
16 Reviews
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The Producers (2005)
honestly surprised it was so bad
4 June 2006
I like musicals; I love Nathan Lane and like pretty much every other actor in this; I thought the original movie was funny but didn't remember it that well. I really thought that I was going to enjoy this version of "The Producers" but man, oh man, I didn't even crack a smile during the agonizing 2 hours of this movie. The acting is overdone, and it looks like they just filmed it on a theater stage (and not in a good way, like Chicago) which was really distracting. The songs were OK, but every new musical number just made me impatient for the movie to end already. I don't know why Matthew Broderick did such a terrible job; he's usually a good actor, but he was SO FAKE! I couldn't stand it when he pretended to be anxious. And Will Ferrell--ugh! Nothing was funny. The only reason I would give it 2 stars instead of one is that I think if I didn't already know how the story went, I might have thought the premise was interesting. But yeah... nobody needs to be watching this instead of the original.
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Daria in 'Is It Fall Yet?' (2000 TV Movie)
oh, man... this is revoltingly unfunny
2 December 2005
I suppose that people who rent or buy this Daria movie are probably big fans of the show and will love the flick. As someone who'd just heard recommendations, though, I'm hoping I can help others who may be thinking of watching this catastrophe. I'd like to start off by saying that although I hadn't seen the Daria show before, I thought I would love it. Sarcastic humor is some of my favorite, and my boyfriend, who watched it with me, is a big fan of Beavis and Butt-head. We watched this in the car and I nearly cried at how bad it was. It never once made either of us laugh; however, it did make us groan several times at the fact that it hadn't ended yet (and it's only about an hour long). I ended up skipping through any scene with that perky blonde and her boyfriend because their voices are so grating that you simply can't watch them without risking a migraine. Stupid voices don't equal intelligent comedy, by the way. Nor does a deadpan monotone mean Daria's being clever, especially if what she says is ridiculously unfunny. Oh, what a shocker, the art camp is full of lesbians? This crap was so predictable that I could have written it in high school. I'm guessing anyone who thought this was funny is probably not out of high school, either. After seeing this, there is no way I'm watching Beavis and Butthead either, if only to avoid any more Daria. BLEGH!
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me and you and... *snore*
2 December 2005
First off I'll admit I'm not a fan of arty movies, though unfortunately I can't figure out how to weed them out. With pretty much every indie flick that hits the big theaters getting rave reviews, it's hard to tell BEFORE I start watching if it's going to be lame and slow, or quirky and funny. However, "Me and You..." (in conjunction with several other boring-as-hell indie flicks I've seen lately) has tempted me to swear off the genre altogether.

I will say it's better than Garden State, because at least I *did* want to keep watching as the movie progressed--but the performance art in this was so lame and ridiculous, whenever July's character came on screen I just rolled my eyes and couldn't care less what she was going to do. The only think keeping me interested was the kids--the two boys and the teen girls. Normally I don't think child actors are believable but these kids were great. The little girl was kind of a drag and I think she was there as "filler".

Not the worst of this type of movie, but definitely not worth the time you'd spend on it, unless you have nothing else to do.
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This is a comedy?
11 November 2005
I don't know how this movie got billed as a comedy. I didn't laugh even once; it felt like one of the longest movies I've sat through and I couldn't have cared less about the characters. I really like Leelee Sobieski, but this is a stinking pile of slow n' boring. I actually know people like her character, "nonconformist" goths that cut themselves etc, and if this was a parody then it was a dumb one, because it wasn't funny. Not to mean that I wouldn't laugh at teenage angst, only that I didn't, so I think it have been portrayed wrong. On a positive note, I'm glad they only hinted at sexual undertones between the two characters, since (even though the hinting was gross) it could have been a lot worse.
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Garden State (2004)
ooh, I went to film school (spoilers)
7 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made me want to hit myself in the face. My fiancée and I watched it together and though I was itching to turn it off, he chose to watch through to the end so that we could see if the protagonist died in a fiery plane crash, not that that would have been all that satisfying because it would have just been another stereotypical ending, though not as stereotypical as the one he chose. The movie is slow, boring, trite, and irritating as all-get-out. I don't know why everyone is comparing it to the Graduate except that it copies some of its scenes such as the escalator and the funeral. The best part of the movie, and one of the infinitesimally few funny parts, was his shirt blending into the wall, and that lasted all of a few seconds and was included in the commercial. People are making a big deal about Natalie Portman being charismatic in this movie--she isn't. Her character is one of the dumbest, least desirable and most obnoxious I've seen. Watching her was like listening to a tape of children's programming, without as much coherence or originality. I hated her character way more than Braff's but hated Braff for creating her in the first place. Basically, both I and my fiancée felt that this was an extremely highschoolesque production, created by an immature mind eager to show the world that he went to film school and remembers the common devices. If Zach Braff had not become popular through Scrubs, I doubt this movie would ever have been made, nor should it have been. I rented this with a coupon for a mere 99 cents, and I want my dollar and my two hours back.
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Amores Perros (2000)
Too long!
16 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: 1 spoiler This movie was too long and made me sort of nauseous, but then I might have just been nauseous when I watched the movie. It's good enough that even though it dragged ON and ON and ON and was a bit graphic & depressing, I couldn't quite tear myself away. It's not good enough that I would waste 3 hours to see it again. It's really just too long. And, I would've liked to have seen that first guy get his dog back.
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Pornographers have been doing this for decades! (spoilers)
16 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this one sans-subtitles and maybe I missed something, but since when does graphic nudity and sex deserve critical acclaim? I certainly didn't notice anything else about the movie that made it memorable. Or maybe the movie was about more than just a horny lady gettin' it on threesome-style with two young'uns (pretty predictable if you ask me). I'm just glad they didn't decide to "shock" us some more and have them be blood-cousins. Incidentally, I don't think those guys came off as gay in the end there. I mean they were already used to being naked around each other & masturbating together, so a threesome seems like something they'd be pretty comfortable with. And they just needed a little kissin' while they were getting hand jobs, yo! That doesn't make them gay. Of course the threesome scene was cut way too short to know whether they actually had gay sex. Oh, and yes, by the way, I do speak Spanish; I don't only remember the sex because I couldn't understand what they were saying... although some of the slang threw me.
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I don't see what everyone's so excited about.
13 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Not a good movie, but one that I would have watched anyway based on the first 2. Not as horrible as some people say, and if you think that the truffle scene was gross, just watch Van Wilder. Then again I wouldn't watch this again, nor would I really watch most comedies of this type twice (a lot of the humour evaporates after the first time). Though I eventually forgot all about the missing characters, I was kind of ticked that they didn't even mention Chris Klein & Mena Suvari's characters. After the movie was over I assumed that those guys had read the script and wanted nothing to do with AP3. Stiffler was ridiculously obnoxious right up until he "redeems himself". Why was everyone treating him with such hatred? I didn't understand why all of his supposed "friends" were so against him. Especially Michelle since she barely knew him. I would have felt sorry for him except he was being such a tool. Anyway, when all the other characters reacted like Stiffler was just some as*hole offensive jerk who should just leave because he was ruining the wedding, Stiffler came off, in effect, as unfunny, rude, and like he was ruining the wedding. Then out of nowhere he acquires a conscience and helps save the wedding? Oh, I see... growth. Yeah, that really goes with Stiffler's character. Anyway, as I said before, this movie is not that bad, but it is mediocre.

Overall I would give this a 5/10 and not watch it again.
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Big Fish (2003)
Well, I liked it.
12 January 2004
It's true I had heard good things before I went to see it, but usually that *spoils* a movie for me because I hype it up in my mind. So for this movie I had some high hopes, and even though some people have complained that it's bad, I liked it. It's cool, it's pretty, and I thought it was quite funny in parts (I laughed out loud several times.) I thought it was a lot like Princess Bride though so maybe that's why I liked it so much. Oh, and Ewan MacGregor as well as everyone else did a really good job--his accent may be corny but he pulls off a larger-than-life character just fine... or didn't you see Down with Love?
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
eh... I give it a 6.5
10 December 2003
I went to a very out-of-the-way theater (the only one showing this movie) and paid $8.50 for "Bubba Hotep"... while I didn't hate it, I don't agree with the very high 8.2 rating it's gotten on this site. I am a big fan of Bruce Campbell and he is the best part of the movie. (My favorite line was about a peanut butter and banana sandwich.) Despite what some have said, the humor is not crude and the special effects (what there is of them) aren't bad. Still, it's a pretty sleepy movie, much more "talky" than funny or scary, and I came out wishing I would've saved myself the trouble and just rented it. On the other hand, if it never makes it to the video rental stores, I guess it's worth seeing in the big theaters for any Bruce Campbell fan. Then again, maybe I just had too-high expectations for it going in.
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Only You (1994)
Makes my heart go pitta-pat
29 November 2003
I don't remember why I initially loved this movie so much, but from the first time I saw it I was just captivated. Since then I've encouraged tons of friends to see it, and I've watched it myself about 5 times. I love the music, I love Italy, I love Bonnie Hunt, Fisher Stevens, Billy Zane (hot!) and Robert Downey Jr. The music by Rachel Portman (who did the score for Chocolat) is simply fantastic. Marisa Tomei I could have switched out for some other actress in the leading role, but I think she does a good job. This movie is magical and fun; it's not meant for a cynic--which I think is why I liked it so much, because I'm usually very sarcastic about love stories, but this one was so inspiring and just a feel-good flick overall. You have to suspend disbelief of course, and imagine that there's truth in all that Fate and star-crossed lovers bull... but the Destiny part is easy enough to swallow throughout this movie, and that's probably because of the romantic Italian settings. Personal rating: 9/10 in the rom-com genre, and a lovely, lovely movie.
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Heh... Kim Catrall got the raw end on this one.
24 September 2003
I like the show; my boyfriend doesn't. He doesn't like it because it tries to be witty. I like it because it's engaging without being obviously funny (no laughtracks, no dumb one-liners). I agree that Carrie's incessant literary humor, plays on words, puns, etc can get very tiresome and don't generally make me laugh. Still, the show is greater than its parts and overall comes off as a story that draws you in and makes you interested in its characters. Also, Kim Catrall is the best part of that show. She somehow manages to be the oldest, the most secure, most outrageous, AND (in my opinion) the funniest. But I think she got the raw end of the deal: one minute Carrie's onscreen saying something smart or funny, cut to the next scene--Kim Catrall on her back grunting loudly. Still, I believe Kim is the only one being true to the theme of the program, which is sex--most people have sex naked, and that's what we see with Samantha. Most women, on the other hand, do NOT wear a bra with every dress (backless or not) or while they sleep or while they have sex, like Carrie does. I think Sarah Jessica Parker is being ridiculously modest by wearing a bra in nearly every scene, even when she has a backless dress or a nightie on, and for that reason I don't think she deserved the title character role.
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Adaptation. (2002)
30 May 2003
I wouldn't call it brilliant, and I wouldn't call it craptastic. I liked parts, but the ending was really weird and changed the tone of the whole movie. Anyway, I'm not sorry I rented it, but quite frankly I don't get what all the fuss is about.
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you know, funny
30 May 2003
My boyfriend is always slamming Woody Allen's later movies, so he refused to rent this with me. So, I rented it myself and watched it with a friend, and I thought it was *very funny.* The ending kinda threw me off (a bit too postmodern) but it was still fine. Watch this movie!
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Formula 51 (2001)
26 May 2003
Formula 51 is chock-full of comic wackiness and kickassery. Samuel L. is a chemist, not a fighter or a thug, but he is so darn cool (even in a kilt) that it doesn't seem to matter. The movie also boasts some hilarious one-liners, though some of the more obvious comic relief is perhaps a little too predictable. Definitely recommend.
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Secretary (2002)
enjoyed it, even the ending
25 May 2003
A little slow, a little weird, but overall enjoyable throughout. Got a few chuckles out of me here and there, and my boyfriend (who hates romantic comedies with a passion) liked it too. Now if that's not endorsement, I don't know what is.
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