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Worthy sequel. I was surprised
23 March 2024
Sometimes if feels like sequels just check the boxes. Bring in cute characters. The kids will love it. Adults may chuckle here and there, but may forget all about it in a day or two. That seems to be the formula we are used to.

Puss in Boots:The last Wish really surprised me. I loved it. Heartwarming story, great action. Great writing. If only more animated sequels could take the same care in carrying a franchise story.

I may say this movie may even be better than the original. Animation style was also unique and special. It seems somewhat inspired from Spiderman:Into the Spiderverse. Visually it was unique and I really appreciated the care taken with the animation design.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
The Social Justice Zone
27 June 2021
The worst thing about this series, is within 5 to 10 minutes into the show. You already know the Agenda.

Oh, here is the anti-gun story. Here is the BLM story. Here is the White Privilege story. Here is the toxic masculinity story.

Because you see the message coming from a mile away. There is no twist in the story. No surprise. You basically see a social justice message, waiting for some plot twist or surprise that never comes.

The original Twilight Zone certainly had some commentary on human nature. But it wasn't in your face like this.

For example, "The Shelter." It really broke down that if society breaks down in a natural disaster, humans are the worst.

Or "Eye of the Beholder" a commentary on what we view as beauty.

Then other episodes of the original series, some of them had some horror or suspense aspect. And I haven't seen any of that in the new series at all.

Very disappointing.
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The Punisher (2004)
Thankfully, erases the horrible Dolph Lungren version
17 April 2004
I've been a pretty big marvel fan in my childhood. One of my favorite characters was the Punisher.

The Punisher was introduced to me early in the Spiderman series, and because of fan feedback, he got his own comic. The Punisher is the one Marvel comic series I can claim having the first issue of.

I had reserved optimism, only because I think Travolta, has had some real stinkers of some movies lately, and I was afraid his over-the-top cheese ala Swordfish would ruin the movie. I had hope because I've felt that even if you didn't like some of the latest Marvel movies, for the most part, they've had the budget and often, they've attempted to stick close to the comic background (yes, everyone loves Lou Ferrigno, but the Comic Hulk was massive in size. I know, the Green Goblin didn't wear a mask like that, but it gave him a modern scary look similar to the original comic, that I'm not sure makeup would have been able to reproduce).

I wasn't so sure about Thomas Jane as the Punisher, but he did a fine job. I originally envisioned a more muscular bulk picturing the artwork from the comic book, but really the Character of the Punisher should be a "navy seal, army ranger" lean soldier build. His performance was controlled anger. The movie overall, had just the right balance of sappy love thread, without overtaking the main plot, and that is vengeance, (or punishment).

I would say the storyline is pretty close. It's been awhile since I've revisited some of my old comics, but I remember the Punisher as no-nonsense, wrath of vengeance type of character.

They've given this version of Punisher a more thoughtful approach, in that he sets up his enemy for "punishment", instead of just tracking them down and killing them.

The one-liners were funny enough to get chuckles but not too cheesy. Some of Arnold Swarzenneger's movies seems to get a groan of displeasure from someone in the audience with his one-liners.

I had thought, originally that the movie had made the character a little on the soft side, not that I was craving violence,...ok, just a little bit, but the Punisher is a brutal character. (OK for the record, the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles were not cuddly characters, in the comics, they were pretty brutal themselves).

I was afraid they had softened him up watching thru most of the middle of the movie, but the finale at the end definately clinched it for me.

And YES, he is wearing the White Skull. Why they didn't give Dolph Lungren the White Skull is beyond me. If there is no skull, then it's not the Punisher. You might as well remove the S off Superman's chest.

Thanksfully I can fully put the rest the inferior former Punisher movie, this movie is worthy of the title.
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I thoroughly enjoyed it.
15 June 2003
It's interesting to see everyone's comments. I've never seen the original, so I can't comment on that part.

Of the negative comments that I have seen here, I think to myself, "Did I watch the same movie?"

I left the theater very pleased with the Italian Job. From what I could gage from the audience, they enjoyed the film too. Some of the action needs suspension of disbelief, but it didn't take away from the fact that this is a fun, and funny action film.

Ignore the naysayers, and I agree with the pros. Two thumbs up. Do yourself a favor and check out this movie. It's one of the best of this summers films.
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Simply overrated.
7 September 2002
No way does this movie belong in the top 250 greatest movies.

I will say that I can appreciate a way a film is shot or directed. Some of the camera shots and background is well done.


That does not make up for a slow paced movie. For the beginning of the first hour, I thought they were setting up the movie for the humour at the end. Sure I chuckled here and there, but I think for a majority of people who are looking for a comedy, will be sorely disappointed.

Gene Hackman's performance was pretty good. And if the movie was not portrayed as a comedy, I may have rated just a bit higher. Overall, I walk away from the movie feeling disappointed.
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Heartbreakers (2001)
A "female" Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
28 July 2002
After laughing thru most of this movie, it just really reminded me of another "CON artist" movie that made me laugh quite a bit. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

Although possibly not as great a comedy as that movie, this flick has many good laughs. And for the complaints of the happy ending, this movie is really a romantic comedy.

Sigourney Weaver is great, and is another female Hollywood lead that proves that older women can be incredibly sexy.

Jennifer Love Hewitt does a convincing job of playing daughter and has good chemistry from Weaver.

Honestly, the people who don't enjoy this movie, are trying to be some sort of online "Siskel and Ebert." We aren't grading a drama or something here, it is a comedy. It is supposed to make you laugh, and in this respect for me, it succeeds.

I was definately laughing thru most of the movie. What more could you want. It is definately worth a rental. Don't let the few bad comments scare you from getting a few good chuckles from this movie.
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Evolution (2001)
Don't listen to the bad reviews.
2 July 2002
Well, if I were to look at the movie from a distance, yes the plot is kind of mundane. Yes, it has some potty humour. But you know what? There were several scenes where I laughed out loud, and I had a good time. Isn't that is what movies are about?

It appears to me that people are being critical just because Ivan Reitman did Ghostbusters, and how great that was. If there were no comparisons, I think you would realize that this is a fun movie.

It's not going to win any oscars, and it's not the greatest sci-fi comedy in the world. In the end however, my wife and I had a good time. It was worth the $4 DVD rental.

Don't let these amateur reviewers scare you from having a good time. I admit I wanted to watch this one in the theater and online reviews scared me from the theater and deterred me from renting it. I'm glad I changed my mind.
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Leprechaun (1992)
You have to appreciate stupid horror movies to like this one
5 May 2002
This movie is rather ridiculous and predictable. First of all, understand, that there are absolutely no scary scenes in this movie. I don't think this movie would even scare me as a kid.

I love horror movies, and heard a lot about leprechaun, so I thought I'd give it a look. If you are looking for a scare, I'd recommend that you pass this movie up. However, it may be worth while to watch for a couple of reasosn.

Pure curiousity may be worth it as it is kind of funny. It can be boring to you if you don't appreciate this genre. Jennifer Aniston is awfully cute in this movie. I personally thought it was worth while just for that.

If you have fast internet access, I recommend you check out

You can view Leprechaun for free as it is one of their free movie offerings.
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Unfortunately mediocre
16 January 2002
I have to say I was really looking forward to this movie and missed it in the theater. If any movie was a rental this is it. It is not a horrible movie, just not great either.

With Danny Devito, Martin Lawrence and John Leguizamo, I thought this movie was going to be great. Unfortunately, the laughs that come are too far and between to be worth much.

The movie trailer is much funnier than the actual movie. However, if you have an interest in the comedians, I would say it is worth the price of a rental.
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Decent scares, just don't try to analyze it
10 August 2001
I must say that I did really enjoy Jurassic 3. After sitting a few hours after the movie, I could think of things that were a bit ridiculous, but to me it did not detract from the movie.

Of the 3 films, this movie seemed to be more action/scare oriented, and I like horror/scary movies so I guess it appealed to me.

All 3 films had ridiculous parts, so I'm not sure how this one ranks. Lets say the ending could have been a little longer and a bit different, and I think I would have rated the movie a little higher. I give it a 6 out of 10.

The new dinosaur Spinosaurus is very scary. It's interesting how each new movie introduces a dinosaur I've never heard of before. Of course wondering on the accuracy I checked it out. I always thought T-Rex was the largest predator.

It seems I have found that Spinosaurus was indeed larger. However, in the site I looked up, it stated Spinosaurus was indeed LONGER, but not the biggest as T-Rex was most likely Bigger as Spinosaurus was more lightly built.

In either case, I thought the scene with the two dinosaurs was great.

I would recommend it as a matinee, or on video as a rental.
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Good fun action movie
22 June 2001
I particularly like sport imports, so I had to see this movie. The action sequences I felt were shot very well.

The story, is basically Point Break with Street racing vs. Surfing. Cop poses as street racer, attempts to gain confidence of a Race Team, who happens to hijack big rigs with electronics equipment to fund their adrenaline rush, street racing.

Some of the camera work and angle shots for the crashes are great.

Although some may feel there was not much substance, at least you do get character feel, unlike what you could say of the other summer action movies so far this year.

Worth a matinee visit, and if you like street imports, you'll probably want to own the DVD when it comes out.
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A fun slasher flick
17 June 2001
I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Horror has been gone from Hollywood for awhile and Scream brought the genre back to the big screen.

Movie has good suspense and is not quite as unique as Scream, but certainly has a good story backdrop for the slasher/killer.

Killer was more frightening in the fisherman getup than as a living breathing person, but overall I liked the pacing of the movie.
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Ready to Wear (1994)
Wake me when it's over
16 June 2001
How this movie is advertised as a comedy I don't know. I suppose after the fifth or sixth time with someone stepping on dog doo I laughed.

But that doesn't help over come the fact that I sat thru the whole movie waiting for something of substance to happen.

None of the characters had much to contribute, and you could really care less for any of them the way the film gives you snippets of information then jumps randomly to another.

I like Kim Basinger, but I really could do without her faked southern accent in this movie. It was dumb, as was the rest of the film.

The box art suckered me into watching this movie. I suppose if I watched it again, I might like it more, but I don't want to take the chance on wasting another two hours of my life.
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Dragon Inn (1992)
Poor example of Tsui Hark
17 April 2001
I am a big fan of Swordplay, and Hong Kong movies. My friend bought this movie after checking this database.

I can say that I was very disappointed in this movie and don't quite understand how it received such a high rating.

The movie story is difficult to follow and the action scenes are for the most part, nothing spectacular. There are moments that are nice, but for the most part the silliness of the story just left the a bad taste in my mouth for the whole film.

The final fight scene is good for a few laughs, and I suppose that was the best part as I had to rewind and watch again. It is quite humorous.

Save yourself the time and watch Warriors from Zu Mountain if you want fantasy and if your in the mood to watch a Good Tsui Hark production. Or if you want good swordplay, see Duel to the Death. This movie does not deserve the praise it has received.
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Blade of Fury (1993)
Action fun
14 March 2001
If you like watching martial arts movies. This is a definate must see. I believe the fight choreography was done by Sammo Hung, and it is very well done.

The other reviews mention violence. Surely something to avoid showing to children, but by no means did I find it disturbing. Most of the violence is very silly. For the most part, I found them most humorous.

Similar to Shaw Bro.s movie violence. In the first action sequence, the star flies across the screen. It just happens to be convenient that there are about seven soldiers standing in a line, and he beheads them all in one swipe.

The final battle and the tournament fight are excellent. Good mindless fun.
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Awesome Kung Fu action!
23 February 2001
Before I even knew the name Shaw Bros. I was a fan. I saw this movie many years ago on a t.v. series Black Belt Theater.

The 5 elements are unique and add some of the fun to this movie.

If you are a fan of old Kung Fu movies, do yourself a favor and pick this up on DVD. The quality isn't great, but it does have a nice mini-filmography of the actors in the movie.
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Great comedy and thoroughly entertaining
10 January 2001
I enjoy most of Disney's movies, but this one in particular has so much character. David Spade's character voice for the Emperor is excellent and could be the main reason why I enjoyed this movie so much. Anyone who enjoyed David Spade on Saturday Night Live, or Just Shoot Me should definately see this film.

Very fun spirited and is definately a different formula than normal disney films. The characters didn't feel the need to break out in a song every few minutes. Not that the music in other disney's films is bad, but it sometimes can be overdone.

I highly recommend this movie and am looking forward to owning it on video when it is released.
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Must SEE if you are Hong Kong Action fan
5 January 2001
Incredible movie. Epic in scope. Not just an action film, but moving love story.

The action however, is spectacular. As with Hong Kong movies, there has to be some suspension of disbelief as the fighting styles are entrenched with mystical abilities. Flying/Jumping 30, 40 yards over buildings etc.

What really got me is the jumping onto rooftops is nothing new, but the action scenes are long cuts instead of jumping to several camera angles. Several of the scenes you'll see the actor run up a wall, onto the roof top, then jump long distances, land and fight. I would like to have seen how they choreographed the whole stunt scenes. Swordplay is absolutely breathtaking. I can't say how much I enjoyed this movie.

Michelle Yeoh and Chow Yun Fat besides doing great stunt work, are great characters in this movie. One of the best fantasy films. Something you'll never see out of hollywood, with the exception of maybe Mortal Kombat.
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Double Impact (1991)
One of his WORST
5 January 2001
I don't see how anyone who even likes Van Damne could like this movie.

The movie actually starts out with some promise. I would say the action scenes at the beginning of the movie is excellent. The actions scenes with the family ward trying to save the twins is a great start and is good lead in to the main story. However, the film is all down hill from there.

It would have been nice if the director could have stayed with the original premise. That is the brothers are born in different parts of the world and thus learn different skills. One brother is supposed to be skilled in Martial Arts, but the other brother is supposed to be skilled in firearms. How convenient when the time arises that the brother who has never picked up a gun before all of the sudden is a great marksman, and the brother who has not been taught any martial arts is all of the sudden doing the splits and high kicks.

The plot, action, etc. are just plain ridiculous. My favorite scenes? How about when Van Damne is confronting an armed soldier with an AK-47. The soldier is about 100 yards away. Instead of aiming and shooting at Van Damne he is doing a war cry like he is wielding a battle axe and running at him. Van Damne proceeds to pick up a pistol from a fallen soldier and shoots him,...while he is still about 75 to 80 yards away.

This movie has one of the most disappointing endings. Bolo Yeung is a skilled martial artist. However, instead of choreographing a decent fight. Bolo is throwing barrels at Van Damne like Donkey Kong. Absolutely aggravating movie that had so much promise. If your a Van Damne fan, save your time and see Hard Target or one of his earlier films.
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Classic, must own
5 January 2001
Can't say enough about this movie. Classic Lee and his only U.S. Box Office success. Unique as we get to hear Bruce Lee's voice compared to the dubbed Hong Kong hits.

This movie used to be my favorite, but no longer. Maybe it's because I've probably viewed it at least 50 times. This movie probably did more than any other to legitimize martial arts movies in the U.S.

If you can get the special edition DVD version, do so, lots of extra footage of personal video with Bruce.
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Good rental, don't buy
28 December 2000
I will say that I enjoyed this movie. But I had tentative feelings about this movie in the first place.

When I saw the trailer for this movie in the theaters, the huge wave with the boat made think how fake this movie would be.

On the contrary, I think the special effects, and ultimately the ending were realistic. However, the character depth was not great and of course, it was a depressing ending.

Worth seeing for the special effects. If you fear deep sea water, this will definately be further reason why you won't be venturing to the deep sea anytime soon.
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Suspenseful, but horrible ending
4 November 2000
In general, I liked the suspense, I liked how the movie slowly built up the terror. Definitely not a horror movie, but suspenseful and creepy.

If it were not for the really abrupt ending, I would have rated this movie higher. It seemed to me as the movie started to get really good, all of the sudden it was over. Really, it seemed like they were on short on time and decided to just slap an ending on. Very poor finish.
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Great suspense
23 July 2000
If you like suspenseful thrillers, such as Dead Calm, you'll like What Lies Beneath. Michelle Pfeiffer does an excellent job of her role. The story is nothing terribly new, but the actors definately add a great deal to the story.
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