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Popcorn Movie/Cousin of Underworld
4 February 2020
This is a fun movie to watch with a bowl of popcorn. Definitely has a very strong "Underworld" feel to it. Not unusual since a few key people from that series of movies were involved in this one.

Many critics will say the plot is thin and it has plot holes That is true. But it has a lot of action and I actually enjoyed Aaron Eckhart as the title character. If you're looking for a no brain action/supernatural adventure movie to watch on a rainy day or late night.....there' s a lot worse choices out there.
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First time I have ever rooted for an Agent to get Killed
28 May 2018
I have been a fan of all the NCIS shows and have always felt bad when a law enforcement character is killed off or hurt until this episode. The guest agent was so gosh darn annoying I wanted her dead about 3 min after she started talking. I hope they never bring back this character. The case itself was ok but the guest FBI agent character detracted from the story. You know the writing is bad when people want a "good guy" character to be killed.
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Good popcorn chomping action movie
21 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by saying that I am one of the readers of the Lee Child Reacher novels who railed against the miscast Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher. Though I think Cruise does a good job of portraying the loner aspect of Reacher's personality, the magnitude of Reacher's Bad Ass quotient is lost due to the 10 inches or so difference in size between Cruise and the character described in the books. That said....I have to say that I enjoyed this movie more than the first

This is definitely a good "eat popcorn while watching the action" movie. There were some plot holes.....but what action movie doesn't have them. Readcer after helping in the arrest of a crooked Southern Sheriff decides to head to Washington DC to meet the current Commanding officer of the MP unit Reacher used to lead. Upon arriving in DC, he discovers two things.....the new CO is under arrest for suspicion of espionage and someone is claiming that he is the father of a teen aged girl. The movie then follows Reacher and Major Turner (the new female CO) as he breaks her out of jail to try to find out who is responsible for the murder of two of her MPs and also to help unravel the story behind his alleged "daughter'. There is plenty of action and a few good quiet character moments between Reacher and the Major and Reacher and the teen aged girl.

For those of you who were fans of the TV show Leverage....Aldis Hodge (Alec Hardison the Hacker) has a pivotal supporting role and he did pretty good. If you come to watch this movie expecting deep social meaning or superb will be disappointed. If you come to forget the election and be entertained for two will have REACHED your goal (sorry...couldn't resist)
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Starcrash (1978)
You got to be kidding me....some people actually really liked this piece of #@!^$^!!!?
18 April 2014
I won't take too much time describing how bad this movie was. I think most people have already done a better job than I could describing the awfulness of this film. Bad dialogue. Check. Bad acting. Check. Bad special effects. Check. Bad rip off of Star Wars. Oh hell yes. The only thing of minor interest in this movie was that a very young David Hasslehoff appeared in it. Also....since Star Wars had Alec Guinness, the producers of this movie had to make due with the poor man's Alec Guinness...Christopher Plummer.

I won't call into question the taste of the few who actually liked this disaster. They probably enjoyed Ed Wood movies too. This movie is a prime candidate for Mystery Science Theater 3K
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Great Fun....ignore the nit pickers
19 May 2013
Maybe I'm just easily entertained. Maybe I just enjoy big action science fiction movies so much that I am willing to over look what I consider minor imperfections. I am a die hard Star Trek fan who can trace his love for the show all the way back to the original run of the original series. Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, "Bones" McCoy and the rest of the crew of the fictional star ship always kept me entertained no matter how bad some of the scripts were. And believe me...I do recall some bad bad episodes...the Space Hippies episode comes to mind. But I digress.

Yes....this was pretty much a non stop action ride. Yes it had some holes in the script. Yes it had some clichés. But I enjoyed the action. I enjoyed the acting....yes I said the acting. Brendan whats his name (I am afraid to write his last name for fear of misspelling it) stole the show as "John Harrison aka....oohps....can't say that name" as the main villain. But Chris Pine as Kirk and Zachery Quinto as Spock had their acting moments too. The supporting cast also had their moments too.

As to the nit pickers who dissect such minor points as the use of such expressions as "my God" and "Good God"....give me a break. I can't swear to it but I do believe that those expressions may have been used in the original show. I really believe that many of the people who are giving this movie a 1, 2 , or 3 star rating went in predisposed to hating this movie. Give this movie a chance. Decide for yourself.
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OK....hokey but worth watching if nothing better on
22 July 2012
Other people will and have commented on weaknesses in the plot line and logic. This is by no means a great movie. But on the other hand if you're channel surfing and come upon this action movie, I've seen far worse action flicks. If you can't find a decent flick you can get a few hours of mindless action flick entertainment out of this one.

In some ways, in tone and pacing it kind of reminds me of the Chuck Norris/Lee Marvin flick "Delta Force". That one also dealt with a special forces group (in this case, an American unit) having to take action to rescue hostages from terrorists. But in this case, it's the British SAS troops to the rescue.
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oh good grief.......this is a popcorn movie.
10 August 2011
Oh good grief. Some people just can't have fun. I take that back...some people have fun by nitpicking a movie to death. Was this movie slow at times? Yes. Did it always make sense? No.

Was it fun to watch? Most of the time. This is a popcorn movie. An expensive pulp fiction movie. It is a big budget Grandson of the action serials from the 40's and 50s. Go watch it for fun. Don't over analyze the thing for crying out loud.

The only part of the movie that made me cringe was a 5 min portion which almost turned into a Busby Berkley musical. If I had been the editor, that was the part I would have cut out. Other wise...I look forward to a sequel.
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Sad when you are rooting for the Aliens to kill the kids
9 August 2011
Most of the previous reviews have covered any thing I would have said. But not many have mentioned this....Ray's (Tom Cruise) kids were so obnoxious, I found myself rooting for the Aliens.

The teenage son was so rude and devoid of common sense....I was surprised his character made it to the end of the movie. I don't care how curious one is....if your planet is under attack by Aliens, the last place you want to head is TOWARDS the murderous bastards. Yet through out the movie, that's exactly what the kid wants to do.

And Dakota Fannning's was so whiny and screaming all the time. Ray killed Tim Robbin's character because he was afraid all of his ranting and raving would lead the aliens to them. Using the same reasoning....due to all of his daughter screaming and screeching....she should of been next on his "to kill" list. There were several times I was hoping the Aliens would kill her and I almost got my wish.

If Jamie Lee Curtis was the Teen Scream Queen of the late 70s.....then Dakota is the Pre-Teen Scream Princess of the 2000's .
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Star Trek (2009)
Good Grief....This is Star Trek not Citizen Kane
7 June 2009
I am a fan of the original series from the day the series first started. I have loved all the versions of the franchise. I have seen every movie and I consider myself a hard core fan. To the rest of fellow hardcore fans I say....come on "Get a life"(to quote Bill Shatner).

Compared to the very first Star Trek film...the boring "Star Trek the Motion Picture" this is a bloody masterpiece. Yes there are changes to the "mythology". But the basic dynamics of the characters are still there. Chris Pine does a fine job of portraying one possible version of Kirk as a young man. Zachery Quinto covers the bases as a young Spock. And someone better check if Deforest Kelly's "Katra" didn't somehow get deposited in Karl Urban as he nailed Leonard "Bones" McCoy's essence. The rest of supporting cast more or less captured their respective characters

Sure I had a bit of a problem with the Spock/Uhura romance as it felt a bit forced. But that is a minor complaint. I felt the movie captured the adventure aspects of the original as well as the adventure from Star Trek Wrath of Kahn Is it a coincidence that both films featured a villain out for revenge? I don't think so. Yes a lot of the philosophical aspects of the show were removed but this movie was intended to be an adventure so I felt it succeeded in its mission. Maybe later films will be more idea/concept oriented. But if you're going to ignite interest in this franchise beyond the die hard fans, this was the kind of movie that was needed.

As far as I am concerned.....for Mr Abrahms, his writers, and this current cast of the Star Trek franchise...I say "Live Long and Prosper"
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Inside Moves (1980)
A Hard to find Jewel
24 August 2006
I remember seeing this movie on for the lst time on cable TV about 20 years ago. I think I have seen 2 times since then. This movie is hard to find, and if you come across it, stop and watch it. The acting is great. The story centers on friendship developed between John Savage's character (a bitter failed suicide) and the people who work and hang out in a neighborhood bar in Oakland. What I liked about this movie is that it had a great mix of gently funny moments, great human insight, and touching moments without being sappy.

All the performances were very good but John Savage stole the show. With some fine supporting work by David Morse of St. Elsewhere fame, and Diana Scarwid of "Mommie Dearest" fame. Also great work by an excellent crew of character actors.

This is a human interest drama devoid of special refreshing.
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Not the Greatest Robin Hood, but still a very worthy addition to the Legend
20 August 2006
OK....let me start off by saying that this version is not the best one. But it is pretty darn good. The supporting cast of Alan Rickman, Morgan Freeman, Nick Bramble, and Michael Wincott to name a few help to make up for some of the shortcomings.

Now much has been said about Kevin Costner in the title role...."What? A yank playing a legendary English folk hero?" Thats sacrilegious! What next....Pierce Brosnan playing Jessie James? Ewan McGregor playing Davy Crockett? It does throw one a bit off to hear Robin Hood speak with a Midwestern Gary Gooper-like accent. But if thats all you concentrate upon in the movie than you are missing out on a lot. I thought the story was strong. The acting good. The scenery and the music were good. Overall this was a very fun and enjoyable addition to the legend. Perfect, no. But what can compare to Errol Flynn's Robin Hood? Nothing. So don't try to compare this the classic. Just keep in mind that this version has its own moments that stand out and lets leave it at that.
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Crossing Jordan (2001–2007)
Quincy on estrogen
30 July 2006
My first reaction when I caught my first episode of "Crossing Jordan" was that this show was going to be kind of "Quincy" on estrogen. Now after watching this show for a couple of seasons, I have to say that my original impression was selling this show short.

The ensemble cast of Jill Hennesey, Mel Ferrer, Kathyrn Hahn, Steven Valentine, Ravi Kapoor, and Jerry O'Connell represent one of the strongest in recent dramas since E.R. The characters played by these actors and actresses are well written and you really care about them.

The mystery aspect of the show is good, but its the characters that make the show so good.
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Don't apply logic to this one and it will be fine.
17 June 2006
I went to see this movie with my 2 female cousins mainly because I really like Sandra Bullock. While many men fantasize about Angelina Jolie or Paris Hilton, I find Sandra Bullock to be my idea of a beautiful woman.

Anyway, this movie is full of holes that if you try to apply logic to it, it will fall apart. The key to this one is that the two lead characters played by Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reaves are so likable that you find yourself rooting for them to somehow get together no matter how improbable the love story. I admit that I am a sucker for a good romance and I really enjoyed this one. If you just let yourself be taken along for the ride with out questioning the large holes in the logic, you will enjoy this movie. And I might add that this is the first time I have seen Keanu Reaves not play a "dude", or flawed antihero. He plays a real adult in this one and I enjoyed both his and Sandra's work in this one.
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Its a Western...thats good enough for me.
15 December 2005
For the most part, people have registered favorable comments about this movie. And I will be no different. For the few detractors out can't compare this to the Western classics. It isn't a classic. But in my book, its a Near Classic. Tom Selleck plays a decent man who is asked to do an indecent job by an Australian rancher--Alan Rickman, one of the best "heavies" in the movies since Basil Rathbone's turn in the Adenture of Robin Hood.

Had this movie been done in the 50s, I very well could see Jimmy Stewart or Gary Cooper playing this part. The performance of Laura San Giacomo as Crazy Cora was also enjoyable. Her character probably would have been played by Shelley Winters in the 50s.
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Each Star Trek series had something.
15 December 2005
I want to stand up and defend the other Star Trek Series. I am a fan of a ALL of the series. To compare the 4 series and call one a clear cut better show is ludicrous.

Yes....DS 9 was a superb series with a wealth of writing and characters you cared about even with characters flaws which made them more in the words of Quark...."Hew-Man". Sisko....Odo (0k so he was a puddle of Jello who could take human form)....O'Brien....Dax....Kira...Bashir....Quark(OK so he wasn't "hew-man" but he did represent some of man kind's baser qualities. The list goes on and on. The fact that there was a long story arc from beginning to end...much like Babylon 5, made it an interesting show.

But I would never slam the other shows because they also had some interesting characters that I found myself caring about. Characters like Picard, Data, Spock, McCoy, Kirk, Riker, Janeway, Chakotay, 7 of 9, Torres, etc all have a special place in this Star Trek fan's heart. And their respective shows all had worth watching episode. Heck I would even say that the aborted attempt to continue the Star Trek franchise, Enterprise, had its moments...maybe not as many as the others but they were there.
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Call Me Easy---but I enjoyed this one
1 December 2005
I just got done watching the DVD edition of this 1950s "peril in the plane" picture. Some fans have been extraordinarily critical of it saying it is full of "clichés" and unbelievable situations. What many of these critics seem to forget is that this film was made in the 1950's. You can't compare movies of that era with this era. If you want movies without clichés, then the director, screenwriters, and actors would have to have much more freedom than was allowed in the 1950s. The censorship boards of that time would not allow certain language in those days. Also remember that movies of that age where much more plot and character driven than today's Special Effects Bonanzas.

To me the thing about this movie that made it enjoyable was that there was a certain amount of tension. The script took time to give us some character studies of the passengers. We actually care for some of the passengers at the end of the movie. Any movie that puts you on the end of you seat worrying about the fate of the characters has done its job.

So for those of you who nit pick about clichés, unbelievable situations, melodrama etc. This film was produced as entertainment, not as a treatise on believability in movie stories.

The main question.....Did this movie entertain. The answer is a resounding YES.
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Delightful Version of Classic Shakespearian Comedy
5 October 2005
When I was a high school Senior, I was fortunate to have a really good teacher for a course in Shakespeare. I always looked forward to going to her class. If you're out there, Ms. McGowan....thanks. One of the plays we studied was "Much Ado about Nothing". I was hooked by the sparing between Beatrice and Benedick. It was like a "can you top this" of insults between Joan Rivers and Don Rickles.

I have been fortunate to see two stage presentation of this play and I think Kenneth Brannaugh's film adaptation holds up well against those stage presentations. Shakespeare's comedies are a bit hard to get into because of the "Old English" involved, but once you "learn" the language, just about any one of his comedies is better than the best modern sitcom.

To give any one special praise in this movie is an exercise in futility because every one was fine. Of course, since Beatrice and Benedick are the main characters, the highlights of the movie are the ones were Brannaugh and Thompson are throwing insults at each other.

If you like Shakespeare or good this one.
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Dead Again (1991)
pretty good movie.....unfair to compare it Henry V
5 October 2005
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. So much so that I bought the DVD version. I, too, am sorry to see that Brannaugh/Thompson breakup. I loved their work together in this and other films.

I was very impressed by Brannaugh's "California Accent". If I didn't know that he was a British actor, I would have sworn he was a Californian. The entire cast was great, so I won't go into a long list of kudos.

One final comment. Someone earlier said that this was a good movie, but "it wasn't Henry V". Of course it wasn't. That's comparing apples to oranges. This was a "film noir" story ala a Chander, or Hammett. You can't compare the Shakespeare to those much as I admire their writing. So, to make a long story short, you want to see a good mystery/thriller....get this one and enjoy.
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Thank God I'm not the only one!
5 October 2005
Who hated this movie. I took a date to see it because the CRITICS were raving about this movie as a brilliant "dark comedy". Raving is the correct word, because I feel the CRITICS must have been MAD. It certainly was "dark" but it was NO comedy. My date and I both agreed there was nothing funny about the movie. There were no characters we liked and the idea of a Man and Wife in bed with guns at the side of their beds ready to kill one another because it was their "job" was about as funny as going to the dentist.

Yet to this date I still see people claiming it is a great movie. Talk about the EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES. I just don't get it. It is nice to know that I'm not the only person who felt he/she wasted their money on this over rated movie.
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Six Pack (1982)
Worth watching
8 September 2005
I remember catching 6-Pack when it first came out. I really don't remember if it was a made for TV movie or a theater movie. But what I do remember was that I was thoroughly entertained by this movie.

I really liked Kenny Roger's character and how he got shanghaied into becoming a surrogate step father for a larcenous family of orphans. If I'm not mistaken Erin Gray (Col. Wilma Dearing) of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century fame played his love interest.

This movie was certainly a "feel good" movie that also had some very funny scenes. If I can ever find it on DVD, I will certainly buy it. Another plus for this movie is that you get to see a very young Diane Lane. It is fun to see her very early in her career. If you want a film you watch with the family and not worry about a lot of blue humor, this one is for you.
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Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983–1987)
Good show with characters you cared about
7 September 2005
I didn't get into this show until a few seasons went by. But once I did get into the show, I found that I really liked the characters portray by Bruce Boxleitner (Lee Stetson aka Scarecrown) and Kate Jackson (Mrs. King). Scarecrow was a suave American spy -- an American James Bond and Mrs. King, a divorced housewife who ended up becoming his partner with the perfect cover....a suburban divorced mom.

Mrs. King wasn't your gorgeous Bond girl....she was more of a pretty all-American girl next door/mom. There was something about her sly intelligence mixed with the slightly husky voice that I always found very appealing. With these two very attractive early 30 something actors playing off of each other, I always thought there was a sexual/romantic tension that radiated off the screen. I was very happy when the two characters got married and became a husband and wife team.

The plot lines were a bit beyond belief, but the way the two leads played off of each other made it fun to tune in.
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Under Siege (1992)
One of Steven Seagal's best flicks
3 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen a lot of Steven Seagal's films...a lot of them bad, some fair and in this case really good. It has almost nonstop action, some really great over the top villainy by Gary Busey and the always fun to watch Tommy Lee Jones. The only thing I didn't buy was Elena Eleniak of ET fame as the token female in distress. Though she does save Seagal butt once (to which he responds "next you'll be dating musicians". At the end of the flick, he nails her with a kiss. I'm sorry but Steve is old enough to be her dad. They should have gotten an actress in her mid 30's so it wouldn't seem like Stevie was robbing the cradle.

Seagal does utter a great line during a climatic scene with Tommy Lee Jones...."We're both puppets of the same ungrateful master" or something like that. Don't hold it against Seagal that he is usually a one dimensional actor....if you like action movies, you have to see this one.
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Brian's Song (1971 TV Movie)
Great Emotional Film
1 September 2005
I remember watching this movie on TV when it first aired on ABC TV. I was about 13 years old. And I cried like a baby at the end. This was the first time I ever cried at the end of a movie. And to this day at 47, I still can't watch it without crying just a bit.

You have to be dead not to be touched by this movie. James Caan portrayal of Brian Piccolo and Billy Dee Williams portrayal of Gale Sayers touched me emotionally. Jack Warden also did a fine job as George Halas.

If you have never seen Brian's Song and want to see a fine movie about friendship, courage, and the human spirit.....see this one.
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The Phantom (1996)
Nitpickers need not watch this one--instead watch Citizen Kane.
1 September 2005
For all of those who nitpick like crazy--I suggest you watch Citizen Kane or one of those boring foreign artsy fartsy movies. This movie is not intended for you. This movie is intended for those of us who want to watch a fun, action filled, gee-whiz movie. It is for those of us WHO want to suspend our Disbelief and forget about the Real World.

Yeah, the movie has some corny lines, and scenes, and improbable situations. This was not intended to be a Cineme Realite film to be dissected and critiqued. If you can't watch a movie for its entertainment value.....don't bother with this one. It is not for movie snobs. It is a movie for us "average Joes" who simply want to be entertained. And it succeeds at that.
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Ladyhawke (1985)
Much better than what its critics said.
31 August 2005
Fantasy movies usually get trashed by critics and this one was no different. Since most movie critics seem to have lost touch with what the movie going audience likes, I am not surprised that many critics gave this move a grudging 2 stars out of 4.

This movie had a strong cast. I really believed Rutger Hauer as the cursed Capt of the Guard, Navarre. His Lady Love (and title character) played by Michelle Pfeifer was stunningly beautiful and did fine with her character considering how little dialog she had. Mathew Broderick was very likable as the clever and resourceful young thief/go-between for the two cursed lovers. The supporting cast of John Wood, Leo McKern, and Alfred Molina (in a small role) were also very good.

The soundtrack was also great. It provided the right balance between romantic and adventure. I may be wrong, but I believe Alan Parsons was responsible for the soundtrack What ever the case, if you like romantic action/fantasy you owe yourself a favor--get this movie.
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