
46 Reviews
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
6 April 2022
Hacksaw Ridge is one of the greatest 'war' films of the 21st century for sure. It offers a very different perspective to many others allowing viewers to explore themes within war from a different angle. Garfield is sensational in the role of Desmond Doss and is completely believable in the role throughout. The fact this film is based on a true story makes it even more impressive and I feel it does justice to the heroes and the story. Some scenes come across slightly corny and hammy but this has very little effect on the overall viewing experience. 100% worth the watch!
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Hush (I) (2016)
Pleasantly surprised!
24 September 2021
My expectations were neither high or low prior to watching Hush due to my lack of knowledge about it. I was very pleasantly surprised by this film and felt as suspense/slasher horrors go it definitely stands out. I think the most impressive thing this film does is that it doesn't rely on big jump-scares or screams but if anything maintains a constant tension throughout with us as watchers expecting these. I feel the story does take some cliche turns which let it down slightly however these don't overshadow the good choices. As someone who rarely feels the horror genre gets it right, this is definitely one to watch!
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Fantastic concept!
11 September 2021
The Truman show is one the best original ideas i've ever seen translated onto the screen. The concept is fascinating and Truman's character is endearing to a tee meaning as watchers we are routing for him reflecting the show's watchers same emotions in the film. The themes it explores are very real and relatable and Jim Carrey's performance really does justice to these. The only thing i can criticise is that with such a strong concept, i feel the film fails to explore everything it could have and i would have been really interested to see some themes and plot lines explored further. That being said, this film is definite classic and something to be enjoyed by all fans of film and original stories.
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Misfits (2009–2013)
One of the best programs i've ever seen!
30 August 2021
I would recommend misfits to absolutely everyone! The show combines brilliant comedy with sci-fi, romance, friendships and all number of other themes. The humour in misfits is perfect, the characters are beyond loveable and their development throughout the episodes is excellent. Each episode is crafted superbly to introduce new elements whilst maintaining everything done before. This show is the best i've seen done in this style and i feel the show has immense rewatchability. I implore you to give it a watch and guarantee it won't disappoint.
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You will laugh i'm pretty sure
24 August 2021
PJDN: Big in Japan was a film i was unsure about what expectations to go in with having had some prior experience of the series. This film's main aim is to get the audience laughing and it achieved this with flying colours - around 80% of the jokes were met with giggles and chuckles all round which for a 90 minute film isn't bad going. The only reason i can't rate this higher is that its not a film that will stick in my memory or have an affect on me beyond the experience at the time. That being said i do think its worth a watch especially if you enjoy the show already and even if you have no prior knowledge you will enjoy your time.
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A vast improvement on the original
17 August 2021
This version is significantly better than the first in a number of ways. Firstly, the comedy is the real star of the show and many of the jokes land throughout the film rather than being met with awkward silence. The characters are also brilliantly crafted, not realistic in the slightest, but brilliantly crafted nonetheless. Unlike the first film, the limelight is shared fairly equally between all the cast which means each character's personality is explored properly. The weakness of the film is the plot itself which is slightly too similar to the original for my personal liking. However, i feel that this isn't the focus of the movie and that the comedy and action are the key selling points. If nothing else, this version of the suicide squad is a sensational parody of itself and there are a number of self-deprecating moments throughout the film that show this. I would definitely recommend this film for the comedy if nothing else and if you go in not taking it too seriously you will definitely have a better experience.
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A tale of two halves
15 August 2021
The Deer Hunter epitomises the disparity between normal western life and the horrors of war (in this case Vietnam). The film spends a significant period of time introducing us to the characters and their dynamics with each other. I feel this is drawn out unnecessarily and if anything leaves the watcher with two many assumptions and presumptions going in to the second half. However, the film takes a dark turn in the second half and pulls no punches in highlighting the terrors of war and viscousness of human beings. I feel this film does one of the best jobs at presenting this side of war and really makes the watcher recoil at the events on screen. Overall, this is a very good film and the performances are excellent and presents a very accurate portrayal of life during the Vietnam war.
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John Wick (2014)
Does what it says on the tin
24 July 2021
John Wick is not an Oscar winning thriller with performances to match Ledger's Joker, however in terms of action it is sensational. The stunts and visuals throughout the film are incredible and Keanu does a very good job at selling both the emotion and action of Wick's character. The story is good enough to invest time into but doesn't come anywhere close to surpassing the action. It certainly stands out within the contemporary action genre and any fans of the genre should definitely give it a shot.
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Nightcrawler (2014)
Hidden gem
20 July 2021
Before watching Nightcrawler i knew very little about what the film was going to entail and the characters that would be explored. Jake Gyllenhaal's performance is sensational and his ability to keep the watcher on the edge of their seat throughout the film's entirety is nothing short of remarkable. Gyllenhaal really is the key to this film's success and his portrayal of the sociopathic Lou Bloom is utterly believable. The story itself is very interesting to follow and contains a number of high tension sequences. If anything, the only reason this film loses points is that the story doesn't match Gyllenhaal's level of excellence but overall this film is definitely worth a watch.
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Midsommar (2019)
Think i was catching flies for 2 hours
15 July 2021
As implied by the title of this review, i spent the entirety of this film with my mouth wide open in a sort of shock and confusion surrounding the events unfolding. Midsommar follows the increasingly sinister traditions of a cult and the outcomes of these. I think the best thing this film achieves is bringing that uneasy feeling to the pit of the viewer's stomach for its entirety which should be the aim of horror to make someone feel scared or uncomfortable. I feel it does lose a couple of points due to the wacky nature of the film meaning the suspense of disbelief is shattered at some points of the film. However, the camerawork and setting of this film are what really make it with the events on screen directly contrasting with the environment around them. I think Midsommar is certainly worth a watch however an open mind and strong stomach is required.
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Fantastic adaptation!
15 July 2021
I have not always found musicals to be the easiest of mediums to adapt however In the Heights seems to excel in achieving this. The music is sensational with awesome choreography to match, the characters are full of depth and easy to emote with and the story as a whole is very well written. A lot of the issues facing the characters are poignant to contemporary society and the musical does a very good job at highlighting the harsh reality faced by many within these communities. Overall, this a very good musical movie and certainly one that fans of musicals should see and to those who aren't, the story itself is definitely one to invest 2 hours of your life into.
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Lone Survivor (2013)
2 hours of raw brutality and emotion
9 July 2021
Lone Survivor follows the real story of the Red Wings operation carried out by Navy SEALS in Afghanistan. The film does a good job at introducing us to the key figures involved. The sheer brutality of the situation and war is presented intensely throughout the film and as viewers it is a hard watch to see the pain suffered by the figures throughout the film. Lone Survivor places heavy focus on the bond between brothers in arms which evokes further emotion from viewers. The pain suffered by those in war and their families is often unimaginable and this film stands as evidence to that. Overall, it is a very impressive war film, a poignant depiction of real war and most importantly a fantastic depiction of some of the real dangers faced by those in action.
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Fantastic sequel!
6 June 2021
A Quiet Place Part II builds upon its predecessor superbly and joins a very exclusive club of amazing horror movie sequels. I would recommend this film be watched in a cinema to really appreciate the atmosphere and tension built up throughout it. The performances are fantastic within the film and as watchers we are able to connect with them on a very real level; the emotions and pain the characters go through are extremely believable. The investment into the development of the characters is also noteworthy with us as viewers really getting an understanding into their personalities. The horror is balanced perfectly between occasional jump-scare, in-your-face moments and gradual tension build up. There is very little to critique with this film and its only issue is that it suffers from being a horror sequel in that we are aware of the threat posed and therefore the element of mystique holds less power. However, that being said, as horror sequels go this is a stand out and is a must for any fans of the first film or horror in general.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Truly Beautiful
12 April 2021
Arrival is by far and away one of the most unique, thought provoking films i have watched in a long time. The themes of life, humanity and the unknown are explored fantastically and the plot of the film really grabs the watcher from minute 1. Amy Adams is incredible throughout the film and gives a performance that is sure to evoke emotion in even the toughest of viewers. I don't want to go into further details in order to avoid spoilers but all i can say is that film is a must watch for any fan of film.
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Fight Club (1999)
7 April 2021
If i could pick out one word i had heard being attributed to this film before i watched it, it would be thought provoking. I write this review following a 2 hour debate between my entire family about the film and the world it presents. Fight Club has developed a poor legacy over its years surrounding masculinity and what it is to be a man. This could not be further from the real thing. Fight Club is a deepdive into the world of mental illness, toxic masculinity and societal issues. The best advice i can give is to watch this film without any preconceptions and will 100% get the most out of it.
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A fantastic conclusion!
6 April 2021
Avengers: Endgame really is the perfect conclusion to the magnificent MCU! Seeing this in the cinema was something else to experience the atmosphere around me. The final battle was done to perfection and the bittersweetness throughout the film gives it a feeling of being real and not just a bunch of superheroes flying around invincibly. If you have followed the rest of the MCU, then this will wrap it all up perfectly. As a stand alone film, it is a fantastic watch!
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Soul (2020)
Pixar just have a winning formula
6 April 2021
This is another great in the long list of great Pixar films. The story combines a great mix of comedy and meaningfulness that everyone can find something from. Pixar's ability to entertain a young audience whilst also provoking some of the deepest of thoughts in the older audience is quite remarkable. My only reason for not rating Soul a 10 is that i feel it is similar to other Pixar films but does that even count as a criticism (I don't even know at this point?!). Definitely worth a watch for old and young alike!
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Friends (1994– )
One of the best sitcoms out there!
6 April 2021
Friends is probably the most well-known US Sitcom in the world and upon watching its clear to see why. The dynamic created by the main characters is unbeatable, their relationships with each other make every episode fun and endearing to watch. For a show of 10 series, 24 (or around this) episodes each, its ability to stay fresh and relevant throughout each series is remarkable. Its ability to resonate with all generations is also admirable. As with all sitcoms, some of the humour becomes repetitive or a storyline may take an odd turn but as sitcoms go it is a tough one to beat. If nothing else, give it a watch to enjoy that feeling around season 2/3 where you know you've got another 6/7 to come!
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Glee (2009–2015)
Just falls off at the end
6 April 2021
I will be the first to admit that i was slightly embarrassed that i was as hooked on Glee as i was yet the more i watched the more i began to realise its a teen drama with some good bloody covers. The music is the star of the show and the performances are generally top notch. The first 3 seasons are by far the best however season 4 is still very good. Unfortunately, the show begins to fall off in the latter series' and the storylines become duller which overall drag the other elements down with it. That being said, the early years of Glee are very hard to fault and if you give it a chance it might just surprise you.
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Jack Black at his best!
6 April 2021
School of Rock is as much a showcase of Jack Black's talent then it is a film. The film combines all the elements of Jack Black's personality to create a really enjoyable comedy. I challenge anyone to sit through this film and not crack a smile or a chuckle, think it might be a tough one. If you need a laugh and you like Jack Black, then you can't go wrong with this one.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Well worth a watch for any fan of Star Wars
6 April 2021
I wasn't sure what to expect when i began watching the Mandalorian as many friends had sung its praises without revealing too much. The style of this show is quite unique with an interesting mix of classic Star Wars action with a layer of light-heartedness. The show reels you in quite quickly with the mystery of 'Mando' and each chapter brings in new elements that keep the series feeling refreshing. My only criticism is that some chapters feels disjointed and stand alone short films rather than a series. If you enjoy Star Wars or any Sci-Fi, then this is definitely up there as a must see.
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Greatest film of all time!
6 April 2021
I have watched Good Will Hunting around 5 times in the space of 3 years and these viewing have led to my conclusion that in my opinion, it is the greatest film of all time. The writing is quite brilliant with a perfect mix of humour and drama which conveys the story perfectly. The performances are incredible and the relationship created by Damon and Williams is fantastic. The Affleck brothers and Minnie Driver, also add a great dynamic to this film. This film will be sure to make you laugh, cry and think about the world in ways that you may not have before. Get watching gang!
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A solid start to the franchise
15 October 2020
I have always been a marvel fan but like many have been living a lie as i have never watched every film within the modern marvel franchise. So i made it my quest over this year to watch all of them in order. Captain America is a solid start to this quest and does a good job of setting out the style and substance of these films. Steve Rogers is a very relatable, memorable character and this film really allows us as viewers to connect with him. The film slightly lets itself down with some poor CGI choices and slightly over the top plot but overall it is a very strong start to the modern marvel universe.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Left me slightly disappointed
3 October 2020
I went into this film with high expectations - i love Di Caprio and with this being his oscar winning film i was excited! Unfortunately, these expectations were not met and the film left me deflated. The plot itself is okay but is overshadowed by the performances not being anything special. My main gripe is that i feel Di Caprio is criminally underused in the film and he is reduced to crawling around and grunting for the majority of the film. I feel Leo has 10 performances or more that outplay this one and the lack of dimensions within the character is not his fault whatsoever. In contrast, the action sequences within this were superb and balanced the gore with reality perfectly. This is nowhere near one of Leo's best but the visuals and action are superb. Give it a watch if you fancy the sound of it!
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Venom (2018)
A little bit naff
3 October 2020
First and foremost, let's just admit Venom is a cool character and has one of the best looks in the superhero genre. However, this film falls short in achieving the full potential of the character. The main issue i have with this film is the poor attempts at humour throughout - if anything i feel it undoes the fear factor of venom and creates a goofy vibe throughout the entire film. The CGI also looks odd throughout and certain action sequences are let down due to this. Tom Hardy is a saving grace for this film and does his best to carry the film's plot and dialogue. Overall, i would argue this might be one to avoid; that being said if you're a fan of the venom character, Hardy and fancy an easy watch then it might be the one for you.
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