
19 Reviews
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A Day (2001)
Great Acting and More
29 September 2002
What can I say about this film? It's brilliant; Ko So-Young and Lee Sung-Jae are excellent as the married couple struggling to conceive. The only problem I had with the film is that it verge's a little to close to being sentimental during the early part of the film, but it's only a small problem. All in all the film builds up nicely and believably to what is an excellent and touching final 20 minutes. And for me the film stands as more evidence that South Korea is currently making many of the best films in the world (they have been since 1997).
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Failan (2001)
Best Film of 2001?
7 January 2002
This is easily the best film of 2001 it's just a shame that a lot of people outside of Korea won't have seen this film. Choi Min-shik is simply brilliant as the loser Gangster Kang-jae and Cecilia Cheung is also wonderful as the tragic Failan. The plot (very basically) involves a gangster Kang-jae (choi Min-shik) who for the price of a boat agrees to take the blame for a murder his boss committed because his boss would get about 20 years and he would only get about 10. Then Kang-jae gets news that Failan his wife is dead so Kang-jae has to go to where Failan was living and act like a normal husband which is something he wasn't, he married her illegally for money and had never even met her. During the trip he discovers that Failan was in love with him because of what she thought was a kind act in marrying her. Anyway during the trip things happen that makes Kang-jae change his mind about taking the blame for his boss, and he decides to quit the gangster life and go back to his home town. The film ends with a scene, which I think is one of the best endings I've ever seen. The characters in the film are so well detailed and the directing and pacing are superb, I've got it on DVD but would love to see it on the big screen so I just hope that it gets some sort of release in England and hopefully loads of other countries. Korean movies are so strong at the moment with 'Christmas in August', 'Whispering Corridors', 'Tell Me Something', 'Nowhere to Hide', 'Art Museum by the Zoo', 'Libera Me' and others it's a shame more people don't watch them.
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Ring 2 (1999)
Spooky Stuff
27 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers Ring 2 is a very, very good film that I gave 8/10 I would have given it a 9 but didn't because it gets a bit to overly supernatural. And because of this as a whole it loses some of that great spooky atmosphere that made the first film so magnificent. But having said that it does contain some of the best moments of both films. - The reporter who said he would then never watched the tape being freaked out when trying to erase the tape of the now dead girl. - When they see Sadako's mother combing her hair in the mirror (what you see in the tape) the way she glides out of sight behind a wall then peers round. It's hard to explain what I mean but if you've already seen the film you'll know what I mean. - The climax in the well. - And the ending with the dead girl sitting behind the reporter in his room in mental ward.

Also I wouldn't really call Ring 2 a sequel it start from where the first finished, if you play them back to back, there like one big 3 hour spooky movie. If you've never seen Ring 1 and 2 then you should go and see them straight away they are the best Horror films of the 90's (well Ring 1 is, and 2 is not far behind).
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A Top Film
3 November 2001
A lot of people think that 2000 was a bad year for films and maybe it was. Every year I hope to see five films from that year that I love and so far from 2000 I've seen four ‘Anatomy', ‘Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon', ‘Memento' and ‘In the Mood for Love'. All four are completely different but superb examples of their genres. No one seems to think ‘Mood for Love' is ok they either love it or hate it. Some say that it's to slow and there's no plot, what are they on about? It's a character film and the story goes by at a perfect pace. Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung are both fantastic and Christopher Doyle is simply the best cinematographer in the business watch ‘Temptress Moon' (perhaps my favourite ever film) for more evidence that what I say is true. Plot points are sometime vague in meaning, but I read it the same way as an earlier post. That they slept together and that he is the father of her Child. To sum up, this is a great film, story, acting, directing, look and style are all top notch. Also the special edition DVD is excellent and contains deleted scenes that should have been included in the final film. 10/10.
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A Gong Li Tour De Force, What Better Reason is there to watch a Film.
2 October 2001
Gong Li for me has been in more great films then anyone else and this one is as good as any. Sure this type of film has been done loads of times before, but rarely if ever better. I also think this Gong Li performance is, along with 'the Story of Qiu Ju' and 'To Live', the best she's ever done and cerements her reputation as one of the Greatest Actors about. Well for me she is the Greatest if the Oscars actually looked at actors in foreign films then Gong Li's house would be full of them. I really do loves this film it's wonderfully directed and paced and also stays away from a Hollywood (lets rap everything up with a nice explained happy ending) ending. This film also benefits from having a child actor who is actually good and the rest of the cast is good as well especially Jing-Ming shi and Xiuqing Yue. My only problem with the film is that the character Da He (Xiuqing Yue) disappears half way into the film but that's only a little complaint because I think this film is brilliant. 10/10.
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Rush Hour 2 (2001)
Top Stuff with Zhang, Chan and Tucker
3 August 2001
If you didn't like Rush Hour then you probably won't like Rush Hour 2 but if like me you did like Rush Hour you'll probably love RH 2. It's bigger, funnier more action packed and it's got the brilliant Zhang Ziyi as the extremely beautiful, mean Triad bomber. Sure some people will moan that the plot is just an excuse for more funny or action sequences and that there's no character development. But so what I'd rather watch RH 2 over the slightly overrated ‘American Beauty'. All RH 2 attempts to do is entertain for 90mins and that it does in spades so for me RH 2 slots in next to Con Air as the best of the action/Comedy's. Zhang Ziyi is great as the nutter Triad bomber as is John Lone as the Triad Boss (where has he been). But of Course this film belongs to Chan and Tucker who are both on top form. My favourite moment is when Chan has the bomb in his mouth as he struggles with Zhang Ziyi. 9/10
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Best film of 2000 by a long, long way.
15 July 2001
Wow, the Crouching Tiger backlash has well and truly begun, I can't believe some of the stuff I've read knocking this film. People who knock this film because there are people flying just haven't got a clue this film is not a historical epic, it's a fantasy film set in mythical China. And fantasy doesn't mean childish who said that adults have to only like realism films and anyway the relationships between the characters in this film is as real as any film out there. And just as bad as the `what people don't fly, this is rubbish' crew are the `I've seen loads of better Martial Arts films then this' brigade. Maybe you have but this wasn't loved because the great fighting alone it was loved for the whole package the fact that character and plot had as much if not more importance then the fighting, that's what was revolutionary (but I doubt it was the first). But the fact that the film was a huge hit should be admired by the Martial Arts snobs because maybe it will influence a lot of those films to have more plot which would make the whole genre much better. I only watched CTHD because someone told me it was good and I had heard all the critics praise and to be honest I thought I was going to see an okay film. But after seeing it I was blown away, not by the action great as it is, but by the characters and plot. Chow Yun Fat and Michelle Yeoh are wonderful but the real star is Zhang Ziyi who is fantastic as the troubled Jen. The ending is really terrific and emotional and probably my favourite part of the film. And for me the two best fight sequences are the first Jade Fox fight (I love the way Chow Yun Fat smirks when he easily knocks her down), and the second is when Jen takes on all the fighters in the tavern.

I wasn't expecting a great film because I never believe in Hype but this film for me is one of the only films in history that deserved every bit of praise it got, but of course it's not going to be for everyone. So those that like adventure and romance just open your mind to the mythical China setting lay back and watch one of the greatest films of all-time. 10/10
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The Road Home (1999)
Two Zhang's = Perfection
11 July 2001
What a film. The story is deceptively simple and in these cynical days it could be accused of being a bit slushy. So if you're a cynic you should go and watch rubbish like Tomb Raider instead, but then you would miss out, because The Road Home is a truly great film. I only noticed this film because Zhang Ziyi was in it, and she is so amazing in Crouching Tiger so I had to buy the Road Home on DVD, and now along with Crouching Tiger, The Road Home is one of the best films I have ever seen. My favourite moment in the film is when Ziyi final meets the Teacher on the road and he nods at her, Ziyi's smile and the way she walks off is simply priceless, then he calls her back because she's has left her basket on the floor. This scene alone would make this film worth seeing but thankfully there are a lot of great moments. This film is so good because of 3 things 1) Zhang Ziyi is simply brilliant I can't wait to see more of her, roll on Rush Hour 2 and Hero. 2) The fantastic direction from Zhang Yimou (when will raise the Red Lantern come out on DVD). 3) The amazing epic sounding music. Which really adds another dimension to the film and which to my ear sounds nothing like the Music in Titanic. And about those Titanic posters, on the Road Home website Yimou knocks the current commercial films being made in China and blames Hollywoods influence on them. So I've always seen the Titanic posters as a sort of joke or warning. If you think about it the young illiterate girl from the small village, who has probably not been far from her village, yet 40 years later, on her wall she has posters from, not a Chinese classic but an American over hyped blockbuster.

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Anatomy (2000)
if only the English could start to make films as good as this.
6 May 2001
This film is simply amazing; yeah it is aimed at the people who go to watch films like Scream so I guess that's the teens to late 20's and so what, it's fabulous stuff full of tension and humour. This film has so many things going for it, a wonderful script, which flicks from tense horror to humour with skill not seen since ‘An American Werewolf in London'. And the script also has a depth and emotion which Scream (a film that I like) and the rest (most of which stink) don't have and don't even attempt to have, simply going from one killing to another. This film is different because the center of this film is the story not the murders, really this film is more of a detective horror then slasher Horror. The film also contains great acting especially from the always-wonderful Franka Potente, but Benno Furmann and Sebastian Blomberg also deserve a mention. The look of the film is also fabulous and the directing superb. I love the way that the Psycho is revealed 50mins into the films and it leaves you guessing at who is the other nutter. There are so many great moments but my favourite bit has to be when you find out what exactly happened to Gretchen. WATCH OUT; don't watch the dubbed version it's atrocious. I got Anatomy on DVD and watch it only in it's original German language because dubbing always takes something away from a film even if it's done well which in this case it isn't. 10/10 for me it's one of the best films I've ever seen. PS under goofs it says that the scar on the killers chest disappears when he takes his shirt off. Well this isn't true, that was what I first thought but if you look carefully you can see a white scar, OK I'll admit that in the previous scene it was red, but there is a scar.
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Frenzy (1972)
Try to forget Topaz this is Hitchcock at his best
15 March 2001
What a film, sandwiched between two of Hitchcocks worst films came this dark often funny Masterpiece. This is the only film Hitchcock made after Psycho that is worthy of his name. Its as good as any Hitchcock film probably my 5th favourite Hitch film. It's a shame that Hitch went on to make the turkey Family Plot because this would have been a great film to end his career with. The Humour in this film is great, with the scene where the killer has to retrieve his tiepin in the potato trunk being the film Highlight, its quiet shocking, sick and funny. The only complaint I have about this film is that the scenes with the detective's wife doing her strange cooking goes on to long and slows the film down too much. 10/10
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Vertigo (1958)
What Happened Hitch ?
13 March 2001
First I thought I'd list my top 10 Hitchcock films 1) Under Capricorn 2) Notorious 3) Rear Window 4) I, Confess 5) North By Northwest 6) Frenzy 7) The Lady Vanishes 8) Rope 9) The 39 Steps 10) Spellbound I consider myself a big Hitchcock fan I've got over 35 of Hitchcocks films and for me Vertigo is near the bottom I've never understood why this film is hyped up, Stewart puts in a poor performance, for him, so he's still pretty good but Kim Novak is abysmal. The story has massive plot holes and is incredibly slow I can usually watch slow paced talkies as I've pointed out above I think Under Capricorn is his best film and that's slow and talkie but Capricorn is always interesting and has the fantastic Ingrid Bergman with Joseph Cotton. For me after Rear Window Hitchcock lost the plot a bit and often his films started to drag with Vertigo and the Birds being the worst offenders. The only films he made after Rear Window that are worthy of his great name are North by Northwest, Psycho (well the first hour) and Frenzy. I wish I loved this film, I thought I would, but I've seen it 3 times now and still think it's a bit of a dog. 3/10
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Notorious (1946)
Bergman, Grant, Rains, Hitchcock what more could you want
27 November 2000
Notorious is one of the greatest films ever made there was no way it could fail with the plot and cast involved. Ingrid Bergman simply the greatest actress of all-time in one of her many career highlight. Cary Grant in his greatest performance. Claude Rains at his best (way better then his slightly camp performance in Casablanca). These great actors under Hitchcock's direction when he was in his prime (I Believe Hitchcock's greatest period was between 1943-1954 in this period he made his four greatest films 1) Under Capricorn 2) Notorious 3) Rear Window 4) I Confess). The film progresses without a wasted or overlong scene something that can't be said of latter Hitchcock films. Bergman, Grant and Rains all put in perfect performances in a film which should have won Oscar's for all 3 off them and Hitchcock. There is not a gunshot or chase in the entire film, but the film contains more tension then any other Hitchcock film, with the end descent down the stairs being the greatest scene in the whole of Hitchcocks great career.
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Better then i thought it would be
15 October 2000
I only watched this film because Ingrid Bergman was in it. And because I Knew that Bergman wasn't fond of it, and that general opinion was so so, I expected it to not be up to much but I ended up being pleasantly surprised by how good a film it is. The performances are all good especially Bergman (of Course), Baxter and Heyward and the film cruises along at quick pace with no scenes dragging. If I have a problem with the film it's that it's a bit short at an 80 mins but apparently it was originally 108 mins, if this is true then it's shocking that over 25 mins were cut out. I'd like to know if it's possible to put the footage back in or if it has been destroyed. If it isn't destroyed then in the video age it should be released on video in it's original length. 9/10
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One of the Best
20 September 2000
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness is a wonderful film, the directing and atmosphere of this film is top notch, it is such a well made film that you can't tell that it was made in Wales. But what makes the film so perfect is simply Ingrid Bergman, the Greatest Actress ever; she's in a league by herself no one even comes close not Garbo, Katherine Hepburn, Davis and definitely not Meryl Streep. Bergman appears in nearly every scene in the 150min film and delivers another flawless performance in her fabulous career (How she didn't win an Oscar for this film is beyond me. Actually how she didn't win one for Goodbye Again, Arch of Triumph, Notorious, Under Capricorn, Indiscreet, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and many others I'll never know.). If I have a problem with this film it would be that I find the last 20min to be the weakest in the film, but it's still marvellous. To finish I just have to say that I'm a 26-year-old male who loves all types of films I'm not nostalgic for the Classics I hate the Maltese Falcon, Vertigo and the Philadelphia Story. I also think the 'Fight Club' is one of the greatest films ever made but so is 'The Inn of the Sixth Happiness' if you haven't seen it (which is probably doubtful if you're reading this) then my advice is go see it. Because Bergman has been in loads of amazing films I wouldn't include 'the Inn' in my top 5 Bergman films but it's still a great film 10/10
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Casablanca (1942)
Good but not that good
20 September 2000
Casablanca is one of those films who's hype blinds people from giving their real opinion on it, because if you don't say it's one of the greatest then you can't be taken seriously. I'll admit that I think it's a very good film with some very good performances and the romantic chemistry created by Bergman and Bogart is awesome, but being a massive Bergman Fan I've so far got 20 of her films and I wouldn't include Casablanca in her top 10. (Casablanca is in my opinion not as good as Gaslight, Notorious, Arch of Triumph, Under Capricorn, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness, Goodbye Again, Indiscreet, Joan of Arc, Voyage to Italy, Cactus Flower, Anastasia). There are some great moments like when Bergman tells Sam `play it, Sam' then Bogart walks in. The Paris flash back. The Le Marseillaise bit and of course the ending. Bad acting by some of the support actors is the only real downer. Out of 10 I'd give it 8.
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Hitchcocks Greatest?
8 September 2000
Under Capricorn, is along with Notorious, I Confess and Rear Window Hitchcocks greatest film. Under Capricorn has been greatly under appreciated mainly because it was a commercial failure and because Hitchcock talked the movie down saying that he only made it for Ingrid Bergman. The truth is that he had been working on getting it made for years, would he really put his production company under pressure on it's second project with a $2.5 million budget if he didn't care for it. Maybe part of its mixed reputation is because it's not a thriller, being a character driven movie, at just under two hours long its not you're typical Hitchcock movie. But the story is revealed in a wonderful way, with such a great romantic feeling that I'm amazed that it's not more highly thought off by the general public. If there ever was a more beautifully film movie I've never seen it. Ingrid Bergman is as she always is, brilliant; her 10-minuet scene in which she tells wilding the whole story of what happened is pure magic. Another great moment is when Bergman has locked herself in her room and wilding comes through her window. Joseph Cotton is also on top form. Really all that I've got left to say is if you haven't yet seen this film and you get the chance to don't waste that chance. I wish it would come out on DVD or video I've nearly worn my copy out.
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Pretty good
11 May 2000
The Sixth Sense is a good film but the twist is pretty obvious, and the pace of the film is incredibly slow. But what made the film worth watching are the top performances from Bruce Willis and Toni Collette, I also thought the Osement kid was good, but his performance was hyped up. He was no better then the child from 'Mercury rising' in fact in my opinion he was not as good as that kid. I gave this film 8/10.
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The Best
11 May 2000
In my opinion 'Imaginary Crimes' along with 'Fight Club' are the best films of the 90's. 'Imaginary Crimes' may not have the most original story around but it's done to perfection. It tells it's sad story in a way that's never overly depressing and the performances are all top notch, with the standouts being Fairuza Balk and Harvey Keitel who are both totally amazing. Specials mention most go to Anthony Drazan for his superb direction especially in the scene where Balk refuses to go with Keitel to Reno. Anyone who watches this film without getting a tear in the eye must be made of stone. 10/10
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Black Sunday (1960)
O.K Bava
23 April 2000
This film irritates me as a Bava fan because all the Critics start reviews of this film with the words "Bava's first and best film" which in my opinion it isn't, I will even go so far as to say that it's one of his most disappointing. The film looks brilliant and contains 3 great scenes that rank with Bava's best (1. The Beginning when the mask of Satan is put on Asa. 2. Javutich rising from the grave. 3. Javutich taking the doctor to the castle by horse carriage) but what really disappoints about this film is the bland story that contains no surprises. This film is only slightly better then an average Hammer Dracular film 6/10.
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