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Happy Ending
7 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Sweet love story!

What wonderful problem to overcome: Writer who goes to dark places in her soul to produce her best work, becomes too happy, running into writer's block. Now her editor must try and make her miserable to get her to finish the book, but in the process he fall for her.

When the story started I didn't know or think it would be a love story but as it progressed it became a sweet and simple love story.

No this movie is really not about "Anguishes of her father" and it is really not about diving deep into human psychology. It hints at dark places, but it never goes there, and keeps us in a happy place. What it really is about is that one encounters sadness, one can overcome it, and finding love makes it all good!

Like the suspense in the end, whether it was going to be happy ending or not......glad it was not another unhappy ending!

Sit back and enjoy this sweet fun movie and don't over think it!
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Beautiful love story!
17 October 2013
I am shocked at low rating on IMDb. I don't usually dish out high ratings easily so for me this was a winner hands down. I have been hoping to see a movie that is entertaining, sweet, romantic and fun, and this was all of that and more.

For anyone who is an immigrant to US the movie will bring back some memories. The moment of "Yay" vs. "Nay" when facing the immigration officer is stressful and memorable one for most. That however is just the premise to launch into some sweet and fun comedic adventure.

I wish there was more of a pleasant culture shock highlighted in the movie. Yeah the people were nice and Tostadas from a small stand were good, and common use of Mariachis was fun, but there could have been many more opportunities to endear the audience to best of Mexico's culture.

The way people interact there was captured beautifully. People were not as uptight and bit more warm and friendly. Friends would do anything for each other, and how with little that some have, how much more happy they can be with that than so many people who have lot more and aren't. None of this was specifically highlighted, but was there to see for anyone paying attention.

In the end movie is just an excuse for romantic, cute, comedic love story and it delivers completely satisfying and enjoyable experience.

The best moment for me was the senior couple sitting next to me in the movie theater. When in the end, the Hero is begging the girl for another chance, couple sitting next to me answered in unison with an emphatic "yes" with both hands extended towards the screen!

If this movie can't find a place in audiences hearts, then we have a problem....and it is not the movie!
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Enough Said (2013)
Romantic comedy for real people
8 October 2013
This movie has prompted me to write a review after a long time. Mainly I hope more people can discover it. After the movie ended, I watched the theater empty and I am pretty sure I was the youngest viewer in the theater, and I am 40.

In my unqualified opinion, the best praise that I can heap upon it is that it as as funny as a funny American movie (As good as it gets), and as thoughtful, real, cute and hyperbole free and full of memorable characters as a French movie, where KISMET plays a big role (Amelie, Happenstance, etc)!

It is not truly intended to be a comedy movie, where they try and set up comedic scenes and load it with over the top characters, yet the parade of jokes was endless, usually courtesy of back and forth banter between the two lead characters. Everything about this movie felt real and even though I don't know if some tangible benefit can be gained, but simply the thoughtfulness regarding how people react to each other and feel things differently can help everyone.

There is lot to feel in this movie as well, parent's anguish over children moving out, couples' disappointment in failed relationships, wondering about what it could have been, how couples who are able to make it work react to each other, etc. Which is why I wished more young people or any young people could discover this movie, as they would understand their parents better courtesy of this movie.

Finally, a sweet romantic thoughtful comedy would no be so joyous, had it ended on a negative note. It leaves us with hope and I am grateful for it!
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Glimpse of our near future
5 April 2012
So to most people this is pure fiction.

If they would pay any attention, whatever the Elites are preparing for in this Country, would probably be much worse than what is depicted in this movie.

As for the movie itself, there were things that could have been done better.

Below is the list of few flaws in my opinion:

The way system of "Elites" works is that few rule and control many.

Even if that was intention, it was not depicted in that manner. It almost looks like each district was comprised of few hundred, maybe thousand people. However, the "Capital" itself was much more grand so the whole the concept of "few" vs. "many" was upside down.

The people who are constantly battling hunger, should they really be this strong and powerful?

There was dialog about how "too much hope is dangerous". That is correct.However, in battle of good vs bad, unless at least one or two so called "Elites" could start to question themselves, and realize they lack the basic human traits, there is no hope.

In a movie that touches the subject that this movie does, I would have liked some hope.

Now getting away from the bigger subject, and concentrating on the plot itself, in the end the two "tributes" from the District-12 are encouraged to fake love (at least the girl is) so some "Elites" would root for them. In the end the "Show Master" tries to turn them against each other, but fails.

Why not have them be true lovers? Why not let the movie also be a true love story? Why not have the "Elites" not only try and break them, take away their basic humanity, but also try to extinguish their love. That would be way more powerful.

Finally, I appreciate that people of District-11 have had enough and at least rioted. For sake of humanity, I needed more.

Maybe the movie's real purpose is to simply acclimate us to what is coming.

We are not in Kansas anymore ladies and gentleman.

Real hunger games are coming, and they would make the ones depicted in movie look like picnic.
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Black Swan (2010)
Runaway Tragedy
24 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Exhilarating! That says a lot about a movie about ballet, about done to death ballet, and about a tortured mind of an introvert girl.

I suppose when I do get to see a ballet, I would have much greater appreciation of the hard-work and dedication to their craft that goes behind the scenes.

As for rest of the movie, it is brilliantly made. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, because the character of Natalie Portman is a good person, so it is our natural inclination to wish a positive and happy outcome for her. However, since she is descending into madness, the suspense arises from the fact, whether she would hurt herself, or would she make it, and resolution of this fact is what gets your full attention.

Since she is called upon to perform a role that is complete opposite of her entire being, and the fact that only if she successfully transforms herself from a completely noble Swan Queen, to her diametrically opposite character of completely evil Swan swine, can she successfully make it, the audience is almost drawn into rooting for her to embrace darkness, so the real her can succeed.

There can be endless discussion of what went behind her psyche and caused complete breakdown, but it is safe to say, there were plethora of reasons. A Mom who is living through her vicariously, and to whom she doesn't want to disappoint, a Mom who has unintentionally sheltered her, and her normal development as a woman has not taken place, her limited world of home and studio, her lack of any real friends, her lack of sexual maturity, her fear of failure, her self-imposed trauma of achieving perfection, and lack of any helpful or consoling voices.

The Director of the ballet clearly lays out what Swan lake is about, and how it ends in suicide of heartbroken innocence, and it is clear to everyone, that this ballet would have no different ending. You go in expecting tragedy, sadness and self-destructive behavior, and still the actual suffering and pain shown in the movie, far exceeds your expectation. As an audience member, you feel helpless, as there is not even slightest hope of positive outcome.

The most beautiful and exhilarating sequence is when Portman's character is actually transcends her pure nature, and is able to touch the darkness. She makes it clear to her Director that whether she is late or not, and whether she is feeling good or bad, it is her role, and she will do it, unless he wants another controversy on his hand, like the retiring ballet dancer, character of Winona Ryder, who he knows jumped in front of a car on purpose. This is sort of a blackmail and it actually gives hope to people rooting for her, as you believe now she can successfully play the role of black swan.

The filming of the actual scene of black swan for the first show is just beautiful and brilliant. They show how she transforms, growing one feather at a time, and how her eyes dilate and become read, her snake like movement of her head, the force of negativity she exudes, is all brilliant. Then of course we find out, that our choice are either dead heroine or a fallen heroine, who has committed a murderer. It is better that she did not become a deranged murderer and the hurt she inflicted, was on herself.

Since this is a runaway tragedy, one wonders what can we salvage from this movie? I suppose that a moment of peace that she felt, right before her demise, knowing she reached perfection in her craft, to which she devoted her life, is something positive that one can latch to. Yes it is grasping at the straws, but the only way her tortured mind was going to find any peace, this might be her happy ending.
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The Town (2010)
Heat it is not!
7 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Ben Affleck with Irish accent - it is tormenting to watch. He tries so hard, but he can't do it. He should have stuck with directing.

Second, bits and pieces of this movie remind me of the epic DeNiro/Pacino movie, "Heat". That movie remains consistent throughout, and characters remain true to themselves and are brilliant on top of that.

Here, characters start out OK, but then they forget who they are supposed to be. The character that least remains true to himself is Ben Afflec himself.

Jeremey Renner's character, James Coughlin is the BEST and is consistent and never wanders for a moment. Same could be said about character Slaine, although it is not as prominent as other characters.

Ben Afflec falling madly in love with a cliché good-girl and putting all his BROTHERS at risk, simply doesn't jive. No self-respecting bad-guy/bank-robber would allow that to happen.

A line from heat is that you can't let yourself get attached to anyone or anything that you can't walk away from. Now that is how you maintain your edge.

Not saying it is not OK for Ben Afflec's character to be weak, but it is simply not consistent. When you are able to take people out at moments notice, you are supposed to operate at different plane, then normal good guys.

Why does Afflec's character want to be a good guy so desperately? Why not just turn yourself in? Also, even when he discloses to the girl he is a bank robber, she is so madly in love with him, that she is OK, with the man who kidnapped her and threatened to take her life? Is that Stockholm syndrome on roids? In Heat, DeNiro's character never admits to the girl what he does, and remains consistent.

Also, character played by Blake Lively is inconsistent. It didn't appear her and Ben Afflec's character had strong relationship and it was mostly about sex, but as soon as she hears about Diamond Necklace he has given to another girl, she gives away supposedly her son's father, her brother and her friends out of anger? No way. If a character that is supposed to be cool with a man being bank-robber, then despite cheating or not, she won't resort to throw her own brother and her child's father to FBI.

Problem is that Ben Afflec got hung up on a TYPICAL Hollywood cliché, "bad guy wants out". So he tried hard, ignoring natural instincts of characters to form the story where the guy just wants out at all cost, because he is in love with cliché good girl, who plants community gardens.

In real life, how many successful bad guys want out, specially when they are doing great? Who wants to risk prison, and throw their best buddies in jail for a woman? Better story and more consistent story would have been if the girl he fell in love with, comes to realize who he really is and she turns the whole crew in, which she tried later on as well, and not Blake Lively's character. Afflec's character being true to himself, should have realized he is in fact bad guy, and should have gone after that girl to revenge the death of his friends due to her and taken out the FBI guy and her and then we would have a proper ending and a better movie.
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The American (2010)
The Boring American
7 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Can we jam pack any higher number of clichés in one movie? Here are few listed below:

1) Assassin who is shook up by a job that ends in rough manner 2) Assassin who wants out 3) Assassin's boss who has no intention of letting him out 4) Assassin who spends his spare time talking to a priest 5) Man who likes to end all his sentences talking to priest with "father". 6) Assassin falls in love with a prostitute 7) Prostitute who falls in love with Assassin 8) Assassin wants to do one last job and make a break for it 9) Assassin and prostitute fail to make it 10) Even thought they don't make it, they do nail their enemies

I am not sure if this film was inspired by some European movie, because it did have that feel to it, as there is not too much dialog, and people actually are pensive and observant, and don't blow your ear drums out. However, unlike many European movies, this one just couldn't quiet grasp the depth of emotion and create bigger sense of mystery.

George Clooney is out of his comfort zone. He is best suited to play smart Alec tough guy, and not man tormented and conflicted, being eaten up alive inside. Sometimes, when he tries to play a disturbed man, trying to show he is pained, he seems to have a look that almost makes it appear he is mocking his own character.

Lack of creativity and newness is bothersome. If you really stand out as much because you are American, then perhaps a small town is not the best place to be. He is able to drive to his favorite spot near the lake, but no one else ever visits that place? Not even the town kids hang out at the water hole?

Only things I liked is the repeated scene of him driving through a beautiful valley, and they zoom out and show the entire drive. Also, the smile of the prostitute seemed genuine and sweet, and also the way she looks at him.

There is something haunting about the whole movie that was endearing to me. Besides that, it is simply not good enough.
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
For fans of the book, this is acceptable - Would have been great if not for Julia Roberts
15 August 2010
Julia Roberts is a miscast. Everyone who has read the book feels that way. The movie obviously needs to digress from the book to make it more interesting, but it tried to capturing the essence of the book.

The book is more about introspection, putting things in priority, figuring out what makes you happy, or what makes you unhappy, and appreciating simple things in life. It also has sense of adventure, and introduces you to aspects of Italian, Indian and Balinese culture that any Discovery or National Geographic special couldn't.

I too had trouble with the whole premise, even when reading the book, that for no tangible reason, she is unhappy in her marriage and fears becoming a mother and losing freedom and desire for exploration. Culturally we are supposed to scoff at that, but I like her line of reasoning, which we can ALL use when making decisions specially about what we want and what the priorities should be. She asks herself, whether you she would rather be covering wild pigs in Australia or some place for National Geographic, or be part of society where she is a mom, and focused on that. Answer for her was she would rather be on an adventure somewhere.

Sure it is not the answer we are accustomed to, but at least she figured out what she wanted and went after it, instead of choosing what would have made her miserable and make her feel trapped. That would not be good for either her child, or her husband, her marriage, herself or society. Just going through motions because culturally that is what your parents did, or the conventional life that society expects is NOT for everyone, not for Elizabeth Gilbert, and not acceptable to millions more.

She walked away from unhappy marriage, that is her right, she brought no harm to anyone, but actually went out of her way to save a family, be a good Ambassador, try to understand God, and try to find love.


It almost seems that the Casting Director just read the script and never read the book. As I said above, EPL the book is about in-depth soul searching, and finding answers to the BIGGEST questions in life through the eyes and heart of a modern skeptic. When we are dealing with issues whether cultural expectation of toughing out an undesirable and unhappy marriage, finding GOD, and following your heart in matters of love, we need someone who can represent DEPTH of emotions and conflicts through their acting. To me, it would have been tough to come up with a WORSE choice than Julia Roberts. She is a terrible actress, and she only plays one role - if you have seen "Pretty Woman", you have seen EVERY Julia Roberts movie ever made. She is incapable of playing anyone else, and that is a MAJOR LOSS for this movie, because what makes the book special is ELIZABETH GILBERT. Julia Roberts got rid of her by just being herself.

Throughout the movie she seems ELITIST, like she was visiting from her palace and visiting the commoners, or she is a space traveler who has encountered humans for the first time. Most of the characters surrounding her were real and alive and down-to-earth, but Julia Roberts could not make us forget we are watching life of Julia Roberts.

Character of Luca Spaghetti was also terribly miscast. This is one case where I would not have minded typical Hollywood stereotype of an Italian. This character could have brought Italy home for us, but instead, the guy playing Luca seemed he is from Alabama or something.

Character of Sophie, the Swedish friend she made in Italy, was shown to be too old, and character of Suzie, her best friend, did not seem happy, despite the fact she had just fulfilled her life long dream of being a mother.


Italy came the closest, in capturing Elizabeth Gilbert's quest. In India she learned to forgive herself and that was captured, but she spends significant time trying to be one with God, and finally has an out of body experience. Not an easy experience to put pictures too. I guess an escaped Elephant walking up to her to say hi to her was supposed to show that. A significant portion of the book is spent on What makes Balinese culture special. The whole idea of balance is key to their very being and that word is only trotted out at the very end we she doesn't want to get on the boat with her lover. It is so out of context, that when she says, she is worried about losing her balance, person who has not read the book would think she is afraid of falling out of the boat into the water.

Some beautiful characters were completely eliminated. The guy who takes her to the top of Ashram is a Carpenter from Newzealand, who leaves here with a poem, letting her gaze at the stars, not in middle of the day. Despite all this, as a fan of Elizabeth Gilbert and "Eat, Pray, Love", I am still satisfied and recommend this movie to all.
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Inception (2010)
Travelling through someone's mind for trivial reasons
2 August 2010
The idea is obviously scintillating and grand by its very nature - traveling through someone's mind, visualizing the world their mind sees, extracting secrets, and even planting new thoughts. This sort of canvass opens door to infinite possibilities and nothing is off the table.

However, if one did have this capability, you have to assume US Government would get the wind of it and would be all over it. There are tons of special psyche-ops projects as we speak. I don't believe individuals could just market that ability to corporations for their benefits. If you are a head of some corporation now, how would you even think this option exists, and how would you even approach it? There should be a better explanation of how the talent and its employer found each other and it should not be shown as something that occurs as normally as one hiring a contractor to fix their house.

The objective in this movie was so trivial - one corporation wants the destruction of other.

Bankers on wall street accomplish that 100 times a day, and they own media too, not only to travel through one persons' mind, but mold mind of entire population, as a matter of fact, entire humanity. So there was nothing too exciting for me about the conception of 'INCEPTION' itself. People are doing it to entire populations, so what is so great about doing it to just one person.

To me it would have meant more and I would have cared more, if the objective was as grand as the tool of inception. Something that impacts entire humanity and not just head of one corporation.

Also, the visions created by so called architect, are just lame. I think you would find lot more titillating and morbid stuff in a healthy male American brain, then just people walking around in suits. I have had lots of dreams, and none of them ended with a plot of B-Action movie. How does a teenage girl know what corporate world looks like?

I do like the main idea of the movie, how it opens doors to reckless imagination, even though it was barely tapped upon. I liked the acting of different characters. Most importantly I liked the personal suffering that the main character experienced, because he had this power, and he misused it, so it is the law of Universe, he pays for it in maximum. I however, don't like the attempt to show relatively happy ending for him. In epic battle of right and wrong, wrong can win all the way, but NOT at the very end. Otherwise, there is no basis for anything.

Finally, the last trick to not let the audience know whether the spinning top stops or not is just so cheap, that it should be ridiculed by critics who know what they are talking about.
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Crash of Titans
5 April 2010
Badness and worthlessness of this movie leaves me speechless.

Usually, there are certain aspects of a movie you like or dislike. One could agree or disagree certain take that director chose to do, certain changes, something that was below par, something that could have been better, that one could talk about. However, in this case, the task of reviewing this movie is difficult as from the very first scene to the last scene this movie is one unbearable, soul-less, boring, ugly and horrible disaster.

The original is a classic! It has heart, romance, soul, humor, sweetness, feel of an epic, beauty, nobility, overall feeling of an adventure, a quest, and yes it also had certain spooky quality, and deviousness.

This remake has NONE of those qualities. As if lacking anything interesting or worth liking was not enough, this movie tortures you with horrible darkness and senselessness. A fisherman comes up with empty catch, so declares war on Gods. Really? Why even be a fisherman then? Just sit at home and demand food and other necessities be delivered to you, and if that doesn't happen, just declare war on Gods.

From Andromedae to Zeus, the characters are either evil or robotic. Its a world of mindless creatures. There is no way to get emotionally involved, even though you go to the theater with every intention to like it, and enjoy and give it every break possible.

The girl playing Andromedae doesn't even appear to be a leading lady and appears to be sick and weak. The Princess is a meaningless entity in this movie. She was his love in the original. Even the monster, Cracken is boring. Medusa left a permanent scar in the original, but here it just might be a giant mindless snake. However, the soldiers trying to kill her are even more determined to be killed by her gaze. One of them could have simply avoided that fate, but the writers probably ran out of script for him, so he had no choice but to gaze straight in Medusa's eyes.

Just a bad movie. Avoid it at all cost. I am disgusted the time and money I wasted on this one. There is absolutely nothing, not one thing in this movie that is worth cherishing.
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Invention of Truth telling
4 February 2010
Well, "Invention of Truth telling" may not be accurate enough title, more like, "Invention of Truth Recognition".

Honestly, if you really do want to know what people are thinking and saying on daily basis, even though the words coming out of their mouths would be completely opposite, this is the world we would end up in. I am sure I am not the only one who can hear those things, but that probably is more so because I don't just listen to words, but watch the eyes, and the thing about eyes is, they never lie! I loved this movie from beginning to end due to its sheer honesty and handling all with great ease and sense of humor! This is a genuinely funny movie, even though due to the fact everyone just tells truth, it hurts and most people can't handle that, thus the poor reviews and rating.

I would have scored this movie even higher, except for the fact this movie in the end settle for FALSE HOPE and a LIE, which I guess makes the title appropriate.

Here a jaw dropping gorgeous woman falls in love with chubby unattractive dude with stub nose. That is FALSE HOPE. No matter what you hear and read, and what everyone tells you, LOVE IS NOT BLIND. This phenomenon only occurs in movies.

Which actually highlights the fact that being humans LYING is innate to our happiness, unless you have everything. False hope is what makes the world go round. We need to believe impossible can happen, that fat unattractive dudes with no money can score with beautiful super model type girls. If we lose that belief then we suffer the same fate that Ricky Gervais character suffers for a while - unable to function. When you lose all hope, all false hope, belief in impossible then really what would make you want to do anything? Lying keeps us sane! Love this movie! Bad reviews are further proof that this movie hit right at home.
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An Education (2009)
An Education indeed!
4 February 2010
What a surprise find, courtesy of long distant flying. Didn't mean to see it, but had nothing else to do.

This movie just drew me in and it is not emotional and doesn't make you tear up or anything, but for some reason it has feeling a suspense thriller, but thriller with small 'T'.

It has only few characters and they have distinct and likable personalities.

The school girl is innocent and the education she gets is actually education from school of life. Once we find out that the guy is a Con, and just the curiosity about how it all ends, in happiness or tragedy, just keeps you on your toes.

I think think this movie should be a required viewing for teenage girls as it delivers the message in a way it would be acceptable to even rebellious audience.

It is entertaining, so it is not designed to be a documentary, but does show what simple mistakes all of us can make and how easy it is to fall in traps of a con-man.

Lots of lessons here: Parents can't win. If they interfere, they are bad guys. If they support and it all ends bad then the kids turn around and say you didn't protect me. Teachers can't win. It is difficult to convince someone to focus on school and job which is boring and hard, while you can be living the social life of your dreams. Conmen can't win. Hey, catch me if you can only works for a while.

It ends on positive note and makes us think that how many of our own secrets form us so deeply and how we manage to keep them a secret.

Pretty cool movie, check it out!
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Lets eat him, oh wait, here is a better idea, lets make him our King
4 February 2010
This movie is giant waste of time, and even bigger waste of opportunity.

The music is pretty nice, the kid does a marvelous job, the wild things in themselves are pretty cool, the mother not being able to give enough attention to the child or trying to have a life and the older siblings ignoring him also provides a great set up. However, that is where everything falls apart because there is absolutely NOTHING that brings it all together. Nothing in this movie makes you laugh. Nothing makes you terribly sad or happy or worried or curious about resolution of facts. There are no facts. There is no story. There is a setup, a giant hour long snowball fight with dirt and rocks and giant creatures running wild and jumping on each other and then movie ends.

At best it can be described a kid's fantasy. But a long boring uneventful fantasy. If you want to see how children dream, then check out "Bridge to Terebithea"! That movie would bring you to giddy levels of joy and then drown you in your own tears.

This movie is terrible for following reasons: It really isn't a kid's movie because some sequences are too scary (who wants to be eaten by wild creatures?). It really isn't for adults because we need something besides a food fight to care about the movie. Also, as described above, the elements were there to create something magical but there wasn't enough plot of clever twists or emotional depth to bring it all together and opportunity was wasted.

Good music though, but bad movie.
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Avatar (2009)
Visual Epic - Independent Day in Reverse
11 January 2010
So for once it is us, the Humans, who invade another planet! Tired of these powerful aliens who come and wreck our planet and treat us like vermin. For once, stress that comes from the prospect of being eliminated and toyed with is not on us.

Just for that this inter-galactic action adventure is worth a view.

As someone noted, this movie is not a deep intellectual exercise.

The themes are all old and one could say this movie had elements from movies such as "Dances with Wolves" (Soldier switches sides once he is exposed to the enemy and empathizes with them), "10000 BC" (Walk through the jungle with dangerous exotic creatures everywhere), "Apocalypto" (The warriors), "Last of the Mohicans" (The jungle, the warriors, the native tribes, the romantic vibe", and so on and so forth.

There have even been Star Trek Next Generation episodes, where the space-ship was actually a living creature! So from that perspective there really was nothing new. What was new was what I noted above, for once we get to be the aggressors, albeit the evil ones. Feels good to be superior in technology to at least one alien entity.

The Navi people are shown to be child like Innocent in one sense, very spiritual as well as they are one with nature, but also brutal in the sense on moments notice the leader of the tribe was going to decide whether the "Avatar" lives or not.

What is hard to believe is that human consciousness and morality would reverse going forward. With all the opposition and Wars to invasions, unless the "un-obtanium" was curing some kind of plague, it is impossible for me to believe that humans in general would turn away from private looters raiding and brutalizing this alien world. One could draw a comparison to Halliburton led wars to acquire oil, but it is not really same. Navi would have to have done something horrible to humans, in order for even looters to come up with justification for uprooting and brutalizing them. Since they are incapable of threatening Earth, such a case would have been hard to make.

I also feel, no matter what, the way Navi recognized that 'Avatars' were in their words, "souls in false bodies", they would be so comfortable with the idea and just accept them, and the leader of the tribe would appoint his daughter to educate the 'Avatar' in their way of life. Why? Why wouldn't they believe they are spies and here to endanger them? Anyhow, James Cameron knows how to make the movie exciting enough for us to enjoy and want to see it multiple times! Good entertainment value and gives something to think about, even though it doesn't have emotional content to move you, it is thrilling enough to enjoy and a visual spectacle!
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As Yogi would say, "Deja vu all over again"!
15 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am surprised by the popularity of this movie.

Anyone who has ever watched Indian Movies would know that 99% of them have same exact plot, and same exact twists and turns and they are all love stories with someone getting in between the guy and the girl.

So when I watched this movie it felt like every other Indian movie I have ever watched. The difference being the characters all speaking in English.

I found it annoying when the host of the 'Who wants to be a Millionaire', played by Anil Kapoor, kept saying after every answer, "Lock ki jiye computer ji", which means "Lock that answer Sir or Mr. Computer". Really? I haven't been to India in long time, but I find it odd to refer to a computer as 'Mr.' or 'Sir'.

I also didn't like the ending where the hero doesn't know the answer to the question who the third musketeer was and he uses his 'life-line' to call the girl, and her answer is, "I don't know". So he guesses it and gets it right.

What purpose did that serve? She was supposed to be the third musketeer with the hero and his brother when they were growing up. So they could have flashed back and shown another conversation that the three had as children where she remembers the name of third musketeer. That would have been more fun and exhilarating then pure guess.

Finally, after his first night on the show when the hero is taken in custody by police and they torture him, even electrocute him, and then they simply return him to the show on next day.

I don't know even in India such torture is that brazen. That part of the story didn't fit.

In some ways that all fits together because that makes it TYPICAL Indian movie.

If you have seen "Slumdog Millionaire", you have watched 99% of ALL Indian Movies.

Congraturaltions ji.
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Holocaust through the eyes of pair of 8 year old kids.
9 January 2009
Maybe because I only saw the movie last night I am thoroughly infatuated, but this could probably be one of the best movies about Holocaust.

Schindler's list showed unspeakable brutality, but it was so shocking and done from a safe distance that it almost seemed like a work of fiction. Shock numbed your senses.

In this movie, the film makers take us into a child's world and if you were 8 years old from either side of the fence, what did you think, what you saw, what you felt, what you believed! When you see the the world through the eyes of children, all your senses are enhanced, innocence is magnified, beauty crystallized.

Two kids in this movie, a son of a Nazi General, Bruno, and a Jewish kid in Concentration camp, Schmoel, they form a friendship but are separated by an electric fence, across which they sit and chat and even laugh and play games, and try to make sense of the world they live in and try to interpret events and actions, unable to comprehend the underlying evil. Their innocence is moving! Through their eyes we see the best in Humanity! The ending sneaks up on you. You don't expect it till the very last moment.

One could say that in the end there was justice, but this is one case where you would root against justice.

This movie is going to leave me with a permanent mark and I think I am better off for it.

Go see it!
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Like the new Bond!
22 November 2008
Daniel Craig Rocks! I assume next movie would be a bit lighter and happier since he got his revenge for losing the woman he loved! I like the lack of emphasis on gadgets! Bond has actually become human! Realism Rocks! The villains are becoming even bigger losers and less and less memorable. They need to create a bit stronger role for them.

Action was fast paced and awesome! They used some background action, like horse race, combined with fight scene and went back and forth at high clip to try and create even intense action! M had the best lines! She is the one who made me laugh! One of the guys from 'Solace' that they were trying to "squeeze" the truth out of, mocks M, and says they have men everywhere.....and M's personal body guard betrays her, at that very moment. She survives. Later on, she is upset and having a meeting with Bond and says, "who uses phrases like we have men everywhere"......"florists use that line". LOL! Bond is forever!
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Near Flawless transformation from Novel to the Big Screen (However, nothing else can better illustrate the loss of 'Sacred Feminine')
13 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One thing that 'Priory of Sion' value and the whole novel is all about is the 'Balance' between Man and Woman.

From "Mona Lisa" (the reason she is supposed to have the 'all knowing' smile) to Da Vinci's "Last Supper" (the true Chalice that holds the blood of Christ), the concept of 'Balance' (Equality) between Man and Woman is re-enforced.

However, that point either completely missed the creators of this movie or they didn't care. Eitherway, nothing highlights the 'Im-Balance' between Man and Woman today than this movie.

In the Novel, the character of Sophie played by Audrey Tatou is not supposed to be completely helpless and clueless. In fact her character contributes equally to the effort of solving the mystery, just as much as the character of Robert Langdon played by Tom Hanks. They BOTH take turns in finding the answers to different puzzles.

It is Sophie who translates the Annagram "So Dark the Con of Man" and not Robert Langdon. It is Sophie, who rescues Robert Langdon, by first sending the cops on wild goose chase, by removing the 'bug' from Robert Langdon and planting it on a dump truck. It is Sophie, who takes the valuable painting hostage, and threatens to tear it apart, unless the guard trying to arrest them disarms. It is her training by her Grand-father all her childhood, that makes her the best person to understand the clues left by him. In the novel, just when they are about to open the Vault, they get one and only chance to enter the correct account number, which they don't have. If they enter it in-correctly, then the contents of the the vault will be forever lost to them. While Robert Langdon is about the enter the scrambled Fibonacci sequence, left by Jacque Suniere written in invisible ink next to his body before his death, it is Sophie who figures that the sequence is way too random to be a password and would be too difficult for her Grand-father to remember. An unscrambled sequence would be a better password to remember as it can always be figured out.

Unfortunately, in the movie, the credit for all those efforts is entirely given to Robert Langdon's character. This pattern continues throughout the movie. This is truly tragic! After coming so far, even today, its impossible for this world to accept that a woman can make a meaningful contribution, aside than being eye-candy. No, the only appropriate role for her is to be a damsel in distress who has to be rescued by her knight in shining armor.

Even bigger sin is to portray Sophie's character as one who truly doesn't care about solving the mystery. She seems to be upset at being thrown into this mess, and it seems that she doesn't really care about something so important that it could shake the foundation of Church and change mankind forever. Anyone dealing with that prospect would find themselves enthused about the resolution of the facts. However, in the movie, Sophie's character is 'apathetic'. That is exactly opposite of how she is portrayed in the Novel. In fact, she truly wants to find out what her Grand-father wanted her to inherit. She does not want to be left behind by Robert-Leah team.

Apathy is one of the reasons behind woman being treated as inferior over the ages. A man is the one who ask 'Whys' and would go to any length to get them answered. Woman supposedly only care about surviving, pleasure and material things. All things that are unworthy of being the main purpose of life.

By portraying Sophie's character as 'Apathetic', the same libel has been thrown upon her as on every woman since dawn of mankind. She doesn't care about 'IMPORTANT' things, so it is natural to keep her out of matters of 'IMPORTANCE'.

Aside from messing up the underlying main theme of the Novel, the main focus of 'Kninghts Templars' and 'Priory-of-Sion', this is a nearly flaw-less movie! Usually one finds that novel was way better than the movie, but here the difference is minimal. You could for all practical purposes either watch this movie or read the Novel and you won't miss much, aside from what is pointed out above.

Some of the facts are unnecessarily distorted like Jacque Suniere was not really Sophie's Grand-father, but in fact he is shown to be her real Grand-father in the novel. She even has a brother that she is re-united with in the end. Most importantly, the reason, a man would entrust the most powerful secret in history of mankind to a man he has never met before is once again given a sexist explanation in the movie. Sophie is too clueless and too helpless to resolve the mystery on her own so the wise Grandfather tells her to find her Knight in shining armor, Robert Langdon. To an extent that maybe the case, however, even more important reason is that Robert Langdon had written a manuscript that his publisher had sent to Jacque Suniere to get his praise for the book and in that he unknowingly spells out the location of the Grail itself.

That was the main motivation for the old man in contacting Robert Langdon. Once he knew his life was coming to end and he could not reach the one person he could trust his secret with, who he knew was not compromised, but who he has failed to fully prepare. His last thought was to team up his Grand daughter with one person beside him who knows the location of the Grail but doesn't know that he does - Robert Langdon.

I recommend every man and woman to watch this movie!
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The Island (2005)
Destined to Be a Cult Favourite
18 January 2006
This Movie is the reason why producers pay huge moneys to likes of Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks - OPENING WEEKEND. Then the word of mouth gets around and Opening Weekend turns into a huge success at box office.

The producers of this movie should definitely get rid off the marketing team for this movie. They spent 100 million dollars to make this movie, yet the first time I heard about this movie was when I saw Conan O'Brien make fun of the fact that no one was watching it. And I am most certainly what you call a Movie Buff. If they couldn't even get my attention, and get me enthused to see this movie, then no wonder it failed at box office.

My sole motivation to rent this movie was Scarlett Johanson and to see what 100 million looks like in a trash can.

How wrong I was! This movie is beyond good, it is a GREAT MOVIE - equal to the likes of "Army of 12 Monkeys" and "5th Element".

The problem with this movie was the cast, which although is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, but failed to attract an audience. It also lacked the necessary 'spook-level', especially in the commercials, which also caused the audience to be lost. I believe by the very nature of the movie, it would have been extremely easy for director to introduce enough spookiness and that alone could have helped it become a hit movie. It has tons of exhilarating action sequences, yet watching the ads you wouldn't know it was an action-packed movie.

Despite all the sci-fi, the thrilling action sequences, this movie is totally entertaining, with enough comedy to make you laugh as well. However, most importantly, the reason it deserves high praise is that this movie also has HEART. It would move you to tears. It would compel you to think. Someday this movie would be used in debate regarding cloning. Kind of movie where you have to think hard to find flaws and you come up empty.

Scarlett Johanson plays a clone of a Model and that is great because it preserves her beauty forever at her absolute prime. Ewan Mcgregor is great and the movie could not have been cast any better.

When the truth is revealed about the purpose of their existence it is truly shocking and heart-breaking.

I love the two main characters, especially Scarlett Johanson, the ease with which a complicated plot is handled, the suspense, the innocence of characters, the heart that this movie shows, and I totally love the ending, especially the last scene.

This movie will form a Cult following for sure.
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Sin City (2005)
Don't think Quentin Terrentino was needed
19 September 2005
Quentin Terrentino is amazing but why he was invited as guest director for this movie is beyond me.

He added the time line scramble from 'Pulp Fiction' and the character of a viciously violent ninja girl, 'Meeho', seemed ripped off from one of the characters from 'Kill Bill Vol. 2'.

I don't think the time line scramble added any new or extraordinary dimension to the movie. The character of 'Meeho', although exciting, was still not only out of place, but kept reminding me of 'Kill Bill'.

The only thing inclusion of Quentin Terrentino did to the movie is spoil its purity.

This is an amazing movie by itself. I have never seen anything like this. Who knew shameless violence could be so cool! If you like movies, you have to check this one out.
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Collateral (2004)
It takes a Genius to make movie this BAD.
22 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The Badness of this movie can not be described in the 1000 word limit imposed by IMDb so I would only describe some of the obvious blunders.

How many young hot US attorneys take cabs to work? Then hand out their business card to the cab driver after a brief conversation?

That is the opening seen of this movie.

If you are a professional hit-man, are you going to take a Cab driver hostage and make him drive you around and kill five people in high profile case including the US attorney and then hope that JUST LIKE one previous time in nearby city, the detectives would conclude that a Cab driver with impeccable history just lost his mind?

That is the PREMISE of this movie.

If you want the detectives to conclude that Cab driver indeed lost his mind, are you going to sit in a restaurant with the Cab driver and with the owner of the restaurant that you are going to kill and expose yourself to all the employees of that restaurant? Do you think a detective following up on the case would ask the waitresses, whether the Cab driver was sitting alone by himself?

The 'Hitman' in this movie feels he is invisible and hundreds of the people around him are not able to see him.

If you are driving around town with a Dead Body in your trunk, are you going to stick with the same cab on which you threw a dead body and SMASHED its windshield? Is this the way to NOT draw attention to yourself?

Right after the third Hit, Cruise comes out and kills two more people in the alley.

Two people that Cruise shot in the alley who tried to rob his hostage, the Cab driver, actually started out as four people. However, even though there were loud gunshots, two of the four did not bother to check on their friends.

As a matter of fact, just before that, hundreds of people were passing through alley perpendicular to where the Cab was parked, and even though they could hear the car horn, they couldn't hear the gunshots, leaving Cruise and Fox to have a nice humorous conversation in peace.

The Conversation: Apparently Cabbie's Mom was raising a ruckus by calling his company, and his Boss was trying to reach him to tell him to call her at the hospital where she is at.

This is the same Boss, who Cruise (Hitman) and Fox (Cab Driver) told only a few minutes earlier that "they would shove a giant Yellow Cab up his...." if he demands that Fox pay for the damage to the Cab. Cruise actually pretends to be a US attorney passenger and threatens to prosecute the Boss for extorting Cab driver.

If your EMPLOYEE cursed you in absolutely insulting manner, are you going to convey a message from their Mom to them a few minutes later?

Then RIGHT AFTER the conversation, Cruise and Fox head to the hospital to visit Fox's Mom.

However, even before Cruise and Fox arrive at the hospital, the CORPSES of the 3 victims have ALREADY arrived at the SAME HOSPITAL, and the detective who is searching for them, shares an elevator with them.

Congratulations to LAPD for their efficiency in cleaning up Crime Scenes!

If you are a FBI agent or a LAPD detective and you have your suspect under surveillance and the CAB that you are looking for, in which you believe the assassin working for your suspect is going around and killing your witnesses, that Cab is parked at side of the building, what would you do? If you think the Cabbie is the Killer, and he meets your suspect, and you know that he is heading to next witness, what will you do? Would you try to take down the killer right at the building which you have under surveillance? Most likely.

Not in this movie.

Here the entire LAPD and FBI get into a caravan and head to the club where witness is supposed to be. Apparently they don't want to take out the killer at relatively empty spot on the side of the building, instead they prefer to shoot the killer in middle of a Night Club where hundreds of people are dancing. Since both sides (Cruise/Fox & FBI/LAPD) started out from same spot, they arrive at the club at same time!

Finally, if you are a hit-man and you leave your hostage for dead in a car wreck, and you are about to shoot the US attorney and your former hostage shows up with a gun pointed at you, are you going to ignore him? Even if you thought the guy was a total loser, the fact that he still walked out of the same car wreck as you and got to the same place as you and has a gun pointed at you, are you still going to ignore him? Cruise does and gets shot in the face, but doesn't die.

Chases the Cabbie and the US attorney in a train, and as he is about to get to them, he YELLS and warns them of his approach and thus promptly gets shot. Is this how professional killers approach ARMED victims who are anticipating them?

Last Blunder: Fox kills Cruise and then he and the girl walk off the train and he immediately takes his coat off and puts it on her.

This after they have been running for miles, jumping trains, crashing through glasses, and have been shot at repeatedly. How cold do you think the girl was at that point? How cold does it get in LA anyway?

It takes a genius like Michael Mann to make a movie this bad.
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Takes you into the battle itself!
4 August 2003
There are those who have one condition to like this movie or any other movie that has anything to do with civil war: Equate South in Civil war to Nazis in WW-II. This is the only portrayal that they can bring themselves to accept otherwise everything else is a lie. Facts and history disturb their fantasies. I am surprised that IMDB has picked a review, as its featured review that somehow includes 'Trent Lott' as reason for not liking this movie. I am glad that thanks to this review, I have found out that Civil War is still going on. Who knew that Trent Lott and his side, that includes our current President are supposed to be Confederates. I want to thank IMDB and their review board for this great selection and making this reality clear to all Americans.

This movie kept reminding me of Ken Burn's documentary, 'Civil War'. Only the documentary relies mostly on pictures and narration (which is great in itself), but this movie brings to life and puts images to that narration.

The music, acting, cinematography are all very well done! It makes you wonder if one was living in those times, would one have the same courage that these soldiers had on both sides!

I recommend this movie to all Americans! It captures the heart, the values, the courage of people before us. As the promoters of revisionist history desperately try to wipe out all facts from memory and values from the hearts of our current and future generations, this movie presents a 'Stonewall' to their futile charge!
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Asoka (2001)
3 June 2002
If I was a Buddhist, I would be totally offended by this movie. Asucka, is a story of one man's journey into Budh-dhoo-ism (Hindi word for stupidity, not to be confused by Buddhism). If Buddha, a great man of peace, saw this movie, he may be tempted to beat up the director. If real Asoka saw this movie, he would have to struggle a lot harder with his decision to give up violence.

Shahrukh Khan, who is a great actor, should understand he does not possess talent to produce movies. Somehow he managed to turn the life-story of a great Indian prince, into a plot of a 'B' Indian movie. Only Shahrukh can accomplish that! All Indians should write a personal thank-you note to Shahrukh, that he did not choose his subject as Nehru or Gandhi!

The sad part is that for some un-explained reason, this movie is available at all Blockbuster stores. That's where I got it! Too bad 'Lagaan', an Oscar nominated movie is not, and this crap is. It would be a true tragedy if world forms its opinion on Indian movies, and great prince Asoka, based on this travesty.
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From Hell (2001)
3 June 2002
After watching this movie, I think the tag-line should have been, "Got Grapes?" (Got Milk?) or "Ah, The Power of Grapes" (Ah, the Power of Cheese).

The hero is an opium addict who has ability to envision tomorrows murder, today. He is supposed to be very smart. At one point he is drawing locations of different spots where bodies were recovered, and based on that he figures out that this has some significance in terms of some cult and predicts the location of next murder. At that point he had a good idea that the reason those women were being murdered was that they were witness to a wedding of some loser prince and somebody wanted them to be eliminated. My question is, why didn't he post all the idiot cops right outside that ONE room where all of those women lived? Wouldn't it be easy to just ask a pair of cops to FOLLOW the remaining two or three women in that ONE room? He knew who was getting killed, and why, yet there were cops everywhere but outside that one spot. This is level of idiocy not seen before in any crime movie.

Another question: Shouldn't the hero have told the remaining women, NOT TO TALK TO STRANGERS WHO GIVE YOU GRAPES? How about questioning couple of fruit vendors? He also knew the killer was rich and educated, and there were more than one suspect at hand. Yet Jack-The-Rip-OFF gallops through those narrow streets in his carriage, and no one seemed to take a note.

The dialogue, the acting, the sets, the cast, the characters, were so horrible, that I found myself rooting for Jack! His acting was best in whole movie, but could not save it from being one of the worst movies ever made.

Instead of buying a ticket for this movie, I would have been better off if I had bought grapes.
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Spy Game (2001)
Would the real Tony Scott Please stand up!
18 April 2002
I consider "Top Gun" to be be one of the top-notch movies of the 80s, and a modern Classic. I have lost count of times that I have watched it and every single time I have felt a jolt and and rush.

This is why, every time I have watched a Tony Scott directed movie, I have always found myself pulling my hair as to how director of "Top Gun" make such horrible and mindless movies! How could he trick Robert De-Niro, one of the greatest actors of all time, to do a horrible flick like "The Fan". How could he blatantly try to repeat the formula for "Top Gun" in "Days of Thunder". Every time I watched Tony Scott movies, I vowed not to watch them again.

So I feel lucky that I didn't know "Spy Game" was Tony Scott movie. I only got it cause of Redford and Pitt. When the movie began, and Tony Scott's name came up, I had already given up. When the plot didn't seem to go anywhere for a quiet a while, I told myself that's a lesson for me for not checking who the director was.

Then something amazing happened! The movie started to look cool! Something in the movie started pulling me towards it. Something started to make me care for the fate of lead character, played by Brad Pitt. Then it got even better! Once we are told why hero is where he is, one has no choice but to view the whole movie, and every character in it in a whole new light! All of a sudden it becomes a powerful, beautiful, gripping, romantic epic!

The gradual, and then a sudden transformation of characters is what grabbed my interest, and one goes from not really caring to not being able to relax! The most amazing quality of the movie is that its a twenty-four hour thriller, and yet one is introduced to the entire career of lead character. This leaves one with the feeling of watching an epic like Ben-Hur at the pace of Die-Hard!!! Its totally contradicting and unique feeling.

The photography is just exceptional. The locations, the sets are totally convincing. The acting by all the characters is just awesome. The screen-play is great. Not a single dialogue is wasted! The whole atmosphere is just totally cool! The ending is perfect!!!

I forgive Tony Scott for tormenting us with his work since "Top Gun". Maybe it wasn't his fault at all, and it was that jack-ass, Jerry Buckheimer who was the producer on most of those projects, and whose influence effected the talents and performance of Tony Scott. Hope he manages to stay away from Buckheimer in future!

This movie is not just a good movie, but a GREAT movie! It is amazingly powerful movie, as it grabs you and moves you. Its going to be part of my collection soon!
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