
39 Reviews
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Martial Law (1998–2000)
this show is awesome
4 April 1999
I can't say enough good things about this show. As a 18-year old action loving teenager, I think this is the best action show on television. But enough about me, let's talk about the show. The show centers on Sammo Law, played by Sammo Hung, as a Chinese cop who trades places with a cop from L.A. Sammo and his student, Grace/Pei-Pei, begin to work as detectives on the L.A.P.D., under the command of Lt. Windship (Tom Wright). Arsenio Hall was thrown into the mix, just for comic relief, as Tyrell Parker. And Louis Mandylor rounds out the group as detective Louis Malone. The characters all work great together. The best part of the show, however, is Sammo's martial arts moves. Sammo is a big guy, but he still manages to kick butt like it's nobody's business. Martial Law is way superior to Walker, Texas Ranger, Nash Bridges, and Sons of Thunder all put together. More people should watch this show so it won't canceled or anything like that.
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The Faculty (1998)
a fun time at the movies
4 April 1999
When I went to see this movie at the theatre, I was expecting it to be good, but not this good. This movie was one of the best times I had at the theatre, way better than the mod squad. All of the characters were good, except for Josh Harnett's bed-head drug dealer. It was funny and exciting. I was glad that Elijah Wood was the hero and not that kid with the bad hairdo.
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Titanic (1997)
what was the point of this
4 April 1999
I must admit, as a movie buff, that this was the worst piece of sap-o-rama ever the "grace" the screen. I mean, What was the point? It was about two little spoiled kids running around on some stupid boat saying stuff like "I'll never let go". Come on!! The romantic side of it was so contrived it felt like I was being choked as I watched it. None of the characters were even half-way decent, and all the actors were just a waste (Leo Dicaprio is a loser) the boat was the main character, and the iceberg was the supporting actor/bad guy. Towards the end of the movie, I was hoping the boat would just sink already just to put me out of my misery. When Kate Winslet was threatening to throw herself overboard, I was on the edge of my seat yelling "Jump! Do it, Jump!" James Cameron uses the death of a thousand innocent people in an attempt to illicit some emotion out of the audience, since the characters of the movie can't do it. The only redeeming quality of the whole film was Kathy Bates, but even she couldn't save this boat from sinking. Let's face it, the only reason there is to watch this movie is if you got a couple of hours to kill and your dentist can't give you a root canal just right now, but you want to prepare yourself for the pain.
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Spawn (1997)
4 April 1999
Spawn was a cool movie. The special effects were awesome and the action scenes were good. This was the best movie version of a comic book in a long time, way better than The Crow or Virus.
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Fargo (1996)
good movie? ya betcha!
4 April 1999
I really enjoyed this movie. Frances McDormand and William H. Macy are wonderful. Lemme tell you, when McDormand won the Oscar I was ecstatic. And I love the accents. My score-9.
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Bound (1996)
couldn't be cooler
4 April 1999
This movie is so-o cool. A great script with a lot of twists and surprises, there were moments when I held my breath and was on the edge of my seat. The performances are superb. Jennifer Tilley is great as Violet, her voice little over a husky whisper. Gina Gershon is cool and sexy as the ex-con Corky. And Joe Pantoliano is great as Ceasar. Great story, great dialogue, and great actors, what more could you ask for? My score-8.
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as good as movies get
4 April 1999
I love this movie and could watch it over and over again. It is such a funny movie. The cast is wonderful. Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet are great as the un-alike Dashwood sisters. And I enjoy the closeness of the sisters and their mother (played by Thompson's real life mum). My favorite character is Alan Rickman. You feel so bad for this guy, being slighted by Winslet. All the performances are first class, and the script(by Thompson, who won an Oscar for it) is marvelous. My score-9.
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Xena: Warrior Princess (1995–2001)
this show rocks!!!
4 April 1999
I love this show. Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are fabulous as Xena and Gabrielle. Xena is a former warlord trying to atone for her past by traveling the world doing good. Gabrielle is her sidekick, a bard writing the stories of Xena's adventures. The show is packed (usually) with action, realistically, and breath-takingly, performed by Lawless and O'Connor. And when the show ventures into comedy, it is capable of being the funniest show on television. Did I mention that I LOVE THIS SHOW!
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
great movie
4 April 1999
I like this movie because it is so different from other movies out there. The best part of it is the characters, and the conversations they have. And is it just me, or do John Travolta and Ving Rhames have the coolest character names ever (Vincent Vega and Marcellus Wallace)? And as for Bruce Willis, I think this is the only movie he's in where he's not playing Bruce Willis. Uma Thurman is wonderful. Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta are soo cool. I love the part with Christopher Walken. And my favorite part is at the end in the diner, with Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer. Anyway, all around a very entertaining movie. My score-9.
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Rudy (1993)
stand up and cheer
4 April 1999
Rudy is the true story of a guy whose dream is to play football for Notre Dame. Everyone tells him that it'll never happen, he's not smart enough to attend the college, and not a good enough player to make the team even if he did get in. Sean Astin gives a great performance as Rudy. This movie always makes me want to stand-up and cheer. My score-8.
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
my favorite show
4 April 1999
This is my favorite of all currently running television shows. I love the conspiracy, which many people claims confuses them. But I like that the show doesn't spell everything out for you and prompts you to think and decide things for yourself. The actors, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, are terrific. And I love their characters, Mulder and Scully. And then there's the Cigarette Smoking Man, the best villain on television (now that Callisto is gone). This show is one of the scariest, and at times funniest, shows out there.
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a great film
4 April 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my all time favorite movies, for many reasons. The first is obvious: the cast. It's too bad even though Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis were both nominated for Oscars that both of them couldn't win. I think they both deserved it. Their performances are the strongest things about the movie. And the supporting cast is also great, especially Harvey Kietel. I also like seeing Stephen Tobolowski (Stephen who?). And I love the ending. Unlike most people, who thinks it's sad, I can't imagine them ending it any other way. If Thelma and Louise had been caught, that would have sucked. But if they had gotten away from the cops, it would have seemed contrived and unoriginal. But having them drive off the cliff was the best possible way to end it. It was very liberating and freeing to see them make a decision and end it on their terms. My score-10.
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JFK (1991)
a great film
4 April 1999
I LOVE this movie. The first reason I like it is courtroom drama. I really like courtroom drama and legal mumbo jumbo, and this movie has plenty of that. Also, the performances are good, especially Gary Oldman. It's actually scary how much he looks like Lee Harvey Oswald. After seeing this movie, I wonder how much of the facts in it are actually facts. Because if even half of the stuff in the movie is true, then how can anyone believe that Oswald shot JFK. This movie really makes you think, but it is also immensely entertaining. My score-10.
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Predator 2 (1990)
just as good as the original
4 April 1999
Now, Predator 2 has taken a lot of flak from Pred fans, all of them saying that it's not half as good as the original, but I disagree. Predator 1 was an awesome movie, and Predator 2 is just as exciting. Danny Glover is good as an L.A. cop tracking down the predator. The creature looks even cooler than the one in the first one, and the special effects and action scenes are way more intense. Predator 2 is one of the best movies ever made.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
the funniest thing on television
4 April 1999
The Simpsons is the funniest show on television. All the characters are great, especially Homer, who is the funniest man on television (even if he is a cartoon). And I love the way the can huge guest stars to be on the show (Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, James Woods, ect.). Even after ten years, the Simpsons still make me laugh.
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Rambo III (1988)
The best of the whole series
4 April 1999
Stallone is awesome as John Rambo. This time Rambo is on a personal mission to rescue his friend and mentor (Richard Crenna) from the Russian army. This is the best and most action packed movie Stallone has been in to date. I'm still waiting for Rambo 4.
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an action extravaganza
4 April 1999
This movie is awesome. Stallone is at his best as John Rambo, the greatest of all time. The stunts are cool, especially the one on the boat. The explosions and action scenes are also wicked cool. Rambo is sent into Vietnam only to be deserted by his superiors and left to fend for himself. The first part of the movie is kinda slow, but the last part is non-stop, wicked cool action.
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First Blood (1982)
the greatest action hero of all
4 April 1999
Move over James Bond, Rambo is the greatest action hero of all time. Sylvester Stallone is terrific as John Rambo, a Vietnam veteran who runs afoul over an over-zealous small town sheriff (Brian Denehy). What follows is an intricate game of cat and mouse through the Washington state forest. I love the way Rambo uses the forest as camoflouge, and how he won't kill anybody unless it's absolutely necessary.
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Predator (1987)
the best movie ever made.
26 March 1999
I love this movie. Arnold Schwarznegger is awesome as a commando being hunted by a huge alien. The action sequences are excellent, and the special effects rule. And it is worth it just to see Arnold get the crap beat out of him.
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pretty good
22 March 1999
The best action star ever, Steven Seagal, stars in Fire Down Below, and okay action movie. Seagal play E.P.A. Marshal Jack Taggert, a man trying to capture a man who's dumping toxic waste in the Kentucky countryside. The action sequences were good, but there could have been more of them.
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Face/Off (1997)
22 March 1999
Face/Off was awesome. John Travolta and Nicholas Cage star in this highly entertaining action film as men on opposite sides of the law who switch places. The action scenes are breathtaking, and John Woo does a superb job directing it. I gave this movie a 9 out of 10
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gritty and entertaining
22 March 1999
Steven Seagal, one of the best action stars on the planet, stars in this gritty and entertaining action movie. Seagal portrays Gino, a tough Brooklyn cop. Gino spends the whole movie hunting down the criminal (William Forsythe)who killed his friend and partner. The fight scenes are well done, especially the one at the end. And Jerry Orbach gives a good performance as Seagal's boss.
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Above the Law (1988)
Not his best, but still good
22 March 1999
Above the Law, Steven Seagal's first movie, is not his best, but it's still good. As Chicago cop Nico Toscani, Seagal shoots his way thru an endless (and confusing) conspiracy to assasinate a senator. The action is good, and his performance is better than usual, but there could have been more martial arts fight scenes in it.
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A real good time
20 March 1999
Under Siege 2 offers a heavy dose of action by one of our best action stars, Steven Seagal. Seagal returns as Casey Ryback in this highly entertaining sequel. This time, Ryback is up to his neck in terrorists that have hijacked a train while he is on vacation with his niece. The head terrorist and his army of mercinaries are using the train for a headquarter for an awesome weapons satellite they intend to use to blow up Washington D.C. The film moves along at a fast pace as Seagal does what he does best, that is kicking people's butts. The whole thing eventually climaxes in a knife fight between Seagal and the head mercinary (Everett McGill) who is the only man that can last more that 3 seconds against Seagal.
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a highly entertaining action movie
20 March 1999
Marked for Death is an entertaining movie. Steven Seagal stars as retired Drug Enforcement Agent John Hatcher who is hot on the trail of a Jamaican drug lord. The fight scenes are excellent, confirming my belief that Steven Seagal is one of the best action stars in the world. The movie itself is exciting and dazzling, and it moves at a fast pace. It is one of Seagal's best films.
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