Yes yes yes!
30 July 2015
O Yes! The guy who gave us 2 "meh..."-movies, like Jack reacher and the way of the gun comes with the best 5th movie of anyyyy franchise!

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: ROGUE NATION this movie is about Ethan Hunt finding out there's a syndicate, an anti-IMF, who has some evil plans up their sleeves and yet still has to be proved of their existence. That's all im gonna tell..

And its a blast

The action is amazingly well directed, like every bit of action piece since the third movie. They are thrilling, creative and exciting. There is a motor chase scene in this movie that I just gotta give it credit for. The plain scene(as seen in the trailer) is immediately in the beginning, so you'll start off with a bang. You can see Tom puts his all in these stunts.

The acting of course is always great. Etha... I mean Tom cruise almost equals Ethan Hunt.. it's the same person. Simon pegg is always a smooth comedic actor who puts a smile on everyone's face. And the new girl: rebecca fergunson is the most badass not-bond-girl I've ever seen. Beautiful, smart and can actually fight instead of: "guys we can only make her badass by only letting her be a good shot". And Im glad Luther got a bigger role

At last, the directing was great. Great wide shots.. didn't expect anything else from the guy who freaking wrote edge of tomorrow! almost no shaky cam(GOD I HATE Shaky CAM, COUGH TAKEN 2 COUGH). Great locations etc.. just beautiful cinematography.

All in all, great movie. Im glad to see I even liked it more then ghost protocol..

9 out of 10 guys! There you have it!
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