
24 Reviews
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Ong Bak 3 (2010)
Ong, Go Back!
15 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ong Bak 3 is self-indulgent, boring and non-spectacular. There is a clear difference between the tired feel of this movie and the extraordinarily brilliant Ong Bak and Ong Bak 2.

Whilst the first two films had fantastic fight sequences, featuring brilliant stunts and awe-inspiring moves that showcase Tony Jaa's immense talent, this movie has none of these magic ingredients.

The movie is slow moving...not a great thing for an action movie. The first hour is dedicated to Tony Jaa's character (Tien) returning from the dead and healing himself. There are never ending sequences of him meditating in waterfalls and dancing on top of mountains and ancient monuments. These scenes go on and on and are extremely self indulgent and cheesy. His mentor / guiding guru is filled with laughably cheesy sayings reminiscent of a B-grade movie..."when you see the shadow of your past, remember that the light is never too far away". What a load of rubbish! Tony Jaa is famous for not using CGI effects or flying harnesses. All the action is real in his movie, including this one. Very unique these days. However some of the set pieces in this movie are ludicrously low budget. In some scenes Tony knocks villains through stone walls that are clearly made from Polystyrene, swords that are blatantly not real and in some scenes it is clear that his punches / kicks do not connect with his opponents. Amateur stuff.

Whilst Tony is clearly an incredible martial artist and lovers of this genre will still enjoy this film, he seems to have forgotten all the reasons why his first two films were so scripts, spectacular fight sequences and unbelievable stunts.

We need less schmaltz and more action Tony! This film is not recommended.
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"Sometimes you gotta have a little dirt on you for anybody to trust you"
12 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What would you do if you were a cop, earning minimum wage, unable to support your wife and 3 children (with twins on the way), and were constantly surrounded by drug money that you collected from the busts you made? Would you be tempted to take a bit? What if no one would ever find out?

This movie is about a group of Brooklyn cops that are weaved into a complex set of events that sees them each questioning their own honour, integrity, honesty and commitment, with deadly consequences. It explores the fact that all good people are capable of bad deeds if pushed far enough, and that all bad people will become worse if pushed.

Stunning performance from Ethan Hawke as a desperate cop who needs money urgently and faces an emotional / mental downfall as he spirals further and further into the world of corruption. Don Cheadle throws in a great performance as an under cover cop who has been under cover so long that he doesn't know where his loyalties lay anymore.

Disappointing performance from Richard Gere. His depiction of an alcoholic cop who is close to retirement and has lost the will to live is not convincing, but this is down to the lack of background to his character.

Overall this film does not bring anything new to the genre that has not already been covered in better movies such as Training day and Precinct 13,both of which star Ethan Hawke.

It is an interesting movie with some powerful performances, but is very dark, gloomy and ends without any answers. Good guys get killed, bad guys get killed, no retribution, no justice, no winning, just gloom.

It feels like this movie needed a better ending. Whilst it is eventful, violent and gripping in some scenes, it doesn't have the impact that many of the previous movies of this genre have had.

The quote in the summary by the way is from Training Day. A much better film

Disappointing 6/10. I do not recommend the film.
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Firecreek (1968)
The Man Who Should Have Stuck To Liberty Valance
1 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A sheriff of a small town has to defend his congregation from a gang of hired killers lead by Henry Fonda, who are determined to destroy the town, pillage, rape and plunder.

The town comprises mostly of misfits, losers and people who do not fit into society. They are flawed human beings, as are the gang members. This is a running theme in the movie. The good guys are slightly short of bad and the bad guys are slightly short of good. Fonda's gang leader realises towards the end that he and the sheriff are the same, save for their choice of lifestyle. They fail to hate each other and this confuses the story line.

The setting is bleak, even the scenes shot in the day-time are darkened to reflect dark end the awaits the whole town. The suspense builds as you know that eventually Stewarts character must make a stand, as he does in all his movies. The show down towards the end of the movie sees Stewart facing the gang alone.

Bearing in mind that this movie was made in the 60's, the action is quite rewarding. However I cannot help but compare it to other westerns of the 60's such as Clint's spaghetti westerns or the Duke's pilgrim epics and by this account Firecreek just doesn't measure up. Stewart plays the same character in all his movies and this is no different. Consequently you know exactly what's going to happen and you know that he's going to win, because ultimately the good guy must win in all his films.

In this sense, the movie has no surprises, no unexpected endings and no suspense. It is far from being a masterpiece such as many of Stewarts other films (Liberty Valance etc) Disappointing and not worth watching. 5/10
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Defiance (I) (2008)
A masterpiece!
6 March 2009
This is the story of the Bielski brothers who fled to the forest's of Bela-Russia when their little farming town was attacked by Anti-Semites during the Nazi invasion of that region. Using their knowledge of the woods they find an area deep within the forest where they eventually settle. Realising that leaving the forest would mean certain death, they eventually build a small settlement and plan to stay there until the war is over.

Word soon spreads amongst Jewish refugees that the Bielski's offer protection from Nazis to any Jew, with the result that eventually there are hundreds of Jews running into the forest to join them.

True to their word they never turned away any Jew.

The movie centres around the disagreement between the two older Bielski's, who have different points of view on what is the best way to lead and protect their fellow Jews. Tuvia (Daniel Craig) would rather "save 10 Jews than kill one Nazi", whereas his brother Zeus believes that attack is the best form of defence.

As the Nazi's eventually find out where the settlement is and begin to attack, the question is now whether to run and hide or to stand and fight. In the balance of the Beilski's decisions hangs the lives of 1500 people, including the life of their two younger brothers. What decision is best?

This move is an epic tale, masterfully filmed and superbly acted. It is a triumph on par with Schinlder's List and Life is Beautiful. There is enough suspense and drama to keep you on the edge of your seat, fragmented with small scenes of humour and love in just the right places.

The story itself is a testament to the strength of the human spirit at the centre of history's darkest hour.

The finest film this decade. The finest holocaust movie since Schindler's List.

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In Hell (2003)
Nice try, but no shawshank
20 November 2008
A man sentenced to life in a Russian prison has to overcome immense hardships to survive, including torture. He is forced to fight other inmates for the wardens pleasure and it turns into a psychological battle as well as a physical one. Will he survive?

This movie doesn't know whether it is an action movie or a prison drama. Ultimately it delivers neither. It doesn't work because Van Damme is too old to be anaction hero and too talentless to act.

The movie does however succeed in conveying the prison's soul-destroying bleakness and the sense of death constantly being round the corner. I also have to add that, although the acting is awful, there are a few convincing moments that Van Damme manages to muster. He is also in exceptionally good physical condition for a man nearing 50 years of age This movie is the product of a fallen action hero, who once had a plausible movie career, but now lives in movie Hell.

Good try, but no shawshank.
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What a load of garbage
17 November 2008
A young woman invites her parents to her wedding, knowing that they absolutely hate each other and haven't spoken in 14 years.

Warning them not to ruin her wedding by making a scene, they agree to her demands, for her sake.

But we all know that won't last long...

This is a sweet comedy but is utterly unintertaining and absurdly boring in some parts.

The acting is hideous, the lines are cheesy, the story is boring and the end is laughable.

Imagine "Father of the bride" without any funny or touching moments, coupled with watching paint dry.
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Stupid but Funny
10 November 2008
An ex NFL football player (Paul Krewe) gets thrown in prison for DUI. He's then forced by the warden to train the prison's convict football team for a match against the prison guards. The team just happens to made up of the biggest misfits in prison history.

Simply hilarious if you enjoyed movies such as Major League, Bul Durnhahm and Smokie and the Bandit. This movie follows the same type of off-beat, silly and laugh-out-loud humour.

Loads of muscles, slap-stick gags, fantastic one-liners between the characters and sheer madness.

Good think-free fun, perfect if you're in the mood for silly humour. Don't expect "A League Of Their Own", expect "The Mighty Ducks" on steroids gone mad.

Not a master piece but perfect for it's genre.
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Ghost Town (I) (2008)
Good cheesy fun
10 November 2008
An English dentist (Ricky Gervais) living in Manhattan starts to see and hear ghosts, who won't leave him alone until he agrees to sort out a few things for them. To make things worse he is a loner / recluse who is sarcastic, offensive and completely devoid of any social skills.

Similar to Jack Nicholson's character from As Good As It Gets, however being a professional comedian gives Ricky an edge when delivering all those funny lines in the movie.

Funny, witty and touching in places and generally enjoyable. It's not going to be the best comedy of the year by a long shot but great if you're in the mood for something light-hearted and cheesy.

Worthy watching if not just for the scenes between Ricky and the dog.
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Seen Family Of Cops, Copland, Precinct 13, Training Day? Then you've already seen this movie!
6 November 2008
A cop within a family of cops uncovers corruption within the family and has to make a decision whether his badge or his family come first.

This movie deals with a painfully un-original topic and as a result the director resorts to showing brutally graphic action scenes and over the top intensity (including a baby that may be tortured with a hot iron) in order to make you think it's revelational.

Ultimately the movie pretends to be emotionally deep and shocking but lacks the intensity and style to pull it off. It just isn't an interesting movie, in a genre that is so over exploited.

A fantastic cast including Farell and Norton as well as many well-known supporting artists (and a less than terrific performance by John Voight) fail to make this film worth watching.

The performances are well above average but the movie has no substance and just seems like a pointless story that we've all seen before in many different forms.

Rather go see Body of Lies.
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Vin Diesal need not apply
21 April 2008
A movie star whose career is slowing down, considers taking on a role in an extremely low budget movie. In order to research the role, he decides to spend some time in a cheap mini-market on the wrong side of town. Whilst there, he is immediately drawn to one of the cashiers.

Through some extremely meaningful exchanges of support, courage and humour, they develop a friendship in one day that will change their lives forever.

The fact that Morgan Freeman is basically playing himself, and that the movie itself is low budget, ads a subtle humour. You expect him to turn to the camera at any moment and go..wink wink nudge nudge.

The movie is touching but very slow moving and lacks impact. Vin Diesel fans need not apply.

It doesn't hurt to have an actor of Morgan Freeman's gravitas in any movie and without him this movie would be boring.

I take my hat off to Morgan, who could have just as easily chosen to make yet another SEVEN or another ALONG CAME A SPIDER a-la "who did it" movies but chose not to.

Touching, but lacks charisma.

Rent it, don't go to the cinema.

Ting'n Ting.
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Shattered (2007)
Not quite Ransom
18 April 2008
A normal married couple's life (Gerard Butler and Maria Bello) is thrown into turmoil when their daughter is kidnapped and the kidnapper (Pierce Brosnan) put's them through a series of brutal challenges and horrible experience, threatening to kill their daughter if they don't pass every challenge.

This is a gripping thrill ride that constantly makes you think what YOU would do in this situation and question why it's happening. There are very few clues throughout the movie as to why they have been specifically targeted by the kidnapper and there are a few roller-coaster twists at the end that are jaw-dropping.

It's a psychological thriller of note, with never-ending suspense. This is the problem. It's a constant torrent of "what are they going to do". It never relents nor gives a moment to breath. Consequently you become frustrated and irritated that the movie doesn't give you any answers. Eventually you're just waiting to find out what happens, rather than holding onto the edge of your seat.

Ultimately it lacks the balance of suspense versus relief of similar kidnap thrillers like Mel Gibson's Ransom. The suspense just turns to irritation However this film is well worth watching if you want a no-nonce thriller that requires little thinking on your part and don't mind that half the movie takes place in a car due to the small budget.
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The Black Scarface
15 April 2008
This movie is a true story based on the life of an African-American drug dealer rising through the ranks of New York drug dealers, using his charm, intelligence and sheer determination to overcome any obstacle to live the American dream. Sound Familiar? The best way to describe this film is a toned-down version of Scarface. Not as gritty and "in your face". Volatile but not very violent. Aggressive but not explosive. Interesting but not thrilling.

In the end, it goes a long way to be extremely entertaining but falls short of being gripping. It lacks the charisma and rawness of Scarface and the result is a low-impact but extremely watchable gangster movie.

It delivers your staple gangster diet of shootings, threats, revenge-taking, power-trips and "what you gonna do about it sucka?" lines that you crave so much as a gangster movie lover. With the added bonus of showing you not only how powerful a man can become but also the price he pays for it. Or does he? Definitely worth watching to find out.

I'm a great gangster movie fan and I watched this movie purely based on the fact that I thought Denzel Washington would make a fantastic gangster. I saw his performance in Man On Fire and thought he is ideally suited to play a cool, collected and deadly man. He plays the role more like a professional hit-man than a loud gangster. Class and dignity is a key theme.

Crowe throws in a good performance too but more forgettable. They're both Oscar winners but they lack the enigmatic factor. Don't get me wrong...the acting is descent but you get the feeling that the movie is somewhat saved by the actors, not by the acting itself. The headlining A-list names attract you, not their performances in the role. They've both had much better roles in the past (Training day, Gladiator etc). In other words you wouldn't go to see this movie if it were Ted Danson and Louis Gossett Jr in the main roles but you would be equally entertained when watching the movie itself?

You will enjoy this film because you love gangster movies and because there hasn't ever been a decent African-American gangster movie made until this one. It is worth watching but don't expect a masterpiece.

Ultimately you will be very aware throughout the film that you're only watching it to find out what happens to the main character, not because the movie is good.

I'm giving it a 7/10 but only because I know you'll enjoy watching it if you're a gangster movie lover. If this isn't your genre, then it's still entertaining but would only score a 5/10.

For lovers of Gangster movies only then.
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St. Trinian's (2007)
I prefer root canal
15 April 2008
There is no worse movie committed to celluloid. Gigli has found a friend.

It's not funny, not clever, not entertaining, badly acted, stupendously boring, extremely misguided as to who it's target audience is and completely devoid of any charm.

So you're expecting the Breakfast Club meets Annie? Well, it's more like the bore-fest club meets Fanny. Yes folks, step on up and witness the incredible new idea that's sweeping Hollywood at the moment...If you have little lots legs and butts. The problem is that the legs and butts are children's'. Very disturbing!

I would advise you to smoke your money rather than buy a ticket to see this film.
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This is what movies are all about
27 July 2007
Silly, over-indulgent fun with a great cast and crazy storyline.

The Cast in Ocean's 11 was spectacular. To add Al Pacino in the mix makes it even more spectacular. The departure of Julia Roberts makes it even more fun.

This time it's not for's for revenge...and money. Lot's of silly humour, funny dialogue and bad acting. Perfect! The director and actors try to remind you that this is a film and as such none of them take any of it seriously. However this has the effect of putting a smile on your face and adopt a "just go with it" attitude.

Clooney and Pitt don't put any effort at all into their performances, they might as well be sitting on their couch at home scratching their nuts. But neither did Dino and Sinatra. But the chemistry between them is amazing. The final scene sees them making fun of George's real life bachelorhood and Pitt's real life Kid-fostering obsession with Angelina Jolie.

A noteworthy performance from Andy Garcia, who usually doesn't do "Hollywood" movies. He joins Pacino on screen again for the first time since Godfather 3, although they don't share any screen time together.

The one who steals the show is Matt Damon, Look out for him trying to seduce Elen Barkin.

See this movie, it's great fun and reminds you that cheesiness done properly is fantastic.
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Miami Vice (2006)
What a load of garbage!
27 July 2007
What an original story line...two Miami cops trying to take down a major drug dealing cartel. I could have warned you that there was going to be a spoiler in this comment...but let's face it you already knew that was going to be the storyline.

Tubbs and Crocket, in the form of a 70's porn-star looking Colin Farrell and a Kelvin-Kline model looking Jamie Foxx, try their best to get you to ignore the hollow storyline, weak characters and almost comically bad dialogue.

However the original Miami Vice series also had all the above and still managed to be the biggest TV series of the late eighties. So what went wrong here? Well, Don Johnson in the original TV series, although a completely tallentless actor, at least had a certain charisma and screen presence. He also single-handedly changed the way that men dressed in the 80's, introducing all those pastal colours. Ground breaking stuff back then. Also, all those flashy cars and speedboats were a big wow-factor back then, whereas today ther'yre not so impressive. Nothing original was brought in.

The two leads in this movie share no chemistry. Every scene feels rehearsed and painful for the actors.

All in all very disappointing and a complete waste of time.

Don't waste your time and money.
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Jarhead (2005)
All wars are different. All war movies are the same
30 October 2006
Jarhead follows the dramatic experiences of a US marine (and his unit) during the first gulf war. The movie makes an effort to stay away from the justifications for the war, focusing rather on the effects it had on the marines involved.

If you enjoyed Tigerland, Platoon and Saving Private Ryan, this movie should high on your ratings list...until you watch it.

The film will does not make a deep impact. The experiences of the marines are shown as dramatic, but not traumatic. The casualty scenes are graphic but not shocking. The scenery should be captivating but it looks fake and digitally enhanced. As a result, it has a clinical, almost distant, feel to it. It feels like you are watching a story rather than being able to relate to any of the characters.

In a genre that demands powerful and thought-provoking film-making, this film is not even a shadow of Platoon or Apocalypse now. It lacks the ground-breaking style and sheer impact of either.

The lead actors, although talented and charismatic, don't have the screen presence nor power of delivery needed to transform the story into a memorable film. That said, Jamie Foxx turns in a wonderful performance and steals the show as the platoon leader. But he's definitely no Robert Duvall or Martin Sheen.

This is an interesting movie, with some touching scenes and fantastic dialogue. Ultimately it lacks depth and impact. Consequently it becomes just another movie in an over-exploited genre that hasn't seen anything ground-breaking in years.
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Inside Man (2006)
Wait for it on DVD
28 September 2006
I was disappointed with this film because I expected great things from the incredible cast list. This movie is extremely slow-paced and won't keep you on the edge of your seat.

A bank robbery turns out to be more than just a bank robbery. It's apparent right from the beginning that there is another motive for the bank to be hit other than money. The director uses too many clues to hint to you that things are not what they seem, eventually making the predictable twist even weaker than expected.

Considering that there are 3 Oscar winners in the movie, the performances are not very memorable. Denzel's lines are not strong enough and his character lacks charisma. Jodie Foster steals the show with only a few minutes of screen time and Christopher Plumber is a pleasure to watch but doesn't have enough screen time to make it a strong performance.

As for the main actor, Clive Owen, his character is so boring I almost fell asleep...and my friends actually did.

This movie is being compared to Dog-day Afternoon, but Owen is no Pacino.

Wait for it on DVD. Don't buy it. Don't go to see it at the big-screen
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Stallone at his best
24 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is an all out action fest, featuring Stallone at his most muscular. I would say it's the second best action-hero movie of the 80's, the best being Predator.

Stallone manages to hold on to that winning formula from First Blood and repeats it here. This time he returns to Vietnam on a secret mission to take photos of a prisoner camp that is said to hold American POW's from the Vietnam war. When the helicopter pilot is ordered not to pick him up from the agreed rondezvous point, Rambo opens up a can of kick-yo-butt. In the process he manages to free the prisoners, sabotage another helicopter and fly them all back to the base.

Lot's of explosions, gun fights, hand to hand combat and relatively few special effects.

Take a look at the garbage that Stallone produced in the 90's (Judge dread, the specialist etc) and you'll agree that the 80's was his best decade.

All in all I just to have to remark about how incredibly well built Stallone is for a man who was circa 40 years old when this movie was made.

Definitely one to watch if you dig Stallone and explosions.
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Heat (1995)
Good but not fantastic
24 August 2006
This "De Niro Vs Pacino" showdown could never possibly live up to the the hype surrounding such a movie. And this is basically the problem. For huge De Niro and Pacino fans (such as me) the two of them on screen together could never meet my expectations.

This cops'n robbers movie feels like less than the some of it's parts. There is a slow, almost romantic, feel to the movie. Pacino's performance feels tired. De Niro looks uncomfortable with the two of them on screen together and even a little intimidated by the prospect. I think Michael Mann must have had a hard time deciding who would play the cop and who would play the robber. Watch the film and find out.

The rest of the cast includes Jon Voight, who's character is supposed to be some sort of sleazy criminal master mind. Voight however looks extremely old and you get the feeling the director just wanted another big name to place on the poster. Val Kilmer's performance is surprisingly good, considering the titans he's sharing the screen with. You immediately feel sympathy for him.

It is however a little-known actor (in comparison) by the name of Dennis Haysbert who steals the scene with the few minutes he has on screen. He plays an ex-con who's decided to go straight and is heavily supported by his wife. There is a scene between them that brought a tear to my eye when she tells him she's proud of him and doesn't understand why.

What Michael Mann does get right is the depth of the characters. Each character's life is explored in every area. The effects of their chosen profession on their personal lives is a central theme. As a result you feel sorry for both criminals and cops alike. All characters are shown with flaws, even the good guys.

The problem with pitching Pacino against De Niro is that one of them has to win. Throughout the movie I hoped that both would. You'll have to see the film to find out.

All in all, I really hope that Pacino and De Niro team up again on screen, although it's probably unlikely. If this is to be the only movie where they share on-screen time then it's a disappointment.

Conclusion: If it wasn't for the cast, this film would have gone straight to video. It is a fine piece of work but not fitting for kings of Hollywood.

I recommend watching it if you're die hard fans of Pacino and De Niro. If not, then it's just another Cops'n robbers movie.
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Good but not fantastic
24 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Question: What do you do when you have an average storyline with too many sub-plots and clichéd twists? Answer: Get an A-list ensemble cast to take the focus away from the actual story.

Firstly, I'd like to say that the movie IS worth watching, especially if you're flicking through the channels on TV and it happens to be playing. It tackles the issues of female abuse in the military, corruptness of military officials, and ultimately betrayal between father and daughter. Unfortunately these themes have been explored to death in many other films, and this film does little to improve on the subject matter.

John Travolta, a cocky but smart military cop with an extreme dislike for authoritative figures, leads an investigation into the death of a female military officer. As events unfold, he finds out that things aren't what they seem (what a surprise!) and that a massive cover-up has been put in place by the woman's father, a general in army, about the fact that she was gang-raped 7 years ago.

The rape scene is brutal and powerful and you will land up hating all military people, which is exactly the reason why her father tried to cover up her rape. It is completely implausible that a father would cover up his own daughters brutal rape to avoid, what is ultimately, bad press.

Travolta is favourite of mine but he plays his character too tongue-in-cheek, considering the subject matter. Although he is extremely entertaining, I get the feeling that he plays it lightly because he's not able to play the roles seriously. He's just not a dramatic actor and I kept waiting for him to say stuff like "cool baby".

James Woods, a powerhouse actor if given the right opportunity, is unfortunately given a small role, although crucial to the plot. The witty remarks between him and Travolta are really what make this film worth watching.

The ultimate baddie in this film is the general, played by the same actor that played the corrupt police captain in L.A Confidential. They're basically the same type of characters...corrupt and powerful. For me this was a give-away as soon as I saw him because he always plays the bad guy. Is there a more type-casted actor? He's also not particularly a powerful actor, nor was his character interesting. They could have made him a lot more Jack Nicholson's character in A Few Good Men. At the end you're just not sure if he was a good father who made a bad decision or a corrupt general who made a good decision.

There are many characters and scenes in this move that have no real purpose. The fight scene in the beginning of the movie when Travolta is attacked by some guy that he's been investigating is not necessary. Travolta just laughs at the situation, makes a few witty remarks and leaves. The general's loyal assistant who helps him cover up the rape. has no input to the movie or storyline. The ultimate no-needer is Madeleine Stowe's character. She seems to exist just to give male viewers something to look at other than guys in army uniforms. Her character has no depth nor enough lines in the movie. Everything she uncovers could have been done by Travolta's character.

The film is engaging although disappointing in the end. In the last few minutes, Travolta's character threatens to court-martial the general and following a few witty remarks, the general leaves. I can't help thinking that the movie should have centred around the court-martial instead of the actual crimes. It would have made a much bigger impact as a court-room drama then as a second-rate criminal investigation. It just feels like another episode of CSI: Miami.

It's watchable only because of the A-list cast, also including Madeleine Stowe and Timothy Hutton. Ultimately the mo view hinges on John Travolta's box-office draw and charm, not his acting, to pull it off. If it featured David Hasselhof then it would have gone straight to video.

Wait for it on TV, don't rent it.
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Great cast and fantastic dialogue
15 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie combines fantastic sharp-tongued dialogue with an exceptionally talented cast. The exchanges of insults, arguments and egos draws you straight into the storyline. Kevin Spacey, at his usual gifted self, combines parts of characters from his other movies such as "Swimming with Sharks" and "Glengary Glen Ross" to give a power-house performance as the ultimate salesman. Dany Devito however steals the show and put's in one of his best performances as a middle-aged salesman beginning to understand what's really important in life. Peter Facinelli, whom I've never seen in any other movie, is completely believable as a rookie trying to learn the ropes from the best in the trade. Being surrounded by giants such as Spacey and Devito, you can see this young actor is really intimidated, but uses it to his advantage to make his character more vulnerable than the others. The trade-offs between him and Spacey are mesmerising.

Set against the backdrop of a hotel, the three main characters try everything to land the biggest client of their sales careers. The desperate salesman theme is explored in all it's forms, as is the experienced Vs rookie theme. Combined with an outstanding script, this makes for one of the most intellectually engaging and brilliantly acted performances in this genre.

Without boring the audience, each character is given exceptional depth and allows you to relate to how they feel. Each character experiences a roller-coaster of emotions, upsets and victories.

Ultimately, I find parallels between this film and one of Devito's other films "Tin Men" that also deals with the same themes of unscrupulous sales people within a dog-eat-dog industry.

This movie has a brilliant script and is definitely worth watching if you like intellectually stimulating movies. It will leave you thinking about things for a long time to come.
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Caught me by surprise
14 June 2006
This movie was on TV last night and it took me off guard. It's a brilliant roller-coaster of emotions. It made me think about life in a different way.

Charlize Theron, although not the main character, steals the show. Her talent is prevalent but this makes Reeve's acting look even blander than usual. He is clearly out-classed as a thespian. They do look incredibly good together though and share an extraordinary on-screen chemistry. They haven't aged a bit since Devil's Advocate.

This movie will leave you thinking about what really matters in life. You will cry but you will also laugh a lot. Everything that makes a film worth watching! Rent this movie if you're together with your partner or on a date. Don't rent it if you're in the mood for a comedy.
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The New World (2005)
Why did they make this movie?
14 June 2006
I expected this movie to be a cross between Braveheart and Last of the Mohicans. Unfortunately it proved to be a cross between a boring storyline mixed with weak fighting scenes.

As a drama it's weak. As an action story it's weaker. As a historical tale it's even worse. The only saving grace is an A-list cast...Colin Farrell and Christian Bale. Sadly, none of their characters are explored in any great depth. Coupled with constant Shakespearian a-la-"how do I love the" monologues, this has to be the worst movie I've seen in recent years...and I've seen Gigli! Stay away from this movie. Don't rent it. Don't watch it. Just don't.
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Chucks best film and yet least known
14 June 2006
I have never been a Norris fan but have watched most of his movies at some point. This is definitely his best movie and yet no one seems to have seen it. Here Norris combines fantastic action with a sense of vulnerability. For the first time he's not portrayed as an indestructible force and his character actually has some depth. Although we all know he'll never win any Oscars, Chuck stretches himself as an actor and there are some touching moments between him and his family.

David Caradine makes an interesting bad guy, although he's already starting to show his age in this movie. As a result, the fighting sequences between him and Norris seem completely unbelievable as Norris is supper-fit in this movie, and Caradine looks frail.

The IMDb movie trivia for this film states that If Bruce Lee were alive at that time, he would have been chosen to play the bad guy instead of Caradine. To me this would be even more unbelievable as we all know that Bruce Lee would have Norris on the ground within seconds.

Ultimately, this movie is saved by the fact that it's the only Norris film I know that gives it's characters some depth, although not enough. The musical score is possibly the greatest I've heard since the Eastwood "Man with no name" westerns.

Don't make an effort to rent this film (or any of Chucks films) but if it happens to be on TV it's worth watching. Although it's his best film, I could never give any of his films above a 5 out of 10.
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