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Gary Gulman: Born on 3rd Base (2023 TV Special)
Not very funny this time
19 June 2024
I usually like Gary Gulman's old stuff but this special didn't really work for me. There were maybe 2-3 good jokes in the entire show while a great majority of the jokes felt flat. Even audience was quiet most of the show. It looks like he already used most of his good jokes in past shows so there wasn't much left for this special.

This special could was more boring than funny. I felt bored 80% of the time and was tempted to close the video several times but I kept forcing myself to finish it because I had liked his past shows but this is nothing like his past work.

There are too many jokes that simply didn't work.
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1917 (2019)
Too much reliance on cliche
8 June 2024
This movie felt more like watching someone play a video game like Call of Duty than an actual war movie. It also relied too much on old recycled cliches that were already done in hundreds of movies before. We get it, war is bad. It was trendy to make "war is bad" movies in 1960s, 70s and even 80s but it's been way overdone and some movie makers are still trying to milk this theme to make money.

The movie is visually pretty but it's slow, boring and focuses too much on one guy. Like I said, it felt like we were watching a video game. There is one guy who is given a series of missions, go from point A to point B then do this tasks and head to point C and do another task and so on. It was far too formulaic to be interesting and added nothing new to the genre.

I don't see how this movie is considered a masterpiece but then again according to this place every movie ever made is a masterpiece.
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Sing Street (2016)
Cute movie but nothing new
13 May 2024
This is a cute movie if you want to spend 2 hours having good time without thinking too much but nothing beyond that. I don't understand all those praises given to this movie because it adds nothing new to the table. It basically covers a topic that has already been covered at least 1,000 times in at least 1,000 different movies. It's too much cliche to be worthy of all these praises.

Boy meets girl, boy starts a band, boy writes songs about the girl, the girl gets impressed, they fall in love, things look like they will break apart for a while but things miraculously turn around in the last 10 minutes after the band gives a good performance and they go together to seek new adventures.

I've already seen this so many times in so many movies before. I'd only rate this movie higher if it actually brought something new to the table which it failed to do.
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Boring torture porno
24 April 2024
If you are the type of person that enjoys watching people getting tortured, abused, beaten and mistreated for 2 hours, you will enjoy this movie very much. Get your popcorn and enjoy your show but if you are a decent human being who hates that kind of stuff, you won't find much in this movie.

The movie offers nothing else really. It's just 2 hours of abuse and mistreatment that was endured by 3 characters and that's about it. If you expect the movie to offer anything else beyond that, you'll be hugely disappointed.

Of course this is IMDB where every movie ever made is called a "masterpiece" so this movie also gets called that but then again the whole word lost its meaning long time ago when 99% of all movies are called masterpiece by people here.
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Melodrama overload
22 April 2024
The only good thing about this movie is Jennifer Connelly who played her role almost perfectly.

The movie suffers from being too heavy on melodrama. There is a limit how much melodrama you can fit into a movie before people get sick and tired of it. People don't watch movie to be overloaded with melodrama, they watch movies to get entertained, take their minds off their daily problems for a few hours and have a good time. This movie just throws too much drama at people which at the end accomplishes nothing.

The movie doesn't have a "so what" statement or a lesson it's trying to teach. It just throws bunch of melodramic things at you hoping that you'll cry your eyes out for 2 hours and that's about it.
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Poor pacing makes the whole thing confusing
17 April 2024
This documentary has many problems and the biggest one is poor pacing. The documentary is 2 hours long and 90% of it is spent on showing the same materials again and again and again, interviewing the same people saying the same things over and over and over and when it comes to the part where it actually matters (the appeals court and supreme court decisions) they pass it so quickly that if you blink once you'll miss it.

There is no explanation as to how the case ended and how it was resolved and who was actually innocent and who was the actual murderer. They just interview the same people over and over and at the end nothing is solved.

Also the way it was presented is really confusing. First they say that the case went to appeals court and appeals court held the decision of the original court. Then it goes to supreme court which supposedly overturns the decision which means Randall Adams can now walk, right? Nope, Texas governor turns his death sentence to life in prison and his sentence stays so Texas basically ignores supreme court's decision. Wait what? How does it make any sense. None of this is explained in the "documentary" which spends 2 hours showing the same clips and same interviews repeatedly instead of actually explaining what actually happened.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Could this video be any worse?
12 April 2024
Notice that I didn't call this a "movie" because it isn't one. It is a 2-hour long music video with no plot, no character development, no acting, just 2 hours of dancing and singing.

If you enjoy watching music videos on MTV all day you will love this so called "movie" and think it is great but if you are actually a fan of film and actual movies you will hate this because it's lacking in every department. It has no plot, no character development and no real acting.

People say "it's just a musical" but no. Being a musical doesn't give a movie excuse to lack a plot and character development. There are many great musical movies with actual plots that are actual movies but this isn't one of those. This is just a cheap and colorful music video that lasts way too long.
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The Searchers (1956)
Poorly constructed movie that aged badly
5 April 2024
One of the major issues with The Searchers is its narrative structure, which meanders aimlessly and lacks a cohesive focus. The film follows Ethan Edwards, played by John Wayne, as he embarks on a quest to find his kidnapped niece. While the premise holds promise, the execution is marred by a lack of urgency and a series of unnecessary and distracting subplots. The pacing is sluggish, with long stretches of the film feeling disjointed and unengaging, ultimately testing the patience of the audience.

Furthermore, The Searchers presents problematic themes and racial undertones that are difficult to overlook. The portrayal of Native American characters is deeply troubling, relying on outdated stereotypes and perpetuating harmful narratives. The film's depiction of Indigenous cultures is steeped in racism and a distorted representation of history, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and contributing to the ongoing marginalization of Native American communities.

John Wayne's portrayal of Ethan Edwards, while celebrated by some as a notable performance, is marred by his one-dimensional and unlikable character. Edwards is an unapologetic racist, displaying unabashed animosity towards Native Americans. While some argue that the film attempts to critique his bigotry, it ultimately fails to challenge or condemn his views, leaving a sour taste and an uncomfortable message.

Additionally, the treatment of female characters in The Searchers is deeply problematic. The female characters are reduced to mere objects of desire or victims in need of saving, lacking agency and depth. Their limited roles and lack of development contribute to the film's overall shallow portrayal of women, reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes prevalent during the time of its release.

In terms of technical aspects, The Searchers is visually striking, with breathtaking landscapes and sweeping cinematography. However, the film's aesthetic merits alone cannot compensate for its narrative shortcomings and problematic themes.

In conclusion, The Searchers is a disappointing Western that fails to live up to its acclaim. Its meandering plot, problematic racial portrayals, and shallow characterizations hinder the film's potential for meaningful storytelling. While it may hold historical significance within the genre, its flaws and problematic elements make it difficult to recommend to modern audiences seeking nuanced and socially conscious narratives.
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Ridiculous story
31 March 2024
This is one of the most ridiculous and confusing movies I've ever seen in my life due to having way too many plot holes which makes the movie totally unwatchable and confusing. I stopped counting all the plot holes after 30 in the first hour or so.

It's funny how the submarine can outmaneuver every torpedo as if it's some sort of F-16 flying in the air. It makes such quick and sharp turns to avoid those torpedoes in a way that even a fighter plane couldn't make in the air let alone a massive submarine in the water.

My favorite part was when the submarine outmaneuvered the last torpedo in such a ridiculous way that the very submarine that launched that torpedo got hit by its own torpedo. What is this? Road Runner & Coyote cartoon? There is no submarine on earth that can move like that. It simply doesn't exist even in 2024 let alone in 1980s.

This movie made about as much sense as a Road Runner cartoon anyways. You might like it if you are not very smart though.
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The Soft Skin (1964)
Adds nothing new to the table
30 March 2024
After hearing so many praises of this movie I thought I was going to watch an innovative movie with a new, unique and different take but this movie offers nothing new. It's the same story you've already seen in literally thousands of movies. A married man falls in love with a younger girl, he has an affair with her and his wife finds out so he gets in trouble. This is pretty much the entire movie. It has already been done like thousands of times in the past. Even French movies have done this topic in the exact same way hundreds of times. I was expecting this movie to add a unique take on the topic but it didn't. It was a pretty simple movie that must have been put together in 2 hours including time spent on writing it.
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Only first half is good
27 March 2024
Kathleen Madigan's latest comedy special, Bothering Jesus, is a mixed bag. On the one hand, Madigan is a sharp and witty comedian with a knack for observational humor. On the other hand, her material in this special is often too safe and predictable.

Madigan starts off the special with a strong set about her Irish Catholic upbringing. She talks about her parents' strict rules, her fear of hell, and her experiences with Catholic school. This material is fresh and funny, and it's clear that Madigan has a deep understanding of her subject matter.

However, the rest of the special is less impressive. Madigan spends a lot of time talking about her love of wine, her hatred of flying, and her struggles with technology. These are all topics that have been covered by countless comedians before, and Madigan doesn't bring anything new to the table.

One of the biggest problems with Bothering Jesus is that Madigan's jokes are often too predictable. She sets up her punchlines too early, and there's never any real surprise. This makes her material feel stale and unoriginal.

For example, Madigan has a joke about how she's always getting lost. She says, "I'm so bad at directions, I once got lost in a straight line." This joke is funny, but it's also very predictable. We can see the punchline coming from a mile away.

Overall, Kathleen Madigan: Bothering Jesus is a mixed bag. Madigan is a talented comedian, but her material in this special is often too safe and predictable. If you're a fan of Madigan's previous work, you'll probably enjoy this special. However, if you're looking for something new and innovative, you may be disappointed.
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Huge waste of time with no pay off at the end
23 March 2024
This movie is 2.5 hours long 2 of which are spent in a court room but every single argument made by both parties in the court room are inconclusive and could be interpreted as pure speculation. For two hours it goes back and forth back and forth with nothing really making any sense.

Then to make things worse, this kid decides to make an "experiment" with his dog, nearly killing his dog by overdosing him and making his dog vomit, which somehow happens to prove that his mom is innocent which makes absolutely zero sense at all. That so called experiment didn't really prove anything even remotely relevant to the case and it was just another waste of time.

This whole movie could have been an episode of CSI and the whole story could have been told in 40 minutes or less. They didn't need to waste 2.5 hours of people's time.

This movie is another proof that Oscars don't mean anything anymore.
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Found (I) (2021)
Doesn't explain anything
17 March 2024
This documentary says that 3 girls adopted from China were able to locate each other using a DNA testing website called 23andMe but it makes no sense because 23andMe is not a social network and it doesn't connect people like that. It's simply a service where you send a DNA sample and it tells you what your likely nationality is and what genetic health problems you might see in the future. There is nothing in this service that tell you who your family members might be or where they might be located because it's not a service like that.

So basically the documentary fails to actually explain how these people found each other, that's if it's even based on a true story which I am almost sure it isn't.
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Police Story (1985)
Too silly even for a comedy
17 March 2024
As a fan of action movies, I was excited to watch "Police Story," hoping to experience the thrilling and dynamic storytelling that it is often associated with. However, I found myself sorely disappointed by this film, which failed to live up to its reputation and left me underwhelmed.

First and foremost, the plot of "Police Story" felt disjointed and poorly executed. The storyline lacked depth and coherence, leaving me confused and detached from the characters' motivations. The narrative progression was haphazard, with scenes that seemed arbitrarily strung together, failing to create a compelling and engaging story arc.

Moreover, the character development in "Police Story" was severely lacking. The protagonist, played by Jackie Chan, was one-dimensional and lacked the charisma and relatability that I had hoped for. The supporting characters were equally underdeveloped, making it difficult to invest in their fates or connect with their struggles.

While action sequences are often the highlight of films in this genre, "Police Story" failed to deliver in this aspect as well. The fight choreography felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking the creativity and precision that Jackie Chan is known for. The stunts, though physically demanding, did not evoke any sense of awe or excitement, as they were overshadowed by the lackluster storytelling.

Furthermore, the cinematography and editing of "Police Story" left much to be desired. The camera work was often shaky and inconsistent, hindering the clarity and impact of the action scenes. The editing felt choppy and disjointed, making it difficult to follow the flow of the film and disrupting any potential tension or momentum.

Lastly, the overall tone of "Police Story" was disappointingly grim and devoid of any lighthearted moments or humor. The film took itself too seriously without providing any respite from the intense and gritty atmosphere, resulting in a monotonous viewing experience that left me emotionally detached.

In conclusion, "Police Story" failed to live up to its reputation as an engaging and thrilling action film. From its poorly executed plot and lack of character development to its uninspired action sequences and lackluster cinematography, the film fell flat on multiple fronts. As a viewer seeking an exciting and well-crafted cinematic experience, I cannot recommend "Police Story" as anything more than a disappointing and forgettable endeavor.
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The Lionheart (2023)
Terrible pacing and lack of focus
13 March 2024
I don't even know where to begin. This documentary is all over the place and offers a weird watching experience because it's pacing is all over the place and the documentary itself is also jumping from place to place without any focus. The flow of the documentary is off and it keeps going from one place to another without transition and back again.

There are many parts where it felt very repetitive. We get it, the guy liked racing and so do his kids. You don't have to repeat the same point 100 times. We get it, his accident was tragic. We really do. I don't know why these documentaries assume that people are stupid and need to be told the same stuff over and over in repetition.

Also what is this documentary's main point? What are they trying to tell us? It just seems like the found a sad story and wanted to make a film of it. You have to have a main message and a "so what" statement but this documentary absolutely fails to deliver it.

What's the point of this documentary? There is nothing new in it and no central take home message. They just tell us how much this guy liked racing how he died in a race and now how his kids also love racing. So what? What's your point with all of this? This whole documentary could have been a 10 minute news segment at the evening news.

This documentary adds nothing new and it's quiet boring because of all its flaws.
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Waves (I) (2019)
Basically a 140-minute music video
12 March 2024
It felt like the producers of this movie didn't really care for making a movie. Their main goal was to have us listen to their favorite songs blasting at maximum volume accompanied with bright colorful lights flashing all over the place. It just happened that they happened to have filmed a video to accompany their favorite playlist.

In most movies, the background music is just that, something that plays in the background. In this movie the background music is the main thing and the actual movie is just a background noise that's happening while you are listening to some loud music. Basically what you have in your hands is a 2.5 hour music video that keeps going and going without telling a compelling story.
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Citizen X (1995 TV Movie)
Too slow and repetitive
9 March 2024
As a fan of crime dramas and true crime stories, I had high hopes for Citizen X. However, I was left thoroughly disappointed and underwhelmed by this film. Despite its promising premise, the execution fell flat, resulting in a lackluster viewing experience.

One of the major drawbacks of Citizen X was its pacing. The film dragged on with many repetitive scenes, failing to maintain a consistent sense of tension and momentum. The slow pacing made it difficult to stay engaged, and I found myself losing interest in the story. Scenes that should have been gripping and suspenseful ended up feeling dull and monotonous.

Moreover, the character development was sorely lacking. The film failed to delve deep into the psyche of the characters, leaving them feeling one-dimensional and uninteresting. I couldn't connect with any of the characters on an emotional level, which made it difficult to invest in their struggles and the outcome of the story.

Another notable flaw was the lack of a compelling narrative arc. The plot meandered without a clear sense of direction, making it hard to follow and leaving several loose ends unresolved. The filmmakers failed to capitalize on the intriguing real-life story that Citizen X was based on, missing the opportunity to create a captivating and cohesive narrative.

Furthermore, the performances in Citizen X were underwhelming. Despite the presence of talented actors, their portrayals felt uninspired and lacked depth. The dialogue often felt stilted and forced, failing to convey the intensity and complexity of the situations the characters found themselves in.

Visually, the film was also unremarkable. The cinematography and production design lacked creativity and failed to create a distinct atmosphere. The overall aesthetics felt bland and unmemorable, further contributing to the overall lackluster experience.

In conclusion, Citizen X failed to live up to its potential. The slow pacing, weak character development, lack of a compelling narrative, mediocre performances, and unremarkable visuals all contributed to its downfall. As a viewer, I was left unsatisfied and longing for a more engaging and well-crafted crime drama. Unfortunately, Citizen X missed the mark and left me disappointed.
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The entire documentary could have been 10 minutes long
8 March 2024
In the first 10 minutes they pretty much tell the whole story of the documentary and that could have been the entire thing honestly. The rest of the 83 minutes is spent on repeating the same points over and over and says nothing new that wasn't already said in the first 10 minutes of the documentary.

This is far too repetitive and it repeats the same stuff over and over and over. We get it. The lake is shrinking, it's exposing elements in the air and it's bad for the people living nearby. You don't have to tell the same point over and over 20 times throughout 1.5 hours when you already made the same point in the beginning of the documentary.

There are YouTube videos that are only 10-15 minutes long and tell the exact same story far more efficiently and this documentary adds nothing new to the table.
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Poor Things (2023)
Decent movie but too long
7 March 2024
It looks like many people had a problem with the movie's style or its plot altogether. I didn't mind either and they were fine with me but one problem I had with this movie was that it is way too long. When I first started watching the movie I thought it's a solid 9/10 movie. Then as time went on and on my score dropped to 8/10, then 7/10 and eventually 6/10 because the movie just kept dragging on and on and it was tiring to watch after a while.

If they cut about 30-40 minutes of material this could have been a great movie. I don't know why modern directors think that they have to make movies ridiculously long for them to be good. It's almost as if there is this perception that says the longer a movie is the better it is but that's not factual at all. Many great movies have been ruined by being too long.
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The first half was interesting
4 March 2024
I found the first half of this movie interesting as it showed their life in the forest as well as the part where they travel to "civilization" and start asking questions about different aspects of modern life but the second part of the movie (after funeral) lacked in pace and slowed the movie down significantly. The second half of the movie seemed to drag on and on for a very long time (or felt like a long time).

The film's exploration of alternative education methods and philosophical ideas is thought-provoking. It delves into the tension between the freedom and self-reliance that the Cash family experiences in their isolated lifestyle and the potential challenges and limitations they may face when reintegrating into mainstream society. This dichotomy provides an engaging backdrop for examining the complexities of balancing personal values with societal expectations.
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Cabaret (1972)
How did this get 8 Oscars? Makes no sense
3 March 2024
So many people are singing praises of this movie because it won 8 Oscars and people tend to be sheeple and lack independent thought and think that this must be a great movie because it won so many Oscars. Sooner or later people will realize that Oscars mean nothing and winning an Oscar doesn't make a movie great. It's so easy to get an Oscar if you follow certain parameters and formulae which seems to work every time but that's another topic.

This movie is not a terrible movie, it's an average movie. If it was filmed today it would have been a TV movie or a DVD-only movie. It might have been a streaming-only type of movie as well but it wouldn't even make it to the theaters and no one would buy tickets to see it. The movie is simply average and nothing special. Even those who claim this is a masterpiece and giving it 10/10s can't explain what makes this movie so great except saying "it's just so great" because that's what their art teacher told them and they can't think for themselves.

The narrative lacked a cohesive and engaging storyline, leaving me feeling disconnected from the characters and their experiences. The film seemed more focused on showcasing flashy musical numbers than on developing a compelling plot.

One of the major drawbacks of "Cabaret" was its inconsistent pacing. The film meandered between slow and fast-paced sequences, making it difficult to maintain a sense of momentum. This uneven rhythm disrupted the flow of the story and failed to sustain my interest throughout.

Furthermore, the characters in "Cabaret" felt shallow and underdeveloped. Their motivations and conflicts were vaguely explored, leaving them devoid of emotional depth. I longed for more meaningful character arcs and a stronger connection to their journeys, but the film fell short in delivering satisfying character development.

While the musical numbers in "Cabaret" are often praised, I found them to be distracting and disjointed from the overall narrative. Instead of enhancing the storytelling, the excessive musical interludes interrupted the flow of the film, feeling more like disconnected performances rather than integrated elements.

The film's attempt to explore the political and social backdrop of pre-World War II Germany felt superficial and lacking in nuance. "Cabaret" touched on important themes related to the rise of Nazism and the decline of the Weimar Republic, but it failed to delve deep enough into these complex historical contexts. As a result, the socio-political commentary felt diluted and failed to leave a lasting impact.

In conclusion, "Cabaret" falls short of its reputation as a cinematic masterpiece. Despite its notable musical sequences, the film suffers from a lack of compelling storytelling, underdeveloped characters, and an uneven pace. While it may have been groundbreaking in its time, "Cabaret" failed to capture my attention and left me wanting more substance and coherence in its execution.
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Life of Pi (2012)
Basically a CGI porn
3 March 2024
"Life of Pi," the movie adaptation of Yann Martel's beloved novel, directed by Ang Lee, promised a visually captivating and emotionally moving experience. However, despite its stunning visuals, the film left me feeling unsatisfied. Here's my candid review:

Right from the start, I found myself struggling to connect with the movie. The pacing felt sluggish, with scenes that dragged on for too long, failing to hold my attention. I longed for a more dynamic and engaging narrative that would keep me invested in the story.

While the film's visual effects were undoubtedly impressive, they seemed to overshadow the storytelling itself. The extensive use of CGI and stunning visuals became the primary focus, leaving the characters and their emotional journeys in the background. I yearned for more depth and development from the characters, as they felt somewhat distant and lacking in authenticity.

Despite the film's attempts to explore profound themes of survival, faith, and the strength of the human spirit, it fell short of truly delving into these subjects. The emotional impact I was hoping for was missing, leaving me feeling detached from the characters and their experiences. The movie touched the surface of these themes but failed to dive deep enough to make a lasting impact.

The blending of realism and fantasy elements in the film was ambitious, but it often felt disjointed and confusing. The transitions between the two worlds were not as seamless as I had hoped, leaving me questioning the coherence of the story. This inconsistency disrupted my immersion in the film and made it difficult to fully invest in the narrative.

The ending, which aimed to leave a lasting impression, left me feeling perplexed rather than enchanted. Instead of provoking contemplation and awe, it felt contrived and forced. The ambiguous resolution left too many loose ends, leaving me craving a more satisfying conclusion.

In the end, "Life of Pi" prioritized style over substance. While the film showcased stunning visuals, it lacked the emotional depth, character development, and cohesive storytelling needed to create a truly impactful cinematic experience. I left the theater feeling disappointed and longing for a more engaging and fulfilling journey.
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La Ronde (1950)
Not really a movie
29 February 2024
This is not really a movie or a film. It's more of a vignette video that is marketed as a movie. This is about as much of a movie as YouTube videos are not more not less.

No matter how much pretentious people try to sell this video as "artwork" or "masterpiece" I must be one of the rare honest voices here and let you know that the emperor has no clothes.

This is a pretty video but don't expect anything else from it. Don't expect a plot, character development or any good dialogue from this video or you will be deeply disappointed.

Part of me wonders how this video got so many awards but then again part of me doesn't because we all know how pretentious people are in the art community.
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Why god why?
25 February 2024
Oh boy, where do I even start with Marcel the Shell with Shoes On? I had high hopes for this supposedly "charming" character, but man, was I disappointed. It just didn't live up to the hype.

First off, Marcel's whole shtick felt forced and kind of boring. I mean, sure, he's got a cute little voice and all, but after a while, it just got old. The jokes fell flat, and I found myself waiting for something more, something that never came.

And let's talk about the animation. It's basic, to put it mildly. I get they were going for a retro vibe, but it ended up looking amateurish. It felt like they put in the bare minimum effort, and it showed.

But my biggest gripe with Marcel the Shell is the lack of substance. The whole thing felt shallow and pointless. I was hoping for a deeper message or at least something that would make me think, but nope, nothing. It was just a bunch of random observations that didn't go anywhere.

And don't get me started on the voice acting. It was so flat and uninspired. Marcel's voice lacked any real emotion or charm. It made it hard to connect with the character or even care about what was happening.

All in all, Marcel the Shell with Shoes On was a letdown. The humor fell flat, the animation was subpar, and there was no substance to keep me engaged. Save yourself the time and find something more entertaining. Trust me, you won't be missing much.
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Stop glorifying garbage
24 February 2024
If you needed proof that Oscar awards lost their meaning this movie serves as a good proof of that. Actually I shouldn't even glorify this thing by calling it a movie because it isn't a movie or a film. Movies and films actually have a plot. This is more like a video that's 2.5 hours long.

If this video is given 7 Oscar awards I won't be surprised to see YouTube videos receiving awards in a few years. That's literally one step after giving awards to this video. They might as well do it since it would have been less ridiculous.

If this video was about 90 minutes long it would have been at least watchable but in its current shape and form it's not even remotely watchable.

This reminds me of the story of emperor with no clothes. All those comments praising this video all over the place would be praising emperor's clothes even though he has none.
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