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Atonement (2007)
20 November 2022
'Atonement' is one of those films, which leaves you in complete awe of what you have witnessed as soon as you have finished it.

It is based on Ian McEwan's novel, which tells the story of how tragedy inflicts the lives of three people as a result of a child's vindicative lie. This film is powerful and heart breaking, which is also beautifully written and has a stellar cast. I must admit, I haven't seen that much of Kiera Knightley but she looked stunning in the film, and James Mcavoy was as always on top form. However the film is largely based around 'Briony Tallis', and the young Briony is superbly played by Saoirse Ronan. She was brilliant as the confused and jealous teenager who inadvertently changes the lives of those closest to her. The film feels like a journey from reckless youth to reflective old age where nothing remains except regrets. The film has many iconic scenes, which have been taken from McEwan's highly rated novel that I ordered as soon as I finished the film. The cinematography in the early part of the film is breath-taking before it moves to the bleak setting of World War II. So convincing is the film's depiction of battle that many consider this a war film more than a love story. However, 'Atonement' cannot be labelled within a single genre, it's too complex for that. This film serves as a life lesson that some mistakes are so grave, they are unforgivable even if a lifetime is spent atoning for them. Here lies the tragedy of this story. 'Atonement' is classic cinema at its best! I now look forward to reading the novel.

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Doubt (I) (2008)
A clash of Ideologies!
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With, 'Doubt', we have a film that explores a complex issue within Education, which is how children should be treated in a way that protects them and the teaching staff. Being a teacher myself, this film resonates with me, and shows how a kind and caring approach towards students can very easily be misconstrued as something else. This is the dilemma that the character of the late Philip Seymour Hoffman has to deal with, which leads to allegations of inappropriate behaviour by the School Principal. Meryl Streep is in brilliant form as the Principal of a Catholic School, who believes in running the school with an Iron hand, whereas Philip Seymour Hoffman plays the priest who differs in his approach with the students. The film highlights how 'doubt' in itself can have a detrimental effect on the position of anyone who is responsible for children. The beauty of this film is in the ambiguity of the events in question, which are shown through the eyes of those who speculate on what the truth is. This is reflective of the cruel system that exists in Education, as teaching staff are not branded as guilty based on facts, but even 'speculation' is enough to condemn them. The film contains strong lead performances from Streep and Hoffman, but a great supporting cast in Amy Adams and Viola Davis also give this superb drama an extra edge.

However it's the film itself that steals the show, the script is very well written, and is with any great novel, it's up to the audience to draw their own conclusions. Very few things in life are black and white, and this concept of 'perception' can be a dangerous and damaging one. No doubt there is great awareness today of the need to safeguard children, which is essential for anyone who is responsible for young people, but the film also shows how these guidelines have come at a cost. Today, we view everything with suspicion, which means its difficult to give students in Education the care that many of them need, without being subject to allegations.

This unforgiving system is summed up in this amazing quote from the film;

'There are people who go after your humanity, they tell you that the light in your heart is a weakness. Don't believe it! It's an old tactic of cruel people to kill kindness in the name of virtue.' Father Brendan Flynn

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Profile (I) (2018)
We live in a dangerous world!
20 November 2022
Having just seen 'Profile', a film based on the French Journalist; Anna Erelle's book based on her experience of being undercover and infiltrating the ISIS ranks online, I was taken aback as to how well this film told the story. Having not read Anna Erelle's account, I'm not sure how much of this film is based on the actual events but it was a compelling watch.

'Profile' tells the story of a UK based journalist who creates a fake profile on Facebook and gets into contact with an ISIS recruiter who begins the grooming process and tries to lure this undercover journalist to Syria, with the promise of marriage. I found the film quite unsettling because it shows how deceptive this person was and how he was using Islam to misguide this poor woman who told him she had recently converted to Islam. Being a Muslim myself, I find it so shocking to see how ISIS have managed to brainwash so many people into believing their hate ideology, in the name of religion. The actual process of 'grooming' itself is very disturbing and shows how these people can use social media to commit the most terrible crimes. I didn't just focus on the political aspect of the movie, but found the deceptive charm of this ISIS recruiter more fascinating, and how he interacts with 'Melody' . The film is made using just screens, and as with other movies like 'Searching' and 'Unfriended', which were made entirely through social media platforms, it works brilliantly.

I hope the people who watch this film don't just focus on the terrorism aspect, which is always on the forefront of these types of movies, but also reflect on how so many young people are being groomed online for different reasons, not just to be used by terrorist organisations or white supremacist groups, but also to conduct criminal activities that include; sex trafficking and drug dealing. We live in a dangerous world and this film is a reminder to us all that we need to keep our children safe!

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Una (2016)
A Dangerous Narrative!
10 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Any film that explores the subject of child abuse must be handled with sensitivity and responsible story telling. I say this because I am a professional who works with teenagers, and as part of my role as a teacher, I have to ensure my students are safeguarded against grooming or any other form of manipulation by an adult or even by other children. This is why 'Una' was a difficult watch for me, but brings forth many of the complex issues associated with child grooming.

First of all, it has to be understood that there can be no legitimate sexual relationship between an adult and a child, this is black and white, and there can be no grey area in this regard. It is unhealthy for anyone to imply that grooming of a teenage girl by an adult is consensual and therefore can be defined as a 'relationship' or an 'affair'. Even if the child involved believes it to be. The film deals with this difficult area very well, as Una (Rooney Mara) who was brilliant in her role struggles to come to terms with her feelings as a child, when understanding the inappropriate conduct of her abuser (Ben Mendelsohn) as she grows up. This turmoil comes to the surface when Una discovers the whereabouts of her former neighbour who was convicted of his crime against her, and confronts him about their past. The film tries to narrate the story from both perspectives, which can be dangerous. The character of 'Ray', who is portrayed by Ben Mendelsohn tries to justify his involvement with Una, while insisting he is not a paedophile. However even if a person is not familiar with the responsibilities of safeguarding children, still must be aware that getting involved with an underage child and then having a sexual relationship is exactly what grooming is. A teenage girl cannot have consensual sex with an adult, this is not accepted legally or morally, it is a crime, and is punished accordingly.

Many people have the perception that grooming of young children is only done by illicit gangs for sex trafficking or drug dealing, however what happens to Una in this film is also grooming and child abuse.

Una is an intelligent, thought provoking, and disturbing film that deals with very real issues in the same way that 'The Tale' and 'Hard Candy' dealt with similar issues and their implications. But I hope that the viewers of this film truly understand the issues raised in this film through the eyes of responsible adults, and try to reflect how Una's childhood and even sense of worth was stolen by someone she trusted, who should have observed the boundaries that exist between a trusted adult and a vulnerable teenager. Una could be any teenager, anywhere in the world, and unfortunately predators like Ray exist in all walks of life, whether they accept responsibility or not for their actions.

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Joker (I) (2019)
Why 'Joker' has made us uncomfortable?
8 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
'What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner, with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? You get what you deserve!'

The above quote is from Todd Phillips' brash new smash hit movie; 'Joker', which is based on DC's famous comic book villain. Never before has this infamous DC character which remains one of the most well-known comic book characters, had its own origin movie. Critics and fans alike have showered praise on Joaquin Phoenix, who has given a ground breaking performance which adds humanity to a character whose villainous exploits are well known, but the character itself remains an anomaly. Yet the film has also received some criticism, not because of Phoenix's performance or Todd Phillip's direction, but on the movie being too 'dark', and supposedly glorifying violence. This criticism is quite surprising, as neither the violence in the movie is more excessive than seen in recent years, and in terms of being 'dark', then once again it matches at the very least movies like, 'Mother!'; and 'The Killing of a Sacred Deer'. So what is the real reason for the supposed walk outs from showings of the film, and those 'offended' viewers who have had to resort to using social media outlets to vent their disgust? The answer lies within all of us, and how society as a whole views people with mental illness. 'Joker' is a movie that attempts to achieve something rare in cinema, and that is to bring realism to a comic book story, by raising important questions about modern day society. The film dares to be more than a fun filled, CGI injected comic book adaptation, and this is why some fans seem unsettled. Surely if watching grown men in costumes, is what you love, then you have had your fair share of the 'Avengers' saving the world, battling against outer-galactic enemies. However with 'Joker' we have the portrayal of a man who has suffered for most of his life, at the hands of his carers, professionals, colleagues, and most others who have crossed his path. Arthur Fleck, a la 'Joker', is a man who has been diagnosed with mental illness, and is struggling to lead a normal life, yet fails to receive the support he clearly requires. Arthur whose plight is ignored, becomes a victim of abuse at the hands of people who fail to understand him. Eventually something snaps, and the results are tragic. People who have criticised the film, have claimed that Arthur/Joker's actions may be used as inspiration by similarly disadvantaged people to perpetrate violence against society. Yet these short sighted individuals fail to understand the potent message behind the lead up to Arthur's transformation. However I am sure if the movie had shown that the acts of violence was committed by a foreigner, with a religious motive, than it would have been easily accepted. The fact that the film shows how society can drive a mentally ill white male to commit 'terrorist' acts have stirred some uncomfortable feelings about how we view mental illness, and even the stereo type of people perceived to be dangerous in our society. Or perhaps this movie does not fit the agenda we wish to consider at the moment. The discussion of mental illness, and its effects, have not yet been passed down from the government, because they still haven't finished with trying to force LGBT down our throats. Being part of that rainbow movement is fashionable at the moment, yet being a mentally ill loner has not yet reached the priority list of the policy makers.

I would advise that people accept what the film is trying to show, even if the climax is difficult to watch, or even more difficult to accept. We need to reflect upon how many people are suffering from mental illness, and how it effects them and their families. I have always felt that it is movies that are inspired by reality, and not the other way around. Joker is a bleak yet bold statement about the injustices of a society that preys on the weak, and maybe that's what we don't like.
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Sharp Objects (2018)
A bland adaptation of a brilliant novel
27 August 2018
Many people are sceptical whenever a great novel is adapted for the screen. The reason is that very rarely do such adaptations have the results the book deserves. There are exceptions when the page to screen transition produces something worthy of its source. Adaptations like 'Gone Girl', Gillian Flynn's most famous novel comes to mind. However with this particular adaptation of 'Sharp Objects', which I believe is Gillian's best novel to date we have a disappointing mini series full of dull characters who fail to bring this tense story to life. Personally I was excited about the prospect of this eight part drama especially when I heard Amy Adams was in the lead role, but ironically it is this casting choice which let this adaptation down. Amy Adams is a superb actress but as 'Camille Preaker' she was flat and cold. In fact she looked too old for the role and wasn't beautiful enough to play a character who was supposed to be stunning yet damaged. Personally I believe Jessica Chastain would have been better. In regards to the series itself, it continued at a dreary pace and for a novel which was really a page turner, it's adaptation was full of boring scenes where nothing really happened. The only shining star from this bland work is Aliza's portrayal as 'Amma'. I loved Aliza's zeal and passion as Amma, she truly brought Gillian Flynn's vision to life. But in regards to the rest it was truly forgettable. If you thought this was good, then I suggest you read the book and then you will understand how under cooked this on screen version of 'Wind Gap's' crimes really is.

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A Dark Universe!
25 March 2016
The 'Batman v Superman' blockbuster is in many ways the most awaited film of all time. Ever since I was a kid there have been numerous attempts to begin projects bringing together the two most iconic superheroes of all on the silver screen, without success. The ultimate superhero pairing between 'Superman', who represents this out of the world symbol of piety and absolute power with the 'dark knight' of Gotham, the fallen and troubled billionaire whose actions are more of those of a vigilante than a saviour. Traditionally 'Superman' and 'Batman' are the polar opposites of each other and that is the reason why there have been hundreds of animation movies made featuring both, yet the silver screen never witnessed their colossus duel before. Now finally, we have 'Batman v Superman - Dawn of Justice'. The expectations unbelievably high and the build up at fever pitch, this movie doesn't quite deliver. The film goes along at a brisk pace with impressive action sequences but lacks real depth which we seem to have in many of Marvel's cinematic universe movies. 'Batman v Superman' is huge no doubt but CGI and special effects can never be a substitute for quality film making and good story telling. The film features three primarily superheroes with the 'Caped Crusader' and the 'Gotham Knight' being the real focus yet the film seems more geared to building the much awaited and long delayed 'Justice League' movies as opposed to focusing on the greatest duel in cinematic history. Even the concepts explored in the film seem to be muddled and confused with each character portraying a dark side and even the premier combatants facing too many of their own demons. No doubt, 'DC' and 'Warner Bros' have made a concerted effort to portray a dark world for their movies yet any superhero flick featuring 'Superman' needs to respect his universal image of being mighty and noble. In DC's 'dark universe', both of these characteristics have become muddled in a world where people have turned away from the lovable alien. On the positives however, Ben Affleck is epic as 'The Batman' taking his tormented hero into a new era and Gal Gadot is also impressive making her debut as 'Wonder Woman'. I wish that I could say the same for the greatest of all superheroes and the reason why we have 'DC' entering into their own cinematic universe. Henry Cavill portrays a 'vulnerable' Superman which made me a life long DC and Superman fan a little uneasy. It seems to me if 'Justice League' is to be successful in the same way as their counterparts; Marvel's 'Avengers' phenomenon has been, they need to re-think and become clear on how each character has to be portrayed and remember that the focal point has to be 'Superman'. The 'Son of Krypton' needs to remain recognisable to fans and critics even if it is against the backdrop of a world in chaos and a Universe about to explode with the introduction of a 'Meta-Human' population. (@zulfmanauthor)
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Creed (II) (2015)
An honest tribute to a great legacy!!
20 March 2016
With 'Creed', you have the emergence of a new 'Rocky' franchise, with a new look and a fresh face. The film is based on Apollo Creed's illegitimate love child who re-surfaces in Philadelphia, searching for his late father's nemesis; Rocky Balboa. Michael B Jordan is brilliant and the light of this movie as he portrays 'Adonis Johnson', the son of a boxing legend who wants to cement his own legacy. Of course Sylvester Stallone is back as Rocky Balboa but at times seemed abit bored reprising his old role once again. Michael Jordan takes the show for me, he is full of fire as well as being emotional bringing the characteristics of his charismatic father into the ring as well as the toughness of his famous trainer. The story itself is predictable and follows the original Rocky almost blow by blow but this film doesn't intend to bring anything new but instead felt like it was paying tribute to one of the greatest movie franchises in cinema history. No doubt as with the recent 'Terminator' re-boot and the new 'Star Wars' episode, this is the beginning of something new but the creators of the 'Creed' legacy need to be mindful that something new is required to keep any follow up movies interesting and worth watching otherwise the 'Rocky' angle will also wear thin and even the hardcore fans will switch off. @zulfmanauthor
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Deadgirl (2008)
A harrowing look at the modern man!
6 September 2015
The horror movie; 'Deadgirl' is a highly provocative and disturbing film about two teenagers who find a girl chained up in the basement of an abandoned asylum. The decisions they make from that point set the tone of this engrossing movie which is shocking and brutal. The film is very well made, there are no scenes which are simply added to make up time and each character is believable. The director wasn't simply making a horror film but he was asking bold questions of society, questioning the morality of the modern man and asking what females represent in our eyes. Deep under the surface, the film delves into the darker side of human nature, probing into our lust for sex and whether women are now perceived as objects in the sub-conscious of men. It is easy to remind ourselves that this is a film and what the males do to the poor girl they find would never really happen. However if we are truthful to ourselves, we would ask how many males would do the right thing in this situation and what stops us from breaking the rules and crossing the limits? 'Deadgirl' focuses on the morality or lack of it in our society and whether the modern western male admits it or not, the idea of sex and women in western society has become poisoned by social dis-integration, no longer having any moral substance. @zulfmanauthor
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Unfriended (2014)
Terror Now Available Online!
6 September 2015
The innovative movie 'Unfriended' will be loved by some and hated by others. For the simple reason that it's a movie that will only appeal to youngsters who spend most of their conscious time connected to a wireless world of chat rooms and social media. This film brings the horror to a group of teenagers who are having a normal evening connected to each other via Skype, eventually realising someone has joined their chat room who cannot be 'unfriended'. The film is not a routine revenge flick because it cannot be due to it being completely filmed through the online experience. At times the movie is frustrating to watch but then you get use to it and realise it's as clever and original a movie as you will watch this year. In fact it reminds me of 'The Blairwatch Project' and how the 'found footage' genre was introduced, here we have the next generation of horror.... maybe! I doubt this type of film will catch on but who knows, but whether this is a one off or a start of a new sub-genre of horror, 'Unfriended' is a tense, entertaining and interesting film which has to be appreciated for being so original. @zulfmanauthor
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Child 44 (2015)
A powerful and haunting film about a brutal regime!
2 September 2015
Every once in a while a movie comes along which reminds the world of a place long forgotten, an unsettling piece of our history. This is what 'Child 44' does as it portrays the brutality of the communist regime of the Soviet Union post second world war. The film is based on a disgraced military officer's search for a serial killer who the authorities fail to accept actually exists. The film is not based on the manhunt but more on the communist values of the USSR and the plight of the poor victims. Tom Hardy and Naomi Rapace deliver towering performances as they face their own struggles as well as a desperate search for the truth. The film is tense and bleak, where something disastrous could happen at any turn and that is the fear the movie successfully transfers to the viewer. The setting is dull and the pace of the movie is slow but this gives the movie a haunting look. The film could not have had a more refined cast with the likes of Tom Hardy, Naomi Rapace and Gary Oldman at work with an intelligent script that never loses it's focus. The critics fail to understand what the movie is trying to portray and the truth is that we have got use to high octane action sequences, dramatic shootouts and explosive characters. With 'Child 44', we have an honest and powerful tale of a brutal regime that shut itself off from the world and believed they had created 'paradise'. @zulfmanauthor
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Side Effects (I) (2013)
Not that clever after all!
2 September 2015
The perception of 'Side Effects' was a good one initially and each character played their part in a compelling mystery. Rooney Mara is brilliant as a patient suffering from depression who visits charismatic psychologist Jude Law. However a drug he prescribes has unforeseen and disastrous side effects for Rooney Mara's character. In many ways the film reminded me of 'Primal Fear' but the difference here was that the twist in 'Primal Fear' was the climax and a brilliant one, yet in this movie the twist came far too early resulting in the rest of the movie becoming too predictable. The film suffers in the last half an hour and this is where the 'clever' aspect of the film fell flat. Performances were good, especially Jude Law and Rooney Mara but Catherine Zeta Jones came across as a weak character. I still enjoyed the movie because it was different, however it could have been much more compelling had the director not disclosed details of the crime itself and had the twist been handled more intelligently. Overall 'Side Effects' is good but has some weaknesses it could really have done without. @zulfmanauthor
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Good but should have been better!
31 August 2015
There are many things to like about 'The Lazarus Effect' a sort of indie horror, which has borrowed parts of other movies especially 'Flatliners' but with more horror and less maturity. The film follows students of medicine who are trying to devise a technique where they can bring back people who have recently died by injecting them with a chemical that interacts with their brain. Their reasons are much different to the medics in 'Flatliners' and the results are more horrific. Good cast who create enough tension to keep the viewer hooked yet the film is disappointing because its ideas could have been explored further. Olivia Wilde is excellent as the first human subject yet her demise and climax of the movie seems rushed and gives you the impression the director ran out of budget or ideas. This may explain the film's short length however what we have is thrilling and creepy. But being a writer myself, I saw so much potential to this movie and know it could have been much better. On a positive note, the film exceeds the more hyped 'Lucy' as it also explores what happens if a greater part of our brain capacity could be utilised. @zulfmanauthor
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Savages (I) (2012)
Beautiful Savages!
24 August 2015
Oliver Stone has this ability to leave his mark on a movie, he has style, finesse and more importantly brings unbridled savagery to his subject matter. Whether he is telling the story of 'Ron Kovic' or exposing the corruption on 'Wall Street', his movies are tough. This is why 'Savages' is no exception, a standard storyline based around drugs and violence, Oliver Stone directs a brutal yet poetic film which manages to stand out amongst films of the same genre. The film follows two friends and their booming narcotics business who are forced to confront a violent and merciless drugs cartel, who take their shared girlfriend in exchange for a piece of their business. The film is way more superior to Ridley Scott's terrible 'The Counselor', which has some similarities to this movie. Everything about 'Savages' isn't great, but the film is different and clever, it adds style in the right places and never tries too hard to be anything it cannot be. Most importantly in my opinion, this excessively violent thriller actually allows the female artists to not only have major roles but also dominate the landscape of proceedings. Salma Hayek and Blake Lively were brilliant for me, they stole the show away from so many of their male counterparts. This is why 'Savages' is unique! @zulfmanauthor
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Shame (2011)
Why 'Shame' is so significant!
23 August 2015
'Shame' is a highly provocative and controversial film, which focuses on a man's addiction of sex and pornography. It is difficult to watch, at times I thought about turning it off due to explicit scenes of sex and nudity. However the film goes much deeper than what is on the surface,it is based on a troubled man who is no longer able to control his addiction which has totally consumed him. Michael Fassbender is excellent in the lead role, perhaps his best performance to date. Carey Mulligan also deserves much of the credit, playing the character's sister who arrives unexpectedly causing further turmoil in his world. This film is explicit and it's vulgarity is not included for the sake of cheap thrills or to cause controversy but is intended to take the viewer into the filthy mind of Fassbender. The main theme of the film needs to be understood as it remains hidden behind many of the scenes, it focuses on many of the underlying issues men have and their overall perception of women in society. 'Shame' is not based on the turmoil of one man, it is based on how women have become an object of sex especially in the West where adultery is open and porn has become a way of life. @zulfmanauthor
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Dark Places (2015)
Not a 'Dark' enough Place!
17 August 2015
As soon as I heard about 'Dark Places' many months ago, I was looking forward to watching this movie. First of all, it was based on my favourite writer's novel of the same name and secondly it features two of my favourite actresses. It had to be great. I read the novel first, which is Gillian Flynn's second book and perhaps her weakest. Yet it is still engrossing with the story having Gillian's hallmarks of being dark and tense. Now we have the adaptation, featuring 'Charlize Theron'in the role of 'Libby Day'. It seemed a strange choice because Charlize is so different to Gillian Flynn's description of 'Libby'. However this is an adaptation and Charlize was good and convincing as the woman who grows up still haunted by the shocking tragedy when her entire family was massacred twenty eight years ago. Charlize delivers but this is hardly surprising given the depth of her talent but for me it was 'Chloe Moretz Grace' who steals the show as the wicked 'Diondra'. In fact she was the only character who was suitably dark in this tale which should have been tense and bleak. The film doesn't really deliver, not because it isn't a good film but because it should have been much better given the cast and the book it is based on. I fault the director for this, with the other adaptation this year by 'David Fincher' of Gillian Flynn's 'Gone Girl', we had a superior director at work who produced a brilliant and powerful version of Gillian's bestselling novel. Sadly, this is not achieved with 'Dark Places', the film seems to rush itself without any real conviction and at times has a feel of a made for television movie. Personally I would love to have seen someone like 'Clint Eastwood' direct this movie with Elizabeth Olsen in the main role as 'Libby Day'. Her smaller frame and innocent looks would have made the character more like Gillian's vision and the film should have focused more on Libby's search for the truth and closure. @zulfmanauthor
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Crash (I) (2004)
Life is not 'black and white'!
5 August 2015
The promise of 'Crash' makes its outlook very compelling, good cast in a movie about inter-twining lives against the backdrop of a big city and all its problems. However this film is nowhere near as powerful or brilliant as '21 Grams' which followed a similar concept but was perfectly executed. With 'Crash' we have a movie which deals with racism but each character is so stereo-typical who makes decisions we all expect them to make that the whole story becomes predictable and at times boring. The performances are good, which is not surprising when you assemble a top cast but the movie is dis-jointed and none of the characters are such that you would really care about what they do or what happens to them. There prejudices which are all based on racism are too blatant and their turnaround farcical. It would have been much more interesting if the movie had at least some characters who have sub-conscious prejudices which surface in a particular situation, this is a lot more common than the characters shown in this movie. All in all, this film is over-rated, the effort behind it was good but the end result very disappointing and dull. @zulfmanauthor
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Southpaw (2015)
A Triumph against the Odds!
26 July 2015
The portrayal of a modern day tragic hero who rises from the ashes in almost Herculean fashion could not have been better enacted than by Jake Gylenhaal. Jake remains one of the most remarkable actors of our time, the contrast could not have been bigger between his last performance in 'Nightcrawler',where he portrays a smart and cunning freelance reporter to now being 'Billy Hope', an enigmatic and obnoxious boxing champion who falls from grace, only to discover the true meaning of life. This ability to adapt so well and become the epitome of the character places Jake Gylenhaal in a league of the elite great actors. This movie 'Southpaw' depicts a favourite Hollywood theme, the fall and rise of a sporting great, this movie is 'Rocky' and 'Raging Bull' rolled into one and a few others. However it works, everything is bang on and hits the right buttons even though we know what is going to happen, we still anticipate and cheer on the fallen hero to redeem himself. Antoine Fuqua tries nothing new and doesn't even pretend to be original but he delivers an old fashioned movie about triumph which is so highly rated despite it being so unoriginal, that this is the real 'triumph' for all involved. This film is to fans of the great sporting movies what 'John Wick' was to action movie lovers, and that is being a throwback, a no nonsense tribute to what classic cinema is made of and why we loved movies in the first place. @zulfmanauthor
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Terminator Reloaded!
12 July 2015
The great 'Terminator' series which began in 1984 with a revolutionary concept of the machines taking over and waging war against mankind, has become stale due to lesser sequels. The first two movies were great for different reasons, the original movie was a bleak and terrifying vision of the future whereas the sequel was an action packed multi-million dollar extravaganza which broke box office records. However the following two instalments did not fit into the bigger picture and failed to capture the imagination. Now we have 'Genisys' a movie which has been backed by great action sequences and a brand new look at the entire story. Not to mention the fact that Schwarznegger is back and in great form as the futuristic protector. This film is a re-boot as well as a prequel to the original two instalments but at times this film seems like it is simply paying homage to James Cameron's masterpiece. In truth, this fifth instalment adds nothing new but it reminds us of what made Terminator such a great film without ever re-creating the same brilliance as the 1984 and 1991 versions. But this is a new age and much thought has gone into this re-telling of the Terminator story with more expansion of how 'Skynet' actually took over the world. This concept was novel decades ago but with the development of technology, 'Genisys' is now able to shed light on how it actually happened. The only question is whether there is any need to have a new series, we know there are more movies to come but the fear is that this new series will lose it's way and only repeat much of what has already been done before.
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Chappie (2015)
Chappie wants to live !
28 June 2015
Neill Blomkamp's previous two movies have been brilliant sci-fi thrillers. The first being 'District 9', which is quite simply a genre classic and the other; 'Elysium' which was another well made atmospheric story better than the average sci-fi flick. So now we have 'Chappie', a film that bears many of the hallmarks of Blomkamp's previous work without ever reaching the same standard. The story focuses on a futuristic world where the South African government employ robots to fight crime. However when one of the robots is taken by a gang of thieves and installed with a programme to give it 'artificial intelligence', the results are remarkable. This is an action packed and emotional story with the cast doing a great job but the film suffers towards the end with one too many 'Hollywood' touches. As a movie about 'consciousness', it is not as intelligent as 'Ex Machina' which tackles a similar topic. Yet 'Chappie' is fun with moments of humour and great action, but don't expect another Neill Blompkamp classic! @zulfmanauthor
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A Monster-sized adventure !
17 June 2015
The emergence of another 'Jurassic Park' sequel after the failure of 'Jurassic Park III' was bound to open the movie to criticism as exploring the world of dinosaurs seems to have been exhausted. However 'Jurassic World' doesn't try to be anything new, in fact it goes back to the original movie and adds on a few tasty elements. The film is set twenty two years after the original park was closed down after the disastrous events, and an Indian tycoon has now invested in a bigger and better park. However events take a disastrous turn once again due to genetically created experiments that are taking place behind the scenes. The story is good but not too inventive and the action sequences are breath-taking, whereas predictably some of the characters are abit two dimensional. The film is huge and highly enjoyable whether you are a fan of 'Jurassic Park' movies or not, this is old fashioned mayhem. In fact it is much better then the highly rated 'Godzilla' movie from 2014, which never got going. Jurassic World does what a great sequel should do, which is to take what the original had and change a few things while adding on a few sub-plots. Take the family and settle down to a a couple of hours of summer movie fun!
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It Follows (2014)
Simply chilling!
9 June 2015
This modern day horror film is highly rated based on a simple idea of a young girl who is stalked by a malevolent presence. The style in which it is made, and even the story itself takes you back to the classic horror movies of the 70s and 80s. In fact it reminded me of the original 'Amytville horror' movies and 'Poltergeist'. It begins with the ordinary life of a young girl who has a sexual encounter with a young boy, from this point her living nightmare begins. The viewer experiences her desperate search for an answer to this supernatural force which manifests itself in different ways. The film remains creepy and it's chill can be felt with the characters being believable and likable as they battle something that is crude and evil. The film seems to have an underlying message for teenagers as 'It' seems to represent the filth of society and the evils of debauchery and changing sex partners. However away from the moral messages, this film is a future horror classic and I hope a sequel is coming soon. @zulfmanauthor
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Amazing portrayal of a soldier !
8 June 2015
The controversial and highly acclaimed movie from director Clint Eastwood; 'American Sniper' is a compelling story that is brilliantly told. Bradley Cooper gives an epic performance as Chris Kyle, the Navy Seal who was an expert marksman dubbed 'legend' by his peers. He killed over one hundred and fifty people while defending his fellow soldiers. This fact in itself should not be celebrated as killing in any field, should never become revered however it is Kyle's patriotism and passion which make him a likable character. The film never tries to make a political statement or give the audience any arguments of whether war is right or wrong, however it focuses on the casualties of combat and how soldiers return from a war zone and can never be the same again. The film reminded me of Oliver stone's masterpiece; 'Born on the fourth of July', but wasn't quite as great as that. However this film remains compelling viewing made in Eastwood style of being uncompromising and honest, whatever your view of the war in Iraq and the US role in the middle east, put it aside and just watch this film and especially Bradley Cooper delivering a classic performance. The one thing this film lacked perhaps was the domestic life of Chris Kyle, it seemed the action in Iraq took precedence over Kyle's turmoil at home. However the film still left me strangely admiring a man who may have been a serial killer for some and a war hero for others. Don't worry about that, just enjoy a great film! @zulfmanauthor
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Ex Machina (2014)
Advanced Intelligence!
4 June 2015
One of the most discussed topics within the Sci-fi world, is that of 'Artificial Intelligence'. Can AI truly exist and what would this mean for mankind? Great movies from the previous millennium tackled this concept, 'Westworld' and more famously 'The Terminator' series focused on the machines developing a consciousness, only to threaten mankind. In recent times, the subject of AI has become more advanced with movies like 'Transcendence' and the 'Avengers 2 - Age of Ultron' offering a more balanced and highly technical view. This leads to Alex Garland's brilliant movie; 'Ex-Machina' and the world of Nathan who brings one of his employees to his massive research facility to meet 'Ava'. The aim is for Caleb, an intelligent and articulate young man to interact with an AI female robot and test whether she has a 'consciousness'. This film is a highly engrossing study into human emotions and whether those emotions could ever be found in a machine. Does emotions make us better or weaker and should technology have limits? The film is fascinating, not just because of its topic but because of it's pace and intelligence. The film is different and simple in the questions it asks through each character who seems to bring something different to the movie. This film is for the intelligent more than for action-lovers, it will make you think and reflect upon long after it finishes. @zulfmanauthor
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Seen before but still good to watch!
24 May 2015
The story of 'Before I go to Sleep' is adapted from SJ Watson's novel, a bestseller who has clearly taken the idea for his book from 'Memento'. The film works well however, lacking the intensity of 'Memento' yet is brilliantly led by Nicole Kidman, who portrays a patient who loses her memory every time she sleeps. The plot is brilliantly managed and the cast are undoubtedly the pioneers of this ambitious film. It works well on screen, a tense 'who dunnit', where every character seems to raise some suspicion. This is not ground breaking stuff but remains convincing which is surely its greatest accomplishment and a good twist at the end provides the icing on a pretty tasty cake. (If you want to read an original novel, read mine - ( OF BLOOD)@zulfmanauthor
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