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Always Will (2006)
interesting plot, needed a lot more
13 May 2007
Without comparing this too much to the first Butterfly Effect, the storyline was what made me watch this time waster. Always will is about as good as the 2nd Butterfly Effect.

The acting in Always will was passable at best, Baglini didn't seem to do anything with his lines. Nor did any of the other actors.

A dug up capsule of students school items is the ridiculous item that allows Will to travel to times in the past and change them. In The B E Kutcher remembers parts in the past that have been blocked because they are memories best forgotten, with more tragic consequences when the events are changed.

The storyline of Always Will is interesting, the movie needed decent acting and a better idea of how he could change his life. See Back to the Future or any number of time travel movies for something better.
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not so bad
8 May 2007
Having watched Bloodrayne before this by the same director I was expecting the same rubbish here. From the many bad reviews I was seeing this to see how bad it could be. Why Ultraviolet ( a vampire flick like Bloodrayne) isn't also rated as badly as Alone in the Dark can only be because of the hot lead actor. Ultraviolet is so much worse than Alone in the Dark.

The story was simple to follow, the acting at most times decent. Reid really didn't suit her role though.

This is still your standard action movie. I have seen much worse.

House of the Dead will be on my list as another movie to see how bad it could be. This movie I enjoyed more than the latest Seagal and Van Damme movies. Passable save the world type movie.
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Lost: Outlaws (2005)
Season 1, Episode 16
More of Sawyer's past
29 April 2007
Sawyer hitting the boar at the start and the boar getting revenge later on by knocking Sawyer to the ground from behind added some amusement to this episode.

Sawyer's past is revealed as he runs into an old friend who he threatened to kill after a job gone wrong (guest star Patrick) but he has some vital information on the man Sawyer has been hunting, another con man like himself.

Charlie also goes wild with his own attack on Ethan.

A nice fill in ep focusing on Sawyer's past through more flashbacks and his personal grudge against a boar who he believes is stalking him.
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Miss Potter (2006)
well written tale
29 April 2007
This movie drew me in from the start with its wonderful music and the main star Renée Zellweger. From then I knew this was going to be a movie well worth my time, Miss Potter was delightful to watch.

The rabbit's quick blink after she entered the carriage near the start thought I was seeing things.

The three well known stars in this film were excellent, the acting and Miss Potter's elegant white horse drawn carriage (what else),were well suited for this 1900's time period.

Having read many of her books will make this movie all the more fun, though of course this is not necessary. Whether there is any truth here, we are not given the 'based on a true stroy' line at the start so maybe not.

A really enchanting tale, recommended.
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
average mob movie
29 April 2007
The plot and the previews of this movie made it look like a must see. Several assassins with their target a magician/entertainer who has worked himself into the mob.

'Aces' has turned snitch, and there's a $1 million price on his head. Some of the most insane killers are after him, getting there first could be the problem.

This type of movie's pace was slow where it should have been quicker, on a knife edge.

The acting was decent, as I have said a few times Affleck really irritates me. Ben really has little acting skill. He comes off passably, barely, in a role he has played many times before, but with no improvement. His part is short though.

I expected more, as with many movies, there are no better scenes in the movie than the quick 2 minute trailer. The usual incredible twist at the end.
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yet another forgetful horror
27 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
One of the few reasons to make these pointlss films is to give some actors a chance to hopefully star in better films if they're acting is any good. The only good thing in this movie is the acting, the three female leads are better than most horror films like this. There's 2 scenes that may cause an unexpected jump.

Young small children are use to crawl through holes and lay dynamite to explode mines. When one does collapse causing a cave in all the children die, becoming zombies. The adults in the mine stay dead, no reasons are given as why the children become flesh eaters. When still alive they looked terrified before the cave in, innocent, so they must become enraged at any adult which exploited them int he mines (only reason that come to mind).

A mother and her 2 daughters move into a house near the mine, along with a land devoloper who wants to build a resort and another of those creepy people who seem to know exactly what's going on yet no one believes him.

Nothing new here, you're usual clichés, predictable, a lot of negatives for this film, very few positives.
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The Red Skulls (2005 Video)
fake, time waste
26 April 2007
You can sometimes tell how bad a movie is from the first second. The introduction was not needed here to tell us that it was going to be gory.

The acting was... where was it. The fight scenes were fake, you could see how hard he wasn't hitting, more like a tap to the face, the kicks had as much force behind them as a feather duster.

The film was shaky, the acting lacking, the fight scenes were laughable.

There wasn't a highlight at all in this film, not one of the actors displayed the smallest amount of talent. The director had no idea what he was doing, the script should be burnt.

A complete waste of time, stay away from this garbage.
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decent affleck flick
26 April 2007
To start, Im a bit biased when it comes to Afflecks limited acting abilities. In Good Will Hunting he didn't come up to scratch, in Gigli he was a complete disaster, much like the entire Gigli movie, a train wreck.

Watching to see how much worse he could be I was impressed from the start, his voice and acting has improved but not by much. The movie is above average, hence my 6.

Affleck must have worked a fair bit to get his acting up to a decent level and it shows here. John Cleese had me amused from the start with a 3 minute lecture for his class (which was most likely scheduled for at least a 40 minute session), Romjin (Affleck's wife here) is his wife, making Ben's marriage and his almost workahlic lifestyle problematic.

Ben's character here is similar to other roles he has tried to play, where he thinks he's better than everyone around him (which is irritating), his manner is the same, his tone of voice doesn't change where required (if at all), nor does how he expresses his character which seems to be the same as other movies he's starred.

There is definitely an improvement in his acting for this film, I will be hoping for more in his next role.
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great once it picks up
26 April 2007
The first 50 or so minutes I was about to find something else to do, giving this a 4 star.

With the introduction of Brad Pitt the movie becomes twice as good as the first rather dull part. We see the two female leads stick together through a strong bond of friendship, and Pitt helps things with his small role but believable slick cowboy/robber type.

As Thelma and Louise decide to really up the ante and go on a bit of a crime spree we can really see by bringing up their past how they have got to this stage, Thelma's no good husband and Louise's abuse in Texas, which of course explains the first crime she does.

To think I could have missed a great movie, something needed to be done to improve the first part. Even if you only watch the second part, the movie is a great thrill.
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South Park: Make Love, Not Warcraft (2006)
Season 10, Episode 8
top 5 episode
26 March 2007
This could be the best episode ever. There were a few ridiculous moments as usual, with the usual Kenny death (this time virtual), and Cartman's toilet display after 17 hours of battle of his number 2 (bad diarhea).

Having played a role playing game will enhance your enjoyment of this episode a lot, knowing just how long it takes to level a character, how they did it at 2xp per kill is definitely not recommended. To really get to high levels, you've got to have "No LIFE" as is said by the blizzard management who obviously do since they don't have accounts.

By far an episode that must be seen.
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El Mariachi (1992)
mariachi kills with ease
25 December 2006
El Mariachi, while looking like and being shot on a budget, is a great film. It's simple and right from the the start having the scene with Mariachi land on the bus it gets right into the action.

After a case of mistaken identity, a musician has to fend for himself.

While it is hard to believe that a simple musician can turn into a killer in a day, he makes it look easy strolling down the street at ease. He doesn't feel any remorse after the kills, it feels like he's been doing this for a while. His guitar playing skills match his killing abilities.

Great film, with another great film Desperado on the same DVD.
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didn't need a remake
19 December 2006
Having watched the awful Nicolas Cage remake before watching the original, I can see this one is far superior.

Though I didn't like either version, I am impressed by this classic. It is good to see Howie stick to his Christian beliefs until the end, to see his torture as he discovers the community's pagan beliefs and their pagan gods and rituals.

Howie is a good man, by the book, and cant believe there are people who still live like this.

This version holds your attention as you see the struggle Howie is forced to endure at the hands of the people of Summersisle.
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Grilled (2006)
not funny
16 December 2006
This is a movie without a single laugh.

Two meat salesman who have fallen into a slump are about to get fired unless they make some sales.

After many leads gets them nothing, they have a chance with an attractive woman who seems more interested in Romano. By this time the movie's thin plot is losing interest, and the only way to liven it come some hit men.

As a fan of Ray Ramano's and having enjoyed Welcome to Mooseport which had some laughs and of course his Raymond sitcom, this movie was disappointing.
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worst of the series
13 December 2006
Having enjoyed all the American Pie movies this one didn't do it for me. There is the nudity and the jokes and the drinking, but the ending could have been changed to show what any horny teen would have done.

The acting is good, Dwight does remind you of Steve Stifler though Dwight didn't have enough screen time to show that he was more out of control.

The Naked Mile's ending was a let down, though predictable. His short love speech was too much near the end. Up to this point I would have recommended this movie.

Sure there may be a few guys with Erik's standards, they're just hard to find.

As a small not Erik's brother is Dwight, not Adam (credits may be fixed on this site now).
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The Plague (2006 Video)
stay away
14 November 2006
I'm not going to waste too much time reviewing this awful movie.

The battle between the kids and the adults wasn't shown to the point it could've been. As has been said where was the army, especially the US army where it was set.

The story about kids waking up all over the world after a 10 year coma sounded great and should have been a good movie. The bible part of the story thrown in made it worse.

The acting here was OK, the movie needed a reason for the kids' 10 year coma and why they woke up suddenly, other than the part of the priest's diary.

The ending left me with a bad taste. There are many decent horrors out there, don't waste your time here.
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Ice Princess (2005)
this was surprising
10 November 2006
I really enjoyed this. I found the amount of skating in the movie was well shown, with the jumps and some falls the obvious high point.

The movie was much better than I could have believed, all I wanted to see was the skating and some reasonable acting. I got more than this which was surprising, the acting was great and we see the tough choices and sacrifices that have to be made by the skaters, even if your parents have other wishes.

Trachtenberg and Sex and the City star Catrall, though I didn't belevie for a second there was any skating ability, played their parts well.

The movie is entertaining and will leave you feeling good.
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Traffic (2000)
modern drug conflict
2 November 2006
The movie has a few different story lines from the drug lords down to the people hooked on them.

From the judge who finds his daughter is hooked, to the cop who's boss is a General working with the cartels, the war on drugs is shown to be a mammoth problem that can only ever be reduced as there is always going to be a high demand.

The only small problem I had with this movie was the hand held camera. Reading through the trivia it says a hand held camera was used frequently which made the movie shaky.

After viewing, it's obvious that Traffic deserves the many many awards it has won.
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keyser soze, real?
24 October 2006
Five crims find themselves forced to work for a man, Soze, who seems to be a ghost, a dangerous one. Each of them has stolen from him without knowing it, and now they must work for him.

The acting here is superb, from Spacey to Palminteri. Del Toro here is hard to recognize at first, and also is hard to understand with the strange way he talks. Spacey (Verbal) on the other hand is almost non stop as he relates the tale after the job for Soze went wrong.

From the beginning we are given an image of Soze as one who would do anything, killing his wife and kids when he is attacked by gangsters. The five crims meet with Kobayashi who claims he is Soze's lawyer and they must do a job to get out of the debt they owe.

The movie's end is a nice twist, answering the question who or is there even a man called Soze?
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magical tale
23 October 2006
This movie with its many popular tales told throughout was incredible.

Don't let the length put you off as it almost did me.

In the end I felt it could have been longer it was that enjoyable. The popular tales of Ali Baba and Aladdin, along with a few other I didn't recognize were fantastic.

Each story was able to flow into the next using characters from the previous story, until the last 2 tales after Aladdin.(The only small miscast was that of Aladdin, Lee, while his acting was believable, did not seem to strike me as an Aladdin.)

Each tale has a point, coming together in the end.

Spellbinding entertainment.
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Gerry (2002)
plot update
15 October 2006
I didn't think they would be stupid enough to not bring water as I read the plot on this site. They start with what looks like cans or bottles of drink and they get lost.

At about 10mins into the movie Damon (I cant use Gerry as both characters are the same) says they're halfway there. It must be a short tourist trail as the meet a mom and her kids.

They decide to take a route which they think will make the hike worth it then find themselves without food or water.

They had only planned on maybe a 1 or 2 hour hike so hadn't brought more than a can of drink.

Thought that would make a bit more sense.

After this they try to survive in the heat and with each other.

Without Matt Damon I wouldn't have even thought about watching.

The movie shows the feeling of loneliness in a bleak landscape. The amount of dialogue is almost non-existent, I was fast forwarding through 90% of the movie where the desert is shown.
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The Omen (1976)
evil, unstopable
14 October 2006
Better than the remake.

The scene with the monkeys/baboons has stayed with me for some reason since I watched it when I was about 5.

Not knowing the movie with this scene, I was surprised when it was in this movie after I tried to watching a few horrors like the exorcist to find this monkey scene.

I watched the remake in cinemas and I thought it could be this movie.

Comparing the two movies, this one has more creepiness and gives a few shocks. The new one simply had better effects and makes the deaths a bit more bloody, it didn't have any scenes that would make you jump in your seat.

The original has an underlying chill sort of atmosphere and is simply better in its way to give a few scares.
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The Break-Up (2006)
they are far too happy
12 October 2006
This is definitely not 'War of the Roses'. If you want to see a married couple try to kill each other that is the movie, also a good book Here, though I wasn't expecting them to go that far, they didn't do too much to make the other miserable. They looked far too happy and weren't annoyed when one started dating a few guys or having some friends over. Not much was done to aggravate.

There was nothing 'nastier or uglier' from the plot line.

I did find that Vaughn's attempts were better than Aniston's efforts at jealousy.

Predictable ending, needed some more effort. The lengths they went to were childish at best, maybe a scene where they tried to kill each other.
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f@!* yeah
9 October 2006
I watched this on the big screen with my nephew who wanted to see it but needed someone 18 with him. While I had no intention to see it, though a big south park fan, I have now watched it another 3 times on DVD when I somehow realised they had given me the wrong movie. Any other movie I would have taken back but decided it was worth a rewatch.

The celebrity who came off the worst had to be Matt Damon who was smart enough to remember his name. Remembering a radio add for the movie, Damon wasn't offended by the movies portrayal of him, in fact he would have been if he wasn't in the movie.

The FAG (film actor guild) had me in tears, the puppet violence was as realistic as it could be.

It goes to show that men will say anything to get some, as we hear Gary say 'ill never die' before the many positioned sex puppet scene which goes on for quite a while.

Kim Jong sounds exactly like Cartman from South Park.

At the end, my nephew was saying 'America **** yeah'.

Time to watch this one again.
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money wasted
9 October 2006
I rate movies 1 when I feel like turning it off, which was many times during this film. I didn't, though it seemed to get worse...

He wins a grand, decides to get a date with Drew, the whole movie follows him throughout a very long 90mins and thats it.

There were some entertaining moments, but a movie about a guy getting a date with a celbrity is all you're going to see and how knowing someone who knows someone else might know Drew.

Eventually a website is made, which catches Drew's business partners attention, and Drew herself.

Don't watch unless you want to see this excuse for a movie.
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smoking is choice
7 October 2006
Going through the credits I quickly saw Cameron Bright and remembered his terrible acting from Birth which was horrendous, and Ultraviolet (the whole movie was terrible anyway) where he didn't act at all.

Anyway, a movie about smoking and the movie's title attracted me, Bright's non-acting hopefully wont harm the movie to much though he is playing Nick's son. Here hes quite good.

Anyway, the movie definitely had some hilarious moments, as you would think with a title like this. Just from the start when Nick introduces us to his world, the scientists, lawyers and his part as spokesman is to spin it in the other direction, its going to be a thrill. Immediately on the talk show you can see he's damn good at his job (for all the money he'd make you'd think so).

Remembering JK Simmons from Spiderman, he is almost the same newspaper chief, here hes Nicks boss.

It ended well with Nick making his own choice at the end, for the benefit of his son and his own health.
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