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The Last Jedi with lightsabers that don't work
15 January 2023
This is much like The Last Jedi in its plot, grumpy Obi-Wan instead of grumpy Luke, which fits. I really like the inquisitors, and the little girl is perfectly adorable. I don't mind the Reva character, though maybe acted a little American like and less a fantasy character. The acting is good on the whole, the story is engaging, and the music is well done.

My main complaints are about the lore. Without spoilers, lightsabers don't work like that, 3 times! And was Kenobi really supposed to meet Anakin before A New Hope? This was done to make the story better but created inconsistencies in my opinion.
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Hollywood TOTALLY missing a moral message again
30 July 2021
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, is an ancient tale with a message of courage, honesty, and sexual morality. The whole reason the story is still remembered to this day is the message. Hollywood yet again can't comprehend moral messages they don't personally follow and completely changed this one.

The acting was good. The style of the movie was artistic and interesting, but made it very slow and so dark it was hard to make out what was going on. So much of this movie was unexplained, what were the witches' powers and why was she doing things? That applies for several characters. It ended up being a random bunch of events strung together for little apparent reason. The lord and lady of the castle scene was changed to be pointless and gross. A hard PASS on this movie.
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Not Epic
11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, we are so used to super-high quality cinema we forget it how hard it is to make incredible movies. This movie was OK.

I understand the reason why they went with this plot, it showed the longing of Diana's heart and the pain in letting it go again. But it seemed so weird and unrealistic (as much as it can be for a superhero movie).

I didn't mind the "magic rock" infinity stones in the Marvel movies, but this magic rock seemed more unbelievable. It was unclear how the villain took consequences from the people that made wishes, and what was taken from him. It didn't make sense how conflicting wishes worked, nor the technology for everybody in the world to physically touch together. Also, why did Barbara get two wishes while others only got one? Why did Diana and Steve not seem to care that they were using the body of some other dude for sex and other things?

I was worried Steve Trevor coming back would ruin the emotional impact of his death in the previous movie. It didn't, but it was just weird.

The CG action was not good, it's quality was on par with movies 20 years ago. The movie was too long.

There were good things, they tried to repeat the fish-out-of-water humor of the last movie, this time with Steve in the 80s and it was good. The music was great. Cheetah's motivations were solid. The acting was good, especially Gal Gadot with messed up makeup. But overall it just wasn't epic this time.
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Not great, but I get it now
19 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I recently re-watched Generations and it was better than I remember. The plot overall mostly made sense, Data's emotion chip jokes were good. I understood why Picard longed for a family. The crash of the saucer was well done. I appreciate the clever way the writers got Picard and Kirk to meet up as the studio demanded.

However there were plenty of little things which could have been done better. The overall plot was not epic, it would have been better as a TV episode. The BIG DEATH could have been better. All the scenes on the planet at the climax were slow. They could have used a different ship to battle against than another bird of prey. The old cast did little, and Spock was missing. Why torture Geordi for info on Trilithium when the whole plan was finished, and a few other plot holes.

The studio demands to get Kirk and Picard together in a specific way hurt the film. No franchise more clearly shows the harm of studio interference as this one. Like clock-work, every other film the studio seems to interfere and mess it up, and then they try harder to make a better film next time.. This one was one of the weaker films, but still watchable.
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Good concept, rushed production, slow plot
7 January 2020
This was the first Star Trek movie, about 10 years after the surprising success of the TV show. The studio didn't have inspiration for the movie, so they used a plot from the pilot of a new planned Trek TV show, and typical corporate rushed production. It showed.

The movie is really slow, kind of eerie, and almost no character work. Way too many slow, lonely scenes of outer space or the ship. The uniforms were dull and not flattering. I liked the overall plot concept from a cerebral point of view, though not very exciting. Most of the TV episodes were much better than this.
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Made previous movies worse
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan, and have liked all the SW movies, but this was the first I did not.

First, it made previous movies worse. The emperor dying in ROTJ means Anakin did not balance the force. The new healing power messes with Anakin's dark turn in ROTS, he could have healed Padme. Snoke is no longer scary powerful, he is now just a pawn. Now destroying a planet is so easy the drama of the other movies lessens.

The blatant attempts to "fix" The Last Jedi plot points and appease the whiners were so clearly forced and inconsistent.

If the previous director/writer didn't have a good script, that's fine, they should have delayed the release. Instead they put the ball in J. J. Abrams hands again with a corporate deadline, and he copied plot points (and villains) from previous movies (as he usually does), and hobbled together a script that made little sense.

No movie is completely without merit, but creativity can't be forced, and this one was.

Good: Babu Frick Han/Ben scene Acting, Music, Visual effects Zorri banter with Poe Passing saber through the force Leia training

Bad: Emperor return made zero sense Snoke clones made zero sense Choppy editing The change in Rey's parentage, a blatant retcon of TLJ 3 Death Stars wasn't repetitive enough, now there are thousands?

Where did all those generic Sith come from?

No consequences for C3PO, Chewie near deaths Convoluted McGuffin quests Finn wanted to say something to Rey, but never did "Wow" trailer scenes like Dark Rey, and Kylo chasing Rey in ship, had no point Why didn't somebody tell Anakin about healing?

Inconsistent with extended universe. Chewie already had a medal, No arcs for characters, except Kylo All the Sith LITERALLY live in the Emperor?

Dyad in the force? Not consistent with Snoke connecting them in TLJ Same ending as ROTJ.
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Joker (I) (2019)
That wasn't the Joker!
4 October 2019
I usually avoid rated "R" type movies, but this was about a beloved comic book character which I love, and was eager to see an in-depth character study of how he might have come to be. This was a great character study, but it wasn't the Joker from the comics or the movies!

The Joker from the comics is brilliant, a tactician, who has no conscience but enjoys chaos and the game. This character had none of that. It was a character story about a sad, lonely, pathetic, unintelligent, mentally ill man who was abused and tortured and becomes a killer. There are other inconsistencies also, like the age of Bruce Wayne and the character of Thomas Wayne was different.

The acting is great, and the character building is great. But it felt like a depressing slog at times, like the character, there was no happiness in the movie at all, with no characters shown with any morally redeeming qualities. I left feeling disturbed and depressed, but at the same time more compassion for those on the fringe of society.
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Excellent, creative movie. Haters are missing out.
8 March 2018
The Last Jedi is a great movie, which is being shouted down by some vocal angry fans. I counted the first displayed 137 reviews on IMDB before I found a positive one, despite it receiving a 7.5 rating. This is because angry fans are up voting the bad reviews so they are all that is seen. The user rating is more accurate and consistent with other sites. Only 1 of my many fan friends did not like it.

Anybody that votes for this movie below 6 has been emotionally hurt. I think it all boils down to the fact that Luke was grumpier in this movie than they expected. All nitpicking stems from that. That criticism has some merit, but it made for an epic, surprising ending. Let's look at the details:

Surprises: There was not 1 big shocking surprise like Luke being the son of Vader, but there were many little surprises. The ending was poetic.

Creativity: MUCH more creative plot than TFA, which was the same as EP4.

Humor: Poe and the Porgs were hilarious, much funnier than TPM where Jar Jar jokes fell flat.

Emotions: The ending had all the "feels" for me. The very last scene makes me cry. The Rey/Ben connection was a nice touch. Ben went from a whiny villain to one with depth suddenly.

Although there wasn't much light saber work, the Red Guard fight was the best thing in the movie.

I still very much enjoyed it. I feel bad for those that allow their different expectations to ruin the fun of this great universe.
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Simply the best Star Trek movie!
5 January 2017
There are so many good things about this movie, this is one of the best sci-fi movies ever.

There are no slow moments, the dialogue and scenes are just right. The Borg are the creepiest, best villain in the Star Trek universe. The Borg queen was excellent.

The anti-hero Cochrain was a nice different spin. Filling in the series plot gaps of where warp technology was discovered was an excellent device. Showing Captain Picard with weaknesses added depth. The acting was excellent. The ending makes you pump your fist.

I have nothing but good things to say about this film.
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
Just another depressing "R" rated show
19 December 2015
I love most Marvel shows, but their attempts to move to more rated "R" material is annoying. Like many shows with "mature" content, it ends up being just another show with plots centered around graphic sex, constant swearing, drinking, and depressing characters. They spend so much effort and slow down the plot trying to force enough "adult" material in. And it frankly encourages bad behavior in the real life.

The difference in this show is there is just a hint of super powers. The Jessica Jones character is well acted, but devoid of redeeming qualities and depressing to watch. I'm passing on the remaining episodes.
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Good but too familiar
19 December 2015
This movie is mostly fun, except it's a copy of A New Hope. The fans whined about the prequels, so Abrams gave them what they wanted, a movie just like the original. This feels like lazy writing and bothers me more as time goes on.

Some points:
  • Good humor, special effects, music
  • Creativity: Low because of the overall plot, but the sub plots were fun
  • Kylo/Han scene was well done
  • Another Death Star, really?
  • New characters: Kylo, Finn, Rey, Poe, BB-8 were good.
  • Old characters: Han, Leia, Luke & the droids were fun to see, although except for Han the others didn't do much. And Han apparently lost his character development over the years.
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Wow, I hated this
18 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I didn't think it was possible for me to hate a Spider-Man movie. This movie was so depressing. The was no sense of triumph in anything Spider-Man did. Peter would go around doing his Spider-Man thing with over the top cockiness, then the next minute in slow, depressing, relationship drama with Gwen, which took up most of the movie. Electro had about 15% of the movie, Green Goblin had about 5% of the movie, and Rhino was less than a minute. The villains had unrealistic motivations for what they did.

I didn't find myself caring about any of the characters. The music did not engage me. The major character deaths did not make me cry or feel for the characters. At least the acting and effects were good.
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The A-Team (2010)
Great action and humor. One of my all-time favorites.
2 February 2013
I enjoyed the A-Team as a kid, but over time my affection for the show has grown. It had for-its-time cutting edge action, humor, scams worthy of The Sting, playful character banter, good vs. evil, and heart. This movie captures all the good characteristics of the TV show.

Unfortunately, many people remember (or hear from others) that the TV show was cheesy, therefore the movie must be. How people think about the source material often clouds the judgment of a movie. In the TV show, it had tons of gunfire, but nobody ever died. But in that day the show's violence was already revolutionary, and they could not have a playful/humorous show with realistic blood and guts. Nobody would have watched. The action was sometimes unrealistic, and the plots were repetitive, but overall the TV show was fun. In this movie, characters die.

People say this movie's action was over-the-top, but I disagree. The best action movies have action which is barely-realistic-under-the-best-circumstances. And this movie is no exception. Does the military drop tanks out of airplanes with parachutes? Yes they do.

This movie had quite inventive actions scenes, plot twists, and playful humor like the best buddy-cop movies. I loved it. Most of the people I know (including women) liked it a lot more than they expected to. Well done. I hope/wish they would make a sequel, but unfortunately it did mediocre business at the box-office due to bad marketing, bad timing, and source material scoffers.

Oh well, I'll enjoy this movie on DVD for a long time.
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Made me teary, though sloppy
1 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My family enjoyed this movie. It has a quirky feel-good tone to it. And admittedly it made me tear up a bit at the end with the whole adoption theme.

However, it had somewhat sloppy writing. I can accept the magic behind a kid coming up out of the ground, but other parts of the movie were unnecessarily unrealistic. Shooting a soccer goal from the complete other side of the field? A pencil made of a different material will save the factory? Would an adoption agency really grill them like they were investigating a crime, then accept this unbelievable story about Timothy?
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Made my kid cry!
29 November 2012
"Where the Wild Things Are" book artwork freaked me out as a kid, and now I'm even more freaked out. The movie is probably the most neurotically depressing movie with the freakiest looking characters I've ever seen. We left our kids alone to watch what we thought was a harmless kids movie, and later found our 10yr old crying. We still can't get her to tell us what she found so disturbing.

I understand what the makers of this movie were trying to do. The movie is about a child who has major issues dealing with his home life. So he creates a made up monster world where he is in charge, and the monsters symbolically represent people in his life and his dark issues. But all the characters are so sad, angry, and neurotically depressing. The monsters are creepy looking with monotone adult voices. Everybody is moping or violently destroying things, ripping off arms, biting, yelling, etc... What fun!

The dialogue and plot are what a scatter brained, neurotic depressed 5yr old might write. One of the sequences went something like this... "Let's eat the kid!" "Don't eat me, I'm a king!" "He's a king? Maybe he can make us not be sad!"

Investigation of the dark recesses of child psychology is interesting to some childless adults with issues, and movie critics, but it's NOT FOR KIDS. My child said "I don't EVER want to see that movie again!!!" And neither does anybody else I know.
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Made me appreciate the previous version
7 July 2012
While this Spider-Man reboot is certainly more enjoyable than most movies, the previous version was better. The writers went out of their way to change all the little details from the previous version, but kept much of the same major plot points the same.

This version's morality points, catch phrases, romance and emotional moments just weren't as well done. And there was almost no comedy. There were no major plot holes, but there were multiple small ones that bugged me. On the other hand, the acting was excellent, by all the actors, and the awkward teenager aspect was well done.

But on the whole I prefer the previous version.
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Battleship (2012)
Better than expected
4 June 2012
I quite enjoyed this movie. There was little that has not been done before, but it was done well.

It was frequently exciting, had clever battle scenes, very funny at times, and no plot holes that I could think of. And they creatively integrated the board game into the plot unexpectedly.

I also liked how patriotic it was, and accurate as to the little details of the Navy. And did not include the standard sleaziness of most movies.

There are many nitpickers here who go out of their way to find flaws in movies they expect to be bad. But most of their criticisms don't hold up. For instance, my friend in the Navy liked how accurate Rhianna's character was, and yes, inactive Battleships are armed.

Don't listen to critics, they make you dislike the movies you see, and miss good movies like this.

Enjoy this movie.
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3 Idiots (2009)
Wow this American loves this movie
20 November 2011
I asked my co-workers to recommend a Bollywood movie. I expected "Dumb and Dumber" by the title. It wasn't that at all. It is more of an inspirational comedy with some serious but good messages. A more accurate title would have been "The Legend of Rancho".

Odd to me is that they speak in part English, part Hindi through the movie, kinda like some speak "Spanglish" here I suppose. I know none of the actors but the acting was good, and there was plenty of humor. The characters were believable. Most movie dancing I find a little silly but I even liked the dancing routines in the bathroom.

I will be asking my co-workers for more recommendations after this one!
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Good but ending changed for worse
16 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this movie. The final parts of the final book are epic and very satisfying. And for most of the movie was very good, until the end.

I understand when directors change things from the book for brevity. For instance in the book the diadem is destroyed by the fire in the Room of Requirement, but in the movie they just stab it rather than spending time explaining.

However, when they make scenes worse that could have fit in the 2hr time, that is not good.

I wanted to see Mrs. Weasley show some uncharacteristic fire in defeating Beatrix, as in the book, but the scene was brief and passion-less.

In the book, Neville got a "quest" from Harry to kill the snake. In the movie they tried to turn Neville's killing of the snake into something more exciting, but it seemed forced and just luck that he was in the right place at the right time.

In the book Harry battles Voldemort in front of everybody, circling, taunting and explaining who is the Master of the Elder Wand. In the movie, they battle alone and Voldemort seems to die inexplicably from no visible spell hitting him.

In an attempt to make the movie better, I think the director's changes made it worse, and it ruined it for me.
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A pleasant surprise
15 February 2011
Wife and I picked this movie at random to watch on Valentines Day, never having heard of it. We were pleasantly surprised, in more than one way.

I wouldn't say it was perfect, it was a tad cheesy in parts. But overall it was charming, funny, and refreshingly very clean...nobody sleeping around or bad language that I can remember. And Alyssa Milano is easy on the eyes.

And the twist at the end was very surprising as anything M. Night Shyamalan ever did. My wife can usually see movie plots miles away, but was totally blindsided by this one.
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Barbie as Rapunzel (2002 Video)
Surprisingly good
23 July 2008
I am in my 30s and am a father of 3 little girls so I have to watch movies like this. I was surprised that this movie was quite good, and the best of the Barbie movies (most of which are likewise good!). This is no Care Bears or My Little Ponies movie. I can actually watch this movie with my kids and not be bored or repulsed. It has an interesting plot, good character development, and good morals, and even a little exciting.

This is not Pixar stuff, but for a straight-to-video release I am pleased that they took some pride in their work and made a good product with what little budget they probably had.
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Jumper (2008)
Lame, lame, lame
15 February 2008
The trailer drew my wife and I in to watch Jumper, but we want our money back. There was no moral, no redeeming qualities in any of the characters, no humor, and just a basic, ordinary plot.

It's funny that the marketing people were pitching this movie as a movie about "consequences" though there are zero in this movie.

All it had going for it was about 100 "jumps" to cool locations (which makes you want to travel). But the flashing made my wife's head hurt. And that's not including the glare from the fake looking white hair of Samuel L. Jackson.

Sadly, we should have watched a chick-flick on Valentine's Day. Save your money.
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Very funny in parts, but a little too crude for me
18 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Having played dodge ball many times in junior high school I thought the concept of this movie was great. And indeed, this movie had many hilarious scenes, including the numerous dodge ball shots to the head and groin. The tone and plot line were very reminiscent of "Happy Gilmore."

However, some of the jokes fell flat. The pointless girl on girl kissing scenes in this and other movies are getting really old really fast, as was some of the unnecessarily crude language. Also some of the humor was just plain blah, like the whole subplot of the pirate.

I won't buy it, but it wasn't a waste of a rental.
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K-PAX (2001)
Edited a SEAL song
29 April 2002
The first time I watched this movie, the ending really me ticked off. It reminded me of an interview I saw of the musician SEAL. He stated he writes lyrics so they can be interpreted in multiple ways. In other words, he throws together phrases that have nothing to do with each other, and calls it a song. I hate that!! My biggest beef with this movie was the inconclusive ending. Half the scenes in the movie pointed towards one conclusion, and half pointed towards another conclusion, and it appears the director planned this. Is that different? Yes. Do I like it? NO. If the creator of a story doesn't care what the truth of the plot is, then in my opinion it is just a bunch of pointless gibberish.

Other than that the movie was fine. Acting was good, it kept my attention. Certainly something to talk about with friends.
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Well done, except the premise
21 May 2001
Unexpectedly entertaining, great effects, great kid, better than the first movie. But, the same problem as the first movie...the premise behind the plot was all over the map. This movie could be done a hundred times over and they can just keep resurrecting the same characters...because nobody ever stays dead! All good horror flicks establish the rules which the good and bad guys cannot pass, which creates suspense and tension. Here, mummies can be hurt from a punch, but can run through brick walls with ease. In this world you can believe in spell casting, evil gods with armies, Judeo/Christian God, resurrection out of hell, reincarnation, and heaven all at once! But, ah well, I guess entertainment doesn't have to make sense to be fun!
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