
17 Reviews
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Juvenile movie with pathetic script and acting
17 May 2002
If you're 10 or under, I can cautiously recommend this film, but if you're over 14, forget it. This is the most juvenile attempt at action/science-fiction I've ever seen. Simply put, it is a pathetic excuse for a movie. It is clear that their special effects consumed the entire budget for the film, and they had no money left over to pay for actors or a script.

The acting is so bad that it is frankly embarrassing. I felt like I was watching a junior high drama club. `My heart is breaking for you… Yes, but this is a love that cannot be'. (barf). They are so stiff and the lines so trite that I think I could find two random teens at the mall who could give a better reading. The script sounds like it was written by a 15-year-old girl who spent the last 5 years overdosing on romance novels.

Unlike the original episode, Attack of the Clones has no fun or humor. It plods along with the bad guys plotting a rebellion while the good guys try to figure out what's going on. There was not one single laugh in the entire movie – not counting my chuckles at the pathetic acting and script.

I thought the visual effects were poor given the budget for this movie. There were a number of scenes which appeared to have the actors standing in front of poorly painted landscape scenes. Even the indoor shots seemed to have a haze about them.

On a 1 to 10 scale, Attack of the Clones barely rates 1.
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Decent acting and action but poor direction and editing
2 August 2001
I'm not a big Pacino fan, but he does a good job as the coach. Portions of his locker room speeches were inspired.

However, I was really annoyed by Oliver Stone's direction and the film editing. I guess they feel they need to have that "MTV look" where no camera angle is held more than 2 seconds. What was really annoying was when they interjected flashes of lights coming on or other brief scenes during interesting conversations.
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Spy Kids (2001)
Stupid kid flick. Max age: 10
7 April 2001
This is a fantasy kid flick that is only suitable for those age 10 or less. I was hoping for some drama and suspense and was sorely disappointed to find out this movie is little more than a cartoon show. This movie may be suitable for 4-8 year olds, but this is definitely not a movie for teens or adults.
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Long slow journey to nowhere
17 March 2001
Eyes Wide Shut is a long, slow journey that leads... nowhere. While there are some attention-grabbing scenes such as the one in Victor Ziegler's pool room, too much of the film has the feeling that they are trying to fill out time. Nicole Kidman gives a good performance and Sydney Pollack is very good, but Tom Cruise is, well, the same old cocky, one-dimensional Tom Cruise. Unknown, bit actors kept showing him up in scene after scene; it got a little embarrasing. If he wasn't good looking, he would have a hard time getting work.

I guess if you have 2.5 hours to kill and don't mind a movie that takes you nowhere, you might enjoy this film.
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Pushing Tin (1999)
Pushing Tin is NOT a comedy
11 March 2001
Pushing Tin is most definitely NOT a comedy despite the studio's desire to put it in that category. But then I can see why they don't want to say "This is a moderately depressing drama about the competition between two air traffic controllers that nearly destroys them and their families".
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Unfunny, vulgar excuse for comedy
6 March 2001
If you think a fart is the appropriate punchline for most jokes, this movie might be for you. It makes Animal House look like upscale, sophisticated comedy. But the worst thing about this movie is not its non-stop, juvenile, toilet-oriented attempts at humor, but that fact that it is NOT FUNNY. It is just long and dumb. I finally got so bored that 3/4 of the way through it I rewound it and took it back to Blockbuster. This movie is not fit for adults or kids.
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Each Bond movie seems to get worse
27 November 1999
Maybe I'm just getting older, but it seems like each Bond flick is getting worse than the last one. I think they just add up the total tonnage of the explosives that they use, and if it's more than the last film they figure they've got a winner and go with it. The plot lines are so thin that it is ridiculous and the characters are so super-human that there is no tension that harm could come to them. I went with a group of 5 and not one person would rate this movie above '2'; one 30-something woman said she had a hard time staying awake except for the explosions.

The new female 'M' (I think she has been in the last 2 movies) is about as convincing in the role as my grandmother would be. When the bad guys threatened to kill her I cheered hoping we might get a stronger actress.

I sure would like to see a Bond flick that was actually a 'spy' movie rather than just a gadget/explosion exposition. How about some real suspense instead of invincible success?
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Good, action packed science fiction
31 October 1999
I enjoyed The Fifth Element and recommend it. The DVD of this movie is stunning both visually and audibly -- I frequently use it to show off my DVD/large-screen TV system. The first 2/3 of this movie is good and very entertaining. The last 1/3 (aboard the cruise ship) is silly and boring.
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Gettysburg (1993)
Long, violent civil war movie
31 October 1999
This would be a lot better movie if it wasn't so long. There is only so much violent warfare that I can take in one sitting, and this movie has about one hour more than my limit. The movie is also a lot more sympathetic to the North than the South. This movie certainly makes me glad that I didn't have to participate in the Civil War.
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Under Wraps (1997 TV Movie)
Entertaining comedy/horror about 3 sub-teens and a mummy
30 October 1999
This is a very entertaining movie about 3 sub-teenagers who encounter a mummy who has been awoken from its sleep and must be returned to the crypt before midnight Halloween. The "horror" content is about nil and the movie is suitable for viewers of all ages (I believe it is "G" rated). The mummy's encounters with people in the world are very entertaining, and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It reminded me a lot of "Harry and the Hendersons".
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Lawn Dogs (1997)
Somewhat offbeat and refreshingly unpredictable
21 October 1999
I caught "Lawn Dogs" on TV by accident one evening and was quickly caught up in the story. The plot is somewhat offbeat and refreshingly unpredictable. Mischa Barton, the 10-year-old who plays "Devon", gives a stunning performance with confidence, charisma and passion. I predict a great future for her on screen and film.
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China Beach (1988–1991)
Excellent drama about Vietnam nurses, doctors, soldiers
16 July 1999
This is the popular and much acclaimed "China Beach" TV series. Dana Delany has the role of her life playing Colleen McMurphy, a dedicated triage nurse in Vietnam. This is not a war action movie, but rather a drama about the lives of Vietnam soldiers and the nurses, Red Cross "Donut Dollies", and USO entertainers who are there for them. Dana Delaney is stunning in the role of McMurphy -- this alone would make this a classic. In addition, the deep respect and understanding shown for the Vietnam GI's sets this apart from most of the other Vietnam movies. This is a movie that people who weren't in Vietnam should watch to get a better appreciation for the men and women who served there. For those who were there, this movie is a token of respect and appreciation for your service.
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Little Voice (1998)
Good movie, great music, interesting characters, unnecessary profanity
13 February 1999
I very much enjoyed "Little Voice" and thought Jane Horrocks did a tremendous job playing both the mousey LV and a singer with a tremendous voice and stage presence. I couldn't help think there must be two people inside her body. I like 1950's music (Judy Garland, etc.), and I thought the music was great. Michael Caine does a great job (as usual) playing the sleazy agent who discovers LV and pushes her onto the stage.

My main complaint is that too much time was spent on her mother's loud-mouth carrying on and too little time was spent showing LV on stage. The few minutes of LV's stage performance are a gem, but I got tired of hearing her mother's profanity and wished I could press the fast-forward button.

Overall, this is a very good movie that is deserving of more recognition than it received. I would love to see a full-length stage performance by Jane Horrocks.
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PCU (1994)
Great fun!! Animal House for the 90's
8 October 1998
This movie is great fun. I had never heard of it when my teenage son rented it, but I got hooked after watching for a minute and spent the next 90 minutes laughing out loud. I've probably watched it four times since then, and I have been thoroughly entertained each time. Basically, PCU is Animal House updated for the very Politically Correct University of the 1990's. But PCU is better done and funnier than Animal House. If you are looking for a teenage-oriented comedy that will crack you up, PCU is a good choice.
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White Squall (1996)
Very good movie. Excellent character development
30 September 1998
White Squall is a very good movie, and I thought the development of the characters was excellent. Jeff Bridges does a great job as the tough but caring captain. The teenage boys seem very natural and convincing (I felt like I was back in high school). I thoroughly enjoyed the first 3/4 of the movie, up till they encountered the storm. The storm is extremely violent and it is distressing to see people you have come to know go down while you are hoping for some sort of miraculous rescue. From that point on the movie took on a very heavy air, and its entertainment value is much lower.
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Stripes (1981)
All time favorite comedy. Great fun. Must see.
30 September 1998
Stripes is my all time favorite comedy. The cast and story are throughly entertaining. I've watched this movie probably a dozen times, and I enjoy it every time. Highly recommended.
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China Beach: Pilot (1988)
Season 1, Episode 0
Excellent drama about the Vietnam war. Respectful treatment of Vets.
4 September 1998
China Beach is my all-time favorite TV drama. The series combined the drama and adventure of war time with a tender respect for the men and women who served in Vietnam. I am especially appreciate of the respect shown to the soldiers.
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