
12 Reviews
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Oh how it got so ugly.
12 January 2003
This entire Alien story was originally a very horrifying sci-fi expererience. As we past the first movie, they seemed to be filled with too much Hollywood action and attitude. The characters have too much of the macho attitude towards the aliens. The acting went downhil in this movie, and Weaver isn't fooling anyone with her attempt to be a dark evil human with thoughts of an alien within. This movie did have a lot of nice close-ups of the aliens and the queen, so if you respect the anatomy of the Alien you should check it out mainly for the effects not the plot, its one of those kind of movies.
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Alien 3 (1992)
It should've never entered the triology status.
12 January 2003
Alien took my breath away, and was the defining movie that reeled me into Sci-Fi. Aliens had even more aliens and then came the queen. Alien 3 didn't need to be told, the story wasn't convincing. Perhaps the fatal flaw was setting it in a space prison. It's hard to care for characters who are murderers and rapists. I wouldn't waist the time to watch this but you should definitely watch the first two.
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Aliens (1986)
From horror to action
12 January 2003
This movie appealed to a lot more people than the original Alien for some reason. Personally, I love the first one the most. The second seems to attract more people because the number of aliens is quite large, not to mention the queen and her lair is introduced. Weaver plays the story right, but the marines really seem to dumb-down the movie. This would be a good movie to watch in the dark and turn up the stereo. It's very intense, but lacks a true horrifying reality.
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25th Hour (2002)
Potential is killed by Plot, who wrote this?
11 January 2003
This movie had a great assembly of young actors and opportunity to make a film that would truly be good. This film was nothing but a long prelude or introduction into the main event which we as an audience never were shown. We kept hearing about the last night before you are sent to prison, and we are pulled through this story of regret and loss to never see what has caused this. The best thing that this film could've done was to cut an hour and a half from it and replace it with his seven years in prison and his life after. The audience was too bored with seeing the last day, and was waiting for some progression to occur.
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Ali (2001)
Not the greatest in the world!
3 January 2003
Ali was TOO LONG. I found myself looking at the time, wondering when it would be over. I was waiting for the plot to get me somewhat excited to focused. Unfortunately I never sat up during the whole movie. Will Smith had a decent acting appearance and shouldn't be too proud about the movie, since it was a once and a lifetime opportunity to depict the greatest boxer of all time, and it didn't clome close to the potential. Maybe this is a lesson that these "true story" flicks have run there course, and can only be successful if you truly have a good script and cast. Rating: 3
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Aladdin (1992)
Movie that expires after the age of 11.
3 January 2003
This movie was good and fun the first time I saw it in my elementary days. It is one of Disney's actual shining moments, and definitely worth a $2 for a rental. The story is pretty predictable, but for the timing of the movie it was pretty good. I wouldn't recommend the movie for anyone who didn't like Lion King, or any Disney movie. The 2D animation very nice, and brought a very suspense filled viewing in the action scenes. Rating: 5
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Alien (1979)
Drama, Suspense, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Visual, whats better than an A L I E N.
3 January 2003
This movie is rightfully a classic. Many critics think it may be a unoriginal or the same old horror flick. There was a lot more in the movie to deem it better than that. First of all it wasnt exaggerated or blown into a scream fest. It was more scary because there was silence. It was in space, and they had no possible way for protection other than to face it or detonate the entire mission. The lifecycle of this Alien which was truly original and fascinating brought a lot suspense as well. The egg, too the facehugger to the chestburster to the ALIEN, shows a very elaborate growth to make such a beautiful creature. H.R. Giger is an awesome artist, and being a huge fan of his work, I loved his set design as well as his ALIEN. The absence of eyes in the ALIEN makes it all the more terrifying. I watch it today and am still in awe of the ALIEN design and the set of the movie. Its a movie to appreciate in many aspects. Rating:9
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The Sequel that was better, but wasnt good enough.
2 January 2003
This was an improvement from the previous original Ventura flick but it still lacks quality. Carrey does some wacky hilarious things with "himself in the hut" and the "spit loving" but otherwise the journey he takes in the jungle is only good when you see him being reborn through the anus of a fake rhino. Rating:4
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Not Jim's brightest hour at all.
2 January 2003
This movie was great when I was 12, bought now that I'm older, I realize the crap quality of it. It has its moments of comedy, but overall its filled with stupid gross gestures that is supposed to be funny because it is revolting. I don't mind gross comedy, since I loved Jackass, but this attempted to have a plot.

Like a puzzle rating, this is for Children of the age of 12 and below.
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A good laugh, oddly enough for the common family.
2 January 2003
This movie was a good overall flick. It's truly a kid/teen movie but I wouldnt die if I had to watch it again. The directing and concept is pretty general and basic, but the compilation of actors made this to be a funny and much brighter family than they are supposed to be. Rent it for the family. The opening scene sums it up. Rating:5
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Air America (1990)
Enough Vietnam Already.
2 January 2003
This movie was the same old same old when it comes to the comedy and despair being thrown into the Vietnam War. It was good in the way that we saw Mel Gibson take on a much different role than he usually plays. But this movie may cause drowsiness, and not a good movie to watch if your hoping for something great. Rating: 4
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
It graced the TV for 9 fantastically hilarious seasons!
24 November 2002
I have watched both new and sindicated showings of Seinfeld, and it never gets duller, or less witty and hilarious no matter how many times I turn it on. It has great stories with all the characters, and its like a long movie that is fragmented with quick conflicts and quick solutions. It's a show that has a lot of intelligent humor with a strong twist of reality, since the dialogue is totally relative to many aspects of our lives.
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