
19 Reviews
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RoboCop (1987)
Great Story, Great Movie
25 February 2003
One of the most emotional action film you will ever see.

Peter Weller portrays police officer Alex Murphy brutually murdered in one of the most violent scenes you are ever likely to see ( especially in the director's cut), and then brought back from the dead as Robocop. The only problem being that Robocop figures out who he really is and sets out to bring his own killers to justice.

What sets Robocop apart is our genuine care for the hero. We really want him to win at the end. Weller truly portrays Robocop's humanity really well and quite touchingly. Whilst Kurtwood Smith plays one of the most hated villians I can recall. A real psycho who you cannot wait to see suffer at the hands of the man he killed . Add a great score to the mix and you have a really good movie. Be warned though , despite the fact that is told in a real comic book sense, it is far from a kid's movie. As a matter of fact it is one of the most violent movies I have ever scene.
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Ok but nothing special
22 January 2003
Ok the effects were prety well done. But guys the plot... what plot? Comeon they were just going through the motions in this movie. Elijah Wood's acting took a turn for the worse. Sorry he can't do dark very well. Gimli is the new Jar Jar Binks. Those romance scenes with Liv Tyler were tedious and added nothing to the film at all. Some of the dialogue was dreadful. At one point Sam says somthing about "people reading stories about them".Argghh. Come on the first one was much better made and had a much stronger story then this. If this is what three is going to be like, count me out.
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THX 1138 (1971)
There is no deeper meaning
28 October 2002
People think this is better then Star Wars? You wouldn't compare this to any (and yes that includes the flawed Phantom Menace) Star Wars film or any of the Indiana Jones films that Lucas was to create. The absence of any dialogue, interesting characters or even visuals prevent this from being anything else but a pretentious mess. It lacks the heart that made his other films so successful.
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THX 1138 (1971)
There is no deeper meaning
27 October 2002
People think this is better then Star Wars? You wouldn't compare this to any (and yes that includes the flawed Phantom Menace) Star Wars film or any of the Indiana Jones films that Lucas was to create. The absence of any dialogue, interesting characters or even visuals prevent this from being anything else but a pretentious mess. It lacks the heart that made his other films so successful.
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Totally agree. Lacks Substance
17 September 2002
Sure it may look great.But the story lacks substance. It feels to me like they go from adventure to adventure with no story ark. Elijah Wood is not Frodo. You had no sympathy for him.

Legolas completely wasted. They turned Gimli into a fool. Which is totally against what was portrayed in the book. All in all I thought the acting was Ok at best. Very stiff dialogue.I normally love Christopher Lee.But not in this.Too monatone. Samwise Gamgee was the LOTR equivalant of Jar Jar Binks.

All in all very disapointed. People have overlooked what made the book great in the first place. Count me out of Two Towers. Peter Jackson is very talented. This is not his best work.
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Cool movie.
21 August 2002
I really have no idea how anyone could like the childish antics of Phantom Menace over Episode II. As per usual you get the random fools who decide to side with the cynical because they are unable to think for themselves. I like to think of them as vulnerable "sheep". I really didn't like Phantom Menace or the all powerful Empire Strikes Back. I enjoyed this much more.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Could have been better
10 July 2002
I can understand why so many people like this film. We need heroes at the moment. But does that make the movie work. No. I really didn't think too much of this movie. It missed the edge that made Batman original and the style that made X men memorable. Lines like "I'm your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman" really sucked. I don't care if he said that in the comic. Music score was not Elfman's usual standards and Kirsten Dunst whilst beautiful, was only good for screaming. Only Tobey Maguire was memorable and some of the effects. That green goblin outfit was sooo bad. Worst costume since the guyver movie. It was too teeny, too lame and too long. Here's hoping X men 2 or the Hulk (now that looks cool) will be better.

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Return Of The Jedi
3 July 2002
It has now become clear that there are a minor number of people who had decided that this movie was uncool before even seeing it. Their minds made up.

I was very skeptical about Episode II. But it was a relief to see the saga come to life again like someone had put new batteries in the engine. I cannot believe that there are individuals who say Episode I is better. Obviously they stepped into Scooby Doo. Because this was one entertaining movie with some cheesy moments that were similar to the originals. But a true return to form.

I thought the acting was fine for the most part. The music was its usual genius, the story great, and the effects tremendous.What more could you want.

When I was walking out of Episode I, my only reaction was disapointment. When I walked out of Episode II, my only reaction was "I cannot wait for the final chapter"

9 and a half/10
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Is it really that bad?
1 July 2002
I admit I think Attack Of The Clones was a much better made movie, but come on if this had not been the most anticipated movie ever made, then people would have enjoyed it.The same way everyone enjoyed The Fifth Element It was just good fun. All that Star Wars was supposed to be in the first place. It is just a movie after all and I'm glad it's one that I enjoyed. Just kill Jar Jar off and you would have the perfect entertainment.

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Hated Star Wars. Then I saw this
30 June 2002
I hated the whole Star Wars juggernaut, until I saw this film and realized what Star Wars is about. Not about spaceship fights,not about ewoks, and not about pure thrilling action, but about a family. From here I grew to love to the whole saga. (Even Phantom Menace had it it's moments for me). While Empire Strikes Back relied on shock value (revelation of Vader's identity, the capture of Han Solo), this relied on good old fashioned story telling and I found it to be the most emotional of the original trilogy. I much enjoyed Return Of The Jedi over The Empire Strikes Back and am one of the few who still do. I cannot wait until the day when we can finally watch 1 through to 6.

Without a doubt, 10 out of 10
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Batman (1989)
Beats Spiderman hands down
25 June 2002
One of the greatest villians, greatest music scores, unlikely choice for the hero( as opposed to the pretty boy look of most other comic heroes) and brilliant design values add up to a truly great experience. I have never picked up a comic book but this was truly one of the movies that affected me as a kid. We are still riding off the success of this movie with films like Dark City that owe their design to this one. Whilst Spiderman has the dollars, it lacks originality and can't compare to this.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Could have been better
22 May 2002
First of all I would like to say that this animosity between Star Wars fans and Spiderman fans is reaching the ridiculous level.Both are going to make more money then god.

I really didn't like Tobey Maguire in this. He never convinced me. Spiderman is a little too perfect for my liking. Whereas Batman was cool because he was vulnerable to an extent.

William Dafoe was good, but the costume was just too cheesy which destroyed this villian.

The score was ok, but not up to Elfman's normal standard.

The effects well, let's not go there.

I can understand the hype. It doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Batman was much better. Even X men was much better. With a doubt Hulk will be better(and more interesting as a character) then this.
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Sure it's great, but as good?
21 May 2002
For me this will always be the 'tease' of the original trilogy. Starting with a spectacular battle, then slow middle (even though Yoda is introduced) and killer ending(laying the foundations of the star wars saga for the next 20+ years). It's a great movie don't get me wrong. But out of the trilogy I feel this is the weakest as there is no payoff. It is totally dependent on what is apparently according to many, the weakest of the trilogy, "Return Of The Jedi". I know so many who say this is the best simply because of the style. But is style any substitute for story? Which is where the problem of Empire lays. A story where nothing is realised. That doesn't begin for 100 minutes where we finally learn 'the truth'. Don't get me wrong I love it, but not as much as Episodes 4 and 6. I think people have forgotten their initial reactions to it due to the fact that we now have a conclusion with 'Jedi'.
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Great Entertainment.
20 May 2002
Let's cut to the chase. "Phantom Menace" could have been so much more. It could have been this. I read the negative reviews for Menace and understood the criticism . I do not understand the negative reviews for this.Here is why Interesting story , we finally have the Anakin Skywalker we have been waiting to see in Hayden. The visual effects surpass anything that has been done before it. A great villian in Christopher Lee. A love affair that has cheesy lines but don't all love stories. Besides have we all forgotten the whole "I love you", "I know" routine from 'Empire'. At least there IS a story this time round. There is a shade of darkness with the beginnings of the empire and certain events that trigger the darkness that lurks deep in Anakin. In the end it boils down to one thing: entertainment. This is one of the most entertaining films I've seen for a long time. Many people had their minds made up before they saw this, I'm glad I wasn't one of them. Finally the magic is back. 9/10
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Great but you have to wonder one thing
20 May 2002
Amazing achievement for the time. But you have to wonder this, when a film's plot is said to be so deep that it's beyond human comprehension, is there really a plot at all? Before I am beheaded for the last comment I would just like to say that this is a truly great film. Just not the greatest
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Good,but three hrs is way too long.
18 February 2002
Yes it is good. But 3 hours is way too long for an opening installment and therefore difficult to watch over and over again. The Hobbits could have had more character to them and Frodo was much more cynical in the book (not quite the wide eyed innocent he was in the movie).

It would have been better to see Mordor in the second film so we wouldn't quite know the evil Frodo is up against. We would be in Frodo's position.

I Hated Samwise Gamgee. He was the stereotypical annoying character every fantasy film has to have.(Read Jar Jar Binks). (No offense to the actor, I think it was the way he was written). The music score was a little too Braveheart inspired for my liking.

I think the main problem I had was the action got quite repetitive in the middle. Too Many bad guys coming to get them. (I know the book was like that). All in all a good film.One of the better fantasy films since Star Wars for sure. But it is not the classic yet, and certainly not number two on the all time list. I work at a special effects company and have spoken to someone who has begun work on Two Towers and they told me that the next installment will not be as good as Fellowship.But that the third one will rock. So I look to part three with anticipation. Peter Jackson has done fine with this installment, but his real magic is yet to come.
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Rocky IV (1985)
Enjoyable Over The Top Just don't mention the speech.
12 February 2002
Yes a very flawed film. But a guilty pleasure. Rocky IV's ultimate downfall was that it turned the series into a political . Which Stallone isn't too flash at doing. The ending of this film with the 'change' speech is just too ridiculous . But Dolph Lundgren has never been better as the stereotypical Russian killing machine. Proof that the silent villian usually works. There are a couple of scenes in the film with flare. Apollo Creed's death scene is one of the most dramatic and depressing in the series and does make you root for Rocky the more. The training scene with Rocky climbing the mountain, is pretty to look at and the end fight scene is totally unbelievable but totally entertaining. It is too short, too much like an MTV video clip, and too political. It is also the weakest in the series. But Stallone's done a lot worse. Rocky 4 is a testament to the fact that sometimes entertainment is all that's required, and the film doesn't need to enlighten.
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Jaws (1975)
Spielberg's timeless introduction and all round classic
12 February 2002
This was the first film that genuinely scared the pants off me. But it is also saddening, to realize that it is because of this film, that sharks now are on the endangered list. But enough philosophy. From the opening scene which has to be one of the most effective in movie history to the final battle between Brody and the beast,the tension never stops. Thats what separates it from the other lesser monster films and earned Spielberg the right to become one of Hollywood's most powerful directors. But just as important is John Williams, whose score would have to be as well known as the American National Anthem.This was the score that allowed his genius to continue with The Star Wars Series and to dismiss it, is just wrong. Overall the sequels(although I did enjoy 2) just couldn't compete with the relentless suspense or pulse pounding power that everyone (from Spielberg to Scheider)were able to project into this monster flick, which created a new breed of monster film.
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Bad, but not "Batman and Robin" bad.
7 February 2002
First let me start off by saying Phantom Menace is not a patch on the original trilogy. (However those films were not only ground breaking, but also pasted into the social conscience). So perhaps it was unreasonable to expect such a feat by George Lucas. But is it so painful to get through. Nah I don't think so.If u forget that gungan who should suffer pure pain, and the fact that Lucas for some god known reason decided to turn Anakin into the next Home Alone kid. But the good points: yes Darth Maul was cool, Natalie Portman, John Williams again delivered, and ofcourse the best fight scene I have ever seen. As far as Episode 2 goes, it is a good thing people are bagging it already. It means expectations will be less. People will be pleasantly surprised by the next one which Ewan Mcgregor calls f**king brilliant. This coming from a man who bagged Menace months before it came out. To the optimists I say the next one will be a true return to form . To the pessimists, we will see in May .
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