
43 Reviews
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The Beach (I) (2000)
Sand, Sex, and Videogames...
16 February 2000
Take one cup of beautiful azure blue skies, one tablespoon of crystal clear water, and about 15 minutes of digitized computer game visuals, and you have the recipe for "The Beach". I must be honest in my review, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie for the first hour or so, after that I was lost. I simply loved the beautiful photography and panoramic views, they were simply breath-taking. I found myself actually sitting on the edge of my seat during some of the movies' early action sequences. But, someone please explain to me what happened to this movie that had so much potential before the script fell apart ? I actually commented to my a friend who attended the movie with me, why did this movie end before the story did ? And, as I sit here and write my review I thought of the reason this movie just did not work all that well for me. It was the glaring absence of Gilligan, Mary Anne, The Professor..oh yes and the Skipper too. A two hour movie that was much like a three hour cruise. All in all I gave the movie a 7, what can I say I'm feeling generous tonight.
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Once to behold, but only once.
11 February 2000
Before I decided to see this movie I wondered to myself why it was held so long before its' release ? Could it have been due to the extreme popularity of Ashley Judd ? or, could it be this film fell far short of the mark ? Anyone who has seen this movie will choose falling short. This review is the easiest one I have ever written. I give this movie an "I" for incomplete. I'm still wondering when they will re-edit and finish the film. hmmm.. confused.
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Play it, but only once, PLEASE !
22 January 2000
As any good film lover would know, Hollywood has had a love affair with the sport of boxing since movies became part of our American culture. However, this boxing movie will do absolutely nothing to enrich the history of the Boxing/Hollywood marriage. The plot of this film was so awfully simplistic and transparent everyone in the theatre knew the outcome 10 minutes into the movie. To be completely honest with you I did not expect very much from this movie, and I got even less. I can't recommend this movie for even the most loyal fans of either Woody Harrelson or Antonio Banderas.
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Interrupted is intelligent...
22 January 2000
Where do I begin my critique of this fine film ? Both Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie played their parts poignantly and true to life. I found this film touchingly real with genuine feeling and emotion. The movie took me into places I have never been, while at the same time it showed me how the treatment of mental health has changed and grown in the last twenty years. When you do see this movie you will be able to put yourself into each and every scene. This is the mark of a fine film, and it was well worth the price of admission.. and then some. I must agree with the Golden Globes nominating committee for their terrific choice to select Angelina Jolie as a nominee for best supporting actress. It is certainly well deserved. I just can't help but wonder why Winona Ryder was over-looked.
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Magnolia (1999)
A Magnolia lillypad is home for a frog nation...
12 January 2000
Before I begin my review of this fine film I must warn you this is a thinking persons movie, so be prepared. As the crowd exited the theatre this evening the usual rush for the exits was not present. I could not help notice the small clusters of people huddled together to discuss their theories on what we had all just seen. This movie is loaded with irony and remorse with each and every character. I found the acting to be absolutely superb by all of the players. But, one actor's performance stands out like a beacon on a foggy evening, Tom Cruise. Cruise's portrayal of a sleezy almost carnival-like sales preacher was done to perfection. This is the best I have seen Tom Cruise in a very long time, Bravo! The supporting cast in this film was equally wonderful as they led us through a journey of mixed emotions and ideas. I did find the movie a bit long, but at the same time I was sorry to see it end because I wanted to solve all of the movies' puzzles. Still, as I sit here nearly an hour after leaving the theatre I wonder about so many sequences in this film, and I'm sure I will continue to rewind this movie in my mind many times over. Myself and two friends saw this movie and we all have so many angles, too many to write in a few short words. See this movie with your friends and you will know what I mean. My fiends and I gave this movie 8 high jumping frogs.
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The Kick is up , and its wide right !!
6 January 2000
Where do I begin on this movie ? As an avid football fan, and a big fan of Al Pacino's, I looked forward to the opening of this movie for months prior to its' release. I must say I was rather disappointed with the movie. The football action scenes were photographed in a manner in which the viewer was unable to gain perspective on the scene. The night game sequences were nearly non identifiable due to the darkness of the scenes. When the best part of the movie is its' final scene, I know it won't be a movie I will see again. I just thought this movie had so much potential with its' all star cast, but it just fell far too short of the goal line.
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What a strange trip it was...
5 January 2000
Here is how I can summarize The Talented Mr. Ripley, you have just returned home from a long vacation, you drop your suitcases on the bed and open them. You see a mixture of clothes, shoes, and accessories in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes turned in multiple directions and angles. This my friends is The Talented Mr. Ripley. I found this movie well acted, well photographed, and the Italian landscapes were simply beautiful. But, will someone please explain this movie to me ? The plot, whatever there may have been of one, seemed manufactured and full of holes. The acting however was done especially well, Matt Damon, Jude Law, and Gwyneth Paltrow played their usual fine parts. Although, my favorite portrayal in the movie was Freddie Miles, played brilliantly by Philip Seymour Hoffman, albeit a small part.

I felt the ultimate disappointment for me in this movie was a very weak ending to a simply average movie. I give this movie 6 1/2 saxophones, as long as Matt Damon promises to never sing in a movie again, please.
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This mile is worth every step of the journey ...
5 January 2000
Imagine this, a multiple time Oscar winner (Tom Hanks), a relative new comer (Michael Duncan), who has talent as big as the shadow he casts, and a script that will send your emotions for a creative, and touching journey. Here is where you will find The Green Mile. This movie has amazing impact throughout the entire length of the production. Combine the wonderful script with its' heart-felt drama, emotion, and a nice light touch of comedy, and you have a movie that is assuredly Oscar worthy. The support players, Bonnie Hunt, David Morse, and James Cromwell were all simply wonderful. And shall we not forget the "love to hate" role of Percy Wetmore, played by Doug Hutchison. I can't see how this movie will not get multiple Oscar nominations. On a scale of 1-10, I give this movie 9 mice.
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Eerie, Scary, and authentic !
8 November 1999
This movie had me on the edge of my seat from about 10 minutes in, until the credits began to roll. Denzel was spectacular, and Angelina Jolie was terrific. I spoke with a friend who does forenzic work for a living and she was amazed on the authenticity of this film. The scary, and too real feeling of being below ground in the bowels of New York City made me squirm in my seat. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who wants to see a nice piece of film making. But I must warn those who may be a bit squeemish, this movie is not for the meek. On a scale of 1-10, a solid 8.
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The Bachelor (1999)
A fun movie, but...
7 November 1999
Before I begin my comment / review of this movie, I must tell you that Renee Zellweger is a favorite actress of mine.

With that in mind, I have to say I was a bit disappointed with "The Bachelor". I found the plot and storyline to be very transparent, as well as the script. This movie did have some fun moments though. I found Mariah Carey and Brooke Shields' cameo appearances added a nice touch. Chris O'Donnell and Renee Zellweger were alot of fun to watch.

If you're looking for a fun, light hearted movie, you will enjoy it.
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Absolutely Superb !
31 October 1999
Someone call the Oscar people now, this movie is going to be one of the nominees for best picture. As I sat and watched this wonderful movie, my belief that Meryl Streep is one of the greatest actresses of all time was solidified. I absolutely loved this production from start to finish. The emotions of this movie run so very deep, and brought me to smile and shed a tear of joy. Throughout this film I kept putting myself in the place of a parent of one of these special children. This movie will be thought of as a classic, for me it already is. Bravo !
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Body Shots (1999)
Just as shallow as the plot...
24 October 1999
I unfortunately went to see this movie on an invitation from a friend, and we both left half way through it. This movie is as shallow as the plot without question. The so-called music from this movie gave me a headache that still rages 3 hours after leaving the theatre. I don't really think I can say much more than that, you must have the message already.

Purely an amateur production.
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Three to Tango will make you smile !
24 October 1999
I think I should begin my review with the players in this movie, all wonderful. Matthew Perry continues to show me that he indeed is the real deal amongst the "Friends" cast.

I thought Neve Campbell excellently played a charming and fun part. Both Dylan McDermott, whom you will love to hate in this movie, and Oliver Platt rounded out this cast so wonderfully.

This movie will make you feel great when you leave the theatre, so go with "friends" you will be glad you did. Enjoy !
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Fight Club (1999)
Please tell me what really happened !
20 October 1999
Before I begin my comment on this film, I must say without hesitation that Edward Norton is probably one of the best actors I have seen in MANY years. I thought Brad Pitt's performance in this movie was equally excellent. However,this movie confused me quite thoroughly until I sat down and thought through it a few hours later. I think this movie is one that the movie lover will need to watch several times over to pick up all of the little "messages" given throughout the body of this film. Before I close I must also say that Helena Bonham-Carter was truly wonderful and convincing in her role as well. While this is not really my favorite type of movie (a bit too violent for my taste) I enjoyed it. On a scale of 1-10 I give Fight Club a bloody 7.
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The acting was very authentic...
17 October 1999
I enjoyed this movie very much. The only real criticism I might have is that it moved a bit slowly in the beginning. (I did look at my watch twice during the first 30 minutes) The production of this movie reminded me very much of "For Love Of The Game" because of all of the flashback sequences. Both Michelle Pfeiffer and Bruce Willis were excellent, as were Rob Reiner and Rita Wilson in supporting roles. I particularly enjoyed the way the ending was written, bravo ! I never thought I would actually enjoy two Bruce Willis movies in one year. (Sixth Sense & Story Of Us) I believe, in my sincerest opinion, that Bruce Willis should stick with real life roles such as his last two projects. Both of his last two movies really show his true acting ability. So, please put away the guns and the exploding bombs and keep making these really good movies. And yes I would say it's definitely worth the trip !
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Random Hearts (1999)
Stay away, what more can I say ?
16 October 1999
It's been a long, long time since I could say this about any movie, espcially a movie with a mega star like Harrison Ford, but save your money - this one is really bad. From the beginning of this movie I was asking myself why are they doing this ? I am still totally puzzled by the absolutely needless sub-plot in this movie. I'm actually at a loss as to what I should write as my review, it was that bad. Kristin Scott Thoomas and Harrison Ford are both wonderful actors, but this movie has nothing to it, it's flat and lifeless. I actually left the theatre saying to my friends, I feel badly for the lead actors in this movie, it was far below their usual excellent standards. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but I was just completely disappointed with this movie.
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Three Kings (1999)
This King fell off the throne.
6 October 1999
I saw this movie for one reason, I am a fan of George Clooney's work. I just could'nt get into this movie from the start. To me it was just an atypical "shoot, kill and blow everything up movie" I was expecting alot more from this picture. For me it fell far short of the mark. In my opinion there were far too many short cuts made while making this film. If, and when you do decide to see it, look for the mistakes that were made in several areas of production. For me it was the best part of the movie. I gave this film a "6" on a scale of 1-10. I guess they all cant be winners.
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Just what you might expect...
3 October 1999
This movie is basically just what you might expect from a high school "love and crush" comedy. However, this movie was a bit better than the average one. Don't get me wrong, it's no Fast Times at Ridgemont High, but it is a fun picture. I think Melissa Joan Hart is a star that is going to shine even brighter upon a very promising film career. If you're looking for a nice movie for a good laugh and some high school memories check it out.
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Alaska shoots and scores !
2 October 1999
I must say I enjoyed this film more than I expected I would. I was a bit apprehensive about seeing it, but I'm rather glad I did. Before I get too far into the movie itself, I have to tell you the scenery in this film is absolutely wonderful. The mountains of Alberta, British Columbia are truly a sight to see and they lend an almost mystical backdrop.

As an ex-hockey player myself, I can tell you the acting coaches in this movie hit the target dead on. The players were portrayed excellently, and the hockey sequences were truly authentic. This, combined with a fun storyline made it a rather enjoyable movie. There's even a nice little bit of romance thrown in for good measure. In my opinion Russell Crowe, Burt Reynolds, Mary McCormack and Lolita Davidovich were the real hilights of this film. I also thought the cameos by Phil Esposito and Mike Myers were the perfect added spice. A thoroughly enjoyable film.
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Double in trouble...
30 September 1999
I must say, sadly, that I was rather disappointed with this movie. While I found both Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones' performances well done, the story line and plot were extremely predictable and transparent. As I was sitting there I could basically see the next scene coming, and what was going to happen. I was looking forward to seeing this movie very much and it just fell flat for me. There were just far too many holes and short cuts in the film making that really made the movie look as if the producers wanted to just get the picture released. I guess they all can't be gems.
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American Beauty is wonderful !
26 September 1999
As I have mentioned in many of my previous comments and reviews, I always ask myself when I leave the theatre, would I want to see this movie again? The answer is a resounding YES! What a wonderfully masterful job everyone did on this film. Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening did an excellent job as they both usually do, but, Thora Birch, Wes Bentley, and Mena Suvari all together made this movie shine even brighter. I am still thinking about this picture and I saw it over 3 hours ago. The plot, climax, and ending of this picture will keep you thinking through the entire film. I usually don't like to go over the top in praising films, but this one may get Uncle Oscar's attention in many more ways than one. This movie was a 9 on a scale of 1-10, and it was darned close to peaking out at 10.
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Kevin back on familiar ground.
22 September 1999
I thought this movie was a very nice film, and very well made. I especially enjoyed the way the body of the story was very skillfully and artisitically woven throughout the movie. I enjoyed both Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston's performances, and found them both real and genuine to the story line. I think the movie would have been more enjoyable if the producers would have put a few actual major league players in the movie instead of ficticious players. Otherwise, the movie was solid, though a bit too long in my opinion. I give it a solid 7, on a scale of 1-10.
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Blue Streak (1999)
Blue Streak... struck out !
21 September 1999
I left this movie feeling kind of empty and saying why was I here? I had originally thought I had gone to enjoy a good laugh from Martin Lawrence, but that only happened once. Throghout this entire film I found there to be only one really good laugh. I thought the script was a bit weak, and the ending was far too simplistic. This movie was one of those in which all of the good parts of the film are in the trailer, and the rest was merely filler. On a scale of 1-10 I gave this film barely a 5, and I was being generous.
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Stir, Imagine, and be entertained...
11 September 1999
I enjoyed this movie very much. It was one of those movies you talk about on the entire drive home. I found Kevin Bacon's performance excellent, and Kathryn Erbe's character to be genuine and completely real life. By the way, it was so nice to see Kathryn in a well-made movie with a good script. She is such a wonderful actress when the movie and script are equal to her talent. One small criticism I do have is that I found the movie to take a little too long to develop. But, once it did the film just flowed wonderfully well. I gave this film a solid and well deserved 8 on a scale of 1-10.
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Not too far Outside...
6 September 1999
I approached this movie much differently than I have many others I usually see. I heard no pre-release chatter or "buzz" about this film. I actually saw it on a whim, and partly because it was a slow week as far as new releases go. I must say I was so very glad I did see this movie. I actually enjoyed Alec Baldwin's performance in this film. But the glue that held this film together was Shawn Hatosy as Timothy Dunphy, and Amy Smart as Jane Weston. The two actors just "clicked" and made the story flow so very nicely. I would reccomend seeing this picture, especially for anyone who attended High School in the mid to late seventies. I'm sure you will enjoy the soundtrack as well, and I know it will bring back many fond memories. I gave this move a solid "7" on a scale of 1-10.
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