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Tentacles (1977)
Such a Waste . . .
7 March 2010
There should be a category of 0 . . . but since 1 was the worst I could opt for . . . that's what I gave it. I happened on this little gem (ha!) late last noc. So I had to come to IMDb to see the details. The only truly funny part was watching the Octopus trolling through the water with it's eyes and just the top of it's head visible. If this was supposed to remind one of the scene in Jaws . . . it failed completely!!! Most octopuses and rather shy and most likely to run and hide . . . that's why I found myself laughing. They would have done better using a Squid . . . there has been documentation of Giant Squid and Orcas battling it out in the depths of the ocean. They even would have done better if they had used ants . . . as in one my favorite movies from childhood - THEM . . about ants being genetically mutated by exposure to radiation (if memory serves me right) . . . when filmed closeup - they were much more fearsome than this octopus. If you can afford to lose a few hours of your life in viewing this mess . . . go for it. I personally could have done better reading a book . . .
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Dr. Kildare (1961–1966)
My Introduction to Ricard Chamberlain
28 June 2004
This series was based on the movies about the same characters starring Lew Ayres and Lionel Barrymore. I truly loved those old movies. If I am not mistaken I think Lew Ayres even appeared in one of the episodes. The series was my introduction to Richard Chamberlain. As I have followed his career - I have never been disappointed by the roles he has taken on. But it was as Dr. Kildare that I shall always remember him first. I must add though that he had a great singing voice as well - I used to own the only record he ever released - Dr. Kildare Sings - I believe was the title of the LP. I concur with other fans about wondering if any copies of the show still exist for release in a DVD format for us diehard fans. I would buy them in a heartbeat!!!
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The Hospital (1971)
Great Transfer to DVD
19 September 2003
I love this movie and was so glad to see that it had been released to DVD (I had a VHS used copy that I bought years ago) and although there are few bells and whistles added - the transfer was great. As to the content of the movie itself; after watching it again I was reminded of what black satire is meant to be. And having experienced both sides of the sheets (so to speak) as a patient and as a nurse - I can confirm the truth of the situations as presented. Each of us is responsible for our own health - even when we seek to expert opinion of others - buyer beware is as true for health care as it is for any other service we purchase.

The speech by George C. Scot's character about losing his purpose and meaning in life is as true today as it was in the '70's when this was filmed. With the increasing depersonalization of health care that is occurring now - it is even more appropriate to know that this is being felt by the majority of doctors practicing now. All in all - a great satirical commentary flick about the practice of medicine.
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Folks! (1992)
24 July 2003
This is a satirical look at a behind-the-scenes view of Tom Selleck playing a had-it-all stockbroker who loses it all. It has a black satire view of Alzheimer's but political correctness aside - it is one of the funniest movies of Selleck's that I have seen!!! I loved Don Ameche and Anne Jackson who were perfect as his parents and they deliver some of the best one-liners I can remember. If you liked the quirkiness of "HAROLD & MAUDE" or "the HOSPITAL" with George C. Scott or "WHERE'S PAPA?" with George Segal - this movie is just for you!!! I just wish it would be released on DVD as my VHS copy is getting a lot of play from being loaned to others who have never seen it.
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Disappointed with DVD
21 February 2003
I like this movie - it was supposed to have been released on DVD over a year

ago and for some reason this didn't happen. So, when I found out it had finally come out I was glad to be able to buy a copy. My only disappointment was the

fact that some of the music had been changed for the DVD release - perhaps

that was why it wasn't released earlier. At the end was supposed to be Stevie Wonder's I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU played over the end credits -

but now only a brief portion is actually heard. This is too bad because it really suited the storyline. This has happened to other releases on VHS & DVD as well - most notably the

home release of Walter Mathau and Elaine May in A NEW LEAF - which on the

VHS version that I bought had the background music totally changed. That's the one complaint that I have in home release versions of movies

released originally for theater viewing is that they fail to keep the same music and cuts.
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Why Do I Bother?
19 April 2002
I should have remembered that this was a David Lynch disaster. Of all his offerings the only one I ever liked was the Elephant Man. Ever since that title it's been all down hill. I sat through this rental and at the end still couldn't make any sense of it. Of course I forgot, making sense is something that never seems to occur to him. I guess he figures if people are stupid enough to pay to view a series photo clips totally unrelated and call it a movie then he'll be first in line to pull their collective leg. I must remember in the future that if his name is associated with anything I might think of renting that I immediately put it back on the shelf. What a waste of time and money.
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19 April 2002
After bad mouthing Mulholland Drive I guess I felt the necessity to provide at least one positive comment on an offering by David Lynch. This movie was the only one that I ever enjoyed. The pathos and compassion displayed is a lesson that all can take to heart. The fact that it's storyline is based in fact makes it all the more meaningful. If you're looking for an example for your children to explain the concept of compassion - rent this one.
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28 July 2001
I own the VHS copy of this movie and would like to see it released to DVD perhaps with some commentary and bonus features. I own all the Basil Rathbone movies on VHS (he is still the epitome of S.H. as far as I'm concerned) but I must admit that the first time I saw this view of the character I was a fan right away.

Told from the perspective of a young Dr. Watson who meets S.H. for the first time at the boarding school where both are students was a great idea. The plot has the two discovering each other and working together to solve a series of murders that are occurring - great special effects - did not overwhelm the story as many current movies do. You may remember Earl Rhodes in a previous role of (the Chief) an obnoxious

prepubescent psycho in THE SAILOR WHO FELL FROM GRACE WITH THE SEA and he was cast perfectly in the role of Dudley - the antagonist to young Sherlock.

A great film to watch with a big bowl of popcorn and a soda.
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Rambling Rose (1991)
Soft, fuzzy, warm feel-good movie!!!
23 July 2001
I loved this movie. In updating my VHS collection to DVD I bought it a second time and was so glad that I did. I love the music score and the soft period lighting it provides in telling the story of Rose - a down on her luck teen-age almost adult girl who comes to live with a southern family during the depression in the 1930's. Although the film was edited for time (as all films are) the DVD provided more background information about the story through the commentary provided. Although I've never read the book - watching it again has made me decide that I want to.

I count this movie with others of its' kind (TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, FRIED GREEN TOMATOES, THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER to name a few) as providing a wonderful opportunity to become a part of another's family memory. These kind of movies are capable of evoking in us a remembrance of our own childhood and bringing out feelings of warmth and caring that many of us have in common.

I highly recommend it for its beautiful photography and wonderful music.
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Moving Story of Love and Kindness
23 July 2001
This was one of the first movies I bought for my VHS collection and would like to see it brought out in DVD with additional commentary.

A story of one man's isolation from others by the fact of being a deaf-mute individual with apparently only one true friend (another deaf-mute whom he love's like a brother). In spite of this physical disability he becomes an important part of all the other characters involved by being a confidant and sounding board for their lives. His patience and quiet concern and attention allows them to sort through their own motives and problems and come to an understanding of them.

Unfortunately because of this disability he remains isolated from being able to take comfort from them when he needs it most. The HEART of the story. To be able to give so much and yet still be denied the love and understanding of the very people you have helped so much. In that respect many of us are Lonely Hunters.

A wonderful and introspective movie about feelings and motivations. View it if you can.
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DISTURBING FILM - beautiful music score
13 July 2001
Though I never read the Japanese book from which this movie is based - I thought the comments of other posters missed a salient point in their reviews.

No one brought up the exploration of the focus on the "pure and perfect" order of things that is a backdrop for the exploration of the boys in the film. I'm assuming that that refers to the idea that there is such a thing and that when we deviate from it - meaning is somehow bastardized - and focus and purpose are lost. Unfortunately, when - during exploration - one destroys the object of one's investigation that too seems a bastardization of the "pure and perfect order."

A disturbing film but I do like Kris Kristofferson and he did write the music for the soundtrack which is beautiful. I tried many times to find a CD of the soundtrack but the movie has been out of print for so long that it is probably not possible to find one.
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Witness (1985)
Great Movie - lousy DVD Transfer
29 June 2001
I won't go into plot detail as you can read plenty about that elsewhere - my main comment is that I throughly enjoy this movie and have the VHS copy of it and so was looking forward to obtaining a DVD transfer to enjoy. WRONG!!! I must admit that I should have read the DVD evaluation included on this site and would have saved myself the $15.00 I plunked down for this. The transfer was awful - there were numerous scenes that were grainy and dark (my VHS copy was a better print). I was soooo disappointed. If this is the best that Paramount could do I'll make sure I don't get stiffed again!!!! All I can say is before you think of tossing all your VHS tapes in the garbage and replacing them with DVD's - remember to read all the reviews beforehand - and remember - BUYER BEWARE!!!
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The Bad Seed (1956)
Nature versus Nurture
29 June 2001
This was the question that was tossed around when this movie was released. I read the book before I ever saw the picture and must comment that in Hollywood's style they of course couldn't leave it alone. The ending of the book is different. But the movie was and still is a riveting view. Patty McCormack's career was never the same after this role - and she became typecast as Rhoda forever. But I guess if you were to be typecast this would be a great role by which to be remembered.

It forever asked the question whether behavior was inborn or learned - and are we products of our genetic makeup? - or do we have free choice, and can overcome our genetic inheritance with environmental enrichment? I think at the time of it's release many people queried whether adoption was a good thing and what kind of trouble were you taking on when you knew nothing of the genetic background of the child you were adopting.

A true psychological characterization of a psychopathic personality in that they are unable to feel care or concern for anyone but themselves and that their priorities are always putting themselves first. They have no morality because that is a concept they are incapable of understanding.

Although the movie reminds one of watching a play, it is probably because it came from a stage play before being made into a movie. Probably dated by today's standards and a little over-dramatized (Nancy Kelly's character) the message it conveys and the questions it asks are still being debated today - some 40+ years later. A good thriller - the battle of good vs. evil continues.
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Definitely a whole box of tissues love story!!
26 June 2001
This movie provides an opportunity to view what it would be like seeing Robin Hood and the love of his life - Maid Marian toward the end of their lives. Like a fine wine aging for a number of years this touching rendition of their love is a favorite of mine. If you want to see an example of true love (as opposed to young love of Romeo & Juliet) view this movie. I treasure my VHS copy and can only hope that somewhere the Gods who decide which movies are to be converted to a DVD format remember this one.
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One of her best dramatic roles.
26 June 2001
Audrey Hepburn was a beautiful actress and many of her movies depicted her in that role, but THE NUN'S STORY was the role I most remember her in. Although I am not of the Catholic faith, after watching this movie I could imagine myself as a nun. Although dated in it's presentation of the rigors required in becoming a nun, it gave an insiders' look into what it must have been like at one time. I often felt she should have won an Oscar for this role. My only complaint is that I have not been able to purchase a restored DVD copy of it for my collection. I would love to see it in it's original wide-screen theatrical release, with background information provided.
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