
32 Reviews
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Almost a perfect origin movie!
1 September 2021
Mannnn... this movie is good.

Let me... just say.. first of all.. OMG THE FIGHTS! THE ACTION! OH.. MY.. GOD. Marvel did it again after having a slight setback with the just okay black widow movie. This movie has the best fight scenes I've seen since the raid films. The fights are so well choreographed but also fast paced and filmed to perfection. The bus fight is incredible!!!!! The fight in the beginning between the mandarin and the mother.. wow wow wow... OKAY Back to reality. This movie does have flaws. First of all the pacing in like the 3/4rd of the film is a tat slow. The score honestly is weak. Might be my theater but there were moments where the score had to make me feel something and (credits to the movie itself that it let me ) i had to do that all by myself.

The plot sometimes leans to a pretty basic plot, but because of the great screenplay it works.

Cinematography was amazing. The acting was good. And the special effects were very good. One thing that I have to admit. Game of thrones kind of spoiled us with the design of .. a particular mythical creature so... that won't look as great as it could've been but still very good.

But man the fights were incredible.. the camera work was so good. Fluent movements but fast and I could see EVERYTHING. After snake eyes I thought I would never see a good martial arts movie again considering how average that was.

Thank you, shang chi. You made my night.

9 out of 10. Welcome back marvel.
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this movie is good. nothing less or more.
6 March 2019
I don't want to adress the hate, but let's try to forget it for a second and just appreciate the film for what it is: a film. thank you.

First of all, the intro of the mcu logo was great. youll see what i mean when you see the film and I appreciate the creators for doing it as they did.

Now... first the good stuff: 1. Samuel L. Jackson: He played a more softened Nick Fury, but very much "agent coulson prior avengers" like, with a lot of attitude, sarcastic humor and less serious. Also the de-aging is becoming so good, that you wouldnt even be able to notice it even if you really looked. His character was very well done on script and screen.

2. Some of the action: The space battle stuff etc. was very well done. the special effects team did an amazing job at this movie. nothing felt or looked fake. kudos!

3. Surprise surprise: the story. From the trailers you would not be able to predict this but the story is actually really interesting. The way they introduce her past was very originally done. The way she remembers things through different ways was clever.. very clever even, because it doesnt make her past like an obstacle you first gotta go through.. it added to the story while adding to her character. Also multiple twist and 1 big one that even got me thinking for a while.

4. Ben Mendelson: really impressive job. very layered surpringsly and stand out in my books. the acting is general was very good

the bad:

1. It misses spectacle... and a standout moment. in thor 3 for example; you had the intro scene, and the end scene which were big standout moments and a manifestation of thor's powers. i feel you didnt get that in this movie.

2. Like I said the story was great, the execution a.k.a. the screenplay/script lacked... they had such great storypoints, but they were all done so quickly and those moments lacked emotion. the friendship between carol and her friend didnt feel real. she seemed to have a more genuine relationship with her kid rather than with her and that bothered me a bit, since they seemed all buddy buddy in the past and even during some moments in the film where i was like; "but you didnt deserve that yet..." Ben's character had a more emotional impact on me than carol... yikes!! (and i dont mean that in a killmonger-t'challa kind of way)

3. some of the action again: some action just wasn't good. there is a moment she is fighting the skrull(the moment she yells at the skrull in the trailer) and that whole fighting sequence was horribly filmed and choreographed... which is weird, because she another scene where she is fighting the skrull in the film and then the action seemed way better filmed.

All in all, the film was good. nothing more and nothing less. i missed an emotional attachment to the main character. I felt like i still didnt know her after the film, and i think that's because they tried to give her a certain personality that just didnt fit the film. she was supposed to be a bit arrogant, but i wouldve loved to see more vulnerablity in a woman that is the STRONGEST creature in the world and they made me believe that btw. she come across as amazingly powerfull at one point in the film. believe me! Wonderwoman's vulnerability and her femine side me fall in love with the character and they stripped that away fromm carol, and basically made her less relatable.

so that's why i gave it a 7. it's definitely a good time in the theatre and some of the scenes are quite the spectacle and i loved the shock and awe that some scenes provided. especially the way she got her powers(hihihi geeks out). Go see it. it is nowhere near as bad as iron man 2/thor 2, but it doesn't touch civil war, infinity war etc. either, its like rifght in the middle. inbetween those 20+ films.
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Black Panther (2018)
Why are people calling this overrated!?!? this is amazing!!!
13 February 2018
Wow! What an amazing film! Just everything; from the story, to the acting, the cinematogrophy, the camerawork, the special effects.. everything felt like a beautiful piece of art.

Acting 10/10: The cast does an amazing job doing their roles. Michael B. Jordan.. I cant say enough good things about this character. He's relatable, yet so so menacing... an actual threat for not T'challa or the world perse, but the goal of T'challa.. to his actual legacy. The women were amazing and empowering, showing they can also love and choose to be warriors(not because they cant come out of wakanda.........).

Cinematogrophy/VFX 9/10: Beautiful. Seriously beautiful. There are some iffy moments in the action scenes especially at the end were every tiny detail is CGI. The movements are very gracious and quick, which make for wonky image sometimes.

Story 10/10: This story is AIRTIGHT. For me it was kind of a perfect. Everything wove in perfectly. Every storybit had a pay off. The scenes served the story and not the other way around, which results in a rewarding film and is very rare. I think I only saw that in maybe civil war, winter soldier and the dark knight.

All in All, I cant stop loving this film. It is perfect for me. Yes I complained about the wonky CGI sometimes, but thats because you can't have zero negatives in a review right? I would give it a 10/10,, because i will watch it much more in the theatres.
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Well.. Black Panther still looks good, right?
10 February 2018
Here we go again..

I genuinely hoped.. there would've been change.

Sadly, I have to state the obvious: this is among the worst trilogies of film-making I' ve seen.

Acting? Bad. They were both there for a paycheck and nothing else.

Story? Well you see them getting married in the trailer.. and then you see her ex-boss picking up a gun, right? well there you have it.

Cinematogrophy: Worst than the first, but better than the second. Nothing to add there.

Dialogue: ... let's not go there..

All in all, i would give it a 1/10, because it was nice to look at some landscape for time to time. This review is short, because the movie was done short. it was bad from beginning to end, with horrible dialogue, with unstable emotions of both characters.. you get a sense of where this franchise couldve gone and done it right at the very end... but by then it meant nothing. god... I hate the writer who wrote it and I condemn writers like that back to wherever they came from.
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great film
18 October 2017
Acting: 10/10. Surprised?

Action: 10/10. Are you really!?

Comedy: 9/10, taika waititi hit my funnybone in many scenes, but sometimes missed in some key moments in the story. I still laughed my ass off

Camera-work/cinematography: wow... a few mindblowing shots and a lot of kirby inspired set pieces that put me right back in 1991 reading my comics like a supernerd i was

Story: 9/10 The First and the last act are both so so exciting that the second act lacks the speed the first and last were going on. Im not used to that nowadays where the third act always slows down the film. It is a cool change up. It does tie in to infinity war, you whiney nerds. they actually listen to your dopey wishes. the post credit scene will bblow your damn mind and make you jizz your pants.

all in all, go see it opening nights because it has LOADS of sppoilers for future stuff. you'll love it. in the conversation for best marvel films for sure. even superhero films.
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Beautifully shot action sprinkled with some disappointments
21 September 2017
First of all, if you like going to the movies with reviews on your mind.. please read them instead of just taking the score into mind.

The action is amazing, original, well-shot and thrilling! It gives you the same adrenaline kick as in the first film. I will warn you though.. there is no scene that is on par with the church scenes. don't expect a 4 minute slaughter of another church, because it simply isn't there! It is asking a lot though from this franchise, so i didn't mind. 10/10 for the action.

Characters.. Well this is hard. Eggsy is great. Agent Whiskey is so good in this film. He caries like 3 of the best action scenes. He was SO American. Poppy a.k.a. julian moore's character fell like she overdid it. Channing tatum's character was barely in it, which was disappointing because he had an awesome action-setup and then he vanished. I can't talk about the rest of the characters, but agent whiskey, along with halle berry's character, eggsy and of course.. the OG galahad were great. Some characters got rid off and it didn't have to. 8/10

Cinematography: in times to cgi-ish, but overall fantastic. 9/10

Story: The story itself is great. the screenplay however disappointed me. Moments where i needed to feel it weren't there. The story in the first one is about eggsy. this one is as well, but i needed more emotional moments to really adore him again. we did something else though that was very endearing. I liked the villain's motivation... 7/10

All in all, it's such a fun time at the theaters. as we know critics don't like fun, but we action-junkies, movie-lovers and vaugn-admireres enjoy it all! do see it in the theaters!!! 8/10. If you don't care about character development, its a 10/10
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"So is it better than the first one?"
28 April 2017
The title says it all. I question I got immediately via text from my dear friend. Now to answer that question, kids, let me begin at beginning.

The GOTG vol. 2 is one hell of a ride with crazy and mostly BEAU-TI-FUL visuals which are really eye-popping in 3D. The screen is constantly filled with beautiful colours and well made CGI that will make you question: "wait... are the visuals better than Dr. strange?? "

The important chemistry between our dear guardians is heavily present and I love it. The little baby groot gets his own mini show in the beginning(not telling in what way or form), but that brings me to the humor; Forced, in small portions.. Sometimes the humor doesn't click for me and feels a little it on the nose, but for the most part you will live with LOADS of laughter in your memories. Drax along with MANTIS? steals the show in terms of humour..

"Then why do people feel the need to be caution about their excitement of their films as reviewers like "jeremy jahns" have said us to be in a way?" Well... The only thing that sticks out as sore thumb(in this almost great film) is the story... not the story perse, but the story structure. We are used to the whole act 1; buildup, act 2: explanation of evaluation of the conflict and act 3: resolution. They change that up a bit, which makes the first two acts feel like the story is lacking. It's not bad by all means, but people expected a dense story like the first one and this just doesn't give that.

Having said that, the actors were great, the chemistry was there, yondu & drax(and mantis) stole the show for me, the action was great.. i cannot wait for the next installment and i will see it again tomorrow because it's a damn good movie.

So the answer that darn question in the title: No, because when the first one is great in trilogy, it's hard to make a better one.. you can only hope it matches that level and for me it almost got there.

8 out of 10 guys. Go see it. Don't listen to JEREMY this time.

p.s.: most disappointing thing in the whole movie was that there is NO tie-in to avengers infinity war or thor rag...
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Logan (2017)
Emotionally Drained by the mighty claws of WOLVERINE!
1 March 2017
Wow! This movie was quite the spectacle.. It felt like happiness, sadness, anger and very satisfied after seeing this movie.

The movie is about Logan being completely broken down and very depressive. He has seen everything and experienced everything in life. Everything he loved and fought for have all been given to him, taken away,given back and taken away again. You see his journey in his eyes which is great.

This is what you always wanted from wolverine. He said in the first x-men film that it hurt every time the claws came out and your finally felt that in this movie.. but the thing we all wanted to see is him going crazy... and boy did he.. I saw more blood, gore and amazinnggg action scenes throughout this movie than I could have ever wished for.

The acting was great all-around, especially the little girl who had to act just through her expressions mostly without words. I was sure almost sure her action bits would be just full of annoying cuts every few seconds, but it wasn't.. there were some long-shots which really made me question how they filmed that.

and yes.. i did let some tears fall out of my eyes. Im not gonna tell you whats gonna happen, but damn those were some emotional moments.

the only negative i could come up with is maybe the slow pace in the middle, but i never got bored. Though it was a lot of showing wolverine is DONE with life itself, it was darn interesting to see him this way.

The direction is amazing. You almost are in shock when you realize the director is the same one as knight and day with Cameron Dias HHS. This movie is another one, like the dark knight, that surpasses the brand great "comic book film" and can only be seen as A GREAT FILM PERIOD.

All in All, one of the heaviest films fox ever brought out in recent times... Thank god for dead pool, because that's the reason we got this r-rated masterpiece. I would give this film a 9.9/10. It just missed some story points to make the middle 20 minutes not feel as a slow-burn. that's it.. this movie is so close to perfect its crazy.
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It wasn't as bad as the first one??
7 February 2017
Hi guys.. Back again.. to review another.

So as usual i will keep the review as spoilerfree as possible with rating multiple aspects of the film.

  • Acting: Yup, here we go again. Again dakota was functionable. Jamie was stale, tried to put more emotion into his character which came out unnatural, etc. The side characters were over the top. The only actor i liked was the "stalker girl" you see in the trailers. She brought at least something interesting. Both moms also acted well though. 3/10

  • Story: The story wasn't as bad as the first one was. There was a new interesting addition to it with Christian greys past, but it was executed so poorly.. It felt like the writers were like: god.. we cant do the same thing... what about a girl from greys past that stalks him... yea yea great. There were a few events which had nothing interesting to add to the story. It was just there as fillers.. I won't say much except for "helicopter-scene" and you'll know what im talking about. All in All, horrible as expected. 2/10

  • Characters: enough could be said about mr grey etc, but the one thingI hate is constantly seeing weak women characters in movies. Ana isn't just weak... she gets convinced in a relationship she purely was against 10 minutes into the movie, gives him a kiss of a lifetime after their first date because he gave her a present, didn't go to new york for her job because mr. grey said she couldn't... etc. etc. etc. i could go on and on, but when multiple women write a story at least let her be strong in 1 single scene. she even had to be rescued by him TWICE! 4/10

  • Dialogue: this.. i cant take seriously. Again Mr. Grey would horrible stupid lines which could only make soccer moms panties wet. It was so bad and unbelievable. You can tell the husband of the writer of the stories let in lines he normally would reject. "You're too... dressed" goddddd. 1/10

  • Cinematography: Again great. The movie overall might be sh*t but the cinematography is always beautiful and well filmed.

  • Rated R-stuff: Yea, they did it again. Not a lot of SM this time around. This time 3 out of 5 sex scenes didn't even feel sexy, but bland. Every scene was leading up to these scenes and normally i wouldn't mind that, if it had been interesting to watch. At least the first one had some sexy mystery to mr. grey, but now he is what we all thought he was: a controlling, stalking and abusive freak. 7/10

Verdict: Why bother? its a badly scripted romantic drama with soft-core-porn intentions, which don't play out very well. You cant even laugh anymore at how bad it is. Its just bad and sad to see a movie like this make money. Bad acting, story and horrible dialogue... go see LA LA LAND, any other Oscar contenders, or the lego batman film or john wick.. go see anything but this guys!
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Trippy, Weird, Amazing and Jawdropping!
21 October 2016
I was lucky enough to be among the press-junket last Wednesday to witness this movie! I usually rate movies by different aspects, but i'll also answer some questions my friends had about this film which I also had myself!

Acting (10/10): This cast is amazing! They embody their characters instead of trying to act like the character. Benedict as Dr. Strange was a portrayal right out of the comics! Tilda as the ancient one killed it!

Action (10/10): Wow! I could argue the action in this movie being on par with the scenes in civil war. It was so incredible watching this scenes with million pieces moving yet focus sing on the main characters. Wide angles, long shots and great choreography. what else do you want?

Story(8/10) : This movie had a solid story and you believed what, how and why things were going on! Villain was good and actually a memorable one for once(stab, you're welcome dc fans). It was not flawless though. The pace kind of slows down before the final act which was unnecessary!

Cinematography/VFX 10/10: The images in this film blew my mind! There is a scene in the beginning where the ancient one shows Dr strange "the magic" and it is great! Some serious mind-bending stuff combined with great visuals to let it manifest itself to the audience. Most artistic movie yet of marvel.

Overall, i'd give this movie an 8.5. Though this isn't THE best marvel movie, it is truly one of best out there. After the disappointing Jason borne, jack reach er etc. we finally have a movie that lives up to the hype! GO Watch this movie in Max 3d if possible, because it is worth it for once!

Some questions that my friends asked:

"Is this better than civil war?" - Well visual-wise on par, but story-wise civil war is better for many reasons including the fact that civil war had a lot of background information to work with. This was more of a standardized origin film.

"Is there a post-credit scene?" - Ah yes sir! Apparently there are two, but we got to see only 1.

"Is this the most mind-boggling thing you've ever seen on screen?" - Ehm yes and no. Yes, because the effects were amazing and things I've never seen before. No, nothing was so mind-blowing that it made me think different of the world or something.
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The movie that defines this statement: critics won't enjoy pure fun!
23 September 2016
This movie is so cool! Without spoiling anything, i will give my classic section-ratings:

Acting: Denzel Washington did it again; he was likable and awesome!! Chris pratt fell flat for me sometimes, because he was being very star lord-ish, which is great in guardians of the galaxy, but not as great in this movie. all in all the acting was very solid! 8/10

Story: there wasn't much to it and thats probably why critics are not loving this movie, but this movie is about having fun and stuff your face with popcorn! it was functional enough. 6/10

Fights/stunts/action: some of these action pieces were actually amazing. there is a scene where the magnificent 7 face 23 "villains" and that was done soooo goddamn great and the end fight scene was actually worth the buildup! 9/10

Cinematography: like I said in the fights-section; fights were shot so incredibly well. You have some creative shots with the sunrise etc.. Beautiful movie to look at! 8/10

all in all, very enjoyable movie with an okay story, but great acting and action. Maybe a tat too long(cut those 15 minutes of denzel staring in other people's eyes), so 8/10 it is. The movie knows what is and it isn't anything less or more!
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This word seems to lose it's meaning, but ill say it again: Fun
17 August 2016
This movie is fun! Nothing more than that.

Jason Statham is back and though this is not a good movie, it is a fun one and if you expected more than that you have no one else to blame but yourself.

Ill rate the movie with my usual ratingssystem which contains rating a few aspect of the movie with an overall total score at the end

Acting: 5/10. If Jason Statham looking stoically at everyone/everything isn't enough, we got jessica alba being used as a sex symbol first and an actress second. From Jason I can take it since it's his schtick, but jessica... yikes!

Action: 7/10. Though there were some cool scenes in there, nothing is original or great by any means. The action in the first the mechanic was better choreographed than in here.

Cinematography: 8/10. it is actually well shot and the action that is there is greatly shot with some wide angles here and there.

Dialogue: 3/10. I think they didn't even make a screenplay/script. they just went for it and came out with this.

Overall: 5/10. Wouldn't recommend it. It is fun and if there's nothing else in the cinemas i would recommend it while you were drunk and paid the matinée price :)
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Now this is a good superhero movie!!
12 April 2016
Hi, I saw civil war and I come with good news; it's AWESOME! Im not gonna spoil one single thing, since this movie should be seen by only the two trailers you probably saw. Don't watch any tvspots after the second trailer or whatever! Im gonna touch a few aspects and rate them. Acting: Of course it's amazing. The characters we were waiting for were black panther and of course SPIDERMAN! Both were done amazing! Spiderman has a bigger role than I personally expected and it's done with grace. Love it. Black Panther was such a good character with great motivation why he's doing what he's doing. The acting per usual from the other characters were great! 10/10 Story: Now where another (let's leave it) unnamed superhero movie failed this year, and no I'm not talking about dead-pool.., was the story. Now this story is what I expected from the other unnamed superhero movie. I didn't know what side I wanted to be on; cap's or iron man's. I was so conflicted and even while they're fighting you don't know who to root for. The villain in this movie felt a bit, not really out of place, but unnecessary in my opinion. But Marvel always struggles to find a good fleshed out villain except for Loki & kingpin in the series. 8/10 Action/Cinematography: O boy..If you're an action freak you will love this, if you're a comic book fan.. you're gonna LIVE these amazing action set pieces. The much anticipated airport scene is AMAZING. You've seen nothing, literally nothing of the amazing action that will bestow upon you guys. The airport scene is in complete imax and has a runtime of around 17 minutes. Just let that sink in! The Russo brothers know how to create great action and film it great as well. I can go on record and say this is by far the best superhero action scenes ever. 20/10. Verdict: Was it a perfect movie? No. But for me as a fan it came darn close. The only thing that bothered me were the villains, well actually one of the few that are in there. Was it better than... Batman v superman.. yes by far. I mean we're in a comic book movie year, so we might as well compare it. Batman v superman lacked in a lot of places and civil war just did it better. Just the conflict in ideologies made it so much more believable why the characters fought and because this whole story arc is happening now after 2 cross over movies, 3 iron movies and 2 cap movies.. the stakes are so incredibly high. I tried to compare dead-pool with it as well, but it's a different movie in terms of it being a solo movie and setting something up, instead of showing a conflict between good and good instead of good and evil. 9 out of 10! Near Perfect movie for the fans(9.5) and a good solid action film for the general movie go-ers(9)
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A new, but one-time cinematic experience
8 April 2016
Hi guys!

This movie is about a guy and his revenge. I don't like to spoil in my reviews, because the less you know, the better! I will talk about every aspect and rate it.

Action: It's very cool action. Like you may or may not have seen in the trailer, the action is good. Not the most inventive action, but it corresponds well with the way it's filmed. 7/10

Acting: It's functionally acted! You won't see any Oscar nominees in 2017 with any of the cast's names, but they played their part well and it wasn't bad. 7/10

Cinematography: Now this is where the film shines. It shows you something completely different and it does it well. They used the shots well and it was thrilling to see the guy, who probably had a go-pro attached to his head, get into the action and kick some *ss Under no circumstances are you annoyed but the way it is filmed, but for some it may cause a bit of dizziness. It did with the person i went with, though i didn't endure anything. For me it was a great experience in general! 10/10

Story: and here is where the movie flaws. It is another revenge movie and we already seen one 2 months ago called "the box office hit" dead-pool! The editing combined with the story was way better and though dead-pool had the advantage of pulling story lines out of a comic book and this was just an experience, it shows that they really made this movie just because of the first person shooter kind of feel. 5/10

Overall, the movie is an interesting and fun cinematic experience that for me was a one time deal. I would recommend seeing this movie in the cinemas, because I feel like if you watch this movie at home, you'd feel less impressed by the way it is filmed!

7 out of 10 for the movie overall!

  • Im Vinay from "The Entertain Train" on Youtube
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OK is a two-letter word that describes the most anticipated movie of 2016!
27 March 2016
Let's be honest! We were all, even marvel fan boys, waiting for this movie. The two most well known superheroes fighting... what could go wrong!? A lot.

The positives:

1. Batman & Alfred; Batfleck was amazing! Ben Affleck represented a batman that is damaged, changed his moral code(which if they play their cards right could be a center piece of solo batman films) and made him more bad-ass because of it.

2. The action: Amazing Action! It's thrilling, exciting and beautifully shot. That is what Zack does though and I expected nothing less.

3. Wonder woman: Supringsly well done. Her as Diana prince was maybe a bit stiff sometimes but she can make the character her own along the way. I trust her that much. Her as wonder woman was amazing!! I got chills when she joined the fight!

4. Cinematography is general. It is a beautiful film to look at. Nicely shot and as I said the action is amazing. The CGI in certain places are a bit "meh" and one shot did take me out of the movie, but that's it.

Now the bad stuff why this movie went downhill:

1. the editing/pacing: Guys, this movie was a mess. The movie begins great with an introduction of batman and some stuff you saw in the trailer. Then we go to a scene... which tells us a story then it goes to another scene. You're invested in that particular and then it jump cuts to another scene. You are seeing 4 different story lines play out in 5 minute scenes after each other. As a general movie goer-ER you will lose track. As a DC-fan, as myself, I could understand everything but i needed to bring all my previous knowledge to actually understand. Really bad pacing

2. Superman: Not everyone will agree on this, but I think they handled superman horribly. He needs to be symbol of hope and yet he is never exactly that. There was certain montage, where it should shown that he was, but i never felt that he was. This representation was too dark. This was also more of a batman movie with superman playing a small part in that, yet batman's world is too dark for superman. If you want to combine their worlds, let Batman play a role in superman's world.

3. Lex Luther. I hated his representation of the power hungry and menacing villain. He played mark suckable and was a complete miscast. I don't care if he was the son of the "real" lex Luther. It didn't fit.

4. Doomsday: A complete waste of a great story arc. Why did they bring him in while there was so much going on..

5. The justice league set up: It felt rushed. The way they shoehorned all the other characters in was lazy writing.

6. the whole motivation of superman fighting batman. batman's motivation was clear and great. Superman's was horrible. They were one conversation away from understanding each other, but they had to fight of course.

7. Many many plot holes, but i cant go into those because i don't wanna spoil the whole movie.

verdict: If you love flashy action.. go watch it in Max. If you like great story.. wait till it releases on blue-ray.

6 out of 10 for a mediocre movie that should been an epic man. I was so disappointed. I see so many DC fans raging this movie was epic, but we're dealing with the phantom menace effect.
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Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool: "I never say this, but: "Dont swallow"
13 February 2016

I Don't want to spoil a thing, so im going to talk about some aspects of the movie and rate them.

THE Cinematography: Beautiful! This movie had a budget consisting of 56 million dollars. In comparison to for example that horribleness called "wolverine origins" had 150million... and the same runtime. OR EVEN funnier.. ride along 2 had a budget of 40 million. Deadpool looked a lot better.. had good cgi(especially considering the budget), had some cool slomo shots(the opening credits was a complete freeze shot and incredibly well done).. This movie looked great. 9.5/10

THE ACTION: Yes sir. THIS R-rated action was amazing. Guys got shot, knived and slammed onto billboards and every bit of blood that left their body was seen on screen. The action was also smart! in one scene *kind of spoiler if you have not seen the trailers* the guy severes somebody's head and kicks it against another guys head! No "we needed a stuntman to do everything so we're gonna use a lot jumpcuts" bullshit. Wide-shots of beautifully made action. 10/10

THE ROMANCE/DRAMA: You're not gonna believe this, but it wasn't cheesy.. The love between him and rachel was amazing.. They were both crazy in their own ways and that's what made them have a connection.. *again kind of spoiler if you don't know anything about deadpool* When he finds out he has cancer... You can see him in pain.. not because he's going to die, but because he will lose HER. 10/10

THE HUMOR: Guys.. I have not had so many genuine laughs as i had in this movie. Im a kevin hart fan and went to see ride along 2 first.. I laughed chuckled once and laughed, because my friend was laughing more so than the thing itself. Deadpool had me laughing from the first MINUTE till the last minute. The opening credits, im telling you, were the funniest opening credits since the beginning of film. 2010's Sexiest man alive is also 2016's funniest man alive. I loved the humor, which was improvised and also sometimes written by ryan renolds. It was witty and not just toilet, poop-joke, humor. The references to his old *shitty* work he has done, but also the fourth wall breaking and... DOPINDER<--FUNNY FUNNY DUDE, It was all hilarious. 20 out of 10. Don't know how to rate it differently

All in all, it was funny, it gave deadpool the movie it deserved and more, it was gripping, sad, scary in different ways(the torture the character had to go through, but also i was scared i would laugh so hard that i would cough up my pancreas. 10 out of 10 for this movie.

I saw a lot of people complaining it wasn't as good as mad max yet it was a lot higher in the top 250 IMDb.

well: 1. Their aren't as many votes yet 2. My girlfriend hated mad max because it was so focused on the action, it forget to be anything else. DEADPOOL was perfect in every way

11/10, but since my rating is restricted by the great limitations of mathematics and stuff.. 10 out of 10.
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Yes yes yes!
30 July 2015
O Yes! The guy who gave us 2 "meh..."-movies, like Jack reacher and the way of the gun comes with the best 5th movie of anyyyy franchise!

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION this movie is about Ethan Hunt finding out there's a syndicate, an anti-IMF, who has some evil plans up their sleeves and yet still has to be proved of their existence. That's all im gonna tell..

And its a blast

The action is amazingly well directed, like every bit of action piece since the third movie. They are thrilling, creative and exciting. There is a motor chase scene in this movie that I just gotta give it credit for. The plain scene(as seen in the trailer) is immediately in the beginning, so you'll start off with a bang. You can see Tom puts his all in these stunts.

The acting of course is always great. Etha... I mean Tom cruise almost equals Ethan Hunt.. it's the same person. Simon pegg is always a smooth comedic actor who puts a smile on everyone's face. And the new girl: rebecca fergunson is the most badass not-bond-girl I've ever seen. Beautiful, smart and can actually fight instead of: "guys we can only make her badass by only letting her be a good shot". And Im glad Luther got a bigger role

At last, the directing was great. Great wide shots.. didn't expect anything else from the guy who freaking wrote edge of tomorrow! almost no shaky cam(GOD I HATE Shaky CAM, COUGH TAKEN 2 COUGH). Great locations etc.. just beautiful cinematography.

All in all, great movie. Im glad to see I even liked it more then ghost protocol..

9 out of 10 guys! There you have it!
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Spy (2015)
A true mccarthy movie
3 May 2015
Hi guys! The movie is not yet released for most countries, so I will do a spoiler-free review

Acting: Good acting from the main cast. They were witty, emotional and good overall. 8/10

Plot: It was really a generic action-comedy plot really.. Nothing special.. Some girl who never gets into the action, finally does, gets sort of badass, then not and finally she does safe the knnow these kind of movies already.. but it was well executed. 6/10

Scenery/camera-work; Good camera-work! Nice shots. No shakycam, just the way I like it

Humor: A lot of slapstick humor.. Not my favourite, though Mccarthy did do some great improv-jokes! At least that's what I've read, so 7/10 for the humor overall and mccarthy herself 8/10

Action: 6/10. SOME Funny action scenes, but it's limited to "funny" and not spectucular.. as you would expect.

So overall; 6.5/10 for me! This movie had mccarthy and paul feig written all over it, but not as funny as bridesmaides to me!

Great effort though!
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Let's talk some avenging avengers!
25 April 2015
How are you doing guys? Did you have a nice day? Well I did considering the fact that I saw the freaking sequel of the avengers; The one where their the age of Ultron is happening.

Im not going to spoil anything for you guys... My spoiler-free review.. here we go:

Acting: 10/10 the acting was great as expected. Downey Jr. kills it as iron man, though he's less in the spotlights than I thought it would be. It actually a more.. hawkeye/hulk movie this time around. There is also a lot of character development going on, which I thought was really cool.. I missed that connection the first time around in the first avengers. Especially Hawkeye, the hulk en Black widow get a bit more characteristic, which I thought was great.. and the voice- acting of the guys playing SPOILER(KIND OF) Vision and Ultron are also perfect for the role.

Camera work: 10/10. This doesn't apply to all movies, but in movies like this.. The camera work is really essential.. use too much shaky-cam and you're done as a director. Josh Wedon is just a CHAMP in filming everything with the right angle and A still camera.. I hate shaky-cam.. draws away from the fight or whatever is happening.. Great JOB MR. WHEDON

Action: 11/10 Now the ACTION; it... was... AWESOME... Immediately going into this movie.. the title has not even been shown yet.. and the first action sequence kicks in..and OMG.. it was shot.. so perfectly.. you're actually following each and everyone doing their thing for a bit.. looked a bit like a tag-team fight.. so awesome.. the hulk vs. hulk-buster scene was perfect.. the fight in Korea.. awesome.. and the last fight of course was incredible as well..

Villain: 10/10 The villain this time around is amazing. You know what the best villains are? The ones who don't consider themselves as villains.. They just want to do good.. help people.. so they have a goal that they don't have out of hatred, or misplaced anger, but because of a certain dedication to it.. and with the right motivation you can do anything.. That's what Ultron is in this movie.. He's so menacing.. but also surprisingly funny.. and no.. not in the annoying way! In the way you want a villain to be funny.. Stark: ".. What's the Vibranium for? " Ultron "Im glad you asked that, because you wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan". Hilarious! It's so.. Stark to say that from Ultron! Hahaha!Ultron is so different from loki(because I never took him seriously as a unstoppable force)

The only flaw that I have with this movie: 1. There is a romance between 2 characters which I did not like.. It seemed forced.. unnecessary and for me took the character of one of the two down.. considering I thought she/he was the most emotionally stable of the group

So overall.. Such a good movie.. it will never be as awesome as the first time these heroes came together in the first movie.. but the fact these heroes actually became friends was perfect..I bought.. I'm gonna go see it again on Tuesday.. maybe even again if money agrees with me..

10 out of 10 for this amazingly fun, great, awesome movie.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
it's even better than Agent Carter..
17 April 2015
This series is amazing, why; it's thrilling, in a way very realistic, great dialogue, great character development, great plots(per episode and throughout).. everything is just great..

And let's not forget about the action.. especially the last 5 minutes of the second episode contains one of the best fight scenes I've seen(and yes I've seen raid 2). It was just a 5 minute long fight scene in one take(take that in) and it was so well choreographed.. well put together.. every actor was on point and knew how to move..

This whole series is just well put together.. and we kind of expect it now from netflix-series.. house of cards for example..

Now i've heard that they had about 66 million for this whole season to spend, which shows.. cause every episode is so well filmed.. when cgi is needed(which comes down to almost 0) it's well done.. the fight scenes well choreographed, the accting is just superb and the lighting.. the angles everything is just perfect..

Im just gonna say it; This series is AS entertaining AS Breaking Bad.. yup I just said it..

10/10.. seriously.. 10 out of 10..
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Furious 7 (2015)
It's good.. just not as good as the 2 previous ones.. here's why:
1 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Just came back from the furious 7 movie! One of the first screenings in the world.. bought my ticket like a month ahead.. here's my take on this.. this might contain some minor spoilers.

I was really hyped for this one and super excited.. I'm a real fan of this franchise.. with furious 6(sadly still) being the best..

This movie had some crazy action sequences, some knee-slapping humor delivered by roman pierce(Terese Gibson) and some surprises like what tej(ludicrous) did when he had a little encounter with a guard..

First of the action was just amazing. The cars jumping' from airplanes, the cars jumping from buildings in Dubai and the whole action sequence in the city at the end was really cool as well. Tony jaa was really cool in this movie showing off his ninja-like skills and the WWE girl was amazing as well!

The actors were again fine. Im not waiting for Oscar-winning acting and you're not getting that from anyone. You could really feel some emotions flowing through the movie when Brian(Paul walker) came on screen.

Scenery and Camera-work/director: A new twist to the movie was definitely the way things were shot.. You really got some nice shots from abu dhabi.. and the cars jumping from planes was amazing as well! How The rock slam-dunked Jason into the table and the camera turning with them were those little things that a did like

But.. there were some flaws and a general thing that just.. wasn't fast&furious; The thing I have always liked in these movies was the team.. being close.. cohesive.. i felt something missing.. the rock coming in action really late in the movie.. Jason getting help from some random Mafia group.. Those things are what really took me out of not the movie.. but the franchise..

This movie felt like a complete other movie and that's not what I came for.. After fast 4.. fast 5 was a perfect sequel.. became my favor one.. than fast 6 came out.. even more so.. because the family became more tight.. close.. the began a certain bond and when you were fighting you saw that.. My favourite scene out of the whole franchise.. the whole plane action sequence with a certain highlight(Dom getting pushed by that enormous steroids guy and then he got punched by the rock and the rock and Vin diesel were standing there..). specific moments like that are the ones I missed.. Something felt off.. it didn't feel like a perfect sequel.. they could've done more with Lucas black(like actually show the freaking' race between them).. i mean in fast 5 and 6 you at least had the police-car race and the Vin against Michelle Rodriquez race.

A lot to complain yet still giving this 8 of 10(give the previous two 10 of 10), because it still a good movie.. you still feel like a part of the family.. and of course.. the end.. with Paul walker and Vin diesel driving of their separate ways was so enormously touching..

8 stars out of 10 folks. there you have it!
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Don't pay money for 50 schades of crap and watch this masterpiece
12 February 2015
Okay guys... I just don't came back from this movie and you don't get how great of a movie this is. I just had to review this movie because it was too damn good.

First of all the action.. What we all came for, is just Badass, amazing, over the top but so... So good. Its Well shot.. Well choreographed and made with a sense of humor.

The acting was a solid 10 out of 10. Colin was just amazing as the badass, but the new kid, eggsy, the protagonist, was fantastic as Well. Normally i don't like unknown actors, but he killed it. I want to see more of this guy. Mr. L. Jackson did an amazing Job being the antagonist. Loved it.

There was like i said before a lot of humor in this and it blends so Well in this movie. Its enormously selfaware talking about the pop culture we know.

Even the plot was fun, not tacky, funny and kept the film cohesive.

This movie has no flaws for me. Just check it out. Go see it. An amazing action movie that doesn't take itself seriously yet is the most entertaining actionflick I've seen in a while. Seriously good.

Please go watch it. I want a sequel 😳
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My god.. this was awful
10 February 2015
I don't want to spoil a lot, so ill just give ratings with a brief description on certain elements of this so-called "film".

Acting; 3/10. The acting was misplaced, awkward.. not to look at. At least convince us you're an intense guy, Mr. Grey.

Plot: 1/10. that wasn't a plot for a normal movie, it was a plot for soft-core porn.. which had as terrible acting in it as real porn.

Camera work/scenery/etc. 7/10 for what it is.. great camera work i guess and good scenery

Romance; 2/10. I've seen the notebook... that's romance. This is a poor attempt to romance. It tries to tell you they're madly in love, but it's just a weird sexual relationship.

Drama: 1/10. there is no thrill.. no intense things going on. There is no drama in this soft-core-erotic-drama.

"The deeds" 10/10.. they did it. so.. can't give it any lower points than this.

Overall, it's was horrible acted, plot-less, non-romantic nor drama movie about a girl being horny and the guy doing an attempt of BDSM, which comes down to.. soft-core.. almost nothing different than normal sex with bondage.. boring sh*t.

on that note, go watch the kings man; secret service. that's one of the best action movies i've seen in a while!
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Just watched it and it was funny!
24 December 2014
Just watched this after it being released pretty much everywhere on the internet.

After all the commotion, it was pretty much really hyped up for that very reason and the mark/score/rating for this movie is a bit overexxagerated on IMDb or rotten tomatoes.

So this movie does poke fun at kim yong un a little bit and does criticize north-Korea, but its done in a very light hearted way!

The acting was solid for a comedy. Nobody acted badly in a way it would've annoyed you, so thats just good acting.

The scenery was actually pretty good. really liked the set and all the props used for this movie.

the actual comedy was pretty good. the cameos in the beginning were hilarious! The whole plot was pretty funny.. the way it played out was even more so. James Franco killed it! I thought he was so good playing such a gullible character.

It was a funny and exciting ride and did not bore(and a lot of comedies this year did)

So all in all, great acting, also great camera work btw, funny content and exciting and fun!

I give it an 7.5/10 which when rounded in whole numbers id rather push to an 8 rather than pushing it back to a 7..

One of the funniest comedies this year, though it didn't have much competition!
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Furious 6 (2013)
Leave your brain at home and ENJOY THE RIDE, 'cause you will!
25 May 2013
Im giving this one 9 out of 10! Why, you ask?

The Fast and the furious franchise are well-known for their amazing action sequences. Not for their average script or kind-of-okay acting. THEY GIVE WHAT THEY PROMISE YOU!

The Acting: It was okay! They really didn't need to express many emotions, besides Angry, happy, sad and... ready-to-race-ish. The actors did their job well enough. 7/10 for the acting

The story/script: The story didn't have many layers. There are some plot twists you might not expect. But you don't expect them because you probably don't care enough about the characters involved in the twists. 7/10 for the story. They did tie up the third and the fourth to this one, which I think was a pleasant surprise though.

The scenery: They chose some amazing places to shot at! London, Spain, a little bit of their old house back in the USA. The movie was very well filmed! 9/10

The action sequences: Wow! Amazing! The list of actors contained THE ROCK, Vin freaking diesel, but you won't find "Mr. Gravity" in there! They were great shot, amazing performed and the CGI was very well used. I could not have wished for better action scenes! 10/10 for sure!#tank #plane #therock #awesome

Comedy: Their was some comedic relief and It actually didn't feel forced at all. It worked very well!

In general: This movie delivers exactly what you're hoping for! I would pay to see it again on the big screen! 9/10 FOR SURE! Go see it as Fast as you can!

P.s.: Wait till the post credit scene! It will satisfy the fans and excite the audience in general!
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