
13 Reviews
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Spontaneity and silk stockings
26 January 2004
This is only the second film by Godard that I've seen. It's not as good as Breathless, but it's very close. The same spontaneous and free style is there to a T, with the addition of a riff on Jules et Jim and less existential musing. I miss the existential musing, but the characters are just as well crafted, engaging, and unexpectedly poignant. A must see for anyone interested in New Wave.

On to Contempt.
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Julia Stiles was awful
18 September 2003
That's about all I can say about this. I saw some talent in 10 Things, but in this film she's what I call a "quality vaccuum." They could have cast Christopher Walken as the dad and a young Denzel Washington as the boyfriend, and it still would have been a dud. I'm not saying she's generally untalented, but she certainly is in this disappointing, sanitized knock off of Saturday Night Fever and Jungle Fever.
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17 March 2003
A must see for any U2 fan, which I am. From a filmmaking standpoint, the stark black and white photography provides an appropriately timeless quality. It's a concert film on an epic scope, and Bono and Co. are our great heroes. Might seem a little pretentious to some, but when you're U2 you have a right to a little egomania.
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Waking Life (2001)
Score one for the dreamers
27 January 2003
Waking Life is among a handful of films (Woyzeck, Magnolia, The Passion of Anna) that really frustrate me, because as much as I love them I can't necessarily recommend them to everyone. There are certain films for which one needs to be on a certain wavelength to enjoy, no matter how cultured or intelligent. This film is best for those who have sat around thinking about the big questions in life for long periods of time, dying for someone to talk to about them. I guess Waking Life isn't about those questions so much as it's about the people who are asking them, the wonderers, the thinkers, and especially the dreamers. For those who can appreciate it, it's a cleansing experience, one of a purity and beauty that has no equal in the films I've been fortunate enough to see.
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27 January 2003
OK, high points: 1) Natalie Portman is....veeery attractive. 2) Jules Winfield with a light sabre (Before I realized that Jackson was walking through the part.) 3) The Yoda fight. I haven't laughed so hard since...well, since Episode 1. 4) And the highest point of my visit to the multiplex was..........................the preview for the new Matrix movies!! Yay! I hope they aren't as dull and pretentious as this latest impostor of an action movie. OK, fine, that's a little harsh. I know, I know, Star Wars is just about having a good time and seeing some nice special effects. Epsiodes 1 & 2 have all the effects, but none of the fun! Ewan MacGregor seems to be the only person on the set who said, "Wait a minute, I'm in a movie called Attack of the Clones," and decided not to take the damn thing so seriously. Just relax, people. It's OK if these movies are bad, it's not the end of the world. George Lucas couldn't direct a Sierra Mist commercial. That doesn't mean I think the entire Star Wars franchise should be forced out of his hands and given to someone competent, but I wouldn't be too put out if, uh, such a thing took place......
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The 39 Steps (1935)
Hitchcock at his cutest.
27 January 2003
This is really a neat little movie. I'm constantly amazed at what Hitchcock was able to do with such limited resources. The bit with the handcuffs is classic and deserves a place among the best Hitch moments. Not to mention Robert Donat is pitch perfect in the lead. Definitely a winner and a must see for fans of The Hitch.
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Tight, entertaining "pulp movie." A little overrrated by its fans.
25 January 2003
I wouldn't be a bit suprised if "The Boondock Saints" had been based on a comic strip. It's made with the same tongue-in-cheek / morality tale method that befits "Spiderman" and "X-Men." The result is something similar to these movies; an exciting, technically proficient popcorn movie. It's a pulp movie, the kind you throw away a few bucks on when you want to watch a movie without having to think too much, but you don't want your intelligence to be insulted either. What's interesting about this film is that so many people insist that it's something more. I admit that it is starkly original in it's characters. The closest relatives to the brothers i can think of are ben affleck and matt damon in dogma, which is a stretch. But this is still essentially a super hero movie. The acting is over the top, the direction is frenetic, violence is common, and the inherently mysterious qualities of the characters allow for any kind of plot twists the director wants. This is a good film by a young, excited filmmaker, but is far from a thoughtful and important reflection on vigilantism and religious fervor. It's little more than a cool action movie, but it's still a very cool action movie. Enjoy, but enjoy for what it is, and then go watch "Taxi Driver" or Godard's "Breathless" if you want to take a film seriously.

By the way, I haven't read all of the reviews of this film on, since there are over 200, but none of the one's i've read mentioned this film being withheld after the Columbine massacre. I normally don't spport anything resembling censorship, but not releasing this film was an extremely tactful move by the studio. Releasing it would have been more tasteless than Charlton Heston's NRA rally in Denver. It was as untimely as a film could possibly be and the studio made a good decision. It also was probably best the best thing for the film, since it probably would've been dismissed a lot more quickly with a traditional release and not have developed the cult following it enjoys. All the same, I'm looking forward to seeing what the Saints will be up to in the sequel.
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Dogma (1999)
good kevin smith fare
25 January 2003
There's not much to it. If you like Kevin Smith, you'll like the movie. If not, you'll hate it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch Clerks. If you find yourself offended at any point, you will not like Dogma. In any event, after you've had a good laugh with some friends and finished quoting matt damon in the execution scene, find Wim Wender's "Wings of Desire", watch it a few times, be amazed, and wonder what kind of movies Kevin Smith will make when grows up.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
An American masterpiece
25 January 2003
There may be a handful of American films that are better, but in my opinion "Taxi Driver" is the United State's most significant contribution to the world of cinema. Travis Bickle is what we have left as a protagonist in a world when heroism is dismissed as passe and empty. He is as endearing as he is disturbing. Like Cybill Shepherd's character, we've never met anyone quite like him. But we understand him. We feel his frustration and his suffering. It's the frustration of those living in an isolationist culture that tries to make islands of all people. Travis is God's lonely man, just as some could call Americans God's lonely people. I know I'm reading a lot into it, but in my opinion the central themes of "Taxi Driver" stem from the darker, alienating aspect of American culture. It's so much more observant in it's depiction of failed American values than other films. "Citizen Kane" is a film about material greed and loss of innocence. Travis is also seeking innocence but his greed is not for corporeal things but for love and acceptance. For a chance to contribute to people's lives. His suffering is greater than almost any other character in American film and literature, because he seems to understand what is truly valuable in this life (justice, self-respect, love) but is driven mad by his inability to attain them. Do I recommend this film? No. I demand that everyone sees it at one point in their lives. It's that important.
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Van Wilder (2002)
False Advertising
26 November 2002
Apparently some critic felt the need to make a name for himself and proclaimed this film to be "Animal House for the new generation!"...This film is nothing like Animal House. It couldn't be farther from it, for one simple reason. "Van Wilder" tries, and why it does I can't imagine, to wrap itself in sentiment and messages about maturity or something to that effect. It tries to come to a reasonable conclusion. In "Animal House" they just said "F*** it" and trashed the parade. Have screenwriters forgotten what made "Animal House" a classic? It wasn't the crude humor or the massive displays of lust, although those contributed. What made the Deltas great was the sense of unbridled anarchy that few "teen films", if any, have captured since. "Van Wilder" is a disgrace to the National Lampoon logo and its creators should be stoned at the city gates.
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captures spirit of theatre better than any other film
10 September 2002
Rarely does a film capture the thrill and atmosphere that is theatre. Most are content to belong to convention and trudge through a tired plot. This film is as vibrantly alive as the theatre itself, with at least a dozen of the most compelling characters written in the nineties. Tim Robbins' admiration for Robert Altman is more than apparent. He even outdoes most of Altman's films with this entertaining, challenging, and exciting piece of work.
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Amélie (2001)
I can't remember a movie ever making me feel this good.
11 April 2002
If "Run Lola Run" was pure, on-screen adrenaline, then "Amelie" is pure on-screen joy. What a beautiful, moving, and uplifting film this is! It combines an energy similar to "Lola"'s with a heart the size of a mountain. Hollywood doesn't have the courage to make movies this romantically blissful anymore, which is why every American filmgoer needs to take advantage of the opportunity to see this modern masterpiece. I don't hesitate to call "Amelie" one of the best films ever made.
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rene falconetti gives the best performance in the history of cinema
10 February 2002
There's not much to say about this film, except that it is the perfect silent film. The visuals are stunning and haunting, most of all Rene Falconetti as Joan of Arc, with her huge eyes that go as deep as the soul. Her eyes say more than any writer ever could. It is as beautiful as it is disturbing. This simply cannot be missed.
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