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Bullitt (1968)
once again an altogether rather unbelievable story:
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A solid action thriller. Irresistible 1960s aesthetics, convincingly staged and acted. The action scenes are reasonably realistic and not overdone. Nonetheless, once again an altogether rather unbelievable story:

  • why don't the super-professional hitmen make sure in the hotel room that the supposed Ross and the policeman Stanton are really dead? Two shots to the head from a silenced pistol would have sufficed.

  • Car Chase. The two gangsters pursuing Bullitt wanted to "set a trap" for him, according to Wikipedia. Unfortunately, we don't learn how this is supposed to work... Then, when they lose Bullitt and he appears behind them, they suddenly flee from Bullitt. But why actually? What have they done? And who are they afraid of? After all, there are two of them, Bullitt is alone.

  • Airport. A) How did Ross get a gun on the plane? B) at the latest when Bullitt had the plane ordered back to the gate, the highest security level would have been, i.e. The plane would have been surrounded. C) take-off and landing operations would never have continued as soon as there were people on the runway. Not even in the 1960s.

  • and then what kind of "deal" between Ross and Renick is supposed to have been? So Renick agreed to pose as Ross and testify before the Senate committee as a key witness against the mafia. So he must have known who Ross is and what his situation is. Who would agree to something like that, even for all the money in the world?
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Relationship drama between professional killers
3 September 2022
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Relationship drama between professional killers, that might be a suitable subtitle. So she finds out during an assignment that she's pregnant, doesn't want to be a killer anymore, and decides to leave Bill, marry someone else and start a new life. And all without consulting Bill. Hmm. Bill isn't a choleric after all, he gives the impression that you can talk to him rationally. And obviously he doesn't hate being a father that much. Who knows, maybe he wouldn't have wanted to be a killer anymore if she'd talked to him. Anyway, SHE was the stumbling block, not him.

The plot that spins around this story is sometimes a bit long-winded (e.g. The endless battle scenes in the O-Ren Ishii chapter), but mostly exciting, ironically funny, full of ideas, well acted and staged. And film music from James Last to Malcolm McLaren, there's something for everyone!
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Joker (I) (2019)
The character Arthur Fleck grabs you immediately
3 September 2022
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"Officially" this film is a comic adaptation, but it's too profound, too real, too serious to be anticipated as such. The character Arthur Fleck grabs you immediately - which is due to the brutally intense acting with psychedelic depth... the hysterical, desperate laughter, together with this clown outfit, this blatant contrast between laughter and crying, that's really intense. Then these daydream sequences that are mixed in with the real events, all very intensely, extremely effectively staged.

Nevertheless, I have to say that the plot of this film was also twisted at the expense of credibility. For example, at the beginning, when his boss doesn't believe that his advertising sign was stolen or that he was beaten up. So please, that's ridiculous, there are tons of bruises and witnesses for it. And what should he have done with the sign? Burn it up?

In addition, the matter of his mother and his childhood is highly implausible and is deliberately left in the dark. So his mother ended up in a psychiatric hospital after she severely abused him and allowed her lover to rape him. Aha. Since these are the most serious crimes, she would have had to spend years in a closed psychiatric ward. But what happened to him during that time? Whenever she was released, she would never have regained custody, meaning that he was in the juvenile home until at least 18. And all of this is said to have been completely forgotten or suppressed by both of them? And even if he did, at some point he would have been interested in why he wasn't allowed to go to his mother's... Well, there really isn't anything right there.

On the other hand, the fact that he almost accidentally started a political movement is a very original idea.
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Once again SS-style fascism is coming along...
11 August 2022
Very entertaining and funny at first, but also very well staged and acted! But the film also wants to convey a serious (socio-political) message. I'm a little unsure here. Because once again SS-style fascism is coming along. I don't like fascism either. However, I wonder when it will be understood that fascism can just as easily come back in jeans and/or a t-shirt and/or long hair and/or a joint.
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Everything's so colorful here
9 August 2022
First of all, the costumes are so colorful! And then I didn't even know there were so many lianas in England's woods. So a colorful mix of Tarzan and Romeo & Juliet (love scene at the castle window). Also quite funny when fanfares are shown when the opulent orchestral music sounds, as if they had something to do with each other. But at least you know right away who is good and who is evil. And that's something, these days.
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Lolita (1962)
The story is quite nice, but...
5 August 2022
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The story is quite nice, but why should a young woman with such an exceptional disposition - after all, she is getting involved with 2 older men at the same time - then suddenly make a 180-degree turn and strive for a very middle-class family life? That's more than unbelievable. Not bad cinematically and theatrically, even if a bit long-winded at times.
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Hereafter (2010)
more entertainment than serious philosophical enrichment
5 August 2022
The core theme of the film is the old philosophical controversy of substance dualism vs. Monism. The story vigorously promotes substance dualism, but has contradictions. According to George's visions, the characters continue to exist almost exactly as they were in this world (e.g. Jason's "weird laugh"), but then the same Jason from the afterlife says how great it is to be "everything at the same time". But you can't be both together.

Then: the character George, i.e. Someone who REALLY communicates with the dead or has visions of them, does not exist. This is fantasy.

Then: the film also claims that the dead can influence this world (the lost cap that saved Marcus). This is also fantasy.

In the end it's more entertainment than serious philosophical enrichment. Nevertheless skilfully acted and staged! Especially good: Bryce Dallas Howard.
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Bound (1996)
Cool, exciting, erotic story with many unexpected twists.
25 July 2022
Cool, exciting, erotic story with many unexpected twists. Unfortunately somewhat unbelievably exaggerated in some places. E.g. That Cesar was able to kill the three mafiosi in his apartment all by himself without even getting a scratch - apart from the fact that the mafia boss himself and his son would certainly be on the road with more than one bodyguard. Then all the hiding of the traces of a fight and murder... So there's a policeman already in the blood who soaks the carpet and nobody sees anything, aha... Nevertheless, it's well staged, photographed and acted.
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Moby Dick (1956)
not bad, but a sophisticated remake wouldn't go amiss.
12 July 2022
Some tricks are good, some less. It should have been known by the 1950s that whales are not flying fish. Then the whale doesn't actually look that big in some shots, e.g. Where Ahab is on top of it. Ahab's makeup is underground! This "scar" (or whatever that is supposed to be) on the left side of the face looks like war paint in some shots. Then the color just goes into the beard. Bad ass.

Otherwise, the staging is successful, the actors are well chosen, even if it is strange that Queequeg is played by a white man. Incidentally, it is just as strange as when Snow White is played by a black woman. But fortunately no one comes up with such a stupid idea ;-)

The story is generally good. It's exciting, and also has serious aspects (vindictiveness)... it's striking how religiously charged everything is.

Conclusion: not bad, but a sophisticated remake wouldn't go amiss.
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District 9 (2009)
I have no idea how crap like that gets 7.9 points.
12 July 2022
Except for "Apocalypse Now", the imdb rating and my rating have never been so different. I have no idea how crap like that gets 7.9 points.

The world presented here is so... implausible, inconsistent, twisted that you don't even know where to start.

Just the main character "van der Merwe"...that costume with the tank top, the artificial dialogues, everything is so ridiculously exaggerated that you don't know if it's supposed to be comedy. Then there are these "documentary style" elements that are supposed to suggest how incredibly realistic the whole thing is. And otherwise pretty much every Hollywood cliché is served with pinpoint accuracy.
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doesn't come close to the brilliant Coppola film adaptation
9 July 2022
Not bad, but a bit too much in the way of horror and "I'm very demanding" for my taste. Isabell Adjani great. Of course, Kinski isn't bad either, but for me there's always a bit of involuntary comedy. Overall really good, but doesn't come close to the brilliant Coppola film adaptation.
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Paycheck (2003)
Ridiculous Hollywood action gossip, time wasted!
9 July 2022
I have no idea how many shots were fired at the heroes again without hurting them. But shootings aren't about life and death either, no, where from? We behave like we're at a paintball battle.

I watched the movie because the story is by Philp K. Dick (Bladerunner). So we live in a future where it is possible to erase memories down to the hour. But that can be done in two completely different ways: first with a kind of "radiation" (in which the brain temperature takes a roller coaster ride up to 42.9 degrees but the brain is "vegetable" from 43 degrees, of course), and then with two injections, one marking and an erasing injection. Why not a third variant: frying pan on the brain!

And then there's that screamingly stupid poop about the miracle machine that lets you see the future - and that 20-item puzzle that Jennings sent to himself. Question: did Jennings choose what items to put in the envelope himself, or did he just let his miracle machine show him what he was packing? Question for the mind of Philip K. Dick!
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Total Recall (1990)
the basic idea and the story that was developed around it is not bad at all.
20 June 2022
The basic idea (i.e. The possibility of implementing any memories into people's brains) and the story that was developed around it is not bad at all. It's exciting and full of surprising twists. Unfortunately, the whole thing suffers from ridiculous action gossip and - from my point of view - unsuccessful comedy.
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Dogville (2003)
a brilliant lesson in human behavior
19 June 2022
Just awesome! First, the quasi-theatrical film adaptation with only one stage set... one is amazed at how well this works. In my opinion it is even more effective this way than with a conventional film adaptation.

The story itself is a brilliant lesson in human behavior.
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Faust (III) (2011)
Too willful.
19 June 2022
Too willful. It starts with the technical/cinematic things: I certainly have nothing against films in 4:3 format, but what is this "frame" with the rounded corners for? Should a kind of "Super 8 atmosphere" be created here? Then these distortions or filters. It's hard for me to see that as artistically effective or valuable.

Also the action, the dialogues, the narration...everything seems too theatrical and pregnant with meaning. A successful Faust film adaptation has to be more natural for me, especially since not inconsiderable changes were made to the plot.

I have little or nothing to do with the story that is being told here.
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Successful cinematic adaptation of the Tristan epic!
17 June 2022
Successful cinematic adaptation of the Tristan epic! Modern adaptations of classic material often result in some kind of Hollywood-action-kitsch. Not here. Sure, the plot is a bit twisted, but the core of the story is intact! Also technically and acting very well done!
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Excalibur (1981)
the suits of armor are always well polished.
15 June 2022
This was my third film about the Arthurian legend after "King Arthur" by Antoine Fuqua and "King Arthur" by Guy Ritchie. Unfortunately, I still find it difficult to access it or to understand what it is actually about. This film supposedly sticks to the classic "Le Morte Dartur". However, the plot is very long-winded and I sometimes miss the connections. The staging isn't bad, but the choice of actors isn't optimal and the props are sometimes strange. A 1970s designer armchair or a sequined dress certainly doesn't belong in a serious film adaptation of a medieval epic. But the suits of armor are always well polished.
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The Door (2009)
Quite nice, but nothing special.
14 June 2022
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The basic idea for the whole story... well... A magic that takes someone back in time doesn't necessarily have to result in that person then existing twice. However, the plot of the film is almost exclusively based on that, so that the doubles want to be at each other's throats. Quite nice, but nothing special. The same applies to staging and actors.
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this is clearly fantasy, not science fiction
3 June 2022
First of all, this is clearly fantasy, not science fiction. Because, before a computer could exist that contains a whole world with "identity units with their own consciousness", there would first have to be ONE computer that develops consciousness ITSELF - something like HAL in "2001 - A Space Odyssey". The idea that by simply putting on a helmet you can disconnect your own senses from your brain and connect it to a computer has little to do with science fiction. OK, so fantasy then. The story that is built around it is basically a crime thriller. This one is nice, but nothing special.
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Ring of the Nibelungs (2004 TV Movie)
Kristanna Loken in the role of her life!
12 May 2022
The plot is based only roughly on the Nibelungen saga. The makers of the film have tried to "bring it over" to the present day, which I think has been successful. In any case, I can ultimately do more with this story than with the Nibelungenlied itself. It is more logical, more conclusive, less tedious, but the core of the matter remains intact. Convincing cinematically/technically, trick technique very good, not excessive, only where it is necessary. First cream selection of the ensemble, everything fits! Kristanna Loken in the role of her life!
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So, at the latest at the point where Glenn Gould was once again praised...
9 May 2022
So, at the latest at the point where Glenn Gould was once again praised as the greatest pianist in the universe, I realized that I was in the wrong film... Well, it's not like I can't do anything with the film and what it says . But this character of Jack just has a clear imbalance for me. What bothers me is that he's portrayed as downright asexual. I realize that the film isn't about sex, but I still get the constant feeling that something is wrong while watching it.
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Black Swan (2010)
The basic idea isn't bad at all, but...
9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The basic idea isn't bad at all: around the ballet production of Swan Lake, its core of action, i.e. The drama about the white and the black swan, is projected onto the level of the dancers. First of all, the portrayal of the two completely opposite characters was successful, even if Nina is already a bit exaggerated here, e.g. Half as many stuffed animals in her room would have done the trick... In the second half, the excessive mixing of vision and reality is noticeable, the viewer is (deliberately) left in the dark about what actually happened.

It's also a shame that at the climax you have to transform her into a black swan using CGI, just to "prove" how perfectly she embodies the black swan in dance! Why isn't the dance itself enough here?

Above all, I don't understand Nina's psyche. She is "white" and is gradually discovering her "black" side. On the one hand she seems to want and enjoy this, on the other hand it seems to confuse and unsettle her. From my point of view, it is only insufficiently explained why this dichotomy now leads to suicide.
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really extraordinary...
16 April 2022
Really extraordinary...quirky in a positive sense, funny, profound, the episodes seem like parables and the protagonists metaphorical. The fact that the film comes across as a western seems rather irrelevant.
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Caligula (1979)
actually a quite demanding film
16 April 2022
Actually a quite demanding film in which the life of a ruler is shown who, because of his power, takes on bizarre, sadistic, crazy traits. However, the film's peculiar origin story with the subsequent porn scenes ruined the film. Once again a confirmation of the adage "many cooks spoil the broth".
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Tale of Tales (2015)
Fascinating story and an absolutely magnificent production!
8 April 2022
Fascinating story and an absolutely magnificent production! Mysterious, bizarre, profound, but above all a wonderful interplay of reality and fantasy. The characters, the actors, the dialogues, the elaborate costumes, the complex make-up, everything seems...coherent! Great music on top of that, it doesn't get any better than this!
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