
40 Reviews
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Hollow (I) (2011)
Tension Thick as a Tree Trunk
18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'll preface my review by saying that Emily Plumtree was fantastic! She has some really great acting chops! Her character kept me engaged in the story. I rooted for her character to the end. I was disappointed to see she's retired from acting and has her own business now. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad she is still using her skills and is successful. I was just hoping to see a lot more of her acting.

*Light Spoilers*

This film felt like a mix of "The Happening", "The Exorcist", and "The Blair Witch Project". Like most horror movies there were many decisions made by the characters that aggravated me but it could all be chalked up to drugs and manipulation. The locations were great and added to the eerie ambiance. It wasn't perfect but I feel like with what they had to work with it was a good effort. Again, Emily Plumtree's acting was top notch and makes this a worthy watch!
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Marrowbone (2017)
Interesting Twist but it gets Fairly Unbelievable
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, I'd say that I was onboard with this film part of the way in and I believe the twist was good. However, the love story is out of place entirely. We're to believe that a librarian that lives so far they signal morse code to communicate and the boy only visits her infrequently is going to fall in love with him? On top of that he's dead broke? I guess if one was to believe that Allie also suffered some sort of mental problem I can almost believe it. Throw on top of that, this woman is as beautiful as Ana Taylor Joy? There's just so much unbelievability you can tolerate. A 6 out of 10 is as far as I can push my score on account of the acting, set design, and costumes. Also a tip of a hat to the twist.
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7 out of 10...
2 February 2004
It appears to have been made by a group of people that were at Woodstock. It looks and feels quite comical. The sounds and songs of this musical are catchy. However, I find some strange things take place in this film. That aside it is alright,and was worth a watch. (7 out of 10)
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7 out of 10 Funny and Interesting
1 February 2004
This black and white classic horror(I say that lightly) movie was pretty good. It was not scary by no means. However, I could see at the time in day that it may of been startling for some. I mostly found it to be hilarious. The character playing her neighbor was golden. His attempts of getting under that dress of hers was so funny he had me laughing out loud. Worth a watch. (7 out of 10)
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Slow Starter...Big Finisher (5 out of 10)
22 November 2003
I went in expecting low budget thrills and they came, but they just came late in the movie. It was decent for the first three fourths of the movie,but it moved slowly. Once it hit the last quarter of the movie it picked up tremendously. I love the last quarter of the movie. If the whole movie had been like that part I could have given it a much higher score. Still I am proud to have added this Troma classic to my collection. (5 out of 10)
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Cry Uncle (1971)
Best Gumshoe Flick Ever...(9 out of 10)
22 November 2003
This movie was wonderful from beginning to end. No dragging or dull moments. Great cast,score,acting,locations,script,and direction can all be found right in this one movie. Some of the lines in this movie are classic. This is a must own movie. (9 out of 10)
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Third times a... Well you know the rest... (revised score)
16 November 2003
This is something I would never see myself doing after the first two watches of this film. I am going to give it an 8 out of 10. A dramatic increase from my previous scoring of it. My previous score for this film was 2 out of 10. I watched it the first time because my cousin told me it was great. The second time because he was so shocked at my score for it. I said that I would never watch it again. However, I wanted to show a friend of mine just how bad it was. Suddenly the film was almost 100% better. I guess the third time truly is a charm. At least with this movie it is. It's a great movie that grows on you.
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Almost Perfect...(9 out of 10)
9 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I almost gave this a ten. I would say it is 9.9 out of 10. The problem was a wind chime... There was a wind chime in this movie that had a tendency to drive me crazy. Other than that this movie was great.


A wonderful zombie movie to add to anyones collection. I have two Japanese zombie movies and I love them both. Aside from this wonderful one I also own "Junk"(9 out of 10). This one has a great original twisted story to an inevitable zombie apocalyptic situation. It has great tributes to a few of the worlds favorite horror movies as well. A must own. (9 out of 10)
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Elf (2003)
Only Will Ferrell...(8 out of 10)
9 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, alright. I know... It's a kids movie... Well, it's the best one I have seen in a long time. Sure it seems to lean towards a younger audience,but there are plenty of adult treats thrown in that will most likely buzz right over the little ones heads. Only Will Ferrell could pull the role of Buddy off. I couldn't picture any other actor in the world playing that part. Well, maybe Brian O'Halloran. Anyways, he was excellent.

**************POSSIBLE SPOILERS******************************* What I really like about this holiday film is that it gives a new classic for a new time and generation. A truly warm movie that I believe will be watched every Christmas by many a family for years to come. It brings a new sense of belief to the little ones by showing that Elves even make those Graphics Processor Chips that kids want for their computer so that they can play their favorite games. I loved the gross out scenes as well. I also learned that maple syrup goes with anything. ***************************END SPOILERS***********************

All in all a solid Christmas movie. (8 out of 10)
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Hulk (2003)
Nolte Power...(8 out of 10)
8 November 2003
I think this was better than expected. I was upset at the trailers for this film. However, I have learned many times over not to judge a movie by it's trailer. Especially in the case of the movie "Any Given Sunday". I thought the trailer for that looked great. The movie itself is the worst I have ever seen. It is also 3 hours of your life wasted if you watch it. Now back to Hulk. Hulk was entertaining. It should have featured more Nick Nolte. His character was the best part of the film. I hope that they didn't really kill him off in case there is a sequel. Which all depends on the profit. Yep... Once again (8 out of 10).
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May (2002)
A Nice Moral Is Learned...(8 out of 10)
2 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was pretty good all around. It was well cast. Not too long and not too short. Just enough of this and just enough of that. Solidly entertaining.

******POSSIBLE SPOILERS******* First and foremost let me get to the "Moral" I speak of in my summary of this film. The moral learned from this movie is that blind children can't be trusted. Not only that,but they are also evil. O.K. I'm just kidding. However, those particular blind kids were evil and untrustworthy. Then they were disobedient and started playing in the glass on the floor. I thought the character May was hot. I liked her even after she did the freaky things she did. It would be an exciting relationship. That is for sure. If someone bites you in bed you don't get up and leave mad. No... You bite them back. Play zombies in love... yeah... I was really surprised by the ending and pleased. It was great. *****************END SPOILERS******************

All in all enjoyable and worth a watch. At least a rental. (8 out of 10)
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Battle Royale (2000)
A Wonderful Field Trip (10 out of 10)
31 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***********POSSIBLE SPOILERS************ A masterpiece! A very fun movie to watch with great action and dark humor. A class of kids thinks they are going on a field trip only to be taken to a military controlled island. They are told that they have three days to kill everyone. Only one may survive and go home. They are each given a pack with some provisions,a weapon,and a map. The weapons vary and some of the kids get the shaft. For instance, one kid may get an axe while another gets a pot lid. Also there are periodic announcements issuing danger zones so the kids have to keep moving. Another plus to this film is it features the lovely Chiaki Kuriyama who you may know as the actress who was known as Go Go Yubari on "Kill Bill Vol.1". This movie has it all. Full of twists and turns. Fun to the end. Lots of bonus material on the Special Edition 2 Disc DVD... (10 out of 10)
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Ryoko Saves Everyone Again...(10 out of 10)
30 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
A great installment to the Tenchi Muyo series. As a stand alone movie it is great as well. The story draws you in and keeps you on the edge to the very end. All along the way you get the great angst and humor that goes with the territory that is Tenchi Muyo... **************POSSIBLE SPOILER*************** Of course once again the whole gang finds themselves clinging to Ryoko for help as she has to teleport everyone to subspace to save Tenchi's mother. ************************END SPOILER************************* All in all solid and entertaining. (10 out of 10)
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Cannibal Hookers (1987 Video)
Last Russian Communist Leader's Big Movie...
29 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
****POSSIBLE SPOILERS***** Alright... I know that there probably isn't too many out there that will actually sit more than five minutes through this horrible movie. If you can call it a movie. It is edging on campy,but falls well short on it's groin. The best character for a good part of the movie has a very familiar spot on his head. It reminds me of the last Russian communist leader. His name was Lobo. He was disturbed,but not quite a zombie. I wouldn't recommend this film,but it was fun to laugh at. At least parts of it. Of course this is way better then the movie "Any Given Sunday"(which I gave a 1 out of 10)... This film I give a 3 out of 10. Thats one point for effort,and one point for the spot on Lobo's head. I also gave one point for humor. Once again that's 3 out of 10.
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Titanic (1997)
Surprised it Sank...
29 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
****POSSIBLE SPOILERS**** O.K. I'm not really surprised it sank. I thought the film was horrible. I did like the detail on the boat somewhat, but the only part of value was when you saw all the dead bodies floating in the icy Atlantic Ocean. (2 out of 10)
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A Living Anime...10 out of 10
11 October 2003
I was blown away by this movie. It was the most entertaining and exciting film I have seen this whole year. Possibly in the last five years. As always Mr. Tarentino is at the top of his game. It has a captivating story and a great soundtrack. It flows smoothly from start to finish and leaves you wanting more. I can't pick a sequence I liked best, but I would like to mention that it seemed like a living anime. The effects and martial arts were amazing. My only complaint goes to Miramax and not the film. I think that the whole film should have been released all at once no matter how long it ran. It seems to me like someone may be looking for more dough. Thats my opinion... Great job Mr. Tarentino. My hat is off to you.
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The word of the day is ...
30 May 2003
Schpadoinkle. This is a great documentary. It's raw and real. It shows the traumatic process of the making of a Troma movie in all its natural glory. I have seen some horrid documentaries,and trust me when I say you will be amazed at how much this one isn't horrid. It's great. I hope to see more documentaries like this soon. I was really happy to get some insight to some of the Troma faces. Such as Joe Fleishaker. I was impressed with his story of his once athletic bodies inability to stop eating like a professional athlete. That man is great. I wish him all the best, as I do also the filmmakers responsible for this great documentary. Thanks.
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Troma ...ahhhh... Troma...
30 May 2003
This is the best Toxic Avenger movie yet. Troma will win the war for truely independant film because they make the most fantastic movies the world will ever see. They say they are movies of the future because that is exactly what they are. Some people have been able to use more than the usual ten percent of their brain. These people have been able to absorb the special transmissions being emmitted by Tromas amazing movies. They are amazing. Even for those who do not have the absorbtion abilities. However, the absorbtion people have the ability to get much more out of a Troma movie. Worry not if your abilities have not yet been unlocked. No, instead go and get yourself more Troma movies and watch them for yourself. You will see the light and you will see the truth.
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Mind Candy
17 May 2003
I give "The Matrix: Reloaded" a 10 out of 10. I gave "The Matrix" a 9 out of 10. I believe that they have raised the bar even higher with this film. It was amazing. I have a feeling some people are giving it a bit of a bad rap because the action isn't non stop. A lot of people are expecting nothing but pure action through the whole movie. There is more than enough action to suffice. I say Mind Candy in my review's title because it is such a wonderful story backing up the beautiful special effects and wonderful acting and action sequences. It's amazing that a sequel this huge can topple the original of it's saga. For those of you ( Which where I went to see it very few ) who stayed through all the credits ( which they were very long but necessary ) you and I were treated to the preview to the third installment of The Matrix Saga. It looks like we can expect much more eye and mind candy yet. I believe The Matrix Saga will become as legendary as the Star Wars Saga... if not more legendary... only time will tell... or an oracle.
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Buttcrack (1998)
Ultra Low Budget Thrills
29 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
**********POSSIBILITY OF SMALL SPOILERS****************

I thought this was a very new and fresh approach to the world of zombie movies. I was taken back by the wonderful plot and characters. Especially the character who played " Buttcrack ". The only complaint I have to the movie ( besides the fact that I got a defective DVD that didn't play any of the extras except the commentary track and the movie trailers ) is the long winded rantings by the preacher. Some of it was funny but some of it just reminded me of the church my parents forced me to go to back when I lived at home in school. Anyways, great movie. Especially for ULTRA LOW BUDGET.... I gave it 8 out of 10. Watch it. It's worth it.
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You know what your getting into...
12 April 2003
I want to first of all say that the previews and the title of this film give you a pretty good idea what you are getting yourself into. Fans of Rob Zombie and his music will have a better idea than the average Joe. Personally, I still like Rob Zombies music,but I was a much bigger fan when he was in "White Zombie". Anyways, this movie was great. It was gory,suspenseful,funny,and fun to watch. It caused some major audience reaction. By the way that is probably the last time I am going on opening night to any film. I will stick to opening weekend Sunday late night from now on. Being elbowed by some guy every time his chick jumped and screamed on him was not fun at all. There were some couples getting up and leaving during the film because they couldn't take it. It is relentless. I hear Rob had to cut out only less than 10 seconds of the film to get his R rating. I hope that is put back in the DVD version. Very well shot. Perfect mood was set by lighting and camera work. It is a must see. A must own. A piece of history. Enjoy. 10 out of 10
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City of God (2002)
Best foreign Drama/Action film I have seen...
6 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Simply amazing. I gave this film nine out of ten. Time and time again I have been surprised at how good foreign films can be. "Y tu mamá también" was a great foreign film I seen recently as well. However it cannot compare to the depth and feeling that you get from "Cidade de Deus" or as us Americans would call it "City of God". Not only is it a story told very well,but it also is shot very well. I had never seen such great production value out of a foreign film that wasn't an action adventure or anime film. I would be interested in seeing a documentary about the making of this film.


I would especially like to know just how they shot the low camera chasing the chicken so perfectly. It was great.

****END OF POSSIBLE SPOILER**** Once again I gave this film a 9 out of 10 and it was an easy decision. Go watch it now.
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Huge Improvement
30 March 2003
I give this one a 7 out of 10. It was a huge improvement over "Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone" ( Which I gave a merciful 5 out of 10 ). This movie wasn't geared totally towards kids like the first one was. I was impressed by the special effects. I was also impressed as to just how dark they let it get. I can actually say I enjoyed it. There were some moments in the film were it seemed to regress back to the childishness of the first film,but it seemed to always recover itself. Overall a pretty solid movie. At least worth a rental.
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Too geared towards kids...
30 March 2003
I seen the previews and I knew that it was geared towards kids. My friends and family however insisted it wasn't and they dragged me to go see it. I watched it. I enjoyed some of the special effects. I like the concept. However, it was way too geared towards kids. There wasn't much of anything there that was that entertaining story wise. Mostly it filled the screen with childish slapstick humor. Don't get me wrong. Slapstick is fine. Just not childish slapstick. I did however give this movie a 5 out of 10.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
Fun to watch...
24 March 2003
I think this is the best Stephen King inspired movie to date. It has a terrific cast. It moves at a great pace. It gets the audience involved. I haven't heard audience reactions that loud and that frequent in a long time. As a stand alone movie ( no theater watching ) it is still solid. This is just a fun movie to watch. I can't say it is a great horror movie,but I can say it is worth watching at least once or twice. Personally I will be owning this one once on DVD. I give it a 9 out of 10 for the fun factor.
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