
47 Reviews
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WrestleMania IV (1988 TV Special)
I used to love this show...but now...
5 March 2002
Ya know, I use to love this show, but on further was pretty damn boring! Way to many matches, and not really any good ones. The World Title Tourny is cool idea, but it lead to alot of quick matches, instead of any worthwhile longer matches. Do yourself a favor, don't bother with this one (unless your a big Randy Savage fan, and I am) But I still didn't care to much for this show.
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WrestleMania III (1987 TV Special)
A Classic (historiclly speaking)
5 March 2002
Loved by virtually everyone, this show only has a couple of highlights. The 93,000 fans is truly something speical, and Hogan vs Andre is leagendary (although the match is HORRIBLE). Savage vs Steamboat is a lil overrated, but is still great. Not much else on this one though. The rest of the show is a bunch of weak matches. Still, the first *good* Wrestlemania.
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WrestleMania 2 (1986 TV Special)
Three different locations? STUPID!
5 March 2002
This one is not quite as bad as the first, but it does suck. The tag-title match is good, and I like battle royals, so that is a fun watch (even with pro-footballers in there) But the three different locals sticks. YOu get stuck with different annoucers & crowds and just breaks up the show. Take a pass on this one for sure.
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WrestleMania I (1985 TV Special)
The First One=One of the Worst
5 March 2002
Ya know, just because it is the first one, does not make it good! This show is pretty bad. Boring and bad matches litter the card & absolutly nothing is worth seeing on this show. If you are a die hard WWF fan & you haven't seen this yet, you should. If you are just a casual fan, stay away from this crappy card.
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Wag the Dog (1997)
A GOOD political comedy
25 January 2002
A great performance from Dustin Hoffman in the lead, and a quietly confident effort form Di Nero makes this an over looked comedy from 97. Funny small roles from Woody Harrelson, Willie Nelson, William H. Macy & Dennis Leary. If you like a smarter sorta comedy, over the usuall crap..this is worth your time.
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Titanic (1997)
Best Picture of 1997..whatever
25 January 2002
Although this is a good movie, I would so not mark it as the best picture of the year. Decent acting & a running time that does not feel like 3.5 hours. Dicaprio as the lead is ok, but don't look for him to ever have another monster hit, he has peaked with this one. The funny thing about this movie, is that alot of the people who praised it at first have pretty much forgotten about it. Good, but no where near great.
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Utter trash
25 January 2002
TOtally mindless & compleatly useless. Graphic violence & weak acting from the young good looking cast fill this farce. Casper Van Diem is the lead rough neck and comes across as sorta of a whiny punk. Theres absolutly nothing worth seeing here.
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Spice World (1997)
Truly horrible
25 January 2002
God Awful movie bout the once rising pop group who truly turned out to be a flash in the pan group. With some of the boy band losers & little teeny queens out there trying to become actors now adays, they should take alook at this farce, showing just cuz your pretty & popular dosen't make you any good. Just Brutal.
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Scream 2 (1997)
Not quite as good as the first, but then..that one sucked too
25 January 2002
I never really saw what the big deal behind the first one was, and this weak sequel us a waste of the actors time. A mocking off the slasher genre they are making here just comes across as stupid rather than funny. Jamie Kennedy as the movie nut is one of the sole bright spots, but he is certanley not enough to keep this one afloat. If you want to watch a good slasher movie, rent My Bloody Valentine.
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The Postman (1997)
Whats everyones problem?
25 January 2002
Overlong, but not at all as awful as alot of other post-apocalyptic movies. Never could figure out what everyones problem was about this one. Ok, sure. A mailman isn't really a sign of patriotism, but Costner is good enough as the wondering actor who becomes a hero to all. Look for Tom Petty in a small role. Check it out, I don't know why it got such horrible reviews.
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Its just another romantic comedy people!
25 January 2002
WAY over rated romantic comedy seemed to be elevated to status of best picture nominee because it has Jack Nicholson. Just having Jack in it does NOT make it good. Although features some fun supporting work, Nicholson is pretty much playing his typical a**hole jerk he plays in almost every movie. Doing the same character over & over is not really acting, its just recylcing an old performance. Don't bother.
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Jackie Brown (1997)
25 January 2002
I never saw what the big deal about this one is. Some good actors, but just them in it don't make it a must see. I always thought Pulp Fiction was a little over hyped & reviewed, but is far better than this one. If you are a hardcore Tarantino mark, its a must see for you. But its not worth seeing, Not as mind blowingly great as people would have you believe
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Stupid "thriller"
25 January 2002
Michael Keaton as the bad guy is fun, but the movies has some ridiculous plot twists & in general is just awful. I was expecting so much going into this one, and it didn't deliver in spades. It seemed like they did whatever the could think of to generate thrills, and it came across as just trying to hard. Stupid movie.
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Amistad (1997)
Just because its Spielberg..dosen't make it good
25 January 2002
Historical drama is a painful bore that seems to go on and on. Theres some really solid actiing in this one, its hurt by an over long running time. It brings up the question, just cuz its done by a world class director about true events, Is that automatic reason to praise it? I think not.
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U Turn (1997)
Strange and not for everyone
21 January 2002
Bizzare twisted tale from director Oliver Stone. A tale bout a town from hell and the poor guy who wonders in. Sean Penn is good in the lead as the deadbeat loser. Nolte is great playing a brutal old man whos none to fond of his wifes habits. Good support from Billy Bob Thorton & Powers Boothe. The strange camera angles & odd story make for a movie not for everyone. I loved it.
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Playing God (1997)
what a load of crap
21 January 2002
This is one of those movies that the more I think about it, the more it sucked. Just for fans of Duchovney or if u wanna see Angelina Jolie before she really became a big star. A crappy thriller with few thrills. But then again, im not much of a fan of Duchovney or Jolie.
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"It Sucks!" dosen't do it justice
21 January 2002
This is easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Painfully bad acting, the replacing of actors from the first (wise move on those actors parts) Too many charcters for to short of time. They would need like 3 hours at least for all the MK charcters, and god help us all if they ever get that much time for one of these movies. Just Horrible.
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Mad City (1997)
Not worth a look..
21 January 2002
Totally forgetable movie that follows a reporters attempt to take a small situation and turn it into a media circus. Hoffman is good as usuall, but Travolta dosen't match up to him. It's not really worth going out of your way to see, in fact..its not worth seeing at all. =)
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The Jackal (1997)
21 January 2002
Solid thriller, with a good effort from Bruce Willis as the icy assasin. Has some good suspense & a terrific effort from Sydney Portier in support (I prolly just misspelled his name) Richard Gere as the hero leaves something to be desired though. Watch for a small role from Jack Black as well. All in all, worth a look.
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I "used" to like it
21 January 2002
I loved this movie when I first saw it, but on further viewings...its not worth much. Al Pacino is great as the devil (my fav devil) but Keanu is just sorta there. Jeffery Jones has a small role, and is good as usuall. Also Craig T. Nelson of Coach fame is in there. It's to long and really slows down after awhile.
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Gang Related (1997)
s'ok...nothing much
21 January 2002
All I gotta say is that for a movie starring a rapper, it wasn't bad. Surprisingly good support in this one, with James Earl Jones, Dennis Quaid & Gary Cole. It's not worth a whole hell of a lot, I can't even remember why I saw it.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
One of the best films of 1997
21 January 2002
Briliantly acted, wonderfully told tale of the rise and fall of a porn star in the late 70s early 80s. Mark Wahlberg is great going from sweet boy to arrogant jerk. Burt Reynolds deserved the Oscar for supporting actor, not Robin Williams. The Ensemble cast is also used to amazing affect. Philip Baker Hall, John C. Riely, Don Cheadle, Heather Graham, William H. Macy & Philip S. Hoffman are all perfectly cast as this unconventinal "family". If not for L.A. Confidential, this would have been the best of 97.
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Bean (1997)
Just watch the TV show
21 January 2002
In installments of 20 mins, Bean can be very funny. But 90 mins on the big screen? Forget it. Bean just does not generate enough laughs to sustain therw this boring effort. Atkinson is very good at physical comedy, but he can't even carry his trademark character for 90s mins. Don't bother, stick to the TV show.
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what a joke, and not in the good Las Vegas way
17 January 2002
This was a sad entry into the Vacation series. Easily the worst of the 4 (even crappier than European). Nothing notable at all in this farce. Chase, D'Angelo & Quaid all return to there roles, and there is a small cameo by Christie Brinkley (who was in the first one of course). Take a pass, if u want a good vacation movie, rent the original.
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I don't care what he is in, hes still Kramer
17 January 2002
This was pretty much an effort to capitalize on the success of Michael Richards from Seinfeld. It failed. Richards pretty much just does his Kramer character, and Jeff Daniels is funny from time to time, but this effort is nothing special. If you want to laught at Richards, watch some Seinfeld. (truly one of the best TV shows ever)
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