
18 Reviews
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From Hell (2001)
It was a fine movie....
25 October 2001
This was acctually a good movie. But, in the end, it was no award winner. In the end, it's just as good as the slasher horror movies, which I do like, but aren't on my faves list. I would recomend this movie to people who want something different to watch, and who kinda like grossness, and who don't mind if it's not exactly a thinker movie, or a moral teacher. This was a good movie, even a great movie. 7/10.
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Amores Perros (2000)
Such a cool movie, I give it 10/10
24 October 2001
I saw this and all I could say was, "Wow!" This movie is definatly cool, and way different then I thought it would be.

It is highly emotional, and I must say, there's nothing I like more than an emotional story with lots of gore and heartbreak, and the list goes on.

It is somewhat of a thinker movie, and has somewhat of morals. I do recomend this to anyone willing to be shocked by just how intense a movie can get. Yes, this is on my list of top ten fave movies, it is number four. I give it a 10/10.
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Gladiator (2000)
This is my second fave movie of all time!
24 October 2001
I have seen this movie fifteen times now, and it gets better every time. I liked this movie so much, I went out and got the special edition DVD. But there is something I must say. Joaquin Phoenix was the best by far! He's the one who should've

played Maximus! But he was cool as the villain anyway. I will always consider this Joaquin's best role! Anyhow, it was an overall good movie, kind of gross, but who gives a damn! This is a 10/10 for me. See it if you love action/Dramatic movies that keep you happy until the end.
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The Yards (2000)
An OK movie, even a good movie, despite all the boringness and strangeness, but here I go---
24 October 2001
What a wonderful cast! And such wonderful acting! Two of my fave actors are in this, and they did very, very well. But, this fell short of being an Oscar award winner. The plot could have been very interesting, but the way they pulled it off, was, well, dull? I feel sorry for the cast and crew who had to endure this. If only there was different dialoue, or setting. Or if they sped up the pace. But it was an ok movie, even a good movie, boringness and strangeness aside.
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Run Lola Run (1998)
This is one of the best movies ever created
24 October 2001
This is my third favorite movie of all time, first comes Blade Runner and Gladiator, and then this masterpeice, not too long after comes Amores Perros, The Cell, and Fight Club. Anyhow, back to Run Lola Run. This is a wonderful story, and like many other of my fave movies, it is a situation that could never really happen, but it takes itself so seriously, it makes the scenario beleivable. Good acting, and I happen to like almost every thing about this movie. Altho it gets kind of strange at points, it still stays believable. If you like cool, action/dramatic movies, and don't mind subtitles or dubbing [if you don't know German] this movie is totally for you. Personally I give it a 10/10. Others may not agree with me but.... Oh, and IT'S A THINKER MOVIE. Nope, this one isn't for the weak at mind.
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Blade Runner (1982)
There is something about this movie....
24 October 2001
Real good. I thought it was. Wonderful acting, and I tend to like sappy, non-happy endings, so I liked the Director's Cut more than the original. I also like this because it's a thinker movie. The plot is ok, but the reason it's good is because it takes itself seriously, when in all truths, the plot couldn't be more strange or Freakish, or even, yes, it could be dumb, it could be Purely Moronic.

But guess what? Something happens and it turns into a masterpiece. I recommend this movie to basically anyone. It has something for every one in it.

I give it a 10/10. It's my number one fave movie.
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The Zeta Project (2001–2003)
I love it!! Watch it!!
6 July 2001
I love this show!! I really want a romance to develop with Zee and Ro. But it is a wonderful story about morals, Zee refuses to kill and learns to love, he also learns to protect his one, true friend, Ro, a runaway orphan. Ro and Zee are basically on the same path, looking for their families, Ro looking for her lost brother, and Zee, looking for his creators. I recomend the movie A.I., starring Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law, it is also about a robot that can love, and is tooken on a whirlwind journey. I recomend this show! I love it! And you will too!
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6 July 2001
Gore, Gore, Gore, Gore. No plot, just Gore, Gore, Gore. AN ENDING THAT IS 6 FRIES SHORT OF A HAPPY MEAL!! VIDEOS CHANGING THEMSELVES?? HOW BAD CAN YOU GET!! I didn't want to see naked people and drug use, besides, both movies sucked! The plot relied on gore, I like gory movies, yeah, but tasteful gore, like Silence of the Lambs and Sleepy Hollow. I also like tasteful sex and nudity, not thrown all over the place as nothing special! Don't see it! It will make you utterly let down for weeks!
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Oh My, way long, but very interesting
6 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this movie was very very different and remarkable. It almost shows what Racism is like, how the humans treated the poor mechas. I loved this movie, and related it to the show and comic book 'The Zeta Project' about a robot who learned to love, so if you liked A.I. go for Zeta Project. But, I must say, A.I. raged on for what seemed like 4 hours [no, it wasn't 4 hours, but seemed that way]. I cried in the end, David got his wish, but did he really XXX? Did the XXX really XXX him? Sorry, but those were spoilers, anyone who saw the movies gets me, right? This movie demonstrates the things we love, our motives, how past DOES matter, and mostly, the Curse of Immortality, when all you know and love is doomed, and you are the one left behind. But while David was Immortal, he will be immortal in our hearts. A touching movie.
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Well...ah.........well, it's just as bad as Blair Witch 2
6 July 2001
This was a very hard to understand movie. I didn't get the ending? Did they die? Did the main character, oh no I forget his name[!], die and be with his friend Snails, but Snails is hardly the person to spend an afterlife with unless our forgetable hero is gay or something or

one went to heaven, the other hell, or they got reincarnated... SEE WHAT I MEAN!!! IT IS UTTERLY CONFUSING!! WHY DID THEY MAKE IT!!! Poor, poor Jeremy Irons, I have lost all respect for him after this movie, as I did of Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge, Angelina Jolie in Girl Interupted, and Nicholas Cage in Bringing out the Dead. Yet again, Poor, poor, Jeremy Irons....
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Drowning Mona (2000)
Pretty good.
6 July 2001
Go rent it, it is funny. It's no award winner, but those movies always suck anyway. It is a pretty good plot. It is very entertaining and doesn't consentrate on toilet humor like any of the Jim Carrey or Mike Myers movies, but thigs that are funny... in a different and dark way. 7/10 I give it.
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Traffic (2000)
Wha?! This movie was no good......
6 July 2001
Predictable. Boring. Bad acting [Exept Benicio Del Toro]. Poor plot. Poor directing, the cmera was bouncing up and down so many times! At first I said 'Drug Trade In Mexico, wow' after seeing this movie, "Drug Trade In Mexico, Do you really think we're that stupid Mr. Stephen Gaghan and Mr. Soderbergh?? You two are lowsy...." Sorry, but this movie wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Oh yeah, I couldn't stand any of the actors exept Del Toro, they all annoy me to death.
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Alice in Wonderland (1999 TV Movie)
DUDE!! This movie rocks!!
6 July 2001
Go Alice!! I always loved the 'Alice in Wonderland' gig [I acctually wrote a screen play as a third one, but it sucked, I never thought to produce it]! Exellent is an understatment! There's one thing though, Christopher Walken should have totally been

Mad Hatter! Yes, Martin Short rocked too, but Chris Walken is just so creepy and otherworldly, he would have rocked also! Very nice interpertation of the book which I have read 45 times now [no kidding!!], so which book is next? Well I heard Lord Of The Rings is coming out, let's go see that page! ::hops off to Lord of the Rings page::
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Sucks, Sucks, Sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks!!!
6 July 2001
This movie is rotten! Why, it's the movie that is a few fries short of a happy meal! It sucked! Why see it, you'll waste your money! I've seen better horros, if you can consider this one.... So, don't see it peeps, unless you want to be bored stiff and not scared!
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The Zack Files (2000–2002)
It's a nice lil' show
22 June 2001
I really like this show, good acting for young teens, ya' know? Robert Clark who plays the spunky Zack Greenburg has become one of my fave kid actors. I'd really like to see Clark in many other projects, in my opinion, he is the next River Phoenix, just without a sad end. But back to the show, it has good plots, good acting, good sets. It is cool for any age, so if you like the X-files with a bit of spunk and silliness, this is a show to watch, whether you are a kid or an elderly person.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
It's okay, but it ain't no Oscar winner
22 June 2001
Alright, the movie is okay. Not the best I've seen. A mediocre story and could-be-more-realistic acting. I really don't like musicals, the only one I ever liked was 'O brother where art thou?' which did surpass this musical by a lot. Not saying it is a waste, but if you are the picky type, watch out for the acting and filming.
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The Patriot (2000)
cool movie, I recommend it to any American, no better yet, anyone!
22 June 2001
This has wonderful acting in it, I totally felt the pain and motives of all the characters, even the small ones, the big ones, and especially the bad guys! I always liked action movies, and was always interested in the revolutionary war, so this was right up my alley. And may I give my regards to Jason Isaacs, his acting I beleive was the best, and he truly knew how to have the face of evil in this movie.

I recommend this movie to anyone who is American, likes action movies, and just plain wants entertainment.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
I don't know about you, but this movie was cool!
22 June 2001
I liked the sets and costumes, and so forth. But I was happy it got into characters. In the book, did you even know what the Horseman was up to? Did you even know Icabod's life before the horrible incident? This movie answers questions I've always asked. And it has a good plot, and good surroundings. I do recommend this to people with stomachs of steel, there is a *few* good scenes of gross stuff.
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