
17 Reviews
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In Bruges (2008)
Even criminals have hearts.
6 July 2008
A rather ironic film mixing crime with morals. The first half is rather slow that you start wondering what the fuss is all about but the last twenty-something minutes is a really rewarding finish to this quite thought-provoking film. Colin Farrell plays a hit-man who is bothered by guilt because of the serious fuckup he commits on his first assignment. He is sent to Bruges together with a colleague to initially lie low for a while. As the plot unfolds and the real reason why they are in Bruges is uncovered, the story thickens as the audience begins to sympathize with the unusual leads. This film presents the much debated upon idea that no one is either purely good or just downright evil. It proves in very unlikely ways that even criminals have hearts and even the worst kind of people can be honorable. It is a very simple story that is worth a viewing and I guarantee that it won't leave your head even long after the credits are over.
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Overlooked masterpiece.
28 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An overlooked romance set in China. This is, quite literally, love in the time of cholera. Kitty marries Walter, an infectious disease specialist, to escape her parents. Although Walter knows that she does not love him, he takes her far away to China, where he tries to make her happy. Despite his best efforts, Kitty is unhappy and enters an adulterous affair. When Walter learns about the affair, he decides to punish her. They travel quite arduously to a remote town devastated by cholera, where they finally learn to fall in love with each other. The backdrop is China in the time when the power of the warlords start to fail. This remake is very nicely filmed with a superb soundtrack. The balance between culture and the romance is very well handled. The performances of Edward Norton and Naomi Watts as Walter and Kitty Fane respectively are topnotch. This film was dreadfully ignored at the Academy Awards and it still hasn't quite received the praise it deserves. One of the best love stories told in recent years. Not one to be missed.
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The Mist (2007)
One of the most disturbing endings ever.
25 June 2008
A chilling tale that starts out as a psychological horror thriller and ends on a philosophical tone. Frank Darabont adapts another Stephen King story and further proves his skill in translating the great master's visions to the screen. The premise may seem cliché to some but don't worry, this isn't one of those hacks that just make you go on counting how many people are still left. This film raises some questions that will make you think and it is often too realistic on a very political note. It is similar to Cloverfield in the way that nobody is really aware of what's happening. It's like you are also one with the people and trapped in the thick white fog. It is successful in delivering very unsettling scenes and sometimes it's not even because of the creatures in the mist. This probably has one of the most disturbing endings in film ever. Be warned, if you are touchy about religion issues, you may want to skip this. Overall, highly recommended. Too bad I missed it on the big screen.
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Forget this. Watch Immortal Beloved.
23 June 2008
Trite and unoriginal. It's like someone watched Immortal Beloved and Amadeus and decided to mix them together and, in the process, steal other formulaic plot parts from other movies to make another one. As with most historical movies nowadays, there are some inaccuracies as history is manipulated to better suit the story, which is understandable for the most part. For example, during the remaining days of Beethoven's life, it was necessary for other people to write down what they needed to say in order for him to understand them. That, of course, would have been a nuisance to have to show on screen. The script, although filled with some quotable lines, doesn't quite capture the feel of that time period and, coupled with some bad acting, seems rather contemporary. Diane Kruger is nice enough to look at but she still has lots to improve on her craft. Ed Harris doesn't work for me as Beethoven and I mostly blame Gary Oldman for that. Overall, not a very good interpretation of the musical maestro's life. Better just find yourself a copy of Immortal Beloved.
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A must-see Romanian drama.
15 June 2008
A spell-binding and tense Romanian drama about abortion. Otilia serves as an accomplice to her friend Gabita who seeks help for a 'termination' from a man called Mr. Bebe. Featuring superb performances from Anamaria Marinca and Laura Vasiliu and spotless perfectly-shot long takes, more than abortion, this film also examines the friendship between the roommates as lies and cover-ups are discovered to better suit the purposes of one, and the romantic relationship told on the side when morality questions are raised. This film also serves as a window to Romanian culture and society through bits and pieces of conversations. It is successful in delivering gripping scenes to lock the audience into the gravity of the situation and it tells more through less action and lengthened bouts of silences. Be warned of scenes with female nudity though the abortion itself is not graphic and not shown in detail. Recommended.
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I've been watching your world from afar..
7 June 2008
A gripping and intriguing story about loving someone from afar. This is one of those films that I randomly pick up from whatever thread I come across, and now, having seen it, I am really surprised that it's mostly unknown. From the late Polish director Krzysztof Kieslowski---I know, good luck on pronouncing his name, this is the extended version of the sixth episode of The Decalogue. Tomek is nineteen years old, a single guy who works in a post office. Every night, he spies on Magda, a middle-aged woman who lives in the building across. He falls in love with her and decides to profess his love one day after seeing her cry the previous night. At first, Magda doesn't take him seriously and she eventually hurts him. What follows after is both tragic and moving. This film is really spell-binding, from the powerful human emotions it displays to its sincere silent moments. It is a true gem of cinema, a special story waiting to be told. The characters are very real and the emotions they convey very honest. The obsession and the desperation felt by the protagonists are simply too painful to watch. This film is not readily available to some but it is worth every second of searching.
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Before Sunset (2004)
What if?
1 June 2008
Unfolding almost in real-time, this is a story about another chance for love that was once lost. Set nine years after they first met, Jesse and Celine find themselves older and wiser and still crazy about each other. They meet in a bookstore where Jesse is on tour for his best-selling novel which, incidentally, is a transcript of their magical night in Vienna long ago. He needs to leave for the airport soon and they have just about an hour to spend with each other in Paris. This film is going down in movie history for me as one in my all-time top ten favorite romantic films. It is even better than its 1995 prequel, which was already magnificent in itself. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy have unbelievable chemistry. Their two characters are even more real than when they were first introduced all those years ago. Their love for each other just bounces off the screen. This is terribly remarkable film-making. The immediate sequences are a direct metaphor to the urgency of their situation, how little time they have. It is beautiful. I can't even spot the longest shot. It must have taken a real effort for those two actors to pull off these great performances, long dialogues and all. The best part about this film is that it can be seen as a stand-alone. You don't have to have already seen Before Sunrise. Watch it and I swear you won't regret it.
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August Rush (2007)
Good music. Bad plot.
30 May 2008
The casting of this movie is very misleading. Don't be fooled by the Russell-Rhys Meyers team-up. This isn't a love story---which is a shame as it could have been a good pairing, Rhys Meyers and all. It's a story about a kid who's supposedly searching for his parents. Supposedly because I don't think he put much effort in it at all. Although it is very simple, I have a lot of problems with the plot. It is way unbelievable and plays a lot on coincidences. It is just too forced that it is already laughable. The script is very weak and you can literally guess the next lines after hearing just a few. This movie is all about music and appreciating the harmony around you, nothing more. But don't get me wrong. The music is good. It's just not the type that you'll remember say in a month or two. You'll have to be a true music lover to be able to identify with this movie because that's the only thing it's built on. I advise you to just find its soundtrack somewhere because it's not worth your two hours.
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Immerse yourself in some culture; this is a delight to watch.
29 May 2008
A healthy mixture of culture, social issues, friendship, romantic love, and passion for sports. This movie has it all. Jess is Indian and her parents are counting on her to be the family's next solicitor but she has a passion for football and her parents won't allow her to follow her dreams. This movie uses football as a device to discuss some concerns in society like racism and a bit of sexism but apart from that, it is also used to carry that undying message of chasing your ambitions to gain happiness. Parminder Nagra is a delight to watch on screen alongside Keira Knightley. This movie is unexpectedly marvelous; you won't ever regret seeing it. From British director Gurinder Chadha, this is a charming uncomplicated story told in a rather realistic way. It is funny, fulfilling, and absolutely fantastic. Do yourself a favor, immerse yourself in a little culture and pick this movie up. Swear to Guru Nanak you won't be disappointed!
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Riotous black comedy about racial stereotypes.
28 May 2008
A riotous black comedy about racial stereotypes. Harold is Korean while Kumar is Indian. They love weed and burgers and decide one night to set out on a journey to the nearest White Castle, an actually real hamburger fast food joint. They get sidetracked a lot by a rather diverse set of characters and at one point they even consider forgetting their destination. This film is unexpectedly good and will probably be a cult classic in the future. It's a morally-symbolic film disguised as a light humor movie. In the end, the characters drive a deep message home totally reinforcing the point to not judge a person by her/his physical features, but in this case it's the film you shouldn't be judging. You should be warned that this is a rated film and shouldn't be watched by the sensitive at heart. At the end of it, look beyond the laughs and think about the message it truly sends. Two thumbs up.
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Into the Wild (2007)
Beautifully filmed and well-acted.
28 May 2008
A beautifully filmed and well-acted tragic story of a man's struggle into the wilderness to escape from society. Featuring Sean Penn in the directorial seat, this is the true story of Christopher McCandless who took the name Alexander Supertramp as he hitchhiked across the country to Alaska in the early nineties. The film is over two hours long and a bit lengthy to watch when stuck in the middle but rewardingly good when finished. It is like The Motorcycle Diaries in a sense only without the political stance and the motorcycle and company. Emile Hirsch is a stunning discovery in this brilliant career move. Although opinions on the main character's views vary especially considering the conclusion to his journey, the important thing about this film is that it makes you think about your own humanity and precepts and whether or not life has become more than a game of survival for you. This film takes an aura quite like most road movies but it is one of a kind and certainly one of those films you'll never forget.
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Painful and frank portrayal of family life.
28 May 2008
A rather painful and very frank portrayal of family life after a separation. After years of trying to save their marriage, the Berkmans finally decide to settle for a divorce while still choosing to remain quite civil with each other for the children. The children, Walt and Frank, 'Ping-Pong' between their parents, so to speak, having to move on specific days of the week for joint custody. The film shows how they try to adapt to their new life, how the separation affects them and how it forces them to choose sides. Through the course of the film, Joan Berkman and Bernard Berkman seem like there could still be hope for the two of them. It ultimately makes you question whether or not a marriage that has ended was truly failed. The film is funny at times and touches on some topics about growing up as a young boy. There are lots of references to texts both in literature and in film. Recommended for the poignant story and the remarkable cast.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
By Mr. Edgar Wright, nuff said.
28 May 2008
After being injured by a petty criminal dressed as Father Christmas, Nicholas Angel, top London cop, is sent to the countryside because of his team's rather selfish reasons. The Chief Inspector, played by none other than Bill Nighy, has decided that he is just too good for all of them. His arrest statistics alone puts all the others to shame. He is assigned to the seemingly quiet and innocent town of Sandford that has been awarded with the 'Best Village' trophy, several years in the running. But almost as soon as Sergeant Angel arrives, a chain of brutal murders take place that the local detectives dismiss only as mere accidents. It is up to Sergeant Angel to get to the bottom of the conspiracy and catch the mastermind behind the plot. Seriously, this film is not one to miss. After this, every action movie you will watch will simply pale in comparison. It was directed by Edgar Wright, the genius behind the zombie comedy, Shaun Of The Dead. Watch out for the cameos by Cate Blanchett and Peter Jackson!
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Truly powerful and touching film.
28 May 2008
A truly powerful and touching film. Jean-Dominique Bauby, former editor of French magazine Elle, is almost completely paralyzed after an almost fatal stroke. His right eye is sewn shut and the only part of his body that he can move is his left eye and its eyelid. Through his therapist, he learns to communicate by just blinking his left eye. Each blink corresponds to a letter. Almost dead to the world and frustrated by the paralysis that locks him in his body, he struggles to accept his situation and reflect on what he has done with his life. Having left a contract with a publisher before the stroke, he decides to write about his predicament, one blink at a time. This film is reminiscent of the 1989 Daniel Day-Lewis film, My Left Foot: The Story Of Christy Brown. It is full of stunning visuals and wonderful music. This film will surely have you shedding some tears by the time the credits start to roll. Based on a true story. Highly recommended.
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Even better than In The Bedroom.
28 May 2008
A beautiful, thought-provoking masterpiece from director Todd Field. Like American Beauty, this film shows to us that suburban life is not always what it seems to be. It has a strong feminist tone and has very human male characters. It is about lives that are intertwined because of guilt and loneliness. This film is based on a novel by Tom Perotta and talks about topics like adultery and pedophilia. It is an examination of society as can be clearly seen in the playground and swimming pool scenes. The performances are almost flawless and should have bagged at least one Oscar. The cast was very well selected. I think this is far better than Field's previous undertaking, In The Bedroom, although that one was nominated for Best Picture. I personally have watched this one three times so far this year. The music is also pitch perfect. Each shot is so heavily coded in symbols. It can surely get stuck in your head for a while.
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Stand by Me (1986)
Recommended for children of all ages.
28 May 2008
A film about the journey of true friendship, based on a Stephen King novel. Rob Reiner is a master at directing simple but touching little stories. Anyone who has watched The Princess Bride and this movie would agree that the late 80's was Reiner's golden years. Most notable of the names in the cast is that of the late River Phoenix, in one of his first film roles. The story revolves around four 12-year-old boys living in the small town of Castle Rock. They set out to find the corpse of a missing child and in the process build brick by brick a friendship that transcends all kinds of relationships. It makes you look back on the past faces that have come in and out of the pages of your own life. The last line of the film is considerably one of the best lines in the history of cinema. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?" Recommended for children of all ages.
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One of the greatest films of all time.
28 May 2008
One of the greatest films of all time. Frank Darabont, through his own screenplay of this Stephen King story, directs arguably the most powerful tale of hope and freedom in this masterpiece of a movie that should be watched by all. Andy Dufresne, charged guilty of the murders of his wife and her lover, is sent to Shawshank prison to serve back-to-back life sentences. This is the account of his legendary stay in the detention center as told by his friend, Ellis Redding. Packed with outstanding performances by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, this is perhaps one of the most memorable films of the nineties, nominated for 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture which it ultimately lost to Forrest Gump. It is one of those films that leave you elated by the end, filled with happiness for its fictional characters that you eventually feel for. This will be the most satisfying two-and-a-half-hour film you'll probably ever sit right throughout. For a film that looks targeted to a male audience, it is one that transcends gender. Totally recommended.
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