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Batman: The Curse of Tut (1966)
Season 1, Episode 27
Adequate, only
13 August 2022
Buona of course, is the reason to watch any Tut episode. This one, is average. But, where else can you possibly like, a ham actor?

Anyway, so many issues but a few, are : 1. All they have to do, is bop him, on the head, here, or in any episode.

There were several times that this could have been done.

It's common TV theme, to restore a person, to their former self, such as Fred Flintstone.

Good episode, but not great.
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Dragnet 1967 (1967–1970)
Ham Actors, who Overact
13 May 2022
Well, there is some good, to this show, since it's based on true stories.

But, the actors, who are the guest stars, no one can believe that they would be hired!

They are all ham actors, typical left over Hollywood types, who were no longer successful actors, fairly ruin Dragnet, plus they lack credibility, in the roles, here.

Always loud and brash, really annoying.

Then, the dialogue, is almost IDENTICAL, on each episode!

The way, the crooks or witnesses talk, is the same, on each show.

Good to see officer Reed, but this show, is so stilted in dialogue, with so many canned expressions, that most episodes are very similar.

Skip this one.
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Boring, A Stage Play, and a very poorly made movie
10 April 2022
The top three reviewers, even got this wrong.

That terrible dialogue, from all actors.

Stage play : Cheap and boring

Hemingway, was leftist as I remember.

All scenes, way too long.

Movie was so very boring.

Hideous script.
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Overblown, and Denegrating
11 March 2022
MartinHafer, is one of the best reviewers, and is right about Demille.

Every film of his, or others, with the "cast of thousands" , is always bad.

This movie, shows such overacting, especially by Hutton.

It's a pain, to watch her.

Plus, now circuses are out of fashion, due to animal rights so a movie with good hopes, was not good. James Stewart, his part, was terrible.
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Not Good
27 February 2022
Stilted dialogue.

Really phony, and Angela, is the most annoying dame, in any picture, with such a phony voice.

Spence, is my favorite actor, but he can't keep this together.

Kate Hepburn : Well, that phony, so-called mid Atlantic accent, is impossible to listen to, so affected. No one spoke like that, even then. It was created, to sound upper class, but is real hard, to listen to.

The movie is not practical, and is almost an insult to our intelligence.
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Girl Happy (1965)
Formula movie, and Condescending, toward women
15 February 2022

The music is OK, but most of these movies, are the same : get a girl, no matter what she wants.

I have never seen a movie, as bad as these, talking about the sexual features, of women, as though men had every right, to bed any girl that he wants.

By the way, and this is not meant to criticize the women, but all of them, in these Elvis films, are very overweight.
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The Love Bug (1969)
Silly, Bad Acting, and Annoying
13 February 2022
I saw it in '69, at the Rolling Hills Theater, as a child, but watched it again, recently.

First off, Disney always bases everything, on either demonic ,or magic, or evolution.

This is terrible.

So, in the Love Bug, it's a car, that has a soul, and does things, by itself.

This was very uncomfortable, and smacks of trying to influence people, toward magic.

Dean Jones here, just doesn't have it.

He is angry at everyone, and pops his mouth off, every few minutes.

Pass on this one.
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Key Largo (1948)
The main problem, is always Huston
13 February 2022
The three leads, plus Lionel, are good.

No one wants to watch a stage play, and the entire movie, has a total of two sets.

Let's agree: Huston, is a lousy writer.

Besides the fact, that he was a commie, who always had an axe to grind, this script, and all of his, are just so bad.

The banter, is always far too unusual, and parts of the dialogue, silly.

Another example, is Treasure, when at the end, Dobbs goes off the rails, and we had no idea about this, until the end.

All pictures, with Bogart and Huston, are subpar.

It's amazing, how studios allowed Huston, to write, and his directing is fair, at best.

If it were not for Bogey and Robinson, this film would be rated low, by anyone.

PS. It is a real breach of manners, for reviewers, to not use commas.

Come on. Write with commas and grammar.
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Excellent, but with one main problem
8 February 2022
Everything, was great. A really well-made film.

-Van Johnson gives the best performance of any film or TV, that I have seen.

Usually he got goofy parts, like in Brigadoon, or Batman but here he is sincere, sensitive, and excellent.

The issue of course, is that Bogey's character, first of all, is not too much of a mental issue. But the conclusion, of him, after the court scene, is entirely weak, and offers no conclusion, at all.

Still this is a must see film.
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Boring, Bad Acting Bad Script
6 February 2022
These all star cast movies seldom are good.

Egos, silly acting, bad scripts make this one, so bad

I got it because of Cesar Romero, but after 45 minutes of boring nothing I had to deep six it.
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Tedious, Too Long, and Boring
5 February 2022
I got this, because of Bixby, and he is why I gave it four stars, instead of two.

The story becomes tired and boring, and the plots keep changing, so many times.

Even Bixby, was given lines, that were silly, unlike his TV shows, that were great.

Skip this turkey.
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Up the River (1930)
Oh, my. Real Bad. Only see, for Tracy and Bogy
3 February 2022
Reviewer, Bobwen, has a great review.

This is so poorly made, even considering the year, and not just the sound, but everything, script, story, silliness, not like any other movies. For Tracy and Bogey fans only. I like both, but I gave this, 12 minutes, then had to bail.
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Lame, and Profane
30 January 2022
So bad.

When Kojak ( that's what he always will be), used the Lord's name, in vain, I knew it was a bad picture.

Other actors, were foolish, plus the other reviwers with low ratings are good to read.
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The Most Disturbing Picture, Ever
29 January 2022
I know it's pre code, but this is the most disturbing picture, ever.

First off, the manner in which he commits sorcery, to the people, is accurate, but to show this, to viewers, makes some people, want this.

Further, as a side note, this is exactly how TV evangelists, and so, called "prophets", did this, in the 80s, to about ten years ago. The resemblence, is absolutely uncanny.

Next, is the brazen use, of narcotic cigarettes.

Then, to show a woman, willing to take such an evil man back, is to encourage this, even today.
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Excellent, until the End
27 January 2022
I could not believe it.

Perfect, until the end.

Robinson was great.

Then, at the end, there was absolutely no conclusions, at all.

How did Robinson survive?

  • What happened, to the girl?

-What happened, with the case?

-How did they get away with what they did?
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Screwball, Goofball, and Laughable
26 January 2022
The best part about this, is that it was from the library, so it it didn't cost money to watch it.

Firstly, this is really a cross between Woody Allen, The Marx Brothers and the Keystone Cops.

This movie is terrible.

It's a comedy, in reality.

It is inane.

The crooks, police, hostages, crowd, etc., are all acting silly and ridiculous, even for the plot, and location.

--Profanity. Any movie, with any profanity, is very bad. This is not needed, and causes great trouble, to most viewers.

This film, is so filled with the most vile profanity, even from police.

Hundreds of curse words.

Pacino looks and acts, like a laughable bafoon.

I mean, it is really bad, plus his sidekick is a real weirdo.

I bailed, after 40 minutes.
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Embarrassing, Weak, and Syrupy
25 January 2022
I have seen 15 movies lately, with Robinson, and rated each, 9 or 10.

So, this one, I had hopes for.

I finally learned what people say, that an actor can't really play "against type"

This movie is hard to watch.

The squirrel scene, was very grievous, plus they harped on it for a long time, then ten minutes later, brought it up again.

The little girl was very sweet, but her lines, were way over the top, plus way too mushy even for that era.

I was ashamed for them.

It seemed like a bad Little Rascals episode.

I bailed after 30 minutes.
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High Anxiety (1977)
Well-made. And, this is not a comedy.
22 January 2022
I saw this, in '77, then ten years ago, then today.

Please know, this is not a comedy. Read on. And it's not really anything, to do with Hitchcock, once you think about it. There are references, to his films, and a little more, but you will see the plot, as you read my review.

At first, I was about ready, to bomb it, after the stewardess scene, and the flasher, both in very bad taste.

Then, I read the one star reviews. At first, I had rated this, a two star review.

Then, I remembered the interview, with Dick Cavette and Brooks and his other films so I put the DVD in again, and continued today.

The real message, is so obviously, a searing criticism, of both mental hospitals, and psychiatry, all carefully and cleverly written.

--Comedy. There are some funny things, but it's not meant as a comedy, whatsoever.

--Crude language and images.

I don't believe in this, at all, and neither did Groucho.

The worst thing, in movies, was the end of the Hayes code.

No one wants profanity, or potty jokes.

Many of the Jewish writers, seem to slip these in, but it cheapens them, and the movie.

-- I can't stand Leachmenn. An atheist, in any TV show, or movie, you can see her anger and agendas.

I knocked off one star, for the vile profanity, and for the fact that, like most movies, the epilogue, was poor. It's important, to let the audience, fully know, the outcome.
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The Lucy Show (1962–1968)
Not Good, at All
20 January 2022
Hi. Well, you have really bad acting, bad or very silly scripts, a massive putting on of airs, Lucy's voice, is really really bad and, if I hear " Mrs. Carmichael!!! ", just one more time, from Gale Gordon, I'm going to call the network.

So absolutely condescending, and all lines, from Gordon, to her, are annoying, unkind, and worse.

I never cared for Desi, frankly.

Arnaz, purchased a whole houseful, of expensive maple furniture, on credit, from my father, in 1956, and after 6 months, he refused to pay for it, and said " I'm Desi Arnaz and I don't pay for anything!!" And, Desi kept all the furniture, valued at $60, 000, ( in today's money) But, he was a good producer, such as the Mothers in Law, which was about 1967, a wonderful show.

But, the Lucy show, just is terrible, especially the way that they use the laugh track.
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The Mountain (1956)
Must See
13 December 2021
As a boy, in the 60s, we hoped for this movie to be shown on TV and it was, about once a year.

One of my top five movies, ever, and one of Tracy's best.

There is no bad Spencer Tracy movie.

I'm surprised at the lack of trivia, here.

The climb, and descent look so real.
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Not much here
4 December 2021
I couldn't believe it.

No plot!

You heard right.

There was no story just a series of scenes.

It suddenly tried to show a plot, at the very end, but it was limited, and had nothing to do with the rest of the film.
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Nothing good
4 December 2021
Firstly, this was Bogart's own production company, and it shows. You can't have a movie, with all unknown actors, and include one star. There was not even one known actor, besides Bogart.

Next, there is a huge amount of flashbacks, and some are over 15 minutes long, which makes it hard to follow.

Then, the acting, isn't really there.

Then, as we try to tell people, Bogart's legend, as the best actor ever, is so baffling.

I can think of scores better than him. He is enjoyable to watch, but not great.

Almost all of his pictures, have a liberal or communist agenda, and the ones with Huston, are deplorable, at best. Huston and I think Bogart, were involved in the Hollywood blacklist, with MaCarthy, and for good reason. The Treasures of the Sierra Madre, for example, is just so bad.
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The Virginian: The Brazen Bell (1962)
Season 1, Episode 5
Starts Good, Becomes Absolutely Terrible
15 November 2020
I have seen all episodes, through the first four seasons.

This one begins fine, but then, it begins to show extremely bad taste, even for 60s westerns.

The acting and script, for Scott's chateaxter, suddenly has many twists of unusual behavior and bizarre manners of delivery. Some facial expressions and reactions to tragedy, are impossible for the viewer to accept.

I could not believe it.

Then he waxes eloquenty, about a ridiculous passage, from an author, toward Royal Dano, again, impossible to accept.

The ending is absolutely one of the most violent, in any western.

It's scenes like that, that got the feds and parents, to get Westerns off the air.

Then after 75 minutes of building up the character of the School teacher, there is no conclusion about him whatsoever.

A bad episode.
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Bonanza: The Crucible (1962)
Season 3, Episode 28
In the Top 5 Best, of the Entire Series
1 November 2020

I don't know where other reviewers have been, but this one is so well-known, to be one of the very best in the entire 14 years, by most fans.

The acting by Roberts, and Marvin, IS one of the reasons, for the absolute brilliant, dramatic and tense story.

The utter cruelty of Lee Marvin and the acting of Pernell, mesh, to make an excellent episode.

Not for the squeamish.

An ending you won't want to miss.
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Huston is the Main Problem
29 February 2020
I read all of the one star reviews. They are accurate.

But. John Huston. both wrote and directed this.

Everything he has done, always has a warped and bizarre manner to it.

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, which he wrote and directed, is so strange, almost an insult to our intelligence.

The Misfits, is a piece of trash. Director only.

No wonder, Huston was a known communist, and did what he could, to undermine America.

He even gave up his US citizenship, and became an Irish citizen.

In The Maltese Falcon, the plot and script, are bad.
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