t like the plot?? "come on" for an action movie this is the best your going to get!! a sacred clock that controls time and lara croft must stop the evil ones from getting their hands on it!! that`s really about as good as your going to get for an action film. and when the clock is put to use the special effects are outstanding!! as far as the TR video game goes -- well let`s just say the movie is a lot better than the game!!

if your really into action films you will enjoy this movie! and if you`re not into action films it is still a good way to kill time!

rating (best of 5 stars) .....3 1/2....
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16 August 2000
this film is full of catchy/witty humor, and is a joy to watch. b.m.o.c. may not be for everyone because some people just can`t relate to a hunchback that has lived in a room that overlooks a college campus for most of his life. but if you give this movie a chance you will like it!

to be honest their really isn`t much to say about this film except that it`s about a hunchback that falls for a college co-ed and has some funny mis-adventures throughout the movie. it`s not a film that could win academy awards but it is a film that will win your heart, it`s one of those "feel good" movies that will end up having some kind of cult following for many years to come. rating (best of 5 stars) .....3.....
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The Big Boss (1971)
20 July 2000
well Bruce i won`t fight you because your by far the best martial arts actor ever!! Bruce was and still is the best of the best!! On film no one comes close to Bruce Lee. jackie chan and jean-claude van damme are fun to watch but Bruce Lee wrote the book on what a martial arts film should look like. anyways, i`m not gonna say how great this movie is because if it wasn`t for Bruce Lee this movie would be just fair if not pitiful. the acting is not that good but really who cares it`s a martial arts movie, we don`t watch fighting movies to see great acting do we?? if you haven`t seen a Bruce Lee movie you really are missing out on classic martial arts action.. rating (best of 5 stars) .....3 1/2.....
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High Fidelity (2000)
good soundtrack, bad movie!!
11 July 2000
this movie starts out slow and just stays like that. through out the movie i was hoping it would get better but it never did. the characters are not believable at all!! this could be one of the worst films ever made!! and it`s really a pity because i like all the actors in it but the story and the characters are just so bland and fake that it`s insulting to my intelligence that people produce trashy films like this?? the film might appeal to the mindless masses but when all is said and done it`s just "B" movie garbage!! what really makes this film bad is Cusack`s character, he`s always talking directly into the camera and telling a story instead of just letting it unfold like normal movies do?? really a pitiful movie!! rating (best of 5 stars) .....1.....
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8 July 2000
this movie is very intense and the action is VERY different from other action/thrillers that i`ve seen in the past. some people may not like all the violence in this film however this movie is basicly about death. this film may cause some of us to never "fly" again just like the movie psycho (1960) caused some people to stop taking showers for awhile, this movie has the same effect! if your into thriller movies or horror movies this is a must see, however i would not recommend "Final D" for anyone that is easily offended by profanity or for anyone that has a weak stomach or a weak heart as i stated before this film is very intense. the acting and the plot may be a little weak but still the movie is worth a look! rating (best of 5 stars)......3.....
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the best is O. W.
7 July 2000
i saw this movie not to long ago but the only story i remember is the one with Woody Allen in it!! Woody if your reading this you need to write a full length movie on this one!! Oedipus Wrecks is one of the funniest movies i`ve ever seen!! if only it would have been 2 hrs long!! actually i`m glad it`s not 2 hours long, my relatives would have me committed for "continuous involuntary laughter??" this movie is so funny!! every time i watch it i can`t stop laughing!! anyways, the other 2 stories in this movie are o.k. but the one with Woody is just so bizarre and ridiculous that i`m laughing right now just thinking about it!! anyways, if your into comedy this is a MUST SEE!! those of you that read my reviews usually expect to see a rating at the end but on this one i won`t since O.W. just blows the other short storys away!! go rent it!!
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well it`s good but far from being a great!
2 July 2000
i think this film was entertaining but that`s it. This movie just didn`t do much for me. this film should appeal to those of us that like to see alot of action with no real deep emotional meaning involved (some of us like story elements in movies). Some people might call this film great just because of how well it does at the box office?? but i really don`t see the logic in that?? Adam Sandler movies do good at the box office but would you call any of his movies great?? "i don`t think so".. so here i am sitting in the theater watching a movie about a storm?? and this is a box office hit?? movie go`ers are so easy to please, just throw some popcorn and special effects at them and they feel right at home, but seriously this movie is pretty good. i liked the acting and and the special effects are top notch.. this movie reminded me of titantic but just not nearly as good. if your ready to kill some time go see it but if your looking for a movie with more of a story look somewhere else . rating (best of 5 stars) .....2 1/2.....
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Gladiator (2000)
6 May 2000
yes! This movie lives up to it`s name!! You almost feel like your a Roman spectator at the coliseum watching the games!! The costumes and scenery seem very realistic to that time in history. And the battle scene at the beginning of the movie is one of the best battle scenes i`ve ever seen, in fact it might be better than the battle scenes in braveheart, it`s very very close!! the acting is good, and this movie should win atleast one award. The only thing that might keep this movie from winning best picture is all the gore. So if you have a weak stomach don`t watch this movie, but if your into this type of action i highly recommend it. rating (best of 5 stars).....4.....
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Ran (1985)
no comment!!!
14 April 2000
this movie is pitiful!! I can`t figure out why so many people like it?????? I guess if you`re into japanese history or samurai warfare you might like it.. however i like war movies and japanese history but this movie is terrible. I couldn`t stand watching that old man running around acting crazy this has got to be the worst scene ever recorded on film, and all the corny philosophy in the movie gets old real fast. A movie like this could be great if it had better acting and better war scenes!! but even the war scenes are horrible. Nothing can save this film!! rating (best of 5 stars).....1.....
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8 April 2000
Lestat knew his prey would become his companion, but his prey did not know this. This film digs down into the core of what it would be like to travel the world as a vampire. This movie in some ways reminds me of a different horror film called Mary`s Shelley`s Frankenstein both films draw you into the minds of the characters, it`s not just blood and guts and "sudden" things to scare you but rather it`s an examination of the evil minds and hearts of the characters!! This is my favorite type of horror!! Although I really can`t compare this movie to the book because i never read it, so i can only judge this film as a fan of horror movies. And i must say this is one of the best vampire type movies i`ve seen. It really is very creepy and sends chills up and down your spine. And i really liked Kirsten Dunst`s character, have you ever seen such a cute little vampire in your life?? Anyways, if you`re into horror movies this is a must see. And if you like it, check out Mary shelley`s frankenstein it`s another one that will send chills up and down your spine, also if you know of any movies that are like these two email me. rating (best of 5 stars).....3 1/2.....
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The Mummy (1999)
"rescue the damsel in distress,kill the bad guy,save the world"
3 April 2000
Well Brendan Fraser may not be the hero Indiana Jones is but he does accomplish all of the above with style. This movie is entertaining and i can understand why it did so well at the box office however when i watched this movie i couldn`t tell if it was action/adventure or comedy meets horror or is it horror meets comedy, as they "tried" to put some humor in this film but fell a little short on making me laugh! The plot is pretty basic- mummy comes back to life, terrifies everyone, tries to save his mummy girlfriend and dies in the end. Thank God the incredible special effects make this sound or should i say look much better than it is!! This film is good but i think it could have been a little better as far as the theme goes. To sum it up, if your looking for a fun movie that has a little bit of action, adventure, horror, and very little comedy in it (ha ha) then check it out. But if you`re looking for a classic horror film called "The Mummy" you might want to keep searching. rating (best of 5 stars) .....3.....
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The Mask (1994)
27 March 2000
Yes Mr. Carrey it was you that made us die laughing in this delightfully entertaining film not the one armed man. This is a very unique movie and could be Carrey`s best work (but i will leave it up to you to decide that). Although i don`t think the Mask is quite as good as Dumb and Dumber, but it is very close. As i watched this movie i saw myself in the "mask" character. Come on hasn`t every guy felt like the mask after seeing a beautiful girl walking by or maybe after downing a few beers or perhaps a combination of the two! So their "may be" a bit a a wild man in all of us, but that is what makes this film so entertaining! And i liked watching Stanley and Tina deal with his wild side which all of us must do at some point in our lives. At any rate this movie is worth a look and does have high entertainment value to it, and i do recommend it to Jim Carrey fans. rating (best of 5 stars).....3.....
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The Waterboy (1998)
24 March 2000
Sad to say but low quality H20 is better than this film. Sandler offers another poor performance in this movie. This is huge "B" movie trash. Don`t contaminate your brain cells with it!! The only movie i like with Sandler is happy gilmore. But even happy gilmore is pretty sad. rating (best of 5 stars) .....1.....
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24 March 2000
When Matt Damon and Ben Affleck wrote this movie they didn`t know they were "sitting on a winning lottery ticket" but they had a good feeling it was!! Thank God they were`nt to wimpy "to cash it in" because this is a great movie. To many movies come out that just don`t have what GWH has. Although i can`t call it a classic (mainly because their is to much profanity in it), the movie is still worth seeing atleast 2 or 3 times. The language problem is most likely the reason this film didn`t win an academy award for best picture. Despite this flaw in the movie it`s still one of the best films of the 90`s. I know they were trying to make it more like real life with the swearing but not even construction workers and sailors put together swear that much. If you can get passed this part of the movie you will find a great film that has excellent acting and a fantastic story that you don`t see in alot of movies out their. rating (best of 5 stars) .....4.....
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Groundhog Day (1993)
24 March 2000
BillMurray may not be a god, but in some ways this movie makes him immortal. I`m not saying this film is a classic but it is Bill Murray`s best work. This film is very entertaining,and can be viewed several times without getting tired of it. But as far as it being a classic let`s just say no,mainly for two reasons the story just doesn`t have enough depth to it to really enthrall the viewer. Second, people for the most part don`t care for scrooge like characters unless it`s a certain christmas story that i won`t mention, although Bill Murray seems to fit this character rather well, i still can`t say it`s a classic,like some of the other critics do??? Overall this movie is good and has high entertainment value and is very funny at times,i did like it and i would recommend it to Bill Murray fans and to anyone that enjoys a good comedy. rating (best of 5 stars).....3.....
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Amadeus (1984)
24 March 2000
After i saw this movie i knew i would never forget his name!! This is a spectacular movie, from start to finish it draws you into the Story and i mean that with a capital "S" this movie actually has a great story to it unlike some movies out their that just don`t have any substance to them. However, now that i think about it this movie would make alot of movies look bad. Yes it`s that good and is a definite classic among people that may or may not like classical music or the clothes they wore back then. But before i saw this film i didn`t like any of these things either, but that has changed now, thanks to the entire cast and crew of Amadeus!! rating.....5.....
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First Knight (1995)
"hey it`s not Excalibur, but it is good"
23 March 2000
i did like this film, although it`s not quite as good as Excalibur but it does come close. The war scene is very impressive in fact it`s better than the war scene in Excalibur, if your into military strategy like i am then you got to see this scene (and the scenes in braveheart). Their are a few things i did not like about this movie, first the choice of actors, don`t get me wrong i like them all it`s just that Arthur is supposed to be a boy king in this movie Arthur is old enough to be Guinevere`s grandfather. I think Gere did a nice job as lancelot, but not outstanding. To me this movie is a hit but not a classic like Excalibur is!! rating (best of 5 stars).....3.....
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Braveheart (1995)
"the best war scenes ever"
23 March 2000
o.k. it has the best war scenes ever put on film, but how good is the movie, let me just say it`s very good but not outstanding, this film falls short on being a classic but hits a home run in the action/war category. I don`t want to take anything away from this film because the acting is good and the story is somewhat interesting, but the movie is just to long. During the movie i kept asking myself when is this going to end?? However if your into the "art of war" as i am and you have almost 3 hours to spare (most of us don`t though) then don`t miss this movie, but if war movies are not your forte` then i would suggest that you choose another movie to watch. rating (best of 5 stars) .....3 1/2.....
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First Blood (1982)
23 March 2000
It`s rare when you come across an action movie that you can watch over and over again and still like it!! But First Blood is an exception. Their are two characters Stallone is known for Rocky and Rambo, and he does a great job at both of them. Not very many movie stars are known for two characters like Stallone is!! It`s hard to say which character i like the most their a little bit alike both have the odds against them and both are quiet characters. Anyways back to Rambo their are a couple of scenes in this movie that i would consider as the best action scenes ever filmed. first, has got to be the forest scene when Rambo uses his camouflage tactics to take out the police officers tracking him. Second, the cliff scene when Rambo jumps off a cliff and into a tree and uses the tree to cushion his fall, great stuff!!! If you`ve ever wanted to see the police lose this is the movie for you. Also this is a great DVD movie because you can go right to your favorite action scene. rating (best of 5 stars) .....3 1/2.....
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Excalibur (1981)
23 March 2000
To me this movie goes above and beyond movie standards, how does one rate a near perfect movie?? This movie has a little bit of everything in it, action,drama,suspense, even a little comedy is thrown in. Without a doubt the best movie ever made that`s based on the legend of King Arthur and Camelot!! In fact it could possibly be the best movie ever made period!! The only thing that i thought was a little cheesy was Merlin and the Dragon scenes, And the war scenes could have been a little better (check out Braveheart and First Knight for great war scenes), But this doesn`t stop it from being a classic!! rating (best of 5 stars) .....5.....
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23 March 2000
Well when George Lucas took his shot at this movie he may not have known it would turn out to be one in a million but this film went way beyond that. He may not have known that all sci-fi movies would be measured by it. But as it stands today this is the best sci-fi movie ever made and all future sci-fi movies will be compared to it!! I remember when this movie first came out, i was about 7 years old and it was so fascinating to me to see Luke Skywalker with his light saber and the millennium falcon zipping through space at light speed, and the other colorful characters that make up this remarkable film were great too. Another good thing about this movie is you don`t have to be a kid to enjoy it. This movie is a classic and will go down in history as one of the best movies ever made. As far as the sequels go i don`t think their as good as this one but they are very good. rating (best of 5 stars).....5.....
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Good but not outstanding
22 March 2000
This movie is a good time killer but it lacks any substance. It`s your basic movie about promiscuous teens. The best thing about this movie has to be Reese Witherspoon!! Let`s face it this woman could bring a dead man back to life with her irresistible charm and raw beauty! Their are some high points in the movie, but again it just doesn`t have any real element to it that would make it a hit. Rating (best of 5 stars) .....2 1/2....
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U Turn (1997)
perhaps the worst film ever made!!!!!
22 March 2000
what a sorry movie!!! Don`t waste your time!! Their is nothing that can save this film!! And it`s to bad because i like all the actors that are in this movie but they made a bad decision to have to anything to do with this trash!! total "B" movie garbage!! rating (best of 5 stars).....1.....
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The Cable Guy (1996)
Outrageous comedy
22 March 2000
I love this movie!! A psycho cable guy, Great plot for a comedy. If your a Jim Carey fan this is a must see!! This might be his best movie. Matthew Broderick does a good job, as the cable guy`s victim. Very funny stuff!! I hope they come out with a sequel. rating (best of 5 stars) .....3.>
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very funny
22 March 2000
This comedy has future classic written all over it! Jim Carey is a master at this type of humor!! Some people may not like it because of it`s "dumb" humor but that is why they named the film Dumb and Dumber..Their are some scenes in this film that still make me crack up!! Very very funny stuff. rating (best of 5 stars) .....3.....
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