
35 Reviews
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Viva Maria! (1965)
Viva French Babes!
28 August 2024
Viva Maria is not a great movie . First off it's too long and for an action comedy not funny. However,Viva Maria features two of the most beautiful, alluring, and talented actresses of the 1960s! Bardot is a much better actress than people give her credit for. Check her out in Clouzot's "Verite'. But the real revelation here is Jeanne Moreau who is having more fun in Viva Maria than she is usually allowed to. An absolutely magnetic screen presence who manages to upstage the great BB . Not an easy task. Viva Maria can't sustain it's length and would have been better at 90 minutes with more jokes. However it is a noble failure and the leads are terrific.
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Von Sternberg's Best
2 August 2024
No one had a better sense of atmosphere and photography than Von Sternberg. He rivals Ford in this area. Shanghai Express is the best of his Dietrich pairings. Her Shanghai Lily is the perfect foil for the sinister rebel General (an excellent Warner Oland). In fact it's the supporting cast that carry the film: Oland, Anna May Wong, Eugene Pallette. This rogues gallery of passengers are what make Shanghai Express so enjoyable. Dietrich herself is not a great actress , but she looks great and her non-chalant attitude makes her fascinating to watch. Too bad about Clive Brook. Stiff as a board as the male lead. More like Clive Book he's so inanimate. If not for him the movie would be a 10/10.
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Laugh-In (1967–1973)
Dated badly Dated
29 July 2024
Wow. I just "attempted" to watch an episode from 1968. Lyndon Johnson was still president! I found a few positives but mostly this was unbearable. The positives: Judy Carne was cute and Joanne Worley and Ruth Buzzi could be amusing. The hippie/LSD color scheme was fun and the mixture of live before an audience and filmed content was innovative. The negatives: basically everything else. None of the jokes are funny. Neither Rowan or Martin are funny. Goldie Hawn's dumb act is an embarassment. Then there's Artie Johnson. Remember him? He was one of the stars of the show. Amazing because there's absolutely nothing funny about him. Give it a shot for nostalgia's sake but approach with caution.
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The Hurricane (1937)
More Dorothy less Hall
19 July 2024
Directed by John Ford without his usual attention to atmospheric realism. Then again it's a tropical island fantasy so of course the natives are naive childlike laughing running screaming dancing etc. Raymond Massey as the uptight rule bound governor comes across best acting wise. Hard on his luck Jon Hall looks great with his shaved physique to make up for his very limited acting. Dorothy Lamour has never shown more leg than she does here but vanished for a good part of the film. And the even more alluring Mary Astor is wasted for the most part in a nothing role. Seeing her with her dark locks all messed and beautiful porcelain skin was a treat however. The movie is not that great really but that hurricane sequence really works thus I give it a 7.
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Becket (1964)
A little dated. The first half being the best.
15 July 2024
First off do not read the subheading "goofs" on this site before you write a review of this film like I did. You'll be dissapointed by one aspect of Becket. In fact don't read "goofs" at all. Now that's out of the way, I can say I enjoyed the first half of Becket much more than the second. With Becket (Richard Burton) and King Henry 2 (Peter O'Toole) drinking and wenching their way across the English countryside. The contrast between the grotesque debached King and his Stoically moral companion and advisor was well acted and written. The second half of the film when Burton becomes Archbishop and discovers his true calling is far less interesting and slows the pace of the film down considerably. Burton's Becket becomes all too" holy" while O'Toole's King Henry is a misogynistic, bully and abuser of all around him. O'Toole's constant high pitched whining shouts become very annoying. And the film has not aged well because of O'Toole's constantly offensive king and the difficulty fathoming Burton's sudden enlightenment. Good but not as great as it probably seemed in 1965.
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Elephant Boy (1937)
Reluctant 7
25 June 2024
While the Elephant Boy is an engaging character. Seeking to become a "great hunter" Of what , it is never made clear. The acting and pronunciation of Sabu in the title role requires a great deal of patience. But this is made up by the excellent documentary footage of Robert Flaherty ( Nanook of the North). Therefore the Elephant Boy is full of fascinating footage of Indian elephants and their Mahouts. Including Sabu clearly scrubbing around an elephants massive eye. The authentic Indian footage makes up for the stodgy direction and acting that accompanies thIs otherwise staggering masterpiece? Sabu would go on to improve his acting chops in the much much much superior : Thief of Bagdad.
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
Reasonably amusing satire on the studio system via The Cohens.
21 June 2024
The studio system is given a rough ride as we follow the exploits of studio head Brolin putting out fires, massaging the press, and pushing the newest stars on unwilling directors. Great turn by Ralph Fiennes as snooty Laurence Laurents. Fans of any genere of the 50s will find something to like here. The emerging Communist sympathies that came after WW2 are examined as well. As a group of Soviet akin movie writers kidnap an unwitting Hollywood star in George Clooney and try to brain wash him in Communist doctrine. There's a hilarious parody of an Esther Williams musical swimming sequence. Featuring a fantastic Scarlett Johannson as a gloriously foul mouthed Hollywood mermaid. The movie is more hits than misses. But if you don't know the reference points you'll hate it . Plus Clooney is terrible in the lead with his , " look ma ain't I funny?" mugging which brings the movie down at least 1 star.
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a good little noir
19 June 2024
Highly sucessful investment counselor tries to frame a dog track owner for manslaughter caused by her accidentally hitting a pedestrian. Decent late period noir. Oberon at 45 is still cooking hot and she does well in the femme fatale role. After all wasn't that who Kathy basically was in Wuthering Heights ? Lex Barker is likeable Lex. He's like a poor man's Robert Mitchum or perhaps Alec Baldwin. There's plenty of twists to add to the noir sauce as well. The film lacks the moody atmosphere of true 40s noir but still is reasonably entertaining. It also provides one of the last opportunities to enjoy the very unique beauty and talent that was Merle Oberon.
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Doesn't seem like a Whale
14 June 2024
The Man in the Iron Mask seems like a typical period piece that could have been made by any of the major studios of the 30s. And by any major director. Overlit, stiff acting (for the most part), rousing score, great costumes. Is this really a film made by the great James Whale? Master of horror? Moody atmosphere? Camp humour? All I can say is the studio clearly put Whale in an iron suit when this was shot becuase none of his usual traits are here. That's not to say that the movie is all that bad. Louis Hayward gives an amusing performance as the king and I didn't recognize Joan Bennett from her femme fatale noir days with Fritz Lang. She's a little ordinary here but more than makes up for it by being stunningly beautiful. Entertaning enough but if you're expecting classic Whale you won't find it here.
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Solid effort in the Noir Catalogue
8 June 2024
Private Eye has his past catch up to him when he is inadvertenly caught up in a frame up involving an old partner. As Detective Mark Steven's secretary Lucille Ball never looked better . I mean who wouldn't want Lucy as your sexy assistant while you're trying to solve a mystery? Dark Corner features not one but two beautiful women. Cathy Downs is along as the kept woman who also serves as the noir's femme fatale. But the real star here is that old noir favourite of mine - Clifton Webb as the prissy, calculating , sinister art collector. Webb is as delightfully camp here as he was in Laura. In fact I'd say he's even better. Henry Hathaway effectively uses ambient sound in the form of period era recordings rather than a booming soundtrack to help create the sombre mood so necessary to the genre.
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Classic Mid 70s
3 June 2024
Of course it's problematic watching Bill Cosby in a comedy now. But in the 1970s the man ruled. He had a popular TV Show, a kids show( Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids), and was the first black actor to have a major role in a TV series - I Spy in the 1960s. In otherwords he was a star celebrity. As well as being a charismatic actor as he shows here. Portier as good at drama as he is , seems lost in comparison and never really registers. However he delivers as a comedic director. The action scenes are well handled. And even better are the hilarious boxing scenes. Denise Nicholas is unbelievably beautiful and has a great moment as a female hustler. This movie is funny from beginning to end. Highly recommend and as a time capsule of the 70s it is priceless.
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Just ok
18 May 2024
Not a lot of laughs to be had in the first of two comedies pairing Sidney Portier and Bill Cosby. Characters come and go at random including a cameo by Richard Pryor as a phony detective. You know things are off to a bad start when Portier waxes poetically for what seems an eternity about the size of his wife's ass. Cosby provides the only comic moments. Especially when the two try to bluff their way into meeting a gangster they believe has their stolen wallet. Later Flip Wilson as a church deacon gives a speech which has nothing to do with the plot and goes on longer than Portier's earlier one. In addition Portier an excellent dramatic actor is a terrible comedian and spends most of the movie mooning in a manner reminiscent of 40s actor Mantan Morland. At least Morland was funny. Still the 70s fashion and New York neighborhoods are fun to watch and there's a couple of great numbers by a Gospel Choir.
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Casino Royale (1967)
a sort of fun mess
5 May 2024
Bond on acid. The best stuff is the Woody Allen sequences. He plays Jimmy Bond the "dissapointing" nephew of Uncle James Bond. The women look great. Ursula Andress sure was a beautiful sexy woman. Oh yeah and Deborah Kerr late 40s still looks fabulous. In fact all the women are incredible so that's why 6 rating. On the other hand David Niven has got to be one of most boring actors ever. He certainly brings everything to a standstill in this movie. And that stupid stutter. What comic genius came up with that bit of pathetic nonsense. Niven had the same effect in The Pink Panther and The Bishop's Wife.
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A Geisha (1953)
Among his best
30 April 2024
This is definitely one of Mizoguchi's greatest achievments. The character arch of the younger Geisha apprenticing to the older more expereinced one is fully realized. The dynamic of having the modern younger woman rebelling against the old ways rings true. Excellent performances all around. I have now seen Michiyo Kogure in several movies: The Drunken Angel; The Story of Madame Yuki; Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice; Street of Shame; and now A Geisha. I have to say that her range is quite impressive. And for this reason she's replaced my previous favourite actress Setsuko Hara. Setsuko is wonderful of course but basically plays the same role each time. Michiyo Kogure is different in every film. She even looks different each time. A Geisha is aptly titled as it is the most accurate depiction I've seen of what a Geisha's life is actually like. Beautifully photographed with a setting that comes alive for the viewer. The only flaw is perhaps the rather abrupt ending. Otherwise this is an excellent film.
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Brigadoon (1954)
21 April 2024
This is one dull musical. Perhaps because cherographer Kelly leaned too heavily on the Scottish theme the dance sequences are almost entirely without any appeal at all. Plue what's up with Van Johnson's paunchy old queen? What a bucketful of misogynist misery his character is. Cinemascope reduces the cinematic qualities to stagey. However any movie with Cyd Charisse at least has that going for it. The art department does a nice job of making the soundstages look like the bonnie highlands of bonnie Scotland. That is about it as far as highlights go. At one point Kelly and company seek the enlightenment of an old Scottish sage. The fellow gives a speech about how the townfolk wake up every hundred years. The speech seems to take a hundred years and is truly sleep inducing. The actor playing the sage is so boring he not only brings the scene to a standstill he manages to make it seem like it's moving backwards. Watch -Singin in the Rain again instead.
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An overlooked gem
3 April 2024
Well written and acted courtroom drama. Robert Mitchum is sequesterd to defend accused murderer Keenan Wynn in what amounts to a show trial to appease British and American relations in WW 2 India. Mitchum is solid as usual. (Was the limp and cane part of the character or did Mitchum injure himself skiing prior to production?) He shows genuine anguish as he struggles between what he knows is a valid insanity defense and what the military wants him to do. Trevor Howard is always great although his role is so minisule you almost forget he's in the film. Then there's Keenan Wynn perfectly cast as our murderer. Although he seems for the most part slightly restained . I could have used a little of his Colonel Bat Guano from Dr. Strangelove wierdness here. France Nuyen. Ah France Nuyen! If only she'd fall for me as quickly as she does Mitchum in this movie. Indian locations are used to good effect. Then of course it brings up the old validity of avoiding the death penalty by reason of insanity. Of course this is standard ruling in law, but one has to ask the question is it true justice? Check this one out if you get a chance. The Winston Affair or Man in the Middle . It's well worth it.
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2 April 2024
Hard to believe this was directed by the great Vincente Minnelli. The pace is slow and plodding to the point of being glacial. Musical numbers lack inventiveness. This is true of both cherography and camera work. There's one good song and that's sung by Lena Horne. Lena is so beautiful and sexy that it's almost possible to forget about how terrible an actress she is. At least in this movie . I don't know about her in other roles so she may have improved. She also has a great voice. Others in the cast who are too over the top include everyone else except the great Rex Ingram . Ingram was one of the best actors of the era. And he shows it here. The other good points are the apperance though very limited of two 20th Century musical giants Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong. Worth seeing once. Should be made again . Obviously with a much better script.
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Shipbound Pirate Adventure
24 March 2024
A man disguises himself as a pirate doctor in order to bring the notorious pirate Blackbird to justice. He is aided by a beautiful hostage. Robert Newton out does his Long John Silver impersonation and his Blackbeard is a buggy eyed brutal marvel. In fact considering the censorhip of 1952 the movie is shockingly violent in the many horrific murders that take place. Of course most of what happens is not shown but the implications of how the Pirates treated each other when taking lives is not spared any white washing. In spite of that and the staggering beauty of Linda Darnell the film is suprisingly actionless. Most of taking place inside various rooms on board Blackbeard's boat. The male lead is played by what's his name. Yes that's right. Whoever he is. The man has no charisma whatsoever and reads his lines like he's reciting the phone book. Worth a look once but that's all. Suprising as it was directed by Raoul Walsh who has made some terrific adventure movies.
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23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ok not completely unbearable. You do get to see Jane Fonda in a bikini. As to why she's in a bikini? So that we get to see Jane Fonda in a bikini . Otherwise what's the point of this warring ex couple deciding they need to go swimming together? It's stupid. Jane's character is so hostile to ex husband Alda that it feels like having sandpaper ground into your ears listening to her spit contentous vitriol at him. Neil Simon ? Was he ever good? He sure was popular but for me his humour is dated and unfunny. All of the character's names sound made up. Simon conjuring up funny names just to be funny. Dr. Chauncey Gump? Isn't that funny? Oh yeah there's a plot about 4 couples all staying in a swank hotel so they can fight with one another. If this sounds hilarious to you go for it. Otherwise avoid.
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Cyd great Dailey not
14 March 2024
Cyd Charise graces any picture she happens to be in. Terrific dancer, beautiful, sexy, and a decent actress. Too bad she's paired with the complete non-entity that is Dan Dailey. The name says it all. He looks like Howdy Doodey. I don't know maybe he can sing or dance but whatever his appeal in the 50s it certainley doesn't translate to a modern audience. The Ninotchka like plot doesn't help matters either. I guess Gene Kelley wasn't available. A decent leading man would have made a huge difference but instead we get Dailey. Even Donald O' Connor would have been better . At least he's funny. Watch it for Cyd that's the only reason I give it 5 stars.
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5 reels in reverse
11 March 2024
Orphee was such an excellent example of surrealistic dream imagery that it's hard to imagine the same director made this trifle. Perhaps because the former film had a plot based on a Greek myth giving it structure. Here there is none. And as another reviewer noted Cocteau can't act. In fact he has absolutely no screen presence whatsoever. As to what it's all about , the phrase who care's comes to mind. Luckily Maria Cesares shows up but unfortunatley this is 11 years after her wonderful sexy commanding performance as death in Orphee. Those must have been a rough 11 years. Meanwhile Cocteau can always resort to reversing the film if things get a little too normal. He does this early in the film and it's very effective. Then he does it again. And again. And on and on. For such a creative guy how come the only cinematic effect he conjurs up is reversing the film? Something Chaplin and Keaton were doing in the silent days. Pretty much a waste of time and nowhere near the greatness of Orphee.
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Last third falters
10 March 2024
One of a number of light comedies Lemmon appeared in during the mid 60s. He's great as Mr. Ordinary white collar worker. The movie starts fine with a gently satrical approach to the 9-5 office routine and taking particular jabs at the advertising industry. However with the arrival of Mike Connors as Romy Schneider's ex husband, things take a turn to French bedroom farce. In this case the bedrooms are separated by a lawn and take place in two different houses. This becomes quickly tiresome and I basically wanted things to wrap up. The entire cast is excellent however. Romy Schneider proving she could play comedy, Eddy G. Robinson always solid, and the very likeable Dorothy Provine who is a sort of sexier earthier version of Doris Day.
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Highly Implausible
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An esteemed British scientist is hired as a spy by the government. She is sent to a fictional iron curtain nation to investigate their development of germ warfare. The problem is she is sent without any training whatsoever, no knowledge of the (ficticious) language and the most improbable cover story ever. A travel agent??? Of course the enemy immediatley has her under suspicion. Then things get worse. She's given a truth serum which instead of revealing the truth turns her into a super spy. A dull American reporter, played quite dully by the dull Dane Clark volunteers to help her. Things become even more unbelievable when they manage to avoid an entire army in escaping with the bottled bug/germ. Coming to their aid out of nowhere is a priest! Pretty ridiculous but Lockwood is great to watch as always. Beautiful with her new hairstyle and given the most action scenes since The Lady Vanishes. Too bad the plot is so inane.
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A Mighty Wind (2003)
Only has one rhythm.
7 January 2024
A Mighty Wind definitely has some funny moments most of them provided by The Folksmen and just the general send up of the whole folk culture. But for a comedy about music it lacks a variety in pacing and rhythm. You can basically time how long each scene will take before getting to the punchline. This makes it feel like one very long sitcom sketch after awhile. Sort of like Portlandia or The Larry Sanders Show but without the satrical bite. Plus the Levy character is not funny at all. And he quickly becomes annoying. On the other hand , Parker Posey is a wonderful comedic talent who is also very beautiful . Would have been nice to see more of her singing .
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Pretty Good and Dunaway is great!
27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Along with Chinatown and Bonnie and Clyde this is one of Faye's best roles. .You kinda want her to loosen up as Scott suggests. But she remains convincing as a single minded woman obsessed with delivering a fortune in oil. Plus she also remains beautiful. Scott is a little miscast as a downtrodden depression hobo. Not to mention he is also a very pudgy downtrodden depression hobo. Millsy is along for his usual capabable supporting role . I never understood what Palance was doing hanging around waiting. I guess there was a legal hitch preventing him from just taking over the well. It was never very well explained. All in all it's a decent enough film and of special interest if you are a fan of Faye Dunaway or George C Scott . Scott seems to be trying to distance himself from the authoritian role in Patton and I have to say he sort of succeeds. One thing I really hated was that dimwitted Anne Murray song they kept playing which had nothing to do with the movie. I guess the Producer Stanley Kramer, was hoping for a sort of "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" type association with the movie. Anyway it's just annoying and intrusive. Actually similar to the effect "Raindrops" had in Butch Cassidy.
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