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A Perfect Movie!
13 July 2000
Very good! I was expecting more action but this was very intensified and very graphic. The ending was a bit shocking as I didn't expecte it to end that way. The acting was good and the special effects were clever. It's a good come back with Mark Wahlberg and George Clooney teaming up again. I really enjoyed this movie. It was different and a change from all the usual crap and false movies they are making now.
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The Wog Boy (2000)
Best Aussie Film This Year!
23 May 2000
I didn't know what I was expecting out of this movie at all. Only seeing the trailer on TV a billion times was what took me to see it. The movie was an absolute riot of Australian and Italian humor. I understood the movie all the way and even the Italian jokes. I really enjoyed this movie and the 'Boy meets Girl' plot was typical but very funny to watch. I congratulate the cast and crew on a worthwhile Aussie comedy hit. The best since 'The Castle'. 10/10!!
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A terrible turnout to a well written book
22 May 2000
Reading the book 'Looking For AliBrandi' in high school was a much readable and enjoyable experience. I was expecting the movie to cover the book completely but instead it cut out parts of the book that were interesting and completed the book well. It turned scenes back to front and switched things around making the movie confusing and hard to understand. I didn't enjoy the movie at but I definitely recommend ALL to read the book. It's MUCH BETTER!
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Stigmata (1999)
Excellent story line with interesting camera work
5 February 2000
STIGMATA I thought was very well written and directored. The camera work was shot very very well and gave the movie are real meaning and insight. The acting was very good by Patricia Arquette and Gabriel Bryne. They really shined together well. I enjoyed this movie a lot! VERY GOOD!
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Three Kings (1999)
Three cool actors and funny story line
13 January 2000
Three Kings was the hard core - blow everything up - type of movie I was expecting. Instead it was a bit of comedy! I really enjoyed this movie apart from the 'F' word being used a bit to much. The camera technique which was sort of the same as 'The Blair Witch Project' was sometimes hard to focas on but very good. I enjoyed it!
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Bad performance by Judd but good storyline
8 January 2000
Viewing the trailers made this movie look rather good but seeing it was the complete opposite.

Although it was a good storyline and did have good defence to it, the thing that let the movie down was Ashley Judd's performance. Not only was she boring but she didn't have enough emotion and energy to play her character. Tommy Lee Jones was the only light to this movie and the only thing that kept me awake.

I don't recommend this movie at all. Don't see it if your bored it'll make you fall asleep.
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Better then the original Carrie
5 January 2000
I have been wanting to see this movie for so long and it only being at the theaters for a very short time, I was unable to see it on the big screen.

Seeing it on video didn't have much atmosphere but it certainly kept me glued to the seat and my eyes not leaving the screen once.

I thought The Rage: Carrie 2 was beyond excellent. It was brillent. It really worked! Newcomer Emily Bergl who played Rachael did a excellent job and really played the character extremely well. Original cast member and surviver of the first Carrie, Amy Irving who plays Sue Snell returns as the school shrink who tries to help Rachael with her telekinis.

I really enjoyed this film and with the flashbacks of the original Carrie, it made the movie more interesting and more understandable for those who had not yet seen the original Carrie.

A little gore and blood but nothing heavy. A real good horror flick with a bit of comedy added in. It was above all a success in my books and I look forward to renting it out and seeing it again!
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Poltergeist (1982)
What you can't see. Will hurt you.
5 January 2000
I grew up watching this movie as a child and it terrified me that I wouldn't go to sleep and I would have terrible nightmares of these ghosts frightening me and my family.

Now that I'm older, I can actually watch it and say 'Hey! It's not scary!!' but deep down it's terrifying.

The best 80's horror flick ever released still terrifies audiences even today. The reason it does so well is because it doesn't rely on blood, gore or an axe murder chasing you. It's based on ghosts simply frightening you to death.

Lots of awesome special effects and stunning performances, especially by the star of show Heather O'Rourke, who plays Carol Ann Freeling. She did an amazing job for a young child actress. The rest of cast was very good too and Jo Beth Williams and Craig T. Nelson who play Carol Ann's parents also did a good job.

The real thing about the movie is that stories about haunting's and Poltergeist intrusions are very common these days. I doubt that any child would be sucked into a closet and kept hidden from her family by these ghosts, that would take a lot of proof. I do believe things like this happen to many families and there should be more movies like Poltergeist released.

It just does prove that what you can't see will hurt you!

I give it 9/10!!
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End of Days (1999)
Watch out this New Years....
26 December 1999
I saw the trailer for this movie about a month ago and couldn't wait for it to be released here in Australia. I was surprised by how packed the cinema was as the movie didn't receive much advertisement prior to the release.

The movie wasn't only brillent for it's acting performances and special effects, but for it's tackling ways on making this movie seem real enough to make you believe that maybe this might happen this New Year.

Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't impress me all that much in this movie although these are the only type of movies he is good at. His co-stars Robin Tunney and Gabriel Bryne, I thought did an excellent job. Gabriel Bryne surprised me the most as the evil Satan and it was a different side of his acting talent I had not yet seen.

The script for this movie was shocking and very well thought out. It all made sense and surprisingly what Satan was saying made sense! It makes you think twice about God and his ways of life. It certainly made me think about it.

I thought great story line and direction.

Think about it: Is the end of the World less then a week away?
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Gorgeous Scenary and Excellent Performances!
21 December 1999
I hadn't expected this movie to be so touching and wonderful as it was. I had never heard of the movie or it's past history. All I knew was it was some how connected to the 'The King and I' version in some form.

I thought Jodie Foster who played Anna Leonowens did an absolute superb job! Her mannerism and unique but fake english accent really set her character to a whole new level. She carried the role very well and should be credited for. Her co star Chow Yun Fat, who played the King Mongkut also did fine acting and stood out as a true leader.

The thing that caught me most about this movie was its stunning scenary and production design. The time and effort that must of been put in would of been exhausting! It was very well done and no scenery or props were out of place.

Above all this movie truly did capture me. It's a must see for anyone who enjoys a good drama and romance!
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It looks and feels real....that's the scary thing about
3 December 1999
In Australia at midnight over 200 hundred people flocked the cinemas to be the first to see The Blair Witch. Alot of hype and anticipation was surrounding the movie and to me it lives up the hype!

Never in my life have I seen a movie with such fear and unhappiness in someones eyes that it was enough to keep me awake all night.

This movie was set around three student film makers who set out on a on - foot hike through the BLACK HILLS in Burketsville on a search for the Blair Witch formally known as Elli.

It was a weekand journey planned out by director Heather Donahue , who was making a documentry about the Blair Witch. Little does she know she was filming her last days here on this Earth.

Watching the movie without music or professional camera shots was a much more frightening way of watching three people being hunted by something unknown the camera. Every new shot something different was saw or heard and as the nights dragged on, things became more scarier and more obvious.

The ending was terrifying and left the audience speechless. The fact that these three students didn't know what to expect and weren't expecting anything that had happened to them for those five nights was the most real life encounting fear and angst that it felt incrediably real and terrifying to watch.

I really really loved this movie and it is the best scary flick ever made. It's independent which amazes me more but it's a job well done. It was planned and organised very well. Thumbs up!

It's about time a movie with a reality check was finally made!
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Smart and Sexy!
30 July 1999
This movie I thought was absoluty brilliant! It works! It really works! It's totally twisted and very sexy and that was the best thing about this movie. Sarah Michelle Gellar gave a wonderful and appealing performance that makes you look twice at her and relise that this girl has talent! I recommend to all TEENS that you see this movie!
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