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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
7 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The ratings are going to change a lot until the movie is out of theaters, but I am visiting right now and see Spidey 3 with 7.0/10. 7???? Excuse me, but there is something wrong here. I'll start out with all the things that went wrong with this film.

1. Montage Sequence: Peter has turned darker, and seeing him flirting with ladies in the street was very painful the first time I saw it. Second time I was able to laugh it off because you realize how much the symbiote is affecting him.

2. Adding things: This is honestly the last thing I found wrong with the film. I disagree with character development, I think they gave just enough character development room for us to figure out who everybody was, but they were so dangerously close to falling short that people really believed they fell short. But you can honestly describe all the characters in the film; if you couldn't, then there would be a problem. Gwen Stacy had the least character development but she was only a tool to make Eddie Brock hateful and MJ jealous.

The first minute or so of the film was also cheesy but that was so short that it didn't distract too much from the film. Now onto the positive notes: 1. Villains: Who cares if there are three villains, they were all still cool. Sandman was a classic, Harry was the best, and Venom had terrifying power, beating up Spiderman the whole time and practically killing MJ. Harry was the best by far, I loved the fight in his apartment/mansion. That leads me to a little more about him.

2. Harry: After Harry's "accident", he becomes such a lovable guy and his character was the second best (next to Peter). Plus he become evil just like his father did and his death scene is phenomenal.

3. Emotional Scenes: The other films haven't tried that hard to make you cry, this time around you want to cry so bad. When Peter and MJ break up I was on the verge of tears, it was so hurtful to see what had become of their relationship and Peter was so in love that he could barely maintain himself (and this is when he loses it). Harry's death scene also had me choked up, since he was still good at heart and sacrificed his life for his best friend, and knew it was his time. How sad.

4. Darkness: I was reading one review that said in the film's attempt to be dark it become light-hearted and humorous and was not effective. I find this to be completely untrue, except for the montage sequence. After Peter's fight with Sandman in the subway he sees himself in the mirror and it is very scary to see him. Then comes the painful montage sequence, but it's still dark because of how cynical and distant Pete has become. The club scene was dark once he went up to MJ after his little dance number. When he hits her he sees the monster he has become. Before this though, the darkness and tension was almost unbearable for me. Once Peter runs away I wanted so badly for Peter to come back because I felt so bad for him (the last time I choked up during a film was several years ago, and I'm a guy so I normally don't get that sad). The church scene then comes and the transition between Peter removing the symbiote and it landing on Eddie was probably the darkest scene I was terrified out of my mind.

Fight scenes: All the fight scenes were well-handled; a little bit short but still epic in its proportions. My two personal favorites were Peter disorienting Harry's face and the Venom/Sandman vs. New Goblin/Spider-Man. The other two with Sandman and Harry were thrilling but didn't measure up to the fight scenes of Spider-Man 2.

Mary Jane: Mary Jane is finally becoming a woman, but with no one there for her (also kind of her fault since she never told Peter she was fired), but I feel bad for her too.

Overall there wasn't too much wrong with the film. I think the movie originally was three hours or something and they cut out anything that they felt didn't need to be there. I also was disappointed with the closing because there is now a cloudy future between MJ and Peter's extremely fragile new relationship. I really think they just needed to extend scenes and push the movie up to three hours, and make the montage sequence truly dark instead of painful. 7.0? Spider-Man got a 7.4, and this film was way better than that. It deserves a 7.6 or 7.7 at least. If they make a fourth film, they should not let Sam Raimi and Ivan Raimi help; blame them for letting them work with the script, Alvin Sargent worked alone on Spidey 2 which was outstanding. We WILL Spidey 4 because of the unknown future of Peter and MJ.

Overall, I give this a movie an 8.4. I don't mind if it dons't get ratings higher than Spider-Man 2, but it is better than Spider-Man by miles. Go Spidey go!
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A little bit disappointed with this movie
3 March 2007
9/11. We all know the horrible tragedy that showed up on our TV screens. We all felt, even if we didn't lose anybody, like a part of ourselves had been ripped out. The traumatic effects of 9/11 left us all emotionally scarred, but we move on. And sometimes we remember. Our favorite way of remembering something is through a movie. So here we have World Trade Center: giving us the story of 2 men who get caught in the rubble of the Twin Towers, fighting with every breath for their own lives.

Unfortunately, the movie is not as good as I have already made it sound. It's not because we got Nicholas Cage in the film, as everybody complains. As a matter of fact, I think he did OK with such a delicate part. And the other guy buried in the rubble with him was phenomenal. It's the writing and timing that completely wrecked the film.

The movie opens with these 2 guys regular lives, and fifteen minutes, the Twin Towers have been hit. A little too soon; we needed to know our characters a little better. Anyway, the guys walk in to the building LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. I repeat, the men walked around LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. There in a building full of panicked, bleeding people, and they actually make a couple of jokes AS THEY WALK through the building. I was so stunned by the fact that these men did not run through the building trying to help. This goes on for a frustrating ten minutes. The towers collapse.

At this point, I would like to let you know that I thought my father died. My father did not work in WTC, but he still worked in Manhattan, and he still hadn't called us, and we couldn't get through. I felt a burning sensation in my heart, and I remember crying my eyeballs dry, thinking my father was dead. That was so emotional for me.

So like I said, the towers collapsed. The two men spend about an hour and a half of film time under the rubble. We also have clips of their families panicking. One of the families, I can't remember which, was frustrating beyond words. I was really hoping that that idiot kid would drive to Manhattan and die in the rubble, because all he did was scream at his mother. There is also an over-the-top military man who finally saves these two men. We see them in the hospital, and what you see is a bit intense. Then the movie ends about 3 minutes later.

The only part that kept my jaw dropped was everything that happened before the men entered the WTC. After that, the emotional effects of 9/11 that I had felt that day rubbed off. The movie ended, with the only positive thing coming out after that point was the phenomenal actor.

Part of remembering traumatic events like this is to put the pain back in people, the fear, and the loss. Although it is a horrible thing to think about, we do it. Obviously the writer did not think of how he felt after 17 minutes. 5.6/10
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Good, but something is missing...
18 January 2007
I remember I had watched the first film a long time before I saw this film. The first one was phenomenal, and I remember I caught a tiny bit of this one on TV, and really wanted to see what they thought 2015 would be like. I also wanted to see Marty's kid.

The film picked up several seconds before the first one ended, and the movie kept going like nothing. I loved seeing Marty's kid, even though it was only brief; then things got a little weird.

When Jennifer was at her future home, I felt the whole scene was weird. She was unconscious, blah blah blah. Back to the real story: they pick up an unconscious Jennifer and return to 1985. However, Hill Valley has become a ghetto, and the scene is pretty funny. Things build up for awhile in this new 1985, until Marty must go back to 1955.

Now we are following Marty on the day in which the Enchantment Under the Sea dance takes place. Marty needs to get something from Biff that will affect 1985 and return them back to the normal future...

At the end is another twist and it ends. Now read a review for the first film. Then read this one again. You'll notice how calm and spectacular the first film sounds, and in a way, how lousy this film sounds. Don't get me wrong, this is a wonderful film, but it lost it's magic. The first film had something so deeply special, and once the story becomes complex, time consumes the humor and magic of this film (except for some moments in 2015 that will remind you of the first film!!) See this film, see the whole series, but afterwards, watch the first one again and you'll know what I'm talking about.
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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: The Cold War (1992)
Season 3, Episode 12
One of the Fresh Prince's Funniest
16 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's been two days since Carlton broke up with his ex-girlfriend, Paula. Now having the opportunity to snatch her, Will decides to go out with Paula himself. But Paula has the flu- and has passed it on to Carlton. Will is next.

Will catches the flu and tries to hide it from Carlton. However, he accidentally tells Carlton. Because Vivian is pregnant, they have to stay in the poolhouse- leaving each other to settle their problems. With the hilarious pillow fight and their hilarious confessions, the two resolve their problems. And maybe they should tell Geoffrey why his citizenship never came through.

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Red Dawn (1984)
Extremely underrated
15 September 2006
5.6? 5.6? Is this what the world has come to? One of the greatest movies to be created receives a 5.6? There is something wrong here.

Red Dawn may look like just some war movie first sight. It's actually about the importance of family and fighting for that family. The movie's spectacular theme motivates the film and the movie turns out to be superb.

It is your average school day. History class. A very boring class. However, for this class it won't be boring. Paratroopers drop from the sky and begin shooting them all. The scene is very disturbing but very realistic. That could happen to any of us.

As the movie moves on, a group of teenagers whose families have disappeared after the raid, they hide in the woods and form a brotherhood known as "The Wolverines". The movie depicts the violence of war and how invasions are actually played out. The attacks they use are just plain awesome and unlike other war movies, this movie is actually not afraid to kill off many of its main characters. The emotion raised from betrayal, death, and just striving to live to see their families is very overwhelming to the point where you are emotionally disturbed and saddened.

The extraordinary movie is only enhanced by the performances. All of the stars of the film actually give incredible performances, and their stardom doesn't get in the way. This is what movies are about.

5.6? Pop the movie into your DVD player, watch it, read this review, and maybe you'll realize how spectacular this film is. 9.5/10
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An atrocious piece of garbage
10 September 2006
In 1994, The Mask captivated audiences wit its comedy, action, and superb acting. The film was left alone and untouched with a sequel. Unfortunately, some idiot came along and decided to make a sequel. Actually, more like destroy the first film entirely.

Jamie Kennedy plays the stupid, idiotic father. His son does crazy, stupid things that are not even remotely funny. It is pretty pointless. Alan Cumming wants the baby because of the god Loki. Loki and Alan cumming are really stupid in this film.

The story is simple, and a little inappropriate for younger kids. If you're into all-out stupid films, you'll find yourself having a jolly good time watching Son of the Mask.
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10 September 2006
Will Smith and Gene Hackman star in the tight thriller "Enemy of the State". I had wanted to see this movie for awhile, and I was excited when I saw it.

Will Smith and Gene Hackman make a great duo when it comes to battling fake cops and putting them through Hell as they attempt to make their way out of a deadly situation.

Not to say that the film does not have its unnecessary moments. There a 3 scenes that are inappropriate and pointless. Besides that, the film is outstanding. Pretty good acting, dazzling action, and a pretty tight story besides some minor plot holes makes "Enemy of the State" my movie of the year.
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Full House: Michelle Rides Again: Part 2 (1995)
Season 8, Episode 24
The worst possible way to end the series
1 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The ending of Full House is rather abrupt and is like a smack in the face instead of a real ending. Continuing from last time, Michelle has lost her memory and can't comprehend the world she's in. However, later she talks to her memory. They create an extremely unwatchable scene. However, her memory joins her and soon all is well. The episode is then buttered up and the ending comes off as very unfinished, a bit confusing (you might know this was the last episode), and stupidly. It's not even cheesy like the others, just random stupidities. The family seems so upset over the fact that she doesn't remember, but it is overkill. Then she comes down, smiling, and answers questions she conly could have with her memory. Then comes that buttered up ending with the last line being "We all live here." Then there is a family hug. It's really just sickening.

There's one way to kill a series.
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Silent Hill (2006)
Stupid, unintentionally funny, but still enjoyable
31 August 2006
Upon being in a basement in my friend's house at midnight, I was forced to watch a horror flick loosely based on a video game. I had never heard of "Silent Hill". I am not a fan of horror, but this film gave me a whole new perspective of what horror is about.

Although I simply do not scared easily, the element of fear in the beginning was so tight that I was almost freaking out while the movie unraveled. A lady named Rose is bringing her daughter, Sharon, who needs to be institutionalized, to a haunted area named Silent Hill, the place of her orphanage. She is supposedly drawing disturbing images on the way there without recollection of drawing them at all, while at the same time, a cop is "stalking" them.

Once Rose arrives in Silent Hill, things changed for me. It was eerie bright, and Sharon was lost. As she follows her daughter, things go dark and creatures begin attacking her. This is where I believe the element of fear was now lost, as my friend and I laughed at the creatures. Things were pretty confusing, especially when the armless man popped out and dead janitors and bugs. Why this is all happening was not clear to me, but kept me interested. As I watched, things seemed to be slowly unraveling, as the cop and Rose team up to find Sharon and escape the monsters of Silent Hill.

Once Rose, the cop, and a new cast member Anna enter a church in which the monsters cannot habitate, the movie seemed to slowly transfer from horror to action/drama. For me, this is where I lost the movie and the potential it had seemed to go to waste. Christians that spoke in poetic literature said that Rose and the cop needed faith of God to destroy the demon that held her daughter captive. I being a die-hard Christian, was delighted that Christianity was playing a role in horror. However, I was in for a huge disappointment.

The moment the leader of the church saw Sharon's picture, she yelled "Witch!" and starts attacking with her "electricians" and "principals" for no apparent reason. The cop tells Rose to go on alone while she takes care of the church members. The element of fear was back, but the movie was still confusing. As the movie unraveled, certain things made sense, but the story was extremely complex and I can still not understand due to the fact there were some plot holes the size of craters.

I don't want to spoil the film for you, but I will tell you that the movie lacks intelligence and some of its potential is laid to waste. They mock Christianity by making them "witchunters", and the creatures there are outright hilarious, and I couldn't help myself from laughing except for one scene of creatures that freaked me out. There is also some unnecessary language that occurs randomly, and there are some extremely disturbing images, such as people getting ripped to shreds.

Not to say the film had its good points. For some strange reason I was enjoying myself, and the action was fantastic. I also liked the music, but other than that, most of the movie just played out its lack of intelligence and wasted most of the potential it had. Overall, I found it a fun film. It gave me a new respect for horror in some ways. 5.4/10
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An inexcusable piece of garbage
27 August 2006
Home Alone was the one of the first great family comedies. Home Alone 2 was a little more childish but still very promising and outrageously funny. Home Alone 3 was bad, but not horrible. Now comes Home Alone 4, the worst of the series, and is truly beyond horrible.

A horrible child actor plays the once loved Kevin McCallister. He completely destroys the image of the first two in the series. French Stewart plays the once hilarious Marv, who has escaped from jail and Harry and has teamed up with his retard wife. They are out to kidnap a prince and Kevin is in their way.

All of the acting is atrocious, the gadgets are stupid, all though I do have to give a round of applause for some of the traps of the film. Other than that, the movie is extremely childish, such as people get insulted because the were called a bag. So the traps were good, everything else was inexcusable. It took one of the most promising children series' stabbed it, cut it up, ate it, then spit it back out. Unexcusable. 1.4/10
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Bibleman (1995– )
Has its ups and downs
16 August 2006
Many people either say this series stinks or is great. I have some news: it ha both.

Bibleman is a Christian cross between Superman, Batman, and the Power Rangers. It also has some Star Wars type action (lightsabers), and some comedy. I'll tell you, the show sends out very good messages:it teaches kids not to lie,not to gossip, not to fight, and keep the faith. But does it present it the best way possible? Not completely.

Bibleman doesn't always make it how clear the message is and too much time is spent on the villain's plans instead of God. The first couple of episodes are the best in the series, but since that time, the series has gone downhill. It is a little nit stranger, darker, but also a bit stupider. It's a good way to teach your kids moral values and about Jesus Christ.
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Outstanding sequel
16 August 2006
The new film Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest defines the word sequel. It is a very funny movie with lots of twists and action, and Davy Jones, the most fear and loathed creature of the sea.

This time around, the acting is better, the movie is funnier, there is more action, and it basically surpasses the original on every level except for one. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't take big leaps like the first one did. However, it turns out to be the sequel we all hoped for, and leaves you wanting to see the third release. Be warned though, Davy Jones and his crew may be a bit scary for the little ones. The story is also more complex this time with elizabeth trying to save Will Turner! Everyone will enjoy!
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You better start believing in ghost stories... you're in one!
16 August 2006
One word: great. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl is the best Disney film I have ever seen.

The story was somewhat complex and contained less action than I had hoped for, but turned out to still be good. Johnny Depp played the fantastic Jack Sparrow (that's Captain Jack Sparrow!)a pirate who loves his ship and his rum! With the help of Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), he must fight captain Barbossa, the owner of his ship, and save Elizabeth Swann from his cursed hands! The movie is a little bit scary for children, but it contains great humor, great action and a great story. Disney has finally proved that it can create an amazing film!
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Spider-Man (2002)
Very, very good
15 August 2006
After James Cameron was rejected for Spider-Man, everything with Spider-Man seemed a bit quiet. Sam Raimi revived him.

Tobey Maguire stars as our hero, Kirsten Dunst as his love, and Willem Dafoe as his nemesis...the Green Goblin. David Koepp, a writer of thrillers, penned the script and did a good job.

Peter Parker is a student struggling with friends, when he is suddenly bitten by a radioactive spider. He begins to change, and then his life changes when his uncle is murdered. He then dedicates his life to fighting crime. But is Spider-Man any good? It certainly is. Spider-Man does not have the average feel most superhero films have. Most superhero films, like X-Men and Superman, do not show any sign that this stuff can happen in real life. Although we all know that Spider-Man cannot exist in real life, you still feel the possibility of him truly existing. The film is mild-mannered, with the perfect balance of lighter scenes and darker scenes. The actors are outstanding and you can feel an emotional pull in you during some of the sadder scenes. The film's photography also has what I call a very "70's feel", so it doesn't look very modern but it doesn't look old either. While the film does great on all of this, it has a couple of flaws.

Spider-Man includes some scenes that seem rather pointless or just randomly put-together, such as when the Green Goblin attacks J. Jonah Jameson, or whenever Green Goblin talks to his alter ego in the mirror. The second fight between Spidey and GG occurs so quickly and randomly, but it does foreshadow the third fight on the Queensboro Bridge. The fight on the Queensboro Bridge is the best Spider-Man fight scene, with the train fight in the sequel in second. It is my second favorite superhero scene ever, only beat by a scene in Batman Begins where the Scarecrow sets Batman ablaze. Those randomly put-together scenes don't fit comfotably in the rest of the film, and they take away from a great movie on the verge of sinking to being good, leaving the movie somewhere between good and great.

Other than that, the film is just such a classic not even I can believe a film could be so well-done. It is the start of a great series, one that does not disappoint! 7.5/10
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Batman Begins (2005)
The Batman we've all been waiting for
15 August 2006
In the first Batman, we had some stiff acting but an overall good film. In the second one we had an even better film. But after, the series dropped like a sack of potatoes. Behold, the newest Batman film, Batman Begins.

This movie is very, very dark and a bit frightening. It has some great villains such as the classic Scarecrow and the awesome Ra's Al Ghul. Batman Begins sticks to the comics a lot and includes a lot of important history of his. This great film is also very realistic. This is what all superhero films should like. Batma Begins is truly the beginning of what will turn out to be a great series.
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Jaws (1975)
You'll pee in your pants
15 August 2006
Jaws is one of those few horror epics with good acting, a great story, and it actually scares you. JAWS will make you afraid to go in the water.

After a little boy is attacked Chief Brody must hunt down the shark that killed him. It is an INCREDIBLY scary film that keeps you on the edge of your seat 90% of the film. For a 70's film, the special effects were good and the story was solid. Be warned, kids should not see it. There is some gore and will make the kids not be able to fall asleep that night. But if you're looking for one great horror film, watch JAWS!
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It's a sandwich
15 August 2006
Lemony Snicket's A Series of unfortunate events is based upon the first three books written by Lemony snicket. Knowing the first three books by heart, I decided to watch the film.

It's a sandwich! It took the three books and put them together pretty loosely. Not to say it was a bad film, I found it very interesting, entertaining, and darker than expected. Some of the thrills were really good. It also had pretty decent special effects. The acting was a little overdone or a little wooden at times, but it did an intelligent job overall.

I would recommend this film for adults with kids 10 and over. It is a little dark and frightening for the younger ones, but people of all ages should enjoy this film.
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It's the most beautiful film you will ever see
11 August 2006
When my father told me that the movie would be in Italian, I had my doubts because I did not want to read the movie. Little did I know how great the film would turn out. As a matter of fact, it is so great, it is almost impossible to describe.

Roberto Benigni plays Guido Orefice. Guido is an extremely goofy man who doesn't take life too seriously, but is very happy with with his life. He cherishes the life he has in every moment. He is a waiter in Italy. Nicoletta Braschi plays Dora, the girl Guido falls in love with. She is a school teacher who is marrying a rich man. But she is swept off her feet and goes head over heels for Guido Orefice. After Guido rescues her from the man she is marrying, they get married and have a son. A son named Joshua.

Joshua is a cute little boy who is goofy just like his father and loves tanks. Shortly after he is introduced, Dora comes home to find her house ransacked and her husband and son missing. She discovers that they are heading to a Nazi concentration camp in Berlin. She boards because she will not leave her husband, and the train pulls away from their little village.

They arrive in a drab world with beaten and starving prisoners. Joshua is obviously frightened by this horrible place, but clever Guido does something that will forever protect his son's innocence. He tells little Joshua that they are in elaborate game in which every prisoner is really a player trying to earn enough points to win a tank.

As the film picks up, it becomes more tense and the world seems to be crumbling around them. But Guido keeps Joshua's head up high, but things change when the war ends. Furious, the Nazis begin rounding up as many Jews as possible so they can kill them. Attempting to find Dora, Guido hides Joshua, tells him to do certain things in case he dies (he obviously coats it with something else), and leaves his son in a daring attempt.

After viewing this film, you will learn to cherish and enjoy life as it is, rich or poor, just as Guido Orefice did. You will smile, laugh, and cry. Life really is beautiful.
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The Doodlebops (2004–2007)
Let me be honest with you...
10 August 2006
This show stinks. For parents, they usually want their kids to watch something good for them. It is usually educational, funny, and bright.

Is it educational? No. the Doodlebops sing and that's it. They usually sing about themselves, they don't try teaching anything.

Is it funny? No. The Doodlebops instead say something which is not intended as a joke, and laugh at it.

Is it bright? It's so bright, it's painful. As far as color,s everything is extremely bright, so that's good. But NOTHING is ever wrong in the world of the Doodlebop's. Therefore, they are always happy. a kid in trouble will become depressed because they have never been exposed to being sad.

The show is also extremely cheesy. Every syllable is said to the highest level of exaggeration and very corny. It's overkill.

For kids, it's entertaining, but past the age of 2 you won't want your kids to see it. They'll never know how to grow up.
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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Just Say Yo (1993)
Season 3, Episode 19
8 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After 3 years of humor from beginning to end, the Fresh Prince decided to try something different: a heart-tugging episode. It started out like most episodes, providing some great Fresh Prince humor. Carlton gets a pimple and thinks he needs Vitamin E. And why does he have a pimple? The senior prom is coming up, and he's nervous. At school the next day, Will tells a friend of his that he's beat. His friend pulls him to the side and offers him some speed just in case.

At the prom, will is asleep, and Carlton's girl is staring at his pimple. He asks Will if he has Vitamin e. Half asleep, he tells Carlton to check his locker, the place where he has kept his speed. Carlton finds it, and takes an extremely large dose, leaving only one pill inside. Next we see, Carlton is dancing like crazy, even break dancing! And then will realizes... Carlton is high on speed. And Carlton collapses.

Phil thanks Will for quick thinking and sound judgment. He even rewards him later with basketball tickets. Will doesn't accept it and tells him the truth. Uncle Phil gets really mad and makes him confess to the whole family. Will finally breaks down.

Great episode.
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Caillou (1997–2018)
Spoiled bratty child who acts like a baby
8 August 2006
I hate to sound so harsh, but it must be said that Caillou has had one of the worst influences on children I have ever seen. Caillou is a 4 year old bald child who is very spoiled by his parents. They spoil him so much, that when they tell him to wait, he breaks out into a tantrum and begins to cry and scream "I want this now!" Honestly, this is something you would expect from a 2 year old child. The parents don't ever get mad at him nor do they teach any good manners. Instead they give him what he wants almost like a reward and he yells "Yay!", then plays like a little baby.He also has a baby sister Rosie, who is pretty bratty too, but she is little so I can understand. The 2 dimensional cartoon's animation is very, very bad. Pictures are drawn sloppily and appears very fake.

Let me close with this as proof that this show is a bad influence. I have a 4 year old brother. Like most 2 year old, he used to break out into tantrums. Then he began to watch Caillou. The only thing that he has matured in his speech. He still has temper tantrums and is a crybaby for a child his age. I recommend this to a to-be parent that wants to know how NOT to raise a child. As far as children go, don't let them watch this. You'll have a brat on your hands in the near future. Put on The Wiggles.
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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: I, Done: Part 2 (1996)
Season 6, Episode 24
A great departure for a great show
7 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's been 6 years. 6 years of laughter, tears, teasing, trouble, and most importantly, growing up. Will Smith is a young man. Carlton is also a young man. Ashley is a young woman. Hilary was already a young woman when the show started. Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian are two parents that finally want to be free.

And after six years, things have finally come to a close. Hilary and Ashley are going to move to New York. Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv have sold the house to a familiar face. Will and Carlton are going to college. This episode is a great departure for a great show. It provides laughter and humor. Even when they're leaving, there is still humor in the air (with carlton).

Sad ending. A must-see for all Fresh Prince fans and fans of any TV sitcom for that matter. After 6 years, Fresh Prince has proved it's still as fresh as it was 6 years ago.
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Firewall (2006)
Good film, but Harrison Ford is too good to be doing these films
5 August 2006
Firewall: the story of one man desperately trying to save his family. Harrison ford stars as Jack Stanfield, a banker whose family is taken hostage by the pizza man on pizza night. Jack must help Bill Cox to get past a security system to rob the bank of some million dollars! If he does not cooperate, his family will be killed.

The movie starts out very predictable and is a bit of a bore. As the movie goes on, more tension is created as Bill Cox finally becomes a menacing man. After the bank robbery is pulled off, Firewall becomes a film as tight and as daring as the Fugitive, providing some great action sequences as the world turns on Jack stanfield because of what Bill Cox has done.

However, Harrison ford is one of the best actors of all time, performing in Star Wars, the Fugitive, and plays the legendary superhero Indiana Jones. All of these films are great, and this film is just good. Harrison Ford's career is finally heading downhill.
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One of the Fresh Prince's finest
29 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Will- meet your father. His name is Lou. He is a poor truck driver who has made his way to Bel-Air to "see his son" and spend some time with him. He will make you love him and then abandon you forever.

This is exactly what this episode is about.

This is one of the few Fresh Prince episoded that tries very few jokes. It uses more of an emotional build-up. Throughout the episode, Will spends lots of time with his father, who is being pulled away from Uncle Phil by Lou. It even causes will to yell at Phil "Who cares what you think? You are NOT my father!" At the end, Will goes to leave with his father, but will says there is an extra trucker and cannot fit his son. He tells him sorry and goodbye. Will finally understads that this man is not his real father and says "Goodbye- Lou." And Lou once and for all leaves Will's life. Will first starts yelling that he "had 14 great yeas of his life. I learned how to fight without him, I learned how to play basketball, and I got pretty good at it, too. When I grow up, I'm gonna have me a whole bunch of kids and I'll be a better father than he ever was. Cause there ain't a d*** thing he can teach me how to raise my kids! TO H*** WITH HIM!" With that Will finally breaks down crying and says "How come he don't want me, man". And for once, Uncle Phil and will have a real touching moment.

Probably the best episode.
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The Cheetah Girls (2003 TV Movie)
Pointless and extremely unrealistic
29 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Zero average is what almost every TV Disney film gets because 90% of them are stupid. Meet another horrible TV film, but instead of having just two main characters to burn down the film, they have four! That means twice the disaster, twice the stupidity, and twice the pointlessness.

Raven Symone horribly portrays a girl named Galleria, who holds a passionate but childish dream to one day become a singing star. I don't know why she would want to, because she certainly does not have the voice for it. Her mother is supposed to be strict but she really just lets Galleria do whatever she feels like.

The rest of the Cheetah Girls are acted out by adrienne Bailon, Kiely Williams, and Sabrina Bryan. Adrienne is supposed to be this really cool girl, but really she looks like what they call "dumb blondes". Kiely plays a girl named Aqua (who names their child Aqua) who thinks she's 2-cool-4-u, but she truns out to be a more boring version of Adrienne. Sabrina Bryan plays a girl with little money who loves to dance, and it turns out she is one of many foster children. I know how the foster care system works, and she would not live in just one home- she would have to be adopted. And the fact that nobody knew just shows how unrealistic this film is.

The Cheetah Girls sign a record deal with a man named Jackal, the latest record producer whose been playing top chart singles. Jackal looks like a hippie who wants to be ghetto and dope, but he acts more like a man on cocaine. He is the villain and secretly behind their backs turns them into toddler artists WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE. So, other Cheetah Girls kick out Raven and they all wail "boo-hoo" for some twenty minutes. They are reunited when her dog Toto gets lost in the sewer (which you would have to be an 85-year-old in a wheelchair with a pit bull to have this done). Raven must sing to the dog for it to get out, so she calls the Cheetah Girls and they all sing to the dog and it comes out. Raven apologizes and they put on a show for bystanders, which airs live on TV (in real life, this could not happen). Jackal sees this, gets mad and THE END.

This movie is put together as unrealistic as possible. They pieced together well, or else it would've been a 2.0 on IMDb. 5 year old girls should like this and little boys who play with Barbie dolls.
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