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Predator (1987)
Predator is a cool looking classic, but if you look closer you will find a lot of nonsense that couldn't fly in today standards.
18 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Predator is a pretty cool looking movie with its amazing camera work and explosions. For example, that sequence of the squad taking down the guerrilla town in the first minutes is state of the art.

Plus, it has a good -slow burn- build up until the Predator shows up.

But, because is a movie that prefers to look cool instead of having a solid and believable story, you can't take the script seriously when you see its plot holes, plot armor and continuity errors.

To mention a few, how does an invisible hunter with thermal sight can't see everything the GI joes plan to catch him, including Arnold having literally a campfire at the end?

How can the Predator be caught into the traps when he can observe everything without being noticed?

Or a gruesome continuity error, when in the mud camouflage scene, that Arnold was, in the first shot, with half his face covered in mud and, in the next shot, he's conveniently fully covered with it (becoming the turning point that allows the "happy ending"). FYI, the eyes generate heat.

In the end, Predator (1) is a "cool" movie, a classic of course, with a big production value for its time, that have been referenced for years. However, it's also meme material; and not necessarily in a good way.

PS. It's funny that the central american woman, who needed a translator in the first half of the movie, suddenly starts speaking english and telling dramatic stories about the Predator. Also, how the hell did she got to the chooopeeer?
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An M.I. movie that fits the formula of its predecessors, but feels like a lazy written sequel for money grabs.
17 July 2024
"Dead Reckoning" (Part One) has the same old MI formula: The apparently difficult and intricate mission, the funny and witty dialogues with Benji and Luther and, of course, the hot resourceful (and traitorous) girl (plus, the sexual innuendos). But it feels like the same old script with nothing more to give.

There's too much plot armor for an action movie. You know, the convenience of poor aiming from the bad guys, the easy get out spots in situations that doesn't seem like it (or, in other words, predictable coincidences), superpowered protagonists (or enemies if it fits the same plot armor), bad guys who doesn't intervine in fightings waiting for the protagonist to get his way, people in the surroundings that doesn't seem to care what's happening, predictable "unsung" heroes or, in general, deus ex machinas everywhere.

We know it's called Mission IMPOSSIBLE, but on the majority of the earlier movies, there was a plausible impossibility, with attention to detail and buildup. In this one it's just mediocre.

It gets a little bit better after the 70 minutes mark with the reappearance of Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Ferguson); although, she as a love interest seems off. However, the plot armor is still very much there; even with ironically an overpowered villain with a pocket knife to justify a pivotal moment for Ethan Hunt (if you've already see the movie, you know what freaking scene I'm talking about).

Besides, there's constantly bad acting (it seems like a parody of action cliches) and bad casting for the main villain.

And the CGI is not that good everytime. There are several scenes where is too evident that is computer generated, and not in a good way; like the car chases (where there are several continuity errors) and, also, in the last survival mayhem, which is pretty cool, but the CGI is so evident that it throws you off about the credibility of all that is happening.

So, in the end, with this Mission Impossible, you get the same formula, but nothing more. And, for that, is better to waste your time in rewatching the good classical ones.
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Maybe the most visually stunning movie out there, but the story is way too unoriginal and, therefore, constantly predictable in almost every scene.
8 July 2024
You can use any grandiloquent adjective about how beautifully done is this movie in terms of visuals and, overall, its huge production value. It's an eye candy that makes you want to look at it over and over again.

It has a lot of beautiful moments that make your emotions soar, filled with important values like the protection of family and the symbiotic relationship between nature and man (or alien).

But, the main storyline with the plots that take you where the storytelling wants to take you, are pretty much derivative.

If you scrape away the beautiful cocoon that surrounds it visually, you will see that it's a story you've seen unfold a thousand times in almost every action movie ever made; a plot that constantly and conveniently fits in justifying stupid decisions by its protagonists but also gives them the enough plot armour to get out of harm's way (think about the stray tulkun storyline with the tulkun hunters used "coincidentally" as transportation by the bad guys or the nonsensical subplot with Spider).

So, in the end, Avatar 2 is -obviously- a beautiful stunning movie that will make you fell in love with its visuals from the get go, but it's also an unoriginal story with a mediocre script and, therefore -if you have seen enough movies- a predictable one through and through.
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Is it a comedy? Or is it a drama? Doesn't matter. It doesn't thrive in any of those. But, hey, it's good enough for a cookie cutter melodrama with funny moments.
7 July 2024
It has funny jokes (most of them being the ones with physical comedy). Well, at least on its first half. It's lighthearted, yes; mostly during all of its time.

The moral story is there. It's clear and -in general- worthy of thinking about.

But, even though it has a pretty good cast (and we have seen Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne in plenty of comedies being funny -well, Wahlberg is funnier-), their jokes doesn't land so well in this one; neither does their drama skills.

And it's curious that the actors that shine the most are not the main ones, but the ones with secondary characters. Those are way funnier, more convicent and, in general, their lines feel less forced.

And speaking about being forced, it's quite clear that the storytelling wants to take the audience through a rollercoaster of emotions; mostly between humour and sad moments, but the emotional manipulation coming from the writers, the director and the editors is way too obvious.

There's spoon-fed drama behind perfectly placed music cues and puppy dog faces, while there's no build up whatsoever and no character development prior to its "meaningful" moments to make you feel authentically empathetic; nothing. Just common situations that we've seen in any soap opera, without any original take on them (for example, the stereotypical portrait of a teenager).

Plus, and this is maybe its biggest flaw, it's a movie with identity issues. It initially tries to be a comedy and drama all mixed up for it to be, at the very end, a derivative and predictable Hallmark-like movie.

And, funny enough, it doesn't thrives at being humourous nor being really dramatic.

So, you can let the cheap emotional manipulation get you and think it's a great story because it made your "heart soar" (cause the backstory in reality is real sad) or you can just enjoy it for the cookie cutter trying to be funny flick that it is, without raising it to a sky that can't reach (and didn't want to, either).

Me? I still think about some cool transitions that they did between scenes with the doors. Kudos to the editor for that. The rest is forgettable.
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Why all the hype with this movie? Yeah, Godzilla looks (inconsistently) cool, but the story is poorly written melodrama.
4 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, are the visual effects that great to win an Oscar over movies like Guardians 3, Mission Impossible or Napoleon?

Because Godzilla looks cool on (or under) water, but then looks like a cheap AI creation when he walks on land (including its goofy movements).

Plus, the worst part isn't the lack of consistency in its CGI. The worst is the poorly written characters, their stories and convenient (but non-believable) melodrama.

Besides, there are plot conveniences (or plot armour) all over. Like, how the hell Koichi (the main guy) gets his life constantly spared by Godzilla? And, also, how did he conveniently finds Noriko (the main girl), seconds before disaster, within a huge crowd of people running for their lives in a big city like Tokyo?

And then, in that same sequence, what's the reasoning in Noriko's mind to push Koichi to safety and then let herself go to her "death"? It doesn't makes sense at all. She could have jumped with Koichi and covered herself along with that dude behind the huge wall... unless she had suicidal thoughts (caught like a disease for living with a failed kamikaze).

Yes, I get it, the script needed to give Koichi some motivation to be the kamikaze that he was meant to be, looking to avenge Noriko (cause we know he didn't care about his adoptive daughter -just remember who's picture he had on the plane's cabin-). But then, that was the whole point of Noriko's existence? Just to be a clutch for Koichi's hero's journey? What about her own life story and arc? Again, poorly written characters.

That's precisely the main weakness of the movie, that the emotional tribulations (and, therefore, motivations) seem forced and non believable just to drive the audience to the big bang that the writers want at the end.

An end that, with a cliched motivation, needed a stupid plan -that doesn't work- thought by the "intellectual" to defeat a nuclear and self healing beast (including a surprising appearance of an "army" of tugboats to apparently save the day while Godzilla waits patiently submerged for them to pull the ships with magically fast arranged ropes), for -then- the "unexpected" hero on the plane come save the day; whom I assume was just flying around, waiting for his moment to shine and wasting fuel he didn't have to spare (remember what they took off the plane for it to be a kamikaze's bomb?).

And -of course- the ejecting of the plane "twist" lead by the "deep" and confusing (for everyone -including the audience-) emotional tribulations, for him to be a dad for a little girl he really didn't care about, but being surprisingly rewarded with the survival of his real interest in the end.

But, hey, the movie looks cool (in some scenes). So, if you want to love it, you can just forget the stupid backstory and enjoy looking at the angry, freakishly slow, but scary heat thrower Godzilla; cause I just can't.
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
A show that should have been called "Barney and friends", and one that could have been really legendary, but ended up being a let down.
14 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Think about it.

You take the amazing and funny Barney out of the equation, and what do you have? Yes, Marshall is pretty cool and lovable, but the main character, Ted, is 90% of the times an obnoxious snob (that, yes, can work for a sitcom, but you wouldn't want to have that friend in real life; unless is one of those friends you met when you were young and got stuck with him).

Lily is -sorry (not sorry)- a b*tch most of the time and Robin is mostly an eye candy with some good moments that thrives the most when she's around Barney.

The show has a lot of great, funny and emotional moments (mainly with Barney), but are better if you watch them as YouTube clips instead of as parts of a big and cohesive story; cause the main premise (and show's title) seems interesting through almost 9 seasons, but a flop -and confirmed with what Ted's kids say- at the very end.

Is more interesting to watch Barney grow and mature along the way, cause Barney is really the most engaging, authentic, not politically correct and better played (good God, how talented is NPH), character of the whole show.

So, when you invest 9 freaking years rooting for Barney, naturally you hate what they did to him (and Robin) in the end.

And you hate it more when you know the writers did it to seem "original" and, of course, benefit a not likeable enough main character like Ted (yes, the mother was way more likeable).

Plus, no, making Barney a father out of the blue (without ever hinting that it was his life wish) was not it.

It's a shame that a show with so much potential, so many good moments and life lessons, ended like it did and ruined its best characters and their stories.

But, hey, HIMYM will always have some great scenes for a rewatch, have a laugh or have a chatartic moment; even though, if you judge the show as a whole, it's not that great.
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A beautifully shot (Denis Villeneuve never fails in this department) space opera that could have been better if its storytelling didn't edit or left out important details.
1 June 2024
Denis Villeneuve never fails to amaze on how beautiful his movies look. And this one is no exception.

Of course it has more action than the first one cause is the full on development of the (anti) hero's journey of Paul "Muad'dib" Atreides. Therefore, it showcases more depth and details, plus good plot twists, that justifies the journey and conflict.

But also, by having more storylines, the pace and edition style feels rushed in some moments. The storytelling with its half-explained moments and all of a sudden time jumps doesn't gives the same fluidity that the first one had.

There are several backstories that needed more buildup or evidence to be believable, or else, less cutting out details from the book (even though that means longer movies and more fast & furious type of movie fans complaining about "way too long" movies).

Of course, the ending is grandiloquent as a space opera like Dune should be. But the first two acts of the movie could have been better. Not in its photography, music or overall production value (which are amazing), just in the telling of a story that evidently has a lot of branches that needed more room to grow.
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A pretty good, and beautifully looking, introduction to a grandiloquent space saga.
30 May 2024
A pretty good introduction to the Hero's journey of Paul Atreides in a world that looks beautiful; as usually are in Denis Villeneuve filmography.

Those shots, that camera work, its scenery, its CGI... Every visual is state of the art.

Few things can be criticized like one secondary, but important character, making a heroic but unnecessary act or an apparently inmortal villager surfing one of the main beasts at the end.

But, overall, the production value of this film is top notch, mainly because of how beautiful it looks and because its story and the pace in its storytelling is perfect for a first installment of a grandiloquent space saga like Dune is.
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Wait, the Alien franchise was about the threat itself of its aliens or a Terminator rip-off? And what a waste that this didn't add continuity to Prometheus main premise.
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Was it necessary a sequel to Prometheus (2012) that just kills off the existencial premise that made it intriguing for one that makes the Aliens less interesting by themselves?

Why detach the intrigue and scariness of the Alien itself and give it to a resentful droid? Was the saga about the power of an Alien species or a critique to the extends of technology?

Was this an Alien movie or a Terminator rip-off?

And what was that nonsense near the end of going out of the flying ship to kill the Alien? Where did that spontaneous Wonder Woman bravery come from for Daniels? I get it, the script needed a reason to give one classic fight between the female lead and the Alien like they had on the original saga, but come on, give us a more believable motivation (like the mother instincts of Ripley in Aliens, 1986).

Besides, that final showdown in Aliens (1986) using practical effects and animatronics still looks way better than the crappy CGI that they used in this.

It even looks worse than in Prometheus 5 years before!

Plus, the conception of the first species of the aliens is awful in comparison with the aliens we learned to fear and love (well, the famous one at the end didn't look so good either). It's a shame they rely so much on CGI instead of animatronics.

In its final minutes, we can testify that the movie returns to the classic Alien formula with the "hunting" of the "monster" aboard the ship and the whole shabang, but leaving the droid as the main antagonist (and not developing at all the superior race that was discovered in Prometheus) is a huge let down.

I'm gonna chose to believe that Ridley Scott was drunk or something when he decided to do this, cause what a way of screwing up a great saga that started with his own Alien in 1979.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Interesting take from the same director that brought us the original Alien, but even though it's better in many ways, it still lacks in suspense and a more believable ending.
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Prometheus" serves well as a prequel for the Alien saga and it clearly replicates the franchise formula: The discovery voyage (with a more detailed cause and interesting existential premise), the robot with the hidden agenda, the corporate greed and, of course, the in-body alien. Plus, it has subtext that the others didn't have.

But, even though the introduction to the plot and its buildup seems pretty good in the first 90 minutes, the ending feels far fetched because of the non believable "secondary" characters motivations to act as kamikazes. Besides, you can't empathize with them because the movie doesn't develop them, so we really don't know who they are (apart, of course, from David and Elizabeth Shaw, whom are more developed than any other character from the original Alien saga).

Adding to that, it clearly doesn't wants to scare you like the original saga did but to make you wonder if the existencial premise could be real. For that, it's an interesting take, but it could have being more suspenseful.

So, this massive production, with beautiful panoramics, good CGI, meaningful dialogues and great acting from Michael Fassbender, lifts up most of its running time to deflate a little bit near the end.

It's a shame, cause even though that happens -and I'm sorry if it hurts nostalgia feelings-, it's still a better movie than Alien 1 in 1979. And that being from the same director with, of course, far more experience (Ridley Scott was 41 years old in the first movie and 75 with this one).
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Better than Alien 3, slightly more original than the first ones, re-watchable iconic moments, but its dialogue and acting make it look like a satire.
24 April 2024
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This one is slightly more original than the formulaic script of the first three; even though the main premise of the "dual" cloning is far fetched.

It also wraps up pretty good the corporate/scientific greed shown throughout the whole saga (and makes a necessary critique of the lack of ethic limitations).

But, there are moments (specially when hell gets loose), that the cartoonish acting and dialogue make it look like a satire (specially with overconfident alien-Ripley).

So, you don't know how serious you can take this movie; including the moments that try to be funny but they're just isn't or the ilogical ones like the dreadlocks guy being unable to keep climbing the ladder because of a little acid on his face but still can let go of his straps to make a dramatic, but pointless, suicide.

However, it also have iconic moments that make it re-watchable, like the underwater aliens, the mega alien queen and the sad finale (yes, sad... Poor baby!).

Also, the camera work precisely works (and pretty well), the animatronics of the aliens are state of the art and the cgi it's not that bad (showing an improvement compared to the awful digital effects in Alien 3).

In sum, it's a pretty entertaining and re-watchable movie of the franchise, but, please, just let Ripley die (or be dead) in peace.
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Alien³ (1992)
Basically the same story from the first two with a worse scenario, bad secondary characters and a finale that keeps it's predecessor (Aliens) as the best one out of the three.
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
But first things first... how the hell did that huge baby alien came out of that smaller dog?!

Watching the Alien movies is like watching the same story in different scenarios (the same beginning, the same buildup, the same "let's organize to kill it" -with the building plans in hand-, the same corporate greed, the same -in this case potential- white collar traitor and, of course, the same Ripley heroic action at the end -only that this time got more help-).

The differences in storytelling between the three first movies depend on who's directing it. With this one, you can tell the David Fincher style, specially in its tone, camera work and edition.

But, why a prison? What's appealing about a prison? You can't empathize too much with a place full of despiteful characters apart from the great Charles Dance, playing Clemens, and Ripley herself (well, at least this one has some character development, not like the ones before).

Also, they should have stick with the animatronics throughout the whole movie, cause the cgi Alien looks really bad.

In sum, this one fells like the typical action sequel that doesn't add much besides a supposedly closure for Ripley (cause we know what happened in the next one).

Meanwhile, Aliens (1986) keeps being the one that stands out between the original three with the best ending out of all (and also a better production value using less modern technology).
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Aliens (1986)
Way better than the first one with, also, an incredible ending.
22 April 2024
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Aliens (1986) has, obviously, a much better production value than the first one in 1979.

The storyline is similar to the original (a let's get into trouble trip, the chain in command shenanigans, the corporate greed and badass Ripley at the end). But what an ending it has.

Aliens can be criticized for its derivative story -it could have given us something more original, even though it's a sequel (and a more convincent reason for Ripley to be involved again)-, or for its almost inexistent character development (besides the expected Ripley arc) and the cartoonish secondary characters, but it's a pretty well done production.

The sets, the aliens themselves and, in general, the visual effects look amazing for a mid 80s movie.

And, c'mon, the last third is amazing with Ripley entering the queen's lair and, from then on, the epic battle of the mothers.

In the end, Aliens (1986) is a huge upgrade from Alien (1979) and we have to thank James Cameron for that (but also for making the best sci-fi movie of all times: Terminator 2).
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Alien (1979)
Don't let nostalgia fool you, it's good for an Alien introduction, but a poor movie in its execution.
16 April 2024
The art production is amazing and the camera work, plus the great soundtrack, succeds in building tension and suspense.

But, Alien (1) lacks in character development and, mostly, in fluidity and attention to detail in its storytelling. The edition in the first half makes it look like an old vhs that keeps jumping forward leaving behind unseen parts that are important to understand the development of the story (plus the merging of practical effects on scenes looks like a low budget school project; even for a 1979 movie).

Eitherway, you have to see it to introduce yourself to a great villain like Alien, but it is enough watching it once. The sequels are another (and better) story.

PD. The best actor was the cat. What an amazing expression when the grown alien appears for the first time.
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Titanic (1997)
What else do you need in movie? C'mon, what a (love) story!
15 April 2024
What's missing in this mega production?

It has pretty much everything: A beautiful love story surrounded by a well crafted art production that moves between drama, suspense, comedy, horror and, also, a lot of necessary social critique.

Plus, the music. That gorgeous soundtrack that makes you dive in to the storytelling without a breath while forgetting it's more than 3 hours long.

And, yeah, it can be a little bit far fetched sometimes and unbelievable in others, but I'll let James Cameron tell me stories anytime (thanks to him we've had unforgettable movies like the best sci-fi film of all times, a.k.a. "Terminator 2").

In sum, Titanic is a highly watchable and re-re-re watchable movie.
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Die Hard (1988)
A very-very good movie that still holds up 36 years later, but that could have been way better
9 April 2024
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Iconic scenes and one liners, good camera work, great scenery for an 80s movie, solid acting (specially by the late Alan Rickman), funny stuff (specially the not related FBI Johnsons) and, of course, it gave a lot of material for actual pop culture.

The only "but" is its plot armour. And yeah, I get it; it had to be like that for 1 guy making it against a whole lot, but... The shooting scenes could have been more believable, not a stormtroopers aiming disability kind of movie (including the FBI idiot shooting with a sniper scope from the helicopter).

In sum, Die Hard is an action packed, filled with twists, highly entertaining movie that still holds up in the 21st century, but even if it's a very-very good 1988 production, it still could have been way better.
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Very fresh and insightful take of a romcom. The only thing missing is Summer's perspective (in a sequel).
26 March 2024
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What else is there to say about this movie?

It's a very fresh take of romcoms, with a great script and an even greater edition pace that traps you from the get go.

The dialogues are funny and witted and, yes, I'm one of the few that ended up on Summer's side (and it's a shame they didn't do a sequel from her perspective).

Tom was in his right to be a hopeless romantic, but she was clear from the beginning that she wasn't looking for anything serious (at least with Tom). If she didn't tell him otherwise, she kept being the same girl with the same mentality from the beginning, even if it appeared she was developing feelings.

So, as Tom learned in the end, and like his sister Rachel would say (being, BTW, the best character in the movie, portrayed masterfully by Chloë Grace Moretz), move on. There's plenty fish in the sea (and, damn, that Autumn was way hotter tan Summer!).
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If you ignore the plot weaknesses and the cartoonish characters (and their development), you get a great action packed movie.
25 March 2024
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It can be a nauseous "America rules", USA is the center of the Earth, kind of flick, but its also a great action packed movie.

The best of it is its awesome villains introduction (that UFOs sequence with suspense at the beginning is simply art).

The bad side is that its characters are one dimensional (and stereotypical) with corny relationships between them and, overall, a cartoonish character development. Plus, the dialogues are cheesy and there's a huge plot hole or, in other words, a very convenient deus ex machina (the virus or its development) with also a convenient plot armor (the aliens knew about the Area 51 -that's why they were going to attack it- but got fooled by one of their own spacecrafts stored there that their "super advanced technology" couldn't give them a heads up or at least identify their passengers sooner).

Anyways, even though the movie could had better written characters and a better thought sci fi aspect of its story, this is what you look for in an numb-the-mind-just-laid-down-on-the-couch-and-eat-greasy-buttered-popcorn kind of action movie. And taking that into a count, it deserves the status of "classic" entertainment.
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Let's just forget this (and also the idea that Josh Hartnett can act).
10 March 2024
If you take away the somehow scary scenery, loud music and gore sequences, what you get is a weak story filled with inconsistencies, no character development and no real sense of threat from the antagonists (so, can the "good guys" really die? And, more importantly, who cares if they do?).

Not even the acting can be saved; lead by the appauling Josh Hartnett, who can't show sadness or grief without looking like a nervous little kid on a school play.

And, of course, it ends with a ridiculously far-fetched "twist" (even for a vampire movie).

In sum, let's just forget this movie exists in the horror-vampire genre.
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Mortal Kombat (1995)
For a 1995 action movie, it doesn't hold up.
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I remember being a kid when I watched this movie for the first time. I loved the MK videogames, so the hype was matched with this movie back then. Plus, the soundtrack was (and still is) pretty awesome.

But the digital effects, from a 21th century point of view -let's say it- are pretty bad.

It's a shame they didn't stick only with animatronics like they did with Goro (who end up being pretty awesome).

Also, with -maybe- the exception of the the Liu Kang vs. Reptile battle and some parts of the final one, the fighting could be better chorographied to be more believable and less campy or cartoonish.

Anyway, it's an entertaining, occasionally funny, 90's action flick, but doesn't deserve more than 1 rewatch to see how it got old... And not in a good way.
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Those dialogues, wow! This movie will make you wanna major in Psychology.
22 February 2024
Well deserved Oscars for Best Screenplay by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, plus the one for Acting by the genius of Robin Williams (RIP).

The majority of the dialogues are brilliant (mainly the ones that involve genuine insights and character development). It even makes you want to major in Psychology!

And, yes, maybe the movie can be perceived a little bit corny sometimes; mostly because of its soundtrack and the rom-com ending, but, come on, it's a 90s movie. And, on that note, it's excellent.

"Every day, I come by your house and I pick you up. And we go out. We have a few drinks and a few laughs, and it's great. But you know what the best part of my day is? For about 10 seconds, from when I pull up to the curb and when I get to your door, 'cause I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there. No goodbye. No see you later. No nothing. You just left. I don't know much, but I know that".
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Great achievement in drama-action, although the last third feels formulaic and drawn out due to the emotional hangover of the first hour and a half
19 February 2024
In general, you can feel the despair and survival efforts of the cast with its very well acted script. Plus, it has the Netflix production value with its credible settings and aerial shots that makes you see the magnitude of their abandonment.

And, of course, the suspense for the pivotal and more tragic moments are very well achieved and directed by Bayona.

Overall, this a very good movie; even though some scenes in the last third of the movie are way too emotionally forced with cookie cutter dialogues and its length seems too long after the emotional hangover of the first two thirds.

PS. The Andes are beautiful. If you haven't seen them in person, you must.
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Excessive CGI can't hide the fact that Marvel's writers are out of ideas (and that Kathryn Newton is a terrible actress).
10 February 2024
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It has its few moments (most of them with Jonathan Majors as "Kang"), but the overdone story, with the excessive use of CGI and the very poor acting (and worst scenes) by "Cassie" (Kathryn Newton), makes the movie feel cartoonish and irrelevant; even for a Marvel movie.

And when a derivative script like this (where have I seen this people's revolution vs. The dictator/empire story before?!) offers only expensive computer visuals, we know Hollywood not only has lost its originality but also lost its will to bring something interesting to the table.

In the end, this is just lazy filmmaking (and the conveniently appearance of the ants storyline, plus the Thanos vs Avengers like battle and the "surprising" survival of Kang for a final fight with Ant-Man, is a perfect example of that).

PS. For a Marvel movie, it's not a funny one (not even with Humpty Dumpty Darren).
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Interesting and fresh storytelling for a rom-com... rom-drama? Or is it rom-sci fi?
2 February 2024
Interesting and fresh storytelling (and great edition that gives its fluid -entertaining- pace) for a rom-com... I mean, rom-drama. Or is it a rom-sci fi?

Also, solid high profile cast and acting plus great production value in its execution (visual effects and scenery are top tier for a 2004 production).

It's a very good movie, even if the script could have give us a little bit more character development and, in general, more background of the protagonists as a couple so we could feel more invested in both of them beforehand in their journey (not in droplets across the story).

Either way, it ends on a high note with a realistic message about relationships.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Typical action packed movie for a numb brain with lazy execution.
18 January 2024
Fast paced edition, witty dialogue and a few funny moments, but most of the fight scenes are way too far fetched or conveniently done on "empty" spaces of the train for hours while -oh, shocking!- nobody notice them or even hear something (and, of course, it has an incredibly convenient and ridiculous ending with poor CGI).

But, hey, if you only want to kick back, eat popcorn and numb your brain, this is for you.

PS. Thank Jesus that Bad Bunny dies quickly cause, we get it, he appeals to some younger audiences, but a few seconds on screen of his dumb face and terrible acting is more than enough.
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