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The Shining (1980)
10 May 2024
Stanley Kubrick film. Personally i thought this was an excellent movie. I personally can't say this movie had me scared however i think it's less about the horror and more mysterious and alluring.

I really like how there's this feeling of not knowing where the characters are, all of the rooms and hallways feel different from each other. The hotel itself is massive and amazingly huge. There's so many minor details scattered in every scene it's really cool.

There's a lot of scenes that are really well shot, scenes like the ones in the shining are why i love the horror/mystery genre. This movie after years and years is still popular and talked about today. Definitely the kind of movie that sticks with you.
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brutal combat, real feelings
8 May 2024
A long but insanely engaging movie about war. Interestingly the movie felt more actiony than ideological like a lot of war movies i have seen.

The war movie genre has always been pretty good to be honest, specifically the during the war and some of the post war films. But it's really all about what a certain person likes to watch so yeah. Saving private ryan is a well known film and it's for a good reason, because it's well made and it's real. The story really tells itself which i really like. The scenes aren't all guns blazing, heads bursting, men blowing up, gory nonsense. A lot of heated but great scenes between the soldiers, every soldier is their own person with they own beliefs and wills. That's why it's a great film, there isn't a main character. There's a main idea.
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7 May 2024
I didn't get the chance to watch this one in theaters when it came out but i wish i did because this was a cinematic experience that is incomparable to anything else. A Godzilla movie that is less about Godzilla and more about the people, such a deep look into a time period which life seems glum.

I absolutely wish i watched this in theaters but i got to watch it on my tv alone and I can't deny the fact that i 100 percent cried while watching this. This movie has everything you could possibly want out of a Godzilla movie and even more.

There are absolutely so many amazing quotes from this movie that tug on your heart, you can feel the pain, you can feel the sorrow, you can feel the hope for a brighter future. This movie is so human it's beautiful. And the score is perfect, it fits perfectly. In my opinion this is definitely one of my new favorite movies in recent times.

Please give it a chance.
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The Machinist (2004)
strong mystery piece
2 May 2024
The mood and the display of insanity was delivered beautifully. Truly had no idea what was going on for most of the film but by the end everything was revealed and now you are left with mixed feelings. Overall it's a sad story. Christian bale as Trevor was amazing, top tier actor, well known for his crazy body transformations and hit movies.

In other words the movie was good even though it wasn't what I expected of it. Definitely a movie to watch if your feeling bored and it's a depressing cloudy day. Great piece of film. Another thing is that this movie is nearly 2 hours but the pacing felt good, didn't feel like it was as long as it is and that's probably because i was engaged in trying to figure out what was going on.
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Scarface (1983)
simply a classic
5 April 2024
A story about how someone who started from nothing wanted it all and ended up getting everything and losing everything all at the same time, did his dream ever come true? To me it seemed like he didn't even know what he wanted or at least he didn't realize what it was that he wanted.

A timeless classic, one of a kind film you won't forget about ever. It is the "literally me" film that i never knew about. It was "literally me" before those films were even a thing, sort of a grandfather way ahead of his time.

Great crime drama movie that's all i can really say because it was. Didn't exactly have me jumping out of my bed but definitely a treat to see, i liked it a little bit but not too much.
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Bad Boys (1995)
very awesome
28 March 2024
Very awesome all the way throughout the movie. Super funny back and forth between mike and marcus, this whole movie was so amazing produced.

This is what i think of when i think of a classic action movie. Everybody knows bad boys. Also michael bay, very michael bay movie.

Visuals are amazing for the time this movie came out. I don't know what else you would want from a comedy action. It did really well in all areas. Super enjoyable.

It doesn't take itself too seriously but it still manages to deliver that feeling that you really don't know what's coming next, unless if you're a movie nerd and have seen every cliche in this movie then this might just be silly but who cares? Why criticize a fun movie. Tasty.
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funny clever and insane double plot twist !!
21 March 2024
How have i never seen this movie before, i can't even believe what i'm watching, how can they make such a perfect movie and have it so under wraps. How can they put in wholesome, funny, and shocking all in one movie. I mean seriously.

Different plot lines all colliding all at the same time. This was the funniest thing i've seen in a long time. And not to mention the CAST. A TEIR CAST. I mean the director and production team used EVERYTHING these people had to offer and it came out so good. I'm writing this and i still have 25 minutes left in the movie. Incredible stuff seriously incredible.

If you are reading this and you haven't seen this please go and watch it. I personally am in love with this movie.

Edit: just finished, im surprised how everything sort of wrapped up and was taken care of. Great movie. A nice little happy ending to a romantic comedy.
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The Notebook (2004)
beautiful love story
21 March 2024
Remarkable story of love. Watching from start to finish, it leaves you with a feeling of awe. An entire story, so beautifully presented.

An ideal love story, got its ups and downs, great cast, great scenes great movie genuinely was watching this movie with my hand over my mouth during certain scenes. It felt like i didn't know what was going to happen but at the same time i did. Maybe i'm just a sucker for romance movies.

Not a lot of music in this movie, but that's not a bad thing i honestly think it made the major scenes have a bigger overall impact. I would watch again, probably something my mom would love.
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Poor Things (2023)
acceptance of being unnerved and whimsical
15 March 2024
At the beginning of the movie i was truly frightened by what i was seeing but it was almost as if, the more enlightened Bella became the more calm and allured i was as i was watching this movie. Quite a lot of story in 2 hours and a half ish time. Amazing

many words can be used to describe this such as, gothic, beautiful, frightening, silly, and thoughtful. Really basic words i know but man oh man. I love watching strange movies because they always tend to draw me in fully by the end.

Cinematography for this was delightful. Plot was ridiculous but it isn't really about anything specifically other than Bella herself as a character in this twisted world she lives in. Movie says a lot about what it means to be emotionally intelligent and it does it with a lot of dark humor but masterful way. This movie was quite the experience.
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Juno (2007)
Mixed Feelings but overall happy ending
12 March 2024
This movie was a bit of a strange one, to be honest i really didn't like Juno at all for most of the movie but for the purpose of the movie and the statement about "True Love" it was making, i think her character did a good job of showing how people aren't perfect but they can still be happy and really it's just a coming of age movie, she's 16 years old and she's making big decisions and it's a nice little happy ending.

Overall production was good, pretty solid, well made, great cast of characters, the dialogue and plot was pretty comedic but realistic enough for me to enjoy the movie.

My favorite thing from this movie was the songs that would play every time the season would change, i thought all of the songs were wholesome.
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Fresh (2022)
strange but squeamish
15 February 2024
Honestly a bit cringey at the start but it was well produced. What scared me the most was the normalcy of the "human eating". For most of the movie i was i unentertained, but the movie had its moments. Overall it felt kinda cheap but there was this one scene where two characters are talking about eating people, and the guy was so casual about it and he was saying stuff like the texture and the taste was amazing and he had a plate of meatballs and spaghetti and personally at this point i was feeling a bit squeamish and at an exponential rate i was feeling dizzy and next thing i know i'm on the ground with people holding me up and apparently i passed out and was shaking a little bit. This has happened before with the dahmer show but i was at school this time and the principal came in, the paramedics came in and it was a messed. This movie is a 6 but because it had me out like a light imma give it a 7. Still feeling a bit disoriented but we ball.
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Phone Booth (2002)
Amazing Thriller
18 January 2024
Watched this one during class, short but good. Cinematically well executed, it was quite the interesting movie, usually when a movie is under the genre as a "Thriller" it's hardly thrilling and if it is it's only good for a short moment. This movie was thrilling the entire way through and it all takes place in the same location.

I also think it accurately depicts how someone in that situation would act, nothing felt ridiculous about the plot.

One more thing, maybe I missed it but at what point of the movie did the main character do anything remotely deserving of what happens to him in the movie. Sure he's a liar and a cheater and a bad person? But as I was watching I didn't really understand why all of this was happening to HIM specifically. I'm no better person in comparison yet this man was literally like put on public trial by someone he didn't know.

I didn't like the ending, could have been better. But ay good movie. Not much else to say but that.
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Generic but Enjoyable
8 January 2024
Maybe I'm just a sucker for feel good things, like this movie. You can argue that the idea for this movie has been done before, body swapping, this isn't nothing new nor is it the best in its genre but I still enjoyed watching this movie. It doesn't try to hard to be something it isn't, to me it was hilarious when needed and it had its heartfelt, heartwarming moments. The plot has depth.

For my final thoughts I would just like to compact everything said and just say, movie funny, movie make me smile, movie make me forget about sad miserable day.

This movie gave me joy. If you've read all the way to this point then please give this movie a chance. Thank you.
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Bakemonogatari (2009–2010)
27 November 2023
A very loose and carefree plot, witty dialogue, and striking animation. Bakemongatri is an iconic piece of fiction. A ton of surrealism, a slice of life with its surrealism maxed out. Very expressive, very colorful, mainly for comedic effect but also for "plot". Something unique about this show is that it has 15 episodes which can be divided into subsections for each girl whom has the main focus.

You don't have to pay attention to understand, but when you do really digest Bakemongatri, it makes it all the more enjoyable to watch. This is a series I've always been interested in purely because of the famous scenes to come out of this series. Definitely is decent anime to just chill and watch by yourself.

Beware fan service. (Hard to watch in public)
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Wedding Daze (2006)
Simple but funny comedy
23 November 2023
Wasn't expecting anything crazy from this movie but I was pleasantly impressed and entertained with this movie. To me this movie told me that comedy comes in many different forms and this is something that maybe not a lot of people enjoy but surely some people (me) loved. It's also a nice love story at its principles.

I love movies that are so ridiculous and spontaneous because it takes me out of the constant loop of stress, boredom and depression. This movie is filled with joy and I wish to continue watching more movies such as this one. Nowadays comedies are just severely lacking simplicity. There was a lot of scenes in this movie where they weren't doing anything but you could see the emotions there on the screen and with no words the story was progressing and it was usually super funny (to me at least). Although there are some inappropriate scenes, it's nothing horrible and most of it is off screen anyways.

I have no problems with this movie and it gave me a lot of joy, most likely will rewatch in future and feel the same way.
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The Evil Dead (1981)
Classic Horror
11 November 2023
For it's time the gore was done really well, I mean even for today it looks really good. Plot is pretty straightforward, great movie to turn off your brain to and absorb. I watched this during class so I was kinda half focused but towards the end I got very engaged. I really like the camera work done in this film, it feels very, homemade? Probably not the right word but I like it.

There's this one scene where a character is walking around with a flash light and the camera switches between multiple angles and then it suddenly zooms right into their face and I found that scene hilarious. Movie doesn't take itself too seriously and that's great for horror movies, it's strong point is it's gore.
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Action, Comedy and Music
11 November 2023
I had very fond memories when I watched this movie for the first time, I thought Star Lord was so cool and I thought the music was amazing. Revisiting it today, years after its first release, it's still a very solid piece of art.

Definitely a great movie in terms of MCU movies, it has a lot of good points, lots of action, comedy, colorful atmosphere, unique soundtrack, very straightforward and enjoyable plot and an iconic cast of characters. On terms of rewatchability I would give it a 6/10, it's fun the first few times but eventually it'll get a little boring, specifically the first half of the final battle sequence was just kinda eh, too extravagant and easy to ignore. Nothing will ever beat that dance battle scene though it was pretty funny. But yeah. Great movie.
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The World God Only Knows (2010–2013)
One of a kind anime
9 November 2023
I went into this anime not knowing anything and unknowingly discovering one of my new favorite animes. Its definitely a very niche title. I was surprised by the quality when I first started watching. It's funny, unique, never feels like it's recycling itself too much through all 3 seasons and OVAs, a ton of different characters get introduced and presented and they're all just so great I love them all.

I really love the main character and secondary characters a lot, the plot is pretty interesting and engaging. I'm a sucker for rom com and harem animes and this is a masterpiece of the two. We get to see how our main character, Keima, grows through each 3 seasons and progress is made. It's interesting to note that they do the same thing every episode only in a different way and it's still super fun to watch.

The studio behind this anime made an amazing first opening and then the rest of the openings and endings afterwards weren't my taste but the first opening has a lot of life to it I can't really explain too well but I listen to it a lot. Animation is great considering the time this came out, a lot of love was put into this.

Kinda sucks how they skipped over a few chapters but it had me go and read the manga and realize just how good the studio did at adapting the manga and now I'm glad I had a reason to go and read the manga and re experience this story. S3 has a strange opening episode, it's the same material only just a little bit different because it's like the studio acknowledges that they skipped over a few "captures" from the manga and takes time to subtly mention it through keima internal dialogue. The details of the order of events changes a little bit but it's very similar to the manga. The entirety of season 3 was different from the last two seasons and in my opinion is the best of the 3. It had everything that made this show so special to me. It is a tragedy that the anime ends right after season 3, the manga is complete and just as enjoyable but it's a shame the show wasn't able to continue til the very end, but I'm grateful that I was able to experience it. I am thankful for my existence.

I guess this review didn't really cover too much of what actually happens in the show but it's more so my feelings towards this piece of art.

I just wish more people knew of this masterpiece of a rom com.
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Compelling to say the least
29 October 2023
The film feels somewhat slow paced, it tells a incredible story of an FBI trainee who is attempting to solve a serial kidnapping/murder case. In order to do this she seeks out help from another serial criminal to get a deeper understanding on her case. Truly a attention grabbing film, cannot stress enough that point.

The story mainly focused around the FBI trainee and her interactions with others, it was very interesting seeing how all the clues start to make sense as the movie progressed. Very enjoyable discovering the truth along the way with her. The secondary star of the film would be the notorious Hannibal, an overall clever character who can see right through you. A calm serial killer. Definitely can see why the film is so adored, it has all the good qualities to make it engaging for the mind.
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Feels like a really well made enjoyable parody
29 October 2023
So I personally was surprised by the reviews that this movie received, before watching it all I knew was that people thought it wasn't great. I thought it was amazing, with a title like FNAF production produced the best result for the fans of the series. This movie has no intention of being an masterpiece but that being said it isn't poorly made, it's high quality and you can tell that a lot of work was put into every scene but it was made for the fans.

I really liked this movie because FNAF has been around for a while, when I was younger like everyone else, I loved FNAF I thought it was so cool and it still is. FNAF is for the younger people but there's also older people who really enjoy it too so it's really for everybody.

When I watched this movie in theaters the entire theater was filled with teenagers and it felt like a really friendly environment because everyone there loves FNAF. In fact when the movie ended the whole theater started clapping even though it wasn't the best movie everybody in there was satisfied with what they saw. Audience reactions to the cameos were cool too.

At the end of the day I think I was glad that the movie didn't try too hard to be something it wasn't and instead stuck to what the series embodied in a community sense. It was something people liked.
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29 October 2023
Every episode kept me on edge, the way the show presented situations and how the main character Takumi took on every challenge was pure hype. Now a lot of the episodes were just setting up the races and raising the stakes. Sometimes they felt really long and boring, sometimes they were enjoyable. The races were always enjoyable to watch because of it though so no regrets.

In a way you could say the show is predictable but even then it's more so about the emotions of the characters when they're about to race or as they're racing.

I liked the selection of cars, all of the characters' personalities, everything was pretty cool in my opinion. And you can't forget about the EUROBEAT, the whole reason why I even knew about this show was through the EUROBEAT. The way the music is implemented is perfect. They did a good job with that.
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Rango (2011)
Funny and Bizarre story about green creature
6 October 2023
This movie in one word is captivating, it feels longer than it is. It's about as western as you can get and I found it to be a fun light hearted movie. The opening scene was pretty lame but from then onwards it was pretty interesting to watch, definitely a movie you would watch alone as a kid at some party your parents brought you along to because they couldn't leave you home alone kind of vibe. Rango as a protagonist is really silly and fun to watch, also the quality of this movie is amazing, a lot of details, good dialogue, big cast of characters, western music, the plot carries itself and the mystery is a nice touch. Good movie.
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Inception (2010)
Emotional and Legendary Picture
29 September 2023
This is another Nolan masterpiece. There's a lot to be said about this movie but the main take away is, Christopher Nolan never disappoints and it's masterpiece.

I would say that this flick did great in all areas and aspects you could imagine in a movie. Definitely a movie to put on your watchlist if you've never seen it before, I guess my only complaint would be the first half of the movie a lot of information felt like it was being spoonfed to the audience and the delivery of said information was too fast also, at some points the movie felt very predictable BUT doesn't take away from overall quality at all, I still find this to be an excellent watch.
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Thought provoking Jim Carrey
17 September 2023
Jim Carrey is an amazing actor, takes over the screen regardless of the role. Most know Jim Carrey for the more comical films but this film is no comedy, this film has comical elements but it is a philosophic drama. A unique concept only conceivable in our modern times, this movie is nothing less than amazing. One thing I will admit to is that it was a shame that the truth was revealed in the very opening scene of the movie, I personally would of loved if the reveal was made later on or with Truman (Jim Carrey). Overall this film had a very engaging narrative, and I quietly watched in awe the whole way through. This movie had me thinking by the end. Very beautiful.

(For those who have already seen the film) Speaking a little more on my preference, the direction this film was portrayed in was fantastic but it had the potential to be something completely different. Can you imagine if we discovered the truth with Truman? Can you imagine how trippy this film would be, with all the events occurring the same way they did only no context or clue as to what was truly happening. If shot just a little bit differently this film could have been a soft horror, despair, depersonalization film. It has all the elements, you wouldn't even have to change the events of the film that much, just have it so we the audience have the slightest idea of what was actually happening. Obviously the film wouldn't be as popular as it currently is but this could of definitely been the weirdest, most thought provoking movie Jim Carrey had ever done ever. Just imagine the whole movie no context, same events, reaching the ending scene finally getting that confirmation of what was truly happening but without seeing the movie audience waiting for Truman's reaction, just Truman standing there looking up to the sky, saying his iconic line, and walking away fading to darkness. Roll credits. I can see the argument for this being a terribly confusing ending but you cannot deny that this would of been the perfect "what the" movie you've ever seen. That potential side of the movie spoke to me a lot, too real.
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Magical Girls
16 September 2023
I watched this show when I was younger and only remembered it as a masterpiece and now I rewatched it after years and I can still feel the same emotion as if I were watching it again for the first time.

I can remember the feeling deception the first time around and I believe that this show is unpredictable the first time for everybody. The first few episodes are little boring but once you watch the whole 12 episodes and rewatch the first few episodes you realize things have been in place foreshadowing the truth since episode 1.

It's a bit hard to recommend a show with an art style like this to friends because it really does look like a magical girls show and in my opinion it is, however it has a lot more depth than the typical magical girls show. Speaking of art style, I absolutely think the art is amazing and so meaningful. They get so creative towards the end of the series and character design is very appealing as well.

Plot, the plot of this show is basically what caused this show to blow up to the degree it had. Going into this show blind is the most enjoyable experience.

Music always hit, production knew when and how to implement bangers.

Symbolism. There's a lot of images, a lot of dialogue, a lot of "actions" that have great symbolic meaning, and nothing is spoonfed to you but it's all there for your own speculation.

Overall this show has so much uniqueness, definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen or heard anything about this show. It's a great ride.
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