
11 Reviews
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Midnight in Paris
3 June 2011
Woody Allen's charm is here in full effect. Watching Owen Wilson walking down the beautiful streets of Paris and transport back in time is very "Allen-esque." Owen Wilson plays Gil, who is soon to be married. He wants to stay in Paris, but his fiancé, Inez, doesn't which causes Gil to wander the streets at midnight, where he is taken to the 1920's, where he always wanted to live. It is a simple plot, with a simple, and can I say cute, message. Owen Wilson is on the top of his game here, and he contributes to the funny moments of the movie. The rest of the cast was fine, playing the roles to predictable. The characters that Gil are introduced to us are each unique, and interesting. Especially Brody's cameo, which was done very well.

The best part apart this movie is the cinematography. Every shot is beautiful and Woody picks some perfect locations, and there are a lot of famous landmarks. A lot of the shots contain a lit up Eiffel Tower.
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2001: Space Odyssey
22 May 2011
It is hard to review your favorite movie of all time, especially one that relies heavily on existentialism. Kubrick's beautiful 2001 is a bold movie. Opening with many minutes of darkness, with Also Sprach Zarathustra creeping in, the viewer realizes there in for a unique journey.

The movie opens with the evolution of man kind; a group of apes that discover tools; the beginning of war, two groups of apes that fight with there newly discovered weapons over a watering hole. This is a thirty minute sequence with no talking, no voice over. The movie is split into four different parts, with Dr. Bowman's group of astronaut's going on a mysterious journey being the main part of the story.

As previously stated, there is very little talking. There is many scenes in space that will have classical music playing, classical songs that are very well known because of this movie. At one point a astronaut goes to fix a ship with The Blue Danube Waltz playing, and it almost narrates what the astronaut is doing. The top comments on " The Blue Danube Waltz" video on youtube are both about 2001, and almost all videos for Also Sprach Zarathustra are the scenes from 2001.

On a technical level there is almost no arguing that this is the most technically sophisticated movie ever. Space looks extraordinary and the sets are marvelous. In Parts Two and Three you can't help but just be amazed by the spaceship, the black void outside, even small things, like the space suits. The camera angles are amazing, especially in the climax in Part Three.

For what little talking there is, the actors and script are some of the finest in the history of cinema. HAL is an amazing character and acted with such a monotone voice it almost has the opposite effect of monotone. Keir did a great job with Bowman, but is giving very little chances to sign, due to the nature of the movie.
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Breathless (1960)
22 May 2011
What is there to say about Breathless, a movie that has started so many clichés? Not much, other than you owe it to yourself to see it. It is the type of movie that if released right now it would still sell will, despite subtitles and being black and white, something most audiences would hate.

This movie isn't about depth, but the exhilarating race through Paris, and the flashy dialogue. It is a movie that will keep you in, with it's jump edits, that fit right in, despite it looking like the disc messed up. Belmundo is a low life who accidentally kills a cop and runs away, catching up with a American girl while trying to leave to Italy.

It is one of those movies that you can't pull yourself away from, and when it is over you want more.
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On The Waterfront
22 May 2011
On The Waterfront is the gritty story of Marlon Brando's Terry Malloy. Previously a fighter, Terry is now mixed up with a gang who commits a murder that he saw, and how his conscious deals with that sight. Marlon Brando is one of the greatest actor and anyone who wants to see a good movie can watch this and enjoy it.

The movie sets up a world that feels very natural and flowing. From the beginning scene, which is perfect in setting up the neighborhood, up to the ending on the docks are all very clear realizations of how the world in the movie is. Not only are the sets great, the locations that Elia Kazan has picked are perfect for the story. There are moments where we find Terry on the rooftops with just the sky in the distance, making for some very personal scenes.

The script flows through this whole movie with some brilliant acting. Marlon Brando is so natural in his role, to the point of adjusting his shirt and asking if it looked good. It fit right into the scene and was so naturally done. Karl Malden, who plays Father Barry has some great moments, getting the people of Waterfront into a revolt.

Elia Kazan and Marlon Brando changed cinema with this single movie. They have combined to make a movie in which the script and movie flowed like no other. Not to mention the audacious pace, the light humor sprinkled throughout the movie, and the miraculous contender speech.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Taxi Driver
22 May 2011
Taxi Driver is a psychological trip through an extremely interesting character study. Leaving viewers mystified, Martin Scorsese has crafted a superb movie. The script is audacious, the cinematography is in your face and gritty, and Robert De Niro's holds up the movie on his very own.

Robert De Niro plays Travis Bickle, a taxi driving nobody who has served in a Vietnam and goes to pornographic movie theaters, making small talk with the woman who sells the food and candy. The story never let's go off you (even the end will leave you haunted and wondering) and the lonesomeness of New York seen through Bickle is mesmerizing. It is filmed in such a way that allows you to see the world has the main character would, who thinks New York is covered with "trash". Travis Bickle also narrates the story, making it emotional and more than just a one-dimensioned story.

No one could have made this movie except Scorsese. Everything you would expect, the camera angles, settings and cast are done perfectly.
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Fantastic Mr. Fox
22 May 2011
Wes Anderson creates another film, that did poorly at the box office, but was a fantastic film. The film comes off weird, but a couple minutes in, you'll be loving the whole vibe. The oddness of the characters, the animation, and the music all gives it a tone that you think would be off putting but is one of the most refreshing takes on a movie in a while.

Mr. Fox (Clooney) promises his lovely wife (Streep)that he will stop stealing, in light of getting caught red handed. George Clooney, Meryl Streep and small parts from Anderson usual's, Murray and Wilson make up the extraordinary cast. The characters are unique and develop throughout the film. Mr. Fox is a animal trying to find freedom from his boring, monotonous day, and Badger is a hot-headed lawyer. The writing is top notch, and never gets boring, and the music is perfect for the movie. There is constantly ambiance noises (they recorded voices outside in a forest) like birds and crickets. But best of all is the animation. The whole film is brought to life by this. I can not express how great this was, and previews don't do it justice.

The film has a deeper meaning (every one has an animal in them) and you will not leave the movie unaffected.
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No Country for Old Men
22 May 2011
No Country for Old Men is a rare movie that gets every aspect of film perfectly. Every character gives an award deserving performance? Yes. The script perfect? Yes. The cinematography, the directing, the camera angles? Yes, yes and yes.

No Country for Old Men starts with a very creepy Javier Bardem who is chasing Brolin's character (who is very much deserving the academy award). The Coen Brothers nail the atmosphere of a modern western. The filming is done in Texas, and if it wasn't for the cars, you would think its a classic western. The sets, everything from the desolate wilderness, to the run down motels, fit in perfectly with an excellent atmosphere. The script sets up a very tense film, a chase between three different characters.

I am almost positive that you will be entertained while watching this movie. It is one of the best of the 2000's.
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Apocalypse Now
22 May 2011
Apocalypse Now is a film that stays with you. A film about the Vietnam War, that shows the coldness of war. Marlon Brando plays Col. Kurtz, a rogue US general, who personifies wars, like no other movie has. Martin Sheen is the person sent to assassinate him. These actors play the roles perfectly, and really get the point across.

The movie is split into two parts. The first, some of the finest war scenes in any type of media, ever. The second, a psychological trip into Kurtz's mind. The winding rivers of Vietnam send a message to the viewer. Every character show cases the way war has destroyed them.

The script is really the shining point of this movie. Waltz's speech will chill you to the bone, and every word Sheen's character speak seems real, and something that his character will say. This movie can't be missed by any one, and I do not say that lightly.
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A Clockwork Orange
22 May 2011
A Clockwork Orange is, in my opinion of course, one of the finest and most well made movies ever. Malcolm McDowell exquisitely plays a youthful young adult who loves to rape women and brutalize people. He is one of the finest characters in film history.

The story is great and I will not mention much, other than the fact that was mentioned before, the main character goes around messing with people, in very violent ways. The settings are great (it is a Kubrick film) and the directing style is great. It is done in such a way that makes you almost feel like your standing right there. The script is top notch, and the pacing is excellent. One of the movies that I sat the whole way through without pause.

This is one of the most enticing films, and most people who have seen it will mention it has one of their favorites. If you haven't, watch it right now. If you have, watch it again, right now!
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pulp Fiction
22 May 2011
Pulp Fiction is one of the most successful movies of the 90's. With Tarantino's breakout film Reservoir Dogs, this young director showed potential. Pulp Fiction was an even better film, and garnered even more respect.

It's a movie in which there are seemingly random short stories, but by the end they all tie in. The movie starts off with a random scene in a restaurant that isn't mentioned tell the end, and halfway in between Bruce Willis is on screen, and by the end, you think to yourself that it all made sense.

Tarantino really shines in his script and directing style. The script is fast paced and pretty mainstream, but its not dumbed down, like the word mainstream may suggests. It has some pretty amazing and even intellectual lines. The sets look great, there is some great cinematography, like random camera angles at the opposite end of the hall, with the characters on the other end. Things like this makes the movie unique.

The acting is great, and the roles were picked perfectly. This is a movie you can not miss, and is entertaining, but has a very great plot too.
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The Passion of Joan of Arc
22 May 2011
The Passion of Joan of Arc is about a woman who is put on trial. Religion and corruption run amok in this classic movie, with Joan being a religious fanatic and The Church ironically putting her up for trial for that very reason. What unravels is a meticulously paced film that, hopefully, should delight viewers.

The film is completely silent and black and white, unless you listen to it with Voices of Lights, a orchestra that performed just for this movie. I have not watched Joan of Arc with it, but it is highly acclaimed. Renée Falconetti is the leading woman and gives one the most amazing performs, despite not talking. This is because the film is shot in almost all close ups, and she portrays such brutal emotions throughout the movie. By now most people know how this film ends, but it still comes has a shock, and so does the whole movie.

Joan of Arc will leave you speechless, and the director, Carl Th. Dreyer has made the movie equivalent to a classic painting. He has created the pinnacle of silent movies, and maybe movies in general. The suspense builds like a Hitchcock film and the sets won't let you walk away without thinking about the events that unwrapped in this magnificent tale.
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